Diocese of York Prayer Diary

Diocese of York Prayer Diary - April 2015
1st April
Wednesday of
Holy Week
Thursday 2nd
Friday 3rd
Good Friday
Saturday 4th
Easter Eve
Sunday 5th
Easter Day
Monday 6th
Monday of
Easter Week
Tuesday 7th
Tuesday of
Easter Week
8th April
Wednesday of
Easter Week
Holy Week
As we remember Jesus being anointed at Bethany, we pray that we too might be extravagant in our
demonstration of our love for God and for others. We pray that we might reach out to those who
feel unloved by God and His Church without fear of what others might think.
Diocese of Mumias (Kenya). Bishop Beneah Salalah
Holy Week
Please pray for all renewing their ordination promises, and for the ministry of healing in the
diocese. Giving thanks for the Holy Eucharist, pray that we may serve after the example of Christ’s
Diocese of Mundri (Sudan). Bishop Bismark Avokaya
Holy Week
Please pray for all the Christian Churches of Jerusalem, and for all those working for peace and
reconciliation in that region. Pray for God’s mercy and blessing upon all the people of the Holy
For me, kind Jesus, was thy incarnation, thy mortal sorrow, and thy life’s oblation; Thy death of
anguish and thy bitter passion, for my salvation. Therefore, kind Jesus, since I cannot pay thee, I do
adore thee, and will ever pray thee, think on thy pity and thy love unswerving, not my deserving
Diocese of Muyinga (Burundi). Bishop Paisible Ndacayisaa
Holy Week
Please pray for all those to be baptized and/or confirmed, that they may be filled with the Holy
Spirit and grow in the faith in which they have been baptized.
Diocese of Mytikyina (Myanmar). Bishop John Zau Li
Easter Day—Resurrection of our Lord
We rejoice with the whole church throughout the world in the glorious resurrection of Christ. With
our sisters and brothers in our link dioceses in South Africa, and with one another, we proclaim,
‘Christ is risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia!’
If ye be risen Christ, seek the things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Colossians 3:1.
Bishopthorpe Palace
The Archbishop of York, The Most Revd and Right Honourable Dr John Sentamu, Chief of Staff: The Revd
Malcolm Macnaughton, Chaplain Researcher: The Revd Dr Daphne Green, Domestic Chaplain: The Revd
Richard Carew, and all the Staff at the Office of the Archbishop of York.
Please pray for the Archbishop and for all the staff working in support of the Archbishop’s ministry
in the Diocese, Province and Nation.
Diocese Nagpur (North India). Bishop Paul Dupare
Guisborough Deanery
Rural Dean: The Revd Rachel Harrison
As a deanery we strive to grow together in mutual respect as we serve our Lord in this area. Please
pray that as we welcome new clergy into the deanery we will grow in our communion with each
other. We continue to thank God for the work of our retired clergy.
Diocese of Nairobi (Kenya). Bishop Joel Mwangi
All Saints, Skelton with Upleatham, St Aidan, Boosebeck and St Chad’s Lingdale
Clergy: The Revd Valerie Haynes, Retired clergy: The Revd Geoff Wood, Churchwardens: George
Eddon, Geoff Scott, Anne Jefferson
Give thanks for the generosity of others who have given financial assistance to our mission and
Children and young people’s work. Give thanks for the growth of our young people’s club and those
who run it. Pray for mission, growth and spiritual enlightenment across the Plurality. Pray for a
holy and fruitful Eastertide.
Diocese of Nakura (Kenya). Bishop Joseph Muchai
Should you have any queries regarding the Prayer Calendar please do not hesitate to contact the Reverend
Richard Carew via email: prayerdiary@archbishopofyork.org or phone: 01904 707021
Thursday 9th
Thursday of
Easter Week
Friday 10th
Friday of Easter
Saturday 11th
Saturday of
Easter Week
Sunday 12th
2nd Sunday of
St Margaret, Brotton Parva
Clergy: The Revd Jonathan Rhodes, Churchwardens: Sue Hood, Dennis Housam, PCC Secretary:
Kath Cuthbert, PCC Treasurer: David Jackson
We continue to pray, and give thanks, for our Worship, Work and Witness; giving thanks for all
that has been and praying for what will be. We pray for guidance as we begin the process of
Restoration and Reordering of our Church Building so that the Sacred Space may be a place of
Worship and Community Hub. We pray too for our working relationship with the four schools of
the Village.
Diocese of Nambale (Kenya). Bishop Joseph Muchai
Christ Church, Coatham and All Saints, Dormanstown
Clergy: Vacancy
We give thanks for all those who have given out so much during the vacancy and look forward to
welcoming our new Vicar, the Revd Rebecca Haughty, on Tuesday 28th April. Please pray for our
Churchwardens and all involved in leadership as we look to the future with faith and hope.
Diocese of Nambale (Kenya). Bishop Josiah Were
All Saints Easington, St Michael’s, Liverton, St Hilda’s, Liverton Mine
Clergy: The Revd Marian Gardner, Reader: Susi Strang-Wood, Churchwardens: Harold Jones,
Edwin Snowdon, John Ward, Karen Ward
Please pray with thanks to Children in Need for funding our youth work for another year- Praise
the Lord. Also pray for our new venture Afternoon Tea once a month for the elderly and lonely in
Liverton Mines to bring people together. For both ends of the spectrum to be catered for thanks be
to God for the vision.
Diocese of Namibia (Southern Africa). Bishop Natanael Nakwatumba
St Nicholas, Guisborough
Clergy: The Revd Alison Phillipson, Retired Clergy: The Revd Richard Bracknell, Readers: Bryan
Sandford, Denis Teasdale, Readers in Training: Sue Hill, Geoff Hill, RPA's: Karen Keen, John
Simmonds, Churchwardens: Beryl Jackson, Dave Harpham
Please pray for us as we seek new ways to be relevant to newcomers and our community. Please
pray for our work with children and their families as we work to draw them into regular worship
with us, and also our work with schools especially through our forthcoming schools week - Open
Door. Pray that as a congregation we may all work together to grow in our faith, discipleship
and fellowship.
Diocese of Namirembe (Uganda). Bishop Wilberforce Luwalira
Monday 13th
St Cuthbert, Kirkleatham, St Hilda, Kirkleatham
Clergy: Vacancy, Lay Assistant: Sr Anita Smith OHP, Reader: George Featherston
Please pray for the Parish of Kirkleatham during it's current vacancy. Please pray for the ministry
in the parish and especially for the childrens service Fun@Four designed to encourage children
and young families into the church.
Diocese of Nandyal (South India). Bishop Eggoni Pushpalalitha
Tuesday 14th
St Leonard Loftus in Cleveland, St Helen Carlin How with Skinningrove
Clergy: The Revd Adam Gaunt, The Revd Keith Atherley, Reader: Jeanne Parncutt. Churchwardens:
Cynthia Sakelaropoulos, Jeanne Parncutt, Kath Marshall, Malcolm White.
Please pray particularly for our New Sunday School in Loftus, which is reaching out in mission to
the children and young people of our Benefice.
Diocese of Nasik (North India). Bishop Pradip Kamble
15th April
St Mark, Marske in Cleveland
Clergy: The Revd David Tembey, Churchwardens: Sue Sotheran, Ian Cook
Please give thanks for the arrival of our new Vicar. We give thanks too for all those who have
worked so hard during the recent vacancy. Please pray for us as we look forward to the spring
and summer and developing our outreach amongst children and young people.
Diocese of Natal (Southern Africa). Bishop Rubin Phillip
16th April
St Cuthbert, Wilton
Reader: Christine Hill, Church Wardens: Doreen Brighton, Dorothy McKenna, Recognised Parish
Assistant: Ed Evans
We offer grateful thanks and prayers for the retired clergy of the deanery whose generous help and
support enables us to continue. Please pray that we continue to grow in grace and that we are able to
meet the challenges that we face. Pray also that we may not become so burdened that we cease to
find joy in worship.
National Indigenous Bishop (Ontario, Canada). Bishop Mark MacDonald
Friday 17th
St Peter, Redcar
Clergy: The Revd Rachel Harrison, The Revd Nicola Penn-Allison, Readers: Chris Bowers, Claire Todd,
Sister Pam, Retired Clergy: The Revd Bruce Harrison, The Revd Stephen Fisher, The Revd Alison
We give thanks for the opportunity to engage with the wider community as we try to reach out in
love and fellowship through the luncheon club and Foodbank. We pray for the consolidation of new
ventures at St Peter's.
Navajoland Area Mission (VIII, The Episcopal Church). Bishop David Bailey
18th April
Emmanuel, Saltburn-by-the-Sea with St Thomas, New Marske
Clergy: The Revd Adam Reed, The Revd Adam Young, The Revd Julie Smith, Readers: Margaret
Bennett, Jeni Pringle, Matthew Sigsworth, Olwyn Cooke
Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for the new plurality of Saltburn & New Marske. May your Holy
Spirit fill the clergy, church wardens and all the church members with wisdom and kindness in these
early days of working together. Give to all your people the courage to share the Good News of Jesus
with gentleness and compassion, that your kingdom may grow in these parishes.
Diocese of Ndokwa (Bendel, Nigeria). Bishop David Obiosa
Sunday 19th
Please pray today for the SPIDIR Spiritual Direction Course and all the participants and leaders. We
give thanks for all that has happened in this second year so far, and pray that as the course draws to
a close at the end of 2015 all may have had their faith in Jesus deepened.
Diocese of Nebbi (Uganda). Bishop Alphonse Watho-kudi
3rd Sunday
of Easter
Monday 20th
Diocesan Retirement Officers
The Revd Brian Harris, The Revd Anthony Lindsay, The Revd David Cook.
Give thanks for their ministry - often the only contact pensioned clergy have if they are no longer
'operational' and likewise clergy widows who often feel isolated. Give thanks for the contribution
pensioned clergy still make to the worship of the Church and without whose ministry many
congregations would have fewer services. Pray for the welcome of the parishes where they live.
Diocese of Nebraska (VI, The Episcopal Church). Bishop Scott Barker
Tuesday 21st
North Holderness Deanery
Rural Dean: The Revd James Grainger-Smith
We are thankful for the Deanery Lent Course - led by the Ven Andy Broom - and pray that it may
produce good fruit throughout our parishes. We are also grateful for the developments in Lay
Ministry across the Deanery - and pray for sensitivity to God's Holy Spirit as we look for this to
Diocese of Nelson (Aotearoa NZ & Polynesia). Bishop Victor Ellena
teacher of
the faith,
22nd April
Effective Governance in a CE school
Please pray for all those attending the course tonight on Effective Governance in a CE school led by
the Diocesan Board of Education. Please give thanks for all those who offer themselves in this vital
ministry, and pray that more people may take up the challenge to get involved in their local schools.
Diocese of Nevada (VIII, The Episcopal Church). Bishop Dan Edwards
St Bartholomew, Aldbrough , St Giles, Goxhill, All Saints, Mappleton, St Alban Withernwick
Clergy: The Revd Anne White, Churchwardens: Christine Longstaff, Kath Moore, David Smith, Brian
Rhodes, Ruth Skinner, RPA: Antoinette Little
We give thanks for the life and worship of these small communities and especially those attending
the Pilgrim Course. Please pray for the challenges faced by this rural coastal Benefice as it seeks to
find ways of nurturing those outside the regular worshipping community. Pray too for the young
families who attend our parents and toddlers group (Little Fishes).
Diocese of New Busa (Kwara, Nigeria). Bishop Israel Amoo
patron of
Friday 24th
bishop, 624
Seven Martyrs
of the
Saturday 25th
Mark the
Sunday 26th
4th Sunday of
Monday 27th
Rossetti, poet,
Tuesday 28th
Peter Chanel,
martyr, 1841
Catherine of
Siena, teacher
of the faith,
Thursday 30th
Pandita Mary
St Margaret Long Riston, All Saints Rise, St Augustine Skirlaugh, St James Ellerby, St Mary
Swine, St Michael’s Catwick, St John the Baptist, Bewholme, St Lawrence, Sigglesthorne
Clergy: The Revd Andy Simpson, Retired Clergy: The Revd Lawrence Trender, Readers: Malcolm
Head, Helen Wastling, Catherine Drake, Ordinand in training: Maureen Desborough.
Following the creation of our new Plurality, please pray for: the leadership teams in each parish as
we seek to work more closely together; the new benefice pastoral care team; our ministry to
Wedding couples and Baptism families and the work of our co-ordinator; our new initiatives in
children and young peoples’ ministry; the work in our three Church schools and for the planned
community outreach and fundraising events that will take place over the coming months. Pray for
the Holy Spirit's guidance as we seek new ways of showing God's love in our communities and in
fulfilling our roll as stewards of beautiful and ancient places of worship.
Diocese of New Guinea Islands (Papua New Guinea). Bishop Allan Migi
Parishes of Beeford with Lissett & Dunnington, North Frodingham, Foston on the Wolds,
Brandesburton and Leven
Clergy: The Revd James Grainger-Smith, Readers: Shirley Hebden, Malcolm Head, Ann Railton
We rejoice in the launching of our laity-led Pastoral Care Team. We pray that this will quickly
become an established and effective expression of the love of Christ in this place.
Diocese of New Hampshire (I, The Episcopal Church). Bishop Robert Hirschfeld
St Lawrence Atwick, St Nicholas Hornsea
Clergy: The Revd Phil Lamb, Readers: Janet Armstrong, Martin Welch, Retired Clergy: The Revd
Canon Sydney Fox, Churchwardens: Barbara Booker, Janet Armstrong, Belle Gilbert, Anne Marks,
Sally Hammond.
For prayers: We ask for God's work within our hope to start a Job Club and Addiction support
programme with Alcoholics Anonymous.
Diocese of New Jersey (II, The Episcopal Church). Bishop William Stokes
Archdeacon for Generous Giving and Stewardship
David Butterfield has been in this role since last June. He travels across the whole Diocese meeting
with PCC members, speaking at Deanery Synods, Clergy Chapters, and other meetings. Pray that he
will have the wisdom and the sensitivity to know how best to encourage and advise Church Leaders
(lay and ordained) in their different settings. Pray that as Churches use “Giving in Grace”, it be an
inspiring and effective resource.
Diocese of New Westminster (British Columbia & the Yukon, Canada). Bishop Melissa
Diocesan Board of Finance
Chair: Maureen Loffill
Please give thanks for the amazing generosity of the people of the Diocese of York in honouring
their pledges to the Common Fund in the first year of transition to Freewill Offers and in capturing
the dynamic Vision of Generous Churches Making and Nurturing Disciples. Please pray for the
growing understanding of mutual support and resourcing as we continue to realise that Vision.
Please pray for the renewal and revival of Wydale Hall as the new team seeks to strengthen its
spiritual heart.
Diocese of New York (II, The Episcopal Church ). Bishop Andrew Dietsche
Diocese of Manchester
The Rt Revd David Walker
Please pray for the diocese as it undertakes a wide consultation in its strategic review that the
vision of a healthy church, transforming communities becomes a reality and we live up to our
calling to be a people of prayer, faith, hope and love, grace, holiness and mercy.
Diocese of Newala (Tanzania). Bishop Oscar Mnung’a
Manchester Cathedral
Dean: The Very Revd Rogers Govender
We give thanks for the ministry of Canon Alma Servant over the past year and pray for her as she
begins her (early) retirement since March. We pray for the leading of God's Spirit as we seek to be a
mission shaped Cathedral. We ask God's blessing on our Development Project as we develop our
fabric for mission and transforming service.
Diocese of Newark (II, The Episcopal Church). Bishop Mark Beckwith