Since 1922 LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI Daily Journal of Commerce Official Proposals, Municipal Bonds, and Construction News MONDAY — FRIDAY DIGITAL EDITION MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 YOUR DAILY CONSTRUCTION DATA SOURCE NEW PROJ ECTS NEW ORLEANS HIGHWAY PROJECTS JEFFERSON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.009406.6-R2 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 48 at Evans Drive Location: Jefferson Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of drainage structures, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. BERNARD PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.010406.6 Project Title: Louisiana 46 from Orleans Parish line to Paris Road Location: St. Bernard Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 3%; OJT Goal: 1 Trainees HIGHWAY PROJECTS JEFFERSON AND ORLEANS PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.010636.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 90 over Mississippi River (GNO 2) STRL Repairs & Spot Paint Location: Jefferson and Orleans parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $15,000,000-$20,000,000 Scope: Work consists of bridge repairs, bridge painting, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 10 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Main Conference Room, Regional Transportation Center, 10 Veterans Blvd., New Orleans, La. 70124. A site visit will follow. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner HIGHWAY PROJECTS JEFFERSON, ORLEANS, ST. BERNARD AND ST. CHARLES PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.01140.6 Project Title: District 02BC Controller Upgrade Location: Jefferson, Orleans, St. Bernard and St. Charles parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of traffic signalization and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 1% (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) BID OPENINGS BIDS EXTENDED & POSTPONED BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, NEW ORLEANS, LA Project Number: IFB No. 2015-006 Project: Regional Transit Authority - Carrollton Facility Renovation and Upgrade, New Orleans Bid Date: Jul. 7 at 2 p.m. (extended from Jun. 4) Owner: Regional Transit Authority, 2817 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 248-3900 Plans From: project owner AUDIO/VISUAL, NEW ORLEANS, LA Project Number: Proposal No. 2285-01833 Project: Juvenile Courts Audio Video Systems at the New Juvenile Courts Complex, New Orleans Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. (extended from Jun. 2) Owner: City of New Orleans Purchasing, 1300 Perdido Street, Room 4W07 - City Hall, New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 658-1550 Plans From: project owner COASTAL RESTORATION, CAMERON PARISH, LA Project Number: Project No. CS-33 30 Listings of projects out for bids in New Orleans, Louisiana, and Mississippi. These are listed first by regions- New Orleans, Louisiana, and Mississippi, then by bid date, with the most recent occuring first. The news items in today’s Journal have been obtained from Architects, Engineers, Contractors and others means and are believed to be correct — but human errors or mechanical errors are possible. Corrections will be made when we are notified. New Orleans JUNE 2, 2015 Bid openings in today’s issue 14 Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4-5 Official Proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 Bond Advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9-13 Sub Bids Wanted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 25 Business Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 26 PLUMBING, NEW ORLEANS, LA Project: Reinsulate Phase II Chilled Water Lines, New Orleans Bid Date: Jun. 3 at 10 a.m. (extended from May 27) Owner: New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 900 Convention Center Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 582-3035 Plans From: project owner MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS, BROOKHAVEN, MS Project Number: WGK Proejct No. 2014-403-00 Project: City of Brookhaven - 2014 CDBG Sewer Improvements, Brookhaven Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. (extended from May 12) Owner: City of Brookhaven, 301 S. First Street, Room 102, Brookhaven, MS 39601 (601) 833-2362 Plans From: WGK, Inc., 204 W. Leake Street, Clinton, MS 39056 (601) 925-4444 BIDS OPENED BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, LAFAYETTE, LA Project: Maison de la Paix Apartments Phase III, Lafayette Bid Date: May 27 at 3 p.m. Apparent Low Bidders: Russ Builders, 6733 Sonny Boy Yeldell Road, Bastrop, LA 71220 (318) 281-8873 — $599,000 True Construction, Inc., P.O. Box 727, Jennings, LA 70546 (337) 7742653 Fax (337) 744-2654 — $693,000 Phillips Construction, 909 Tate Road, Ville Platte, LA 70586 (337) 363-3163 Fax (337) 363-1157 — $694,000 Owner: Maison de la Paix Apartment c/o Ardoin Architecture, LLC, 130 W. South Street, Opelousas, LA 70570 (337) 948-1202 Plans From: Ardoin Architecture, LLC, 130 W. South Street, Opelousas, LA 70570 (337) 9481202 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) BID CALENDAR Inside Today’s Journal New projects in today’s issue Project: Shoreline Restoration Sand Fence Replacement, Cameron Parish Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. (extended from May 28) Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, 450 Laurel Street, Suite 1501, Baton Rouge, LA 70801 (225) 342-0811 Fax (225) 342-4674 ELECTRICAL WORK KENNER Project Number: Bid No. 15-6279 Project Title: Labor only contract for Miscellaneous Repair, Maintenance and/or Troubleshooting of Overhead Lighting Lamps, Fixtures, Poles, Foundations and Wiring on all city properties Location: Kenner, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 9:45 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 19 at 10:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 1610 Rev. Richard Wilson Drive, Kenner, La. Owner: City of Kenner, Purchasing Department, 1801 Williams Blvd., Building C, third floor, Kenner, LA 70063 (504) 468-7261 Plans From: project owner ELECTRICAL WORK JEFFERSON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. 50-00113238 Project Title: Furnish and Install Buss Duct, Inspect and Test, 13,800 Feeder from Main Breaker to GE Prolec 2500 KVA Transformer Location: Jefferson Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: project owner FIRE PROTECTION JEFFERSON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. 50-113247 Project Title: Three Contract - Labor Rate to Troubleshoot and Labor Rate to Repair Various Fire Alarm and Life Safety Systems for Various Buildings for the Jefferson Parish Department of General Services Location: Jefferson Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: project owner MECHANICAL NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Requisition No. 075363 Project Title: Maintenance and Improvements at the Patterson Drainage Pump Sta- tion - Port of New Orleans Location: Jourdan Road New Orleans, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $220,000-$280,000 Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 19 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Port of New Orleans, Second Floor, Room 240, 1350 Port of New Orleans Place, New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 528-3345 Fax (504) 528-3460 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $50 per set Planholders: Boh Bros. Const. Co., LLC, P.O. Drawer 53266, New Orleans, LA 70153 (504) 8212400 Fax (504) 821-0714 Lou-Con, Inc., 3100 E. Saint Bernard Highway, Meraux, LA 70075 (504) 271-3431 Fax (504) 271-1184 Romar Pipe & Rail Co., 2955 Ridgelake Drive, Suite 112, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 8280547 Fax (504) 828-0548 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS JEFFERSON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. 50-00113240 Project Title: Three Process Analyzers for Jefferson Parish Department of Public Works - Water Location: Jefferson Parish, LA (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2) 2 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids NEW ORLEANS PUBLISHING GROUP, L.L.C. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) 3445 N. Causeway Blvd. Suite 901 Metairie, LA. 70002 LISA BLOSSMAN Publisher ANNE N. LOVAS General Manager GREG LAROSE Managing Editor BECKY NAQUIN Assistant Data Editor GINA BRIGNAC Director of Operations (504) 834-9292 SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE United States & its possessions: Prices include Print and On-line access One Year Six Months Three months $559.00 $405.00 $275.00 For a FREE SAMPLE call BECKY NAQUIN at (504) 293-9219 or email To place orders, change of address, temporary stop or subscription billing information mail information to: DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE-LA Subscription Services 41 West Street Boston, MA 02111 or call/email: Phone: (800) 451-9998 Fax: (800) 329-8478 Email: SUBMIT PAYMENTS TO: Subscription Services P.O. Box 1667 Minneapolis, MN 55480-1667 For TECHNICAL SUPPORT for the DJC Website or if your newspaper is late or missing and for single copy sales call (800) 451-9998. Our Website address is OFFICIAL PROPOSAL & MUNICIPAL BOND To place a public notice advertisement: e-mail PUBLIC NOTICE ADVERTISEMENT RATES (Per 9-point line -single column per day) 1 time $1.61 2 times $1.18 3 or more times $1.00 $25.00 per affidavit or notarized proof of publication DISPLAY & CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Are Available On Request Call Anne Lovas at (504) 293-9216 or e-mail CLASSIFIEDS $17.00 per column inch per insertion e-mail or call (504) 293-9216 To let us know about news stories e-mail POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 41 West Street Boston, MA 02111 The entire contents of this newspaper are copyrighted by NOPG, L.L.C., with all rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without permission, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. New Orleans Publishing Group, L.L.C. Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: project owner MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS JEFFERSON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. 50-00113239 Project Title: Supply and Install Gas Chromatograph and related accessories for the Jefferson Parish Department of Public Works - Water Location: Jefferson Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: project owner PARKING LOT IMPS. NEW ORLEANS Project Title: Xavier University of Louisiana West Campus - Additional Parking Location: Drexel Drive New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 15 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 1 Drexel Drive Administration Building “Old Board Room”, New Orleans, La. Owner: Xavier University of Louisiana, 1 Drexel Drive, Room 216B, New Orleans, LA 70125 Plans From: New Orleans Reproduction, 824 Union Street, New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 522-4271 Planholders: Durr Heavy Const., LLC, 817 Hickory, Harahan, LA 70123 (504) 737-3205 Fax (504) 737-3905 Rotolo Consultants, Inc., 894 Robert Blvd., Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 643-2427 Fax (985) 643-3433 CDW Services, LLC, 721 Papworth Avenue, Suite 101, Metairie, LA 70005 (504) 8282061 Fax (504) 828-2063 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Bid Solicitation No. 500C-01823 Project Title: Lower 9th Ward - Quad 3 Pavement Only (2012-FEMA 9A-4B) Location: New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 13 at 1:30 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Purchasing Conference Room, 4W05, Fourth Floor, City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street, New Orleans, La. 70112. Owner: City of New Orleans Purchasing, 1300 Perdido Street, Room 4W07 - City Hall, New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 658-1550 Plans From: HNTB Corporation, 2021 Lakeshore Drive, Suite 230, New Orleans, LA 70122 (504) 218-2279 Planholders: Hard Rock Const. Co., 2305 L & A Road, Metairie, LA 70001 (504) 835-1050 Fax (504) 837-0490 Wallace C. Drennan, Inc., P.O. Box 15438, New Orleans, LA 70175 (504) 828-8000 Fax (504) 836-2939 Fleming Const. Co., 23 E. Airline Drive, Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 464-4000 Fax (504) 464-4036 Boh Bros. Const. Co., LLC, P.O. Drawer 53266, New Orleans, LA 70153 (504) 821-2400 Fax w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m (504) 821-0714 Durr Heavy Const., LLC, 817 Hickory, Harahan, LA 70123 (504) 737-3205 Fax (504) 737-3905 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Roubion Construction Co., Inc., 824 Dakin Street, Jefferson, LA 70121 (504) 269-9909 Fax (504) 269-3551 Baker Ready Mix, 2800 Frenchmen, New Orleans, LA 70122 (504) 947-8081 Fax (504) 947-8085 Beverly Construction, Inc., 1215 River Road, Westwego, LA 70096 (985) 264-8725 Boines Const. & Equip. Co., 2401 Norman Street, Harvey, LA 70058 (504) 368-2735 Fax (504) 368-2749 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Requisition No. 076030 Project Title: Clarence Henry Truckway Widening for Queuing Lane Addition Location: Coffee Drive and Napoleon Terminal New Orleans, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $900,000-$1,200,000 Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 19 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 1350 Port of New Orleans Place, New Orleans, La. Owner: Port of New Orleans, Second Floor, Room 240, 1350 Port of New Orleans Place, New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 528-3345 Fax (504) 528-3460 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $50 per set Planholders: Boh Bros. Const. Co., LLC, P.O. Drawer 53266, New Orleans, LA 70153 (504) 821-2400 Fax (504) 821-0714 Fleming Const. Co., 23 E. Airline Drive, Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 464-4000 Fax (504) 464-4036 K-Belle Consultants/General Contractor, LLC, 3727 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 488-0222 Fax (504) 617-7797 Lou-Con, Inc., 3100 E. Saint Bernard Highway, Meraux, LA 70075 (504) 271-3431 Fax (504) 271-1184 Durr Heavy Const., LLC, 817 Hickory, Harahan, LA 70123 (504) 737-3205 Fax (504) 737-3905 JUNE 3, 2015 PLUMBING NEW ORLEANS Project Title: Reinsulate Phase II Chilled Water Lines Location: 900 Convention Center Blvd. New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 13 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Purchasing Department Conference Room, First Floor near the Henderson Street Employee’s Entrance next to Hall J. Owner: New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 900 Convention Center Blvd., New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 582-3035 Plans From: project owner ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK LAFITTE Project Number: A/E Project No. 20-1122C Project Title: Lafitte Vicinity - Town Streets Location: Lafitte, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 Lafitte Town Hall, 2654 Jean Lafitte Blvd., Lafitte, La. 70067. Owner: Town of Jean Lafitte, 2654 Jean Lafitte Blvd., Lafitte, LA 70067 (504) 6892208 Fax (504) 689-7801 Plans From: Meyer Engineers, Ltd., Engineers & Architects, 4937 Hearst Avenue, Metairie, LA 70001 (504) 885-9892 Deposit: $60 per set JUNE 4, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WESTWEGO Project Number: A/E Project No. 20-1323 Project Title: Westwego Performing Arts Theatre Rehabilitation Location: 177 Sala Avenue Westwego, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 7 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: City of Westwego, City Hall, 419 Avenue A, Westwego, LA 70094 (504) 3413424 Plans From: Meyer Engineers, Ltd., Engineers & Architects, 4937 Hearst Avenue, Metairie, LA 70001 (504) 885-9892 Deposit: $25 per set on CD, non-refundable Planholders: D.B. Services, Inc., P.O. Box 980, Belle Chasse, LA 70037 (985) 657-7646 Fax (504) 3939536 PARK IMPROVEMENTS METAIRIE Project Number: Proposal No. 50-00113244 Project Title: Minor Demolition and Construction of a Foundation and Installation of a Decorative Clock for Lafreniere Park Location: 3000 Downs Blvd. Metairie, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 29 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Purchasing Department, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, La. 70053. Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: Linfield, Hunter & Junius, Inc., 3608 18th. Street, Suite 200, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 833-5300 Deposit: $50 per set Planholders: Commander Corp., 2339 A.P. Tureaud Ave., New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 948-8862 Fax (504) 948-8832 Boines Const. & Equip. Co., 2401 Norman Street, Harvey, LA 70058 (504) 368-2735 Fax (504) 368-2749 JUNE 9, 2015 AUDIO/VISUAL NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Proposal No. 2285-01833 Project Title: Juvenile Courts Audio Video Systems at the New Juvenile Courts Complex Location: 1100-B Milton Street New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 18 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Purchasing Conference Room, No. 4W05 Fourth Floor, City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street, New Orleans, La. 70112. Owner: City of New Orleans Purchasing, 1300 Perdido Street, Room 4W07 - City Hall, New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 658-1550 Plans From: project owner FLOORING METAIRIE Project Number: Proposal No. 50-00112997 Project Title: East Bank Regional Library Flooring Replacement Location: 4747 W. Napoleon Avenue Metairie, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 21 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: project owner MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS ST. BERNARD PARISH Project Number: Project No. DWRLF-1001 Project Title: St. Bernard Parish Government Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund Waterline Replacement Project 1.1 Location: St. Bernard Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Department of Public Works, 1125 E. St. Bernard Highway, Chalmette, La. Owner: St. Bernard Parish Government Department of Public Works, 1125 E. St. Bernard Highway, Chalmette, LA 70043 (504) 278-4317 Fax (504) 278-4329 Plans From: Digital Engineering & Imaging, Inc., 527 W. Esplanade Avenue, Suite 200, Kenner, LA 70065 (504) 468-6129 Fax (504) 461-5151 Deposit: $125 per set PARKING LOT IMPS. CHALMETTE Project Title: Chalmette High School Parking Lot Location: 2601 Veronica Drive Chalmette, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 19 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Ninth Grade Academy Cafeteria, 1101 E. Judge Perez Drive, Chalmette, La. 70043. Owner: St. Bernard Parish School Board, 200 E. Saint Bernard Highway, Chalmette, LA 70043-5162 (504) 301-2000 Plans From: Letterman’s Blue Print & Supply Company, 2475 Canal Street, Suite 101, New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 821-9997 Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Boasso Construction, LLC, 2407 Paris Road, Chalmette, LA 70043 (504) 271-1509 Picou-Fradella Const. Co., Inc., 8331 Lafitte Court, Chalmette, LA 70043 (504) 279-3229 Fax (504) 279-3200 Beverly Construction, Inc., 1215 River Road, Westwego, LA 70096 (985) 264-8725 New Limits Enterprises, LLC, P. O. Box 641707, Kenner, LA 70064 (504) 701-4651 Poret Construction, LLC, 1043 Creek Court, Mandeville, LA 70448 (985) 951-7275 Hard Rock Const. Co., 2305 L & A Road, Metairie, LA 70001 (504) 835-1050 Fax (504) 837-0490 DGG Enterprises, LLC, 400 Hay Place, New Orleans, LA 70124 (504) 258-7361 Landrieu Concrete & Cement industries, 4141 Paris Road, Chalmette, LA 70043 (504) 3044406 Fax (504) 304-4409 Frischhertz Electric Co., Inc., P.O. Drawer 19266, New Orleans, LA 70179 (504) 4821146 Wallace C. Drennan, Inc., P.O. Box 15438, (CONTINUED ON PAGE 4) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE BUILDING BLOCKS: NEWS YOU CAN USE Convention Center plans ambitious expansion NEW ORLEANS – A vision for development that includes new restaurants, retail shops, a residential component and a headquarters hotel could drastically change the face of riverfront property adjacent to the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. But the developers behind the proposal and the facility’s leadership say the project must be planned properly. They and the Port of New Orleans also are considering the potential traffic impacts in the area. The Convention Center is looking to build what amounts to a new riverfront neighborhood on a roughly 47-acre tract of land upriver from the facility. The property had previously been pegged for additional exhibition space for the center, but plans were shelved following Hurricane Katrina. Convention Center General Manager Bob Johnson said staff went back to the drawing board to come up with a better investment of the facility’s money that would help bring new events to the building. The plan, announced last year, includes investment of $150 million to improve infrastructure in an effort to attract private developers who would spend as much as $700 million on assorted amenities. “We saw this as the best investment of our money outside of new raw exhibition space,” Johnson said. “It would be among the largest private investments the city has seen.” The convention center solicited developers for ideas last summer and is now in talks with a joint team that includes Howard Hughes Corp. and local developers Darryl Berger and Joe Jaeger. Johnson said the facility’s board is currently conducting a vetting process and no formal development agreements have been signed. He said an agreement could come by the end of the year. The proposal from Howard Hughes/Berger/Jaeger includes a more than 1,000room convention center headquarters hotel by MGM Grand, more than 1,400 residential units including townhouses, apartments, condos and skylofts, a riverfront building with 250,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space, a cultural campus with higher education and research tenants and a tower-like structure offering views of the river. “It’s a rare thing to have 47 acres of vacant land within the core of a city,” said Mark Bulmash, Howard Hughes senior vice president for develop- Developers envision a new neighborhood upriver from the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center that would include restaurants, retail, residences and a hotel. Courtesy Ernest N. Morial Convention Center ment. “Our goal is to create a community-conscious development that could be a seminal project for the city. It could serve as an opportunity to knit different neighborhoods together and bring more residents to the riverfront.” Bulmash said everything on the table is strictly preliminary and all part of an evolving project. He said the entire development would take years to execute. “It needs to be planned and executed well,” Bulmash said. “We’ve been in many discussions with assorted stakeholders so that they all can understand the project.” According to the proposal, the project would be part of a new economic development district along the river, where special sales taxes would be imposed to pay for new commercial developments. The first step in the overarching plan was executed earlier this month, when the Convention Cen- ter’s governing board approved a resolution to begin construction of a $65 million linear park along Convention Center Boulevard from Poydras to Henderson streets. The park would create a pedestrianfriendly corridor with outdoor meeting space, green areas, and “people movers” that would help get convention goers where they need to be. Johnson said that project includes dropping Convention Center Boulevard from four lanes to two and rearranging traffic patterns to alleviate clogged arteries. “It has become a real struggle for pedestrians to get across the boulevard and weave in and out of traffic,” Johnson said. “The changes will create an active green space for downtown.” The Convention Center is currently working with the Port of New Orleans and the city planning department on a traffic study to determine the impact of a change in traffic patterns in the ware- East Mississippi Community College officials seeks upgrades SCOOBA, Miss. — Retiring East Mississippi Community College President Dr. Rick Young will spend his final six weeks at the school by campaigning for a new men's dorm and a new athletic operations center to be built for the main campus in Scooba. The Meridian Star reports Young, Vice President Dr. Paul Miller, head football coach Buddy Stephens and Institutional Advancement and Alumni Affairs Director Nick Clark met with the Lauderdale County Board of Supervisors to present a plan to replace two men's dorms built in the 1940s and to build a new, centralized athletic center for the Lions' sports teams. "We have two dorms that were built in the mid-1940s, Noxubee Hall and Lauderdale Hall, and we only have two years of life left in these dorms," Young said. "Some new dorms are sorely needed. We also need a new sports operations facility. We're hoping the supervisors support us because we have to replaces these dorms." Miller said EMCC will start a 25-year, $70 million plan that will boost the housing and student life on the Scooba campus. "The dorm needs have become critical," Miller said. "We have a set deadline of no more than five years and then we have to tear down the old dorms. We're looking to scale this project in phases. Our first new dorm will be at 160 beds and that would replace the two buildings and its combined 140 beds, so we would have a net gain of beds." Clark told the supervisors it will cost $7 million to build the new dorm and $5 million to build the athletic operations center. He said EMCC can raise $7.7 million through its bonds, student fees and other sources. He asked the supervisors for $3.46 million that would be allocated over a 20-year period or roughly $180,000 a year. Supervisor Wayman Newell liked the plan and said the supervisors will discuss it during a work session for the upcoming 2016 budget year. —The Associated Press house district. The study is still in its early stages. Johnson said the combination of Dallas-based Howard Hughes Corp., which owns and operates the Riverwalk, and local developers Berger and Jaeger, who own an assortment of hotels and other properties in the city, offer separate talents that give the project the best chance to succeed, adding that it is imperative that the plans match what the Convention Center envisions for the tract. Bulmash said Hughes is bullish on the opportunities for growth within the city as it approaches its tricentennial in 2018. “There are uses coming online in the city that weren’t occurring before,” he said. “This is about keeping New Orleans a premier destination for convention traffic.” —Robin Shannon Attorney General takes over inquiry into drainage district MORGAN CITY - The state attorney general has taken over the investigation of contracting in a St. Mary Parish drainage district. Attorney General’s Office spokesman Steven Hartmann tells KATCTV that the local district attorney recused himself. Prosecutors in St. Mary Parish asked the Legislative Auditor’s Office to examine the St. Mary Parish Consolidated Gravity Drainage District No. 2 after getting a tip about questionable contracting practices. The audit, released Monday, says former maintenance supervisor Peter Businelle directed more than $2.6 million in drainage district money to his welding business from 2009 through 2013, supposedly to pay for things like grass cutting and maintenance. During the same time, Businelle paid former district chairman Carl Kraemer more than $42,000. About $11,000 of equipment purchased by the district can’t be found by current district officials. —The Associated Press 3 4 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE NEW PROJ ECTS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) LOUISIANA WATER SYSTEM IMPRS. SIMMESPORT Project Title: Town of Simmesport Water Distribution and Chlorination Improvements Location: Simmesport, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 2 p.m. Owner: Town of Simmesport, 372 Mission Drive, Simmesport, LA 71369 Plans From: Meyer, Meyer, LaCroix & Hixson LLC, 100 Engineer Place, Alexandria, LA 71303 (318) 4480888 Deposit: $40 per set on CD, nonrefundable CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS WELSH Project Number: Bid No. 010615 Project Title: Welsh Gravity Drainage District No. 1 East Bayou Lacassine Maintenance Clearing and Dredging Services Location: Welsh, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jul. 21 at 3:30 p.m. Owner: Welsh Gravity Drainage District No. 1, 20263 Highway 99, Welsh, LA 70591 (337) 734-2321 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $125 per set, non-refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK LAKE CHARLES Project Number: CIAA Project No. 2015-11 Louisiana State Project No. H.011875 AIP No. 3-22-0086-015-2015 Project Title: Rehabilitate Taxiway A Phase 3 Paving and Lighting Chennault International Airport Location: 3650 Senator J. Bennett Johnston Avenue Lake Charles, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of paving and lighting project includes the construction of a double-surface treatment, asphalt overlay of Taxiway A, as well as associated taxiway edge light systems improvements. Bids Due: Jun. 30 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Office of the Authority, project site. Owner: Chennault International Airport Authority, 3650 Senator J. Bennett Johnston Avenue, Lake Charles, LA 70615 (337) 491-9961 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $150 per set, refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK ST. TAMMANY PARISH Project Number: Project No. 313-00-15-22-1 Project Title: 2015 Districts 5 and 13 Panel Replacements Location: St. Tammany Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner HIGHWAY PROJECTS RAPIDES PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.010488.6 Project Title: Interstate 49 from 0.32 miles south of Louisiana Highway 181 to 0.44 miles north of U.S. Highway 167 Location: Rapides Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 6% HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.008318.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 636-3 from LA 628 to LA 44 Location: St. John the Baptist Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 8% HIGHWAY PROJECTS FRANKLIN PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.009586.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 4 from LA 578 to Bayou Macon Bridge Location: Franklin Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, lime treatment, in-place cement treated base course, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 2% HIGHWAY PROJECTS CALCASIEU PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.009611.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 90 from Edgerly to Sulphur Location: Calcasieu Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 3% HIGHWAY PROJECTS TERREBONNE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.009659.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 90 from 1.5 miles east LA 20 from 0.3 miles West LA 309 Location: Terrebonne Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of pavement patching, cold planing asphaltic concrete, clean and seal cracks, thin asphaltic concrete, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, New Projects (continued on Page 14) w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m BID OPENINGS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1) BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, ST. MARTINVILLE, LA Project Number: HMGP No. 1786-099-0001 Project: NO BIDS RECEIVED - St. Martin Parish Government St. Martin OEP Safe Room, St. Martinville Bid Date: May 27 at 2 p.m. No bids were received Owner: St. Martin Parish Government, Government Annex, 301 W. Port Street, St. Martinville, LA 70582 (337) 394-2200 Plans From: Quality Engineering & Surveying, LLC, 18350 Highway 42, Port Vincent, LA 70726 (225) 6981600 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS, ST. JAMES PARISH, LA Project: Raw Water Intake Pump Station, East Bank Water Treatment Plant, St. James Parish Bid Date: May 27 at 2 p.m. Apparent Low Bidders: Sealevel Const. Inc., 1303 Ridgefield Road, Thibodaux, LA 70301 (985) 448-0970 Fax (985) 448-0922 — $1,520,000 BLD Services, LLC, 2424 Tyler Street, Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 4661344 Fax (504) 461-5971 — $1,745,000 Owner: St. James Parish Government, 5800 Louisiana Highway 44, Convent, LA 70723 (225) 562-2295 Plans From: Providence/GSE, Associates, LLC, 991 Grand Caillou Road, Houma, LA 70363 (985) 8766380 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, SHREVEPORT, LA Project: Library Renovations Feist Weller Cancer Center - Louisiana Health Sciences Center, Shreveport Bid Date: May 27 at 2 p.m. Apparent Low Bidder: Gene Nims Bldrs., Inc., 8501 Line Avenue, Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 865-6467 Fax (318) 865-5159 — amount not available Owner: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, 1427 Kings Highway, Shreveport, LA 71130 (318) 675-5285 Fax (318) 675-5187 Plans From: Bledsoe Architects, LLC, 735 Robinhood Street, Shreveport, LA 71106 (318) 219-2295 GOLF COURSE, DELHI, LA Project Number: Project No. 06-264-13-01, Part J4 Project: Bunker Repair/Renovation, Black Bear Golf Course, Poverty Point Reservoir State Park, Delhi Bid Date: May 27 at 2 p.m. Apparent Low Bidders: Dirtworks, Inc. of Vicksburg, P.O. Box 821368, Vicksburg, MS 39182 (601) 636-6609 Fax (601) 636-6627 — $626,730 Duininick Bros., Inc., P.O. Box 208, Prinsburg, MN 56281 (320) 9786011 — $705,000 Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 708049095 Plans From: Meyer, Meyer, LaCroix & Hixson LLC, 100 Engineer Place, Alexandria, LA 71303 (318) 4480888 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS, GRAND ISLE, LA Project Number: Project No. 06-264-13-01, Part OC Project: Main Water Supply Line Replacement, Grand Isle State Park, Grand Isle Bid Date: May 27 at 2 p.m. Apparent Low Bidders: Mixson Utiltity Services, 10656 Oakbend Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 715-0819 Fax (866) 253-1622 — $228,095 Expert Maintenance & Construction Services, LLC, P.O. Box 741, Prairieville, LA 70769 (225) 9101121 Fax (225) 622-5695 — $234,485 Petron, Inc., P.O. Box 8718, Alexandria, LA 71306 (318) 445-5685 — $389,000 Wallace C. Drennan, Inc., P.O. Box 15438, New Orleans, LA 70175 (504) 828-8000 Fax (504) 836-2939 — $397,015 Byron E. Talbot Contr., Inc., 24288 Highway 190, Robert, LA 70455 (985) 419-9925 Fax (985) 419-9833 — $465,000 Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 708049095 Plans From: J. Wayne Plaisance, Inc., 131 E. 91st. Street, Cut Off, LA 70345 (985) 632-5596 Fax (985) 632-5628 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK, FARMERVILLE, LA Project Number: Project No. 2015 SP No. 505-560031 Project: Bayou D’Arbonne Lake Watershed District Various Spillway Repair Projects, Farmerville Bid Date: May 19 at 10 a.m. Apparent Low Bidder: Louisiana Bridge, Inc., P.O. Box 489, Farmerville, LA 71241 (318) 3682556 Fax (318) 368-9969 — amount not available Owner: Bayou D’Arbonne Lake Watershed Dist % Riley Co. of La., Inc., 112 E. Mississippi Avenue, Ruston, LA 71270 (318) 251-0238 Fax (318) 251-0239 Plans From: Riley Company of Louisiana, Inc., 112 E. Mississippi Avenue, Ruston, LA 71270 (318) 251-0238 Fax (318) 251-0239 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, LAKE CHARLES, LA Project: Lake Charles Ward 3 Recreation District Senior Center, Lake Charles Bid Date: May 19 at 10 a.m. Apparent Low Bidder: John D. Myers & Associates, 3613 Ryan Street, Lake Charles, LA 70605 (337) 478-8381 Fax (337) 478-8393 — amount not available Owner: Lake Charles Recreation District 1 of Ward 3, 3210 Power Centre Parkway, Lake Charles, LA Plans From: Brossett Architect, LLC, 414 Pujo Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 (337) 439-8400 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS, ST. LANDRY PARISH, LA Project: Roadside and Outfall Channel Drainage Improvements along Cemetery Road, St. Landry Parish Bid Date: May 18 at 10 a.m. Apparent Low Bidder: Five S Farms & Construction Co., Inc., 2177 Cemetary Road, Ville Platte, LA 70586 (337) 543-6147 Fax (337) 543-6141 — amount not available Owner: St. Landry Parish Government, 118 S. Court Street, Suite 133, Opelousas, LA 70570 (337) 9483688 Plans From: Aucoin & Associates, Inc., 433 N. CC Duson Street, Eunice, LA 70535 (337) 457-7366 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2) 329-0419 Fax (504) 265-8210 Caleb Investments and Contracting, Inc., 429 Parlange Drive, Pearl River, LA 70452 (504) 329-0419 NFT Group, LLC, 1521 Crete Street, Suite 1A, New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 644-7742 New Orleans, LA 70175 (504) 828-8000 Fax (504) 836-2939 Fleming Const. Co., 23 E. Airline Drive, Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 464-4000 Fax (504) 464-4036 Youngs General Contracting, 1635 Gentilly Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) PLUMBING/ELECTRICAL JEFFERSON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. 50-00113088 Project Title: Two Year Maintenance Contract for Monitoring and Maintaning Decorative Fountain System throughout Jefferson Parish List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 PERMITS Jefferson Parish Building Permits Commercial May 8, Champs/Kent, Tenant renovation - retail, 197 Westbank Expressway, 6,148 square feet, $200,000, Tom Rectenwald Construction May 9, No owner listed, Tenant renovation - Building No. 6 15 apartments, 2220 Cleary Avenue, $698,000, Gemstar Construction May 8, Steve Milano, Addition to existing building - Peterbuilt, 5708 Susitna Drive, 895 square feet, $455,000, Marsiglia Construction Residential May 8, Paul E. Riviere, Twostory single family dwelling with pool room, 107 Bordeaux Street, 6,300 square feet, $378,000, Gelpi Homes, Inc. May 8, Terry Gullage, Single family dwelling with garage, 2647 Crestwood Road, 5,403 square feet, $324,000, No contractor listed May 11, Scott Rigney, Twostory single family dwelling with garage, 9608 Justin Place, 4,517 square feet, $369,000, No contractor listed May 8, Aaron Joffary, Twostory single family dwelling with garage, 1329 Helios Avenue, 4,082 square feet, $244,000, No contractor listed May 8, Robert Watrous, Twostory single family dwelling with garage, 312 Cuddihy Drive, 5,943 square feet, $425,000, Guidry Custom Homes, Inc. May 8, No owner listed, Single family dwelling, 1705 Taylor Street, 1,456 square feet, $140,000, Landcraft, LLC May 5, Jordan Lambert, 1.5 story single family dwelling, 121 Ravan Avenue, 3,360 square feet, $201,000, No contractor listed May 5, Marilyn Venegas, Fire damage repairs to existing residence, 1332 Hickory Avenue, $138,000, River Ridge Electric May 5, Jonathan Entwisle, Single family dwelling with garage, 306 Normandy, 2,976 square feet, $178,000, Aquarius Builder, Inc. Information courtesy Treen Permit Report. - Department of Public Works - Parkways Location: Jefferson Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: project owner BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CHALMETTE Project Title: Chalmette High School (CHS) (CONTINUED ON PAGE 5) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4) Accessory Building Location: 1100 E. Judge Perez Drive Chalmette, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2:30 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Main Entrance, project site. Owner: St. Bernard Parish School Board, 200 E. Saint Bernard Highway, Chalmette, LA 70043-5162 (504) 301-2000 Plans From: Planholders: Boasso Construction, LLC, 2407 Paris Road, Chalmette, LA 70043 (504) 271-1509 CDW Services, LLC, 721 Papworth Avenue, Suite 101, Metairie, LA 70005 (504) 8282061 Fax (504) 828-2063 W.L. Wyman Construction Company, Inc., 113 Jarrell Drive, Belle Chasse, LA 70073 (504) 393-8656 Fax (504) 393-0011 New Limits Enterprises, LLC, P. O. Box 641707, Kenner, LA 70064 (504) 701-4651 Gibbs Const. LLC, P.O. Box 23730, New Orleans, LA 70183 (504) 733-4336 Fax (504) 734-0389 JUNE 10, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Project No. 2014-0573-0001 Project Title: Roof Replacement at Eleanor McMain Secondary School Location: 5712 S. Claiborne New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 21 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Orleans Parish School Board Purchasing and Ancillary Services, 3520 General DeGaulle, New Orleans, LA 70114 Plans From: Duplantis Design Group, P.C., 314 E. Bayou Road, Thibodaux, LA 70301 (985) 447-0090 Deposit: $200 per set HIGHWAY PROJECTS JEFFERSON AND ORLEANS PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.011658.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 90 Business Signing Upgrade - Westbank Location: Jefferson and Orleans parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of permanent signing and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 3%; OJT Goal: 1 Trainees Planholders: Collins & Hermann, Inc., 1215 Dunn Road, St. Louis, MO 63138 (314) 869-8000 Fax (314) 869-8498 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Ozark Safety Services, LLC, P. O. Box 210128, Montgomery, AL 36121 (334) 277-6577 Fax (334) 277-6575 Traffic Solutions, Inc., 2950 St. Anthony St, New Orleans, LA 70122 (504) 948-4809 w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m PERMITS Orleans Parish Building Permits Commercial May 6, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Tenant renovation - elementary school, 3700 Tall Pines Drive, $1,000,000, Blanchard Mechanical May 11, Marriott/Neda Nekoui, Tenant renovation - 41st Floor - hotel, 555 Canal Street, $1,000,000, Landis Construction May 12, No owner listed, Renovation and tenant finish - dermo clinic, 1224 St. Charles Avenue, $492,000, Cain Construction & Designs, LLC Residential May 12, No owner listed, Renovate existing residence, 923 Barracks Street, $350,000, Roland A. Arriaga May 6, Debbie Lewellen, Single family dwelling, 1479 Granada Drive, 2,237 square feet, $233,000, Sunrise Construction/Development - Slidell May 9, Neal Manalla, Single family dwelling, 5017 Dauphine Street, 1,664 square feet, $138,000, No contractor listed May 11, Albert J. Armagnac, Renovation and addition to existing residence - supplemental permit, 1018 St. Anthony Street, $130,000, Tad Breaux Design Build May 12, David Hope, RenovaJUNE 12, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION NEW ORLEANS Project Title: Southern University at New Orleans - Forensic Science Laboratory Buildout Location: Press Drive New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 12 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Conference Room No. 306, Emmit Bashfull Building, 6400 Press Drive, New Orleans, La. 70126. Owner: Southern University at New Orleans, 6400 Press Drive, New Orleans, LA 70126 (504) 286-5020 Plans From: project owner Planholders: CDW Services, LLC, 721 Papworth Avenue, Suite 101, Metairie, LA 70005 (504) 8282061 Fax (504) 828-2063 JUNE 16, 2015 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS EMPIRE Project Number: Project No. 15-08-01 Project Title: Lift Station No. 24 Improvements Location: Empire, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of new triplex submersible sewer pump station, associated gravity sewer improvements, demolition of an existing sewer pump station at the same location, and other related work items. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory tion - three family, 7535 Jeannette Street, $121,000, Kemper Construction May 12, No owner listed, Renovation and addition to existing residence, 7724 Burthe Street, 200 square feet, $119,000, Circa Builders, LLC May 12, No owner listed, Garage, bathroom and outdoor kitchen, 332 Vallette Street, 1,030 square feet, $100,000, LK Harmon (Architect) May 7, No owner listed, Convert to single family dwelling, 1201 N. Roman Street, $176,000, Boyce Wright, LLC May 12, NORA, Single family dwelling, 4108 Davey Street, 2,152 square feet, $160,000, Timothy D. Trerrell (Architect) May 6, William J. Bravender, Jr., Single family dwelling, 25139 Chef Menteur Highway, 1,800 square feet, $181,000, R. Sollberger May 7, No owner listed, Single family dwelling, 3729 Constance Street, 2,320 square feet, $200,000, Vig II, LLC May 11, Beau Badier, Single family dwelling, 428 37th Street, 2,250 square feet, $200,000, DEI Contractors, LLC May 8, No owner listed, Single family dwelling, 2511 Laurel Street, $212,000, Guidry Custom Homes, Inc. Information courtesy Treen Permit Report. Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Engineering and Public Works Department, 333 F. Edward Hebert Blvd., Building 500, Belle Chasse, La. 70037. Owner: Plaquemines Parish Department of Engineering and Public Works, 333 F. Edward Hebert Blvd., Building 500, Belle Chasse, LA 70037 (504) 934-6120 Fax (504) 394-7478 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $25 per set Planholders: Hi-Tech Electric, Inc., 1150 N. Causeway Boulevard, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 6246817 Fax (866) 870-1128 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION NEW ORLEANS Project Title: Asian Elephant Phase 3, Overlook, Entrance and Enrichment Project Audubon Zoo Location: 6500 Magazine Street New Orleans, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of building a new elevated pavilion and added animal exhibit amenities. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 1 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Administration Main Conference Room, project site. Owner: Audubon Commission c/o Audubon Nature Institute, 6500 Magazine Street, New Orleans, LA 70118 (504) 212-5325 Plans From: Planholders: C M Combs Construction, LLC, 208 South Tyler Street, Suite A, Covington, LA 70433 (985) 867-4960 Fax (866) 373-5949 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 5 PERMITS St. Tammany Parish Building Permits Commercial May 18, Greg Pellelgrini, Two story commercial - shell only, 127 Terra Bella Blvd., 2,991 square feet, $3,000,000, Conbeth, Inc. Residential May 12, Francis C. Merritt, Single family dwelling, 312 Summerfield Loop N., 3,920 square feet, $250,000, Landrum Construction, LLC May 15, Christopher Perick, Two story single family dwelling, 1560 Regatta Cove, 3,009 square feet, $321,000, Guastella Prop., Inc. May 15, No owner listed, Two single family dwellings, 317 & 322 Caddo Drive, 1,996 to 2,301 square feet each, $142,000 to $151,000 each, Crescent City Construction, Inc. May 12, Grady Flattmann, Two-story single family dwelling, 75110 Military Road, 5,717 square feet, $588,000, CM Combs Construction May 14, Laurence Drouant, Single family dwelling, 2050 Olene Drive, 1,500 square feet, $120,000, KTS Construction, LLC May 14, No owner listed, Single family dwelling, 1056 Spring Haven Lane, 3,309 square feet, $350,000, HR Builders Co., Inc. May 14, Michael P. Oshaughnessy, Two-story single family dwelling, 1513 Elderberry Loop, 3,676 square feet, $225,000, No contractor listed May 12, John Marascalco, Two story single family dwelling, 77467 Schiro Road, 3,849 square feet, $184,000, Coast Builders, LLC May 12, Arthur C. Brown, Cabana, bath and shower accesBUILDING CONSTRUCTION METAIRIE Project Number: Bid No. R5067 Project Title: East Jefferson General Hospital Kitchen Renovations Location: 4200 Houma Blvd. Metairie, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 4 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Purchasing Department Conference Room, First Floor, project site. Owner: East Jefferson General Hospital, 4200 Houma Blvd., Metairie, LA 70006 (504) 4544003 Plans From: project owner BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BELLE CHASSE Project Number: Proposal No. 50-00113259 Project Title: Resident Housing at Jefferson Parish Drainage District, Whitney-Barataria Pumping Station Location: 1301 Engineers Road sory building, 77005 Highway 1082, 1,080 square feet, $192,000, David Motichek Builders May 12, No owner listed, Single family dwelling, 1217 Deer Park Court, 2,577 square feet, $190,000, Alvarez Construction May 15, No owner listed, Single family dwelling, 725 Poplar Creek Court, 3,027 square feet, $250,000, Allen Tingle May 14, No owner listed, Duplex, 2210 & 2214 Tenth Street, 1,685 square feet each, $160,000 each, Montgomery Trace Development May 18, No owner listed, Single family dwelling, 6004 Canary Drive, 2,395 square feet, $175,000, KPM Construction, LLC May 18, Stephen R. Single family Edwards, dwelling, 76067 Lazy R Road, 3,224 square feet, $250,000, Jenkins Homes, Inc. May 18, Bobby L. Ricks, Single family dwelling, 72477 Bob White Court, 4,162 square feet, $400,000, Three Cavaliers, Ltd. May 18, No owner listed, Single family dwelling, 324 Rue St. Emilion, 3,539 square feet, $373,000, Big Bear Construction, Inc. May 18, Geralyn Blumethal, Three story single family dwelling, 92 Zinnia Drive, 5,026 square feet, $571,000, Cretin Homes, LLC May 18, No owner listed, Single family dwelling, 1092 Cypress Crossing Drive, 2,979 square feet, $250,000, BMI Construction, LLC May 13, No owner listed, Single family dwelling, 1132 Lamarque Street, 2,497 square feet, $150,000, Affordable Homes/Land Information courtesy Treen Permit Report. Belle Chasse, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Purchasing Department, Suite 4400, 200 Derbigny Street, Gretna, La. 70053. Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: Burgdahl & Graves Architects, 2550 Belle Chasse Highway, Suite 130, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 366-4433 Deposit: $60 per set ELECTRICAL WORK NEW ORLEANS Project Number: RFP No. 01-2015 Project Title: Installation of a Turn-Key Load Bank Orleans Parish Communication District Location: New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: (CONTINUED ON PAGE 6) 6 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5) Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 3 at 10:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: OPCD, 118 City Park Avenue, New Orleans, La. 70119. A site visit will follow. Owner: Orleans Parish Communication District, 118 City Park Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70119 Plans From: ARC Document Solutions, 3521 20th. Street, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 8388300 Fax (504) 834-8722 Deposit: $20 per hard copy set ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK METAIRIE Project Number: Bid Proposal No. 50-00113206 Project Title: Bonnabel Boat Launch Ramps Replacement Location: 1600 Bonnabel Blvd. Metairie, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of removal of the existing concrete plank ramps, driving timber piles, casting in place concrete ramps and installing rip-rap. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: Meyer Engineers, Ltd., Engineers & Architects, 4937 Hearst Avenue, Metairie, LA 70001 (504) 885-9892 Deposit: $50 per set ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK JEFFERSON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. 50-00112885 Project Title: Two Year Contract for the Restoration of Sidewalks, Driveway Aprons and Occasionally the Adjacent Street Panel Dept of Public Works, Streets & All Parish Agencies & Municipalities excluding Grand Isle Location: Jefferson Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: project owner JUNE 17, 2015 TENNIS COURTS NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Proposal No. 2285-01848 Project Title: St. James Playground Tennis Court Location: 2399 Filmore Avenue New Orleans, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of remove existing concrete tennis court surface, base, nets mounting hardware, and perimeter fence and provide new 62’ by 122’ post tension concrete slab, acrylic court surfacing, striping, net and mounting hardware. Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 2 p.m. Owner: City of New Orleans Purchasing, 1300 Perdido Street, Room 4W07 - City Hall, New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 658-1550 Plans From: project owner JUNE 18, 2015 ROOFING WORK METAIRIE Project Number: Proposal No. 50-00113357 Project Title: Install a Crosslinking Acrylic Latex Elastomeric Roof Coating System at First Parish Court Building for the Jefferson Parish Department of General Services Location: 924 David Drive Metairie, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site Owner: Jefferson Parish Council, 200 Derbigny Street, Suite 4400, Gretna, LA 70053 (504) 364-2678 Fax (504) 364-2693 Plans From: project owner JUNE 19, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION NEW ORLEANS Project Title: South Port North Siding Project - New Orleans Public Belt Railroad Location: New Orleans, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of siding for the building of approximately 5,100 foot of run-around track off of NOPB’s existing rail line. Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: HPL Building, 940 Central Avenue, Metairie, La. 70001 Owner: New Orleans Public Belt Railroad Commission, 4822 Tchoupitoulas Street (P.O. Box 51658), New Orleans, LA 70115 (504) 896-7410 Fax (504) 896-7452 Plans From: project owner FENCING NEW ORLEANS Project Title: Bridge Netting System for the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad Location: New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: HPL Building 940 Central Avenue, Metairie, La. 70001. Owner: New Orleans Public Belt Railroad Commission, 4822 Tchoupitoulas Street (P.O. Box 51658), New Orleans, LA 70115 (504) 896-7410 Fax (504) 896-7452 Plans From: project owner MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Contract No. 30016 Project Title: Restoration of Existing Gravity Flow Sanitary Sewers by Excavation And Replacement from Manhole to Manhole, CIPP Lining from Manhole to Manhole, CIPP Lining of Service Laterals and Point Repair at Various Sites Location: New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Central Yard Office Building, Conference Room 222, 2900 Peoples Avenue, New Orleans, La. 70122. Owner: Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans, 625 St. Joseph Street, Room 133, New Orleans, LA 70165 (504) 585-2124 Plans From: project owner MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Contract No. 30014 Project Title: Cleaning and CCTV Inspection of Sanitary Sewer Mains at Scattered Sites within Orleans Parish Location: New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 11 a.m. w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Central Yard Office Building, Conference Room 222, 2900 Peoples Avenue, New Orleans, La. 70122. Owner: Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans, 625 St. Joseph Street, Room 133, New Orleans, LA 70165 (504) 585-2124 Plans From: project owner MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Contract No. 3737 Project Title: Carrollton Area Sewer Rehabilitation Mistletoe Street 18-Inch Sewer Line Replacement Location: New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 10:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Sewerage and Water Board Training Department Auditorium, 8800 S. Claiborne Avenue, New Orleans, La. Owner: Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans, 625 St. Joseph Street, Room 133, New Orleans, LA 70165 (504) 585-2124 Plans From: project owner MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Contract No. 5238 Project Title: Equipment Purchase and Installation for Stormwater Monitoring and Sampling for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit Stormwater Outfalls Location: New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 12 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Central Yard, 2900 Peoples Avenue, Room 222, New Orleans, La. A site visit will follow. Owner: Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans, 625 St. Joseph Street, Room 133, New Orleans, LA 70165 (504) 585-2124 Plans From: project owner PAINTING NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Contract No. 1387 Project Title: Painting and Repairs of Four 4Million Gallon Water Storage Tanks at the Main Water Purification Plant (Rebid of Contract 1379) Location: New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Training Department Auditorium, 8800 S. Claiborne Avenue, New Orleans, La. Owner: Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans, 625 St. Joseph Street, Room 133, New Orleans, LA 70165 (504) 585-2124 Plans From: project owner JUNE 23, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION NEW ORLEANS Project Title: Audubon Zoo Cool Zoo Phase 3 Guest Amenities, Pizza Kitchen Location: 6500 Magazine Street New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 23 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 12 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Main Conference Room, project site. Owner: Audubon Commission c/o Audubon Nature Institute, 6500 Magazine Street, New MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 Orleans, LA 70118 (504) 212-5325 Plans From: Letterman’s Blue Print & Supply Company, 2475 Canal Street, Suite 101, New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 821-9997 JUNE 24, 2015 HIGHWAY PROJECTS JEFFERSON AND ORLEANS PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.010636.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 90 over Mississippi River (GNO 2) STRL Repairs & Spot Paint Location: Jefferson and Orleans parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $15,000,000-$20,000,000 Scope: Work consists of bridge repairs, bridge painting, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 10 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Main Conference Room, Regional Transportation Center, 10 Veterans Blvd., New Orleans, La. 70124. A site visit will follow. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner HIGHWAY PROJECTS JEFFERSON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.009406.6-R2 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 48 at Evans Drive Location: Jefferson Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of drainage structures, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner HIGHWAY PROJECTS JEFFERSON, ORLEANS, ST. BERNARD AND ST. CHARLES PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.01140.6 Project Title: District 02BC Controller Upgrade Location: Jefferson, Orleans, St. Bernard and St. Charles parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of traffic signalization and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 1% HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. BERNARD PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.010406.6 Project Title: Louisiana 46 from Orleans Parish line to Paris Road Location: St. Bernard Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 3%; OJT Goal: 1 Trainees JUNE 25, 2015 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS KENNER Project Title: Kenner Hanson City Sewer Lift Station Improvements for LS 4102 (Airline Drive/Minden) an LS 4103 (Firehouse Road) Location: Airline and Minden Kenner, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of modifications to the existing Airline and Minden (4102) and Firehouse Road (4103) sewer lift stations. Bids Due: Jun. 25 at 9:45 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 1610 Rev. Richard Wilson Drive, Kenner, La. 70062 Owner: City of Kenner, Purchasing Department, 1801 Williams Blvd., Building C, third floor, Kenner, LA 70063 (504) 468-7261 Plans From: Hartman Engineering, Inc., 527 W. Esplanade Avenue, Kenner, LA 70065 (504) 466-5667 Deposit: $150 per set JUNE 30, 2015 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS NEW ORLEANS Project Number: OLD Project No. 27839 Project Title: Lakeshore Drive Improvements Seawall Area Erosion Control Paving Project Reaches 1A & 3B Location: Lakeshore Drive New Orleans, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of removal of the existing drain lines and drainage structures, removal of seawall light standards, construction of new pile supported plain and stamped color concrete plaza slab along the seawall with tree planters, benches, handrails, and non-lighted bollards; installation of decorative light fixtures, concrete isolation pads, installation of vinyl sheet piling, new subsurface drainage lines and structures; landscaping, installation of turf reinforcement mats and hydromulching. Bids Due: Jun. 30 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 16 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Conference Room Franklin Avenue Administration Building, 6920 Franklin Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70122. Owner: Orleans Levee District, 6920 Franklin Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70122 (504) 2863100 Plans From: Design Engineering, Inc., 3330 W. Esplanade Avenue S., Suite 205, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 836-2155 Deposit: $150 per set, refundable MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS NEW ORLEANS Project Number: Bid Solicitation No. 500C-01829; 2005-ENH011B Project Title: Oretha Castle Haley (O.C.) Haley Streetscape Location: New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 30 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 16 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Purchasing Conference Room, 4W05, Fourth Floor, City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street, New Orleans, La. 70112. Owner: City of New Orleans Purchasing, 1300 Perdido Street, Room 4W07 - City Hall, New Orleans, LA 70112 (504) 658-1550 Plans From: Gulf Engineering and Consultants, 3445 N. Causeway Blvd., Suite 401, Metairie, LA 70002 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 7) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6) JULY 7, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION NEW ORLEANS Project Number: IFB No. 2015-006 Project Title: Regional Transit Authority Carrollton Facility Renovation and Upgrade Location: 8225 Willow Street New Orleans, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jul. 7 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 14 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: RTA Board Room, 2817 Canal Street, New Orleans, La. 70119. A site visit will be held at 1 p.m. Owner: Regional Transit Authority, 2817 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 248-3900 Plans From: project owner Planholders: CDW Services, LLC, 721 Papworth Avenue, Suite 101, Metairie, LA 70005 (504) 8282061 Fax (504) 828-2063 Tuna Construction, LLC, 2420 Dawson Street, Suite A, Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 305-2249 Fax (504) 305-2969 Construction Masters, P.O. Box 7968, Metairie, LA 70010 (504) 831-4261 Fax (504) 832-0762 LOUISIANA JUNE 1, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SLIDELL Project Title: Construction of a 6,256 Square Foot New Fire Station 18 - St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 1 Location: 61735 Airport Road Slidell, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 1 at 4 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 8 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: St. Tammany Fire Protection District No. 1, Headquarters, 1358 Corporate Square Drive, Slidell, LA 70458 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $400 per set Planholders: Excalibur International, LLC, 1599 Eleventh Street, Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 646-1211 Fax (985) 646-0869 FMA, Inc., 403 Moonraker Drive, Slidell, LA 70458-2578 (985) 960-0221 Fax (985) 8471868 JUNE 2, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION GONZALES Project Number: Project No. 2015.0001 Project Title: Lamar Dixon Soccer Complex Location: St. Landry Avenue Gonzales, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of the construction of seven new soccer fields, a pre-fabricated metal shade pavilion, and a new asphalt road. Included as a add alternate is a prefabricated restroom building, and concession building. The soccer fields work will include laser grading, a sand base root zone, subsur- w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m OFFICIAL PROPOSAL ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS The Parish of St. Charles, hereby advertises bids for construction of Willowridge Drainage Pump Station - P080905-4A as follows: Owner: St. Charles Parish Project Title: Willowridge Drainage Pump Station Project No.: P080905-4A Principal Work Location: Willowridge Subdivision, Luling, St. Charles Description of Basic Work: Construct a new drainage pump station with electric motors, diesel generator, concrete suction basin and intake canal. Bids: Separate sealed Bids will be received by the ST. CHARLES PARISH COUNCIL RECORDS OFFICE, Parish of St. Charles, 15045 River Road, Courthouse 2nd Floor, Hahnville, Louisiana, 70057, either by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested, or hand delivered, or electronically submitted at www.centralbidding. com, no later than 10:00 a.m. local time on June 23, 2015. Promptly thereafter, the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers of the St. Charles Parish Courthouse. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids in accordance with the Public Bid Law, and to disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids. Bidding Documents: The Bidding Documents (Contract Documents, Specifications and Drawings) are available to Contractors who are properly licensed in Louisiana or to bona fide suppliers of materials and equipment for purchase and/or review at the office of the Engineer for the contract, Burk Kleinpeter, Inc. 4176 Canal face drainage, sprigging, and irrigation. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 19 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Lamar Dixon Expo Center (meet at the gym, located just north of the site), 9039 S. St. Landry Ave, Gonzales, La. 70737. Owner: Ascension Parish Government, P.O. Box 2392, 120 E. Railroad Street, Gonzales, LA 70707-2392 (225) 621-5725 Plans From: Quality Engineering & Surveying, LLC, 18350 Highway 42, Port Vincent, LA 70726 (225) 698-1600 Deposit: $50 per set Planholders: Munie Outdoor Service, Inc., 1000 Milburn School Road, Caseyville, IL 62232 (618) 6325296 Fax (618) 632-5475 Cycle Const. Co., LLC, 6 E. Third Street, Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 467-1444 Fax (504) 467-1222 LA Contracting Enterprises LLC, P.O. Box 5178, Thibodaux, LA 70302 (985) 446-2212 Fax (985) 446-2231 Boh Bros. Const. Co., LLC, P.O. Drawer 53266, New Orleans, LA 70153 (504) 821-2400 Fax (504) 821-0714 J. Reed Constructors, Inc., 9882 S. Purdue Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70814 (225) 2018826 Fax (225) 201-8829 ETEC, 7731 Office Park Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 295-1200 Fax (225) 2951800 Musco Sports Lighting, LLC, P.O. Box 808, Oskaloosa, IA 52577 (515) 673-0411 Barriere Const. Co., LLC, P.O. Box 2430, New Orleans, LA 70176 (504) 581-7283 Fax (504) 569-3100 Fisk Electric Co., P.O. Box 7766, Metairie, LA Street, New Orleans, LA. A payment of $ 80.00 in cash or check payable to the Engineer will be required for each complete set of the Bidding Documents. This payment is refundable as provided in the La.R.S.38:2212(A)(e). Pre-Bid Conference: A Pre-Bid Conference to discuss the scope of the project and the requirements of the Bidding and Contract Documents will be held on June 9, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. the St. Charles Parish Department of Public Works and Wastewater, 100 River Oaks Dr., Destrehan, Louisiana. Attendance of the Pre-Bid Conference is mandatory. Each bidder must deposit with his/her bid, security in the amount equal to five percent (5%) of the total bid in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check or bid bond. If the bid is submitted electronically and a certified or cashier’s check is used for bid bond, then the actual check shall be delivered to the St. Charles Parish Council Office, St. Charles Parish Courthouse 2nd Floor, 15045 River Road, Hahnville, Louisiana, 70057. Electronic bids shall contain all the same documents that are required in a physically delivered bid. The outside of the bid envelope must contain the submitting firm’s name, Louisiana Contractors License Number, the Project Number, and the Project Title. St. Charles Parish is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We encourage all small and minority-owned firms and women’s business enterprises to participate in this solicitation. Any person with disabilities requiring special accommodations must contact the St. Charles Parish Council Office at 985-783-5000 no later than seven (7) days prior to bid opening. St. Charles Parish Council V. J. St. Pierre, Jr., Parish President May 18, 25, and June 1, 2015 70010 (504) 889-0811 Fax (504) 833-4045 Duininck, Inc., P.O. Box 735, Roanoke, TX 76262 (817) 491-0946 Rotolo Consultants, Inc., 894 Robert Blvd., Slidell, LA 70458 (985) 643-2427 Fax (985) 643-3433 Steele-R Development, LLC, 120 Innwood Drive, Covington, LA 70433 (985) 234-0621 Fax (985) 234-0611 Cajun Constructors, Inc., P.O. Box l04, Baton Rouge, LA 70821 (225) 753-5857 Fax (225) 753-9622 Merrick Const. Co., 1332 Front Street, Cottonport, LA 71327 (318) 876-3326 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS ST. MARY PARISH Project Title: Waterline Improvements along Louisiana Highway 182 from Dixie Road to East Side of Hanson Canal - St Mary Parish Waterworks District No. 5 Location: Louisiana Highway 182 St. Mary Parish, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of approximately 2,700 linear feet of 10” PVC waterline pipe and 270 linear feet of 12” HDPE waterline pipe, etc. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 10 a.m. Owner: St. Mary Parish Waterworks District No. 5, St. Mary Parish Gov’t. Office, Fifth Floor - Courthouse Bldg., 500 Main Street, Franklin, LA 70538 (337) 836-5609 Plans From: Miller Engineers & Associates, Inc., 601 Main Street, Franklin, LA 70538 (337) 828-1950 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8) DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE OFFICIAL PROPOSAL INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals will be received by the Orleans Levee District, 6920 Franklin Avenue, Administration Building, New Orleans, Louisiana 70122 or send electronic to http://www.bidsync. com until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 30, 2015 opened and publicly read aloud for: OLD PROJECT NO. 27839 LAKESHORE DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS SEAWALL AREA EROSION CONTROL PAVING PROJECT REACHES 1A & 3B Bids received after the above specified time will not be considered. The work includes, but is not limited to, removal of the existing drain lines and drainage structures, removal of seawall light standards, construction of new pile supported plain and stamped color concrete plaza slab along the seawall with tree planters, benches, handrails, and non-lighted bollards; installation of decorative light fixtures, concrete isolation pads, installation of vinyl sheet piling, new subsurface drainage lines and structures; landscaping, installation of turf reinforcement mats and hydromulching. Drawings, specifications and contract documents may be examined and obtained at the office of Design Engineering, Inc., 3330 West Esplanade Avenue South, Suite 205, Metairie, Louisiana 70002, Phone (504) 836-2155 upon deposit of $ 150.00 for each set of documents. Deposit on the first two sets are fully refundable to all bonafide prime Bidders upon return of the documents, in good condition, no later than ten (10) days after receipt of bids. Fifty percent of the deposit of all other sets of documents will be refunded upon return of documents as stated above. Bidders are invited to attend a Pre-Bid Conference at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 16, 2015, in the Conference Room located in Franklin Avenue Administration Building at 6920 Franklin Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70122. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause. In accordance with LA. R. S. 38:2212 (A) (1) (b), the provisions and requirements of this Section, those stated in the advertisement for bids, and those required on the bid form shall not be considered as informalities and shall not be waived by any public entity. Bids must be submitted on forms provided by the Owner. Envelopes containing bids and bid guarantee must be sealed, marked with the project name, and with the Contractor’s name as it appears on the License and Louisiana Contractor’s license number. All bids must be accompanied by bid security equal to five (5%) of the sum of the base bid and all alternates, and must be in the form of a certified check, cashier’s check or Bid Bond Form written by a surety company licensed to do business in Louisiana, signed by the surety’s agency or attorney-in-fact. Surety must be listed on the current U. S. Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service list of approved bonding companies as approved for an amount equal to or greater than the amount for which it obligates itself in the Bond, or must be a Louisiana domiciled insurance company with at least an A - rating in the latest printing of the A.M. 2009. Best’s Key Rating Guide. If surety qualified by virtue of its 7 Best’s listing, the amount of the Bond may not exceed ten percent of policyholders’ surplus as shown in the latest A.M. Best’s Key Rating Guide. The Bid Bond shall be in favor of the Orleans Levee District and shall be accompanied by appropriate power of attorney. No Bid Bond indicating an obligation of less than five (5%) by any method is acceptable. Bids shall be accepted from Contractor’s who are licensed under LA. R. S. 37:2150-2163 for the classification of Heavy Construction and Municipal, Public Works Construction. Bidder is required to comply with provisions and requirements of LA. R.S.38:2212. Bids may be withdrawn by the bidder due to errors if done within 48 hours of bid opening by affidavit in accordance with LA. R. S. 38:2214. Other documentation not provided with the bid, but that is required by LA R.S. 38:2212, the owner, or the specifications, must be furnished by the low bidder within ten (10) calendar days after the bid opening. Such documentation shall be supplied as originals (no copies). Failure to provide this information and documentation with in ten (10) calendar days after bid opening will be grounds for disqualification on grounds that the bidder is not a “responsible bidder”. This information and documentation includes, but is not limited to, the non-collusion affidavit, nonconviction affidavit, and employment verification affidavit. However, the payment and performance bond must be supplied upon contract signing. Note that, although these instructions list specific items that are required, it is solely the bidder’s responsibility to stay abreast of changes in public bid law and to ensure compliance with LA R.S. 38:2212 and all other statues related to public bid law. The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish a Performance and Payment Bond written by a company licensed to do business in Louisiana, in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract amount. Surety must be listed currently on the U. S. Department of Treasury Financial Management Service List (Treasury List) as approved for an amount equal to or greater than the contract amount, or must be an insurance company domiciled in Louisiana or owned by Louisiana residents. If surety is qualified other than by listing on the Treasury list, the contract amount may not exceed fifteen percent of policyholders’ surplus as shown by surety’s most recent financial statements filed with the Louisiana Department of Insurance and may not exceed the amount of $500,000. However, a Louisiana domiciled insurance company with at least an A - rating in the latest printing of the A.M. Best’s Key Rating Guide shall not be subject to the $500,000 limitation, provided that the contract amount does not exceed ten percent of policyholders’ surplus as shown in the latest A.M. Best’s Key Rating Guide nor fifteen percent of policyholders’ surplus as shown by surety’s most recent financial statements filed with the Louisiana Department of Insurance. The Bond shall be signed by the surety’s agent or attorney-in-fact. The Orleans Levee District encourages, to the extent feasible, participation by minority and woman-owned businesses in all bids and proposals for goods and services. It also encourages the structuring of major projects into categories which may be commensurate with the capabilities of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, and actively encourages major prime contractors to provide opportunities for these businesses to become involved as subcontractors. June 1, 2015 8 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7) Deposit: $70 per set RECREATION IMPRS MONROE Project Number: Solicitation No. 3000003564 Project Title: Improvements to Saline and South Trail at Monroe - Russell Sage Wildlife Management Area Location: 3034 Highway 80 E. Monroe, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 10 a.m. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration Office of State Purchasing, 1201 N. Third Street, Second Floor, Suite 2-160, Baton Rouge, LA 70804 (225) 342-8022 Fax (225) 342-8022 Plans From: project owner Note: Mandatory job site visit is required prior to bid date. Contact person is Lowrey Moak or Corey May at 9318) 343-4044. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WINNSBORO Project Title: Emergency Department Expansion and Renovation Project - Franklin Medical Center Location: 2106 Loop Road Winnsboro, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of phased demolition, renovation and expansion of the existing hospital emergency department and encompasses approximately 4,000 square feet of new construction, 5,000 square feet of renovations and associated site/driveway improvements on the north side of the existing building. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 14 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Administration Conference Room, project site. Owner: Franklin Medical Center-Franklin Parish Hospital Service District, 2106 Loop Road, Winnsboro, LA 71295 Plans From: ARC Document Solutions, 350 Market Street, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 221-0674 Fax (318) 222-0321 Deposit: $75 per set ELEVATOR WORK BATON ROUGE Project Number: LSU Solicitation No. 000013526 Project Title: Re-bid - Elevator Replacement Allen Hall, Louisiana State University Location: Allen Hall Drive Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Allen Hall Room 113, project site. Owner: Louisiana State University, Room 213, Thomas D. Boyd Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (225) 578-2176 Plans From: Planholders: Sienna Bldrs., LLC, P.O. Box 66316, Baton Rouge, LA 70896 (225) 379-9681 Fax (225) 379-3600 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CONVENT Project Title: District 4 Community Center new construction Location: 5781 Louisiana Highway 44 Convent, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of a Senior Center and a Community Center design. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Office of the Director of Operations, Second Floor, 5800 LA Highway 44, Convent, La. Owner: St. James Parish Government, 5800 Louisiana Highway 44, Convent, LA 70723 (225) 562-2295 Plans From: Planholders: Beverly Construction, Inc., 1215 River Road, Westwego, LA 70096 (985) 264-8725 Thomassie Const., Inc., P.O. Box 5364, Thibodaux, LA 70301 (985) 446-8033 Fax (985) 446-8034 J. Reed Constructors, Inc., 9882 S. Purdue Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70814 (225) 2018826 Fax (225) 201-8829 Cuzan Services, LLC, P.O. Box 481, Belle Chasse, LA 70037 (504) 570-3089 Fax (866) 819-7053 Guy Hopkins Const. Co., Inc., 13855 W. Amber Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 751-2158 Fax (225) 751-2159 Bonneval Const. Co., Inc., P.O. Box 2042, Patterson, LA 70392 (985) 395-6441 Fax (985) 395-6440 B.E.T. Const., Inc., P.O. Box 5658, Thibodaux, LA 70302 (985) 447-5764 Fax (985) 4480558 Patin Construction Group, LLC, 324 W. Eastbank Street, Gonzales, LA 70737 (225) 6474900 Fax (225) 647-4909 Aegis Const., 456 W. Fifth Street, LaPlace, LA 70068 (985) 651-2859 Fax (985) 651-2854 Legacy Construction Services, 25 Commercial Loop Wax, Rassville, TN 38066 (901) 861-2200 Fax (901) 864-2266 J.F. Juge Const. Co., 37276 Commerce Lane, Suite C, Prairieville, LA 70769 (225) 6775480 Fax (225) 677-8417 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS MONROE Project Title: Forsythe No. 2 Pump Station No. 38 - Pump Station and Forcemain Upgrade; and River Oaks Pump Station No. 45 and Highway 165N Pump Station No. 47 Rehabilitation Location: Monroe, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 1:45 p.m. Owner: City of Monroe % Office of the City Engineer, 3901 Jackson Street, Monroe, LA 71202 Plans From: Denmon Engineering Co., Inc., P.O. Box 8460, 114 Venable Lane, Monroe, LA 71211 (318) 388-1422 Fax (318) 361-5036 Deposit: $200 per paper set or $25 per electronic set. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MARSH ISLAND Project Number: Project No. 01-107-05B-13, Part ZI Project Title: Headquarters/Boat House Consolidation and Airboat Shed Replacement Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Location: Marsh Island, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 6 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: LDWF New Iberia Office, 2515 Darnall Road, New Iberia, La. 70560. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Planholders: Magellan Construction, LLC, 111 Jersey Drive, Youngsville, LA 70592 (337) 856-0034 Professional Construction Services, 6 East Third Street, Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 6005401 Bulliard Const. Co., P.O. Box 216, St. Mart- w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m inville, LA 70582 (337) 394-3950 Fax (337) 394-3966 Guinn Construction, LLC, 1616 Industrial Drive, Jennings, LA 70546 (337) 824-0630 (985) 449-4060 M & H Builders, Inc., 13490 Redbud St, Vacherie, LA 70090 (225) 265-3663 Fax (225) 265-3155 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: City Parish Project No. 15-ASC-CP-0903 Project Title: EMS No. 7 Perkins Road Renovations Location: 4025 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of remodeling of the existing rooms and all related site work. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, 222 St. Louis Street, Eight Floor, Room 826, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 (225) 389-3259 Plans From: Department of Public Works, Architectural Services Division, 1100 Laurel Street, Room 227, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Deposit: $16 per set, non-refundable LEVEE WORK TERREBONNE PARISH Project Number: TLCD Contract No. E-L-001-930; CDBG Proj No 55-PARA-3312 Project Title: Falgout Canal Road Levee Segment 1 Location: Falgout Canal Road Terrebonne Parish, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of the construction of approximately 2.585 miles of earthen levee using hauled-in borrow material and other required items of work in connection therewith. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 4 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government’s Council Meeting Room, Second Floor, 8026 Main Street, Houma, La. Owner: Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District, 220 Clendenning Road, Houma, LA 70363 Plans From: GSE Associates, Inc., 991 Grand Caillou Road, Houma, LA 70363 (985) 8766380 Deposit: $120 per set Planholders: Luhr Bros., Inc., P.O. Box 7886, Alexandria, LA 71306 (318) 487-9263 Fax (318) 442-8645 Pontchartrain Partners, LLC, 650 Poydras Steet, Suite 2345, New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 259-5438 Fax (504) 682-6951 Byron E. Talbot Contr., Inc., 24288 Highway 190, Robert, LA 70455 (985) 419-9925 Fax (985) 419-9833 Turner Specialty Services, LLC, P.O. Box 2750, Baton Rouge, LA 70821 (225) 922-5050 Cycle Const. Co., LLC, 6 E. Third Street, Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 467-1444 Fax (504) 467-1222 Eutaw Const. Co., Inc., 860 Larson Street, Jackson, MS 39202 (601) 355-2612 Phylway Const., LLC, 1074 Highway 1 #A, Thibodaux, LA 70301-6192 (985) 446-9644 Fax (985) 446-8205 Volute, Inc., P.O. Box 9216, Houma, LA 70361 (985) 876-6188 Fax (985) 876-6251 Absolute Contractors, LLC, 627 School Street, Houma, LA 70360 (985) 223-2000 Fax (985) 223-6288 M&M Pipeline Acquisition, LLC, 274 Mount Moriah Road, Eupora, MS 39744 (662) 2587101 Fax (662) 258-7104 Low Land Const. Co., Inc., 946 Lefort By Pass Road, Thibodaux, LA 70301 (985) 446-1314 Fax (985) 446-3456 Ceres Environmental Servs., 3825 85th Avenue N., Suite 101, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 (763) 425-8822 Fax (763) 425-5636 Universal Construction Company, 1010 West Euless Boulevard, Suite 240, Euless, TX 76040 (888) 600-6775 Fax (817) 633-2190 Patin Construction Group, LLC, 324 W. Eastbank Street, Gonzales, LA 70737 (225) 6474900 Fax (225) 647-4909 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: Project No. 830.021 Project Title: Classroom Improvements to McKinley High School (re-bid) Location: 800 E. McKinley Street Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 19 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: CSRS|Tillage Program Management, 2875 Michelli Dr. Room 4, Baton Rouge, LA 70805. Owner: East Baton Rouge Parish School Board, CSRS/Tillage Program Mngmt., 2875 Michelli Drive, Room No. 4, Baton Rouge, LA 70805 (225) 226-3770 Plans From: Fusion Architecture, 3488 Brentwood Drive, Suite 101, Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 766-4848 Fax (225) 766-4724 Deposit: $100 per set Planholders: Charles Carter Const. Co., 1565 Choctaw Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70805 (225) 3579698 Fax (225) 357-9604 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION HOUMA Project Title: Shady Acres Senior Center – Porte Cochere Location: 6512 W. Main Street Houma, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 19 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Terrebonne Council on Aging, 995 W. Tunnel Blvd., Houma, LA 70360 (985) 8688411 Plans From: MSH Architects, LLC, 229 E. Kirkland Street, Covington, LA 70433 (985) 898-0303 Deposit: $50 per set Planholders: J.E. Franke Constructors, LLC, 422 East Lockwood Street, Suite 205, Covington, LA 70433 (985) 893-8280 Fax (985) 893-8281 O.R. Dixon Const., 409 St. Kateri Circle, Madisonville, LA 70447 (985) 792-7496 Fax (985) 792-7498 Thomassie Const., Inc., P.O. Box 5364, Thibodaux, LA 70301 (985) 446-8033 Fax (985) 446-8034 LA Contracting Enterprises LLC, P.O. Box 5178, Thibodaux, LA 70302 (985) 446-2212 Fax (985) 446-2231 Foret Contracting Group, LLC, P.O. Box 70, Thibodaux, LA 70302 (985) 447-5296 Fax LEVEE WORK TERREBONNE PARISH Project Number: TLCD Contract No. E-L-001-930, CDBG Proj No 55-PARA-3312 Project Title: POSTPONED - Falgout Canal Road Levee - Segment 2 Location: Falgout Canal Road Terrebonne Parish, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of the construction of approximately 1,769 miles of earthen levee using hauled-in borrow material and other required items of work in connection therewith. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 Pre-Bid Date: May 4 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government’s Council Meeting Room, Second Floor, 8026 Main Street, Houma, La. Owner: Terrebonne Levee and Conservation District, 220 Clendenning Road, Houma, LA 70363 Plans From: GSE Associates, Inc., 991 Grand Caillou Road, Houma, LA 70363 (985) 8766380 Deposit: $120 per set Planholders: Phylway Const., LLC, 1074 Highway 1 #A, Thibodaux, LA 70301-6192 (985) 446-9644 Fax (985) 446-8205 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Volute, Inc., P.O. Box 9216, Houma, LA 70361 (985) 876-6188 Fax (985) 876-6251 Young’s Gen. Contrg., Inc., 1138 Vine Street, Suite B, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901 (573) 7851501 LA Contracting Enterprises LLC, P.O. Box 5178, Thibodaux, LA 70302 (985) 446-2212 Fax (985) 446-2231 Cycle Const. Co., LLC, 6 E. Third Street, Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 467-1444 Fax (504) 467-1222 Low Land Const. Co., Inc., 946 Lefort By Pass Road, Thibodaux, LA 70301 (985) 446-1314 Fax (985) 446-3456 Turner Industries Group, LLC, P.O. Box 2750, Baton Rouge, LA 70821 (225) 922-5050 Ceres Environmental Servs., Inc., 948 Cambridge, Suite 101, LaPlace, LA 70068 (985) 583-0148 ERS, Inc., 4526 Office Park, Jackson, MS 39206 (601) 928-7788 Fax (601) 928-8060 Beverly Construction, Inc., 1215 River Road, Westwego, LA 70096 (985) 264-8725 Professional Construction Services, 6 East Third Street, Kenner, LA 70062 (504) 6005401 Pontchartrain Partners, LLC, 650 Poydras Steet, Suite 2345, New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 259-5438 Fax (504) 682-6951 Eutaw Const. Co., Inc., 860 Larson Street, Jackson, MS 39202 (601) 355-2612 Absolute Contractors, LLC, 627 School Street, Houma, LA 70360 (985) 223-2000 Fax (985) 223-6288 Crosby Dredging, LLC, P. O. Box 1226, Galliano, LA 70354 (985) 632-7575 Fax (985) 632-7572 Universal Construction Company, 1010 West Euless Boulevard, Suite 240, Euless, TX 76040 (888) 600-6775 Fax (817) 633-2190 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS CARENCRO Project Number: HMGP 4015-055-0002 (FEMA-4015-DR-LA, Project No. 3) Project Title: 2014 Lift Station Upgrades for the City of Carencro Location: Carencro, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of demolition of the existing concrete and metal structures used to house the pumps that currently are operating at each lift station and replace & extend the upper portions of the wet well, replace the control panels, finished grade the site with a perimeter fence, and installation of submersible pumps and all appurtenances. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 21 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 210 E. St. Peter Street, Carencro, La. 70520. Owner: City of Carencro, City Hall, 210 E. St. Peter Street, Carencro, LA 70520 Plans From: C.H. Fenstermaker & Assoc. Engineers, 135 Regency Square, Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 237-2200 Fax (337) 2323299 Deposit: $85 per set MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS COTTONPORT Project Title: Town of Cottonport - Sewer (CONTINUED ON PAGE 9) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8) System Improvements Rehabilitation of Sewer Lift Stations Location: Cottonport, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of rehabilitate Pump Station(s) 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 & 11: includes the removal of existing pumps, motors, piping, valves, etc., and concrete pump station tops. The work also includes rehabilitation of the existing wet pits including surface cleaning, preparation and lining. The work also includes installation of new self priming pumping equipment with motors, pumps, valves, piping, controls, etc. Site work includes filling, grading, erosion control and fencing. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: Town of Cottonport c/o Pan American Engineers, LLC, 1717 Jackson Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 Plans From: Pan American Engineers Alexandria, Inc., 1717 Jackson Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 (318) 473-2100 Fax (318) 473-2275 Deposit: $200 per set MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS EVANGELINE PARISH Project Number: Project No. 1-0021-14 Project Title: New Sewer Collection System Location: Evangeline Parish, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of lift stations, electrical, manholes, eight-inch sewer mains, sixinch sewer services, etc. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 13 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 801 West Main Street, Ville Platte, LA 70586 Owner: Evangeline Parish Police Jury, 1008 W. LaSalle Street, Ville Platte, LA 70586-4327 Plans From: J. Ronald Landreneau & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 801 W. Main Street, Ville Platte, LA 70586 (337) 363-7035 Fax (337) 363-1287 Deposit: $175 per set, refundable Planholders: C.G. Logan Const, Inc., P.O. Box 226, Evergreen, LA 71333 (318) 346-7157 Fax (318) 346-1040 Elliott Construction, LLC, 601 Loire Avenue, Suite F, Lafayette, LA 70507 (337) 896-2440 Fax (337) 896-2441 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS ST. TAMMANY PARISH Project Number: Project No. 305-00-15-23-1 Project Title: Beech Street Drainage Improvements Location: St. Tammany Parish, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of installation of a catch basin with 24-inch equivalent RCPA stub out. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner PAVILIONS MONROE Project Title: Jack Hayes Pavilion (Jack Hayes Elementary School Campus) Location: 3630 Old Sterlington Road Monroe, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 22 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Main Office of the school, project site. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 10) w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE BOND ADVERTISEMENT OFFICIAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE $9,800,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS, SERIES 2015 PARISHWIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE PARISH OF IBERIA, STATE OF LOUISIANA Sealed bids or electronic bids via PARITY® will be received until noon (12:00) o’clock p.m., Louisiana (Central) Time, on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Parish School Board of the Parish of Iberia, State of Louisiana (the “School Board”), acting as the governing authority of Parishwide School District of the Parish of Iberia, State of Louisiana (the “Issuer”), will receive sealed bids or electronic bids via PARITY® at its regular meeting place, the Iberia Parish School Board Office, 1500 Jane Street, New Iberia, Louisiana 70560, until noon (12:00) o’clock p.m., Louisiana (Central) Time, on Wednesday, June 24, 2015 (or such other date as may be determined by the School Board and advertised by Munifacts Disclosure Service) for the purchase of Nine Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($9,800,000) of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2015 (the “Bonds”) of the Issuer, being the third emission of bonds authorized at an election held in the Issuer on October 19, 2013, for the acquiring and/or improving lands for building sites and playgrounds, including construction of necessary sidewalks and streets adjacent thereto; purchasing, erecting and/or improving school buildings and other school related facilities within and for the District, and acquiring the necessary equipment and furnishings therefor, and specifically for those facilities, technology and security initiatives set forth in the “Capital Improvement Plan” approved by the School Board on June 18, 2013, title to which shall be in the public, under the authority conferred by Article VI, Section 33 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, Sub-Part A, Part III, Chapter 4, Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority. Electronic bids will be received for the Bonds via PARITY®, in the manner described below, until noon (12:00) o’clock p.m., Louisiana (Central) Time, on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. Bids may be submitted electronically via PARITY® pursuant to this Official Notice of Bond Sale until noon (12:00) o’clock p.m., Louisiana (Central) Time), but no bid will be received after the time for receiving bids specified above. To the extent any instructions or directions set forth in PARITY® conflict with this Official Notice of Bond Sale, the terms of this Official Notice of Bond Sale shall control. For further information about PARITY®, potential bidders may contact PARITY® at (212) 849-5021. Each prospective electronic bidder shall be solely responsible to register to bid via PARITY® as described above. Each qualified prospective electronic bidder shall be solely responsible to make necessary arrangements to access PARITY® for the purposes of submitting its bid in a timely manner and in compliance with the requirements of the Notice of Sale. Neither the Issuer nor PARITY®, shall have any duty or obligation to provide or assure access to PARITY® to any prospective bidder, and neither the Issuer nor PARITY® shall be responsible for a bidder’s failure to register to bid or for proper operation of, or have any liability for any delays or interruptions of, or any damages caused by, PARITY®. The Issuer is using PARITY® as a communication mechanism, and not as the Issuer’s agent, to conduct the electronic bidding for the Bonds. No other form of electronic bid or provider of electronic bidding services will be accepted. The Issuer is not bound by any advice and determination of PARITY® to the effect that any particular bid complies with the terms of this Official Notice of Bond Sale and in particular the “Bid Requirements” hereinafter set forth. All costs and expenses incurred by prospective bidders in connection with their registration and submission of bids via PARITY® are the sole responsibility of the bidders; and the Issuer is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any of such costs or expenses. If a prospective bidder encounters any difficulty in submitting, modifying or withdrawing a bid for the Bonds, he should telephone PARITY® at (212) 849-5021 and notify the Issuer’s Bond Counsel, Foley & Judell, L.L.P. at (504) 568-1249. Electronic bids must be submitted for the purchase of the Bonds via PARITY®. Bids will be communicated electronically to the Issuer at noon (11:00) o’clock p.m., Louisiana (Central) Time, on Wednesday, June 24, 2015. Prior to that time, a prospective bidder may (1) submit the proposed terms of its bid via PARITY®, (2) modify the proposed terms of its bid, in which event the proposed terms as last modified will (unless the bid is withdrawn as described herein) constitute its bid for the Bonds, or (3) withdraw its proposed bid. Once the bids are communicated electronically via PARITY® to the Issuer, each bid will constitute an irrevocable offer to purchase the Bonds on the terms therein provided. For purposes of the electronic bidding process, the time as maintained on PARITY® shall constitute the official time. Bids will also be accepted in written form on the Official Bid Form. The Issuer will receive sealed bids at the Iberia Parish School Board Office, 1500 Jane Street, New Iberia, Louisiana 70560, for the purchase of Nine Million Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($9,800,000) of principal amount of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2015, of the Issuer. Each bid must be in written form on the Official Bid Form in a sealed envelope marked “Proposal for the Purchase of General Obligation School Bonds, Series 2015, of Parishwide School District of the Parish of Iberia, State of Louisiana”. For purposes of accepting written bids, the time as maintained on PARITY® shall constitute the official time. The Bonds will be dated the date of delivery thereof, will be payable from unlimited ad valorem taxation, and will be in the denomination of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) each, or any integral multiple thereof within a single maturity. The Bonds will bear interest from date thereof or the most recent interest payment date to which interest has been paid or duly provided for, at a rate or rates not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum on any Bond in any interest payment period, said interest to be payable on March 1, 2016, and semiannually thereafter on March 1 and September 1 of each year. The Bonds will mature serially on March 1 of each year as follows, to-wit: Year 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Principal Payment $325,000 340,000 355,000 365,000 385,000 400,000 415,000 430,000 450,000 470,000 Year 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 9 Principal Payment $485,000 505,000 525,000 550,000 570,000 595,000 620,000 645,000 670,000 700,000 The Bonds will be issued as fully registered bonds in “book-entry only” form and registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York (“DTC”). DTC will act as securities depository for the bonds, and purchasers of the Bonds will not receive certificates representing their interest in the Bonds purchased. Those Bonds maturing March 1, 2026 and thereafter, will be callable for redemption by the Issuer in full, or in part, at any time on or after March 1, 2025, and if less than a full maturity, then by lot within such maturity, at the principal amount thereof and accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. Bonds are not required to be redeemed in inverse order of maturity. In the event any Bond to be redeemed is of a denomination larger than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), a portion of such Bond ($5,000 or any multiple thereof) may be redeemed. Official notice of such call of any of the Bonds for redemption will be given by first class mail, postage prepaid, by notice deposited in the United States mails not less than thirty (30) days prior to the redemption date addressed to the registered owner of each bond to be redeemed at his address as shown on the registration books of the Paying Agent. The principal of the Bonds, upon maturity or redemption, will be payable at the principal corporate trust office of the Paying Agent upon presentation and surrender thereof, and interest on the Bonds will be payable by the Paying Agent by check mailed by the Paying Agent to the registered owner (determined as of the 15th calendar day of the month next preceding said interest payment date) at the address as shown on the books of said Paying Agent. Said Paying Agent will be a qualified bank or trust company selected by the Issuer. Except as provided under DTC’s book-entry only system, the Bonds may be transferred, registered and assigned only on the registration books of the Paying Agent, and such registration shall be at the expense of the Issuer. A Bond may be assigned by the execution of an assignment form on the Bonds or by other instruments of transfer and assignment acceptable to the Paying Agent. A new Bond or Bonds will be delivered by the Paying Agent to the last assignee (the new registered owner) in exchange for such transferred and assigned Bonds after receipt of the Bonds to be transferred in proper form. Such new Bond or Bonds must be in the denomination of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) or any integral multiple thereof within a single maturity. Neither the Issuer nor the Paying Agent shall be required to issue, register, transfer or exchange (i) any Bond during a period beginning at the opening of business on the 15th day of the month next preceding an interest payment date and ending at the close of business on the interest payment date, or (ii) any Bond called for redemption prior to maturity during a period beginning at the opening of business fifteen (15) days before the date of the mailing of a notice of redemption of such Bonds and ending on the date of such redemption. In connection with the sale of the Bonds, a good faith deposit of 1% of the principal amount of the Bonds will be required. The manner and time of such deposit shall be set forth in the Preliminary Official Statement for the Bonds. The good faith deposit of the successful bidder or bidders will be deposited and the proceeds credited against the purchase price of the series of Bonds, or in the case of neglect or refusal to comply with such bid, will be forfeited to the Issuer as and for liquidated damages. No interest will be allowed on the amount of the good faith deposit. Bidders shall name the rate or rates of interest the Bonds shall bear, not exceeding six per centum (6%) per annum on any Bond in any interest payment period. Bids must stipulate a purchase price for the Bonds not less than the par value thereof and accrued interest from the date of the Bonds to the date of delivery of the Bonds. No bid which specifies cancellation of the Bonds will be considered. No bids providing for additional or supplemental interest will be considered. The School Board will meet at the place and time hereinabove set forth for the receipt of bids. The Bonds will be awarded to the bidder whose bid offers the lowest “true interest cost” to the Issuer for the full authorized amount of the Bonds, to be determined by doubling the semiannual interest rate (compounded semiannually) necessary to discount the debt service payments on the Bonds from the payment dates to the dated date of the Bonds, such that the sum of such present values is equal to the price bid, including any premium bid but not including interest accrued to the date of delivery (the preceding calculation is sometimes referred to as the “Canadian Interest Cost Method” or “Present Value Method”). In the case of a tie bid, the winning bid will be awarded by lot. If any bid for the Bonds shall be acceptable, a prompt award of the bonds will be made. The right is expressly reserved to waive any irregularity in any bid or to reject any and all bids received. The Official Statement containing pertinent information relative to the authorization, sale and security of the Bonds is being prepared and may be obtained upon its completion from the Issuer’s Bond Counsel, Foley & Judell, L.L.P., One Canal Place, Suite 2600, 365 Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130. The Purchaser will be furnished a reasonable number of final official statements on or before the seventh business day following the sale of the Bonds. The approving legal opinion of Foley & Judell, L.L.P., Bond Counsel, BOND ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 10 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9) Owner: Ouachita Parish School Board, 100 Bry Street, Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 4325000 Plans From: Planholders: Pohlman & Wilbanks Contr., Inc., P.O. Box 1208, Monroe, LA 71210 (318) 396-2133 Fax (318) 396-8176 RDR Construction, LLC, 244 Springhill Road, Monroe, LA 71203 (318) 343-1567 Fax (318) 343-1583 Cody Phillips Construction Company, 341 Skainswood Drive, Downsville, LA 71234 (318) 245-3096 Fax (318) 768-4568 Pro-Build Const. Co., P.O. Box 503, Homer, LA 71040 (318) 927-3775 Fax (318) 927-6089 Ragan Bldrs., Inc., 389 Joshua Lane, West Monroe, LA 71292 (318) 644-5607 Fax (318) 644-8830 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK LAFAYETTE Project Title: Alonda Coulee Wall Repairs Rena Drive Coulee Phase II - Re-bid Location: Alonda Drive Lafayette, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of removal and replacement of approximately 1,970 square yards of 6-inch channel wall and removing and replacing fences and associated earthwork. The work shall be performed and completed within 75 working days from issuance of Notice to Proceed. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 9:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Large Conference Room, Lafayette Consolidated Government, Public Works Administration Building, 1515 E. University Avenue, Lafayette, La. Owner: Lafayette Consolidated Government, 705 W. University Avenue, Lafayette, LA 70501 (337) 291-8071 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $209.30 per set ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK MANDEVILLE Project Number: Bid No. 310-00-15-21-1 Project Title: 2015 District 10 Panel Replacement Location: Mandeville, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of remove and replace concrete panels by performing all required saw-cutting, installation of dowels, base material removal and replacement as required, leveling, grading and removal of all unsuitable soil and debris. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner DOCK IMPROVEMENTS LAPLACE Project Title: LaPlace (Peavine) Boat Launch Repairs and Improvements Location: LaPlace, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of harbor improvements, dredging and pile driving. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2:45 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 14 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Council Chambers, 1801 W. Airline Highway, LaPlace, La. 70068. Owner: St. John the Baptist Parish Council, Percy Hebert Building, 1801 W. Airline Highway, LaPlace, LA 70068 (985) 652-9569 Plans From: Burk-Kleinpeter, Inc., 4176 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 486-5901 Fax (504) 488-1714 Deposit: $52 per set, non-refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK BEAUREGARD PARISH Project Number: Parish Project No. 2015-06-01 Project Title: Asphaltic Concrete Overlay, Pavement Widening, Pavement Patching and related work on various roads in Wards One, Two and Six Location: Beauregard Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 3:30 p.m. Owner: Beauregard Parish Police Jury, 201 W. Second Street, Courthouse Square, Deridder, LA 70634 (337) 463-7019 Plans From: project owner JUNE 3, 2015 BRIDGE & ROAD WORK PINEVILLE Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259506 Project Title: Repair Bridge No. 1 Headwall F Street at Camp Beauregard Location: F Street Pineville, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 10 a.m. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: Mandatory job site visit is required prior to bid date. Contact person is W01 Michael Hanks at (318) 641-5690. MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS NEW IBERIA Project Number: Solicitation No. 3000003604 Project Title: Install Wastewater Treatment System - Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries New Iberia Location: 2415 Darnall Road New Iberia, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of install 3,000 gpd wastewater treatment system. Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 10 a.m. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration Office of State Purchasing, 1201 N. Third Street, Second Floor, Suite 2-160, Baton Rouge, LA 70804 (225) 342-8022 Fax (225) 342-8022 Plans From: project owner Note: Mandatory job site visit is required prior to bid date. Contact person is Edmond Mouton at (337) 373-0032. MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS RAPIDES PARISH Project Title: Water Works District No. 3 of Rapides Parish Ground Storage Tank Replacements at Camp Livingston Location: Rapides Parish, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of the demolition of two existing ground storage tanks and the construction of two new prestressed concrete ground storage tanks each with a capacity of 0.75 MG and related appurtenances. Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 10 a.m. Owner: Water Works District No. 3 of Rapides Parish c/o Pan American Engineers - Alexandria, Inc., 1717 Jackson Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 (318) 473-2100 Plans From: Pan American Engineers Alexandria, Inc., 1717 Jackson Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 (318) 473-2100 Fax (318) 473-2275 Deposit: $200 per set Planholders: Trek, Inc., P.O. Box 419, Bunkie, LA 71322 (318) 346-6627 Fax (318) 346-4310 ROOFING WORK ST. MARTINVILLE Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259436 Project Title: Replace Roof at St. Martinville w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m Readiness Center Location: 605 S. Cemetery Street St. Martinville, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Contact person is Scott Mucci at (504) 278-8630. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner BRIDGE & ROAD WORK SULPHUR Project Number: OCD/DR Project No. 10PARA2101 Project Title: Lighnting Street Bridge Replacement and Roadway Improvements Location: Sulphur, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 11 a.m. Owner: City of Sulphur, City Hall, 101 N. Huntington Street, Sulphur, LA 70663 (337) 527-4500 Plans From: Meyer & Associates, Engineers, 600 N. Cities Service Highway, Sulphur, LA 70663 (337) 625-8353 Deposit: $100 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TIOGA Project Title: Robertson Branch Rapides Parish Library Location: 809 Tioga High Road Tioga, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 27 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site Owner: Rapides Parish Library, 430 St. James Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 Plans From: Alliance Design Group LLC, 1439 Centre Court, Suite 301, Alexandria, LA 71301 (318) 445-3151 Deposit: $100 per set COASTAL RESTORATION CAMERON PARISH Project Number: Proj No 16-513D-15-WLF, Part 01; 16-513E15-WLF, Part 01; 16-513C-15-WLF, Part 01; & 16-513B-15-WLF Project Title: Unit 3 Levees, Dyson Plug, Big Constance Water Control Structure, Lake 4 Freshwater Control Structure, Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge Location: Cameron Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 21 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: LDWF, 5476 Grand Chenier Highway, Grand Chenier, LA 70643. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Acadian Engineers & Environmental Consultants, Inc., 1601 Amazon Street, Eunice, LA 70535 (337) 457-1492 Deposit: $150 per set, refundable COASTAL RESTORATION CAMERON PARISH Project Number: Project No. 16-513-15-WLF, Part 01 Project Title: Replace Dyson Water Control Structure, Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge Location: Cameron Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory BOND ADVERTISEMENT MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 who have supervised the proceedings, the Bonds and the transcripts of record as passed upon will be furnished to the successful bidders without cost to them. Said transcripts will contain the usual closing proofs, including a certificate that up to the time of delivery no litigation has been filed questioning the validity of the Bonds or the taxes necessary to pay the same. It is anticipated that the American Bankers’ Association Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP) identification numbers will be printed on the Bonds, but the failure to print such numbers shall not constitute cause for refusal by the successful bidder to accept delivery of and to pay for the Bonds. No CUSIP identification number shall be deemed to be part of any Bond or a part of the contract evidenced thereby, and no liability shall hereafter attach to the Issuer or any of the officers or agents thereof because of or on account of such numbers. All expenses in relation to the printing of the CUSIP identification numbers on the Bonds shall be paid by the Issuer. However, the CUSIP Service Bureau charge for the assignment of such numbers shall be the responsibility of and shall be paid by the successful bidder. In order to assist bidders in complying with S.E.C. Rule 15c2-12(b)(5), the Governing Authority will undertake, pursuant to the resolution providing for the issuance of the Bonds and a Continuing Disclosure Certificate, to provide annual reports and notices of certain events. A description of this undertaking is set forth in the Preliminary Official Statement and will also be set forth in the Final Official Statement. For information relative to the Bonds and not contained in the Notice of Bond Sale and Official Statement, address Mr. Robert Norris, Business Manager, Iberia Parish School Board, 1500 Jane Street, New Iberia, Louisiana 70560, or Foley & Judell, L. L. P., Bond Counsel, One Canal Place, 365 Canal Street, Suite 2600, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130-1138. THUS DONE AND SIGNED at New Iberia, Louisiana, on this, the 20th day of May, 2015. ATTEST: /s/ Dale Henderson Secretary /s/ Rachel L. Segura President June 1, 2015 Pre-Bid Date: May 21 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: LDWF, 5476 Grand Chenier Highway, Grand Chenier, LA 70643. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Acadian Engineers & Environmental Consultants, Inc., 1601 Amazon Street, Eunice, LA 70535 (337) 457-1492 Deposit: $150 per set, refundable COASTAL RESTORATION CAMERON PARISH Project Number: Project No. 16-513A-15-WLF, Part 01 Project Title: Replace Josephine Water Control Structure, Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge Location: Cameron Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 21 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: LDWF, 5476 Grand Chenier Highway, Grand Chenier, LA 70643. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Acadian Engineers & Environmental Consultants, Inc., 1601 Amazon Street, Eunice, LA 70535 (337) 457-1492 Deposit: $150 per set, refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK LAFAYETTE Project Title: Lafayette Airport Commission Phase II Runway 11-29 Safety Area (RSA) Improvements Runway 11 Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS) - Lafayette Regional Airport Location: 222 Tower Drive Lafayette, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of the addition of an Engineered Material Arresting System (EMAS) southwestward of the Runway 11 threshold. The EMAS installation includes constructing an asphalt pad 4 inches thick, with a cement treated base section 9 inches in depth over 8 inches of lime stabilized subgrade, constructing a concrete grade beam, placing EMAS blocks supplied by the Owner, and applying markings to the blocks surface. Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 1:30 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Conference Room, Administrative Building, 222 Tower Drive, Lafayette, La. Owner: Lafayette Airport Commission, Lafayette Regional Airport, Administrative Building, 222 Tower Drive, Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 266-4400 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $100 per set ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK ST. TAMMANY PARISH Project Number: Bid No. 015-35-15-19-1 Project Title: Lakeview Drive Radius Improvements Location: Lakeview Drive St. Tammany Parish, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of installation of two traffic rated catch basins with all traffic rated grates. Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 2 p.m. Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner ROOFING WORK COVINGTON Project Number: Bid No. 515-00-15-17-1 Project Title: Public Works Roof Repair - St. Tammany Parish Location: Covington, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 2 p.m. Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Man(CONTINUED ON PAGE 11) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids BOND ADVERTISEMENT OFFICIAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10) deville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner WATER SYSTEM IMPRS. SIMMESPORT Project Title: Town of Simmesport - Water Distribution and Chlorination Improvements Location: Simmesport, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 2 p.m. Owner: Town of Simmesport, 372 Mission Drive, Simmesport, LA 71369 Plans From: Meyer, Meyer, LaCroix & Hixson LLC, 100 Engineer Place, Alexandria, LA 71303 (318) 448-0888 Deposit: $40 per set on CD, non-refundable JUNE 4, 2015 ELECTRICAL WORK HOUMA Project Title: Purchase and Installation of One New/Unused Electronic LED Display Board at State Police Troop C Location: 4047 West Main Street Houma, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 9 a.m. Owner: South Central Planning Commission, 5058 W. Main Street, Houma, LA 70360 (985) 851-2900 Fax (985) 851-4472 Plans From: project owner AIRPORT WORK EUNICE Project Title: Proposed Runway 16-34 and Taxiway Rehabilitation, Eunice Municipal Airport Location: 252 Airport Road Eunice, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 21 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: City of Eunice c/o Aucoin & Associates, Inc., 433 N. CC Duson Street, Eunice, LA 70535 Plans From: Aucoin & Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 968, 433 N. CC Duson Street, Eunice, LA 70534 (337) 457-7366 Deposit: $200 per set ROOFING WORK BATON ROUGE Project Number: LSU Solicitation No. 000013523 Project Title: Louisiana State University Studio Arts Reroof and Building 29 & 31 Location: Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 21 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: LSU Studio Arts Building Parking Lot on the West Side of the Building. Owner: Louisiana State University, Room 213, Thomas D. Boyd Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (225) 578-2176 Plans From: Holly & Smith Architects, Inc., An Architectural Corp., 208 N. Cate Street, Hammond, LA 70401 (985) 345-5210 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHREVEPORT Project Number: IFB No. 15-019 Project Title: Cargill Park Ball Field Complex Renovations Location: 7700 Lotus Lane Shreveport, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $3,283,000 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE $6,000,000 OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, SERIES 2015 OF THE CITY OF BUNKIE, STATE OF LOUISIANA Sealed bids, or electronic bids via PARITY® will be received until two o’clock p.m., Central (Louisiana) Time, on Thursday, July 9, 2015 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Bunkie, State of Louisiana (the “Governing Authority”) acting as the governing authority of the City of Bunkie, State of Louisiana, will receive sealed bids, or electronic bids via PARITY®, at the City Hall Annex, 107 West Oak Street, Bunkie, Louisiana, until two (2:00) o’clock p.m., Central (Louisiana) Time, on Thursday, July 9, 2015, (or such other date as may be determined by the President and advertised by Munifacts Disclosure Service) for the purchase of Six Million Dollars ($6,000,000) of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015 (the “Bonds”) of the City of Bunkie, State of Louisiana (the “Issuer”), authorized for the purpose of purchasing or constructing sewers and sewerage disposal works, including equipment therefore, title to which shall be in the public, under the authority conferred by Article VI, Section 33 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, Sub-Part A, Part III, Chapter 4, Title 39, and other constitutional and statutory authority. Electronic bids will be received for the Bonds via PARITY®, in the manner described below, until 2:00 p.m., Central (Louisiana) Time, on Thursday, July 9, 2015. Bids may be submitted electronically via PARITY® pursuant to this Official Notice of Bond Sale until 2:00 p.m., Central (Louisiana) Time, but no bid will be received after the time for receiving bids specified above. To the extent any instructions or directions set forth in PARITY® conflict with this Official Notice of Bond Sale, the terms of this Official Notice of Bond Sale shall control. For further information about PARITY®, potential bidders may contact PARITY® at I-Deal (212) 849-5021. Each prospective electronic bidder shall be solely responsible to register to bid via PARITY® as described above. Each qualified prospective electronic bidder shall be solely responsible to make necessary arrangements to access PARITY® for the purposes of submitting its bid in a timely manner and in compliance with the requirements of the Notice of Sale. Neither the Issuer nor PARITY®, shall have any duty or obligation to provide or assure access to PARITY® to any prospective bidder, and neither the Issuer nor PARITY® shall be responsible for a bidder’s failure to register to bid or for proper operation of, or have any liability for any delays or interruptions of, or any damages caused by, PARITY®. The Issuer is using PARITY® as a communication mechanism, and not as the Issuer’s agent, to conduct the electronic bidding for the Bonds. No other form of electronic bid or provider of electronic bidding services will be accepted. The Issuer is not bound by any advice and determination of PARITY® to the effect that any particular bid complies with the terms of this Official Notice of Bond Sale and in particular the “Bid Requirements” hereinafter set forth. All costs and expenses incurred by prospective bidders in connection with their registration and submission of bids via PARITY® are the sole responsibility of the bidders; and the Issuer is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any of such costs or expenses. If a prospective bidder encounters any difficulty in submitting, modifying or withdrawing a bid for the Bonds, he should telephone PARITY® at I-Deal (212) 849-5021 and notify the Issuer’s Bond Counsel, Foley & Judell, L.L.P. at (504) 568-1249. Electronic bids must be submitted for the purchase of the Bonds via PARITY®. Bids will be communicated electronically to the Issuer at 2:00 p.m., Central (Louisiana) Time, on July 9, 2015. Prior to that time, a prospective bidder may (1) submit the proposed terms of its bid via PARITY®, (2) modify the proposed terms of its bid, in which event the proposed terms as last modified will (unless the bid is withdrawn as described herein) constitute its bid for the Bonds, or (3) withdraw its proposed bid. Once the bids are communicated electronically via PARITY® to the Issuer, each bid will constitute an irrevocable offer to purchase the Bonds on the terms therein provided. For purposes of the electronic bidding process, the time as maintained on PARITY® shall constitute the official time. Bids will also be accepted in written form on the Official Bid Form. The Issuer will receive sealed bids at the City Hall Annex, 107 West Oak Street, Bunkie, Louisiana, for the purchase of $6,000,000 of principal amount of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015, of the City of Bunkie, State of Louisiana. Each bid must be in written form on the Official Bid Form in a sealed envelope marked “Proposal for the Purchase of General Obligation Bonds, Series 2015 of the City of Bunkie, State of Louisiana”. For purposes of accepting written bids, the time as maintained on PARITY® shall constitute the official time. The Bonds will be in fully registered form, will be dated the date of delivery, and will be in the denomination of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) each, or any integral multiple thereof within a single maturity. The Bonds will bear interest from date thereof or the most recent interest payment date to which interest has been paid or duly provided for, at a rate or rates not exceeding seven per centum (7%) per annum on any Bond in any interest payment period, said interest to be payable on March 1, 2016, and semiannually thereafter on March 1 and September 1 of each year. The Bonds will mature serially on March 1 of each year as follows, to-wit: YEAR 2017 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $140,000 YEAR 2029 PRINCIPAL AMOUNT $245,000 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 150,000 155,000 160,000 170,000 175,000 185,000 195,000 205,000 215,000 225,000 235,000 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 11 255,000 265,000 280,000 290,000 305,000 320,000 335,000 350,000 365,000 380,000 400,000 The Bonds will be issued as fully registered bonds in book entry only form and registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York (“DTC”). DTC will act as securities depository for the Bonds, and the purchasers of the Bonds will not receive certificates representing their interest in the Bonds purchased. The winning bidder (the “Purchaser”) at the time of the sale, however, may elect to not receive book-entry only Bonds, in which case the Purchaser will receive one type written Bond per maturity, exchangeable in the manner provided in the ordinance providing for the issuance of the Bonds. Those Bonds maturing March 1, 2026, and thereafter, will be callable for redemption by the Issuer in full or in part at any time on or after March 1, 2025, and if less than a full maturity, then by lot within such maturity, at the principal amount thereof and accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption. In the event a Bond is of a denomination larger than $5,000, a portion of such Bond ($5,000 or any multiple thereof) may be redeemed. Bonds are not required to be redeemed in inverse order of maturity. Official notice of such call of any of the Bonds for redemption will be given by first class mail, postage prepaid, by notice deposited in the United States mails not less than thirty (30) days prior to the redemption date addressed to the registered owner of each bond to be redeemed at his address as shown on the registration books of the Paying Agent. The principal of the Bonds, upon maturity or redemption, will be payable at the principal corporate trust office of the Paying Agent upon presentation and surrender thereof, and interest on the Bonds will be payable by the Paying Agent by check mailed by the Paying Agent to the registered owner (determined as of the 15th calendar day of the month next preceding said interest payment date) at the address as shown on the books of said Paying Agent. Said Paying Agent will be a qualified bank or trust company selected by the Issuer. Except as provided under DTC’s book-entry only system, the Bonds may be transferred, registered and assigned only on the registration books of the Paying Agent, and such registration shall be at the expense of the Issuer. A Bond may be assigned by the execution of an assignment form on the Bonds or by other instruments of transfer and assignment acceptable to the Paying Agent. A new Bond or Bonds will be delivered by the Paying Agent to the last assignee (the new registered owner) in exchange for such transferred and assigned Bonds after receipt of the Bonds to be transferred in proper form. Such new Bond or Bonds must be in the denomination of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof within a single maturity. Neither the Issuer nor the Paying Agent shall be required to issue, register, transfer or exchange (i) any Bond during a period beginning at the opening of business on the 15th day of the month next preceding an interest payment date and ending at the close of business on the interest payment date, or (ii) any Bond called for redemption prior to maturity during a period beginning at the opening of business fifteen (15) days before the date of the mailing of a notice of redemption of such Bonds and ending on the date of such redemption. Each bid, whether submitted as a sealed bid or electronically (i) shall be for the full principal amount of the Bonds, (ii) shall name the rate or rates of interest to be borne by the Bonds, (iii) shall prescribe one rate of interest, not to exceed seven per centum (7%) per annum, for the Bonds of any one maturity, (iv) shall limit the interest due on each Bond for each interest period to a single rate, (v) shall be unconditional, (vi) shall be made in the form furnished by the Issuer, without alteration, omission or qualification , and (vii) shall be subject to the terms, conditions and restrictions set forth in the Official Statement. In connection with the sale of the Bonds, a good faith deposit of 1% of the principal amount of the Bonds will be required. The manner and timing of such deposit shall be set forth in the Preliminary Official Statement for the Bonds. The good faith deposit of the successful bidder or bidders will be deposited and the proceeds credited against the purchase price of the Bonds, or in the case of neglect or refusal to comply with such bid, will be forfeited to the Issuer as and for liquidated damages. No interest will be allowed on the amount of the good faith deposit. If the Bonds qualify for issuance of any policy of municipal bond insurance or commitment therefor, the purchase of any such insurance policy or the issuance of any such commitment therefor shall be at the sole option and expense of such bidder and any increased costs of issuance of the Bonds resulting by reason of the same, shall be paid by such bidder. Any failure of the Bonds to be so insured or of any such policy of insurance to be issued, shall not constitute cause for a failure or refusal by the purchaser of the Bonds to accept delivery of and pay for said Bonds in accordance with the terms of the purchase contract. The Governing Authority will meet at the place and time hereinabove set forth for the receipt of bids. The Bonds will be awarded to the bidder whose bid offers the lowest “true interest cost” to the Issuer for the full authorized amount of the Bonds, to be determined by doubling the semiannual interest rate (compounded semiannually) necessary to discount the debt service payments on the Bonds from the payment dates to August 26, 2015 (estimated date of delivery), such that the sum of such present values is equal to the price bid, including any premium (the preceding calculation is sometimes referred to as the “Canadian Interest Cost Method” or “Present Value Method”). In the case of a tie bid, the winning bid will be awarded by lot. If any bid for the Bonds shall be acceptable, a prompt award of the bonds will be made. The right is expressly reserved to waive any irregularity in any bid or to reject any and all bids received. BOND ADVERTISEMENT CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 12 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11) Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: City of Shreveport, 505 Travis Street, Suite 610, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 6735450 Plans From: project owner BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: Project No. 1332-13 Project Title: One Way Deliverance Ministries Building Renovations Location: 10770 Greenwell Springs Road Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: One Way Deliverance Ministries, 10770 Greenwell Springs Road, Baton Rouge, LA 70814 (225) 663-2923 Plans From: St. Martin Brown & Associates, LLP, 3201 General DeGaulle Drive, Suite 207, New Orleans, LA 70114 (504) 210-3391 Deposit: $100 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION NATCHITOCHES Project Number: Bid No. 7508 Project Title: Northwestern State University (NSU) A.A. Fredericks Fine Arts Center Structural Improvements Location: Natchitoches, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Owner: Northwestern State University, Room 104, St. Denis Hall, Natchitoches, LA 71497 (318) 357-5785 Fax (318) 357-5127 Plans From: project owner ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK HOMER Project Title: Airport Runway and Taxiway Rehabilitation for the Homer Municipal Airport Location: 468 Airport Loop Homer, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of overlay of existing asphalt pavement with 2 inch of Superpave asphaltic concrete, grading and replacing of runway shoulders with suitable fill material and solid sodding, the installation of a segmented circle, the installation of perimeter fence with sliding gate and keypad. Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 11:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Town Hall, 400 E. Main Street, Homer, La. Owner: Town of Homer, 400 E. Main Street, Homer, LA 71040 Plans From: Integrated Management Services, 207 Milam Street, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 429-7790 Deposit: $100 per set ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK COVINGTON Project Number: Bid No. 300-00-15-07-2 Project Title: Three Rivers Road Widening Location: Three Rivers Road Covington, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Apr. 30 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Staff Conference Room, Building B, St. Tammany Parish Administrative Complex, 21454 Koop Drive, Mandeville, La. 70471. Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $30 per set WEATHERIZATION EVANGELINE PARISH Project Number: Engineer’s Project No. 1-0029-11 Project Title: Ten Critical Facilities Hardening Project Location: Evangeline Parish, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of removing and replacing existing glass windows and doors, existing steel doors, and existing overhead doors on ten critical facilities located throughout the parish. The project also involves removing and replacing the roof shingles on three of the facilities, placing additional decking crews on those three buildings, and placing additional roofing screws of six of the buildings. The new windows and doors will be Miami-Dade county approved products. Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Owner: Evangeline Parish Police Jury, 1008 W. LaSalle Street, Ville Platte, LA 70586-4327 Plans From: J. Ronald Landreneau & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 801 W. Main Street, Ville Platte, LA 70586 (337) 363-7035 Fax (337) 363-1287 Deposit: $200 per set Planholders: Phoenix Architectural Products, Inc., 3075 Jonquil Drive S.E., Smyrna, GA 30080 (770) 803-6380 ETEC, 7731 Office Park Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 295-1200 Fax (225) 2951800 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PATTERSON Project Title: New Patterson Middle School St. Mary Parish School Board Location: 301 Catherine Street Patterson, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of 80,500 square feet of new construction plus the renovation of an existing 16,000 square foot two-story classroom building. The building will include laboratory equipment, indoor athletic equipment, a telescoping bleacher system, a divider curtain that rolls down from the ceiling; and installation of owner furnished student lockers and a self-contained portable stage system. Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 3 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 1:30 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: St. Mary Parish School Board Central Office, 474 Louisiana Highway 317, Centerville, LA 70522 Plans From: Firmin Architects, Ltd., 530 Third Street, P.O. Box 972, Morgan City, LA 70380 (985) 384-3094 Deposit: $300 per set Planholders: Gibbs Const. LLC, P.O. Box 23730, New Orleans, LA 70183 (504) 733-4336 Fax (504) 734-0389 Lamar Contrs., 481 Judge Edward Dufresne Pkwy., Luling, LA 70070 (985) 785-7121 Fax (985) 785-7124 JUNE 5, 2015 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK POINTE COUPEE PARISH Project Number: PEC Project No. 11167 Project Title: 2015 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program - various roads Location: Pointe Coupee Parish, LA w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m Public Bid Scope: Work consists of Base Bid - asphalt overlay, asphalt patching, soil cement base course, shoulder material, striping/markers and appurtenances along various roads. Bids Due: Jun. 5 at 10 a.m. Owner: Pointe Coupee Parish Police Jury, 160 E. Main Street, New Roads, LA 70760 (225) 638-9556 Plans From: Professional Engineering Consultants Corp., 7600 Innovation Park Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70820 (225) 769-2810 Deposit: $100 per set SECURITY SYSTEMS CALCASIEU PARISH Project Number: RFP 2015-40 Project Title: Security Camera Installation at Starks High, WW Lewis Middle and Iowa High Schools - Bond Funds Location: Calcasieu Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 5 at 10 a.m. Owner: Calcasieu Parish School Board, 3310 Broad Street, Lake Charles, LA 70615 (337) 217-4000 Plans From: project owner SITE WORK JENNINGS Project Title: Fire District 4 - Site Work and Building Pad for a New Fire Station Location: 6400 Highway 26 Jennings, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 5 at 10 a.m. Owner: Jefferson Davis Parish Police Jury Office, 304 N. State Street, Jennings, LA 70546 Plans From: Champeaux, Evans, Hotard, APAC, 2000 Lake Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 (337) 439-8871 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHREVEPORT Project Number: Project No. 1989 Project Title: Virology Laboratory Renovation - Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Location: Shreveport, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 5 at 12 p.m. Owner: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, 1427 Kings Highway, Shreveport, LA 71130 (318) 675-5285 Fax (318) 675-5187 Plans From: LSU Health Sciences Center Plant Maintenance Department, 1541 Kings Highway, Shreveport, LA 71103 JUNE 8, 2015 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK DESOTO PARISH Project Title: Mundy Landfill Driveway Project Location: DeSoto Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$300,000 Scope: Work consists of re-construction existing driveway including concrete, reinforcing steel, base, drainage, erosion control, traffic management, and miscellaneous items associated with a complete project. Bids Due: Jun. 8 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 1 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: DeSoto Parish Police Jury Office, 101 Franklin Street, Mansfield, La. Owner: DeSoto Parish Police Jury, 101 Franklin Street, Mansfield, LA 71052 (318) 872-0738 Plans From: GraphX Digital Services, LLC, 107 Spring Street, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 317-1000 Deposit: $50 per set MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS MANSURA Project Title: Town of Mansura - Sidewalk BOND ADVERTISEMENT MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11 It shall be the obligation of the successful bidder to furnish in writing to the Issuer’s Bond Counsel, referenced below, the reoffering yields within three (3) business days after the date of the sale and the initial public offering prices of the Bonds not less than ten (10) business days prior to delivery of the Bonds. The Official Statement containing pertinent information relative to the authorization, sale and security of the Bonds is being prepared and may be obtained upon its completion from the Issuer’s Bond Counsel, Foley & Judell, L.L.P., One Canal Place, Suite 2600, 365 Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130. The Purchaser will be furnished a reasonable number of final official statements on or before the seventh business day following the sale of the Bonds. The approving legal opinion of Foley & Judell, L.L.P., Bond Counsel, who have supervised the proceedings, the printed Bonds and the transcripts of record as passed upon will be furnished to the successful bidders without cost to them. Said transcripts will contain the usual closing proofs, including a certificate that up to the time of delivery no litigation has been filed questioning the validity of the Bonds or the respective tax revenues necessary to pay the same. It is anticipated that the American Bankers’ Association Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP) identification numbers will be printed on the Bonds, but the failure to print such numbers shall not constitute cause for refusal by the successful bidder to accept delivery of and to pay for the Bonds. No CUSIP identification number shall be deemed to be part of any Bond or a part of the contract evidenced thereby, and no liability shall hereafter attach to the Issuer or any of the officers or agents thereof because of or on account of such numbers. All expenses in relation to the printing of the CUSIP identification numbers on the Bonds shall be paid by the Issuer. However, the CUSIP Service Bureau charge for the assignment of such numbers shall be the responsibility of and shall be paid by the successful bidder. In order to assist bidders in complying with S.E.C. Rule 15c2-12(b)(5), the Governing Authority will undertake, pursuant to the resolution providing for the issuance of the Bonds and a Continuing Disclosure Certificate, to provide annual reports and notices of certain events. A description of this undertaking is set forth in the Preliminary Official Statement and will also be set forth in the Final Official Statement. The Bonds will be delivered to the successful bidder on or as soon as practicable after August 26, 2015, but the bid form will obligate the purchaser to accept delivery at any time within sixty (60) days of the sale date. The successful bidder shall pay in Federal Funds on the date of delivery the purchase price of the Bonds plus accrued interest. The Bonds will be delivered in New Orleans, Louisiana, at the option of the successful bidder, unless another place shall be mutually agreed upon. For information relative to the Bonds and not contained in the Notice of Bond Sale and Official Statement, address Mr. Mike Robertson, City Hall Annex, 107 West Oak Street, Bunkie, Louisiana, or Foley & Judell, L.L.P, One Canal Place, Suite 2600, 365 Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130, Bond Counsel. THUS DONE AND SIGNED at Bunkie, Louisiana, on this, the 14th day of May, 2015. Attest: /s/ Keatina H. Reynolds City Clerk /s/ Mike Robertson Mayor June 1, 2015 Improvements - Phase III Location: Mansura, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 8 at 5 p.m. Owner: Town of Mansura, 1832 L’Elgise Street, Mansura, LA 71364 Plans From: Pan American Engineers Alexandria, Inc., 1717 Jackson Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 (318) 473-2100 Fax (318) 473-2275 Deposit: $100 per set MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS IOWA Project Number: Project No. I-2014-106 Project Title: North Kinney Avenue Drainage Improvements from David Street to Lateral 14 Location: North Kinney Avenue Iowa, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 8 at 7 p.m. Owner: Town of Iowa, City Hall, 115 N. Thomson Avenue, Iowa, LA 70647 (337) 582-3535 Fax (337) 582-7776 Plans From: D.W. Jessen & Associates, 440 Kirby Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 (337) 433-0561 Deposit: $40 per set JUNE 9, 2015 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS GALLIANO Project Title: Airport Pump Station Improvements Location: Galliano, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $600,000 Scope: Work consists of the removal of existing pumps and pump platform, installation of new pump platform, 30” and 36” discharge pumps, trash screen, lighting and other related items. Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 27 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 16829 E. Main, Galliano, La. Owner: Greater Lafourche Port Commission, 16829 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 490, Galliano, LA 70354 (985) 632-6701 Plans From: Picciola & Assoc., Inc., 115 Picciola Parkway, Cut Off, LA 70345 (985) 6325786 Deposit: $20 per set (CONTINUED ON PAGE 13) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12) BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: LSU Solicitation No. 000013532 Project Title: Annex Building Renovations Louisiana State University Location: Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 9:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Facility Service Annex Building Lobby, LSU, Baton Rouge, La. Owner: Louisiana State University, Room 213, Thomas D. Boyd Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 (225) 578-2176 Plans From: project owner BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MONROE Project Number: Project No. 16-514-12-01, Part 01 Project Title: Storage Building at the Monroe Fish Hatchery District 2 Headquarters, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Location: 368 Centurylink Drive Monroe, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 27 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Langlois Engineering, Inc., 11328 Pennywood Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70809 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OPELOUSAS Project Number: Project No. 14025 Project Title: Opelousas Housing Authority 2013 & 2014 CFP - Window Replacement at Residences Location: Opelousas, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,150,000 Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 906 E. Laurent Street, Opelousas, La. Owner: Housing Authority of Opelousas, 906 E. Laurent Street, Opelousas, LA 70570 (337) 942-5693 Plans From: Architect Southwest, 534 Jefferson Street, Lafayette, LA 70501 (337) 2372211 Deposit: $80 per set, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: City Parish Project No. 15-ASC-CP-0914 Project Title: City Court Exterior Repairs and Renovations Phase I Location: 233 St. Louis Street Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of repair and renovate several exterior portions of the city court building, including the architrave and lintels above the main entrance, as well as the cornices and balustrades around the entire building. Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 13 BOND ADVERTISEMENT NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS NOT EXCEEDING $225,000,000 LOUISIANA PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY TAXABLE HOSPITAL REVENUE BONDS (LOUISIANA CHILDREN’S MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that not exceeding $225,000,000 principal amount of Louisiana Public Facilities Authority Taxable Hospital Revenue Bonds (Louisiana Children’s Medical Center Project) in one or more series (the “Bonds”) will be sold at private sale to Bank of America, N.A., by the Louisiana Public Facilities Authority (the “Authority”), at 2237 South Acadian Thruway, Suite 650, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, at eleven o’clock (11:00) a.m., Louisiana time, on June 9, 2015, or such other date, time and/or place as may be determined by the Chairman of the Authority. The Bonds may be sold pursuant to the terms of a bond purchase agreement, a contract of purchase, a private placement agreement, investment agreement and/or investment letter, or loan agreement with the purchaser at a price of par. Other proposals are hereby invited and upon receipt will be considered, and the proposal most advantageous to the Authority will be accepted at the time of the sale. The issuance and sale of the Bonds have been duly authorized pursuant to the terms of a resolution adopted by the Authority on April 7, 2015, under the provisions of Chapter 2-A of Title 9 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended (the “Act”). The Bonds will be issued in accordance with the provisions of a Trust Indenture (the “Indenture”) to be entered into between the Authority and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (the “Trustee”), for the purpose of (i) financing or refinancing the costs of designing, acquiring, constructing, equipping, furnishing, installing and renovating of capital projects, including, but not limited to, improvements at Louisiana Children’s Medical Center, including Children’s Hospital in New Orleans, located in Orleans Parish, and/or West Jefferson Medical Center, located in Jefferson Parish, (ii) funding a reserve fund, if deemed necessary to market the Bonds, (iii) paying capitalized interest, if any, and (iv) paying costs of issuance of the Bonds. Louisiana Children’s Medical Center, a Louisiana nonprofit corporation (the “Corporation”), and Children’s Hospital, a Louisiana nonprofit corporation, are the Members of the Obligated Group (as defined in the hereinafter Master Trust Indenture) under the provisions of the Master Trust Indenture dated April 1, 2014 (the “Master Trust Indenture”) between the Corporation and The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. (the “Master Trustee”), as supplemented to the date hereof, and, as such, are responsible for the payment of the amounts due under the Loan Agreement (defined below). The Bonds will be dated, mature on such dates and bear interest at fixed and/or variable rates, and all or a portion of the Bonds may be converted from one interest mode to another mode and from taxable status to tax-exempt status, all as provided in and subject to the terms and conditions of the Indenture. The Bonds will be subject to optional, extraordinary and mandatory redemption prior to maturity as set forth in the Indenture. The Bonds are issued under and equally secured both as to principal and Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge, 222 St. Louis Street, Eight Floor, Room 826, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 (225) 389-3259 Plans From: Department of Public Works, Architectural Services Division, 1100 Laurel Street, Room 227, Baton Rouge, LA 70802 Deposit: $20 per set, non-refundable COASTAL RESTORATION CAMERON PARISH Project Number: Project No. CS-33 Project Title: Shoreline Restoration Sand Fence Replacement Location: Cameron Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 13 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: CPRA Lafayette Regional Office, Abdalla Hall, Conference Room A, 635 Cajundome Blvd., Lafayette, La. 70506. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, 450 Laurel Street, Suite 1501, Baton Rouge, LA 70801 (225) 342-0811 Fax (225) 342-4674 interest by the Indenture, which Indenture provides a complete description of the pledged property and revenues constituting the Trust Estate (as defined in the Indenture), the nature and extent of the security, a statement of the terms and conditions on which the Bonds are issued and secured, the rights, duties and obligations of the Authority, the rights, duties and immunities of the Trustee and the rights of the owners of the Bonds. The Authority will loan the proceeds of the Bonds to the Corporation pursuant to a Loan Agreement between the Authority and the Corporation (the “Loan Agreement”) and the obligations of the Corporation under the Loan Agreement will be secured by an Obligation (as defined in the Master Trust Indenture) issued under the provisions of the Master Trust Indenture. The Bonds are limited and special obligations of the Authority and are payable solely out of the income, revenues and receipts derived by the Authority from payments of the Corporation under the Loan Agreement and from certain other moneys pledged under the Indenture. The Loan Agreement provides that the Corporation is obligated to make payments in an aggregate amount sufficient, with any other funds available therefor, for the payment in full of the principal, premium, if any, and interest of all Bonds issued and outstanding under the Indenture, to the date of payment thereof, and certain costs, expenses and charges of the Authority and the Trustee. The Members of the Obligated Group will assign to the Master Trustee all Pledged Receipts (as defined in the Master Trust Indenture) and which include, without limitation and subject to the restrictions therein, all receipts, income, rents, royalties, benefits and other revenues from the operation of the Obligated Group’s Facilities (as defined in the Master Trust Indenture) to secure Obligations (as defined in the Master Trust Indenture). If the Authority and the Members of the Obligated Group find that substantial benefits will accrue from credit enhancement of the Bonds or the provision of a mortgage by the Members of the Obligated Group as security for the Bonds, the Bonds of any series may be entitled to the benefits of (i) an insurance policy issued by a municipal bond insurer rated in one of the top two rating categories of a nationally recognized rating service or (ii) a letter of credit or liquidity facilities to be provided by a bank or other provider to be designated by the Members of the Obligated Group. The Bonds do not constitute or create an obligation, general or special, debt, liability or moral obligation of the State of Louisiana or any political subdivision thereof or personal obligations of the Authority, but are limited and special obligations of the Authority. Neither the faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State of Louisiana or of any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of or the interest on the Bonds. For further information relative to the Bonds and not contained in this notice, please contact Mr. James W. Parks II, Louisiana Public Facilities Authority, 2237 Acadian Thruway, Suite 650, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70808, or Bond Counsel, Foley & Judell, L.L.P., One Canal Place, Suite 2600, 365 Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 70130. LOUISIANA PUBLIC FACILITIES AUTHORITY Dated June 1, 2015 June 1, 2015 COASTAL RESTORATION CAMERON PARISH Project Number: Project No. CS-21 Project Title: Highway 384 Hydrologic Restoration Project, Maintenance Event Location: Highway 384 Cameron Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 11 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Services Field Office, 5417 Gerstner Memorial Drive, Lake Charles, La. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority, 450 Laurel Street, Suite 1501, Baton Rouge, LA 70801 (225) 342-0811 Fax (225) 342-4674 Planholders: Luhr Bros., Inc., P.O. Box 7886, Alexandria, LA 71306 (318) 487-9263 Fax (318) 442-8645 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK ST. TAMMANY PARISH Project Number: Bid No. 305-00-15-18-2 Project Title: 2015 District 5 Road Improvements Location: St. Tammany Parish, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of improve road surfaces with; scarify and compact roadbed; soil cement stabilized base; 1.5” binder course asphalt; 1.5” wearing course asphalt; 1.5” cold planing; 2” asphalt overlay; remove/replace cross culverts and driveway culverts as specified; place topsoil shoulder material; hydro-seed; clean/flush existing culverts and clean/shape/grade existing ditches as specified. Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS MADISONVILLE Project Number: PEC Project No. 11019.05 Project Title: Gas Line Relocation at Louisiana Highway 1077 and LA 1085 Location: LA 1077 Madisonville, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. TENNIS COURTS WEST MONROE Project Title: New Tennis Courts, West Ouachita High School Location: 4061 Caples Road West Monroe, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Owner: Ouachita Parish School Board, 100 Bry Street, Monroe, LA 71201 (318) 432- Owner: Town of Madisonville, 403 St. Francis Street, Madisonville, LA 70447 Plans From: Professional Engineering Consultants Corp., 7600 Innovation Park Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70820 (225) 769-2810 Deposit: $150 per set 5000 Plans From: Rice Gregory & Associates, APC, 1529 Cedar Street, West Monroe, LA 71294 (318) 366-2601 Deposit: $100 per set, refundable JUNE 10, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MONROE Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259548 Project Title: Re-Bid Install Electric Door Operators at the Northest War Vet Home Location: 6700 Highway 165 N. Monroe, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: Mandatory job site visit is required prior to bid date. Contact Tim Alsobrooks at (318) 362-8513. HIGHWAY PROJECTS ACADIA PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011653.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 365 from LA 13 to LA 35 Location: Acadia Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of pavement patching, pavement widening, micro-surfacing and (CONTINUED ON PAGE 14) 14 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13) related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 2% Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 T.L. Wallace Const., Inc., P.O. Box 523, Columbia, MS 39429 (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 HIGHWAY PROJECTS ASCENSION AND E. BATON ROUGE PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.011269.6-R1 Project Title: POSTPONED - Interstate 10 Pavement Marking Replacement IV Location: Ascension and E. Baton Rouge parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of plastic pavement striping, reflectorized raised pavement markers and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 10% Planholders: AKCA, Inc., 4603 Reece Road, Plant City, FL 33566 (813) 752-4471 Fax (813) 752-2357 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Highway Graphics, Inc., P.O. Box 745, West Monroe, LA 71294-0745 (318) 398-9948 Pavement Markings Co., Div. of Gulf Industries, P.O. Box 309, Mandeville, LA 70470 (985) 892-6500 Fax (985) 892-0707 Southern Synergy LLC, 3112 S. Ruby Avenue, Gonzales, LA 70737 (504) 812-0223 Fax (504) 779-0308 HIGHWAY PROJECTS ASCENSION, ASSUMPTION, E BATON ROUGE, E FELICIANA, IBERVILLE, POINTE COUPEE, ST JAMES, W BATON ROUGE, W FELICIANA PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. 4400005583 Project Title: Ret. Ctr. for Repair and Replacement of Guardrail in District 61(MO) Location: Ascension, Assumption, E Baton Rouge, E Feliciana, Iberville, Pointe Coupee, St James, W Baton Rouge, W Feliciana parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Traffic Solutions, Inc., 2950 St. Anthony St, New Orleans, LA 70122 (504) 948-4809 HIGHWAY PROJECTS AVOYELLES, RAPIDES, SABINE, VERNON PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.000792.6 Project Title: District 08 Bridge Super and Substructure Repairs and Painting Location: Avoyelles, Rapides, Sabine, Vernon parishes, LA (CONTINUED ON PAGE 15) w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m NEW PROJECTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 10% HIGHWAY PROJECTS EVANGELINE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.010208.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 104 from CSLM 0.8 (End Curb/Gutr) to LA 1161 Location: Evangeline Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, asphaltic surface treatment, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 4% HIGHWAY PROJECTS JACKSON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.010420.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 505 Roadway Flooding 0.9 miles north of Winn Parish line Location: Jackson Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $100,000-$250,000 Scope: Work consists of drainage structures, pavement patching, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. CHARLES PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.010498.6 Project Title: Luling Bridge Deck Overlay and Repairs Location: St. Charles Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $20,000,000-$30,000,000 Scope: Work consists of clearing and grubbing, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, bridge repairs, steel deck epoxy underlayment, steel fiber reinforced concrete overlay and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Headquarter Auditorium, 1201 Capitol Access Road, Baton Rouge, La. 70802. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 1% HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. CHARLES PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011022.6 Project Title: US Highway 61 at Evangeline Road Location: St. Charles Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 5% HIGHWAY PROJECTS RAPIDES PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011154.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 71 and Louisiana Highway 3170 Turn Lanes Location: Rapides Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, drainage structures, Class II base course, lime treatment, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, Portland cement concrete pavement, pavement patching, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 8% HIGHWAY PROJECTS BIENVILLE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011240.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 147 from Union Church Road to Lincoln Parish line Location: Bienville Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 3% HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. CHARLES PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011305.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 61: Left Turn Lane at Log Mile 6.0 Location: St. Charles Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, Class II base course, cold planing asphaltic concrete, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 6% HIGHWAY PROJECTS IBERVILLE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011343.6 Project Title: Interstate 10 Whiskey Bay Fire Repair Location: Iberville Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of bridge repairs, carbon fiber reinforced polymer repairs, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 7% HIGHWAY PROJECTS BIENVILLE, BOSSIER, CADDO, CLAIBORNE, DESOTO, RED RIVER AND WEBSTER PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.011405.6 Project Title: District 04 Controller Upgrade Location: Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Claiborne, Desoto, Red River and Webster parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of traffic signalization and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 1% HIGHWAY PROJECTS CALDWELL AND CATAHOULA PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.011572.6 Project Title: Louisiana 559 from Duty Ferry to five miles north of parish line Location: Caldwell and Catahoula parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, asphaltic surface treatment, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 4% HIGHWAY PROJECTS OUACHITA PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011614.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 15: Drainage Improvements 0.8 miles north of U.S. Highway 80 Location: Ouachita Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $100,000-$250,000 Scope: Work consists of clearing and grubbing, pavement patching, drainage structures, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 7% HIGHWAY PROJECTS WEST CARROLL PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011626.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 577: Drainage Improvements 0.7 miles north of LA 134 Location: West Carroll Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, pavement patching, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner HIGHWAY PROJECTS LAFAYETTE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011652.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 92 from Vermilion Parish line to LA 339 Location: Lafayette Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic pavement, pavement patching, in-place cement stabilized base course, lime treatment, subgrade layer, superpave asphaltic concrete, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 4%; OJT Goal: 1 Trainees HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. MARTIN PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011656.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 31 from 0.12 miles north of LA 96 to Local Road (Levert) Location: St. Martin Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic pavement, thin asphaltic concrete overlay, pavement patching, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 4% HIGHWAY PROJECTS IBERVILLE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011704.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 1 and LA 69: Concrete Patching Location: Iberville Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 5% BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MANY Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259601 Project Title: Repair and Repaint Porch at Fort Jesup State Historic Site Location: 32 Geoghagan Road - LA 6 Many, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of replace deteriorating lumber and repaint second floor porch/stairs and replace existing gutter and down drains (base bid). Bids Due: Jul. 7 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 23 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Contact person is Jeff Jones at (318) 357-3192. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 708049095 Plans From: project owner MISSISSIPPI MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS RICHLAND Project Number: Project No. 09-R-8061 Project Title: 2015 Sewer Interceptor Assessment and Rehabilitation Location: Richland, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of a pipe televising and smoke testing, manhole inspection, cured in place pipe, and point repair. Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Richland, 380 Scarbrough Street, P.O. Box 108609, Richland, MS 39218 Plans From: Engineering Service, 198 Cleary Road, P.O. Box 180429, Richland, MS 39218 (601) 939-8737 Deposit: $75 per set, non-refundable MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14) Public Bid Estimated Cost: $10,000,000-$15,000,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, hydro blasting, latex modified concrete overlay, pavement rehabilitation, bridge repairs, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 2% and OJT Goal: 1 Trainees Planholders: American Contracting & Services, Inc. of Indiana, 6200 E. Highway 62, Suite 200, Jeffersonville, IN 47130 (812) 280-4404 Fax (812) 280-4415 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Gibson and Associates, 11210 Rylie Crest, Balch Springs, TX 75180 (972) 557-1199 Fax (972) 557-1552 Intech Contracting, LLC, 3131 Custer Drive, Suite 8, Lexington, KY 40517 (859) 272-0352 Fax (859) 271-5052 PCL Civil Constructors, Inc., 3810 Northdale Boulevard, Suite 200, Tampa, FL 33624 (813) 264-9500 Fax (813) 264-6689 Thomas Industrial Coatings, 2070 Highway Z, Pevely, MO 63070 (636) 475-3500 HIGHWAY PROJECTS CALCASIEU PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011554.6-R1 Project Title: POSTPONED - Interstates 10 and 210 Pavement Marking Replacement II Location: Calcasieu Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of remove and replace existing raised pavement markers and plastic pavement striping, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 6% Planholders: AKCA, Inc., 4603 Reece Road, Plant City, FL 33566 (813) 752-4471 Fax (813) 752-2357 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Highway Graphics, Inc., P.O. Box 745, West Monroe, LA 71294-0745 (318) 398-9948 Lou-Con, Inc., 3100 E. Saint Bernard Highway, Meraux, LA 70075 (504) 271-3431 Fax (504) 271-1184 Pavement Markings Co., Div. of Gulf Industries, P.O. Box 309, Mandeville, LA 70470 (985) 892-6500 Fax (985) 892-0707 Southern Synergy LLC, 3112 S. Ruby Avenue, Gonzales, LA 70737 (504) 812-0223 Fax (504) 779-0308 HIGHWAY PROJECTS CALCASIEU PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011632.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 3059 from US Highway 171 to Pujol Road Location: Calcasieu Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $100,000-$250,000 Scope: Work consists of asphaltic surface treatment, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 3% w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 T.L. Wallace Const., Inc., P.O. Box 523, Columbia, MS 39429 (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 HIGHWAY PROJECTS CALCASIEU PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011633.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 109 from US Highway 90 to N Charlie Stanley Loop Location: Calcasieu Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of asphaltic surface treatment, pavement markers, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 3% Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 T.L. Wallace Const., Inc., P.O. Box 523, Columbia, MS 39429 (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 HIGHWAY PROJECTS DESOTO PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011009.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 84 from US 171 to Louisiana Highway 175 South Location: DeSoto Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 9% Planholders: Best-Yet-Builders, LLC, 3820 W. 70th Street, Shreveport, LA 71108 (318) 459-1125 Fax (318) 459-1126 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 HIGHWAY PROJECTS E. BATON ROUGE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.009649.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 67 from US Highway 61/190 to LA 3006 Location: E. Baton Rouge Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, Class II base course, lime treatment, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, Portland cement concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 5% Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 F. G. Sullivan Jr. Contr. LLC, P.O. Box 15196, Baton Rouge, LA 70895 (225) 927-8476 Fax (225) 928-2338 Gibbs & Register, Inc., 232 South Dillard Street, Winter Garden, FL 34787 (407) 6546133 Fax (407) 654-6134 HIGHWAY PROJECTS MADISON AND RICHLAND PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.003353.6 Project Title: Interstate 20 Drainage Canal Bridges Location: Madison and Richland parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of clearing and grubbing, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, bridge repairs, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 11% Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Gibson and Associates, 11210 Rylie Crest, Balch Springs, TX 75180 (972) 557-1199 Fax (972) 557-1552 HIGHWAY PROJECTS MADISON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011047.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 577 from LA 860 to New Boys Road Location: Madison Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of clearing and grubbing, drainage structures, cold planing, asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, asphaltic surface treatment, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 7% Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 D & J Const. Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1889, West Monroe, LA 71294 (318) 388-2764 Fax (318) 361-9474 Diamond B Const. Co., LLC, P.O. Box 7177, Alexandria, LA 71306 (318) 442-0008 Fax (318) 442-7161 Gilchrist Const. Co., LLC, P.O. Box 5699, Alexandria, LA 71307 (318) 448-3565 HIGHWAY PROJECTS NATCHITOCHES AND RAPIDES PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.003476.6 Project Title: Interstate 49 from Louisiana Highway 8 to LA 6 (I-49 Signing) Location: Natchitoches and Rapides parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 1%; OJT Goal: 1 Trainees Planholders: Collins & Hermann, Inc., 1215 Dunn Road, St. Louis, MO 63138 (314) 869-8000 Fax (314) 869-8498 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Ozark Safety Services, LLC, P. O. Box 210128, Montgomery, AL 36121 (334) 277-6577 Fax (334) 277-6575 HIGHWAY PROJECTS OUACHITA AND RICHLAND PARISHES Project Number: DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE Proposal No. H.003328.6 Project Title: Interstate 20 from Garrett Road to Madison Parish line Location: Ouachita and Richland parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of permanent signing and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 1%; OJT Goal: 1 Trainees Planholders: Atwood Fence Co., Inc., P.O. Box 565, Kosciusko, MS 39090 (662) 289-6338 Collins & Hermann, Inc., 1215 Dunn Road, St. Louis, MO 63138 (314) 869-8000 Fax (314) 869-8498 Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Ozark Safety Services, LLC, P. O. Box 210128, Montgomery, AL 36121 (334) 277-6577 Fax (334) 277-6575 HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.000326.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 3224: US Highway 61 at Hemlock Street Location: St. John the Baptist Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, lime treatment, Class II base course, pavement patching, asphaltic concrete pavement, traffic signalization, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 10% Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 D. O’Brian Construction LLC, 18315 Landon Road, Gulfport, MS 39503 (228) 631-1171 HIGHWAY PROJECTS TERREBONNE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.009569.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 182 from Main Street to LA 316 Location: Terrebonne Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of pavement patching, cold planing asphaltic concrete, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, concrete curbs, loop detector, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 7% Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 Barriere Const. Co., LLC, One Galleria Blvd., Suite 1650, Metairie, LA 70001 (504) 5817283 Fax (504) 569-3100 MECHANICAL LAKE CHARLES Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259485 Project Title: Rebid - Backflow Preventer at Sam Houston Jones State Park Location: 107 Southerland Road Lake Charles, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of installation of back- 15 flow preventer, concrete pad and insulated enclosure. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 27 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Contact person is Donald Welch at (337) 506-3792. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner PAINTING CARVILLE Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259550 Project Title: Paint Building 14 Stairwell at Gillis W. Long Center Location: 5445 Point Clair Road Carville, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: Mandatory job site visit is required prior to bid date. Contact persons are Frank Panepinto at (225) 319-4715 or CSM Troy Barron at (225) 319-4689. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: Project No. 01-107-06B-11, Part VB Project Title: Skylight Replacement Capital Area Technical College - Baton Rouge Community College Acadian Campus Location: 3250 N. Acadian Thruway E. Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 27 at 1:30 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Room 220, project site. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Jerry M. Campbell and Associates, A.I.A. Architects, 802 North Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70802 (225) 381-9435 Deposit: $100 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: Solicitation No. 2015-BusLifts002 Project Title: Construction, Installation and Equipment - Bus Lifts (scissor type) for the Capital Area Transit System (CATS) Maintenance Facility Location: 2250 Florida Blvd. Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of removal of old concrete and existing in-ground maintenance lifts and the purchase and installation of nine new scissor type bus lifts. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Capital Area Transit System (CATS) Front Reception Area, 2250 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Plans From: project owner LANDSCAPING ABITA SPRINGS, COVINGTON, MANDEVILLE & SLIDELL Project Number: Project No. 010-92-15-24-1 (CONTINUED ON PAGE 16) 16 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15) Project Title: Mitigated Property and Landscaping Maintenance Services Location: Abita Springs, Covington, Mandeville & Slidell, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner MECHANICAL WEST MONROE AND BASTROP Project Number: Bid No. 40010-10437 Project Title: Louisiana Delta Community College West Monroe Campus and Bastrop Campus Boiler Replacement Location: West Monroe and Bastrop, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: West Monroe Campus, 609 Vocational Parkway, West Monroe (71292) and 1 p.m. at Bastrop Campus, 729 Kammell Street, Bastrop (71221). Owner: Louisiana Delta Community College, Purchasing Department, 7500 Millhaven Road, Monroe, LA 71111 (318) 678-6390 Plans From: Allied Engineering Design, 464 Industrial Parkway, West Monroe, LA 71291 (318) 807-6500 MECHANICAL HOUMA Project Number: Project No. 14-074 Project Title: Terrebonne General Medical Center - Air Handling Unit (AHU) Nos. 19, 20 and 24 Replacement Location: 8166 Main Street Houma, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Medical Atrium Auditorium, Terrebonne General Medical Center, 8120 Main Street, Houma, La. 70360 Owner: Terrebonne General Medical Center, Medical Atrium Auditorium, 8120 Main Street, Houma, LA 70360 Plans From: Thompson Luke & Associates, LLC, 3071 Teddy Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 293-9474 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS TULLOS Project Title: Fire Protection Improvements for Delwood Subdivision Location: Tullos, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of installation of approximately 2,900 linear feet of 6-inch water main and associated appurtenances within Delwood Subdivision. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Owner: Town of Tullos c/o Pan American Engineers Alexandria, Inc., 1717 Jackson Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 Plans From: Pan American Engineers Alexandria, Inc., 1717 Jackson Street, Alexandria, LA 71301 (318) 473-2100 Fax (318) 473-2275 Deposit: $150 per set MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS MANDEVILLE Project Number: Project No. 015-45-15-18-1 Project Title: Greenleaves Blvd. at Forest Catch Basin Repairs Location: Mandeville, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of provide and install a 2’ x 2’ x 18” traffic rated catch basin with 8” round, cast iron grate, 67 lf of 8” schedule 40 PVC pipe and tie pipe into the existing catch basin; remove 5’ lf of 6” x 12” roll over curb and install a radius curb leading to the new catch basin and install a 4” wide by 12” tall curb around the sides and back of the new catch basin with 6” exposed above the lid of the basin; supply & install sod at all disturbed areas. All debris is to be removed at no direct pay. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK ST. TAMMANY PARISH Project Number: Project No. 313-00-15-22-1 Project Title: 2015 Districts 5 and 13 Panel Replacements Location: St. Tammany Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner STORAGE TANK HOUMA Project Number: Project No. CIP-3-15-01 Project Title: Two 2-Million Gallon Ground Storage Tanks (Houma Treatment Plant) and Demolition of Two Electric Generation Plant Tanks Location: Houma, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 1 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 8814 Main Street, Houma, La. Owner: Consolidated Waterworks District No. 1, 8814 Main Street, Houma, LA 70363 Plans From: All South Consulting Engineers, LLC, 302 School Street, Houma, LA 70360 (985) 537-8893 Deposit: $100 per set WATER SYSTEM IMPRS. COLUMBIA Project Title: Contract No. 3 - Treatment and Booster Station Improvements - Columbia Heights Water District Location: Columbia, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Owner: Columbia Heights Water District, 167 Water Plant Road, Columbia, LA 71418 Plans From: Meyer, Meyer, LaCroix & Hixson LLC, 100 Engineer Place, Alexandria, LA 71303 (318) 448-0888 Deposit: $40 per set, non-refundable WASTEWATER SYSTEM IMPS. COLUMBIA Project Title: Contract No. 1 - Water Well Columbia Heights Water District Location: Columbia, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2:15 p.m. Owner: Columbia Heights Water District, 167 Water Plant Road, Columbia, LA 71418 Plans From: Meyer, Meyer, LaCroix & Hixson LLC, 100 Engineer Place, Alexandria, LA 71303 (318) 448-0888 Deposit: $40 per set, non-refundable WATER SYSTEM IMPRS. COLUMBIA Project Title: Contract No. 2 - Water Distribution - Columbia Heights Water District Location: Columbia, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2:30 p.m. Owner: Columbia Heights Water District, 167 Water Plant Road, Columbia, LA 71418 Plans From: Meyer, Meyer, LaCroix & Hixson w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m LLC, 100 Engineer Place, Alexandria, LA 71303 (318) 448-0888 Deposit: $40 per set, non-refundable JUNE 11, 2015 ELEVATOR WORK NATCHITOCHES Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259569 Project Title: Elevator Maintenance and Repairs for Louisiana School for Math, Science and Arts Location: 715 University Parkway Natchitoches, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: Mandatory job site visit is required prior to bid date. Contact John Allen at (318) 357-2510 to schedule. FUEL TANK STORAGE GRAND CHENIER Project Number: Solicitation No. 3000003605 Project Title: Fuel Storage Facility at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge Location: 5476 Grand Chenier Highway Grand Chenier, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration Office of State Purchasing, 1201 N. Third Street, Second Floor, Suite 2-160, Baton Rouge, LA 70804 (225) 342-8022 Fax (225) 342-8022 Plans From: project owner Note: Mandatory job site visit is required prior to bid date. Contact person is Dan Hebert at (225) 763-5425. MECHANICAL PINEVILLE Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259559 Project Title: Install Hot Water Heaters at Pinecrest Support and Services Center Location: 100 Pinecrest Drive Pineville, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: Mandatory job site visit required prior to bid date. Contact person is Dr. Bounds at (318) 676-7550. PAINTING CARVILLE Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259558 Project Title: Paint Buildings H1 & H2 at Gillis W. Long Center Location: 5445 Point Clair Road Carville, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: Mandatory job site visit required prior to bid date. Contact persons are Frank Panepinto at (225) 319-4715 or CSM Troy Barron at (225) 319-4689. ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK CALCASIEU PARISH Project Number: Bid No. 2015-07PC Project Title: Renovations to Four Tracks for Calcasieu Parish School Board: Barbe, Iowa, Lagrange and Washington Marion (Riverboat Funds Location: Calcasieu Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Owner: Calcasieu Parish School Board, 3310 Broad Street, Lake Charles, LA 70615 (337) 217-4000 Plans From: C.R. Fugatt AIA & Associates, 1424 Ryan Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 (337) 439-1410 Fax (337) 237-1467 ROOFING WORK ST. FRANCISVILLE Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259500 Project Title: Repair Roof Day Use Restroom at Rosedown State Historical Site Location: 1201 Highway 10 St. Francisville, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Contact person is Donald Welch at (337) 506-3792. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner BRIDGE & ROAD WORK SHREVEPORT Project Number: IFB 15-030 Project Title: Woolworth Road Bridge Location: Woolworth Road Shreveport, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $234,000 Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Owner: City of Shreveport, 505 Travis Street, Suite 610, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 6735450 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $30 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: Project No. 01-107-06B-11, Part J7 Project Title: Modernize and Upgrade Three Traction Elevators and Dumbwaiter at the State Library Capitol Complex Location: 701 N. Fourth Street Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 10:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Capitol Complex, State Library, Second Floor, Conference Room 221, 701 N. Fourth Street, Baton Rouge, La. 70802. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Domain Design Architecture, 8316 Kelwood Avenue, Baton Rouge, LA 70806 (225) 216-3770 Deposit: $50 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHREVEPORT Project Number: Project No. 2016-224 Project Title: Woodlawn Leadership Academy Restroom Restoration Location: 7340 Wyngate Blvd. Shreveport, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: School Office, project site. Owner: Caddo Parish School Board, 1961 Midway Street, Shreveport, LA 71108 (318) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 603-6344 Plans From: McNew Architecture, 3556 Youree Drive, Shreveport, LA 71105-2120 (318) 219-7388 Fax (318) 219-7466 Deposit: $50 per set MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS ST. AMANT Project Number: SB-10533 Project Title: Sewer Treatment Plant - St. Amant High School Location: 12035 Highway 431 St. Amant, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 10:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Main Office at the project site. Owner: Ascension Parish School Board, 1100 Webster Street, P.O. Box 189, Donaldsonville, LA 70346 (225) 391-7134 Plans From: project owner ARCH/ENGR SERVS SHREVEPORT Project Number: RFS No. 15-710 Project Title: Statement of Qualifications Engineering Services for Cross Lake Dam Erosion Control Location: Shreveport, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $200,000 Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 3 p.m. Owner: City of Shreveport, 505 Travis Street, Suite 610, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 6735450 Plans From: project owner Note: Contact person is Robert Westerman at (318) 673-6000. ARCH/ENGR SERVS SHREVEPORT Project Number: RFS No. 15-712 Project Title: Statement of Qualifications Engineering Services for Lucas/NR Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and Replacement Location: Shreveport, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $200,000 Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 3 p.m. Owner: City of Shreveport, 505 Travis Street, Suite 610, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 6735450 Plans From: project owner Note: Contact person is Robert Westerman at (318) 673-6000. JUNE 12, 2015 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS NEW IBERIA Project Title: Lawrence Street Pump Station Flow Re-Routing Project Location: Lawrence Street New Iberia, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of approximately 2,000 feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer force main, pump station piping modifications and other appurtenant and related items of work. Bids Due: Jun. 12 at 9 a.m. Owner: City of New Iberia, Third Floor, City Hall, Suite 300, 457 E. Main Street, New Iberia, LA 70560 Plans From: Domingue, Szabo & Assoc., Inc., 102 Asma Blvd., Suite 305, Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 232-5182 Deposit: $120 per set Planholders: M.P. Dumesnil Const. Co., Inc., P.O. Box 3625, Lafayette 70502 (337) 233-1223 Fax (337) 233-5013 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: (CONTINUED ON PAGE 17) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16) SB No. 1620 Project Title: Anna T. Jordan Park Recreation Center Location: 1750 Stilt Street Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of architectural renovations and additions to a recreation center and gym building. Bids Due: Jun. 12 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. The construction estimate will be read aloud at the pre-bid meeting. Owner: Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC), 6201 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $10 per set on disk ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK MOSS BLUFF Project Number: Project No. CPPJ-2015-22 Project Title: Don Manuel Memorial Recreation Center Improvements - Drainage, Asphalt Road and Parking Lot Asphalt Paving Location: Don Manuel Blvd. Moss Bluff, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 12 at 2 p.m. Owner: Community Center & Playground District No. 4 % D.W. Jessen & Assocs., LLC, 440 Kirby Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 Plans From: D.W. Jessen & Associates, 440 Kirby Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 (337) 433-0561 Deposit: $40 per set JUNE 15, 2015 ELECTRICAL WORK BOSSIER CITY Project Title: Backup Dispatch Center for the Emergency Operations Center Location: 5850 Shed Road Bossier City, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of installation, material, equipment and parts listing for a dispatch center. Bids Due: Jun. 15 at 11 a.m. Owner: Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office, 204 Burt Blvd., Conference Room, Benton, LA 71006 (318) 965-2203 Plans From: project owner GENERATOR RAYVILLE Project Title: Richardson Medical Center Emergency Power Generator Location: 254 Highway 3048 Rayville, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of a 100 kw, UL listed, LP/NG fueled, emergency power generator to be installed and replace existing 70 kw power generator. Bids Due: Jun. 15 at 1 p.m. Owner: Richland Parish Hospital Service District No. 1B d/b/a, Richardson Medical Center, 254 Highway 3048, Rayville, LA 71269 (318) 728-4181 Plans From: project owner JUNE 16, 2015 FENCING LAFAYETTE Project Title: Peck Animal Deterrent Fence Location: Lafayette, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 10 a.m. Owner: Lafayette Consolidated Government, 705 W. University Avenue, Lafayette, LA 70501 (337) 291-8071 Plans From: project owner w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS THIBODAUX Project Number: Project No. 2015-013 Project Title: Sidewalks along Ridgefield Road: Isabelle Place to the intersection of Candy/Ridgefield Road, 2014 CDBG Program Location: Ridgefield Road Thibodaux, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of construct a concrete sidewalk from the southeast corner of West 5th Street to the intersection of Ridgefield Road and Candy Lane along the east side of Ridgefield Road including drainage structures, drain pipe and handicap ramps, and other incidental work items as specified, all complete as indicated in the plans and specifications. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 1107 Canal Blvd., Thibodaux, La. Owner: City of Thibodaux, 310 W. Second Street, Thibodaux, LA 70302 (985) 446-7200 Plans From: David A. Waitz Engineering and Surveying, Inc., 1107 Canal Blvd., Thibodaux, LA 70302 (985) 447-4017 Deposit: $100 per set MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS BREAUX BRIDGE Project Title: Water Main Extension - Part A: City Limits North of Interstate 10 Location: Breaux Bridge, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of installation of approximately 9,500 feet of 12-inch PVC water main, 10,200 feet of 8-inch PVC water main, 9,400 feet of 6-inch water main, 54 hydrants and related piping and valves, related items of water main work, and all related pavement, utility, and drainage work. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Breaux Bridge, 101 Berard Street, Breaux Bridge, LA 70517 (337) 3322171 Plans From: Domingue, Szabo & Assoc., Inc., 102 Asma Blvd., Suite 305, Lafayette, LA 70508 (337) 232-5182 Deposit: $75 per set TREE TRIMMING LAFAYETTE Project Title: Tree Trimming of LUS Feeders 6053, 2554, 5551, 3550 and 2553 Electric Lines Location: Lafayette, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 9:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: FOC Conference Room, 1314 Walker Road, Lafayette, La. Owner: Lafayette Consolidated Government, 705 W. University Avenue, Lafayette, LA 70501 (337) 291-8071 Plans From: project owner MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS GALLIANO Project Title: Drainage Improvements near West 175th Street Location: Galliano, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of installation of approximately 1,700 feet of culverts, 32 catch basins, 15 yard drains, and appurtenances. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 10:30 a.m. Owner: Lafourche Parish Government Purchasing Department, 4876 Highway 1, Mathews, LA 70375 (985) 446-8427 Plans From: J. Wayne Plaisance, Inc., 131 E. 91st. Street, Cut Off, LA 70345 (985) 6325596 Fax (985) 632-5628 Deposit: $450 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MONROE Project Number: Bid No. 50006-020 Project Title: Annual Painting Drywall, Carpentry, Building Cleaning and Window Washing Services - University of Louisiana at Monroe Location: 700 University Avenue Monroe, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Owner: University of Louisiana at Monroe, 700 University Avenue, Coenen Hall, Room 140, Monroe, LA 71209-2250 (318) 3425205 Fax (318) 342-5218 Plans From: project owner BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHREVEPORT Project Number: IFB 15-027 Project Title: Hattie Perry Park Community Center - Re-bid Location: 4300 Ledbetter Street Shreveport, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,364,200 Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 3 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: City of Shreveport, 505 Travis Street, Suite 610, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 6735450 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $30 per paper set. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHREVEPORT Project Number: Project No. IFB 15-026 Project Title: Bill Cockrell Tennis Center Renovation Location: 4109 Pines Road Shreveport, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $135,000 Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: City of Shreveport, 505 Travis Street, Suite 610, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 6735450 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $30 per set, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION DENHAM SPRINGS Project Title: Southside Elementary School Cafeteria & Classroom Addition - Re-bid Location: 1129 S. Range Avenue Denham Springs, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Livingston Parish Public School Board, 13909 Florida Blvd., Livingston, LA 70754 Plans From: Alvin Fairburn & Assoc. LLC, 1289 Del Este Avenue, Denham Springs, LA 70727 (225) 665-1515 Fax (225) 665-1523 Deposit: $200 per set DRAINAGE MADISONVILLE Project Number: Project No. 301-0015-19-2 Project Title: Oak Park Drive Drainage Improvements Location: Oak Park Drive Madisonville, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of remove and replace drainage structures, remove and replace drives, grade ditches, and patch pavement. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 17 Owner: St. Tammany Parish Department of Finance, 21454 Koop Drive, Suite 2F, Mandeville, LA 70471 (985) 898-2539 Plans From: project owner Owner: Ascension Parish School Board, 1100 Webster Street, P.O. Box 189, Donaldsonville, LA 70346 (225) 391-7134 Plans From: project owner MECHANICAL LAFAYETTE Project Number: Project No. 19-741-11-01, Part 01 Project Title: HVAC System Replacement, Louisiana Technical College (LTC) Acadiana Lafayette Campus Location: 1101 Bertrand Drive Lafayette, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 10:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Main Lobby, project site. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS LAKE CHARLES Project Number: Project No. 2013-623; Capital Project No. 3213 Project Title: Replacement of Approximately 300 feet of 36-inch Sewer Line on Penn Street West of Creole Street Location: Penn Street Lake Charles, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2:45 p.m. Owner: City of Lake Charles, 326 Pujo Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 Plans From: D.W. Jessen & Associates, 440 Kirby Street, Lake Charles, LA 70601 (337) 433-0561 Deposit: $40 per set MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS TERREBONNE PARISH Project Number: Project No. 10-SEW-96 Project Title: Ashland Wetland Assimilation CWSRF No. 221492-01 Location: Terrebonne Parish, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of constructing a new gravity sewer discharge system to re-route treated wastewater frm the Ashland Sewer Treatment Pond to the wetlands south of th pond. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 3 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 991 Grand Caillou Road, Houma, La. Owner: Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government Purchasing Department, City of Houma Service Complex, 301 Plant Road, Houma, LA 70363 (985) 873-6765 Plans From: Providence/GSE, Associates, LLC, 991 Grand Caillou Road, Houma, LA 70363 (985) 876-6380 Deposit: $100 per set ROOFING WORK SHREVEPORT Project Number: Project No. 2016-211 Project Title: Youree Drive Canopies (Youree Drive Middle AP Magnet School) Location: 6008 Youree Drive Shreveport, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: School office, project site. Owner: Caddo Parish School Board, 1961 Midway Street, Shreveport, LA 71108 (318) 603-6344 Plans From: Civil Design Group, LLC, 223 Fannin Street, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 674-9616 Deposit: $40 per set, refundable WALKWAYS GEISMAR Project Number: Project No. SB-10534 Project Title: Installation of Walkways and Ramps for Modular Buildings - Dutchtown High School Location: 13165 Highway 73 Geismar, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 8 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Main Office at the School, project site. JUNE 17, 2015 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK LAFOURCHE PARISH Project Title: Roadway and Drainage Improvements in Road Sales Tax District No. 2 - Phase 4K - Airport Road Location: Lafourche Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,700,000 Scope: Work consists of general excavation, Class II base course, clearing and grubbing, superpave asphaltic concrete and other related items. Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 115 Picciola Parkway, Cut Off, La. Owner: Lafourche Parish Government Purchasing Department, 4876 Highway 1, Mathews, LA 70375 (985) 446-8427 Plans From: Picciola & Assoc., Inc., 115 Picciola Parkway, Cut Off, LA 70345 (985) 6325786 Deposit: $20 per set SHORING PINEVILLE Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259595 Project Title: Re-Level Mobile Home Trailers (Phase 2), Camp Beauregard Location: Fifth and 12th Streets Pineville, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of leveling of 26 mobile home trailers at various locations at Camp Beauregard. Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 10 a.m. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: Mandatory job site visit is required prior to bid opening. Contact W01 Michael Hanks at (318) 641-5690 to schedule. FENCING MONROE Project Title: Monroe Regional Airport - Parking Facility Perimeter Fencing Location: 5400 Operations Road Monroe, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 1:45 p.m. Owner: City of Monroe % Office of the City Engineer, 3901 Jackson Street, Monroe, LA 71202 Plans From: Denmon Engineering Co., Inc., P.O. Box 8460, 114 Venable Lane, Monroe, LA 71211 (318) 388-1422 Fax (318) 361-5036 Deposit: $50 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: (CONTINUED ON PAGE 18) 18 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17) Project No. 16-512-12-01, Part 01 Project Title: Enforcement Training Academy and Emergency Response Facility Waddill Wildlife Management Area Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Location: 4142 N. Flannery Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 3 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Outdoor Education Center, project site. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Planholders: Guy Hopkins Const. Co., Inc., 13855 W. Amber Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70809 (225) 751-2158 Fax (225) 751-2159 MBD Construction Co.,Inc., 8305 Tom Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70815 (225) 928-5569 Fax (225) 927-2212 SWIMMING POOL BATON ROUGE Project Number: Project No. 16-513E-14-WLF, Part 01 Project Title: Waddill Enforcement Training Pool, Waddill Wildlife Management Area Location: 4142 N. Flannery Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 3 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Education Center, project site. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Southeast Engineers, LLC, 4915 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70816 (225) 295-1880 TURF IMPROVEMENTS HAMMOND Project Title: Southeastern Louisiana University - Provide Turf Maintenance to Six Athletic Fields/Area on the SLU Campus Location: 2400 N. Oak Street Hammond, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 4 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 3 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Billups Room located in the West Strawberry Stadium, Hammond, La. Owner: Southeastern Louisiana University, Purchasing Dept., SLU 10800, 2400 N. Oak Street, Hammond, LA 70402 Plans From: project owner BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WASHINGTON Project Title: New Storage Building, Housing Authority of St. Landry Parish Location: Washington, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 6 p.m. Owner: St. Landry Parish Housing Authority, 509 W. Carriere Street, Washington, LA 70589 Plans From: Don J O’Rourke & Associate, 103 Exchange Place, Suite 202, Lafayette, LA 70503 (337) 232-2838 Deposit: $30 per set HOUSING MODERNIZATION LEBEAU Project Title: Modernization of Housing 2015 CFP at Site LA 67-9 Location: Lebeau, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of replacement of walls, floors, doors, windows, kitchen cabinets, painting, electrical work, electrical fixtures, air conditioning etc. Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 6 p.m. Owner: St. Landry Parish Housing Authority, 509 W. Carriere Street, Washington, LA 70589 Plans From: Don J O’Rourke & Associate, 103 Exchange Place, Suite 202, Lafayette, LA 70503 (337) 232-2838 Deposit: $30 per set JUNE 18, 2015 INSTALLATION ANGOLA Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259495 Project Title: Install Truck Lift at Louisiana State Penitentiary - Prison Enterprises Tractor Repair Location: 17544 Tunica Tract (Highway 66) Angola, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Contact person is Kacie Henderson at (225) 342-5132 or Ronnie Langmire at (225) 655-2326. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner BUILDING CONSTRUCTION NATCHITOCHES Project Title: Pulmonary Sleep Lab, Natchitoches Regional Medical Center Location: 501 Keyser Natchitoches, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 11 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: John Luster Board Room, First Floor, 501 Keyser, Natchitoches, La. 71457. Owner: Natchitoches Regional Medical Center, 501 Keyser, Natchitoches, LA 71457 Plans From: ENVIRONMENTAL REMED MOREHOUSE PARISH Project Number: Bid Proposal No. 431-PA 15-008 Project Title: Monroe Field in Morehouse Parish - Oilfield Site Restoration Location: Morehouse Parish, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 11 a.m. Owner: Department of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, 617 N. Third Street, Ninth Floor, P.O. Box 94275, Baton Rouge, LA 70804 (225) 342-5526 Plans From: project owner Note: Bid proposal form & specifications will be presented at the mandatory pre-bid conference to pre-registered contractors. Additional information may be obtained from the Dept. of Natural Resources, Office of Conservation, 617 N. 3rd Street, 9th Floor, Baton Rouge, LA 70802, Attention: Oilfield Site Restoration Division or call (225) 342-6397. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHREVEPORT Project Number: IFB No. 15-028 Project Title: Remodel of Chris Hays Recreation Center Parking Lot and Walking Trail Location: 4300 Illinois Avenue Shreveport, LA Public Bid w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m Estimated Cost: $175,000 Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Recreation Center, project site. Owner: City of Shreveport, 505 Travis Street, Suite 610, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 6735450 Plans From: project owner MECHANICAL PLAQUEMINE Project Number: HCE Project No. 215015 Project Title: HVAC Upgrades Iberville Parish Courthouse Location: 58050 Meriam Street Plaquemine, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 5 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Second Floor Lobby, project site. Owner: Iberville Parish Council, Iberville Parish Courthouse Bldg., 58050 Meriam Street, Plaquemine, LA 70764 (225) 6875190 Plans From: Henry C. Eyre, Jr., P.E., Inc., Consulting Engineers, 7423 Picardy Ave., Suite E, Baton Rouge, LA 70808 (225) 767-7070 Deposit: $100 per set PLUMBING/ELECTRICAL LAFAYETTE Project Title: Phase 2 - Water Heater and Water Line Modifications at Certain Apartments - Lafayette Housing Authority Location: 100 C O Circle Lafayette, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of installation of new water heaters, modifications to water heater closets, and re-piping of water lines and associated work at certain apartments at the C.O. Circle Housing Development. Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 2 p.m. Owner: Lafayette Housing Authority, 801 W. Gilman Road, Lafayette, LA (337) 233-1327 Plans From: Firmin Architects, Ltd., 530 Third Street, P.O. Box 972, Morgan City, LA 70380 (985) 384-3094 Deposit: $50 per set JUNE 22, 2015 PARK IMPROVEMENTS BATON ROUGE Project Number: SB No. 1621 Project Title: Perkins Road Community Park Multi-Use Trail Location: 7122 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of construction an approximately 2,200 linear foot concrete multi-use path, sub-surface drainage, and site furnishings. The 6 thick multi-use path varies from 7 to 12 in width. Bids Due: Jun. 22 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Recreation and Park Commission for the Parish of East Baton Rouge (BREC), 6201 Florida Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70806 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $10 per set on disk. JUNE 23, 2015 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS LULING Project Number: Project No. P080905-4A Project Title: Willowridge Drainage Pump Station Location: Luling, LA Public Bid MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 Scope: Work consists of constructing a new drainage pump station with electric motors, diesel generator, concrete suction basin and intake canal. Bids Due: Jun. 23 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Public Works and Wastewater, 100 River Oaks Drive, Destrehan, La. Owner: St. Charles Parish Council, 15045 River Road (Highway 18), Courthouse Building, Hahnville, LA 70057 Plans From: Burk-Kleinpeter, Inc., 4176 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 70119 (504) 486-5901 Fax (504) 488-1714 Deposit: $80 per set MECHANICAL KAPLAN Project Number: Bid No. 2015.597 Project Title: Kaplan High School Boiler Replacement Location: 200 E. Pirates Lane Kaplan, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of replacement of one existing gas fired hot water heating boiler with two new boilers. The work shall include replacement of the existing hot water heating pump with new. Bids Due: Jun. 23 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Vermilion Parish School Board, 220 S. Jefferson Street, Abbeville, LA 70510 Plans From: Ritter Consulting Engineers, 250 Ridgeway Drive, Suite C-3, Lafayette, LA 70503 (337) 984-8498 Deposit: $200 per hard copy set. PILING/SITE WORK PORT FOURCHON Project Number: Project No. 01-107-05B-13, Part JA Project Title: Hurricane Katrina Site Repairs to Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) Fourchon Facility Location: 800 Lumcon Road Port Fourchon, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 23 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: project site. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Professional Engineering Consultants Corp., 7600 Innovation Park Drive, Baton Rouge, LA 70820 (225) 769-2810 Deposit: $300 per set JUNE 24, 2015 HIGHWAY PROJECTS BIENVILLE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011240.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 147 from Union Church Road to Lincoln Parish line Location: Bienville Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 3% Planholders: Command Const., LLC, 3206 N. Turnbull Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 887-8795 Fax (504) 887-8906 HIGHWAY PROJECTS BIENVILLE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011240.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 147 from Union Church Road to Lincoln Parish line Location: Bienville Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 3% HIGHWAY PROJECTS BIENVILLE, BOSSIER, CADDO, CLAIBORNE, DESOTO, RED RIVER AND WEBSTER PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.011405.6 Project Title: District 04 Controller Upgrade Location: Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Claiborne, Desoto, Red River and Webster parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of traffic signalization and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 1% HIGHWAY PROJECTS CALCASIEU PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.009611.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 90 from Edgerly to Sulphur Location: Calcasieu Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 3% HIGHWAY PROJECTS CALDWELL AND CATAHOULA PARISHES Project Number: Proposal No. H.011572.6 Project Title: Louisiana 559 from Duty Ferry to five miles north of parish line Location: Caldwell and Catahoula parishes, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, asphaltic surface treatment, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 4% HIGHWAY PROJECTS EVANGELINE PARISH Project Number: (CONTINUED ON PAGE 19) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18) Proposal No. H.010208.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 104 from CSLM 0.8 (End Curb/Gutr) to LA 1161 Location: Evangeline Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, asphaltic surface treatment, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 4% HIGHWAY PROJECTS FRANKLIN PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.009586.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 4 from LA 578 to Bayou Macon Bridge Location: Franklin Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, lime treatment, in-place cement treated base course, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 2% HIGHWAY PROJECTS IBERVILLE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011343.6 Project Title: Interstate 10 Whiskey Bay Fire Repair Location: Iberville Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of bridge repairs, carbon fiber reinforced polymer repairs, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 7% HIGHWAY PROJECTS IBERVILLE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011704.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 1 and LA 69: Concrete Patching Location: Iberville Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 5% HIGHWAY PROJECTS JACKSON PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.010420.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 505 Roadway Flooding 0.9 miles north of Winn Parish line w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m Location: Jackson Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $100,000-$250,000 Scope: Work consists of drainage structures, pavement patching, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner HIGHWAY PROJECTS LAFAYETTE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011652.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 92 from Vermilion Parish line to LA 339 Location: Lafayette Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $2,500,000-$5,000,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic pavement, pavement patching, in-place cement stabilized base course, lime treatment, subgrade layer, superpave asphaltic concrete, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 4%; OJT Goal: 1 Trainees HIGHWAY PROJECTS OUACHITA PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011614.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 15: Drainage Improvements 0.8 miles north of U.S. Highway 80 Location: Ouachita Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $100,000-$250,000 Scope: Work consists of clearing and grubbing, pavement patching, drainage structures, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 7% HIGHWAY PROJECTS RAPIDES PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.010488.6 Project Title: Interstate 49 from 0.32 miles south of Louisiana Highway 181 to 0.44 miles north of U.S. Highway 167 Location: Rapides Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete overlay, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 6% HIGHWAY PROJECTS RAPIDES PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011154.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 71 and Louisiana Highway 3170 Turn Lanes Location: Rapides Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, drainage structures, Class II base course, lime treatment, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, Portland cement concrete pavement, pavement patching, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 8% HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. CHARLES PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011305.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 61: Left Turn Lane at Log Mile 6.0 Location: St. Charles Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $250,000-$500,000 Scope: Work consists of grading, Class II base course, cold planing asphaltic concrete, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: SBE Goal: 6% HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. CHARLES PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.010498.6 Project Title: Luling Bridge Deck Overlay and Repairs Location: St. Charles Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $20,000,000-$30,000,000 Scope: Work consists of clearing and grubbing, drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, bridge repairs, steel deck epoxy underlayment, steel fiber reinforced concrete overlay and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Headquarter Auditorium, 1201 Capitol Access Road, Baton Rouge, La. 70802. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 1% HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. CHARLES PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011022.6 Project Title: US Highway 61 at Evangeline Road Location: St. Charles Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $1,000,000-$2,500,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 5% HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.008318.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 636-3 from LA 628 to LA 44 Location: St. John the Baptist Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of drainage structures, cold planing asphaltic concrete, pavement patching, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 8% HIGHWAY PROJECTS ST. MARTIN PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011656.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 31 from 0.12 miles north of LA 96 to Local Road (Levert) Location: St. Martin Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of cold planing asphaltic pavement, thin asphaltic concrete overlay, pavement patching, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 4% HIGHWAY PROJECTS TERREBONNE PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.009659.6 Project Title: U.S. Highway 90 from 1.5 miles east LA 20 from 0.3 miles West LA 309 Location: Terrebonne Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of pavement patching, cold planing asphaltic concrete, clean and seal cracks, thin asphaltic concrete, superpave asphaltic concrete pavement, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner Note: DBE Goal: 10% HIGHWAY PROJECTS WEST CARROLL PARISH Project Number: Proposal No. H.011626.6 Project Title: Louisiana Highway 577: Drainage Improvements 0.7 miles north of LA 134 Location: West Carroll Parish, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $500,000-$1,000,000 Scope: Work consists of clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, pavement patching, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, 1201 Capitol Access, Room 304M, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK ABBEVILLE Project Number: State Project No. H.010921 / FAA Project No. 3-22-0001-016-2013 Project Title: Relocation of Taxiway, Chris Crusta Memorial Airport Location: 262 S. Airport Road Abbeville, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Abbeville, 101 N. State Street, Abbeville, LA 70510 Plans From: Sellers & Associates, Inc., 148 B Easy Street, Lafayette, LA 70506 (337) 232-0777 Deposit: $125 per set BRIDGE & ROAD WORK MONTEREY Project Number: Project No. 16-513-13-02, Part 01 Project Title: Replace Red River Yakey Road Bridge, Richard K. Yancey (formerly Red River) Wildlife Management Area, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Location: Monterey, LA 19 Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: DWLF Regional Office, 5652 Highway 182, Opelousas, La. 70570. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Aucoin & Associates, Inc., P.O. Box 968, 433 N. CC Duson Street, Eunice, LA 70534 (337) 457-7366 Deposit: $200 per set MECHANICAL GRAMBLING Project Number: Bid No. 50018150013 Project Title: Cooling Tower and chiller Replacement at T. L. James Hall, Grambling State University Location: Grambling, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 2 p.m. Owner: Grambling State University, 403 Main Street, Grambling, LA 71245 (318) 274-4354 Plans From: project owner ARCH/ENGR SERVS SHREVEPORT Project Number: RFS No. 15-709 Project Title: City of Shreveport - Request for Qualifications - Downtown and Regional Airports Energy Efficiency Upgrades Location: Shreveport, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 3 p.m. Owner: City of Shreveport, 505 Travis Street, Suite 610, Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 6735450 Plans From: project owner Note: Contact person is Robert Osborne at the Shreveport Airport at (318) 673-5370. Maximum Design Fee: $30,000. JUNE 25, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OAK GROVE Project Number: HMGP No. 1603-123-0001, FEMA Project No. 0355 Project Title: West Carroll Parish Courthouse Wind Retrofit Location: 107 S. Brigg Street Oak Grove, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of install impact rated products to replace all windows, doors, and openings throughout the courthouse and annex. Bids Due: Jun. 25 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Police Jury Office, project site Owner: West Carroll Parish Police Jury, 107 S. Briggs, Oak Grove, LA 71263 Plans From: Quality Engineering & Surveying, LLC, 18350 Highway 42, Port Vincent, LA 70726 (225) 698-1600 WATER LINE IMPRS. FERRIDAY Project Title: Lake St. John Waterworks Water Line Relocation Location: Ferriday, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 25 at 2 p.m. Owner: Lake St. John Waterworks c/o Bryant Hammett & Assocs., LLC, 6885 Highway 84 W, Ferriday, LA 71334 Plans From: Bryant Hammett and Associates, LLC, 6885 Highway 84 W, Ferriday, LA 71334 (318) 757-6576 Deposit: $150 per set (CONTINUED ON PAGE 20) 20 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19) JUNE 30, 2015 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK LAKE CHARLES Project Number: CIAA Project No. 2015-11 Louisiana State Project No. H.011875 AIP No. 3-22-0086015-2015 Project Title: Rehabilitate Taxiway A Phase 3 Paving and Lighting - Chennault International Airport Location: 3650 Senator J. Bennett Johnston Avenue Lake Charles, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of paving and lighting project includes the construction of a doublesurface treatment, asphalt overlay of Taxiway A, as well as associated taxiway edge light systems improvements. Bids Due: Jun. 30 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Office of the Authority, project site. Owner: Chennault International Airport Authority, 3650 Senator J. Bennett Johnston Avenue, Lake Charles, LA 70615 (337) 4919961 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $150 per set, refundable SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS MONROE Project Number: Bid No. 50006-117, FP&C Project No. 19629-03B-03, Part 01 Project Title: Furnish and Install Furnishing for Sandel Hall, University of Louisiana at Monroe Location: 4020 Northeast Drive Monroe, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 30 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 16 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: University Library Conference Room 622, 4100 Northeast Drive, Monroe, La. Owner: University of Louisiana at Monroe, 700 University Avenue, Coenen Hall, Room 140, Monroe, LA 71209-2250 (318) 3425205 Fax (318) 342-5218 Plans From: project owner JULY 7, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION MANY Project Number: Solicitation No. 2259601 Project Title: Repair and Repaint Porch at Fort Jesup State Historic Site Location: 32 Geoghagan Road - LA 6 Many, LA Public Bid Scope: Work consists of replace deteriorating lumber and repaint second floor porch/stairs and replace existing gutter and down drains (base bid). Bids Due: Jul. 7 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 23 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Contact person is Jeff Jones at (318) 357-3192. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: project owner BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BATON ROUGE Project Number: Project No. 01-107-93B-12, Part HQ Project Title: Renovate Main Lobby, Capitol Annex Building Capitol Annex Location: 1051 N. Third Street Baton Rouge, LA Public Bid Estimated Cost: $273,912 Bids Due: Jul. 7 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 24 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Second Floor Conference Room (Northeast Corner, across from Room 240), project site. Owner: State of Louisiana Division of Administration, Office of Facility Planning and Control, 1201 N. Third Street, Conference Room 1-145, P.O. Box 94095, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9095 Plans From: Jerry M. Campbell and Associates, A.I.A. Architects, 802 North Blvd., Baton Rouge, LA 70802 (225) 381-9435 Deposit: $150 per set JULY 21, 2015 CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS WELSH Project Number: Bid No. 010615 Project Title: Welsh Gravity Drainage District No. 1 East Bayou Lacassine Maintenance Clearing and Dredging Services Location: Welsh, LA Public Bid Bids Due: Jul. 21 at 3:30 p.m. Owner: Welsh Gravity Drainage District No. 1, 20263 Highway 99, Welsh, LA 70591 (337) 734-2321 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $125 per set, non-refundable MISSISSIPPI JUNE 1, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OXFORD Project Title: Re-bid - Lafayette County Fire Department Station No. 2 Location: 254 Mississippi Highway 30 E. Oxford, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 1 at 8:30 a.m. Owner: Lafayette County Board of Supervisors, Board Room, 300 N. Lamar Blvd., Oxford, MS 38655 Plans From: Elliott & Britt Engineering, P.A., 823 N. Lamar Blvd., P.O. Box 308, Oxford, MS 38655 (662) 234-1763 Deposit: $125 per set, non-refundable Planholders: Murphy & Sons, P.O. Box 492, Southaven, MS 38671 (662) 393-3130 Fax (662) 393-8111 Jaycon Development Corp., 4269 Pidgeon Roost Road, Memphis, TN 38118 (901) 7944134 Ganger Construction, 204 Garfield Street, New Albany, MS 38652 (662) 316-0450 BRIDGE & ROAD WORK MONROE COUNTY Project Number: Project No. LSBP-48(19) Project Title: Bridge and Approaches to Replace Bridge No. 110 on Old Highway 25 Location: Old Highway 25 Monroe County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 1 at 9 a.m. Owner: Monroe County Board of Supervisors, Monroe County Chancery Bldg., 201 W. Commerce Street, Aberdeen, MS 39730 (662) w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m 369-8143 Plans From: Kyle S. Strong, County Engineer, P.O. Box 1526, Tupelo, MS 38802 (662) 8427381 Deposit: $50 for the plans and $50 for the proposal, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION DEKALB Project Title: New Kemper County Human Services Building Location: 110 Ponderosa Avenue DeKalb, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of 5,200 square foot office building construction consisting of brick veneer on wood stud framing, pre-engineered wood trusses, standing seam roof and store-front glass and the construction of sidewalks. Bids Due: Jun. 1 at 10 a.m. Owner: Kemper County Board of Supervisors, County Courthouse, Mississippi Highway 39, DeKalb, MS 39328 (601) 743-2793 Plans From: Engineering Plus & Associates, 1724-B 23rd. Avenue, Meridian, MS 39301 (601) 693-4234 Fax (601) 485-3884 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable Planholders: JEM Contracting, LLC, 4227 Buggs Ferry Road, Macon, MS 39341 (662) 726-1288 Fax (662) 726-4700 Perfect Touch Contractors, LLC, 71 WC Adams Road, Dekalb, MS 39328 (601) 5138692 Fax (601) 743-5085 Davidson Hauling and Const. Inc., P.O. Box 388, Meridian, MS 39302 (601) 482-1815 Fax (601) 485-9188 Timbo’s Construction, Inc., 3853 Highway 61 N., Cleveland, MS 38732 (662) 721-0920 Fax (888) 629-2975 D & H Construction, 8589 AC Brown Road, Meridian, MS 39305 (601) 737-4206 Fax (601) 737-8543 D & E Construction Co., Inc., P. O. Box 948, Arlington, TN 38002 (901) 465-5514 Fax (901) 465-5529 Ralph McKnight & Son Const., Inc., P.O. Box 656, Kosciusko, MS 39090 (662) 289-6923 Fax (662) 289-1507 J & J General Contractors, P.O. Box 429, Macon, MS 39341 (662) 726-5030 Fax (662) 726-4700 JNM Electric, 24 County Road 5377, Laurel, MS 39443 (601) 428-4479 Fax (601) 4281875 McDevitt Enterprise, LLC, 669 Mitchan Road, Meridian, MS 39301 (601) 453-2290 Fax (601) 453-2351 Adams Contracting, Inc., 584 Philadelphia Road, Dekalb, MS 39328 (662) 352-3623 ROOFING WORK GULFPORT Project Number: HMGP No. 1 604-0414 Project Title: Harrison County School District Wind Retrofit Harrison Central High School Vo-Tech Building Roof Replacement Location: 15600 School Road Gulfport, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 1 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Board Room, 11072 Highway 49, Gulfport, Miss. 39503. Owner: Harrison County Board of Education, 11072 Highway 49, Gulfport, MS 39503 (228) 539-6500 Fax (228) 539-6507 Plans From: Hardy and Associates/Architects, PLLC, 15260 Big John Road, Suite A, Biloxi, MS 39532 (228) 215-1851 Deposit: $50 per set, refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PRESTON Project Title: Roof Repair and Replacement of Roof at Lynville School Location: 75 Old Lynville School Road Preston, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of approximately 27,000 square feet of roof area, surrounding eave fascia and soffits. Bids Due: Jun. 1 at 10:30 a.m. Owner: Kemper County Board of Supervisors, County Courthouse, Mississippi Highway 39, DeKalb, MS 39328 (601) 743-2793 Plans From: Engineering Plus & Associates, 1724-B 23rd. Avenue, Meridian, MS 39301 (601) 693-4234 Fax (601) 485-3884 Deposit: $25 per set, non-refundable Planholders: E. Cornell Malone Corp., 439 Dory Street, Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 Independent Roofing Systems, Inc., 5090 McRaven Road, Jackson, MS 39204 (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 Cross Roofing, P.O. Box 4181, Meridian, MS 39304 (601) 483-3369 Fax (601) 483-3370 Daniels Roofing Co., Inc., P.O. Box 4242, Meridian, MS 39304 (601) 482-3911 Fax (601) 693-1366 Roofing Solutions, LLC, 37302 Commerce Lane, Prairieville, LA 70769 (225) 744-3912 Fax (225) 744-0037 Norman Enterprises, 100 17th Ave. S., Meridian, MS 39301 (601) 483-4079 Fax (601) 783-4705 Copper Top Sheet Metal, Inc., 110 Cooper Road, Columbus, MS 39702 (662) 328-5550 Fax (662) 328-5513 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION KILN Project Title: Stennis International Airport Aircraft Hangar Facility Hangar Completion Location: 7250 Stennis Airport Road Kiln, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 1 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 19 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Stennis International Airport Meeting Room, project site. Owner: Hancock County Board of Supervisors, 854 Highway 90, Suite A, Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 (228) 467-0172 Plans From: Digital Engineering and Imaging, Inc., 314 Coleman Avenue, Waveland, MS 39576 (228) 463-0130 Deposit: $75 per set, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION KILN Project Number: KCDBG Project No. R-118-023-20-HCCR; Architect’s Project No. 08-017 Project Title: Hancock County Sports Complex Facility Location: 1873 Mississippi Highway 43 Kiln, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 1 at 11 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 11 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Hancock County Board of Supervisors, 854 Highway 90, Suite A, Bay St. Louis, MS 39520 (228) 467-0172 Plans From: M3A Architects, PLLC/William L. McElroy, AIA, NCARB, 4880 McWillie Circle, Jackson, MS 39206 (601) 981-1227 Fax (601) 983-4444 Planholders: Barnard & Sons Const. Co., LLC, P.O. Box 517, Mendenhall, MS 39114 (601) 847-2420 Fax (601) 847-0110 Necaise Bros. Const. Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1284, Gulfport, MS 39560 (228) 328-4274 Fax (228) 328-4275 Stewart Environmental Const., 549 Daybrite Drive, Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 841-9202 Fax (662) 841-9208 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK MARSHALL COUNTY Project Number: Project No. SAP-47(15)S Project Title: Base Repair, Leveling, MicroSurface, Striping and Signing on Roads A - D (15.906 miles) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 Location: Marshall County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 1 at 11 a.m. Owner: Marshall County Board of Supervisors, County Courthouse, Holly Springs, MS 38625 (662) 252-7903 Plans From: Larry L. Britt, P.E., 823 N. Lamar Blvd., Oxford, MS 38655 (662) 234-1763 Fax (662) 234-3835 Deposit: $75 for plans and $30 for the proposal, non-refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK HATTIESBURG Project Title: Soccer Complex Turf and Drainage Improvements for the University of Southern Mississippi Location: Meadowlane Drive Hattiesburg, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 1 at 2 p.m. Owner: University of Southern Mississippi, Physical Plant Division, 3101 W. Fourth Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 2648187 Plans From: Ford Engineering Services, 2010 Oak Grove Road, Building 4, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 264-6333 Fax (601) 264-7296 Deposit: $125 per set, non-refundable JUNE 2, 2015 MECHANICAL CLINTON Project Title: Boilers at Clinton Junior High School Location: 711 Lakeview Drive Clinton, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 13 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Clinton Public School District, Business Office, 201 Easthaven Drive, Clinton, MS 39060 Plans From: project owner Planholders: C-CO Mechanical, 9299 Island Road, Ventress, LA 70783 (225) 753-6504 WATER TANK IMPRS. PICAYUNE Project Title: City Barn Water Tank Improvements Location: Picayune, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of sandblasting, painting and performing minor structural work on an elevated water storage tank. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 925 Goodyear Blvd., Picayune, Miss. 39466. Owner: City of Picayune, City Hall, 203 Goodyear Blvd., Picayune, MS 39466 (601) 798-9770 Plans From: Dungan Engineering, 925 Goodyear Blvd., Picayune, MS 39466 (601) 799-1037 Fax (601) 799-0480 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION JACKSON Project Number: Bid No. 15-05 Project Title: 2015 Lab 3 Addition to the Plant Science Building, Jackson State University Location: Jackson, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: Jackson State University, Office of Procurement, 1325 Hattiesburg Street, Jackson, MS 39217 Plans From: project owner BUILDING CONSTRUCTION NEW ALBANY Project Title: Additions and Renovations to (CONTINUED ON PAGE 21) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20) Union County Heritage Museum Location: 114 Cleveland Street New Albany, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mills & Mills Architects c/o Union Cty Heritage Museum, 114 Cleveland Street, New Albany, MS 38652 (662) 822-0292 Plans From: Mills & Mills Architects, PC, 623 W. Main Street, Tupelo, MS 38804 (662) 8220292 Deposit: $150 per set FLOORING PASCAGOULA Project Number: Bid No. 354 Project Title: Replacement of Gymnasium Floor at Andrew Johnson Recreation Center Location: 1402 Tucker Avenue Pascagoula, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 19 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: City of Pascagoula, 603 Watts Avenue, P.O. Drawer 908, Pascagoula, MS 39568 Plans From: project owner MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS BROOKHAVEN Project Number: WGK Proejct No. 2014-403-00 Project Title: City of Brookhaven - 2014 CDBG Sewer Improvements Location: Brookhaven, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of CCIP and dig and replace existing sewer rehab manholes. Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: City of Brookhaven, 301 S. First Street, Room 102, Brookhaven, MS 39601 (601) 833-2362 Plans From: WGK, Inc., 204 W. Leake Street, Clinton, MS 39056 (601) 925-4444 Deposit: $150 per set WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY STARKVILLE Project Title: Landfill Gas Collection and Control System Expansion / Modification, Golden Triangle Regional Landfill Location: 9778 Old West Point Road Starkville, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Owner: Golden Triangle Regional Solid Waste Management Authority, 9778 Old West Point Road, Starkville, MS 39759 Plans From: Neel-Schaffer, Inc., 2310 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Columbus, MS 39705 (662) 328-4460 Fax (662) 328-8552 Deposit: $90 per set, non-refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK QUITMAN Project Number: MDA Project No. DIP-346 Project Title: Improvements to the Intersection Highway 145 and Hickory Street Location: Quitman, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 2 at 3 p.m. Owner: City of Quitman, 101 E. Church Street, Quitman, MS 39355 Plans From: Engineering Plus & Associates, 1724-B 23rd. Avenue, Meridian, MS 39301 (601) 693-4234 Fax (601) 485-3884 Deposit: $50 per set, non-refundable Planholders: Dunn Roadbuilders, P.O. Drawer 6560, Laurel, MS 39441 (601) 649-4111 Fax (601) 4251114 Davidson Hauling and Const. Inc., P.O. Box w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m 388, Meridian, MS 39302 (601) 482-1815 Fax (601) 485-9188 Construction Plus, LLC, 2326 Front Street, Meridian, MS 39307 (601) 553-3105 Fax (601) 553-3106 Bush Const. Co., Inc., P.O. Drawer 8327, Laurel, MS 39441 (601) 428-6074 Fax (601) 428-6077 JUNE 3, 2015 DEBRIS REMOVAL BILOXI Project Title: Statements of Qualifications & Experience for Debris Monitoring Services Location: Biloxi, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 3 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Biloxi, 140 Lameuse Street, P.O. Box 429 (39533), Biloxi, MS 39530 (228) 435-6254 Plans From: project owner JUNE 4, 2015 FIRE PROTECTION ITTA BENA Project Title: New Fire Alarm System for Amanda Elzy High School Location: 401 Lakeshore Drive Itta Bena, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 10 a.m. Owner: Mills & Mills Architects c/o Leflore County School District, Central Office, 1901 Highway 82 W., Greenwood, MS Plans From: Plan House Printing & Graphics, 607 W. Main Street, Tupelo, MS 38804 (662) 407-0193 Deposit: $100 per set ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK HATTIESBURG Project Number: Federal Aid Project No.: STP-021000(026)LPA/ 106412-701000 Project Title: Sidewalk Along 34th Avenue Between Beverly Lane and Hardy Street for a total length of 0.605 miles Location: 34th Avenue Hattiesburg, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Hattiesburg, 200 Forrest Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 5454550 Plans From: Shows, Dearman & Waits, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 301 Second Avenue, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 544-1821 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BROOKHAVEN Project Title: Additions, Alterations and Repairs to Brookhaven Field Maintenance Shop No. 3 (FMS No. 3) Location: 170 Highway 84 E. Brookhaven, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 1:30 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 21 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Field Maintenance Shop No. 3, project site. Owner: Adjutant General, State of Mississippi, new addition, first floor classroom, Room No. 192B, 1410 Riverside Drive, Jackson, MS 39202 (601) 313-6396 Plans From: Griffin Architecture, 455 Lynn Ray Road, Petal, MS 39465 (601) 554-8200 Deposit: $100 per set Planholders: Casablanca Const., Inc., #9 Thomas Lane, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 264-6676 Fax (601) 264-6677 T.L. Wallace Const., Inc., P.O. Box 523, Columbia, MS 39429 (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 Tony Watson Electric, 111 Branstar Cove, Brandon, MS 39042 (601) 825-8101 Larry J. Sumrall Contractors, P.O. Box 4190, Laurel, MS 39441 (601) 649-4490 Fax (601) 426-9622 Innovative Performance Construction Company, 5362 Hwy. 552 West, P.O. Box 552, Lor- DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE man, MS 39096 (601) 877-9959 Fax (601) 786-6622 Jay-Van Company, P.O. Box 15427, Hattiesburg, MS 39404 (601) 545-1161 Fax (601) 583-2340 164 Jeanette Phillips Drive, University, MS 38677 (662) 915-7448 Fax (662) 915-7752 Plans From: Precision Engineering Corp., 276 County Road 101, Oxford, MS 38655 (662) 234-8539 ADA IMPROVEMENTS DIAMONDHEAD Project Title: ADA Improvements to Diamondhead City Hall Location: 5000 Diamondhead Circle Diamondhead, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 19 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: City of Diamondhead, 5000 Diamondhead Circle, Diamondhead, MS 39525 (228) 222-4626 Plans From: Eley Guild Hardy Associates, Architects, P.A., 1091 Tommy Munro Drive, Biloxi, MS 39532 (228) 594-2323 Deposit: $50 per disk or $350 per hard copy set, non-refundable Planholders: Millennium Const., 2200 Front Street, Slidell, LA 70458 (504) 641-8787 Vision Constructors, Inc., P.O. Box 2686, Gulfport, MS 39505 (228) 832-1738 Fax (228) 832-1781 JUNE 5, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WHITFIELD Project Number: GS No. 412-184 Project Title: Hail Damage Repairs (EMER) (Package C) - Rebid - Mississippi State Hospital Location: Whitfield, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Bureau of Building, 501 N. West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Burris/Wagnon Architect, 500L E. Woodrow Wilson Avenue, Jackson, MS 39216 (601) 969-7543 Deposit: $50 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CANTON Project Title: Temporary Classrooms at Nichols Middle School Campus Location: 529 N. Mase Street Canton, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Owner: Canton Public School District Board of Education, 403 E. Lincoln Street, Canton, MS 39046 Plans From: Dale - Bailey Architects, One Jackson Place, 301 Northlake Avenue, Suite 107, Ridgeland, MS 39157 (601) 790-9432 Fax (888) 281-0547 LANDSCAPING AMORY Project Title: Amory Housing Authority - Tree Removal and Pruning of Trees Location: Amory, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Owner: Amory Housing Authority, 401 S. Main Street, Amory, MS 38821 Plans From: project owner PARKING LOT IMPS. UNIVERSITY Project Number: UM No. 15-032; Bid File No. 9430 Project Title: University of Mississippi Whirlpool Site Parking Lot Improvements Location: University, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 4 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Physical Plant Conference Room, 700 Hathorn Road, University, Miss. Owner: University of Mississippi, Purchasing, BUILDING CONSTRUCTION JEFFERSON DAVIS COUNTY Project Title: JDCS - Toilet Renovations - Jefferson Davis County School District: Prentiss High, Bassfield High and G.W. Carver Elementary schools Location: Jefferson Davis County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 5 at 2 p.m. Owner: Jefferson Davis County School District, 1025 Third Street, Prentiss, MS 39474 (601) 792-4267 Fax (601) 792-2251 Plans From: Landry & Lewis Architects, P.A., 5211 Old Highway 11, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 271-7711 Deposit: $100 per set Planholders: Clifton Rankin Construction, LLC, 786 River Road, Fayette, MS 39069 (601) 597-4808 Fax (601) 786-3700 Casablanca Const., Inc., #9 Thomas Lane, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 264-6676 Fax (601) 264-6677 Nobles Construction., LLC, 5266 Old Highway 11, Suite 70122, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 213-0750 Fax (601) 213-0171 C. Perry Builders, 1098 Walker Road, Sumrall, MS 39482 (601) 758-3136 Fax (601) 7584110 ROOFING WORK JEFFERSON DAVIS COUNTY Project Title: 2014 Roof Repairs, Jefferson Davis County School District - Bassfield High, J.E. Johnson Elementary and G.W. Carver Elementary schools Location: Jefferson Davis County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 5 at 2 p.m. Owner: Jefferson Davis County School District, 1025 Third Street, Prentiss, MS 39474 (601) 792-4267 Fax (601) 792-2251 Plans From: Landry & Lewis Architects, P.A., 5211 Old Highway 11, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 271-7711 Deposit: $100 per set Planholders: Rowell Roofing, Inc., P.O. Box 647, Columbia, MS 39429 (601) 736-9494 Fax (601) 7368015 E. Cornell Malone Corp., 439 Dory Street, Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 Eddie Pearson Roofing, 112 Carson Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 582-3624 Fax (601) 582-3645 Independent Roofing Systems, Inc., 5090 McRaven Road, Jackson, MS 39204 (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 Parker Contracting Services, LLC, P.O. Box 602, Laurel, MS 39441 (601) 649-2929 Fax (601) 649-2928 JUNE 8, 2015 MAINTENANCE GULFPORT Project Title: Hatten Lane Sewer Improvements Location: Hatten Lane Gulfport, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of replacement of gravity sewer mains consisting of approximately 4,225 linear feet of 12” PVC sewer, 12 manholes, and all services and restoration activities associated with construction. Bids Due: Jun. 8 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Gulfport, 1410 24th. Avenue, Hardy Building, Gulfport, MS 39501 (228) 868-5705 Plans From: A. Garner Russell & Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 520 33rd. Street, Gulfport, MS 39507 (228) 863-0667 Deposit: $150 per set, non-refundable Planholders: Consolidated Pipe & Supply, 9337-B West Oaklawn Road, Biloxi, MS 39532 (228) 396- 21 8818 Fax (228) 396-8889 Kappa Development & Gen. Contr., Inc., P.O. Box 2753, Gulfport, MS 39505 (228) 8971115 Fax (228) 604-1541 Magnolia Const. Co. LLC, P.O. Box 66096, Baton Rouge, LA 70896 (225) 355-7787 Fax (225) 356-6026 Myers Underground Utilities, 2010 Oak Grove Road, Bldg. 4, Suite 6, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 579-2929 Twin L Const. Inc., 8292 Firetower Road, Pass Christian, MS 39571 (228) 255-7930 Fax (228) 255-4155 W.R. Mitchell Contr., Inc., P.O. Box 13130, Eight Mile, AL 36613 (334) 456-6576 Fax (334) 456-0048 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK HATTIESBURG Project Title: Intersection Upgrades at Bartur Street and Broadway Drive Location: Hattiesburg, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 8 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Hattiesburg, 200 Forrest Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 5454550 Plans From: Shows, Dearman & Waits, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 301 Second Avenue, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 544-1821 Deposit: $100 per set BRIDGE & ROAD WORK UNION COUNTY Project Number: Project No. LSBP-73(19) Project Title: Bridge and approaches on County Road 147 Location: Union County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 8 at 11 a.m. Owner: Union County Board of Supervisors, 109 E. Main Street, New Albany, MS 38652 Plans From: Larry L. Britt, P.E., 823 N. Lamar Blvd., Oxford, MS 38655 (662) 234-1763 Fax (662) 234-3835 Deposit: $75 for plans and $30 for the proposal, non-refundable Planholders: Rutledge Contrs., Inc., 2796 Hwy. 178 East, Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 842-1900 Fax (662) 842-3002 Century Const. & Realty, Inc., 711 Robert E. Lee Drive, Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 844-3331 Fax (662) 842-7052 N.L. Carson Const. Co., Inc., 2221 Waggoner Road, Carthage, MS 39051 (601) 267-3023 Phillips Contracting Co., P.O. Box 2069, Columbus, MS 39704 (662) 328-6250 Fax (662) 328-6252 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CAMDEN Project Number: Project No. 15026 Project Title: Alterations and Additions to Velma Jackson High School Location: 2000 Loring Road Camden, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 8 at 2 p.m. Owner: Madison County Schools, 476 Highland Colony Parkway, Ridgeland, MS 39157 Plans From: Dale - Bailey Architects, One Jackson Place, 301 Northlake Avenue, Suite 107, Ridgeland, MS 39157 (601) 790-9432 Fax (888) 281-0547 DRAINAGE MADISON Project Title: Stadium Drainage Improvements, Madison Central High School Location: 1417 Highland Colony Pkwy. Madison, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of grading, drainage improvements, installation of concrete sidewalk, fencing, landscaping and other related improvements. Bids Due: Jun. 8 at 2:30 p.m. Owner: Madison County Schools, 476 Highland Colony Parkway, Ridgeland, MS 39157 Plans From: Wier Boerner Architecture, PLLC, 2906 N. State Street, Suite 106, Jack(CONTINUED ON PAGE 22) 22 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21) son, MS 39216 (601) 321-9107 Deposit: $50 per set JUNE 9, 2015 BULKHEAD WORK PASCAGOULA Project Number: CDBG Project No. R-103-030-08-KED Project Title: Katrina Supplemental Community Development Block Grant - Signet Maritime River Bulkhead - Re-Bid Package Location: 3802 Port River Road Pascagoula, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of a steel sheet pile bulkhead. Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 20 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 3033 Pascagoula Street, Pascagoula, Miss. and followed by a site visit. Owner: Jackson County Port Authority, 3033 Pascagoula Street, Pascagoula, MS 39567 Plans From: Seymour Engineering, 925 Tommy Munro Drive, Biloxi, MS 39532 (228) 3852350 Deposit: $150 per set, non-refundable Planholders: Romar Pipe & Rail Co., 2955 Ridgelake Drive, Suite 112, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 8280547 Fax (504) 828-0548 DEMO/CONST SHARKEY COUNTY Project Title: Demolition of Five Existing Housing Units and New Replacement Units on the same lot Location: Sharkey County, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of demolition of the existing unit, proper disposal, site preparation, four sets of plans, and the construction of the new unit according to the plans and specifications. The project includes a Winchester 2 bedroom unit, a Montague 2 bedroom unit, a 4 bedroom Manufactured home, and two 3 bedroom Manufactured homes. Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Sharkey County Courthouse, 120 Locust Street, Rolling Fork, Miss. 39159. Owner: Sharkey County Board of Supervisors, 120 Locust Street, Rolling Fork, MS 39159 (662) 537-2134 Plans From: Jackson Blue Print and Supply Co., 699 Monroe Street, Jackson, MS 39205 Note: Required to submit a Residential Builders License. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ITTA BENA Project Number: GS No. 106-254 Project Title: Residence Hall Repairs, Mississippi Valley State University Location: 14000 Highway 82 W. Itta Bena, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Bureau of Building, 501 N. West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Beard + Riser Architects, PLLC, 201 Main Street, Greenwood, MS 38930 (662) 455-2581 Deposit: $50 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION GULFPORT Project Title: Eight-Unit T-Hangar at the Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport Location: 14053 Airport Road Gulfport, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of constructing an eight-unit T-hangar preengineered, prefabricated metal building with electric bifold doors, erected on a concrete foundation with aprons, sidewalks, parking lot and accessories. Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Board Room, 14035-L Airport Road, Gulfport, MS 39503. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is highly encouraged but is not mandatory. Owner: Gulfport-Biloxi Regional Airport Authority, Gulfport-Biloxi International Airport, 14035-L Airport Road, Gulfport, MS 39503 Plans From: Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc., 521 34th. Street, Gulfport, MS 39507 (228) 864-7612 Deposit: $150 per set, non-refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK CLEVELAND Project Number: GS No. 102-259 Project Title: Campus Paving - Delta State University Location: 1003 W. Sunflower Road Cleveland, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Bureau of Building, 501 N. West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Civil Solutions Services, Inc., P.O. Box 4188, Cleveland, MS 38732 (662) 545-4820 Deposit: $100 per set ROOFING WORK LUMBERTON, PURVIS AND HATTIESBURG Project Title: LCSB 2015 Reroofing Project Lamar County School District at Baxterville Elementary, Purvis Elementary and Oak Grove Middle Schools Location: Lumberton, Purvis and Hattiesburg, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2 p.m. Owner: Lamar County School Board, 424 Martin Luther King, Purvis, MS 39475 Plans From: Landry & Lewis Architects, P.A., 5211 Old Highway 11, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 271-7711 Deposit: $100 per set Planholders: Eddie Pearson Roofing, 112 Carson Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 582-3624 Fax (601) 582-3645 Rowell Roofing, Inc., P.O. Box 647, Columbia, MS 39429 (601) 736-9494 Fax (601) 7368015 Parker Contracting Services, LLC, P.O. Box 602, Laurel, MS 39441 (601) 649-2929 Fax (601) 649-2928 E. Cornell Malone Corp., 439 Dory Street, Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 352-5940 Fax (601) 352-5944 Independent Roofing Systems, Inc., 5090 McRaven Road, Jackson, MS 39204 (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 WATER STORAGE TANK HINDS COUNTY Project Title: One 750,000 Gallon Elevated Water Storage Tank - North Hinds Waster Association, Inc. Location: Hinds County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2:30 p.m. Owner: North Hinds Waster Association c/o Heflin Engineering, Inc., 1700 W. Government Street, Building A, Suite J, Brandon, MS 39043 Plans From: Heflin Engineering, Inc., 1700 W. Government Street, Building A, Suite J, Brandon, MS 39043 (601) 824-7569 Fax (601) 824-0590 Deposit: $50 per set, non-refundable w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m WATER SYSTEM IMPRS. HINDS COUNTY Project Title: Water Transmission Lines North Hinds Water Association, Inc. Location: Hinds County, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of approximately 3,000 linear feet of water transmission lines and appurtenant items. Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 2:30 p.m. Owner: North Hinds Waster Association c/o Heflin Engineering, Inc., 1700 W. Government Street, Building A, Suite J, Brandon, MS 39043 Plans From: Heflin Engineering, Inc., 1700 W. Government Street, Building A, Suite J, Brandon, MS 39043 (601) 824-7569 Fax (601) 824-0590 Deposit: $50 per set, non-refundable ELECTRICAL WORK VERONA Project Number: Bid No. 2 Project Title: City of Verona - Lift Station Renovations Location: Verona, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of new pumps, motors, control panel, electric work and appurtenant items to be bid in a lump sum. Bids Due: Jun. 9 at 6 p.m. Owner: City of Verona, City Hall, 194 Main Street, Verona, MS 38879 Plans From: Cook Coggin Engineers, Inc., 703 Crossover Road, Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 842-7381 Deposit: $125 per set, non-refundable JUNE 10, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COLUMBUS Project Title: Columbus Municipal School District Soccer Field Addition - Columbus High School Location: 215 Hemlock Street Columbus, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of land clearing, irrigation rerouting, lighting, electrical work, and bleacher installation. The additive alternates include land grading, sodding, a walking trail, and adding fence gates. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Owner: Columbus Municipal School District, 2630 McArthur Drive, Columbus, MS 39705 (662) 241-7400 Plans From: Neel-Schaffer, Inc., 2310 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Columbus, MS 39705 (662) 328-4460 Fax (662) 328-8552 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK DIAMONDHEAD Project Title: Live Oak Drive Improvements Phase I Location: Live Oak Drive Diamondhead, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 22 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 5000 Diamondhead Circle, Diamondhead, Miss. (Strongly recommended.) Owner: City of Diamondhead, 5000 Diamondhead Circle, Diamondhead, MS 39525 (228) 222-4626 Plans From: Seymour Engineering, 925 Tommy Munro Drive, Biloxi, MS 39532 (228) 3852350 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable Note: Project Engineer is Ned Hogg, P.E. and can be contacted at (228) 385-2350, ext. 108. ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK GULFPORT Project Number: Bid No. 15-0501 Project Title: Traffic Coating Repairs Project for Memorial Hospital at Gulfport Location: 4500 13th Street MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 Gulfport, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of installation for traffic coating repairs package for the Memorial Hospital Parking Deck. Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: RAC Field Office on site. Owner: Memorial Hospital at Gulfport, 4500 13th. Street, P.O. Box 1810, Gulfport, MS 39501 Plans From: Roy Anderson Corp. - Construction Manager, P.O. Box 1810, Gulfport, MS 39502 (228) 896-4000 Fax (228) 896-4086 ROOFING WORK GREENWOOD Project Title: Re-Roofing Gilliam Head Start Center Location: 100 E Martin Luther King Jr Drive Greenwood, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Action for Progress, Inc., 1751 Morson Road, Jackson, MS 39209 Plans From: LAD Engineering Technologies, Inc., 3103 W. Northside Drive, Jackson, MS 39213 (601) 362-0866 Fax (601) 362-2597 Deposit: $25 per set, non-refundable ROOFING WORK VICKSBURG Project Title: Metal Roof over Kings Head Start Center Location: 200 R L Chase Circle Vicksburg, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 10 at 2:15 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Action for Progress, Inc., 1751 Morson Road, Jackson, MS 39209 Plans From: LAD Engineering Technologies, Inc., 3103 W. Northside Drive, Jackson, MS 39213 (601) 362-0866 Fax (601) 362-2597 Deposit: $25 per set, non-refundable JUNE 11, 2015 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS COLLINS Project Title: City of Collins - 2015 Asphalt Paving for the Public Works Department Location: Collins, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Collins, 300 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 400, Collins, MS 39428 (601) 7654491 Fax (601) 765-0050 Plans From: Shows, Dearman & Waits, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 301 Second Avenue, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 544-1821 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable PARKING LOT IMPS. HERNANDO Project Title: DeSoto County Sheriff Administration Building Parking Lot Location: 311 W South Street Hernando, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of excavation, fill, storm water pipe and structures, concrete, erosion protection, crushed stone, asphalt, striping, signage, landscaping, and related work. Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Owner: DeSoto County Board of Supervisors, 365 Losher Street, Hernando, MS 38632 (662) 429-1460 Plans From: Waggoner Engineering, Inc., 2475 Memphis Street, Hernando, MS 38632 (662) 429-2100 Deposit: $50 for plans and proposals, nonrefundable PLUMBING/ELECTRICAL MERIDIAN Project Title: Construction of a Splash Pad at Highland Park Location: 1720 Jimmie Rodgers Memorial Drive Meridian, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of approximately 3,200 square foot wet pad with spray features; recirculating supply and filtration system; plumbing and electrical work; and associated site amenities. Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Owner: Lauderdale County Board of Supervisors, 410 Constitution Avenue, 11th. Floor, Meridian, MS 39301 (601) 482-9746 Plans From: Engineering Plus & Associates, 1724-B 23rd. Avenue, Meridian, MS 39301 (601) 693-4234 Fax (601) 485-3884 Deposit: $50 per set, non-refundable Planholders: Great Southern Recreation, LLC, 2441 - Q Old Fort Parkway, #462, Murfreesboro, TN 37128 (615) 406-6356 Aqua Construction International, Inc., 1864 Poplar Crest Cove, Memphis, TN 38119 (901) 853-6167 Fax (901) 766-0946 ELECTRICAL WORK GULFPORT Project Title: Emergency Generator Preventative Maintenance Location: Gulfport, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 10:30 a.m. Owner: Harrison County Board of Supervisors, 1801 23rd. Avenue, First Judicial Courthouse, Gulfport, MS 39501 (228) 865-4084 Plans From: Harrison County Engineers, 15309-C Community Road, Gulfport, MS 39502 (228) 832-4891 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK SENATOBIA Project Title: Improvements to Two-Mile Branch Road Location: Senatobia, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of paving an approximate 0.70 mile portion of an existing gravel roadway. Scope of work also includes replacing six existing cross-drains with new concrete pipe. Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 11 a.m. Owner: City of Senatobia, City Hall Board Room, 133 N. Front Street, Senatobia, MS 38668 Plans From: Elliott & Britt Engineering, P.A., 823 N. Lamar Blvd., P.O. Box 308, Oxford, MS 38655 (662) 234-1763 Deposit: $105 per set, non-refundable Planholders: North Mississippi Driveways, Inc., P. O. Box 844, Southhaven, MS 38671 (662) 429-1637 Fax (662) 429-9950 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BROOKHAVEN Project Title: 2015 Renovations Lindsey Head Start Center Location: 624 E. Monticello Street Brookhaven, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 10:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Mississippi Action for Progress, Inc., 1751 Morson Road, Jackson, MS 39209 Plans From: LAD Engineering Technologies, Inc., 3103 W. Northside Drive, Jackson, MS 39213 (601) 362-0866 Fax (601) 362-2597 Deposit: $25 per set, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CORINTH Project Number: P&M Project No. 2015513 Project Title: Corinth High School Restroom Renovations Location: 1310 Harper Road Corinth, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of renovation of eight restrooms. Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Owner: Corinth School District, 1204 N. Harper Road, Corinth, MS 38834 (662) 2872425 Fax (662) 286-1885 Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects & (CONTINUED ON PAGE 23) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22) Engineers, P.A., 1150 S. Green Street, Building 1, Suite F, Tupelo, MS 38804 (662) 8408062 Fax (662) 840-8092 Deposit: $150 per set Note: Pre-Bid Meeting to be announced. Contact architect for more information. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PEARL Project Number: GS No. 331-151 Project Title: Central Mississippi Crime Lab (Scientific Equipment & Installation), Department of Public Safety Location: Highway 475 S. Pearl, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Bureau of Building, 501 N. West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Barlow Eddy Jenkins, P.A., 1530 N. State Street, Jackson, MS 39202 (601) 352-8377 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WHITFIELD Project Number: GS No. 412-184 Project Title: Hail Damage Repairs (EMER) Package C.1, Mississippi State Hospital Location: 3550 Mississippi Highway 468 Whitfield, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Bureau of Building, 501 N. West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Burris/Wagnon Architect, 500L E. Woodrow Wilson Avenue, Jackson, MS 39216 (601) 969-7543 w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m Deposit: $50 per set Deposit: $250 per set, refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION WHITFIELD Project Number: GS No. 423-094 Project Title: Hail Damage Repairs (EMER) Package C - Hudspeth Regional Center Location: 875 Mississippi Highway 475 Whitfield, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Bureau of Building, 501 N. West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Dean and Dean Associates Architects, P.A., 4400 Old Canton Road, Hughland Bluff, Suite 200, Jackson, MS 39211 (601) 939-7717 Deposit: $250 per set Planholders: Rowell Roofing, Inc., P.O. Box 647, Columbia, MS 39429 (601) 736-9494 Fax (601) 7368015 Independent Roofing Systems, Inc., 5090 McRaven Road, Jackson, MS 39204 (601) 922-4301 Fax (601) 922-8602 DEMOLITION LOUISVILLE Project Number: P&M Project No. 2004119 Project Title: Winston Medical Center Phase I Demolition and Hazardous Material Abatement Location: 562 E. Main Street Louisville, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Owner: City of Louisville, 200 S. Church Avenue, Louisville, MS 39339 Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects & Engineers, P.A., 5227 S. Frontage Road, Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 327-8990 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION GUNTOWN Project Number: P&M Project No. 2013517 Project Title: Guntown Middle School Building Additions and Renovations Location: 1539 Main Street Guntown, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of approximately 11,994 square foot 10-classroom building and associated site work. Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Owner: Lee County School District, 1280 Collegeview Drive, Tupelo, MS 38801 Plans From: Pryor & Morrow Architects & Engineers, P.A., 1150 S. Green Street, Building 1, Suite F, Tupelo, MS 38804 (662) 8408062 Fax (662) 840-8092 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK PEARLINGTON Project Number: Project No. MM14-01 Project Title: SSA Bulkhead Replacement Port Bienville Industrial Park Location: Port and Harbor Drive Pearlington, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of constructing a new, anchored, steel sheet pile bulkhead, approximately 190 feet in length. The work also includes installing new timber mooring dolphins and rip rap slope protection. This general outline of features of the work does not in any way limit the responsibility of the contractor to perform all work and furnish all labor, equipment, and materials required by the specifications and the drawings referred to therein. Total contract time shall be 60 consecutive calendar days from the effective date shown in the Notice to Proceed. Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 3060 Port and Harbor Drive, Pearlington, DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE Miss. 39572. Owner: Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission, 706 Highway 90, Waveland, MS 39576 (228) 467-9231 Plans From: Dewberry Engineering, 2510 14th. Street, Suite 810, Gulfport, MS 39501 (228) 265-9440 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable Miss. 38632. Owner: DeSoto County Regional Utility Authority, 365 Losher Street, Suite 310, Hernando, MS 38632 (662) 429-5590 Plans From: EAI/WEI LLC, 2001 Airport Road, Suite 201, Flowood, MS 39232 (601) 9563663 Deposit: $125 per set, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BOGUE CHITTO Project Title: 2015 Exterior Improvements New Zion Head Start Center Location: 2506 US Highway 51 Bogue Chitto, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 11 at 2:30 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 4 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Mississippi Action for Progress, Inc., 1751 Morson Road, Jackson, MS 39209 Plans From: LAD Engineering Technologies, Inc., 3103 W. Northside Drive, Jackson, MS 39213 (601) 362-0866 Fax (601) 362-2597 Deposit: $25 per set, non-refundable ADA IMPROVEMENTS FOREST Project Title: Forest City Hall ADA Improvements Location: 120 S. Davis Street Forest, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of building modifications and related items. Bids Due: Jun. 12 at 1:30 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 27 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: City of Forest, 120 S. Davis Street, Forest, MS 39074 Plans From: Allen & Hoshall Engineers Architects Planners, 713 S. Pear Orchard Road, Suite 100, Ridgeland, MS 39157 (601) 9778993 Deposit: $150 per set, non-refundable Planholders: Tony Watson Electric, 111 Branstar Cove, Brandon, MS 39042 (601) 825-8101 Sullivan Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 859, Magee, MS 39111 (601) 849-2441 Fax (601) 849-2933 JUNE 12, 2015 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS DESOTO COUNTY Project Title: Short Fork Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) Effluent Outfall Relocation Location: Desoto County, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of approximately 6,500 linear feet of 36-inch diameter force main, Effluent pumping station modifications and related appurtenances. Bids Due: Jun. 12 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 28 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 365 Losher Street, Suite 310, Hernando, JUNE 15, 2015 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK LAFAYETTE COUNTY Project Number: Project No. SAP-36(18)S Project Title: Base Repair, Leveling, MicroSurfacing, Striping and Signing on Bay (CONTINUED ON PAGE 24) D.B.E. PARTICIPATION AND SUBCONTRACT PRICES IN ONE EASY STEP! The DAILY JOURNAL carries dozens of new projects each week. Our staff keeps you informed Monday through Friday on construction projects, prospective bidders and bid results. THIS CONVENIENT LOW COST LISTING COVERS BOTH! Listings include: project title, bid date and time, bidding contractor’s name, name of estimator or estimating department, telephone, fax, address and email if desired. The SUB BIDS WANTED section appears in the rear section of the Daily Journal. The listing can also be viewed online at This should be all of the proof you need to solicit Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, etc. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2014 Here’s a LOW COST way to ask for SUBCONTRACT PRICES and D.B.E. PARTICIPATION ON A JOB YOUR COMPANY IS NOW BIDDING! 504-834-9292, ext. 216 (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24) Main Street, Mount Olive, MS 39119 (601) 797-3496 Plans From: Shows, Dearman & Waits, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 301 Second Avenue, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 544-1821 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable ROOFING WORK WASHINGTON Project Title: Historic Jefferson College Roof Restoration Program Location: 16 Old N Street Washington, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of restoration of the wood shingle, slate and asbestos shingle roofing on multiple buildings at Jefferson College. Bids Due: Oct. 16 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Department of Archives and History, 200 North Street, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Robert Parker Adams, Architect, P.A., 219 N. Lamar Street, Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 948-7722 Deposit: $50 per set, refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FLORENCE Project Title: Florence City Hall building addition - re-bid Location: 203 College Street, Florence, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Oct. 17 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Florence, 203 College Street, Florence, MS 39218 Plans From: Dean and Dean Associates Architects, P.A., 4400 Old Canton Road, Jackson, MS 39211 (601) 939-7717 Planholders: E & B Contracting, 533 Gulf Line Road, Pearl, MS 39208 (601) 936-3663 Fax (601) 9362570 Richard Womack Construction, LLC, 141 Blackwell Road, Mendenhall, MS 39114 (601) 672-8693 Fax (601) 849-4966 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK LEE COUNTY Project Number: Project No. STP-2840(9)B Project Title: Maintenance overlay, stripe and sign on the Plantersville-Richmond Road (2.062 miles) Location: Plantersville-Richmond Road Lee County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Oct. 17 at 10 a.m. Owner: Lee County Board of Supervisors, Board Room, 300 W. Main Street, Tupelo, MS 38804 Plans From: Carrson Neal, PO Box 1526, Tupelo, MS Deposit: $50 for plans and $50 for the proposal, non-refundable 5 or more days/runs @ $20 per run 4 days/runs @ $23 per run 3 days/runs @ $27 per run Fax billing and project information to: Anne Lovas 504-832-3534 or call List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids OCTOBER 17, 2014 The average SUB BIDS WANTED listing runs 5 days prior to bid date, but can be run at contractor’s request. However, there is a 3-day minimum charge. Advertisements can start anytime, but must run consecutively up to the bid date. A tear sheet will be provided with invoice. Rates are as follow: Visit our web site 24/7 23 WATER WELL SONTAG Project Title: One 3,001 gallon per minute water well and appurtenances for the Sontag Wanilla Association, Inc. Location: Smith Ferry Road, Sontag, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Oct. 17 at 10 a.m. Owner: Sontag Wanilla Assoc., Inc. % Heflin Engineering, Inc., 1700 W. Government Street, Bldg. A, Suite J, Brandon, MS 39043 Plans From: Heflin Engineering, Inc., 1700 W. Government Street, Building A, Suite J, Brandon, MS 39043 (601) 824-7569 Fax (601) 824-0590 Deposit: $50 per set, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION LUMBERTON Project Title: Renovations to Lumberton Auditorium w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m CLASSIFIEDS (504) 293-9216 FAX (504) 832-3534 It’s the QUICK METHOD for getting the word out. RATES: $17.00 Per column inch (1” deep by 2” column wide) We accept VISA, or MASTERCARD. Payment in advance. SUB BIDS Wanted: Gulf Southern Construction Company is soliciting bids from Certified Subcontractors or Suppliers of Minorities, Woman Owed, Small, Veteran Owned Businesses for the following trades: HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Sprinkler, Alarm Systems, Drywall, Ornamental Steel, Painting, Flooring. The project involves the construction of twelve apartments and a future shell space on the first floor within the space known as 326 Camp Street, New Orleans, LA. BIDS DUE by September 30, 2014 FAX Qualification and Interest statements to (504) 326-0869 or send an email request to Sept. 25, 26, and 29, 2014 ERNEST N. MORIAL CONVENTION CENTER REQUESTING SEALED BIDS FOR FURNISH & INSTALL COMMERCIAL DISH MACHINE The New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, a political subdivision of the State of Louisiana, is requesting sealed Bids for to Furnish & Install Commercial Dish Machine. Sealed Bids will be received at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, 900 Convention Center Boulevard, New Orleans, LA 70130 until Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 10:00 a.m., at which time bids received on time and in the correct location will be considered for contract award. All Bids must be submitted to Ms. Chanel M. Labat-Purchasing Manager. Bidders may submit bids electronically at Bids will not be accepted after said time and date. A Mandatory PreBid Conference will be held on Tuesday, October 9, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the Purchasing Department Conference Room, located on the 1st floor of the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center near the Henderson Street Employee’s Entrance next to Hall J. Specifications and Bid documents may be obtained online at or by contacting the Purchasing Department at (504) 582-3035. Bidders may obtain specifications and Bid documents from Purchasing Department in person, by email (, by first class mail, or by courier services. In employing first class mail or by courier service, Bidders must arrange directly with the courier for pickup, delivery, and payment of all associated costs. The Successful Bidder shall furnish a good and solvent Performance Bond acceptable to the Owner in the amount of fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the Contract Sum awarded for the faithful performance of its duties. The Successful Bidder shall also furnish a Labor and Material Payment Bond with a good, solvent, and sufficient surety acceptable to the Owner in an amount of fifty percent (50%) of the Contract Sum awarded for the payment by the Contractor to claimants. A contract shall be awarded to the Bidder whose Bid Price is complete and responsive to all terms and conditions outlined in the Bid Documents, without discrimination on grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin. Bidders are advised that request for copies of the Bid Documents shall not be accepted within two (2) calendar days prior to the Bid opening date indicated above. Bid Documents may be obtained between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, holidays not included. September 29, 2014 Location: Lumberton, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Oct. 17 at 2 p.m. Owner: Lumberton Public School District, 107 W. 10th. Avenue, Lumberton, MS 39455 Plans From: Landry & Lewis Architects, P.A., 5211 Old Highway 11, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 271-7711 Deposit: $150 per set OCTOBER 20, 2014 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION GULFPORT Project Title: Harrison County District North Gulfport 8th Grade Administration and Gym Entry Canopy Location: 4715 Illinois Avenue Gulfport, MS DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 25 SUB BIDS WANTED 800-326-5523 Fax 504-832-3534 The General Contractors listed in these advertisements are actively seeking SUB BIDS and MATERIAL QUOTATIONS on all items of work relative to the below described projects. SUBCONTRACTORS and MATERIAL SUPPLIERS, including DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, WOMEN’S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, etc., are welcomed and encouraged to submit their prices prior to the bid date and time listed. E.O.E. M/F DEADLINE: Two days prior to first run date by 10 a.m. Bids due October 3, 2014 at 11 a.m. CONTRACT NO. 8129 - KATRINA RELATED REPAIRS TO GARAGE NO. 2 AT CENTRAL YARD - SEWERAGE AND WATER BOARD OF NEW ORLEANS, NEW ORLEANS, LA CONSTRUCTION MASTERS, INC. Patricia Stroud (504) 831-4261, Fax (504) 832-0762 Email: 701 Papworth Ave., Suite 206, Metairie, LA 70005 Bids due October 7, 2014 at 2 p.m. PROPOSAL NO. 50-110873 — SIBLEY STREET & WEST NAPOLEON AVE. AND MISSISSIPPI AVE. & WEST NAPOLEON AVE. UPGRADES AND FORCE MAIN IMPROVEMENTS, NEW ORLEANS, LA WALLACE C. DRENNAN, INC. Estimating Department (504) 828-8000, Fax (504) 836-2939 Email: P.O. Box 15438, New Orleans, LA 70175 Bids due October 3, 2014 at 11 a.m. CONTRACT NO. 8129 - KATRINA RELATED REPAIRS TO GARAGE NO. 2 AT CENTRAL YARD - SEWERAGE AND WATER BOARD OF NEW ORLEANS, NEW ORLEANS, LA CONSTRUCTION MASTERS, INC. Patricia Stroud (504) 831-4261, Fax (504) 832-0762 Email: 701 Papworth Ave., Suite 206, Metairie, LA 70005 Bids due October 6, 2014 at 10 a.m. HENRY STREET INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, NEW IBERIA, LA E.B. FEUCHT & SONS, INC. Kyle Keeler (337) 457-2426, Fax (337) 546-0178 Email: 3974 Highway 190, Eunice, LA 70535 Bids due September 4, 2014 at 2 p.m. BID SOLICITATION NO. 500C-01666 - CARTIER AVENUE (MIRABEAU-FILMORE) - DPW-2005-D01, NEW ORLEANS, LA HARD ROCK CONST., LLC Jason Juneau (504) 835-1050, Fax (504) 837-0490 Email: 2305 L and A Road, Metairie, LA 70001 WALLACE C. DRENNAN, INC. Estimating Department (504) 828-8000, Fax (504) 836-2939 Email: P.O. Box 15438, New Orleans, LA 70175 Average Sub Bids Wanted Run is 5 times RATES PER TIME/RUN 5 times @ $20.00 each run; 4 times @ $23.00 each run; 3 @ times $27.00 each run Listings accepted for less than 3 days will be charged for 3 day minimum Please Note Policy On Bid Date Extensions: It is the responsibility of the contractor listed in this section to notify the Daily Journal of Commerce to continue the advertisement/listing through the new bid date. Average Sub Bids Wanted Run is 5 times; Listings accepted for less than 3 days will be charged for 3 day minimum. For rates, please call Anne Lovas at 504.293.9216 or email 24 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 23) Springs Cambridge Road (County Route 202) Location: Bay Springs Cambridge Road Lafayette County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 15 at 9 a.m. Owner: Lafayette County Board of Supervisors, Board Room, 300 N. Lamar Blvd., Oxford, MS 38655 Plans From: Larry L. Britt, P.E., 823 N. Lamar Blvd., Oxford, MS 38655 (662) 234-1763 Fax (662) 234-3835 Deposit: $75 for plans and $30 for the proposal, non-refundable Planholders: Vance Brothers Inc., P. O. Box 300107, Kansas City, MO 64130 (816) 923-4325 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK LAFAYETTE COUNTY Project Number: Project No. SAP-36(25)M Project Title: Striping and Signage Maintenance Project on Roads A - G Location: Lafayette County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 15 at 9 a.m. Owner: Lafayette County Board of Supervisors, Board Room, 300 N. Lamar Blvd., Oxford, MS 38655 Plans From: Larry L. Britt, P.E., 823 N. Lamar Blvd., Oxford, MS 38655 (662) 234-1763 Fax (662) 234-3835 Deposit: $75 for plans and $30 for the proposal, non-refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK SIMPSON COUNTY Project Number: Project No. SAP-64(62) Project Title: Grade, Drain, Base and Hot Mix Surface on the Hopewell Road Location: Simpson County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 15 at 10 a.m. Owner: Simpson County Board of Supervisors, 111 W. Pine Avenue, Mendenhall, MS 39114 (601) 847-1418 Plans From: Ottis D. Wolverton, Jr., County Engineer, 57 Wolverton Drive, Collins, MS 39428 (601) 765-4424 Deposit: $100 for plans and $100 for the proposal, non-refundable JUNE 16, 2015 DREDGING GREENVILLE Project Title: Greenville Port Dredge Project Location: Harbor Front Road Greenville, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of dredging of an area approximately 700’ x 100’ along the dock face of the Greenville Port Terminal. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 10 a.m. Owner: Greenville Port Commission, 2701 Harbor Front Road, Greenville, MS 38701 (662) 335-2683 Plans From: Hooker Engineers, 1000 Washington Avenue, P.O. Box 368, Greenville, MS 38702 (662) 334-1865 Deposit: $50 per set, non-refundable ELECTRICAL WORK OKOLONA Project Number: AIP Project No. 3-28-0093-017-2015 Project Title: Okolona Municipal Airport Lighting Projects - Remove and Replace MITL, HIRL, Direction and Information Lighted Signs and Renovate and Upgrade CS Regulator and Enclosure Location: Airport Road Okolona, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of underground cable, trenching and backfilled, ducting where illustrated on engineering design documents, all stakes, mounts and lighting fixtures, Taxiway Guidance Signage, 1 CC regulator, 30 kw L828 regulator and removal of existing lighting and signage. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 1 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Main Ramp, project site. Owner: City of Okolona, 215 Main Street, Okolona, MS 38860 Plans From: Dabbs Engineering Co., Inc., 1050 N. Eason Blvd., Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 841-0162 Deposit: $125 per set MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS KILN Project Title: Hancock County Utility Authority - Influent Wet Well Rehabilitation Northern Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant Location: 8200 Texas Flat Road Kiln, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of of preparing, repairing damage to existing concrete walls, and installation of a polymeric lining system. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is highly encouraged but is not mandatory. Owner: Hancock County Utility Authority, 401 Gulfside Street, Waveland, MS 39576 (228) 467-3702 Plans From: project owner Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable ABATEMENT/DEMOLITION MERIDIAN Project Number: Bid No. 15-14 Project Title: Asbestos Abatement and Demolition for the City of Meridian Location: Meridian, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 11 a.m. Owner: City of Meridian, City Hall, 601 23rd. Avenue, Meridian, MS 39301 (601) 485-1819 Fax (601) 485-1911 Plans From: project owner Note: Eugene Perry is the contact person at (601) 485-1938 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION HEIDELBERG Project Title: Heidelberg High and Middle Schools 2015 Campus Paving and Improvements Location: North Pine Avenue Heidelberg, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Owner: East Jasper School District, 714 N. Pine Avenue, Heidelberg, MS 39439 (601) 787-3281 Plans From: McCleskey Associates, Architect PLLC, 105 Patton Avenue, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 544-8994 Fax (601) 5448969 Deposit: $100 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION LAMAR COUNTY Project Title: Addition to Sumrall Elementary and Longleaf Elementary Schools Location: Lamar County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Owner: Lamar County School Board, 424 Martin Luther King, Purvis, MS 39475 Plans From: Landry & Lewis Architects, P.A., w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m 5211 Old Highway 11, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 271-7711 Deposit: $250 per set Planholders: Mac’s Const. Co., P.O. Box 17017, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 264-8648 Fax (601) 268-3805 Hanco Corp., P.O. Box 17678, Hattiesburg, MS 39404 (601) 583-6500 Fax (601) 583-6503 Casablanca Const., Inc., #9 Thomas Lane, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 264-6676 Fax (601) 264-6677 Larry J. Sumrall Contractors, P.O. Box 4190, Laurel, MS 39441 (601) 649-4490 Fax (601) 426-9622 Jay-Van Company, P.O. Box 15427, Hattiesburg, MS 39404 (601) 545-1161 Fax (601) 583-2340 Trimark Constructors, LLC, P.O. Box 113282, Metairie, LA 70011 (504) 836-2811 Fax (504) 841-2349 T.L. Wallace Const., Inc., P.O. Box 523, Columbia, MS 39429 (601) 736-4525 Fax (601) 736-3401 C. Perry Builders, 1098 Walker Road, Sumrall, MS 39482 (601) 758-3136 Fax (601) 7584110 Advance Building Specialties, 213 N. Main Street, Petal, MS 39465 (601) 582-2745 Fax (601) 544-2712 Chris Albritton Const. Co., Inc., 36 Jasper Highway 15, Laurel, MS 39443-8915 (601) 425-9100 Fax (601) 425-3974 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS GLEN Project Title: Surface Water Supply System Project 1 - Water Treatment Facilities, Contract C (Version 2) - Site Work Improvements Location: 2710 U.S. Highway 72 E. Glen, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of enlarging an existing storm water detention pond, construction of a secondary pond and installation of storm water piping and drainage structures and miscellaneous appurtenant items of work. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Owner: Corinth Gas & Water Dept Clifford G. Worsham Surface Water Treatment Fac, 2710 U.S. Highway 72 E., Glen, MS 38846 Plans From: Cook Coggin Engineers, Inc., 703 Crossover Road, Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 842-7381 Deposit: $125 per set ROOFING WORK COLUMBUS Project Title: Mississippi University for Women Reroof - Callaway Hall, Columbus Hall and Hastings Hall Location: Columbus, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi University for Women, Whitfield Hall, 1100 College Street, P.O. Box W1628, Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 3297223 Plans From: JBHM Architects, 104 Third Street S., Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 3294883 Deposit: $50 per set on CD, non-refundable SECURITY SYSTEMS TUPELO Project Number: Project No. 15027 Project Title: Tupelo Public School District Security Improvements to Various Schools Location: Tupelo, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of Security Cameras, Contract A; Security Film, Contract B; Burglar/Fire Alarms, Contract C; and Contract D - Combination of A, B, & C. Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Owner: Tupelo Public School District c/o Hancock Leadership Center, 1920 Briar Ridge Road, Tupelo, MS 38804 Plans From: JBHM Architects, P.A., 105 Court MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 Street, Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 844-1822 Fax (662) 844-0971 Deposit: $50 per CD, non-refundable SITE WORK RIDGELAND Project Title: Prime Site Works Package Ridgeland High School Track Repairs and Renovations Location: 586 Sunnybrook Road Ridgeland, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 16 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: May 26 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: W.G. Yates & Sons Const. Co. - Construction Manager, 781 Larson Street, Jackson, MS 39202 (601) 352-7396 Fax (601) 352-4296 Plans From: project owner JUNE 17, 2015 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK COLUMBUS Project Title: Port Access Road Overlay Lowndes County Port Location: Port Access Road Columbus, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 10:30 a.m. Owner: Lowndes County Port Authority, 1121 Main Street, Suite 204, Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 329-5886 Plans From: Neel-Schaffer, Inc., 2310 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, Columbus, MS 39705 (662) 328-4460 Fax (662) 328-8552 Deposit: $150 per set, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SOUTHAVEN Project Number: UA Project No. 14034 Project Title: Southaven Senior Center at Parks Building Location: Snowden Grove Park Southaven, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: City Hall, 8710 Northwest Drive, Southaven, Miss. 38671. Owner: City of Southaven, 8710 Northwest Drive, Southaven, MS 38671 Plans From: ARC Printing, 5710 Quince Road, Memphis, TN 38119 (901) 683-8292 Deposit: $250 per set, non-refundable MECHANICAL TALLAHATCHIE COUNTY Project Number: Project No. 14190.00 Project Title: West Tallahatchie Consolidated School District Bond Improvements - HVAC Upgrades at RH Bearden Elementary, West Tallahatchie High and North Delta Alternative Schools Location: Tallahatchie County, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of new HVAC units and electrical modifications. Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 10 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: 1096 Friendship Road, Webb, Miss. 38966. Owner: West Tallahatchie School District, 1096 Friendship Road, Webb, MS 38966 (662) 375-9291 Plans From: Major Design Studio, PLLC, 1328 Shady Street, Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 425-2485 Deposit: $50 per set, non-refundable MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS GREENVILLE Project Number: EPA SPAP Project No. XP-95476611 Project Title: Virden Subdivision Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project Location: Greenville, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of rehabilitation of sewer mains using pipe bursting methods; installation of new service laterals and cleanouts within the utility easements; and installation of precast manholes. Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 2 p.m. Owner: City of Greenville, City Hall, 340 Main Street, Greenville, MS 36037 Plans From: W.L. Burle, Engineers, P.A., 111 S. Walnut Street, Greenville, MS 38701 (662) 332-2619 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK MOSS POINT Project Number: AIP Project No. 3-28-0101-31-2015 Project Title: Mark Runway 17/35 and Rehabilitate Taxiways - Trent Lott International Airport Location: 8301 Saracennia Road Moss Point, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of surface preparation to remove algae on Runway 17/35, taxiway alpha, and connector taxilanes; crack routing and sealing on taxiway alpha and connector taxilanes; and application of asphalt seal coat on taxiway alpha and connector taxilanes, and application of new taxiway markings and runway markings. Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 5 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Airport Conference Room, Suite 2, project site. Owner: Jackson County Airport Authority, 8301 Saracennia Road, Moss Point, MS 39563 Plans From: Neel-Schaffer, Inc., 772 Howard Avenue, Biloxi, MS 39530 (228) 374-1211 Deposit: $75 per set, non-refundable WALKING TRAIL ITTA BENA Project Number: MVSU No. 7265 Project Title: Mississippi Valley State University Valley in Motion Healthy Initiative Fitness Trail Location: 14000 Highway 82 W. Itta Bena, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of new walking trail. Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Sutton Administration Building, Room 229, 14000 Highway 82 W., Itta Bena, Miss. Owner: Mississippi Valley State University, 14000 Highway 82, Itta Bena, MS 38941 (662) 254-9041 Plans From: Beard + Riser Architects, PLLC, 201 Main Street, Greenwood, MS 38930 (662) 455-2581 Deposit: $50 per set SIGNAGE MOSS POINT Project Number: AIP Project No. 3-28-0101-31-2015 Project Title: Rehabilitate / Replace Airfield (CONTINUED ON PAGE 25) MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24) Guidance Signs - Trent Lott International Airport Location: 8301 Saracennia Road Moss Point, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of demolition of 29 airfield guidance signs, 20 foundations, existing conduit, conductors and miscellaneous electrical items; and installation of new foundations, new LED airfield guidance signs, new conduit, conductors, and miscellaneous electrical items. Bids Due: Jun. 17 at 2:30 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 5 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Airport Conference Room, Suite 2, project site. Owner: Jackson County Airport Authority, 8301 Saracennia Road, Moss Point, MS 39563 Plans From: Neel-Schaffer, Inc., 772 Howard Avenue, Biloxi, MS 39530 (228) 374-1211 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable JUNE 18, 2015 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS FOREST Project Title: MISA Facility Off-Site Sanitary Force Main Project Location: Forest, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of install approximately 1,955 linear feet of 1.4 inch sanitary force main, install seven each sanitary sewer cleanouts, install one sanitary manhole, provide traffic control as required, and provide restoration of all disturbed areas. Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Forest, 120 S. Davis Street, Forest, MS 39074 Plans From: C2AE, 725 Prudden Street, Lansing, MI 48906 (517) 371-1200 Deposit: $50 per set, non-refundable PIER REPAIRS HARRISON COUNTY Project Title: Deer Island Pier for the Department of Marine Resources Location: Harrison County, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of constructing a pier with lighting and other features. Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 10 a.m. Owner: Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, Bolton Building, 1141 Bayview Avenue, Suite 205, Biloxi, MS 39530 (228) 374-5000 Plans From: Brown, Mitchell & Alexander, Inc., 521 34th. Street, Gulfport, MS 39507 (228) 864-7612 Deposit: $150 per set ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK HATTIESBURG Project Number: Federal Aid Project No. HPP-021000(015)LPA / 105214-801000 Project Title: Longleaf Trace - Phase III (total project length 1.904 miles) Location: Longleaf Trace Hattiesburg, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Hattiesburg, 200 Forrest Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 5454550 Plans From: Shows, Dearman & Waits, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 301 Second Avenue, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 544-1821 Deposit: $250 per set, non-refundable w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m ROOFING WORK MT. OLIVE Project Title: Gymnasium Reroof - Mt. Olive Attendance Center Location: 301 S. Fourth Street Mt. Olive, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 1 p.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Covington County School Board, 1211 S. Dogwood, Collins, MS 39428 Plans From: Plan House Printing, 1A Churchill Street, Hattiesburg, MS 39402 (601) 336-6378 Deposit: $50 per set GENERATOR ELLISVILLE Project Title: Ellisville State School Columbus, Bay Springs, Prentiss, & Ellisville Group Homes Emergency Generator Installation Location: Ellisville, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 10:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 2 at 10:30 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Columbus Group Home Site, 912 11th Avenue S., Columbus, MS 39701. Owner: Ellisville State School Campus, Clyde Woodruff, Jr. Admin. Bldg., 1101 Highway 11 S., Ellisville, MS 39437-4444 (601) 4775698 Plans From: HESM & A Consulting Engineers, 617 Renaissance Way, Ridgeland, MS 39157 (601) 790-9702 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CLINTON Project Title: Expand Military Compound at the Clinton Readiness Center Location: 1500 E. Northside Drive Clinton, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 1:30 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 9 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Adjutant General, State of Mississippi, new addition, first floor classroom, Room No. 192B, 1410 Riverside Drive, Jackson, MS 39202 (601) 313-6396 Plans From: Pickering Firm, Inc., 2001 Airport Road, Suite 201, Flowood, MS 39232 (601) 932-7878 Deposit: $100 per set, refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION COLUMBUS Project Title: Lowndes County Emergency 911 Addition Location: 515 Second Avenue N. Columbus, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 2 p.m. Owner: Lowndes County Board of Supervisors, 505 Second Avenue N., Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 329-5888 Plans From: JBHM Architects, 104 Third Street S., Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 3294883 Deposit: $50 per CD, non-refundable HOUSING REPAIRS/IMPRS. COLUMBUS Project Title: Mississippi Regional Housing Authority IV - Miscellaneous Handicap and HVAC Renovations at Project MS 019-003, 019-005, 019-010, 019-011, 019-014, 019017 and 019-018 Location: Columbus, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 18 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Regional Housing Authority IV, 2845 S. Frontage Road, Columbus, MS 39703 (662) 327-8114 Plans From: Jones-Zanders, Ltd., Architecture Engineering, 91 Sunset Drive, Suite C, Grenada, MS 38965 (662) 226-7115 Deposit: $125 per set, non-refundable Planholders: Conerly Const., 8075 N. McRaven Road, Jackson, MS 39209 (601) 922-8700 Fax (601) 922-2080 Hooker Const., Inc., P.O. Box 8, Thaxton, MS 38871 (662) 489-2567 Fax (662) 489-2584 Byrum Construction, Inc., P. O. Box 660, Starkville, MS 39760 (662) 320-7373 Fax (662) 320-7374 Thunder Construction, 10039 Jacks Road, Westpoint, MS 39773 (662) 425-0700 Evans Plbg. & A/C, Inc., P.O. Box 175, Hamilton, MS 39746 (662) 680-9097 Fax (662) 844-0642 JUNE 19, 2015 MUNICIPAL/PUBLIC WORKS RICHLAND Project Number: Project No. 09-R-8061 Project Title: 2015 Sewer Interceptor Assessment and Rehabilitation Location: Richland, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of a pipe televising and smoke testing, manhole inspection, cured in place pipe, and point repair. Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Richland, 380 Scarbrough Street, P.O. Box 108609, Richland, MS 39218 Plans From: Engineering Service, 198 Cleary Road, P.O. Box 180429, Richland, MS 39218 (601) 939-8737 Deposit: $75 per set, non-refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK BRANDON Project Number: Federal Aid Project No. STP-6951-00(001) LPA / 106880-701000 Project Title: Sunset Drive / Overby Street Resurfacing Project Location: Brandon, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of repair base failures and overlay existing asphalt, and placement of pavement markings. Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 1 p.m. Owner: City of Brandon, 1000 Municipal Drive, Brandon, MS 39043 (601) 825-5021 Plans From: Guest Consultants, Inc., 26 Eastgate Drive, Brandon, MS 39042 (601) 825-8341 Deposit: $150 per set, non-refundable ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK BRANDON Project Number: Bid No. 2015-008 Project Title: City of Brandon 2015 Street Resurfacing Project Location: Brandon, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of base repairs, milling, and overlaying existing pavement, curb and gutter repair, drainage improvements and miscellaneous street repairs for various streets within the City of Brandon. Bids Due: Jun. 19 at 2 p.m. Owner: City of Brandon, 1000 Municipal Drive, Brandon, MS 39043 (601) 825-5021 Plans From: Guest Consultants, Inc., 26 Eastgate Drive, Brandon, MS 39042 (601) 825-8341 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable JUNE 22, 2015 PLAYGROUND IMPS. GULFPORT Project Title: 28th Street Basketball Courts Two Full Outdoor Basketball Courts at 28th Street Park with Four Basketball Goals Location: 28th Street Gulfport, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 22 at 10 a.m. Owner: City of Gulfport, 1410 24th. Avenue, Hardy Building, Gulfport, MS 39501 (228) 868-5705 Plans From: project owner (CONTINUED ON PAGE 26) DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE 25 SUB BIDS WANTED 800-326-5523 Fax 504-832-3534 The General Contractors listed in these advertisements are actively seeking SUB BIDS and MATERIAL QUOTATIONS on all items of work relative to the below described projects. SUBCONTRACTORS and MATERIAL SUPPLIERS, including DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, WOMEN’S BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES, etc., are welcomed and encouraged to submit their prices prior to the bid date and time listed. E.O.E. M/F DEADLINE: Two days prior to first run date by 10 a.m. Bids due June 2, 2015 at 2 p.m. BID SOLICITATION NO. 500C-01823 - LOWER 9TH WARD - QUAD 3 - PAVEMENT ONLY, NEW ORLEANS, LA BARRIERE CONSTRUCTION CO., LLC Jaime Cabrera (504) 569-3137, Fax (504) 227-8154 Email: 1910 Peters Road, Harvey, LA 70058 FLEMING CONST. CO. Estimating Department (504) 464-4000, Fax (504) 464-4036 23 E. Airline Drive, Kenner, LA 70062 Bids due June 2, 2015 at 2 p.m. SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS REHABILITATION OF SEWER LIFT STATIONS, COTTONPORT, LA TREK, INC. Troy Quirk (318) 346-6627, Fax (318) 346-4310 Email: P.O. Box 419, Bunkie, LA 71322 Bids due June 3, 2015 at 10 a.m. WATER WORKS DISTRICT NO. 3 OF RAPIDES PARISH GROUND STORAGE TANK REPLACEMENTS AT CAMP LIVINGSTON, RAPIDES PARISH, LA TREK, INC. David B. Vollman (318) 346-6627, Fax (318) 346-4310 Email: P.O. Box 419, Bunkie, LA 71322 Bids due June 3, 2015 at 2 p.m. WATER DISTRIBUTION AND CHLORINATION IMPROVEMENTS, SIMMESPORT, LA TREK, INC. David B. Vollman (318) 346-6627, Fax (318) 346-4310 Email: P.O. Box 419, Bunkie, LA 71322 Bids due June 19, 2015 at 11 a.m. CONTRACT NO. 30016 - RESTORATION OF EXISTING GRAVITY FLOW SANITARY SEWERS BY EXCAVATION AND REPLACEMENT FROM MANHOLE TO MANHOLD, CIPP LINING OF SERVICE LATERALS AND POINT REPAIR AT VARIOUS SITES, NEW ORLEANS, LA WALLACE C. DRENNAN, INC. Estimating Department (504) 828-8000, Fax (504) 836-2939 Email: P.O. Box 15438, New Orleans, LA 70175 Average Sub Bids Wanted Run is 5 times RATES PER TIME/RUN 5 times @ $20.00 each run; 4 times @ $23.00 each run; 3 @ times $27.00 each run Listings accepted for less than 3 days will be charged for 3 day minimum Please Note Policy On Bid Date Extensions: It is the responsibility of the contractor listed in this section to notify the Daily Journal of Commerce to continue the advertisement/listing through the new bid date. Average Sub Bids Wanted Run is 5 times; Listings accepted for less than 3 days will be charged for 3 day minimum. For rates, please call Anne Lovas at 504.293.9216 or email 26 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE List of Contractors who have plans on work out for bids (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25) JUNE 23, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION BILOXI Project Title: Offices for Department of Marine Resources (DMR) & Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) Langston Bolton State Office Building Location: 1141 Bayview Avenue Biloxi, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 23 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration, Woolfolk Bldg., 501 N. West Street, Suite 1201A, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: Allred Architectural Group, P.A., 628 Washington Avenue, Suite C, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 (228) 762-1975 Fax (228) 769-9545 Deposit: $50 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FAYETTE Project Title: New Facility for Jefferson Comprehensive Health Center Location: 10380 US Highway 61 S. Fayette, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 23 at 2 p.m. Owner: Jefferson Comprehensive Health Center, Inc., 225 Community Drive, Fayette, MS 39069 Plans From: Waycaster & Assoc. Architects, 112 Main Street, Suite U-3, Natchez, MS 39120 (601) 442-3649 Deposit: $100 per set ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK BROOKHAVEN Project Number: Federal Aid Project No. SRSP-0060-00(021)/ LPA 106677-40100 Project Title: Safe Routes to School Sidewalk Rehabilitation East Brookhaven and The Alexander Junior High Area Location: Brookhaven, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 23 at 2 p.m. Owner: City of Brookhaven, 301 S. First Street, Room 102, Brookhaven, MS 39601 (601) 833-2362 Plans From: WGK, Inc., 204 W. Leake Street, Clinton, MS 39056 (601) 925-4444 Deposit: $100 per set, non-refundable JUNE 24, 2015 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION GULFPORT Project Number: Project No. 313 Project Title: Ground Storage Tank and Elevated Platform - Mississippi State Port Authority Location: Gulfport, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of construction of a pile supported 250,000 gallon prestressed concrete ground storage tank with two variable frequency drive pumps and emergency stand-by generator. A pile supported, reinforced concrete elevated platform is also to be constructed to support the pumps and generator including associated utility and site work as indicated in the contract documents. The project also includes architectural elements including a faux lighthouse structure on top of the prestressed concrete tank and louver screens on the elevated platform. Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 10 a.m. Owner: Mississippi State Port Authority, 2510 14th. Street, Suite 1450, Gulfport, MS 39501 (228) 865-4300 Fax (228) 865-4335 Plans From: project owner HOUSING REPAIRS/IMPRS. WINONA Project Title: Winona Housing Authority MS 82-4 Rose Courts Ceiling Renovations Location: Winona, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 24 at 1:30 p.m. Owner: Housing Authority of the City of Winona, 200 Briscoe Street, Winona, MS 38967 Plans From: JBHM Architects, 104 Third Street S., Columbus, MS 39701 (662) 3294883 Deposit: $50 per CD, non-refundable JUNE 25, 2015 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK POPLARVILLE Project Number: Federal Aid Project No. STP-2172-00(001) LPA / 106709-701000 Project Title: for Extension of the Pedestrian Commons for a total project length of 0.107 miles - Pearl River Community College Location: Highway 11 North Poplarville, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of initially the existing asphalt roadway facilities and concrete sidewalks shall be demolished, follow by the construction of a brick and concrete pedestrian pathways, landscaping, lighting, and miscellaneous items. Bids Due: Jun. 25 at 10 a.m. Owner: Pearl River Community College, 101 Highway N., Poplarville, MS 39401 Plans From: Shows, Dearman & Waits, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 301 Second Avenue, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 (601) 544-1821 Deposit: $250 per set, non-refundable BUILDING CONSTRUCTION UNIVERSITY Project Number: UM No. 15-081 Bid File No. 9437 Project Title: University of Mississippi Turner Center Natatorium Renovations Location: University, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 25 at 2 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 10 at 9 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Facilities Management Conference Room, 700 Hathorn Road, University, Miss. Owner: University of Mississippi, Purchasing, 164 Jeanette Phillips Drive, University, MS 38677 (662) 915-7448 Fax (662) 915-7752 Plans From: McCarty Co. - Design Group, P.A., 533 W. Main Street, (P.O. Box 440, 38802), Tupelo, MS 38801 (662) 844-4400 Deposit: $200 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION JACKSON Project Number: GS No. 111-052 Project Title: Structural and Subsurface Repair, Mississippi Center for Education and Research (R&D) Location: Jackson, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 25 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Bureau of Building, 501 N. West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 Plans From: JBHM Architects, P.A., 308 E. Pearl Street, Suite 300, Jackson, MS 39201 (601) 352-2699 Fax (601) 352-2693 Deposit: $150 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION CLARKSDALE Project Number: GS No. 201-071 Project Title: Miller Stadium Storm Repair (Re-Bid), Coahoma Community College Location: Mackie Lake Drive Clarksdale, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 25 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Bureau of Building, 501 N. West Street, Suite 1401B, Jackson, MS 39201 w w w. d j c g u l f c o a s t . c o m Plans From: Shafer & Associates, Architects, PLLC, 510 University Drive, Starkville, MS 39759 (662) 323-1628 Deposit: $200 per set BUILDING CONSTRUCTION PERKINSTON Project Title: Baseball, Softball and Soccer Renovations - Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Location: Perkinston, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 25 at 2 p.m. Owner: Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, 51 Main Street (Maintenance, Transportation & Tech. Servs. Ctr.), Perkinston, MS 39573 Plans From: Allred Architectural Group, P.A., 628 Washington Avenue, Suite C, Ocean Springs, MS 39564 (228) 762-1975 Fax (228) 769-9545 Deposit: $50 per compact disk or $250 per hard copy set, non-refundable AIRPORT WORK MOSS POINT Project Number: Project No. 035505.07 Project Title: Trent Lott International Airport Improvements Location: 8301 Saracennia Road Moss Point, MS Public Bid Scope: Work consists of remove existing fuel system, procure and install one 12,000 gallon self-serve AVGAS (100 LL) system, site preparation, and removal and replacement of portion of asphalt access road. Electrical and telephone services will be required for the fuel system. Bids Due: Jun. 25 at 3 p.m. Pre-Bid Conference: Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Date: Jun. 11 at 10 a.m. Pre-Bid Location & Info: Project site. Owner: Jackson County Airport Authority, 8301 Saracennia Road, Moss Point, MS 39563 Plans From: Volkert & Assoc., Inc., 3809 Moffett Road, P.O. Box 7434, Mobile, AL 36670 (251) 342-1070 MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 B u sin ess Ser v ices & Su pplies BONDS SURETY BOND BROKERS Getting the Bond you need in time for the job you want (225)757-9191 6715 Perkins Road Baton Rouge, La Let DJC know when you’re bidding a project Email Becky at JUNE 30, 2015 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK MONTGOMERY COUNTY Project Number: Project No. SAP-49(11)M Project Title: Full Depth Reclamation and Surfacing on the Milligan Springs - Kilmichael Road Location: Montgomery County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jun. 30 at 9 a.m. Owner: Montgomery County Board of Supervisors, County Courthouse, 614 Summit Street, Winona, MS 38967 (662) 283-2333 Plans From: J. Christian Gardner, County Engineer, P.O. Drawer A, Indianola, MS Deposit: $50 for plans and $50 for the proposal, non-refundable JULY 6, 2015 ROAD AND BRIDGE WORK TATE COUNTY Project Number: Project No. SAP-69(8)S Project Title: Base Repair, Leveling, Microseal, Shoulder Repair, Striping, and Signing on the Savage - Arkabutla Road Location: Tate County, MS Public Bid Bids Due: Jul. 6 at 11 a.m. Owner: Tate County Board of Supervisors, 201 S. Ward Street, County Courthouse, Senatobia, MS 38668 (662) 562-5661 Plans From: Larry L. Britt, P.E., 823 N. Lamar Blvd., Oxford, MS 38655 (662) 234-1763 Fax (662) 234-3835 Deposit: $75 for plans and $30 for the proposal, non-refundable BUY BONDS TODAY!
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