DISTRICT GOVERNOR 27-E1 DELORES LaFAIVE 1017 23RD STREET CHETEK, WI 54728 THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LIONS CLUBS ( L ions Clubs International ©) DISTRICT 27-E1 SPRING 2015 District Newsletter www.district27e1.org MARK YOUR CALENDAR April 22 April 25 April 28 April 30 May 4 May 14-16 June 26-30 Region 2 Officer Training Session, Luck Vision Screening Training, Rice Lake Region 3 Officer Training Session, Stone Lake Region 4 Officer Training Session, Holcombe Region 1 Officer Training Session, Solon Springs State Convention, Lake Geneva International Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii April, 2015 Greetings Lions, Lioness and Leos, I hope everyone who could attend our District 27-E1 Convention had a good time. There were some very informing seminars to go to. We had International Director Esther LaMothe and her traveling companion from the State of Michigan attend. ID Esther LaMothe had a very informative session. There were also many other sessions you could have sat in on. Mr. Carl Olson (The Energizer) also talked on trying to keep all of us Lions, Lioness and Leo’s energized in what we do. Remember we could always use a little recharge in our batteries. LION DELORES LA FAIVE DISTRICT GOVERNOR 27-E1 1017 23rd Street Chetek, WI 54728 715-924-5957 klafaive@charter.net CABINET SECRETARY KARL SCHMID, PDG 2217 21st Street Rice Lake, WI 54868 715-234-2491 kjschmid@charter.net Our elections are complete and the results are: District Governor Elect is Larry Bradley, 1st Vice District Governor Elect is Ronald O’Connell, and 2nd Vice District Governor Elect is Lee Vrieze. Congratulations to all of these Lions. Thanks to everyone who bought a raffle ticket for a chance on the quilt that I made and displayed at each of my club visits. Lion Ken and I raised a total of $3,065 which was sent to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation to support the Lions Camp at Rosholt. The winner of the quilt drawing was Lion Dan Petrus of the Bruce Blue Hills Lions Club. Thank you, CABINET TREASURER CARL GLOCKE 408 South Street West Deer Park, WI 54007 715-269-5250 nascar3carl@gmail.com Lion Delores LaFaive District Governor 27-E1 IMMEDIATE PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR MARILYN LEMIEUX 24205 East Doctor Trail Siren, WI 54872 715-349-7125 books355@sirentel.net FIRST VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR LARRY BRADLEY 14780 185th Street Jim Falls, WI 54748 715-382-4538 lldfb@centurytel.net DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S SCHEDULE Apr 6 Hallie Lions Membership Drive Apr 8 Poplar-Wentworth Lions Lake Nebagamon Lions Apr 25 Vision Screening Training, Rice Lake Apr 28 Officer Training, Stone Lake Apr 10-11 District C2 Convention Apr 30 Officer Training, Holcombe Apr 13 State Finance Meeting, Rosholt May 4 Officer Training, Solon Springs Apr 16 Lakeland Ladies Lions Charter May 14-16 State Convention, Fontana Party, Minocqua Apr 20 Amery Lions Membership Drive Apr 22 Officer Training, Luck Apr 23 Webster Lions Jun 12 Lake Wissota Lions Golf Jun 19-30 International Convention, Honolulu DISTRICT 27-E1 CLUBS EXPANDING OUR PRIDE ALAN SACKRIDER 1947—2015 Second Vice District Governor Alan Leon Sackrider passed away on Thursday, March 5, 2015 at the age of 67. Lion Sackrider had served as the President of the Chetek Lions, as a Zone Chair, and as the District ALERT Chair. He was a Melvin Jones Fellowship recipient. Lion Alan had attended several leadership training conferences including the “Communicate Like a Leader” seminar in preparing for his anticipated year as our District Governor. Lion Alan is survived by his wife Salena and two stepchildren. Lion Salena is the Co-Chair of the District Leader Dogs for the Blind program. Funeral services for Alan were on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at the Burnham-Ours-Kolstad Family Funeral Home in Chetek with Pastor Sam Kochel officiating. The service was attended by many Lions from the Chetek Lions Club and from this District who will all miss his commitment to the spirit of the Lions. DISTRICT 27-E1 PEACE POSTER CONTEST WINNERS 2015 Place Winner Age School Club 1st Andrea Barron-Vargas 11 Chippewa Falls Middle Lake Wissota Lions 2nd Rachel Milton 12 Shell Lake Shell Lake Lions 3rd Meghan Fostvedt 11 Cameron Middle Rice Lake Lions CONGRATULATIONS! Lions District 27- E1 and Prevent Blindness Wisconsin are hosting Vision Screening Training on Saturday, April 25, 2015 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Children’s Vision Screening Training Standard Chart Screening and Instrument Screening Location: Bethany Lutheran Church 35 Messenger Street Rice Lake WI For More Information Please Contact: District 27-E1 Vision Screening Chair Lion Judi Schmid at 715-234-2491, or jkschmid@charter.net Reservations are due April 18, 2015 The Vision Screening program is a joint venture of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin, and the Lions and Lioness of District 27-E1. The preferred screening tools are the wall charts. The Lea Symbols Chart was developed for children under the age of six. It consists of four familiar symbols. The HOTV chart which uses just the four letters H,O,T,and V may also be used. The Snellen/Sloan Chart is the traditional method and is preferred for ages 7 and above. The approved screening instruments include the Welch Allyn SureSight Vision Screener, the Plus Optix Vision Screener, and the MTI Photoscreener. The Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin ( LEBW ) recently announced that Shopko Corporation has agreed to work with the Lions with their Project Eyecare program. The program provides up to five eye exams and glasses per year for needy children ( ages 5-17 ) at each store location that has a Shopko Eyecare Center. There are two Shopko stores in District 27-E1 that include the Eyecare Centers; at Chippewa Falls and Rice Lake. The local Lions Clubs will be responsible for identifying and qualifying children and distributing vouchers for the service. Lion Ken Koss of the Chippewa Falls Lions Club and PDG Karl Schmid of the Rice Lake Lions Club have been designated as the Lion ’ s Clubs contacts by DG Delores LaFaive. PDG Rick Daluge, Community Relations director of the LEBW is the statewide coordinator of the project. DISTRICT 27-E1 Application for 2014 - 2015 100 % Club Secretary Award □ □ □ □ □ □ □ 1. All membership reports must be mailed/emailed in sufficient time in order to reach Lions International by the 10th of the following month. 2. All district/state and international dues and all club supply billings have been given to the treasurer for payment. 3. There must be no club indebtedness owed to Lions International or the district which would make club delegates ineligible to vote at the district, state or international conventions. 4. The PU-101 form must be properly filled out showing the newly elected club officers and must be completed as required and submitted no later than May 15 to Lions International and to the district governor. 5. All delegate forms and cards must be completed and submitted to the State Office by April 30 for the state convention. 6. The secretary must have attended at least two zone meetings. 7. The secretary must have attended either a district officer training seminar or attended this year’s district convention. 8. The club secretary must be recommended for this award by the president and the zone chairman with final approval by the district governor. 9. Any of the above criteria may be waived by the district governor if he is advised of conditions which exist beyond the control of the secretary. 10. Application for this award must be submitted to the district governor, via the zone chairman, no later than 30 days following the close of the International Convention. I certify that Club Secretary _________________________________________ of the ____________________________________________ Lions Club has complied with the above requirements and is entitled to this award. ______________________________________ Club President ____________________ Date ______________________________________ Zone Chair ____________________ Date ______________________________________ District Governor ____________________ Date Mail this completed form to your zone chair within 30 days of the close of the International Convention. The due date for 2014 – 2015 is July 31, 2015. PU101 Each current Club Secretary is responsible for reporting the newly elected club officers for 2015-2016 on the standard PU101 form. The filing can be done either by filing a paper copy by direct mail or by filing online. Every attempt should be made to complete your club officer elections by April 15 and to have the PU101 reporting form filed with Lions Clubs International by May 15. A paper copy of the PU101 form can be printed out from the Lions Clubs International website at www.lionsclubs.org/resources/EN/pdfs/pu101.pdf . Print the form, fill it out, and mail it to the address given on the second page of the form. Alternatively, you can submit the elected club officers via the MyLCI website at mylci.lionsclubs.org . A copy of the submitted PU101 report form should also be sent to the District Governor Elect. Send the copy to: Larry Bradley, DGE 14780 185th Street Jim Falls, WI 54748 lldfb@centurytel.net LCI GRANT AWARDED TO DISTRICT 27-E1 District 27-E1 was awarded a Disaster Preparedness Grant in the amount of $8600. This grant is a result of the work of PCC Bill Taubman who was principal in forming the Wisconsin Lions Missions(WLM) sponsored Lions Emergency Response Team (LERT). The LERT is a described as a group of Wisconsin Lions willing to respond on short notice to natural disasters as they may occur in the US. They work in collaboration with Lions from the affected area doing preventive, clean-up, salvage and repair work. Emergencies to which the LERT would respond are identified by the WLM leadership team. At both the district and state level the WLM leadership would involve ALERT chairs in efforts that might be of interest to both. Go to page 8 of this Newsletter to volunteer and be a part of LERT. Winners of the 2015 Youth Service Awards 1st Place Hayward Civil Air Patrol Wild Rivers Composite Squadron 2nd Place Cadott High School Future Business Leaders of America WISCONSIN LIONS MISSIONS EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM REGISTRATION (LERT) DISTRICT 27-E1 CLUB ______________________________________________ NAME ___________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ PHONE (HOME) _____________________ (CELL) ________________________ EMAIL ___________________________________________________________ LIST SPECIFIC SKILLS THAT YOU CAN BRING TO AN EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM TOOLS/EQUIPMENT YOU CAN PROVIDE _______ Hand tools _______ Chain saw _______ Generator _______ Nail gun(s) _______ Circular saw _______ Stapler _______ Air compressor _______ Ladder Other tools: Are you willing to solicit and collect supplies for donations to communities struck by natural disasters? _____ Yes _____ No Are you willing to accept an on-the-job-site leadership role? _____ Yes Are you willing to accept a state-wide leadership role? _____ Yes _____ No _____ No Do you have a truck capable and are you willing to pull the Lions 5th wheel trailer if necessary? _____ Yes _____ No Would you be willing to work on a relief effort in your Lions District through the Lions ALERT program? _____ Yes _____ No Do you have an interest in going on an eyeglass mission? _____ Yes _____ No To enroll in the LERT Program, mail this completed form to: PDG Bill Taubman N 3391 Pine Tree Lane Shell Lake, WI 54871 715-768-2910 wct38@centurytel.net LIONS DISTRICT 27-E1 OFFICER TRAINING SCHEDULE 2015 NOTICE: THE DATES AND LOCATIONS OF THE OFFICER TRAINING SESSIONS ARE LISTED BELOW. EACH OF THE EVENTS WILL BEGIN AT 6:00 P.M. REGION 1 1st VDG LARRY BRADLEY May 4, 2015, Community Center, Solon Springs REGION 2 ED CERNEY April 22, 2015 DBS Hall, Luck REGION 3 1ST VDG LARRY BRADLEY April 28, 2015, Lions Clubhouse, Stone Lake REGION 4 KENNETH KOSS April 30, 2015, Holcombe FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: PDG JERRY SPIES 715-472-8034 jspies@lakeland.ws
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