Dike-New Hartford Community Schools www.dnhcsd.org “Dike-New Hartford School District is an equal opportunity provider.” Dike & New Hartford Elementary Conferences Parents, when registering online for elementary conferences, please remember to schedule a conference time with Title 1 Reading or Resource Room teachers if you have a child involved in either of these programs. Junior High Conferences will be held in each teacher’s individual classroom. Dinner breaks for teachers will be staggered throughout conference time. Online registration opened February 23rd for the March 9th & 12th PreK-8 parent-teacher conferences. In order to access this capability, log-on to our website (www.dnhcsd.org), and click the “Parent-Teacher Conference Links” link (a set of instructions will be available on this web page). Click the correct school (Dike Elementary, New Hartford Elementary, Junior High School, or High School), and enter your username and password. Shared teachers will be available at the following dates and sites: Monday-March 9: (3:45-7:40) At Dike – Smith, Bingman (available in DEMC), Timmerman At New Hartford – Cuvelier (5-7:45), Miller (JH), Monroe (1/2 NH Elem & ½ JH), Slack Username = Parent’s last name with first initial capitalized (e.g. Smith) Password = Family Lunch ID (e.g. 123) Thursday-March 12: (3:45-7:40) At Dike – Bingman (available in DEMC), Monroe At New Hartford – Benschoter, Cuvelier (5-7:45), Miller (Elem), Smith (1/2 NH Elem & ½ JH), Timmerman If you have difficulty logging into the program, please contact Jeremiah Lehr, Technology Coordinator. Phone: 989-2552 or E-mail: jeremiah.lehr@dnhcsd.org . ______________________________________________ If you cannot schedule conferences online, call 989-2487 for Dike Elementary conferences, 9832206 for New Hartford Elementary & Junior High conferences, if you forget to call in, please be aware that others have already scheduled timeslots. Schedules will be posted outside teacher’s classrooms, so if you walk-in and haven’t scheduled, write your name next to an available timeslot. 2015 Kindergarten Round Up will be held April 9th & 10th, 2015. If you have any questions, please call (319) 989-2487. Thanks! 1 Class of 2015: Grade 8 March brings springtime, and spring brings to mind the Monday, May 4 - Wednesday, May 6 eighth grade class trip to Eagle Bluff. Once again I am very thankful that Mrs. Laura Eiklenborg agreed to help me with the trip. We also have a great group of parents that are going this year that include: Kim and Brad Walter, Emily Fuller, BJ Jorgensen, Allyson Landphair, Tim Bixby, Byron Dove, Laina Hunt, Jennifer Goos, and Jeanine Fernandez. Where: Dike Elementary Library When: March 9th -13th Time: 3-8 PM Conference evenings ( 9th & 12th) and open during school hours Insurance forms will arrive after spring break. Each student needs proof of insurance, and if this is an issue, please let me or the school nurse know, as the very affordable ($10) Hawk-I application takes 30 days to process. So that students tune-in to each other and tune out distractions, Eagle Bluff asks that we leave cell phones at home. As always, in the case of emergency, students can be reached. Please discuss this with your student. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ And finally, a HUGE thank you to all parents who assisted in so many ways during the fundraising for the 2015 class. We are still getting those final dollars in for the class, but thank you for the help! Alicia Wrage Mark your calendars! Email address: alicia.wrage@dnhcsd.org The Dike Elementary (DEPO) Carnival is Friday, March 6th from 5:30-8 pm. You will NOT want to miss this! Tons of Fun for Everyone. The Carnival will be located in the Dike Elementary Gym, DNH High School Gym and Multipurpose Room. Food will be served by the Spanish Club, Inflatables, Games, Cake Walk, Robot Races, Raffle and Theme Basket Silent Auction. Proceeds fund field trips, website licenses (reading eggs, IXL, extra math) and non-budgeted technology or classroom needs at Dike Elementary. March 16th – 20th 2 Congratulations to the Large Group Speech Team who had a fantastic season, ending with three groups being nominated for All-State! The Klug Improv team, consisting of Abby Klug, Ian Greer, Nathan Sharp, and Katelyn Soska, were nominated for All-State and performed on Saturday, February 22, in Ames. This team was 1 of 25 improv teams selected to perform at the All-State Festival. There were 740 improv teams entered this year. In addition, both of our ensemble acting teams were selected as All-State non-performers. The Spy School ensemble consisted of Ian Greer, Isaac Nielsen, Addie Johnston, Nathan Sharp, Katelyn Soska, and Madeline Sherwood. The Keeping Score ensemble consisted of Abby Klug, Lizzy Blough, Hanna Hunt, and Mallory Laube. Prom 2015 “A Night in Hollywood” Hollywood Night is coming soon! Prom 2015 plans are underway. The date is set for April 18th at Maucker Union on the UNI campus in Cedar Falls. The red carpet affair will begin at 7pm with the Grand March, we are asking for all students to be in attendance by 7:45 as the entertainment “Guys in Ties” will begin promptly at 8 and proceed with the dance and pictures immediately after the program. If you would be available to help decorate on the morning of the 18th from 9:30-1:00 it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Katie Slack or Shelley Viet with any questions or if you can help in any way. ______________________________________ Two other teams that advanced to the State competition in Decorah were the Glick improv team and the musical theatre team, who performed The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. The improv team included Katie Glick, Isaac Nielsen, John Crew, and Dylan Giberson. The musical theatre team included Mallory Laube, Madeline Sherwood, John Crew, Steven Heerts, Liz Gaffey, and Isabella Dietrich. The other teams who competed at District competition this year included the reader's theatre team who performed Hansel and Gretel in Foster Care and the short film team who presented Black Eyes. The reader’s theatre team consisted of Katie Glick, Dylan Giberson, Hanna Hunt, Kiley Kyhl, Morgan Lavenz, Elizabeth Vose, Allie Aalderks, Ryan Hinde, Elizabeth Jones, Aaron Adolphs, and Bailey Fettkether. The short film team included Haylee Luna, Aaron Adolphs, Syilehst Fox, Steven Heerts, Katie Nielsen, and Kadi Wright. After-Prom Information The After Prom committee would like to thank everyone in the community and a host of Junior parents who have supported our fundraising efforts and made them successful! We are planning a tour of the UNI Wellness center on March 4th at 6pm. Please let Jennie know if you would like to go. The next planning meeting will be held before Spring break. An email will be sent out informing you of the date and time. Junior class parents and family members are encouraged to attend this meeting. Those wanting to help with the after prom event should email Jennie Goos at goos@mchsi.com. We will be needing donations for food and drinks for the event. In all, we had 27 students compete in 7 events at the District competition, 17 students compete in 5 events at the State competition, and 10 students in 3 events named to All-State. Coaches this year included Amy Seitz, Brynn Brass, Karla Koch, and Cassidy Benschoter. Please let Jennie know if you are willing to donate something. 3 2nd. Delivery will be on March 11, 2015 at 12:30 p.m. Each student’s profit will start an individual account for the music trip to New York City March 2016. The Trip includes many educational experiences, clinics and performances, a Broadway performance, and the best tourist attractions the Big Apple has to offer. Dollars for Scholars CABARET Cabaret is March 26, 27, & 28! Don't miss the Thursday morning matinee at 8:30 a.m. or Friday & Saturday night performances at 7:00 p.m. The high school jazz band, jazz choir and show choir students have a great show prepared! Come hear hits made famous by Lorde, One Republic, Imagine Dragons, Cold Play, Ellie Goulding, and many more! In addition, we will showcase the many talents of our students with the chosen soloists and small groups! We hope to see you all at a show this weekend! The Door to Door campaign will be held on March 29 in Dike, New Hartford and Stout from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm. Seniors will be canvassing the towns and asking for scholarship donations. All donations will go to this year’s seniors. Thank you in advance for your generosity in support of our seniors as they pursue higher education! If you are not contacted and wish to donate to the scholarship fund, please send your donation to Linda Ohrt-Treasurer, Dike-New Hartford Dollars for Scholars, PO Box C, Dike, Iowa 50624. Help Needed!!!! Dike New Hartford has been selected to host the upcoming IHSMA Solo & Ensemble Contest on Saturday, April 11th. We need your help to help make this a successful event again this year! We need volunteers to work as center managers, warm-up managers, serve the judge’s lunch, and in the concession stand. We are also looking for an individual to head up the organization of the concession stand for that day. If you would be able to help us out for either a morning or afternoon shift please contact Mrs. Slack or Mrs. Benschoter via email. ================================== Music Trip 2016 The Butter Braid fundraiser has begun! Students in grades 8-11 will have the opportunity to sell Butter Braid products through Monday, March 4 participate in bowling in a shared program at Cedar Falls High School and they helped their team place 4th at the State Tournament. CONGRATULATIONS!!! FROM THE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR Trisha Ames, 9-12 School Counselor Recently, our School Board approved three calendars for the 2015 - 2016 school year. People may be wondering why this was done so I would like to provide an explanation for you. There has been a lot of discussion, and controversy, the last few years over when schools should begin in the fall. According to current State law, schools cannot begin until September 1, or the week in which September 1 falls. With this in mind, the earliest schools could begin the 2015 – 2016 school year would be August 31, 2015. Over the past several years, schools have been able to apply for a waiver from the State that allows them to begin school earlier than the date allowed by law. Last fall the State Department of Education informed schools that the Governor ordered them to stop allowing waivers unless schools could prove it would be educationally detrimental to students if the school year began according to the guidelines of the State law. Therefore, we developed a school calendar that begins on August 31. The next upcoming ACT test date will be April 18 2015 and the deadline to register by is March 13 2015 • • • All juniors are encouraged to take the ACT on the April 18th, 2015 test date. The rationale for testing in April is that the ACT is based on junior level curriculum and April is the latest test date during the junior school year to take the test. There is a June test date after the academic year has ended if the student wishes to test after school is no longer in session. The deadline for the June 13, 2015 test is May 8, 2015. To register for the ACT please pick up registration materials in the guidance office and register online at www.actstudent.org. Dike-New Hartford's ACT test code # 161260. However, there is current legislation being discussed that would change the law to allow schools to start as early as August 23, and there is other legislation that would basically abolish the current law and allow schools to begin based on local school boards decisions. For these reasons, we decided to develop two additional calendars that would allow us to meet the guidelines of any of these legislative situations. The three calendars that were approved by the DNH Board of Education are all basically the same except for the starting and ending dates. One calendar begins on Monday, August 31, 2015, and ends on Friday, June 3, 2016. The second calendar begins on Monday, August 24, 2015, and ends on Friday, May 27, 2016, and the third calendar begins on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 and ends on Tuesday, May 24, 2016. There are advantages and disadvantages to each calendar; however we would prefer to begin school on August 19, which aligns with what we have done in recent years. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to give me a call at the central office. Dollars for Scholars Applications: Just a reminder all DFS applications are due March 26, 2015. All seniors were given information on how to access the new DFS online application prior to Christmas break. _____________________________________ Mr. Larry Hunt I would like to congratulate all of our students and their coaches involved in extra-curricular activities this winter. Once again they had outstanding performances and we are very proud of them. Several Speech students qualified for State and some were recognized as All-State Performers, which is the highest honor they can achieve. The wrestlers qualified for the State Duals for the first time in school history, and placed 7th overall at the State Dual Team Tournament. Both of the basketball teams had great seasons with the girls winning the outright conference title and the boys placing second. We also had two students, Dalton and Dylan Swatek-Briggs, Go Wolverines!! 5 On motion of Koop and second of Nielsen, a sharing agreement for boys’ tennis with Aplington-‐ Parkersburg school was approved. Vote all aye. On motion of Nielsen and second of Lotts, the Early Retirement application and resignation from Karol Boike effective the end of the 2014-‐15 school year was approved. Vote all aye. The resignation of Tim Kopriva as assistant golf coach for 2014-‐15 was approved on motion of Koop and second of Nielsen. Vote all aye. On motion of Nielsen and second of Lotts, a contract for Tim Kopriva as 2014-‐15 head golf coach was approved. Vote all aye. Hunt discussed the pending purchase of the Western Outreach Center building by Hawkeye Community College. This will be a benefit to all four WOC schools. Lizer arrived at 5:45 p.m. The contract from Woodman Controls for building security in the amount of $61,800 was approved on motion of Nielsen and second of Lizer. Vote all aye. On motion of Koop and second of Nielsen, the contract from Woodman Controls for temperature control software upgrades was approved. Vote all aye. The bills of the general, activity and nutrition funds were approved on motion of Koop and second of Lotts. Vote all aye. The Financial Reports of the general, activity and nutrition funds were approved as presented on motion of Koop and second of Lizer. Vote all aye. On motion of Koop and second of Lizer, the 2015-‐16 budget hearing will be held on April 13 at 5:00 p.m. Due to Spring Break, the March meeting will be held on March 23 with a 6:00 p.m. budget workshop followed by the regular board meeting at 7:00. Being no further business the meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m. followed by a negotiations strategy session. Dike-‐New Hartford Board of Education February Board Minutes The Dike-‐New Hartford Board of Education met on February 16, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room for the regular meeting with Hinde presiding and members Koop, Lotts, and Nielsen. Lizer was absent. Also present were administrators Hunt, Lehr, Martinek and Textor. Visitors present at the meeting included Brynn Brass. Minutes of the January 19, 2015 regular meeting were approved as written on motion of Nielsen and second of Koop. Vote all aye. The agenda was approved on motion of Koop and second of Lotts. Vote all aye. Oral and written reports of the building principals and technology coordinator were reviewed with no action taken. Early graduation requests from Courtney Clark, Ian Greer, Adrianna Miller, Emily Scott and Briana Weber effective at the end of the second trimester were approved on motion of Nielsen and second of Lotts, subject to meeting all graduation requirements. Vote all aye. The meeting was opened for a hearing regarding the 2015-‐16 school calendar. In the absence of any oral or written comments, the hearing was closed. On motion of Lotts and second of Koop, three 2015-‐ 16 school calendar options were approved pending legislative decisions and the early start date waiver process will be completed. Vote all aye. The application to the School Budget Review Committee for special education administrative costs associated with the River Hills Consortium program for the 2015-‐16 school year was approved on motion of Nielsen and second of Koop. Vote all aye. Special education contracts from Cedar Falls and CAM Community School were approved on motion of Lotts and second of Koop. Vote all aye. 6 2014 - 2015 YEARBOOK SALES 2014 - 2015 YEARBOOK SALES Last chance to order your yearbook. The cost will be $45.00 orders must be placed and paid by April 15th. There will be no extra yearbooks ordered this year. Only those yearbooks ordered and paid for will be available next year for pickup. To order a yearbook complete this form and mail back with payment to: Checks Payable to DNH School Dike-New Hartford High School Attention Diane Harms 330 Main Street Dike, IA 50624 Name: ________________________________ Address: ______________________________ City: ____________________ State:____________________ Zip: _____________________ Phone Number: ____________ 7 March 2015 SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 TUESDAY 3 WEDNESDAY 4 THURSDAY 5 FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 3p. B-TF @ Wartburg Academic Decathalon-State @ Academic Decathalon-State @ Mt. Vernon, Ia. Mt.Vernon, IA. Dike & NH Pre-school /Kdg Reg. Ends 6:30p DFS @ NH Sch Library 8 9 10 11 3p. B-TF @ Wartburg JH & El P/T Conferences 12 Early Dismissal 5:30-8p DEPO Carnival @ Dike 13 14 JH & El P/T Conferences 2p AcDec Local Awards Ceremony @ GC 15 16 17 SPRING BREAK 18 SPRING BREAK 19 SPRING BREAK 20 SPRING BREAK 21 SPRING BREAK GF/ TN Practice Begins 22 23 24 25 26 27 G-SC Practice Begins 8:30a Cabaret Matinee 6p DEPO Mtg. TF Indoor Meet @ Wartburg 28 7p Cabaret 7p Cabaret 7p School Board Meeting 29 30 DFS Door to Door Campaign 31 4:15p TF @ BCLUW All-State Speech Individual March Lunch Fact Only one in 10 American kids gets enough vitamin D, and about six out of 10 kids get the recommended amount of calcium. March 2015 Reference: CDC; NHANES 2009-10 (Day 1 & 2) Dike-New Hartford monday Chicken Strips tuesday thursday friday Broccoli Baked Beans Chicken & Noodles 4 Green Beans Gold Fish Crackers Potato Smiles Breadstick Potato Wedges Corn Mixed Fruit Mandarin Oranges Peaches Applesauce Pineapple Tidbits Chicken Fries 2 9 Hamburger wednesday Meatball Sub 3 10 Taco Salad 11 Hot Ham & Cheese 5 Carrots Quesadilla Maidrite on a Bun 12 Spanish Rice Pizza Mashed Potatoes Cheesy Broccoli Refried Beans Glazed Carrots Green Beans Garlic Bread Twist Cinnamon Apple Slices Mexicali Corn French Fries Brownie Juice Mixed Fruit Peaches Pear Slices 16 17 S P R I N G Pancake 23 Hot Dog 24 Chicken Nugget 18 19 B R E A K 25 Griled Cheese 26 Lasagna Roll Up Omelette Baked Beans Garlic Broccoli Baked Potato Bar Green Beans Hashbrown Chips Blueberry Muffin Applesauce Garlic Toast Orange Juice Mandarin Oranges Peach Slices Corn Dog French Fries Chicken Sandwich 31 Cheesy Broccoli Carrots Mashed Potatoes Banana Peaches 30 6 13 20 27 Pineapple Chunks Menu Subject To change Without notice. All meals include Milk and offerings from Fruit and Veggie Bars. Breakfast Fact MyPlate recommends: The intake of dairy products is especially important to bone health during childhood and adolescence, when bone mass is being built. March 2015 Dike-New Hartford monday Reference: USDA. MyPlate.gov. Internet: http://www.myplate.gov tuesday 2 Breakfast Pizza wednesday 3 Bacon, Egg & Cheese thursday 4 friday 5 Biscuits & Gravy 6 Breakfast Wrap Muffin Scramble 9 Yogurt 10 Pancake Long John Sausage Yogurt 11 Breakfast Pizza 12 Bagel & Cream Cheese Breakfast Bites Yogurt 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 S p r i n g B re a k Pancake/Sausage Muffin French Toast Bacon, Egg & Cheese On a stick Yogurt Sausage Scramble 30 Breakfast Bar 13 31 Bagel & Cream Cheese Yogurt Menu Subject To change Without Notice Breakfast Wrap Choice of Breakfast As shown Or Cereal/Yogurt With Milk & Fruit or Juice
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