Digital Diplomacy: Prospects and Challenges Yerevan, Armenia, May 11-12, Armenia PROGRAMME Sunday, May 10 Cultural and social programme [reservation required] 14.30h: Tour to the Garni Temple and Geghard Monastery 19.30h: Welcome reception and dinner Monday, May 11 10.30h: Registration 11.00h: Opening addresses: HE Vahe Gabrielyan, Director of the Diplomatic School of Armenia A speaker on behalf of the government HE Traian Hristea, Head of the EU Delegation 12.00h: Conference Picture 12.30h: Lunch at the conference venue 14.00h: Panel 1. Information and Communication Management for Diplomats: Opportunities and Risks This panel will reflect on how to frame digital diplomacy and how digitization is changing diplomacy. The panel is moderated by Vahe Gabrielyan, Director of the Diplomatic School of Armenia. The topics presented are: “E-diplomacy: Managing change at home and from afar”, by Marcus Holmes, Professor of Government, The College of William & Mary (Virginia, US) “The role of secrecy in an era of e-diplomacy”, by Paul Sharp, Professor and Head of Political Science, University of Minnesota (US) “Diplomacy and visuality in a post-protocol era”, by Costas Constantinou, Professor of International Relations, University of Cyprus Followed by a debate with the audience 16.00h: Coffee Break 16.30h: Panel 2. Diplomacy and Virtual Realities: Tools and Practices This panel focuses on how diplomacy is changing in practice, with practitioners and researchers explaining how tools are being used in different fields of diplomacy. The panel is moderated by Tigran Mkrtchyan, Head of the Department of Press, Information and Public Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Armenia. PROGRAMME [continued] The topics presented are: Page 1 of 3 With the support of the European Union "Diplomacy at the intersection of technology and innovation", by Andreas Sandre, Press and Public Affairs Officer, Embassy of Italy to the United States "Start-up embassy: the role of a digital presence in building a new bilateralrelationship", by HE Mark McDowell, Ambassador of Canada in Burma "Beyond twiplomacy - How the revolution in ITCs has transformed the diplomatic ecosystem", by Daryl Copeland, Senior Fellow, Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute "The Development of SanctionsApp" , a video-presentation by Thomas Biersteker, Gasteyger Professor of International Security, The Graduate Institute (Switzerland) Followed by a debate with the audience 19.30h: Reception and Dinner Tuesday, May 12 10.00h: Panel 3. Country Experiences: Accommodating Change and Assessing Impact The aim of this panel is to compare how ministries of foreign affairs in different countries are adapting digital strategies and transforming the organisation and approach of their services. The panel is moderated by Tigran Balayan, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Armenia. The country presentations in the panel are: “Scaling digital diplomacy”, by Graham Lampa, Special Advisor for Digital Diplomacy, Department of State, USA “UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office: the digital journey”, by Claire Collins, Programme Manager, Digital Transformation Unit, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK “Public diplomacy in the digital age: the Estonian e-government Experience”, by HE Taavi Toom, Director General, Public Diplomacy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Estonia “Curiosity and adaptation”, by Jon Pelling, the Head of Communication at the Embassy of Sweden in London Followed by a debate with the audience 12.30h: Lunch at the conference venue Page 2 of 3 With the support of the European Union PROGRAMME [continued] 14.00h: Panel 4. Diplomatic Schools & E-Diplomacy: Best Training Practices This panel is open to speakers of peer institutions of the Diplomatic School of Armenia, sharing their work experience and lessons learnt. The panel is moderated by Joseph Mifsud, Director of the London Academy of Diplomacy, University of East Anglia in the UK. The contributions are: "Effective e-learning for diplomats", by Hannah Slavik, Educational Programmes Director, DiploFoundation "Diplomatic training for digital diplomacy – a UK Foreign Office perspective", by Peter Clements, Head of Operations and Outreach, Diplomatic Academy, FCO, UK "Digital training practices in the Norwegian foreign service", by Odd Mølster, Director, Section for public diplomacy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Norway "Hacking diplomacy: New skills for the Spanish Diplomacy", by Juan Luis Manfredi Sanchez, Professor at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, teaching digital diplomacy at the Diplomatic School of Spain "The education of cyber diplomacy in the School of International Relations of the Islamic Republic of Iran", by Saeed Seyed Agha Banihashemi, Dean of the School of International Relations, Iran "E-Diplomacy: Observations and insights of the Foreign Service Institute of the Philippines", by Julio S. Amador III, Deputy Director-General, Foreign Service Institute of the Philippines Followed by a debate with the audience 16.30h: Wrapping-up Conclusions by HE Vahe Gabrielyan, Director of the Diplomatic School of Armenia 19.00h: Closing Dinner Page 3 of 3 With the support of the European Union
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