4/7/15 New Tools Beget Revolutions ANALYTICS LAB ACTION LEARNING SEMINAR ON ANALYTICS, MACHINE LEARNING, AND THE DIGITAL ECONOMY Erik Brynjolfsson MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy http://digital.mit.edu/erik Information Session April 7, 2015 Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab 1 Copyright © Erik Brynjolfsson 2 Big Data is a Management Revolution Big Data is a Measurement Revolution § § § § § § § § § § § § Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab “I think we, as an industry, do a lot of talking... We expect to have open dialogue. It’s a culture of lunches. Clickstream/Page views/Web transactions Web links/Blog references/Facebook Google/Bing/Yahoo Searches Email messages Mobile phone/GPS/Location data ERP/CRM/SCM transactions RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Bar Code Scanner Data Real-time machinery diagnostics/engines/equipment Stock market transactions Twitter feeds Wikipedia updates Etc…. Amazon doesn’t play in that culture. [It has] an incredible discipline of answering questions by looking at the math, looking at the numbers, looking at the data. . . . That’s a pretty big culture clash with the word-and-persuasion-driven lunch culture, the author-oriented culture.” - Madeline McIntosh, Random House’s President of Sales & Operations à “Nanodata” and “Nowcasting” Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab 3 Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab 4 Examples of Projects A-Lab Overview § 15.S06: ‘Analytics Lab: Action learning seminar on 1. Prime Share of Wallet (Amazon) 2. Big Data as a Service (Amazon) 3. Sales Projections for Chemco (Capgemini) 4. Finding the Next Watson Use Case (IBM Watson) 5. Multi-channel Consumer Profiling for eCommerce (WOOX) Find new ways to differentiate customers for increased sales analytics, machine learning and the digital economy’ Develop demand forecasting of value to Amazon’s retail vendors ú Instructors: Professors Sinan Aral and Erik Brynjolfsson ú Meets Tuesdays, 4:00pm-5:30pm in September & October, plus half- Sponsor challenge: “Beat our (multiple regression) sales prediction model, using the same data” day matching workshop in September and half-day final presentation session in December (dates TBA) No regular meetings in November or December. Case chosen: compliance by financial institutions with federal regulations ú Based on success of inaugural course in 2014, expanding class size to 60 students Provide more segmentation and profiles of potential customers for WOOX’s high quality headphones § Project Oriented 6. ú Proposals from organizations affiliated with the Initiative on the Digital Predicting New Product Adoption for American Apparel (Zensar) Sponsor challenge: “We may have people with experience, wisdom, and opinions, predicting sales of a new line of jeans. Can we do better with analytics?” Economy (IDE) E.g. Google, Amazon, IBM Watson, GE, Brooks Bell, Microsoft, GE, Thomson Reuters, BMW http://stellar.mit.edu/S/course/15/fa14/15.S06/ Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab Copyright © 2014 Erik Brynjolfsson 5 Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab 6 1 4/7/15 Guest Speakers from 2014 How to Apply § In class lectures by: ú Foster Provost (NYU Stern) Jeremy Howard (Enlitic) Michael Karasick and Jay Bellissimo (IBM Watson) ú Brooks Bell (Brooks Bell) and Chris Hall (Imagitas) ú ú § Selective admission ú Open to Sloan MBA’s, EMBA’s, and other MIT graduate students § Final presentation session judges: ú ú ú ú Applicants complete a questionnaire, available May 1 Andrew McAfee (MIT, Sloan) Tod Loofburrow (MIT, Sloan) Marta Gonzalez (MIT, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering) through May 7 on digital.mit.edu/a-lab ú Notifications of admission decision will be sent in mid-May ú No bidding for 15.S06 is necessary § Plus optional session in conjunction with Conference on Digital Experimentation (CODE), which included: ú ú ú ú ú Susan Athey (Stanford), Esther Dyson (Edventure Holdings) Eric Horvitz (Microsoft), If you are interested, please contact: Susan Young <susany@mit.edu> Senhil Mullainathan (Harvard), Hal Varian (Google), and others 7 Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab Sloan courses with analytics content § § § § § § § § § § § § 15.034 Metrics for Managers: Big Data and Better Answers (Doyle) 15.060 Data, Models, and Decisions (Bertimas, et al) 15.062J Data Mining: Finding the Data and Models that Create Value (Welsch) 15.071 The Analytics Edge (Bertsimas) 15.074J Predictive Analytics and Statistical Modeling (Welsch) 15.075 Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis (Rudin) 15.096 Prediction: Machine Learning and Statistics (Rudin) 15.320 Strategic Organizational Design (Malone) 15.339 Distributed Leadership Workshop (Ancona, Malone, Orlikowski) 15.376J Media Ventures (Pentland, Bonsen) 15.377J Linked Data Ventures (BernersLee, Kagal, Rae, Sturdevant) 15.561 Information Technology Essentials (Malone) § § § § § § § § § § 8 Closing Thought 15.564 IT Essentials II: Advanced Technologies for Digital Business in the Knowledge Economy (Madnick) 15.565J Digital Evolution: Managing Web 3.0 (Madnick) 15.567 The Economics of Information: Strategy, Structure, and Pricing (Brynjolfsson) 15.569 Leadership Lab: Leading Sustainable Systems (Senge, Orlikowski) 15.570 Digital Marketing and Social Media Analytics (Aral) 15.571 Enterprise Transformations in the Digital Economy (Ross) 15.575 Economics of Information and Technology in Markets and Organizations (Brynjolfsson) 15.576 Research Seminar in IT and Organizations: Social Perspectives (Orlikowski) 15.578 Global Information Systems: Strategic, Technical, and Organizational Perspectives (Madnick) 15.579-15.580 Seminar in Information Technology (Madnick, Malone, Orlikowski) “Technological progress is going to leave behind some people, perhaps even a lot of people, as it races ahead. But there’s never been a better time to be a worker with special skills or the right education, because these people can use technology to create and capture value” The Second Machine Age, p 11. 9 Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab The Initiative on the Digital Economy Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab 10 How to Apply § Selective admission ú Open to Sloan MBA’s, EMBA’s, and other MIT graduate students ú Applicants complete a questionnaire, available May 1 through May 7 on digital.mit.edu/a-lab ú Notifications of admission decision will be sent in mid-May ú No bidding for 15.S06 is necessary If you are interested, please contact: Susan Young <susany@mit.edu> Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab http://mitsloan.mit.edu/ide Copyright © 2014 Erik Brynjolfsson 11 Analytics Lab: digital.mit.edu/a-lab 12 2
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