3rd Edition

3rd (2012) Edition of Duvall and Hays
April 21, 2015
Methods of Bible Study
Learning to Grasp the Meaning of God’s Word
Offered through ABWE’s Center for Excellence in International Ministries (CEIM)
General Information
 3rd (2012) Edition of Grasping God’s Word: A Hands-On Approach to Reading, Interpreting,
and Applying the Bible by J. Scott Duvall and J. Daniel Hays (Zondervan, 2012).
 Accompanying workbook for 3rd (2012) Edition Grasping God’s Word (Zondervan, 2012).
 Accompanying Grasping God’s Word Laminating Sheet (Zondervan, 2007)
You are required to purchase the above texts. Couples can share the textbook and laminated
sheet but must purchase a workbook for the husband and one for the wife. We recommend
that you keep the textbook and laminated sheet in your personal or family library for future
reference, as you teach others to study the Bible.
 Zondervan NIV Exhaustive Concordance by Edward W. Goodrick and John R. Kohlenberger
(Zondervan, 1999).
We strongly encourage you to purchase this concordance—one per couple or single—and add
it to your personal library. You must have access to a copy of this concordance as you work
through the course. In some situations, this concordance could be checked out from CEIM’s
Missionary Resource Center.
Where do I purchase these books? All of these can be purchased through Amazon.com or
from other similar online sources. If you purchase these through Amazon.com, notice special
prices that may be available for both new and used copies. Be careful to look for the
conditions of used copies, so that you do not purchase copies (workbooks especially) that have
already been marked by previous owners. You can pay for these books from funds in your
ABWE ministry or O & P account.
Can I take this course for academic credit?
 Graduate/Seminary Academic Credit: Read the following web page for and explanation of
how you can take this course for credit through Baptist Bible Graduate School or Seminary:
 Non-credit Option: ABWE personnel who only desire to take this course for personal
enrichment and/or to fulfill ABWE’s Bible course requirements can take the course on a
non-credit basis. Non-credit requirements are two-fold: (1) read and study the book
thoroughly and (2) complete all of the required learning activities satisfactorily. [See list of
required assignments at the end of this document.]
How do I officially begin this course? Go to the following web page for instructions:
 Read this web page, if you have not already done so.
 Submit a request for a course proctor, using the form at the bottom of the web page
mentioned above.
 There is a $200 fee (for the proctor and course administration), paid to ABWE, for taking
this course. This fee will be deducted from your account when you request a proctor.
What is the purpose of having a proctor for this course? Your course proctor will be available
to assist you with questions that may arise as you work through the course. The proctor will
also evaluate your work and assign your grade.
Course Design
Course Rationale
Successful completion of this course will satisfy ABWE’s requirement for all of its
incoming missionaries to understand the essential methods of Bible study, so that they
can interpret Bible passages accurately. For ABWE veteran missionaries, this course will
enhance their abilities to interpret God’s Word accurately, so that they can teach it
more effectively.
Units of Study
ABWE’s Center for Excellence in International Ministries – ceim@abwe.org
A. How to Read the Book—Basic Tools
B. Contexts—Now and Then
C. Meaning and Application
D. The Interpretive Journey—New Testament
E. The Interpretive Journey—Old Testament
Goals & Objectives
By the end of this course the student will demonstrate an understanding of…
A. Interpretive methods for reading the Bible by…
1. Analyzing sentences of Scripture.
2. Making observations in Biblical paragraphs.
3. Analyzing discourses from Biblical passages.
B. Relationships between Biblical passages and their various contexts by…
1. Identifying the influences of the historical-cultural context on the meanings of
Biblical passages.
2. Identifying the influences of the literary context on the meanings of Biblical
3. Identifying the meanings of Biblical words and their influence on the meanings of
Biblical passages.
4. Identifying the most appropriate translation for your Bible study.
C. Processes for determining the God-intended meaning of Biblical passages by…
1. Critiquing so-called “various levels of meaning” of Biblical passages.
2. Explaining the Holy Spirit’s role in Bible interpretation.
3. Making applications from meanings of Biblical passages.
D. Interpretive methods for understanding the literature of the New Testament by…
1. Interpreting passages from the New Testament epistles.
2. Interpreting passages from the Gospels.
3. Interpreting passages from the Book of Acts.
4. Interpreting passages from the Book of the Revelation.
E. Interpretive methods for understanding the literature of the Old Testament by…
1. Interpreting historical narrative passages from the Old Testament.
2. Interpreting passages from the Old Testament books of law.
3. Interpreting passages from the Old Testament books of poetry.
4. Interpreting passages from the Old Testament prophetical books.
5. Interpreting passages from Old Testament wisdom literature.
ABWE’s Center for Excellence in International Ministries – ceim@abwe.org
Achievement of the above (lead-up) goal-objectives sets will contribute to the
achievement of the overall goal and objective for this course:
By the end of this course the student will demonstrate an understanding of methods
of Bible study by…
 Analyzing Bible passages systematically, from any section of Scripture.
 Determining the God-intended meanings of these Bible passages.
 Applying the true meanings of these Bible passages to contemporary real-life
Learning Activities
Learning activities used during the course grow out of the statement of goals and
objectives. The nature of these goals and objectives suggests such activities as these:
 Make and record observations from Bible passages
 Identify various contextual factors that influence the meanings of Bible passages
 Discover meanings of key Bible words
 Evaluate Bible translations
 Identify inaccurate “levels of meaning” of Bible passages
 Discover the God-intended meanings of Bible passages
 Apply meanings of Bible passages to contemporary real-world situations
 Interpret New Testament passages that represent various types (genres) of literature
 Interpret Old Testament passages that represent various types (genres) of literature
 Write an exegetical paper on an assigned Bible passage (only required of those taking
the course for academic credit)
Evaluation Procedures
Evaluation procedures will consist of activities that demonstrate the student’s
achievement of the course goals & objectives. These activities are found in the
workbook that has been developed to accompany the textbook (to be purchased as a
separate item). Most of these same activities can be found in the course textbook, at
the end of chapters where they fit appropriately.
Your assigned course proctor will evaluate your assignments and assess the quality of
your work in the course. As you work with your proctor:
 Please make sure that your name is on each paper you send to your proctor for
 Check with the proctor as to the best ways to send assignments.
 Be sure to write your answers clearly and legibly, with a dark pen, especially if you
photocopy the assignments or send them by scanning and sending as attachments to
ABWE’s Center for Excellence in International Ministries – ceim@abwe.org
 For assignments that lend themselves to typing, that mode is easiest for the proctor
to read and evaluate. If you choose to type your responses for some of these
activities, please feel free to do so. Please be sure to identify the typed sheets
carefully in a way that specifies where they fit into the workbook.
 When a husband and wife are working on the same course, it is all right for them to
study together, but they must make sure that each one comes up with his or her own
See Appendix 3 of the textbook—Building a Personal Library.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact
Wayne Haston (wayne@abwe.org or 717-703-3497).
For 3rd
ABWE Required Assignments
(2012) Edition of Grasping God’s Word Workbook
Section 1 – General Assignments
The following general assignments are required for students taking this course for academic
credit, or simply to fulfill ABWE’s requirements for pre-field missionaries.
Chapter 1
 Do either one of the two assignments (not both)
Chapter 2
 Do all of the assignments
Chapter 3
 Do assignment 1
 Do one of the other assignments (2-5)
Chapter 4
 Do assignment 1
 Do one of the other assignments (2-5)
 Academic credit students – Select one of these passages for your exegetical paper and do
this assignment. Consult with your assigned tutor in making the decision regarding the
selection of your passage for the exegetical paper.
ABWE’s Center for Excellence in International Ministries – ceim@abwe.org
Chapter 5
 Do assignment 2
 Do one of the other assignments (1 or 3)
Chapter 6
 Do assignment 1 or 2
 Do assignments 4 & 5
 Academic credit students – Do assignment 6
Chapter 7
 Only one assignment – do this (7-1)
Chapter 8
 Do assignment 2
 Academic credit students – Do assignment 3
Chapter 9
 Do assignment 2 or any two of the other four assignments
 Academic credit students – Do assignment 6
Chapter 10
 Do all three assignments
Chapter 11
 Do assignment 1 only.
Chapter 12
 Do both assignments
Chapter 13
 Do one of these three assignments
Chapter 14
 Do both assignments
Chapter 15
 Do assignment 1 and either one of the other two (2 or 3)
Chapter 16
 Only one assignment given (do this one)
Chapter 17
 Do either assignment 1 or 2
 Do assignment 3
ABWE’s Center for Excellence in International Ministries – ceim@abwe.org
Chapter 18
 Do either assignment 1 or 2,
 Do assignment 3
Chapter 19
 Do assignment one or two, plus either assignment 3 or 4
Chapter 20
 Do assignments 1 & 2
Chapter 21
 Do any one of the three assignments
Chapter 22
 Do any one of the three passages in assignment 1
Section 2 – The Exegetical Paper
Students taking this course for academic credit are required to write the exegetical paper
described in this section. Consult with your assigned proctor for this course as is necessary.
ABWE’s Center for Excellence in International Ministries – ceim@abwe.org