Event partner karim Premier Sponsor 9th Digital Regulation Forum The Juncker Digital Revolution 28‐29 April 2015 ‐ The May Fair Hotel, London Day One 0800‐0850: Registration, tea and coffees in exhibition hall 0850‐0905 Chairman’s Opening Remarks Mr Luigi Gambardella, Founder, Broadband4Europe Session One: The Juncker Commission Plan for the Telecom and Digital Sector 0905‐0920 Keynote address – European Commission Gain the latest overview of the new priorities of the Juncker Commission Understand the changing landscape of the telecoms/digital ecosystem How will regulators need to adapt to the new realities of the market? How will the 2015 Framework Review manifest itself? Mr Roberto Viola, Deputy Director General, DG CNECT, European Commission 0920‐1020 Panel session ‐ The Juncker Commission Plan for the Telecom and Digital Sector President Juncker put the digital economy at the top of the new Commission’s political agenda. A strong commitment is required for the entire private and the public players to reach the goal of massive fixed and mobile investments. This panel will stimulate the debate by tackling the following questions: How to break the national silos in telecommunications regulations, in copyright and data protection? Which policies are needed to maximize the use of spectrum? How will the approach of competition law change for the telecom sector? Calendar and main objectives of the announced 2015 Framework Review and what could change for national regulators Moderator: Mr Daniel Thomas, Telecoms Correspondent ,Financial Times Panelists: Mr Roberto Viola, Deputy Director General, DG CNECT, European Commission Mr Luis Enriquez , Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company Mr Eric Debroeck, Senior Vice‐President of Regulatory Affairs, Orange Mr Matthias Kurth, Executive Chairman, Cable Europe 1020‐1100 Networking coffee break in exhibition hall Session One Continued: The Juncker Commission Plan for the Telecom and Digital Sector 1100‐1145 Panel session continued ‐ The Juncker Commission Plan for the Telecom and Digital Sector What does the investors’ community expect in terms of new telecom policies for the Digital Single Market? Moderator: Mr Maurice Patrick, Managing Director, European Telecoms Equity Research, Barclays Panelists: Mr Harlan Carere, Analyst, Fidelity Management & Research Mr Aidan Fisher, Senior Analyst, Wellington Asset Management Mr Bruno Grandsard, Senior Analyst, AXA Investment Management Mr Dragos Stefanescu, Global Telecoms Analyst, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Mr Chad Gex, Equity Research Analyst, Alliance Bernstein Session Two: Net Neutrality 1145‐1200 1200‐1215 What is net neutrality? What are the aims, objectives, benefits and challenges of net neutrality? What regulatory framework necessary to achieve a “connected continent”? What is the impact net neutrality can have on cost management, bundling and future business models Mr Andrea Renda, Senior Research Fellow , Centre for European Policy Studies Net neutrality: Building the business case How is the EU regulatory debate shaping up? To what extent is the EU debate different to the US approach? How strong is the dialogue between policymakers and stakeholders? What is the commercial reality? Ms Marzena Rembowski, Director, FTI Strategic Consulting 1215‐1315 Panel Session Net Neutrality: What the consumer has to gain from the digital revolution The subsequent panel will address the following questions: How do we guarantee that the value created over networks benefits all stakeholders? To what extent do strict consumer protection rules, including Net Neutrality, block technological innovation and therefore harm consumer welfare? Moderator: Mr Mark Scott, European Tech Correspondent ,The New York Times Panelists: Commissioner Ajit Pai, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Mr Julian Ashworth, Group Industry Policy Director , BT Group Mr Jos Huigen, Director of European Affairs, KPN Mr Mark Page, UK Managing Partner and Global Leader for Communications, Media & Technology, A.T. Kearney Mr Guillermo Beltrà, Senior Policy Officer, BEUC Mr John Strand , CEO, Strand Consult 1430‐1530 1315‐1430 Networking lunch in exhibition hall China Internet and Telecom: the Digital Revolution Today, China is the second largest telco market, and is expected to surpass the US in the next 4 to 6 years. China is also the largest Internet market in the world, producing 4 of the top 10 Internet players, while online shopping is set to triple by 2017, creating enormous opportunities for e‐ commerce. This panel will stimulate debates around the following questions: What are the recent policy and regulatory developments in China? Is the current regulatory framework helping or hindering domestic and foreign Internet players and telecom operators? Can comparisons be made between the Chinese and the European telecom markets and respective digital technologies? Are Chinese companies ready to move overseas, including to the EU? Would a single digital market make Europe more attractive? What is the investors’ view? Moderator: Ms Claudia Vernotti, Director, ChinaEU Panelists: Mr Chi Tsang, Director, Internet & Media Analyst, Asia Pacific, Global Research, HSBC Ms Laura Lei Zhang, General Manager , China Mobile International UK Mr Xiao Ming, President, ZTE Europe Mr Anand Ramachandran, Managing Director of Asian Telecoms Equity Research, Barclays 1530‐1600 Afternoon refreshments and networking in exhibition hall Session three: Emerging markets & New Regulatory Models 1600‐1700 New Regulatory Models for the digital markets How should public policies and regulation evolve vis‐à‐vis the emergence of new forms of competition in digital markets? Moderator: Mr Philippe Defraigne, Director, Cullen International Panelists: Mr Karim Lesina, Vice President, International Ext Affairs, EU, Caribbean, Central and Latin America, Trans‐Atlantic Relations , AT&T Mr Jos Huigen, ETNO Board Member Ms Erzsébet Fitori, Director, European Competitive Telecommunications Association Mr John Strand, CEO, Strand Consult Ms Sylvie Forbin, Vice‐President, Public and European Affairs, Vivendi 1700‐1745 Speaker hosted roundtable sessions – Emerging technologies; where does that leave the regulator? The group will break out into different roundtables and each table is hosted by a speaker who will lead the conversation – each session will last 45 minutes followed by a debrief Regulation vs Unregulation: The current EU regime of telecoms sector regulation lacks incentives to invest, and shows clear signs of obsolescence. Has the existing framework outlived its 'sell‐by date'? hosted by David Cantor, Attorney & Advisor, Telecommunications Law & Strategy and Georg Serentschy, Senior Director, Arthur D. Little Internet of Things – hosted by Mr Ronald Hendrikx, Partner, Bird & Bird Switching – hosted by Mr Rickard Granberg, Head of Regulation and Compliance, Talk Talk Group 1745 ‐ Networking drinks reception in exhibition hall Day Two 0850‐0905 0800‐0850 Registration, teas, coffee in exhibition hall Chairman’s Opening Remarks Mr Luigi Gambardella, Founder, Broadband4Europe 0905‐0920 Opening keynote address: How the EU digital revolution is going to revolutionize our daily lives 0920‐0935 Professor Fatima Barros, Chair 2015, BEREC Keynote address: The challenges for telecoms and digital regulation in Europe Mr Anthony Whelan,Director, Electronic Communications, Networks and Services, DG CONNECT, European Commission 0935‐0955 Keynote address : Competition law and policy in a changing telecoms environment (provisional) Mr Eduardo Martínez Rivero, Head of Unit, DG COMPETITION, Antitrust – Telecoms, European Commission Session Four: Data protection in light of convergence and the future of internet and governance 1000‐1100 Panel Session – “Big data, Big Impact” Big data and open data operations, relying on the extensive processing of large sets of data, represents a new source of immense economic and social value. Health, smart grids, traffic management and control, the retail market are only a few examples of sectors where big data can have a real transformative effect. At the same time, the harvesting of large data sets and the use of analytics clearly implicate privacy concerns and the tasks of ensuring data security and protecting privacy become harder as information is multiplied and shared ever more widely around the world. How do you manage access to data? Does the consumer have a right to be forgotten? Should online services come under telco regulations? Panelists: Representative from European Data Protection Supervisor Commissioner Jeremy Godfrey, Comreg Mr Joseph Alhadeff, Vice President for Global Public Policy, Chief Privacy Officer, Oracle Corporation Mr Felipe Florez Duncan, Partner, Oxera 1100‐1130 Morning refreshments and networking in exhibition hall 1130‐1145 How can OTTs and telcos collaborate now and in the future How will regulators respond to the increasing collaboration between OTTs and Telcos Listen to recent case studies of collaboration and the benefits this has had to the industry What work is being carried out to encourage future collaboration Mr Daniel Pataki, Vice President of Regulation, GSMA 1145‐ 1300 Panel session ‐ OTT and content provider perspective This interactive session will be led by prominent OTTs and content providers and addressing insightful issues including: What is a typical OTT business model? Should telcos be regulated less How can OTTs support the investment in infrastructure? How do you encourage telco innovation? How do we avoid Internet congestion as video demand increases? Moderator: Mr Matthias Kurth, Executive Chairman, Cable Europe Mr Theo Bertram, European Policy Strategy Team Leader, Google Mr Malte Firlus, Chair of the working group Digital Economy and Consumers DEC, ETNO Mr Tolga Kilic, Regulatory Director, Avea Mr Sumit Sharma, Senior Consultant, Oxera Mr Anthony Whelan, Director, Electronic Communications, Networks and Services, DG CONNECT, European Commission Mr Robert M McDowell Partner, Wiley Rein LLP; former Commissioner and Senior Member, Federal Communications Commission Ms Cecil Ameil, Chair, ESOA Regulatory Working Group 1415‐1445 1300‐1415 Networking lunch in exhibition hall Realising ultrafast broadband – the role of competition and regulation What does the experience of superfast roll‐out tell us about future networks? Investment incentives in ultrafast and ex ante regulation of fixed access – is there a conflict? Mr Jonathan Oxley, Group Director – Competition, Ofcom 1445‐1505 Imagining the new LTE world – to the next level Emergence of new business models Need for new regulation New behaviours driving the usage and the networks And what’s about 5 G – Evolution or revolution Mr Jack Hamande, Chairman of Council, BIPT Belgium 1505‐1535 2015 onwards –How will spectrum evolve? Is spectrum now going to be addressed predominantly on a national or European level? Shared spectrum: will the industry move away from licensed spectrum? How to ensure enough spectrum availability to cope with the explosion of mobile data and traffic? Mr H Nwana, Executive Director, Dynamic Spectrum Alliance Mr William Webb, CEO, Weightless 1615‐1715 1715‐1730 1535‐1615 Afternoon refreshments and networking in exhibition hall Speaker hosted roundtable sessions – Impacts on Competition and Consolidation The group will break out into different roundtables and each table is hosted by a speaker who will lead the conversation – each session will last 60 minutes. Mergers & Acquisitions – hosted by Mr David Cantor, Attorney & Advisor, Telecommunications Law & Strategy Net neutrality – hosted by Mr Nick White, Executive Vice President, INTUG Spectrum – hosted by Jussi Kahtava, Director, Allied Spectrum Associates Ltd Regulation and Investment – hosted by Neil Clements, Managing Director, Economic and Financial Consulting, FTI Consulting Questions and Answers and Chairman’s closing remarks 1730 Digital Regulation Forum Closes
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