Szabó Miklós Memorial Contest

Szabó Miklós Memorial Contest
F1A;B;C;Q: World Cup
F1H: EURO Challenge
Contest information
Gyula – Salonta, 10 May 2015
The Dobos István Modeling Club organizes an aeromodeling contest in F1A juniors, F1A,
F1B, F1C, F1Q and F1H categories to preserve the memory of Miklós Szabó. Everyone
can enter the contest if he/she has a model compatible with the FAI rules and valid FAI
license in case of F1ABCQ or valid membership of Association of Modelers in case of
Awards: The first three will be awarded in every category. The junior competitors in F1A
will be awarded separately too. The first competitor in F1A will win the challenge trophy
for one year.
Contest area: Romania, Barmód field. This area is about 4 km from the
Hungarian/Romanian border (Méhkerék/Salonta border crossing point) on the way to
Salonta on the right side.
Entry fee:
Seniors: F1ABCQ: 30 EUR
F1H: 15 EUR
Juniors: F1ABCQ: 15 EUR
F1H: 5 EUR
The applications are waited to the email address or on the website till 05 May 2015. Competitors registering in the
morning of the competition will pay entry fees increased by 50%!
Protest: Submitted to the Jury no later then 15 minutes after the criticized event and
accompanied with a deposit of 30 Euros.
The contest schedule:
8 May 2015 Friday 15:00-19:00: Registration on the airfield, or in the Dobos István
Modeling Club Address: 67. Béke Street, Gyula, Hungary, H-5700
09. May 2015. Saturday: Registration all day during the Salonta Cup at field, Romania.
10 May 2015 Sunday
Sunrise: 05:09
07:00 - 09:00: Registration on the airfield. (Entry fees increased by 50%)
9:30 – 10:45: 1. round F1ABCQ:180
10:45 – 12:00: 2. round F1ABCQ:180
1. round F1H:120
12:00 – 13:15: 3. round F1ABCQ:180
2. round F1H:120
13:15 – 14:30: 4. round F1ABCQ:180
3. round F1H:120
14:30 – 15:45: 5. round F1ABCQ:180
4. round F1H:120
15:45 – 17:00: 6. round F1ABCQ:180
5. round F1H:120
17:00 – 18:15: 7. round F1ABCQ:300
19:00 1. Fly-off
19:45 2. Fly-off
Sunset: 19:54
The given times are in CET (time zone of Hungary and not Romania).
We are looking forward to your arrival!
Guti József, Vasas György