VAN DYNE LION AND VAN DYNE LIONESS June 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Van Dyne Lions President Walt Schmid 688-2496 1st Vice President Tom Wendt 922-8841 2nd Vice President Jack Hughes 922-1588 3rd Vice President Dick Schlichtling 923-2036 Secretary Glen Pollack 688-2315 Treasurer Gary Schumacher 960-7217 1 year director Larry Klein 921-3165 1 year director Jim Patt 922-7136 2 year director Oscar Leightfuss 688-2873 2 year director David Hartman 203-4338 Lion Tamer Orv Heller 933-3773; 266-7428 Tail Twister Bob Leichtfuss 688-5064 Membership chair Roger Gruendemann 216-7676 Past President Ron Boehning 921-6500 Van Dyne Lioness President Barb Leichtfuss 688-5064 Vice President Bonnie Hughes 922-1588 Secretary Joyce Kurtz 922-7676 Treasurer Marge Werner 688-2475 1 Year Director Shirley Thon 2 Year Director Julie Aigner 921-1047 Lioness Tamer Bev Gantner 688-5106 Skirt Twister Sandy Muche 933-3338 Membership Chair Nancy Krumbein 921-5764 Past President Cindy Rank 410-8241 Dates to remember and put on your personal calendars: Saturday –May 30 Van Dyne Walleye Tournament ALL DAY???? Tuesday – June 2 – Lions Board meeting and June calendar drawing Lions Park 6:30 PM Monday – June 8 – Lioness Board Meeting Lions Park 6:30 PM Wednesday – June 10 Eden Steak night Sunday – June 14 – 27-B1 Affiliate Banquet Social hour 4:00 Dinner 5:00 Lions Park Tuesday – June 16 – Lions General Meeting; Installation and Awards for both Lion and Lioness members Social 6:00 Dinner 7:00 Lions Park Saturday – June 20 – North Fondy Fest Parade – Theme – Circus, Circus – See info Noon Monday – June 22 – Lioness General Meeting Lions Park 6:30 PM Upcoming dates to remember that are in the schedule: July 26 – Car Show; August 16 – Small Town; September 12- Appreciation Day; December 12 – Cribbage Tournament. 2016 – Feb 7 Cabinet meeting held at Van Dyne Lions Park. A NOTE FROM LIONS PRESIDENT: Hello Lions & Lioness; *May is almost behind us. Country Breakfast had a great day. No numbers yet on this end. Thanks for all the help. A good turn out by volunteers was great. *WALLEYE TOURNAMENT ON Sat. MAY 30th. VOLUNTEER HELP IS NEEDED. FRI. NITE FOR SET UP AS WELL. All fisherman in the tournament will be there for registration. No kickball teams as of this print has contacted me. *Chips for the playground arrived on Fri. May 8th. Chips were spread on May 9th and more on May 16th. More in newsletter by Lion Gary. Volunteer's were Bill & Shannon Hogan. As well as there daughter Lacey, who is the pitcher for the girls softball team. Asst. Mgr. Shane Malnory. That team uses the diamond for practice. They will be using the diamond on June 4th & July 14th. playing a double header both nights. Stop down and support them. *The Lions Club purchased another load of SURE-HOP Diamond sand and a load of Mason sand for the volley ball court. *Mowing the park was developing into a situation. The problem has been solved. So far, the same volunteers from last year are mowing and trimming. Thanks to the volunteers. *INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS AND AWARDS WILL BE HELD AT THE JUNE 16th GENERAL MEETING. Lions and Lioness will be installed by DG Gary Silah. Plan to attend. *STEAK FRY at the May General Meeting was attended by 30 Lions and 1 guest. Complete meal was $8.00. (Where else can you get a full steak dinner but at the Lions Meeting for the money). Thanks to Lion Dave and Lion Scott for there efforts in preparing this awesome night. *Next BIG event will be the 1st Annual car show celebrating 100 years of Lionism. JULY 26th. Keep the date open. *See everybody at the WALLEYE TOURNAMENT. Yours in Lionism, Lion Walt President VAN DYNE LIONS MAY 2015 CALENDAR WINNERS DOLLARS 1 $100.00 2 $100.00 3 $30.00 4 $30.00 5 $30.00 6 $30.00 7 $30.00 8 $15.00 9 $15.00 10 $15.00 11 $15.00 12 $15.00 13 $15.00 14 $15.00 15 $15.00 16 $15.00 17 $15.00 18 $15.00 19 $15.00 20 $15.00 21 $15.00 22 $15.00 23 $15.00 24 $15.00 25 $15.00 26 $15.00 27 $15.00 28 $15.00 29 $15.00 30 $15.00 31 $15.00 $710.00 2 NAME Jan Bocek Bob Dunavon Oshkosh Noon Kiwanis Kim Birschbach Bob Newton Jason Kollmann Michael Boedeker Russell Hansen Loni Leichtfuss Taylor Vandermoss Lindsay Birschbach Sandra Kitz Leo Potratz Kierani Schraufnagel Kathy Senecal Laurie Pollack Mark Potratz Dan Patin Kevin Stadtmueller Donna Klein Clark Dumke Jim Sarage Wally Schmid Tami Averbeck Jim Gaentig Shawn Wendt Darin Schumacher Paul Saffran Milly Wahl Carleen Norton Shawn Kneeland CITY Oshkosh Van Dyne Oshkosh Fond du Lac Sheboygan Van Dyne Fond du Lac Van Dyne Oshkosh Appleton Fond du Lac Reedsville Oshkosh Fond du Lac Fond du Lac Oshkosh Oshkosh Mt. Calvary Rosendale Fond du Lac Oshkosh Oshkosh Oshkosh Oshkosh Fond du Lac Fond du Lac Oshkosh Van Dyne Berlin Van Dyne Fond du Lac TABS FOR RONALD MCDONALD Every one should still collect the pull tabs as we “keep pulling” for Ronald McDonald. WALLEYE TOURNAMENT Call Lion Tom 922-8841 or 517-2724 for information on helping. It is a big day for the Lions. Always wanting to make it a great day for the fisherman and those attending. COMPUTERS Redone computers were purchased through Lion Merle Strelow for $150 each. The Lions purchased one computer and the Lioness purchased two computers. Lioness Marge met Lion Merle in FDL and picked up the Lioness Laptops. They are ready to go. Thank you notes Aurora Health Care Foundation – Besides the thank you last month from Julie Davids of the Oshkosh Ice Hawks, Aurora sent a thank you for the $100 in memory of Robin Werner to support the Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic at Aurora Medical Center. Marge Werner – Thank you clubs for the beautiful hanging plant. Lioness Barb said it was long overdue since I had surgery in January and my back feels good. It does make for a good feeling when a person is remembered and surprised! Park Reservations - Call Lion Walt (688-2496) for details. Greetings Lions and Lioness! Thank you to everyone that really worked hard at the Country Breakfast! At first count, we served more than last year. The community is definitely behind us, so we need to be present and supportive of the community's needs as they arise! Good job fellow Lions & Lioness! That's the Lions' spirit! And right around the corner is the Lion's Walleye Tournament! And on it goes! Someone told me once it is better to burn out than rust out! Not that we want burn outs, but keeping busy is what we do best! Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend; remember what we're celebrating; those that served our country to preserve our freedoms and standard of living. Thank you to all of our veterans! God Bless! Enjoy, keep safe and let's kick off summer! In Lionism......Barb THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! CHIPS SPREAD ON PLAYGROUND AND SAND SPREAD ON VOLLEYBALL AND BASEBALL FIELD Submitted by Lion Gary and Lion Walt I think a special thank you should go to Wally's excavating crew for their help and equipment. Without their bobcat it would have been a really big job. The entire project was done in 4 1/2 hour, clean up included. Then the next week 10 yards of chips were delivered the day before Country Breakfast and the crew had them spread by about 9:00. On Saturday, May 9th, Lion Gary and Lion Walt were the only two Lions who showed up to spread the chips, sand on both the volleyball court and baseball field. Walt's son and family, Chris, Lisa, Jaxson and Wesley and Matt Juedes helped on that Saturday along with the volunteers listed in Lion President Walt's letter. Also lending a hand on the 16th were Lion Dan Barnes and Walt's employee, Dana Weisnicht. If we missed listing you, we apologize and you certainly deserve a big thank you also. Thank you to all. This was a different job than the normal that is done around the park. The whole park looks good. No wonder people keep calling to use the park. It is a great facility. OFFICER TRAINING ATTENDED BY TWO LIONS AND NINE LIONESS ON MAY 2 AND MAY 5 Lions attending were Lion Gary and Lion Walt. Lioness attending were Lionesses Barb, Bonnie, Carla, Marge, Julie, Bev, Nancy, Cindy N, and Cindy R. The Lions and Lioness broke into different groups. Affiliate President Lioness Cindy covered a great deal and her presentation was very informative. There was further discussion led by members familiar with officers jobs. WALLEYE TOURNAMENT MAY 29 (REGISTRATION FRIDAY NIGHT) AND MAY 30 Friday, May 29, is registration for the fishermen. On May 30, members have signed up as to the different jobs available. May 30 is a busy day for both Lion and Lioness to keep the fisherman and visitors happy until the awards are handed out. The Lioness are in charge of the food and the soda. The Lioness will also be drawing LIONESS ---- BE SURE YOU TURN YOUR SOLD TICKETS (ALONG WITH THE MONEY) AND UNSOLD TICKETS TO LIONESS CINDY R AS ALL TICKETS HAVE TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR IN THIS RAFFLE DRAWING. SHE NEEDS THEM BY FRIDAY, MAY 29. CALL LIONESS CINDY AT 4108241 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS. for $500, $200, and $100 prizes from their raffle. Page 3 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Congratulations to Tyler Thielke and Meg Freiberg Lioness Julie Aigner represented the Lioness Club in presenting the $750 scholarship to Tyler Thielke, son of Jason and Kelly Thielke of Van Dyne. He is a senior at Horace Mann High School. He plans to either attend UW Fox Valley, Menasha, or UW Stevens Point, Stevens Point. His major is natural sciences. The Lions picked Meg Freiberg for the $750 scholarship. She is a senior at Winnebago Lutheran Academy. The Academy has their own day for presenting awards. No one had to be there personally. Meg is the daughter of Craig and Lisa Freiberg of Van Dyne. She plans to attend either Concordia University or Marian University. She plans to be a nurse practitioner. JULY 26 CAR SHOW Chairperson is: Lion Brian Seffern Page 4 1st load of chips for playground; delivered 10 yards more to finish it up Load of Mason sand for the volleyball courts Country Breakfast below Load of SURE-HOP diamond sand for the baseball diamond Part of the crew setting up for the 640 that went through the door. Volunteers Steve Aigner, Carol Wiechman; members Kathy, Julie, Yvonne, Maribeth, Deb, and Nancy . MENU Chicken Marsula Pot Roast, Seasoned veggie combo candied sweet potatoes mashed potatoes seven layer salad taffy apple salad cherry chocolate torte Pecan bars Catered by C. J's of Ripon According to our constitution, Van Dyne Lioness members will pay $7.50 (½ cost of meal) and the club will pay the rest. Lioness Marge will be collecting the $7.50 from each member attending. If you haven't signed up, please call Lioness Marge at 688-2475 by Monday, June 1. It is a nice get together meeting the members of other clubs and those who have or are still organizing the activities and keeping us informed. Lion Scott Scovronski and Lion David Hartman cracking eggs getting ready for the next day. MacKenzie and Riley Hartmann folding 350 flyers which were handed out as the people walked in INSTALLATION AND AWARDS JUNE 16, 2015 SOCIAL HOUR 6:00 DINNER 7:00 VAN DYNE LIONS PARK $14.00 PER PERSON Menu: Pork loin, chicken, dressing, mashed potatoes, tossed salad, Watergate salad, carrots & cake. RSVP TO MARGE 688-2475 BY JUNE 9TH Please contact her so we don't have to call you. DG Gary Silah will be installing the officers and also help give out awards. PS - Melvin Jones and Birch Sturm Fellowship will be given out. Also, the Lioness will honor three members who will be given honorary membership. Lioness May 18 meeting notes *Seventeen members attended the meeting. Lioness Bonnie won the money raffle of $8.50. Lioness Roma and Lioness Peggy gave each member a refreshing frozen lemonade drink as their birthday treat. Happy birthday to both and thank you. Skirt twister Lioness Sandy had us sing the National Anthem one word at a time. (We forget quickly where the one before let off). It was a laughing time and was much better when we got to sing it all together. *Committee preference sheets were available for sign up. *Question brought up to have a dinner meeting possibly in October away from the clubhouse. Discussion will follow at a future meeting.. *Fond du Lac Lioness would like to be included when we have something special at our meetings. *Re certification is needed for Vision Screening and we should invite area clubs. *Lioness dues are due of $20 per member. Please pay by the June 22 meeting or before. COUNTRY BREAKFAST RESULTS According to the tickets that came through and counted at the end of the day, 640 people th attending the 30 annual Country Breakfast. Thank you for all your help. At the door, 16 were free for kids 3 and under, 14 child were purchased, and 158 adult. Advance tickets sold were 416 Adult and 36 Child. To feed these 640 people, we used 1 #10 can of mild cheddar cheese 12 gallons of milk 12 gallons of chocolate milk 13 gallons of orange juice 74# ham 100# of breakfast links 7 10# bags of pancake mix 19 64 oz jars of applesauce 5 gallons of regular syrup 6 #10 cans of sliced peaches 2 ½ (1.25 gal) containers of oil 4 - 24 oz bottles of sugar free syrup 2 ½ 96 oz grape juice 3 ½ bottles of ketchup 123 dozen eggs 4 cases of hash browns A variety of desserts Profit results in next month's news
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