AutoNet2030 Project: AUTOMATED DRIVING SUPPORTED BY COOPERATIVE ITS Andras Kovacs, Lan Lin, Filippo Visintainer BroadBit Hitachi CRF 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop AutoNet2030 overview Project full ,tle: Networked Automated Driving by 2030 Coordinator: Andras Kovacs / ΒroadBit Project partners: Star,ng Date: Ending Date: Budget Total/Funding: 27/3/2015 November 1, 2013 October 31, 2016 4.6 MEUR / 3.3 MEUR This project has received funding from the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstra,on under Grant Agreement NO 610542 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop Shall automated vehicles be cooperaHve? Imp rov i ng se nso rs a Parking assist nd Emergency braking con Automated Cruise control tro l al Lane keeping gor i th Highway platooning ms ... Fully autonomous driving ITS Communica-ons mainly for driver warning apps 27/3/2015 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop ITS Communica-ons in support of automated driving, or all automa-on shall be based on sensor input? CooperaHve automaHon pre-‐requisites & perspecHves Up to date, the most well-‐known automated car demos have been sensor based (Google car, VisLab car, etc.). CooperaPve automaPon demos have mostly focused on truck use cases (highway platooning). The obvious pre-‐requisite is for cooperaPve ITS to be widely deployed before the maturaPon of fully automated driving technology. Otherwise, it is much more difficult to replace exisPng technology. 27/3/2015 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop CooperaHve vs Sensor-‐based automaHon Sensor-‐based automa<on: Coopera<ve ITS automa<on: ✴up to 2-‐3 sec forward planning ✓up to 5-‐10 sec forward planning with the ✴extensive amount of sensors is ✓less needed for reliable automa;on ✓no legacy vehicle problem exchange of maneuver plans sensors are needed for reliable automa;on, 5.9 GHz broadcas;ng and sensors are complementary ✓Oncoming vehicles can be detected even when not visible The mission of AutoNet2030 is to prove and demonstrate the benefits of coopera-ve ITS automa-on ✓Direct V2I coordina;on with intersec;on controllers is feasible ✴legacy vehicle problem, concerning non-‐ coopera;ve vehicles 27/3/2015 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop AutoNet2030 mission statement Specific project objec<ves: • Standardized use of 5.9 GHz V2V communica;ons in service of automated driving • A path for cost-‐op;mized automated driving technology, making it more widely deployable • Demonstra;on of inherently safe coopera;ve maneuvering control algorithms Rather than designing a single ‘maneuvering algorithm’, the approach is to develop a number of algorithms for specific traffic scenarios. There is a dynamic transiPon among the vehicle states. 27/3/2015 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop Relevant ETSI ITS work items AutoNet2030 plans to contribute to the ongoing standardizaPon work or potenPal standard revisions in ETSI TC ITS: AutoNet2030 specifica<ons ETSI TC ITS WIs AutoNet2030 use cases TR 102 638: use case definiPon CAM extension for cooperaPve automated driving applicaPons EN 302 637 – 3: CA basic service CooperaPve lane change service PotenPal new WI proposal Convoy control service TR 103 298: Platooning pre-‐standardizaPon TR 103 299: CooperaPve ACC pre-‐standardizaPon CooperaPve IntersecPon Control Service TS 101 539-‐2: IntersecPon collision risk warning CooperaPve sensing service TS 103 324: CooperaPve ObservaPon Service CooperaPve EGNSS Message Service TS 102 894 – 3: PosiPon and Time All message format specificaPons TS 102 894-‐ 2: Common Data DicPonary Reliable Basic Transport Protocol ETSI EN 302 636-‐5-‐1: BTP Extended GeoNetworking ETSI EN 302 636-‐4-‐1: GeoNetworking 27/3/2015 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop Proposed CAM extensions -‐ 1/3 On of the most important standardizaPon request is the extension of the periodic CooperaPve Awareness Messaging (CAM) for automated driving support. The AutoNet2030-‐AdaptIVe-‐iGame projects are preparing a joint CAM extension proposal. The currently considered addiPonal fields are as follows: 27/3/2015 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop Proposed CAM extensions -‐ 2/3 27/3/2015 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop Proposed CAM extensions -‐ 3/3 In AutoNet2030, we consider traffic situaPons in which the awareness is paramount and we require that CAMs are transmiged with 10Hz in several situaPons e.g. when driving in a platoon or convoy. For this reason, we introduce addiPonal generaPon rules that transmit CAMs a high frequency in such situaPons also exploiPng more than one transmission channel to divide the load. The generaPon rules of the extended CAM are proposed per operaPon mode: ! Normal Mode: the triggering condiPons and generaPon rules in ETSI EN 302 637-‐2 apply. The generated CAMs are transmiged over the Control Channel (CCH). ! High Awareness Mode: 10 Hz CAM generaPon. The generated CAMs are transmiged over CCH according to usual rate rules, addiPonal CAMs are transmiged over the Service Channel 6 (SCH6). 27/3/2015 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop Should some maneuvering algorithms be also standardized? Some maneuvering algorithms, such as CooperaPve-‐ACC, use the dynamics of their neighbors as input parameters. The following formula shows an example of Laplacian control approach to mulP-‐lane CooperaPve-‐ACC (m,n are neighbor indices, x,y are longitudinal and lateral coordinates): This kind of approach reliably converges to a stable formaPon if the control parameters of above equaPon are the same for all vehicles. ! Should ETSI ITS scope include also the standardiza;on of such maneuvering control algorithms? 27/3/2015 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop ITS G5 channel usage for vehicle automaHon support Vehicle automaPon use cases require low-‐latency communicaPon and frequent broadcasPng of vehicle data. AutoNet2030 overcomes CAM frequency limitaPon (as set by congesPon control) by sending addi<onal CAM messages on a Service Channel. The policy is being considered also by AdapPve project. ETSI SCH6 (ITS-‐G5D, for future ITS) could be the candidate. However, current standard ETSI EN 302 663 sets too low power limit. AutoNet2030 and Adap,ve are evalua,ng together another Service Channel for demonstra,on purposes, ad interim (possibly SCH1). 27/3/2015 2015 ETSI ITS Workshop Maximum limit of mean spectral power density for each channel type ( source ETSI EN 302 663, V1.2.1) FIND OUT MORE on THANK YOU! ANY QUESTIONS? Andras Kovacs BroadBit This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstra?on under grant agreement no 610542
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