Dunloggin Dragon Tales Issue 30 Get the Facts: Log on to our website at: www.hcpss.org April 24, 2015 Front Office: 410-313-2831 Guidance Office: 410-313-2834 Health Room/Safe to School: 410-313-2836 http://www.TeacherWeb.com and www.hcpssnews.com Follow DMS on Twitter: @hcpss_dms FROM THE PRINCIPAL FINK NEWS Hello DMS CommUnity! I hope you had an outstanding week. The DMS spring production of The Music Man will be from Thursday, April 30 through May 2. All show times are at 7:00pm. Tickets are on sale now during lunch shifts, and will continue through next Thursday. Come on out and support our wonderful students. I have had the chance to see several of the rehearsals and the show is going to be great! I hope to see everyone there. The spring administration of the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment will begin on April 27. MAP assessments measure a student’s growth over time in reading and mathematics. MAP assessments let teachers know where a student’s strengths are and if help is needed in specific instructional areas. In addition, the spring administration of the PARCC assessment will begin May 4. Each quarter we conduct our School Improvement Team meeting. During this meeting we examine our current data trends and continue our discussion walking the path to success. Our next meeting will be this coming week. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please send me an email as the team is open to all DMS commUnity members. Have a great weekend! Dr. Jeffrey Fink DMS Principal Inspire…Empower…Prepare… STUDENT DRESS CODE Parents: Now that the weather is getting warmer, please make sure your child is dressed in appropriate school attire. If not, you will be called to bring a change of clothing. Thank you for your help. PLEASE SEE STUDENT DRESS CODE POLICY BELOW: *Students may not wear clothing that interferes with the school’s mission or is disruptive to the school day. *No headgear, exposed undergarments, or clothing with inappropriate writing/images, leggings without a long shirt, shorts, skirts, dresses must be mid-thigh length: If the administration feels your child isn’t dressed appropriately we will ask for him/her to change. FROM DMS HEALTH SUITE For information regarding vaccine requirements please go to the schools website. FROM THE DRAMA DEPARTMENT The Dunloggin Middle School Drama Club presents their spring musical MUSIC MAN. There's trouble in River City when a fast-talking salesman gets his heart stolen by the town librarian - it is a musical everyone will enjoy! Show dates are: Thursday, April 30, Friday, May 1 and Saturday, May 2 at 7:00p.m. - Doors open at 6:30pm. Tickets are $8.00 each. Tickets went on sale April 21 at Dunloggin Middle School and will be sold during each lunch shift in the Dunloggin School Cafeteria. Please contact Sally Cavanaugh at sallycavanaugh@verizon.net or Jackie Crispell at jcrispell@verizon.net if you have any questions on the show. We hope to see you at the DMS Drama Spring Musical - MUSIC MAN! HAVE A STUDENT AT CHS NEXT YEAR? THE CHS PTSA NEEDS YOU! The CHS PTSA is currently accepting nominations for the 2015-2016 Executive Committee. Through the PTSA you can advocate for issues that impact our students and community. Please consider expanding your role in the PTSA: building a diverse leadership team is essential to representing the interests of the entire CHS community. Nominations can be forwarded to one of the members of the nominating committee: Greta Joseph at alphaville5@verizon.net, Young Mao at maoyujun@gmail.com, and Joylene John-Sowah at jsowah@gmail.com . Want to chair a PTSA committee? Send an email to the nominating committee and your name will be added to the chairperson list. If you would like to discuss your interest in open positions or have further questions, please contact a member of the nominating committee. Thank you for your support of CHS! Dragon Tales 1 CHS Eagles Volleyball Camp Eagles Volleyball Camp With Head Coach Michael Bossom WHEN: July 20-23, TIME: 9am until 2pm, WHERE: Centennial High School 4300 Centennial Lane, WHO: ANY 9-14 year old players who want to improve their Skills! PRICE: $140—Early Registration (Before May 1) $160—Registration Fee. MT. HEBRON 2015 Mt. Hebron High School Lacrosse Camp for elementary and middle school players The camp is planned to provide comprehensive skill instruction for beginning and intermediate players. Emphasis will be placed on fundamentals, individual skill development, and team strategy. Our camp excels in coaching all lacrosse positions. The camp will also feature guest speakers, demonstrations, daily competitions and awards to contest winners. Each player must provide his or her own equipment. If you do not have any equipment please contact Coach McCarthy directly. 1. A player-coach ratio of 4:1 is maintained. 2. Players should come properly dressed, as locker room facilities are not available. Parent should arrange for adequate accident insurance coverage. 3. 4. 5. Tuition includes: MTH camp team shirt, and daily refreshments. Further information can be obtained by calling the camp director Mike McCarthy 443-980-4015 email Mzmccarthy12@gmail.com. STAFF OF THE MONTH NOMNATIONS Staff, students and the community are encouraged to nominate Dunloggin staff that they would like to recognize for their dedication to the students and community. The staff of the month nominations provide an opportunity for students, parents and staff to express their appreciation of all that the Dunloggin staff does on a daily basis to provide a nurturing and academic rich experience that will develop our students into the college and career individuals that they aspire to become. Please feel free to complete the following form and send it in to school with your student. In addition, nominations will be collected every month, and you are invited to complete a form as often as you would like. ATTENDANCE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS Absence: Please send an email to jill_hack@hcpss.org or send a note in with your student upon their return stating their First and Last Name, reason for absence, date(s) absent, a phone number for any questions and parent name/signature. ALL ABSENCE NOTES MUST BE RECEIVED WITHIN 2 SCHOOL DAYS OF THE STUDENT’S RETURN to be excused. (HCPSS policy 9010) Students will not be given a pass. All information is entered into Aspen for teachers, students, and parents to view. Only students tardy to school will receive a pass to class. ATTENDANCE NOTIFICATIONS You can now receive e-mail notifications from the ASPEN Family Portal when your child is marked absent. First, log into your family portal account (the login id and password are the same as the emergency card system) using the attached link http://hcpss.me/fp/. Click on the top tab labeled “family”. Next click on the side tab labeled “notification”. Check the box under the label “subscribe” next to attendance. Please note that e-mail notifications are not sent out until 11:00. Upcoming Events April 4/30 – Spring Musical Production 7-9pm May 1 - Spring Musical Production 7-9pm 2 – Spring Musical Production 7-9pm 8 - Hershey Park- 7th and 8th grade band 12 - State Band Festival/Assessment- 7th and 8th grade band 14 – GT Enrichment Fair 5-8:30pm 25 – Memorial Day Schools/Offices Closed 29 - Hershey Park Trip June 1 - Year-end Band Concert at the Jim Rouse Theatre, WLHS Dragon Tales 2
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