BOYS' the cultivation of a com crop than required SO keep the wends down by the ordinary method of using weed SUtters, harrows and other implements. Men and stock have to be employed for this work, and there are no returns from it afterward except the clenr SUII tnsr fallow field, but where com i planted on this held there are returns. The crop pays well as an nlter-nat- e crop with wheat. The ground if all the better for the cultivation it ami when the corn is removed from the Held, whether in fodder or the ear. the farmer has something to show for his labor. Several varieties are being experimented with. The yellow dent variety is preferred by some, while others to the hardy Hint varieties, because of the fart that corn of this character has a tendency to ripen sooner in this climate, where the nights are cool and frost makes its appearance earlier than it lines in the great corn producing states of the south, middle and west. However, almost any variety of corn will do (airly well 111 mat! I la county when properly BOltl vated ami looked after as an alternate crop with wheat, M to speak. CLOTHING. School will open in a tc;w days and parents will be looking about for clothing foi theii Boys. They should remembei the new clothing house "Bur & Daley. " We have nt. the largest and best assortment in tin our stock being new and this year's patterns Our prices are the lowest and the MUM to all. Boys' Long Stockings We have a fine article, every pair guranteed, pel pail I'm 25 Cents Baby's Coming l.l (or deliberately nettinu himself into condition so that ba ll irresponsible not excuse for llrunkenness surely the commission of crime. It in itself a crime anainst one's own nature and the rights of others. ' TUESDAY, BEPTKMBER 10. 1901. WHAT SHALL WK DO WITH THB ANAR- GOVERNOR CHISTS? liBKR ON ANARCHISM. .rtvl.s. mnl ntrrMun-vr Iepammiu." Thi lnl' treaa. alvtnir OISJPISSM " I"' I) Mesln-incoiiipuny. Armslrnn A. V. e 1 1 'rt I" SBd boa srs lesi ""'I w'"1' i0t" c"tnl"8"r frrr risers' "f Df 1 esters DAVID COHVM V1EMY r. or imitations. Butlers, Chtfl and Cooks pronntnu it the best Sauce; piquant anil appetizing, it enriches all dilhCML nswAtsi irn!' TWs . f l 1 ... ... 'K' ri.i , uf, rompistsly lats.X ,.,,. rl. a'li'" f,.i isea. r 0, mon:, uJj?KS mtinv" .1 'rl;;'. y" l ttirs I'1 ' -- ,.' ; si- t . I . HILL. M. D Thoroughbred Bucks.... 17. Pfttaud. Drewei u.,.V. ley tn so.l WlllsnistioanaVani. hill Hivars llirs IS ori'tfon ( It,, M7ts.D ami Way Lantllnp. Hat. K i. M iTTST tesaa Itipnrits Is Usvliton V. p. snarii Snake Hlvsr Hall. Dill, A.MSLKY. Agent, fssMMa Take the... 12, 1 Washington & Columbia River Railway 901 Por Otaiaago, Bt Paul, hi. Uui, s hisis City, Hi. .I.m-- Oiimlia, and avoosiions of litis. Inn! IniiC'. ai" in.. Points Last anu All IliiirniiKlilv niiio vat. i aa the most ajMMoraa saodera swtaodi sad ass luni'' si slsetrlstir. . i rolo I lie y.iiinii.'r buy. from a . ominiU'iit hi.ilruii Beet stock on the Coast Tetopnon? (IntHs ror lllusirat.'.l . auliiitu.' r C In NKVVI1.I., ai rtnoh. oonneotioo Iluli.'.i uii in in pm; Arrlvt Tsroas um . l . av. 'caul. I'.aM li.mii.l pu Ttoesi lIU pas) Arrn. Walla Walla ;ami f.uJitiai am. t'M am , . ..:ii Kor hi i mat ruifar.llug raM aosl sct.a intitl.sil.iii-- , t.,1, ,,n or i.i.iroai I cuuraisa In l.lts'ratiiro. Hi'tciii'v ami Kintiii.'.'iniK Inill.liiiS. au.l am n.'aiusj H II II. CAl.UIOOIKAli, li. I'. A., nana, Haiti SS4IIU White Collar Une L.tiis-atis- Route Hurtland-Astori- a . I Itiui In l (or i "Tbam" str. ull. tiaiusi to I'ri'.l'k'in or i;. liealafSaad oatalosusia, hussuic, urusuu s.-- INK I'AKI. POU i Lsaiu I'urtlausl I.U.IVS. -- School for (iiri I'riiiclpal t.. Arrtvs Portiaad I'ortlaii.l r aisi. I ))lll0. to au.l lo i.e.. au.l tliorotijrli iiuliusl sviiiiUssj iliasjss III licallh "'"s'l it ... r ilns' n.mi,'. It swsiHPlaa a larirs' au.l at1 iravtits' i..ic.ii,k- - in in, suisiits ..I in. cm 'rk. .ilf.-- r airl- - m. Msrun Sauaou, L)U Uf l.rn.K-. II. Il.lll.'- - TIMK CAK1) LseeS I'urtlaosl Arrtvsj ITit lullua laravo The i'. - Btaaaar TtOstattai Ph. D., Tin. Sch. ...I Route "iWttff paaaads n. i.i.i Hivui. U .in.' , lMili . n . i M. r. s. -- HOMO, AM ANO aXOOUTIOM - 7 A. A.lurla The Dalles Portland Gatzert "Bailey Str. ri.AND, ORB. KOI'NUKIl Home and l)a Dally KHiol irp uiwptgsiiisU) 1 CAIM HELEN'S HALL, Spokane Excursions s. MM'I Inatriisit-or.:usarl- tsia.-li- THE . 'i , - in st Hiokaiis- I liuu lri'il w.i ami Ills- Aria, .m Ntv ssvsn now on'. to lllirary us KWI Humiuur HobiHil with l ulvurally credit ; . lor r, (sir law an. I pssdieal stadeati DsasftaMni uf fur luaclissr., prlu. lisaN au.l .iip"riiilsu.suil. ullioii has, OOSt sil IivIiik l.iw Tin,-.- .tiHriiL Krauts-s- l isMiolar.tilpa in larst.- v.i.luru umvor Pilot Kockiir Pfiulli'tnii. . Orefon. t .sis. rt. iin-.- u. SS.ll.. lit. tin. Oreoii. l:UKene, h.& 1. l.'ll Ml Maafaal. dlStea i university South I'urtlanii and points on the Sound ti mecaki), si. i.m in. 1 aa, alli'iiti'in osHstUl . AKTIII'K Ghas. Cunningham. iegi-datio- lll.a "Srm raHun Ill J Mval.a tin- vary bed Tali siuu trip, a leasltuK tsalure. t tliu aramlMl sseals ucsouaaleil Is. liaUee Tiuk.O fsir Uulli Miinslay Iik- - -- Uhls vs ntii Industrial Fair No. 5 i 10-2- snl Hi., construction ..I . ru.i.i la upvis (. the .in. si,-- to n , st sat us- SEPTEMBER .1 tin sv. til s.lss-1- 1 supMvDsl thorough Irn In iiis) s.i t ... . r .ppoiiitmviiu ,.l I irnnii uvs-rIstcilils w. Um i. II ' psipila M I h.. an,, f t,..,, ..r.,.r. .1 nuiriictloita Sal lllllii.' Ili.ui I." I It U ct.r iii i. ru. ..i. ... s. iitcnilwr tin iMTStslfSBaSM lr., RITES via. II. Sand. I & N. LINES I Heavy Hauling I'. Ibt 0. It " r N WAMSLEY, ticket au.l THE IM-l- offil The Pendleton Anent I'HKl'AKKS First Ever Aadetnj HTOUT Teaching. Business. The Portland Carnival il UmM the PorilMd OsvralveJ wilt be Itj tin-biDoo'l Iom ilichl of tin KspotlUori BulUiiufr Mid lulUioauh BeU wtjoiuiuir, end win run Kttefuooutud evealusj, trow Heptetiiber IM to Outobei 19, it will ueoue of tiie (imadeel expoelUons dint aver ooourred on (be Peolfla (,'ia.t, mni till ludustriee will be repreeeiited Tilers' will be two full military bftnas. 1 oontptata Midway ami u boat of apeoUl attreutioos, laoludluga Military loumainent, Athletic QMuee, BoweBhow, Pirearorka, eta ftll tramp trt.ttnn Hnia will fjira epefiUI rediiaed rau-.- , Md mmu lofl tloketa win be food (or Mvea diytftoiu uii poiata 1 TRANSFER, TRtJC K INC, Es The olasaieal eonm pfnajM to Pendleton in BNOLItUi DOWJI PORTER OB DsUW" MPOBTaU) KOH College. Laatz Bros. Pendleton, 0r. r !' iii Art 4i,. I Oratur), Hr.uiBisjit is iisa.1.- for all atlil.tic aiuoa suitable ,,, 4, U'ii:.i,, ufiMUt, Lssskailiaii, " t.ic.vcliua- 4ii i iistraiibatts rislimr. A notBsaliuu jMsUStssf Is pisuinvsl lor winch will Bs.-- .till iii..rn siaUl.iicus' appU u, Kl.KASOU K. IKIOIKI-IH- , A rillflntr Nolf, Agt., shitd-str'su- l ur ili st. FOI lull particular's call at fttstWfcMP TATLOR, Ass.. A.iorla, ors. M KII.I.'IDN. Aai ..TBsWSUai.i'n is i ii . si; i. is Y r ii.-- iuisi, wmi. HHATHBH v BAllN tin, Agu., Ilooa kiref.un ttaib J C. W Y ATI , AMI., ore. K W. CRIOHI'UN, Agl.. A. J Iik A I LOW of AMer ItreSI J.iIlN "1M fajtii's-'i- i Ituor LaiuiiiiK-Ko- ol Paeaes Mam tu. IIosmI lath I. 4:1 ih, i pr s'tj.iipwsl aciiool, hajsisf au.l iHu p. i. ill Usacbon InauisM lor o. lo.'I'ul care au.l in " llss r. r. loir .kill,. l..svlnr. m in. Huue - KhL KINDS OF : l.l'NCHKK : : iMPOitii : : : LIT ATLAS BUA nt liivw of tin- Kuiiisiu. I ,.0. linn; nsivei iwn-Inuie- Hi '11 - e Kriisliiiimi oifass j ,u,i, Vale, Prluoetou aud Htanfoid. I hs-i-v i ue institution i luvs pjaoad upon the AiMiresliUal List by Board oi Kauoatiun, s.( thai paduau-.-- - ur- uti- iniiis'il to sluts' a Iwsilneai ootina eitmi t( (he t.m i, otli'ivtl. I'uli Umu Uaftiu tteptaruber 9th, Add real Hi:V. V. U. KtiHBKiS, M. Ph., u-hi- tin-Hu- : : JJ I 821 JU THE MAZEPPA 1 -, Lfs- '""' OWjjim. l'rii,s-i,,ul- . Hotel Pendleton . Untlir New flan a foment 1 Strictly Kxculleot i aja. jt Pirst-Clas- b frtarrilBawAl vvn Give Us a Trial. Kdtfs $2 00 a djy Cutsioe. w - Special Kates by or aiuntli livery Modem .Conyaoience si )) m YAMP1ILI 1' Br The Best Hot .mli-rfiil- . VeMi s Heddquarlerb ior Traveling and milliard llooms lrii Bi os., Props In a Eastern Orefjon. Successors to J. E. Moore 1 - '""' SON. Henry Kopittke ""Mr Nnvberi 13' w ifcadi, LaadlafH Klparla Ms' II. Ill MN I', ill torm opiins Sept. e ' City, Oerrallissad Wsa m atiu Bishop Scott Academy. sur-oee- Beer. 'H.m. i. Or ivltli is (a. illt ol iw. lv.' rniniHitoiii l.'ai'lmr. who iuMlsrstsnd son sad ik.- sa latsrasi ixiih In III.- work and III III. iv play of pupil. TttS aim of ilia principal and ma. 'Hera I. to ai woll a. (n proparu b.if. for roll.-Kin ' in.- ir.tfpaiui,il ami liiitlMosa 1 Milwaukee , iln-soi- uea llir- an. I Hiu. Prlnslpal. flume School for Boys. Military anil .Manual tralnlii);. -- Schlitz "BBswRi iiii.lK) . av Uadtan p. in. bsilys.. l"V 11. Co,umb, To A.torla Sad ataraajp Hi P.. Lassve no, N. V Mst, r,. ami - lj m Wood and i A Light, Prop's Ice, I Kranclw Halluvery .slayi. aaXin. si cordliM ormtslnWii 7 Whirl aetWsea, Paeaslesl - CROWNER au.l Kast. iTalTy PORTLAND, OREGON. -- ST OR A G . Kr Ha !!. , I I'env.. All allltiK sin,,, lb. on.' N.-- (im- .11' J. W. wa-hel- -- sen, or sKBp.m. -- Borie OaSJO snd Way sseef JOHN Ut'NCAN ' LSJrS, "":itV,o, CaV33; WtOM I'ORTUND. t.ulnliiK. fiVnt 1 HfS-- iri asojf' ! iiilt h. i I'rspsrsss nsjplli I u iSflllCG Tin Original Worcestershire i rivnif aotieo f,ir bearalnil ed aaj oawm Ill - Kast a .MS1S.I f . Ocean and River t .,0,! Oregon Lumber K"ml ' sin Bpakeee. , Perrins Ill'llvnr Dmiiha; kan HI Pattl AV.illa Walla, Ijew Fast Mali Siinkanu U'.ll.. ...' H.i.'s A. III. man, M,'iiB.'ap,., E 9 ! J. limit m. via lliinl- itlKtllll. HIIL Sir il "orth, Ml AHanllc K.Xir.ii" r. f ' Vis Dt'NNl' M Instrurtlon.1 & ' rnoMraoN MfBtiowrr d, v, sol. is t). ?. Ohlcsffo. I'urtland paolal 11 h, Tims Schadula Prom Pendlaton HIK "'' ,. Tea nri'siiT iuk'i ssiidla wlwrmi prend m nr,, iwedlljf H ' kaewa. ninslsnta aflMftfed nnv tlmr nil tai vr.i, oih-i- i team what nmi ot riaai lastreollee. Atr..,.iv e tiov. T. T. deer received a telegram Seventy-fivmillion brain? 111 tin' from 'h the Chicago American, United States are busily studying the newpaper, asking his opinion a- - to the problem What shall we do with the treatment to be accorded an.ticuists it will and the steps that should he taken to anarchists? He who solve Governor (ieer sent the control them (or himself as a giant following tuaku a name answer : Yard Indeed, hie fame will exstateeman. "To the Chicago American, Chicago, tend to the uttermost parts of the Illinois : "Considering that the avowed anarearth, (or wherever civilized man lives chist is an enemy In all government he is the aame problem oontrontinn aod should no more he permitted publicwool) GOTTERB puitliuK patriotic thinkers. ly declare his belief than a child For barns and dwelling-- . It is easy to say: Pass laws aholi sh- known to n suffering from diphtheria Cheaper than tin. should be allowed to remain unmolestine them; drive them from the conn ed in a room tilled with school childtry; brand them as vipers to hi trod- ren. One is as poisonous as the other Lumber, ; den under foot of man and tnaku it a and the effect of each is tin- same. Lath, capital crime to hold to and espresx Tiie anarchist punlicly declare- - hi- - in Shuntles, publicly to murder commit and tention views consistent witti trie vile teach It ui Uiiuu Paper, rejoices when it - done, l ie permiseasy is of This ings the anarchists." il sion of such public meeting- - a- Tar Paper. to aay, while impossible of accompin Patterson X. .1. a few months Lime and (dement, ago for the purpose of celebrating the lishment. Mouldings. King of of anniversary murder the Take Kusaia as an instance in II 1 01 llillllltert will Mi It had Ivil before dePickets. tration. There the nihilists hav clared was part of a plot inc. tiding the Plaster, grown to greater strength than else assassination ol President McKinlev Sand, Krick and in only to the was not disgrace a state wiiere; there the government has pur Screen Doors & Windows, was held but to tin- country which sued a policy o( repression more exact- at fsfiltl and limits, ing than that of any other nation. "Since the anarchist has no respect Terru Cotta Pine. Yet there the nihilist, who is but the for the government the government (or 110 will respect It him Kuaaiau anarchist, swarms in every lo- should have be a happy dav for us when w- have .1 & cality, and frequently accomplishes congress to radically hrave enough his deadly mieeion. change our natural isatiou law- - that Italy, France, Germany, all contain foreigners of certain classes slull not Alta St., opp. Court Honse. at all and requirlarge numbers of anarchists, and not come to this111country cases, perhaps, a ing except some yet has the man appeared who 0011 Id residence ol ten or tifteen years before stamp becoming eligible to citizenship lit formulate a policy calculated to ZT-- . sd A J addition lo till- - there should he either out the terrible school of iconoclast prohibitlegislation, national or state preswho would kill ail rulers and ing all anarchistic demonstrations ident. The government that is not rational t It is a (act that opposition in wh enough to do this much in with the lesson so nlainlv writ-tegives strength to such cults as that of before it, i stupidly and inconthe anarciiiat. He become a marly r ceivably speech does not, blind. in his own eyes, and strives the bur and never did, incluile the right to T. 1 1 It , der when crowded by the ruproedii ta threaten lib vernor. " tive of the government. Note well disposed man or wouu In answer to .1 similar request from in the United States would not bnj r the Philadelphia North American, the he able eradicate this evil. Vet not .1 governor sent the iol!oing statement: "To the North American, Philadelpman or womau haayet proposed a plan hia-1 s of that holds the slightest promise r tiie people and tlio only people In the It'll Sad.U.ry "Hither national or bunlnoM In I'undleloii thai sue in the opinion of the man who of the must severe character should a ploy lull force of tnaelianlu tin- year around looks deep for causes and who under- Is enacted prohibiting all anarchistic and rnako our own Ha.tdl.s, If smew, etc., au.l The effect of such in- In not ship tbetn from the factories like some stands the characteristics of human na- demonstrations. our competitors au.l thsn tell you lltsy are cendiary meetings as those hehl at Pat of an tioo.l aa notns- male; but lliey are uot ture. X. J., ami elsewhere, is vicious terson, JOSEPH ELL, It is a problem unsolved. It is a and revolutionary, and tends to Leading tfarness and Saddlery. and entourage unbridled murder. problem that must be solved. The lie world awaits the coming of tin' man The strong arm ol the law should ol all meetaddlied to the uppres-ion who can solve it. announce Call up: ings of men who puhlicl they are banded together lor the that ABOLISH PISTOLS. purose of committing murder in high places. The man, who purposely in, There is little reason why pistol.-- oculates liis system with the seeds of should be carried by private eltiaWI leprosy, is as much to ue pitied alter-wardas the nation, which perinit-th- e ior in any walk in life excepting while continued public teaching of the or law, in serving as officers of the doctrine that it is a public tlutv and military pursuits. To all others the right to assassinate it- - thiol officers. Wood, pistol is a menace and a curse. It The life of President - McKinlev now aa direct result bangs in balance the pa demand to would not be violent Coal, of the shortcoming- - ol tie- American sage of laws prohibiting their carrying people in tin- - matter. "T. T. tiKKK, "Governor. " such weapons. Brick This will appear to be extreme d CORN IN UMATILLA COUNTY. and to western men who have been Corn as a crop 111 Umatilla county is accustomed to carry ' "guns" in their The lirst trial was in its nfaucv. pockets. Kven those who deprecate yet made some years ago on reservation contown about pistols of the carrying The trial was a land south oi Athena trary to law, argue that upon moun- success to the extent that the season liehl- - were planted to tain trips or when passing over lonely following, other and now in almost all parts of atretchea o( country, pistols are need- corn, the count) corn SO -- one extent is raisKtpecial alleullou given ed. Yet hundreds of men have travel- ed, says the Athena Press. 10 Consignments ed all over the Blue and Kocky mounIt is planted on summer fallow IS bushtains with no such weapon with them, ground ami yields fromit 10 toallowed to per acre, when is and have come to no harut. Indeed, It els though under very favorable mature, frequently is true that such men leas couditious, a larger yield has been recome to grie( than do those who "pack ported. As a rule this crop is cut and a gun." With a pistol in his pocket, fed in fodder form, and in this way gives eicellent results. a man is prone to depeud upon it for Besides giving satisfaction and good protection, when ordiuary courtesy ami returns as feed for stock, farmer- - who discretion will better answer to extri- raise corn cropf- do so on laud that idle, produccate one from an embarrassing situa- would otherwise be lying ing nothing, aud at the same time tion. would have to he worked more or less ol the president so that the weeds could he kept down The shooting to forcibly aud the ground clean lor the sowing of brings all of these (acts mind. Pistols should be prohibited the wheat crop in tin. fall, In every inslauce almost, where corn has been the private citizen. planted in ground id tins character, the yield has been good, and the qualSOMa NKWSPAPBR ILLUSTRATION !. ity fair for leeding purposes. Newspaper illustrations are sum. work is required in but little more O0 times absurd and cause the country ed& itor to be content that be has not a TKLKPHONK MAIN staff of "artists" to make picturen tor his articles. The other day a Im Francisco paper printed a cut thOWiOg Whoieualt two alleged troop transports coming ill dealer into the harbor. The vessels had no stacks nor evidence of steam power, be ing apparently sailing ships. Now, the government doesu t carry in troops in eailiau vessels, and the pictures were mere newspaper rot. I'rohahly some "artist" found an old cut in his studio at the office and "sent it up" to the composing room to accompany the story. Indeed, newspaper illustrating So.ik Uwhaad nowadays is sometimes very absurd. loroiii;hl 011 retiring, in uiot in guar. Mis purest hoi Ibumi oi aflsclirs skin purifying oa, aa well anIiur.i-ryThe man who in the circuit court . snil mteelwit foi toils!, hath, ami oluuusat, here pleaded guilty to a heinous Dry, anoint fraslv with Cuticoma of fliiolurlite. .i"l puri- -l the great skbli-uncharge, and excused himself on the Wearolilglovm .luring niulit. Kor wiriiliaiiiU, - ami painful linger ground that he was drunk at the time, lU'liing, burningmihtiuIiiiIrMtiiKHi in m tlim e'o, Daily East Orssome'i, delivered by needs boiling in oil. in the nam. of PonssP fSPCviir Said thruufi.ouiiknwuiid carusr, ouly 15 canta a woalt. deoeut manhood, is any wan excusable' tfn,j,. UTO " Uv kto. SmuUIu Irlnclpl UL. t boOkksspcn In iH.ltlonH Aitviaon' irnr.. .(min-opi- I'haiiAiioofa AND a ainuisl, pusjusilvs sckeel, taiisplsswei tl""'''t,,', f.r Mine ejti weri Thsre trt fhomnd of womr n who ihrmk In ttrror st fhr iftOttfM of the hsbv'j romln. Rut childbirth If on.- ol tht working of Nature snd It wsi not Intended to Implv torturr and s(ony to the heron mother ol the rsct. The woman who luffen torture riurins prenincy ,..,1 .1 rkiMklrlh h.f IKILlIk h llHtlf mill crttlon, lnurtd thr orjant which mike her s unman. Neglect of menstrual Irrtuularftle lesd to ovarian palm, fslllntf of the womb anil Icucorrhnea. snd the period of prenancv it neceiiarllv dlttreiiinjt under hoe condi-Uon- i Wine ol Csrdul will regulate the menitrutl function perlectlv snd eventually make the generative oran tron and healthy. Pre nancv and childbirth have no terror for the woman who take thl pure Wine. A .front, healthv womh will brlnif It. precious burden to maturity with little or no pain. A healthy w oman need not fesr childbirth. Wine of Cardui completely cure... all fhe.e trouble, familiarly known at "female" and equips the sensitive generative organs lor pregnancy and childbirth. It WW isve any molher much pain and suffering. All drutglsti lell $1.00 bottles. agri-rultur- WAfUtlUOTOII HTRHKTH ORftANO, OKKOHN MM WINE'CARDIJI Of Our I'tioc Oiottdm, Furnishers ami flatters, Pendleton. V McIMnalit, Qe., Jslj IS, IWO OfNTtBg woman lo tS" Wins with nur other tolas Of ESEL wills fer.1 iys ! in children I WMOomM I Win. er taken have time hut this atatlms. Is ms Draught ani Black oanini ami Thedforn's DOOSSWOrtt WlthOOj ari . hesn able to 1I0 nil my oejtobsson-flnmieventmuble. 1 am rxporllnit Wins of I srtnl M Mv bnsbaad thinks " H. in Ih. worlii the belt BJSdlCinc Black-flmusht STSW nih do.eofThPilf. nl s not He ha. SSIIdrSB. and Hives anme lo the lost a dav from work thi fser, Hs tells hlj friends about your wonderful nie.licineWins Of tell my lady friends to ess OKOROIA l.Kr,- Mm. Oardul. Owing to the dry peculiarities of eastern Oregon soil, to produce a good crop of corn a considerable amount of can should be taken in preparing the ground for the seed, and after the plant is up, careful cultivation is the Mil requirement. The different experiment stations are unanimous in their findings that the cultivation of corn in a dry climate, such a- - llii", must necessarily be shallow, so that the dry dirt on top will not be forced down and mixed with the moist soil at the roots of the plant. QMS cultivation produces tin- - result, with the inevitable fact that the roots scalded and soon wither for want of moisture, and the plant becomes less vigorous, and in the end produces next to nothing, it anything at all. ft etorv I I BAER if DALEY JJr;ff?ts y ,) JJ AISO liru fsiM Sli., POIIILANO. OH- - fct THOnuUOHNlOHH I. the keyuol. gejjj of tto. Holms, method, Um oUiwt "uoc-U- l hoys and m- -l atUaUae. To Oik sf thwn self rullanf buslusaai th. B in.ii sjiU womwi U the work Bciiool h4u b.en dolus, with arssMfyli1K .uccss, for fourlswu yswo i. mi iuii UalfaWVSdWSB vataimu um.
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