Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Test-R for donor HANDY

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Test-R for donor HANDY
Emotional Intelligence Test-R assesses the ability
to perceive, understand and manage one’s own emotions
and those of others.
For more information about the EQ Test-R, please visit www.centraltest.com
HANDY’s score distribution
Quotient: 102
Level: HANDY makes fair use of his emotional
intelligence like the average population.
HANDY’s personality graph
Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 1-3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | Denmark
Website: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685
HANDY’s strengths
HANDY’s main weak points
In general, when HANDY feels negative emotions, he is able
to control them and continue thinking and acting in a calm
HANDY can let his problems take over. He focuses on the
negative aspects of things and fears of what the future has in
store for him.
HANDY has good observation and listening skills. He can
decipher unspoken messages. He also has insights about
other people’s intentions.
Advice for HANDY:
HANDY is quite flexible and can cope with change, adapt his
behavior and attitudes, and show flexibility when dealing with
When HANDY encounters difficulties, he should think about
the good things in his life, about what he has accomplished.
He should move forward and know that the best is yet to
Read much more about HANDY’s personality traits on the
following page...
Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 1-3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | Denmark
Website: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685
An interpretation of HANDY’s score
HANDY is somewhat introspective and is able to analyse his
own emotions and behaviour. However he is not always
completely aware of his own desires and needs and it takes
time for him to understand what he wants.
HANDY does not throw in the towel after failing badly at something. He gets back on his feet and does his best to learn
from his mistakes and not feel regret.
HANDY has good self-control and he is not the type of person
to let negative feelings such as stress, anger or frustration
take over. He knows how to take a step back and analyse
events and he generally masters his emotions in stressful or
unusual situations.
Sometimes HANDY has confidence in himself and sometimes
he does not. While he is comfortable in certain situations, he
can be anxious in other, more delicate situations. Very often a
few words of encouragement are enough to take away
his doubts.
Interpersonal skills
Depending on the situation HANDY can easily get motivated
or on the contrary, become less determined if he loses
enthusiasm. While he generally reaches his objectives, he
may need support in order to stay driven.
In order to feel comfortable with others, HANDY needs time
to get to know them well. He will then show more interest in
the discussions and enjoy sharing ideas. However if he thinks
that a conversation is of little interest, he will not necessarily
make an effort to pay attention.
HANDY possesses an ability to adapt. He pays attention to
people and to situations. This proves useful not only when
coping with change, but also in his interpersonal relations.
Generally speaking, HANDY finds it important to express
points of view that mean something to him, even when others
do not agree. However if he thinks that a subject does not
merit heated debate, HANDY may prefer to say nothing or
quickly accept a compromise.
While HANDY can appreciate some of his good qualities, he
does not understand how valuable they are. On the other
hand, he gives his shortcomings too much importance. In
some situations, he judges himself fairly, while in others, he
underestimates himself.
HANDY often tends to get weighed down by difficulties and to
only see the negative aspects of a problematic situation. This
attitude can prevent him from fully seizing certain opportunities.
Empathy and lucidity
By paying attention to his environment HANDY can correctly
interpret other people’s emotions. Being able to decipher
unspoken messages, he does not often make mistakes about
people or their intentions. To sum up, HANDY possesses the
ability to empathise with others.
Mediation and influence
Being good at managing conflict and motivating teams,
HANDY can find the right words to sound convincing, to show
encouragement and to reconcile diverging points of view. He
knows how to ease tension and get people interested and he
also has a talent for persuasion.
Cryos International - Denmark ApS | Vesterbro Torv 1-3, 5. | DK-8000 Aarhus C | Denmark
Website: dk.cryosinternational.com | Email: dk@cryosinternational.com | Phone: +45 8676 0699 | Fax: +45 8676 0685