Diversional Therapy Australia National Conference 2015 Wellness through Leisure SCAN YOUR SM WITH ARTPHO NE 16th & 17th October 2015 (& pre-conference workshop 15th October) Mercure Gold Coast Resort Gold Coast QLD T Key Note Speakers he Offic ial Gold Traveller Coast App – av aila App Sto re and G ble on the oogle Pla y! Dr Carmel Harrington BSc, PhD, LLB, DipEd Managing Director Sleep for Health Daniella Greenwood Bachelor of Health Science (Leisure & Health) Strategy and Innovation Manager, Arcare Wellness through Leisure Diversional Therapy Australia is the peak professional body for those working in the field. DTA’s annual conference is open to all diversional therapists, recreation or leisure therapists, activity officers, DT assistants, academics, researchers, students and those interested in the professional practice of diversional therapy and care through leisure. The conference will showcase best practice, update knowledge and skills, provide networking with your peers from across Australia and reinvigorate your professional life. “Wellness through Leisure” embraces the essence of DT practice and a selection of local, interstate and international speakers will present papers on contemporary professional issues for both the practitioner and the profession. A Trade Exhibition with a range of exhibitors from around the country will provide opportunities to find new and innovative resources or perhaps even pick up an old favourite directly from the supplier. Please note there will be no trade exhibition during the pre-conference workshop. Key Note Speakers Conference Keynote – Opening Speaker Day 1 Friday 16th October 2015 Dr Carmel Harrington BSc, PhD, LLB, DipEd Managing Director Sleep for Health, Researcher, Author Dr Carmel Harrington is an Australian sleep scientist whose eye-opening insights into sleep health have helped improve the health and well-being of thousands of Australians and introduced sleep health into many wellness programs. With a PhD in Sleep Medicine from Sydney University, a paediatric sleep research post at Westmead Children’s Hospital, numerous academic papers and two best-selling sleep books, Carmel has issued a wake-up call to a chronically sleep deprived nation. Carmel regularly speaks at health and educational conferences, to business leadership groups right through to lifestyle and consumer events. Most recently, she has lectured on the role of sleep in neuroscience and leadership at the Heads of Australian Industry national conference 2015 and is scheduled to speak about the connection between wellness and sleep at The Happiness and its Causes Conference 2015, and to present at VIVID on the relationship between sleep and the creative brain. She has made numerous television appearances in Australia and the USA raising sleep awareness. Conference Keynote – Opening Speaker Day 2 Saturday 17th October 2015 Daniella Greenwood - Bachelor of Health Science (Leisure & Health), Strategy and Innovation Manager, Arcare Daniella is National Strategy and Innovation Manager for Arcare. Key areas of responsibility include leisure and lifestyle management; research; stakeholder engagement; and the development and implementation of Arcare’s Relational Approach and Dedicated Staff Assignment Model. Daniella is a published author and presented the results of her work at the2015 Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference in Perth and to federal Parliamentarians. She has presented to the Pastoral and Spiritual Care of Older People (PASCOP) seminar series, the Australian Association of Gerontology national conference, and is a keynote presenter at this year’s AACQA Better Practice seminars around the country. Pre conference workshop We have focussed our Preconference Workshop on the theme: Activities, Activities, Activities - a Feast of Takeaway CAFÉ (Creative Activities For Everyone) ideas (includes booklet of Activities to keep) A whole day of activities – full workshopping through many with lots of extra ideas to take away with you. The DTA Takeaway CAFÉ’s have become an integral and well represented aspect of all DTA workshops. We know the demand for more activity ideas is high on the list of what we need as Diversional Therapists and Recreational Officers and this workshop delivers just that. This workshop will work through another swag of our popular Takeaway café ideas including some practical, hands on experiences working the activities and with demonstrations of other activities that you can do with no or very few resources. If you attend this workshop you will take away a booklet of all the activities (all different from last year’s workshop) as a resource that you can refer back to. Don’t miss out on this excellent practical workshop that will feed your need for activity ideas and more! Stephania Bejma – DTA National Education Coordinator will guide the day giving hands-on experience of the activities and ideas – you can go back to your clients and confidently introduce the activities demonstrated. How to get to Mercure Gold Coast Resort From the iconic Surfers Paradise beach to the sophisticated dining Conference Accommodation Specials at Mercure Gold Coast Resort precincts of Main Beach and Broadbeach and out to the lush, green Hinterland, there’s a new experience waiting for you on the Gold Coast - as scenic and peaceful as it is fast paced and active. The Official Gold Coast Traveller App - it is free, easy to use and available on the App Store and Google Play! The App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/gold-coast-travellerqueensland/id656682272?mt=8 Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com. wddonline.goldcoasttourism&hl=en Download the App and, when prompted enter your special code: DTA2015 (case sensitive!) to receive 5% discount… our discount will apply from 3 days prior to 3 days after our Conference! Easy! LOCATION Mercure Gold Coast Resort 64 Palm Meadows Drive, Carrara, Queensland Tel: (+61) 07 5555 7700, Fax: (+61) 07 5555 7701 Email: info@mercuregoldcoastresort.com.au Quote “DTA Conference 2015” to get discount rate. The special runs from 3 days prior to 3 days after conference. Why not stay and make a (tax deductible) family holiday of it?! Mercure Gold Coast Resort DTA Conference delegates and their partners’ rates: Standard Room $149.00/night single including breakfast or $169/night double including breakfast. Superior Room $169.00/night single including breakfast or $189/night double including breakfast. Investigate and book these options directly with Mercure Gold Coast Resort (07) 5555 7700 and quote “DTA Conference 2015” Lots more Gold coast accommodation options are on the link below but will all be a short taxi ride away from the Conference venue Try the Free App to get your 5% discount or go to: http://www.visitgoldcoast.com/whereto-stay/ Website: www.mercuregoldcoastresort.com.au From the Pacific Highway, take the Broadbeach/Tallai exit #77. Head towards Broadbeach on Gooding Drive. Pass Merrimac School on the right hand side. Mercure Gold Coast Resort is on Palm Meadows Drive, just after the school on the left-hand side, oppositethe entrance of Lakelands Golf Course. Cocktail Party and DTA Awards celebration This event is included in any 2 day registration. If you would like your guest/s to attend please purchase extra cocktail party tickets to cover their attendance. Single day registration does NOT include the special cocktail event. (The event will include finger food and a welcome drink. A bar will provide the opportunity to purchase further drinks.) This event provides us with social and networking opportunities and a chance to unwind after Day 1 at the conference. Delegates then have the opportunity to take in the famous Gold Coast night life or relax in the Mercure Resort tranquillity and prepare for another full day of Conference! Conference Package Full registration to attend the conference includes morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch both days. The exciting DTA Award for Excellence presentation Cocktail Party event is also included. In addition, delegates will receive an abstract booklet, delegate satchel and access to the trade and poster exhibition. The workshop registration includes morning tea, afternoon tea, lunch and Activities Booklet. Parking Ample Parking is available - free! www.diversionaltherapy.org.au Diversional Therapy Australia National Conference 2015 Registration Form GO ONLINE to SELF-REGISTER NOW! Full registration for the conference includes morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch both days, abstract booklet, delegate satchel, cocktail event and trade & poster exhibition Prices do not include accommodation or meals outside conference times. Name: Receipt required in this name Now go to DTA Website to register directly – remember to log in if you are a member for those special member rates! www.diversionaltherapy.org.au OR pay by Account name: CONFERENCE BSB: 062 281 Account number: 1031 8600 Receipt required in this name Postal Address: Please include your FAMILY NAME followed by the INITIALS of your first names i.e. SMITH J.D in the deposit details. State: Postcode: ) Payment Options: Direct deposit to: Commonwealth Bank Organisation Name: Phone W: ( Payment Total Amount Phone H: ( Direct Deposit – Transaction # ) Credit Card - Visa/Mastercard Mob: Name on Card: Email: Card No.: Special requirements (dietary, medical or other) Exp: / Signature: I require (please tick): All prices inclusive of GST E arly Bird (Paid before 31st July 2015) DTA Member $455.00 Membership # DTA Member (Paid after 31st July 2015) $485.00 embership # M DTA Student Member $394.00 Membership # Presenter $392.00 Non Member $599.00 Cheque/money order attached (Payable to Diversional Therapy Australia) Please ensure all details are completed on back of cheque/money order. Please complete this Registration Form and post/email/ fax with payment details to: Diversional Therapy Australia Convention Convenor PO Box 83 North Ryde NSW 1670 Friday attendance only $299.00 For further enquires T: (02) 9887 5035 Toll Free 1300 113 395 Fax: (02) 9887 5036 Email: enquiries@diversionaltherapy.org.au Saturday attendance only $299.00 ABN: 84 066 487 821 Pre-conference workshop orkshop – Activities, Activities, Activities a Feast of W Creative Activities For Everyone to take away – includes booklet of Activities to keep. Workshop $155 members $205 non members Additional Tickets are required to bring guests to the Cocktail Party (Friday 16th October) or to attend Cocktail Party on Day Rate which does not include Conference Cocktail Party ticket) $55.00 Number of tickets: Guest name/s: SPECIAL! Partner’s Activity: “Men On Buses – Gold Coast Scenic Tour” – Go on be a Tourist! Limited to 13 passengers - book early! Friday 16th October 9:15am – 4:30pm Tour – see the Gold Coast Wood Turners doing their thing at Mudgeeraba, morning tea and Woodworking demo – then on to Currumbin “Vikings” Surf Club right on the beach for lunch (from menu at own expense). Next is Burleigh Hill for quick scenic stop with great views of Surfers Paradise and walking track in National Park. Surfers Paradise is final stop - visit one of many Irish pubs in Cavill Ave and the other attractions in this tourist Mecca! Includes local bus driver/guide morning tea, (lunch and afternoon tea at own cost) includes gift bag with special offers MOB ticket $49.00 Guest name/s: Important - Conditions of Registration The following is a condition of your registration for this event: To the extent permissible at law (and no attempt is made to exclude or limit liability imposed by statute, such as the Trade Practices Act, which cannot be excluded or limited), Diversional Therapy Australia (DTA) excludes liability for and you agree to release DTA from all loss damage and injury suffered by you as a result of: • the negligence, occupier’s liability or other tort of DTA and any third party involved in staging the convention, including but not limited to the owner or operator of the venue, • caterers, sponsors, speakers exhibitors and providers of accommodation • any changes to the format, timing or content of the conference or the identity of any speaker; • any utterance of any speaker or delegate at the conference, including any defamatory utterance; and • cancellation of the conference due to circumstances beyond the control of DTA. You acknowledge and agree that the owner or operator of the venue, caterers, sponsors, speakers exhibitors and providers of accommodation and other third parties who are involved in staging the conference are not the agent of DTA and DTA will not be vicariously liable for their acts and omissions. Also, while DTA is proud to have the trade exhibitors, the fact of their presence at the conference may not be interpreted as an endorsement of or assertion of affiliation or sponsorship with the exhibitors by DTA. You acknowledge and agree that information provided in this brochure (including but not limited to information concerning possible accommodation) is provided for convenience and information only and you will make your own enquiries as to the suitability and cost of such things. DTA may make changes to the format, timing or content of the conference or the identity of any speaker without notice. DTA will make reasonable endeavours to provide suitable replacements if speakers cannot attend, but will not be liable in that event. CANCELLATION POLICY To be eligible for a 75% refund, cancellations must be submitted in writing prior to 5th October 2015 . No refund will be made for cancellations after this date. If a delegate is unable to attend due to work or personal circumstances, a substitute is welcome to attend in their place, please notify the DTA of the change ASAP to ensure all documents have correct names on them.
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