Official Proceedings of the Alpena Community College Board of Trustees Regular Meeting April 16, 2015 Roger C. Bauer Board Room, Charles R. Donnelly Natural Resources Center 665 Johnson Street, Alpena, MI 49707 The Alpena Community College Board of Trustees met at 6:07 p.m. for a workshop session on the fiscal year 2016 budget and tuition rates on Thursday, April 16, 2015, in the Roger C. Bauer Board Room, Room 400 of the Charles R. Donnelly Natural Resources Center. Chairman Briggs convened the regular meeting at 7:10 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present: John Briggs, Teresa Duncan, Marc Ferguson Joseph Gentry II, Lisa Hilberg, Florence Stibitz, and Tom Townsend. Seated at the Board Table: President Olin Joynton and Acting Board Secretary Penny Boldrey. Approval of Agenda Moved by Trustee Townsend that the agenda be approved; seconded by Trustee Hilberg. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Approval of Minutes from the March 19, 2015, Regular Board of Trustees Meeting Trustee Townsend moved to accept the draft minutes from the March 19, 2015, regular ACC Board of Trustees meeting; Trustee Gentry seconded the motion. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Introduction of Guests and Public Comment Guests attending the workshop and regular meeting included: April Ahlgren, WATZ News; Nicole Grulke, Alpena News; Don MacMaster, ACC administrator; Kathy Marsh, ACC administrator; Nancy Seguin, ACC administrator; Meghan Cameron, ACC faculty; Lisa Schultz, ACC faculty; Brennan Casler, ACC student; Shannon Kapala, ACC student; LeAnn White, ACC student; Alex Chmura, ACC student; Richard Sutherland, ACC administration; and Paul Wolne; Wellington Township resident. Wellington Township resident Paul Wolne shared information with the board regarding a new radio station in Hillman. Communication(s) None April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes — Page 1 Board Member and Subcommittee Reports None Faculty Report Instructor Meghan Cameron updated the board on the April 11, 2015 Standards for Math Practice Symposium that was held at Alpena Community College. This project was a collaboration between ACC and the AMA/Iosco Math Science Center. Meghan was the 2014/2015 recipient of the endowed teaching chair award and used the $5,000 stipend she received to help fund the symposium. The daylong conference was attended by 100 K-12 mathematics teachers, ACC students and instructors. Participants also had the opportunity to attend various break-out sessions throughout the day. Student Report None President’s Report Following is the President’s Report as it was distributed. Dr. Joynton also invited ACC students Alex Chmura, Shannon Kapala and LeAnn White share their experience at the Young Women, Strong Leaders Conference with the trustees. President’s Report to ACC Board of Trustees April 16, 2015 1. Young Women, Strong Leaders On April 3, 2015, seven students from Alpena Community College traveled to Mount Pleasant, Michigan to participate in a Young Women, Strong Leaders Conference hosted by Central Michigan University. The conference was a collaborative effort sponsored by the Michigan American Council on Education Network for Women, the Michigan Women’s Commission, Michigan State University Women’s Resource Center, Michigan Department of Education, Office of Career and Technical Preparation and the U.S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau. With 150 participants in attendance, Central Michigan University First Lady Elizabeth Ross welcomed the young women to the conference. The keynote speaker was Melanie Brown, Deputy Director of the Michigan Talent Investment Agency. The day-long conference provided skill development and professional mentoring opportunities as well as a variety of sessions for the participants to attend. April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes — Page 2 The students selected to attend from ACC included Brianne Becker, Alexandria Chmura, Shannon Kapala, Anna Fairchild, Mary Myers, Britton Skuse, and LeAnn White. They were accompanied by ACC staff Nancy Seguin, Dean of Student Services, and Penny Boldrey, Executive Director of the ACC Foundation. Funding for this unique leadership opportunity was made available through the ACC Foundation. 2. Business Leaders of Michigan CEO Roundtable On April 2, I participated in a Business Leaders of Michigan program on narrowing the skills gap, a critical piece for restoration of Michigan’s economy for which community colleges, and especially ACC, have an important role to play. I have been impressed by the high quality of the BLM research publications shared in Board meetings. Members of the panel included CEOs of Meijer, Autocam Medical, Alro Steel, and Wolverine World Wide. What follows are principal points they made of relevance to our business. • • • • Job posting practices need reform. Forget about requiring degrees and years of experience. Instead, state competencies and skills. Be prepared to hire anyone who has them. Students should not go to college to find themselves. Instead, they should set their career goals first, and then go. A logical progression of internships leading to a job ranks equally with the sequence of courses leading to a degree. Employers have a responsibility to let colleges know what they need, and they are not fulfilling it well enough. Action Items 2.622 Resolutions of Congratulations for PTK All-Michigan Academic Team Members Trustee Townsend made the motion and Trustee Hilberg seconded the motion which reads as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of Alpena Community College unanimously extends its sincerest congratulation to Brennan J. Casler and LeAnn White for their numerous contributions to increasing the quality of life at the College and for their outstanding scholarly accomplishments throughout their enrollment at the College. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion passed. Following the presentation to Brennan J. Casler and LeAnn White, ACC Foundation Executive Director Penny Boldrey presented each student with a monetary gift in recognition of their academic achievements. 2.623 Choice Act Policy for VA Educational Benefit Recipients (Second Reading) Trustee Hilberg made the motion and Trustee Duncan seconded the motion which reads as follows: April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes — Page 3 In conformity with the Choice Act, the Alpena Community College Board of Trustees approves on second reading the following policy addition to the Business Services Section of the ACC Policies & Procedures Manual: 5024 In-State Tuition for Veterans Educational Benefit Recipients Any individual using educational assistance under either Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill® -Active Duty Program), Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®) of Title 38, United States Code, and/or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. §3311(b)(9)) who lives in the State of Michigan while attending Alpena Community College (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) shall be charged no more than in-state tuition. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion passed. 2.624 FY16 Tuition Rate Trustee Townsend made the motion and Trustee Gentry seconded the motion which reads as follows: The Alpena Community College Board of Trustees authorizes an increase of tuition effective with the 2015 Fall Semester. TUITION AND FEES In-District Tuition (per contact hour) Out-of-District Tuition (per contact hour, applicable to students from the rest of Michigan, all other states, and foreign countries, with the exception of dually-enrolled students, whose high schools are all charged In-District Tuition) FROM $115.00 $181.00 TO $120.00 $189.00 Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Motion passed. Information Items 3.825 Financial Report Dr. Joynton reviewed the Financial Report with the Board. 3.826 Personnel Report New hires, terminations, and status changes for March 2015. New Hires: None. April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes — Page 4 Terminations: None. Status Changes: None. 3.827 Gifts and Grants Report The Gifts and Grants Report showed 27 donors gave gifts or pledges totaling $6,878.00 for the time period of March 11, 2015, to April 7, 2015. Board Discussion Chairman Briggs mentioned several topics, including: • • • • The need to get a schedule of upcoming activities (i.e. nurse pinning ceremony, honors breakfast, commencement and staff recognition dinner). Trustee Ferguson requested a workshop in May that would provide the board with an update related to enrollment and marketing. Dr. Joynton inquired as to when the board would like to have the budget workshop. It was agreed to conduct the budget workshop at the June meeting. Trustee Hilberg requested a future workshop led by Jay Walterreit and related to the by-laws and Open Meetings Act. New Business None. Suggested Future Agenda Items None. Next Regular Meeting The next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting will be held on May 21, 2015, at 7 p.m. in the Roger C. Bauer Board Room, Room 400 of the Charles R. Donnelly Natural Resources Center, 665 Johnson Street, Alpena, MI 49707. April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes — Page 5 Adjournment The regular meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m. Penny Boldrey Acting Secretary of the Board of Trustees (989) 358-7297 April 16, 2015, ACC Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes — Page 6
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