Z,ONE E KINSMEN BYLAWS 7 ZONE E BY LAWS Article Section l: 1 the name of the Zone is o'Zone E Kin Canada Atlantic - District 7" hereafter called the zone. Section 2: In these By Laws, unless the context otherwise require, "Association" means "Kin Canada". "District" means "Kin Canada Atlantic - District 7" and "National By Laws" means the General Operating By Laws of Kin Canada. However no such regulation will be inconsistent with the National or District By Laws. Article 2 - Boundaries Section 1: The geographical boundaries of the Zone shall be all clubs chartered in the Province of Newfoundland & Labrador, North, South and West of Charlottetown, NL and all of Labrador. Article 3 - Zone Officers Section 1: The number of Zone Officers shall be: the Kinsmen Deputy Governor, The Kinette Deputy Governor, the Kinsmen Vice Deputy Governor, Secretary/Treasurer, Zone Service Chairman/reporter and any other member the Deputy Governors so desire. The Kinsmen Deputy Govemor and Vice Deputy Governor shall be elected at the annual Kinsmen Spring Zone and the Kinette Deputy Governor sha1l be elected at the annual Kinette Spring Zone. The remaining officers are to be appointed by the Deputy Governors. Section 2: OnIy the person(s) who meet the following qualifications shall be eligible to serve as officers ofthe Zone. Officer shall be an Active of Active Life member and a member of a club in good standing within the Zone. I : Each Zone Section 3: The Kinsmen Deputy Governor shall be the presiding officer of all kinsmen Zone Conferences held in the Zone. He shall be the chief executive officer for Kinsmen within the Zone and shall representZone E kinsmen Clubs on District Council Section 4: The Kinsmen Vice Deputy Governor shall, in the absence of the Deputy Governor, substitute for him and perform any other duties specified by the Deputy Govemor. In the event the Deputy Governor is unable to complete his term of office, the Vice Deputy Governor will assume his duties. 2 7 Section 5: Zone Secretary/Treasurer - Shall be responsible for recording minutes at all Zone Executive Meetings, Zone Executive Seminar, Presidents' Mid-Term Meeting and Spring Zone Conference, the distribution of all minutes to the District Governor and District Secretary. Helshe shall collect the Zone dues and shall disburse the same and account for receipts and disbursements. He shall prepare a financial statement to be presented to the incoming Deputy Governor no tater than September 1"t. Section 6: Zone Service Chairman - Shall be responsible for the promotion of District & Nationalservice projects within Zone E. He/she shall collect all monies from Glubs within the boundaries of said Zone and foruvard all monies to the District Service Chairman. - Section 7'. Zone Reporter He/she shall collect all activities of events and projects within the Zone forward same to the District Reporter. He/she shall be responsible for collecting advertising from all clubs within the Zone and forward same to the District Reporter for the Atlantic Tides. Section 8: Kinette Deputy Governor - The Kinette Deputy Governor shall be responsible for co-ordinating all Kinette activities within the Zone; carrying out all such policies and administration with respect to Kinette affairs as shall be directed by the District Executive Council and the National Executive Commitbe; the dissemination to, and gathering from, all Kinette clubs within the Zone of Kinette news; the reporting of all Zone Kinette news to the District Executive Council and National Council through the District Kinette Governor and the Kinette National President; and generally performing such duties as may from time to time be specified by the District Kinette Governor. Section 9: Terms of Office - Each Zone Officer shall assume office on the first day of July following his/her election or appointment as the case may be and shall hold office until his/her successor assumes office. Section 10: Vacancies in Office - ln the event of a vacancy in any of the Zone offices, other than Kinsmen Deputy Governor and Kinette Deputy Governor, the Deputy Governors may appoint a replacement who possesses the qualifications mentioned in section 2. Article 4- Tone Conferences Section 1: Number - The Kinsmen Deputy Governor shall call a minimum of one Zone Conference to be held in his Zone (to be known as the Spring Zone Conference), with said conference to be held between February 1 and March 31, each year, subject to the approval of the District Executive Committee. Additional Zone Conferences can be held at the discretion of the Deputy Governor, but the Deputy Governor shall, before calling 7 7 any Zone Conference, obtain the District Governor's approval of the proposed date of such conferences. Section 2: Notification - The Deputy Governor shall at least thirty (30) days preceding each Tone Conference, notify the District Secretary of the date and location of the Zone Conference. Section 3: Agenda - At least thirty (30) days prior to the Zone Conference, the Deputy Governor shall forward to the District Governor a copy of the proposed agenda. Section 4: Approval by District Governor - The District Governor may within seven (7) days of receipt of the proposed agenda request that any item be added to or deleted from the agenda. Section 5: Notice to Clubs - At least twenty (20) days prior to the Zone Conference the Deputy Governor shall forward to each Club in the Zone a call to the Zone Conference together with a copy of the agenda. Section 6: Report to Deputy Governor - Each club shall forward to the Deputy Governor not less then fourteen (14) days prior to the Zone Conference a typewritten report of his Clubs activities for the Kin year. Section 7: Bids will be accepted and promoted without limitation at Spring Zone to host the succeeding Spring Zone beginning in 1992 for the following year and likewise for succeeding years. Time will be allocated on the general meeting agenda as per R3,S1b of the District By-Laws for formal presentations by each prospective host Club and a decision will be made by a poll vote with accredited delegated being determined according to Plll, A42, s8 of the National Constitution and By-Laws and A5,S3 and R1,S5 of the District By-Laws. lf no bid is received, a location will be nominated by the Deputy Governor. Section 8: Chairman - The Zone Conference shall be chaired by the Deputy Governor, or in his absence, by aZone Five Kin duly appointed by the Deputy Governor. Section 9: Minutes - Minutes of the proceedings of all Zone Conferences shall be kept and the Deputy Governor shall, within thirty (30) days after the holding of a Zoie conference, fonruard to the Governor and to each Club in the Zone a copy of such minutes. Section 10: Procedures 1: Voting shall be 1 vote per each Active member and Active Life member who are in goostanding 2: A quorum shall comprise 50o/o of the accredited delegates at the Conference representing not less than 50% of the Clubs in th-e Zone. 3: All questions put to the Zone Conference shall be decided by a show of hands, unless before the next item of business is proceeded with and LT 7 notwithstanding the taking of a vote by a show of hands, a poll or ballot vote is requested by: I The Deputy Governor or chairman of the Zone Conference. ll At least two (2) presidents, or lll: At least 10 accredited delegates and/or accredited delegates at large. : : 4'. Delegates - The number of delegates, definition of accredited delegates, privileges and qualifications of delegates shall be governed by the General Operating By Laws of Kin Canada 5: Delegates at large - The following persons shall be delegates at large at each Zone Conference: I : ll : lll : lV : V: Vl : District Governor. Deputy Governor Any Past Governor. Any Past Depug Governor. National President. Past National President. Provided that such person is an active or active life member of a Club within the Zone and that he is present at such Conference. Delegates at Iarge shall be allowed 1 vote each. 6: 7: No person shall be counted as a delegate or a delegate at large unless he has paid the Zone Conference registration fee. No delegates at large will be entifled to proxy their vote. Section 1 1: Resolutions 1. A Zone Conference may propose, discuss and adopt resolutions for submission to District Convention and shall also consider, and act upon matters submitted to it by the Association and generally discuss matters of interest to Clubs within the Zone and such matters ls may be brought before it by any delegate at the Conference. 2. Resolutions will be prepared for presentation at the Spring Zone meeting and submitted, typewritten, with copies for all delegates to the Zone Secretary no later than the evening prior to the Spring Zone Meeting. 3: Resolutions may come from the floor, only if submitted with the signature of five (5) accredited delegates_, Section 12: Election of Deputy Governor And Vice Deputy Governor I 7 I. The Deputy Governor and Vice Deputy Govemor shall be elected at the Spring Zone Conference 2. The eiection of the Deputy Govemor and Vice Deputy Governor shall comply with the standard election of officers and said election shall be conducted by the current Deputy Governor. Section 13: Chain of office 1. 2. The name bar engraved with the current Deputy Governor's name must be purchased annually from kin Sales and paid for out of the Zone Budget. In recognition of the Kinsmen Clubs of Goose-Happy valley and Green Bay for providing a Zone Chain of Oftce, a representative of each Club shall pass the Chain of Office from the Deputy Governor to the Deputy Governor elect during the annual Deputy Governors banquet Article 5 - Visitation Expenses Section 1: The Deputy Governor shall visit each club in the Zone at least onc€ per year and the expenses incurred for this "official visit" shall be the responsibility of the District Executive Council. The "official visit" shall be at the discretion of the Deputy Governor in conjunction with the respective Club Presidents. Section 2: The Club within the Zone shall assume all. .living expenses (including accommodations and meals if required) of a visiting nepu* Governor or his repre$entative attending a Club function at the request of iaid Club; that all transportation expenses be paid by said Club. Such travel expenses to be determined by the Zone Executive from time to time as may be required. Article 6 -Zone Dues $ection 1: All Clubs within the zone shall be assessed Zone dues. These dues shall be per member $7.00 based uBon the June 30 th. census. 0 7 Article 7 -Zone Bulletin Section 'l: The Zone Executive committee shall publish a minimum of two(2) Zone newsletters. Article 8 - lnterclub $porte Functions Section 1: All interclub sports functions are open to participation by all members of the Kin Family or, parts there-off at the discretion of the host club for the event. Article 9 - Rules of order and Procedure 1: Except as herein otherwise provided, in all matters of procedure, Section the Zqne shall be governed by the Rules of Order and procedure as set forth in the General Operating By Laws of Kin Canada. Article {0 - Amendment Section 1: Amendments to these Tone By{aws, other than trophy rules, may be made at any Zone Conference on the vote of a majority of accredited delegates in attendance. Section 2: Any proposed amendments must be circulates to all Clubs within the Zone at least 30 days prior to the Spring Zone Conference.
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