Community Education E-Bulletin Hope House Happenings September 2013

September 2013
Community Education E-Bulletin
Hope House Happenings
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is quickly approaching and to help get community members thinking about ways you can
get involved in Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Hope House has released a new flyer that
you can download from our website. There are big and small ways that you can help out as an
individual, with family and friends, with co-workers, and/or with your church or school. Please
contact us at 608-356-9123 if you have questions or to let us know your plans. We’re happy to
help you plan projects or events and to provide presentations and materials.
Position Re-Posting
Hope House is seeking candidates for a full-time advocate position. The job description and work
application is available on Hope House’s website. If you know someone that may be interested,
please encourage them to apply.
Gas Cards
Did you know that most grants that help fund organizations like Hope House do not provide
funding for transportation? Transportation is a huge issue in each of the five counties we serve.
Many survivors have little to no money to pay for gas to get to their medical and legal
appointments, support groups, daycare, grocery store, or job. Hope House often utilizes the
services of Interfaith Volunteer Network, which provides volunteer drivers. However, this service
is not always an option, especially with short notice. Hope House greatly appreciates community
donations of gas cards, or taxi vouchers, to help cover this gap. Thank you for your continued
Business Promotions
Thank you to those who have recently donated their Kohl’s Cash to Hope House. Likewise, we’d
like to thank those that have taken their Summit Credit Union “Pay It Forward” funds and donated
to Hope House. Know of another business promotion that could help Hope House? We’d love to
hear about it: 608-356-9123.
Volunteers Needed for Fall Clean Up
Are you a member of a civic club, service organization, church or just know
some folks that are willing to help out? Hope House is looking for volunteers to
help with fall cleaning projects. Examples of projects include washing windows
and raking leaves. For more information, please contact Brenda Gurgel at Hope
House at 608-356-9123.
Sauk Prairie Night Out
Andrea Jaquish, Hope House’s Children’s Program Coordinator, staffed a booth
at Sauk Prairie’s Night Out on August 12. Families learned about Hope House,
and kids got a chance to make their own magnets on staying safe.
September 2013
News & Research
Sexual Assault
Montana Judge Criticized for 31-Day
Sentence for Ex-Teacher who Raped Teen: “A
prominent women’s rights group criticized a
Montana judge on Wednesday for handing down
only a one-month sentence for a former teacher
convicted of raping a 14-year-old student, whom
the judge said seemed older than her age. State
District Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced the
teacher to 15 years in jail on Monday, then
suspended all but 31 days of that term for the
2007 rape of Cherice Moralez, who killed herself
in 2010”...Read more...Mont. Judge Apologizes
for Comments in Teen's Rape
 Burglars Return Stolen
Computers to Nonprofit—
Along With Apology Note:
“Burglars who stole computers
from an office building returned
the items—along with a letter of
realizing they had ransacked a
nonprofit that helps victims of
sexual violence”...Read more
The New Yorker: Trial by Twitter: “After highschool football stars were accused of rape,
online vigilantes demanded that justice be
served. Was it?”...Read more
Online Predators Not Distinctively Dangerous
Sex Offenders: “A new University of New
Hampshire study challenges the view that online
predators are a distinctly dangerous variety of
sex offender...In crimes that involve such
communications, offenders who meet and recruit
youth online operate in much the same way as
offenders who meet and know youth in ordinary
offline environments”...Read more
Tackling the Roots of Rape: “Its deepest roots,
he said, are the cult of hyper-masculinity, which
tells boys that aggression is natural and sexual
conquest enviable, and a set of laws and
language that cast women as inferior, pliable,
even disposable. ‘We start boys off at a very
early age,’ Kilmartin told me during a recent
phone conversation. ‘When the worst thing we
say to a boy in sports is that he throws ‘like a
girl,’ we teach boys to disrespect the feminine
and disrespect women. That’s the cultural
undercurrent of rape’”...Read more
Rape Culture At Work: Five Examples Of How
Employers Turn Women Into Sex Objects:
“But the issues that women encounter on the job
can run deeper than being unfairly assumed to
be less competent or less valuable than their
male counterparts. In many cases, women are
up against very specific assumptions about their
sexuality, their role as ‘objects’ intended to be
attractive to men, and their responsibility to
prevent men from desiring them”...Read more
Military Sexual Assault Victims Allege San
Diego Mayor Bob Filner Harassed Them:
“Two more women have come forward to accuse
San Diego mayor Bob Filner of sexual
harassment, bringing the number to 13 and piling
pressure on him to resign”...Read more
Pentagon Announces Plan to Combat Sexual
Assault: “Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel
ordered tighter control of recruiters and trainers,
shored up protections for victims and improved
tracking of complaints and cases involving
sexual abuse. Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., said
Hagel’s efforts are welcome but the Pentagon
needs to do more”...Read more
Pentagon Fires 60 Troops after Sex-Assault
Review: “Sixty troops have been fired as sexual
assault counselors, recruiters or drill instructors
after the military investigators found they had
committed violations ranging from alcoholrelated offenses to child abuse and sexual
assault”...Read more
A Rapist with Child Custody? RAINN Takes
Action to Protect Survivors and their
Children: “At today’s sentencing hearing, Castro
requested permission to visit the 6-year-old child
he fathered through rape...A number of states
already have laws on the books that prohibit
rapists from asserting parental rights, such as
custody and visitation, over children conceived
as a result of their crime. To incentivize the rest
of the country to pass such laws, Reps. Debbie
Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Tom Marino (RPA) just introduced H.R. 2772, the Rape
Survivor Child Custody Act”...Read more
[Video] Mind of a Monster: Ariel Castro
Speaks: “Ariel Castro spoke during his
sentencing hearing (life without parole) and Chris
Hayes dissects how much Castro sounds like
every other abuser, making excuses and
blaming the victim”...Read more
Domestic Violence
September 2013
Summer Project Brings  Lawmakers Aim to Limit ‘Revenge Porn’
Postings: “[California] lawmakers are attempting
Forefront: “This past winter,
when Redden was figuring out
phenomenon...where spurned suitors post intimate
what she wanted to do this
photos of their ex-lovers on the Internet for all to
summer, she thought it would
see. The Assembly is set to debate a bill that
be worthwhile to travel around
would make such conduct punishable by up to a
the country talking with people
year in jail, while Gov. Jerry Brown is considering
about domestic violence and
separate legislation that would make it a crime to
meeting some of the other volunteers and
impersonate or bully a domestic violence victim
counselors who work with domestic violence
online”...Read more
survivors...For five-and-a-half weeks Redden and  Twitter Hands Down New Rules To Beat
Abusive Talk: “The one-click button means that
From traveled almost 10,000 miles across
America, visiting domestic violence centers all over
users will not have to navigate to Twitter’s help
the country and talking with random people on the
center in order to fill out an abuse form—a process
street about domestic violence”...Read more
some said was too cumbersome to deal with a
 Domestic Violence Victims in Milwaukee Faced
mass of angry messages—while the new rules
Eviction for Calling Police, Study Finds: “Since
includes a stricture against ‘targeted abuse,’
then, Wisconsin law and the city’s ordinance have
something which could include slamming a single
been changed so domestic violence calls, along
user with messages from multiple accounts,
with stalking and sexual assault, cannot be
creating an account purely to harass someone, or
considered a nuisance. Local victim advocates and
making threats”...Read more
 DC Launches Mobile
the study’s author applauded the change but said
App that Helps Victims of
the problem of domestic violence victims losing
Sexual Assault and Dating
housing because of the actions of their abusers
Violence: “police along with
persists”...Read more
 How to Talk to a Friend About Her Notseveral agencies took that
Awesome Relationship: Check out these
process a step further—now
suggestions from a survivor for talking to a friend
offering a smartphone app aimed at helping victims
when you suspect abuse.
report assaults”...Read more
 Police Take On Family Violence to Avert
Deaths: “As the number of homicides in NY has Students & Youth
reached historically low levels, the Police  New Illinois Law Compels Schools to Confront
Department has intensified its efforts to combat a
Abuse in Dating: “Gov. Pat Quinn signed
particularly stubborn and daunting source of
legislation this month requiring teachers to
murders: domestic violence”...Read more
incorporate age-appropriate education about teen Saudi Arabia Bans Domestic Abuse (Because
dating violence to students in grades seven
It Hadn’t Already
through 12. So school boards must adopt
appropriate policies and determine how employees
will respond to such incidents”...Read more
 You Can Now Let New York
 New Campaign Helps College
City’s Mayor Know When You
Students Fight Rape Culture:
Get Harassed On The Street: “If
“‘Know Your IX,’ a campaign to
you experience harassment on the
help educate college students
streets of NYC, you’ll now be able
about the rights afforded to
to tell the Mayor about it in a matter
them under federal gender
of minutes….The Hollaback! app.
equity laws, launched a new
The new app allows victims or
website on Tuesday to serve as
witnesses to upload, in real time,
a hub for sexual assault
information about where they
prevention activists”...Read more
 7 Shocking Ways Colleges Have Trivialized
experienced harassment on the
Rape: “Here’s a list of some of the euphemisms
street. It creates a map of pinned locations where
and coded terms colleges and universities have
feedback to the city council’s and mayor’s
used that minimize or even trivialize the problem of
offices”...Read more
violence against women on campus”...Read more
Students & Youth, Continued
Young Woman’s Educational Performance
May be Hindered by her Partner’s Actions:
“Dating violence in adolescence not only takes a
physical and emotional toll on young women, it
also leads to less education and lower earnings
later in life...A young woman’s educational
performance may be hindered by her partner’s
actions, such as destroying books or homework
or causing injuries that prevent her from going to
school”...Read more
77 Youths Sexually Exploited in Milwaukee
over Two Years, Report Says: “A first-of-itskind report puts the number of children who were
sexually exploited in Milwaukee at 77 during two
years—likely a gross underestimate, experts
say”...Read more
Being Bullied Throughout Childhood and
Teens May Lead to More Arrests,
Convictions, Prison Time: “Almost 14 percent
of those who reported being bullied repeatedly
from childhood through their teens ended up in
prison as adults, compared to 6 percent of nonvictims, 9 percent of childhood-only victims and 7
percent of teen-only victims, the study
found”...Read more
Sexual Assault Response Teams (SART)
Awareness Video Released: The SANE-SART
Resource Service has created a video titled Break
the Silence. The video is available to persons
interested in creating a sexual assault response
team in their community
potential team members,
management, and the
community about the
value of having such a
team in a neighborhood.
Local News
 Stephanie McMillen, 44, formerly of Baraboo,
UW-Madison Conference on Child Sexual Abuse:
In its 29th year, this conference offers 50 institutes
and workshops on a wide range of topics related to
treatment issues for victims and offenders. It will be 
held October 21-23 at the Madison Marriott West
Hotel in Middleton. To learn more, click here.
Transform the Conversation:
Assault, and American Indians
November 5-6 at the Kalahari in Wisconsin Dells.
This gathering is an opportunity to bring together
hundreds of advocates, the court system, law
enforcement, prosecutors, lawyers, batterer and
sexual perpetrator intervention providers, health
care, corrections, educators, survivors, teens,
business partners, and citizens to spend several
days pushing our thinking on ending domestic and
sexual violence to new and innovative places. To
learn more, click here.
September 2013
headed to trial on an attempted homicide charge
after investigators said she was stalking the wife
of a man with whom she had an affair...Read
Douglas Fischer, 51, of Necedah, bound over for
trial for first-degree sexual assault of a
child...Read more
Kyle Garstka, 32, former Sauk County jailer from
Reedsburg, slated for jury trial for repeatedly
sexually assaulting two children...Read more
A judge will allow prosecutors to introduce
evidence at trial intended to show that babysitter
Jeannette Janusiak, 26, of Reedsburg, had
previously injured the child she is accused of
murdering...Read more
James Day, 61, of New Lisbon, charged with
felony incest pleaded no contest to a lesser
charge in a deal with prosecution...Read more
Faith Communities’ Corner
Be Educated & Be Safe:
Community: The Faith
Relationships committee is
kicking off the 2013-2014 luncheon series with “Be
Educated and Be Safe: Responding to Sex Offenders
in Our Community” from 11:30am-1pm on September
19 at Dino’s in Portage and September 24 at the
House of Embers in Wisconsin Dells. The speaker
will be Valerie Santana from the Wisconsin
Department of Corrections, and she will cover the
topic of sex offenders and the registry list. There
will be group discussion afterwards of what
churches can do when a sex offender wants to
attend your church. More information, including the
Parents’ & Youth Service Providers’ Corner
September 2013
Teens React to Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines: One of the most popular songs this
summer has been Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines.” Check out this YouTube video of
teens watching the music video and responding to it in an interview. It’s a great
example of using pop culture as a conversation starter and a teachable moment. And
check out this related blog post, How To Talk with Your Sons about Robin Thicke.
6 Ways You Can Avoid Gender Stereotypes of Your Kids: “Parents can fight back against toxic
stereotypes and help girls and boys discover all their talents so that they can follow their dreams
wherever they may lead. Here are six suggestions for mothers and fathers based on the newest
research”...Read more
Webinar: Safety Tools
Workshop: On September
cover major online safety
resources for children ages
here to register.
and Tips with NetSmartz
18 from 3-4pm, NetSmartz will
risks and how their newest
5-17 address each one. Click
Signs Your Teen Is a Victim of Cyberbullying: “‘If your child suddenly stops using the computer or
appears nervous when they receive a text message, Facebook notification or email, there may be
something going on,’ Johnson says. Parents should also pay attention to their teen’s mood when they do
get a message”...Read more
For Whites (Like Me): On White Kids: “I read a study some time ago comparing white and black
families. It found that on average, African-American parents start talking about race with their AfricanAmerican children by age 3. White parents with white kids? Age 13. Is it any wonder my white students
are so racially baffled and behind? That they look like deer in headlights when I tell them we’re going to
talk about race in their actual lives? It’s not just the fact of being white, and thus insulated from the
negative affects of racism (though I believe white children are deeply harmed as well—in different ways),
that works against their developing aptitude about race and anti-racism. We, their parents, are working
against them too!”...Read more
Seeing a Woman: A Conversation between a Father and Son: “Someday I am going to have to have
the conversation with my son...The one that happens after I catch his eye doing what male eyes do well –
following an object of lust. We will probably be out at the mall, because that’s what dads do with their
sons, and I’ll catch the look. Maybe we’ll go to the beach and see it. Doesn’t matter where it is, there will
come a time when I will see it. And then it will be time for this conversation”...Read more
Upcoming Hope House Events
Fri, Sept 13: Hope House staff will be facilitating a group at Friendship Connection in Friendship on
September 13 from 1-3pm. All are welcome to attend! For more information, contact Lenore at Hope
House at 608-356-9123.
Thurs, Sept 19 and Tues, Sept 24: Please see page 4 for information on “Be Educated and Be Safe:
Responding to Sex Offenders in Our Community” luncheon from 11:30am-1pm in Portage and Wisconsin
Sat, Sept 21: Reedsburg Area Medical Center is sponsoring Kids Fit and Safe Day on September 21 from
10am-2pm at the RACA Building on Hwy H. There will be activities and demos related to safety, nutrition,
and fitness. Be sure to check out the Hope House booth. Questions? Call Dana Gray at 608-768-6252 or
Mon, Sept 23: Al Behrman Elementary School in Baraboo is holding a parent workshop on Monday,
September 23 at 5pm. School staff will cover their bullying policy, and Hope House’s Community
Education Coordinator will cover cyberbullying issues. The workshop will end with time for Q&A. For more
information, please contact the school at 608-355-3910.
Hope House Donation Needs
September 2013
Monetary donations are most needed for our services and our capital campaign. Individuals have the
option of donating online. Please note that a portion of your online donation will go towards PayPal fees.
Donations can be mailed to Hope House, P.O. Box 557, Baraboo, WI 53913. We also appreciate gas cards,
gift cards (Walmart, Kwik Trip, Walgreens, Kohl’s), taxi vouchers, and used cell phones, iPods and
iPads. Please note that we are not accepting stuffed animals, clothes (except for sweatshirts and
sweatpants), shoes, TV’s, or travel-size bottles of shampoo, conditioner, or body wash. Below is a list of our
current needs:
Bathrooms: New hairbrushes, Tissues, Toilet bowl cleaner, Cleaning supplies such as Lysol
disinfecting spray and floor cleaner, Clorox wipes, Deodorant, Toilet paper, Liquid hand soap,
Hairspray, Hand towels, Wash cloths, Bleach, Bathroom rugs and bath mats
Kitchen: Fruit juice, Baby cereal, High chairs, Sip cups, Milk, Canned soup, Canned spaghetti,
Can opener, 13-Gallon garbage bags, Paper towels, One gallon and two gallon zip top freezer
bags, Dishwasher soap, Saran wrap, Aluminum foil
Clothing for Women and Kids: Socks, Size 8 women’s underwear, Medium-Large size pajamas,
Bath robes, Slippers, Flip-flops, Sweatshirts and sweatpants
Laundry: Laundry detergent, Fabric softener sheets
Misc: Pocket-sized calendars, Strollers, Baby bottles, Umbrellas, Hangers, Flashlights with extra
batteries, Weather radio, Watering can, Journals, Family movie DVDs, Outlet covers, Yoga mats,
Exercise balls, Yoga/exercise DVDs, Relaxation CDs, Baby thermometer, #1, #2, #5, and #6 Size
diapers, Pull-ups size 3-4T, Baby wipes, CD players, Car seats, Booster car seats, Energy-efficient
soft white 60-watt light bulbs, Regular light bulbs, Digital alarm clocks with radio, Hand sanitizer,
New twin bed sheets and comforter sets, Air fresheners
Kohl’s Cash
Do you shop at Kohl’s and sometimes miss the opportunity to use your Kohl’s
Cash? Please consider donating it to Hope House. We can use Kohl’s Cash to
purchase needed bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen supplies.