DILTON MARSH CHURCH OF ENGLAND .;jh l PRIMARY SCHOOL Issue No 26-2014/15 WEEKLY NEWSLETTER SAFEGUARDING UPDATE: • New Uniform Please note new uniform will ONLY be available between 9am & 3pm and must be paid for upon receipt • School Registration times: KS2-8.45am (Willow, Chestnut, Beech, Oak) KS1- 8.55am (Lime, Cherry & Ash) If your child is late for any reason please ensure you sign them in at the office. • Christian value for the week is: Morning arrival: To help with safeguarding, please ensure all reply slips are put in the relevant boxes. Money should be in clearly named envelopes and placed in the green post box please. • 17th Apr 2015 014 Reporting Absence Please notify the office of absence and the reason for it before 9.00am each day. Tel: 01373 822902 or e-mail office@diltonmarsh.wilts.sch.uk Each week we will have a focus on an important value in our school which will be high profile in class and feature in Assemblies Reporting Absence Please notify the office of absence and the reason for it before 9.00am each day. Tel: 01373 822902 or e-mail office@diltonmarsh.wilts.sch.uk School Registration times: KS2-8.45am (Willow, Chestnut, Beech, Oak) KS1- 8.55am (Lime, Cherry & Ash) Attendance The Easter Egg Hunt raised £292.64 & the Disco raised approx £140 Thank you for your support Achievements • • • • • Kelsi has qualified for the Winter League Dressage finals which will be held on Sunday 19th April Lauren & Justice have completed ‘the whole of success@arithmetic’ course Erin has completed Stage 5 in swimming Fraser earned his 10m swimming badge Ava passed Stage 2 swimming Congratulations to you all FODS Meeting Mon 20th April 7.30pm at school Responsible Internet Use Week Ending 27/03/15 Attendance Absences 96.6% 3.4% Learning time lost: Last week = 39 days Last term = 144 days If paying by cheque please make cheques payable to ‘Acorn Education Trust’. Thank you Best Weekly Class Attendance Trophy We still have a lot of forms not returned – your child cannot use the internet at school without this so please return to the office urgently. Last week the winners were Lime Class Congratulations This week Duncan the Gnome was in the Daffodils in Chestnut Class Birthdays Bethany(9) Noah(6) Callum S(10) Callum N(10) Gemma(11) Ever thought about learning to sail? We offer RYA qualified training to anyone aged 8or over • Using the lake next to Westbury Railway Station, we offer an allocated night per week from April to October (Tues/Wed/Thurs) • Boats & buoyancy aids are provided, just bring some old trainers and layers of clothing • Dates for your Diary 20th Apr FODS Meeting 7.30pm at school 21st Apr Kingdown School Open Morning 9am-11am 22nd Apr Oak Class Celebration Assembly 23rd Apr Netball match against Freshford School 29th Apr Beech Class Celebration st 1 May Class Photos 4th May Bank Holiday 6th May Chestnut Class Celebration Assembly w/c 11th May Year 6 SATS WEEK rd th 23 -25 May Village Scarecrow Trail w/c 25th May Holiday 1st Jun Teacher Training Day 13th Jun Summer Fayre 10am – 2pm nd 22 Jul Break up for Summer Holiday 26th Jul Community Seaside trip to Weymouth (details to follow) 1st Sep Autumn Term begins COMMUNITY COHESION CORNER For more information please visit www.wwysa.org.uk or e-mail Celebration Assembly Every Wednesday 2.30pm membership@wwwysa.org.uk Join us to celebrate the children’s work …… The Ridge Walk Sun 21st June 2015 Lunch Guest Sara Bakewell – Volunteer & Community Assistant for Wiltshire Air Ambulance Take on the 13 mile trekking challenge! The charity Sense is on the lookout for people to join the 13 mile trek across the beautiful Ridgeway in Wiltshire. Sign up before the end of April 2015 and receive 50% off your registration fee by quoting ‘FAX50’. (Usually £25) Cameron, Charlotte, Orli & Mollie entertained our guests with Cheesy Broccoli Pasta Bake followed by Pineapple Upside-Down Pudding & Custard ………… For more information please contact the Events Team on 0300 330 9257 e-mail:events@sense.org.uk or visit: www.sense.org.uk/ridgewalk CORSLEY TENNIS CLUB Corsley Tennis Club is offering professional coaching to 7-10 year olds on Saturday afternoons from 4-5 pm beginning on April 18th. Coaching sessions will be held on the Club’s courts at Corsley Playing Field. If your child is interested please ring Sandra on 01373 832202 or Jon 01373 859755 for details. Reasonable fees, and rackets provided if required. www.corsley-tennis.uk Staff training and cover arrangements for w/c 20th April: Thurs 23rd Apr - Mrs Stiddard - Meeting - Mrs Finney to cover Scarecrow Trail for families in the community… This FODS event is getting bigger every year, so we are giving you plenty of planning time! This Scarecrow Trail will run from Saturday 23rd May to Monday 25th May. The plan is for willing people to make a scarecrow to stand somewhere in the village - this could be outside your house or even looking out of a window. If you don’t live in Dilton we can organise a home for your scarecrow somewhere in the village. Scarecrow Trail sheets will be sold for £3 per family and the challenge will be to find each Scarecrow. However, in order to organise this exciting event we need your help please, so if you would like a chance of winning the prize for the favourite Scarecrow, it’s time to get planning. This year the theme is ‘Famous People’ Please complete the slip below if you will be making a Scarecrow and return to the school office by Friday 1st May ………………………………………………………………………………………………… I will be making a Scarecrow …………………………………..……..…. (Name) I will display it in ………….……...(Street name & house number) /I live outside Dilton The FAMOUS PERSON will be ……………..……………………………….. Contact Number………………………………………………………………… E-mail address …………………………………………………………………. Dilton Marsh Church of England Primary School High Street, Dilton Marsh, Nr Westbury, Wilts. BA13 4DY - Tel/Fax 01373 822902 Headteacher – Mrs Judith Finney M.A., N.P.Q.H. www.diltonmarsh.wilts.sch.uk E.mail admin@diltonmarsh.wilts.sch.uk Catering Assistant We require a Catering Assistant to join our busy catering team, providing meals for our children. General Kitchen duties will include; • Some food preparation • Tidying and cleaning the kitchen to meet Environmental Standards A level 2 food hygiene certificate would be an advantage but not essential as we can arrange for the successful applicant to take this course. Hours are 2 per day – 11.30 am to 1.30 pm each day - term time only. Hourly rate £7.00. It is expected that the successful applicant would be able to pick up extra hours in the event of staff illness. All visitors welcome Closing date for applications Tuesday 5th May, 2015 For further details and an application form, please contact Ali Hyde, Administrative Officer, Dilton Marsh Church of England Primary School, High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 4DY Tel 01373 822902 or email admin@diltonmarsh.wilts.sch.uk Dilton Marsh CofE Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All applicants will be subject to a full Discloure And Barring Service check before appointment is confirmed.
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