Proposal to CABA v9 4.2.15 Selkowitz/Regnier/Walker Improved Performance Metrics for Advancing Smart Buildings Controls – A Field Study using FLEXLAB The CABA Opportunity with LBNL’s FLEXLAB: CABA membership represents a unique cross section of the commercial buildings market place where vendors can participate in multi-discipline research, enabling the full spectrum of end use systems to be studied together as an integrated, intelligent package, illuminating opportunities for product development and providing market relevant data for promoting existing product lines. This proposal includes the development, testing and validation of performance metrics relevant to intelligent controls systems using FLEXLAB, LBNL’s advanced buildings technologies test facility. Berkeley Lab’s FLEXLAB is the world’s most advanced energy efficient building technologies test facility that consists of a customizable, configurable platform focused on integrated building systems and solutions. FLEXLAB provides a unique opportunity to study integrated systems and end use level impacts of advanced intelligent building systems by conducting detailed comparison testing under realistic climate and operating conditions. FLEXLAB provides high quality, high accuracy and very granular performance data, to provide a greater degree of assessment of product performance than could be achieved otherwise. This includes comfort, thermal and energy performance data. As an example, FLEXLAB provides high accuracy power measurement at the device and outlet level, enabling fine detailed assessment of the performance and impacts at the level of each light fixture. In contrast, the infrastructure, sensing, power measurement and instrumentation in FLEXLAB would typically require the recircuiting of power in field tests to enable the same degree of granularity of power measurement. Each testbed in FLEXLAB utilizes over $200k of sensors, instrumentation and measurement devices, besides providing the infrastructure and systems that enable the full range of building technologies and controls studies. In addition, FLEXLAB’s testbed infrastructure allows for true comparison studies to be conducted, even in the complex environment of integrated intelligent controls. Having validated test data that demonstrates the value of an energy savings strategy compared to ‘business as usual’ practices can provide compelling market-relevant data to bolster product messaging. Developing and validating intelligent building controls performance metrics in a high visibility, objective and highly respected scientific institution and test facility such as Berkeley Lab’s FLEXLAB provides the credible third party validation that the U.S. green building and broader community is eager for. This is achieved at a substantially lowered cost than would be realized through the CABA members working independently through lower accuracy, sensor poor field tests. 1 Proposal to CABA v9 4.2.15 Selkowitz/Regnier/Walker The Research: While there is much discussion about the potential of intelligent building controls and paper studies that predict potential future market demand, there is little objective, measured data backing such claims and resultant market uptake is low. The vision of these performance potentials with “the internet of things” is capturing wider attention but the market value of these solutions is not well understood by end users. Claims by vendors are not made in a standardized way, which creates confusion in the market place and reduces credibility. The lack of accurate and objective performance metrics and data that illuminate the value of product offerings is an obstacle to rapid market uptake. Smart building systems are intended to provide “improved performance” but the metrics for performance are not often understood, measured and tracked which leads to many adverse consequences. Building owners may not appreciate the value add of intelligent and integrated controls features in these product and service offerings. The differing impact of alternative technologies and operational strategies as part of “smart building systems” on each of these metrics is not well understood or quantified. Suppliers of products, systems and services lack the metrics with validated data to promote their offerings. As a result, opportunities for deeper levels of performance from these systems are often missed when value engineering exercises remove these features. This project aims to identify, characterize and demonstrate meaningful and quantifiable performance metrics that can be referenced by intelligent controls systems designers and suppliers to further elucidate and quantify the value these systems bring to the market. The scope of ”Building performance” metrics is large – they could include 1) energy related, e.g. energy use, EUI, peak demand, load shape on a peak day, energy cost, carbon emissions, 2) business and financial related e.g. cost, diagnostics and prognostics, business services improvement such as resource allocation and scheduling, maintenance, real estate value, etc and 3) a variety of occupant impacts such as thermal comfort, visual comfort, health, well-being, productivity, etc. Collectively these performance attributes define the business case for investment in intelligent building systems. They are relevant at the level of a single office in a building, at the level of a complete building, and for a portfolio of buildings. This project aims to address one of the “grand challenges” of intelligent building controls by developing quantifiable metrics that demonstrate marketplace value of these systems, and can be used to enhance the performance of interoperable controls in buildings. This effort is intended to address one of the major issues that slows the adoption and effective use of smart controls in buildings. In doing so, this project will focus on a defined subset of the larger related building performance metrics: 2 Proposal to CABA v9 4.2.15 Selkowitz/Regnier/Walker 1) Energy related – energy use, end use system energy use, EUI, peak demand, load shape on peak day, energy costs, carbon emissions 2) Occupant related – visual comfort A series of field tests in FLEXLAB of “prototypical” high performance buildingintegrated systems will be targeted, focusing on combined lighting, shading and envelope systems with associated sensors and intelligent controls is designed to address key aspects of these challenges. The major metrics areas will focus on relevant energy and occupant visual comfort aspects as they relate to these systems, and will include interactive effects between systems, such as impacts on cooling energy use. Utility demand side management incentive programs in particular are very interested in the third party validated tests that FLEXLAB can provide that illuminate not only the primary energy savings of emerging technologies, but also capitalizing on the interactive effects and energy savings these technologies can bear, extending their business case to incentivize such technologies. Additional documentation on the capabilities of FLEXLAB and some technical details were provided to CABA in documents and meetings. Based on feedback from those discussions this scope outlines a study that addresses key aspects of these performance metrics challenges that could be effectively undertaken in FLEXLAB for the benefit of CABA members. Project Overview: Using the FLEXLAB testbeds, complete a set of quantitative field measurements of critical building performance metrics for energy and visual comfort, and explore how these or related metrics can guide and accelerate adoption of intelligent building solutions. Key activities include: 1. Define a subset of the building performance metrics for energy and visual comfort outlined above and create a hierarchical matrix of potential metrics, experience to date with their use, relative strengths and shortcomings, etc. 2. Define the sensor needs to quantify metric values in an intelligent system, and as needed in a testbed. 3. Create a high performance “building space” in FLEXLAB with integrated, intelligent systems with envelope, lighting and shading systems. 4. Under a range of seasonal and weather conditions, and under different goal oriented operating conditions, measure and document a selected set of these critical performance metrics to demonstrate best practice levels of these metrics. 5. Document the degree to which achievement of specific performance targets for these key metrics is mutually supportive or in conflict. For example if “View” and “Visual comfort” are both important metrics, maximizing view is often obtained by sacrificing visual comfort. What controls and operating strategies allow the optimal mix of these two metrics and how does that mix vary with orientation, time of year etc.? 6. Provide a forum for CABA engagement to explore how the selection, measurement and reporting of key performance metrics can accelerate adoption of intelligent building solutions. 3 Proposal to CABA v9 4.2.15 Selkowitz/Regnier/Walker Specific metrics would be selected with CABA steering committee input. These would relate to the following areas: 1. Energy related, e.g. energy use, EUI, peak demand, load shape on a peak day, utility cost, carbon emissions, 2. Cccupant impacts such as thermal comfort, visual comfort, health, well-being, productivity, etc. Refining and Extending testing conditions: In addition to direct tests that evaluate operating conditions, additional techniques can be used to extend results and assess system performance under different climate conditions should this be a key element of the selected set of performance metrics tested. This can be implemented in two ways. FLEXLAB has the ability to cool or heat a testbed’s interior space to a condition where the interior to exterior temperature differential can replicate that of harsher climates, such as Dallas, TX or Minneapolis, MN. Alternatively, based on measurements at FLEXLAB, different climate scenarios may be explored using EnergyPlus-based simulation studies, The selection of testbed climatic study over simulation study would be developed with project team consensus after reviewing performance metrics selection, resource allocation, etc.. The performance testing scenarios and computer modeling scenarios will be refined upon performance metrics selection. Test lengths will be selected to ensure thermal stability of test conditions and to allow for some variation in exterior conditions. Tests can be conducted for peak solar conditions for each test as needed. Two cells would be used in a testbed to demonstrate the differences between the ‘base case’ scenario of the typical market condition and the CABA members’ product offering. In both cases it is anticipated that a glazed curtain wall typical of office environments will be included to replicate the full range of energy and comfort challenges encountered in both new and existing buildings. Lighting, envelope and shading systems selection will use the existing available FLEXLAB systems, fixtures and equipment which can represent different eras of construction and code minimum conditions. A single set of construction conditions will be targeted for the comparative tests to be conducted under, across the test timeframe. Testing would be conducted in “unoccupied” mode with virtual people and plug loads, which are characterized known quantities, adding to the overall thermal loads according to standard office occupancy. Project Tasks 1. Metrics Identification, Product and Test Scenario Selection, Project Management, Develop set of key performance metrics to be tracked and tested. Some are directly measurable, e.g. lighting energy use per square foot of floor space, and some are calculated extensions from measured data, e.g. cost penalty during a DR event (in this case the direct load shape is measured; variable costs can be assigned per kW and per DR schedule). Finalize project goals, 4 Proposal to CABA v9 4.2.15 Selkowitz/Regnier/Walker technologies and systems to be tested, details of test scenarios, measurement strategies, and expected outcomes over the course of the test period. Develop detailed experimental plans to achieve these outcomes, including technologies to be used, test methods, test sequences, instrumentation needs, data analysis required. Develop detailed measurement and instrumentation plan to support the experiments. Regular project coordination meetings and reporting to working group. Deliverable: Document detailing experimental plan, schedule, etc. Monthly status and summary reports covering highlights of each task. 2. FLEXLAB Field Study of Intelligent Controls System Metrics Procure intelligent controls systems and install in the testbed for each test scenario, commission all equipment and ensure proper initial operation. Conduct initial tests of all installed building systems and instrumentation to ensure that all elements are working properly. This includes envelope, lighting and shading. Install and calibrate all sensors and new elements of the data acquisition system (DAQ). (Note that a representative intelligent controls package will be identified for use in this test, however the product will be anonmyzed for publishing. Should a CABA member wish to conduct similar testing for a specific product offering, that option may be available depending on timing and resources, but would be handled outside of this scope of work. Please contact LBNL separately if there is interest in this area.) Conduct Test Sequences over identified test periods, and additional test fit outs and changes as documented in Task 1. Review interim data to ensure that test objectives are being met. If there are any operational problems, correct as needed. Prepare documentation summarizing technical data collected. Test sequences will typically involve side by side comparative field testing against a base case, over a period of 1-2 weeks. Multiple test sequences would be conducted over the test period for a total field testing period of 8 weeks. Measure and/or calculate performance metrics under the defined modes of operation for various test sequences. Identify sensitivity of metrics to space conditions and controls inputs. Assess best practices for measurement related to these metrics. Extract findings from performance testing into a summary report highlighting all aspects of FLEXLAB testing outcomes, including energy and comfort performance. Document test methodologies and baselines used, and provide an assessment of each performance metric. Deliverables: Final LBNL Report with project data and findings in 4 major sections. 1) Description of performance metrics selected and method of determination. 2) Documentation of sensor suite, measurement protocols and data processing used to derive each metric. 3) Project data set fully documenting technical findings of the full range of test baseline studies completed. 4) Interpretation of value, robustness, stability, etc of alternative metrics based on 5 Proposal to CABA v9 4.2.15 Selkowitz/Regnier/Walker test results. In addition to a formal LBNL report, LBNL will provide additional project highlights, images and technical briefing notes for use by CABA members in their market facing materials such as brochures, presentations and product advertisements. Expected Outcomes: 1. Identify suite of building performance metrics targeting a defined range of building services areas. 2. Document the range of performance, with field test performance data, for key metrics with specific integrated building systems with intelligent controls, including best practice targets. Performance data provided for a defined set of use cases and test conditions, based on FLEXLAB tests. 3. Field data to help demonstrate how better management of these metrics provides added value to the owner or customer. 4. Documentation of a set of sensors and features of intelligent controls systems relevant to enable measurement and use of the developed building performance metrics. 5. Examples of how data from #4 might be captured in dashboards, used in rating systems, etc 6. Within the scope of the data from the FLEXLAB tests define the relative sensitivity of key metrics to small and large changes in design parameters, e.g. which are robust over a range of operating conditions and which are highly sensitive to changes in design or operations. 7. Additional insights might include areas for further technology or systems development and how these metrics might be used to inform new codes, regulations and utility incentives. Project Duration: The project will be carried out during an 7-9 month overall period. This includes 2-3 months for project launch activities defined in Task 1 including a more detailed engagement with CABA funders, and then a 5-6 month period to complete and document the field work. This phase includes a 2 ½ month test period in FLEXLAB as outlined in Task 2, and then a 2-3 month period to summarize and present results to CABA, and complete documentation. Cost: $250K: consisting of technical and scientific effort, test facility use fee, and CABA management fee. 6 Proposal to CABA v9 4.2.15 Selkowitz/Regnier/Walker Sponsorship Model for ~$250K target: Participant Steering Committee & Testing Partners Target # Members 3-5 2-4 Funding Level 25k 50k Target Funds 100k 150k $250k Total As with existing CABA projects benefits to CABA member vary with the participation level. In the schema listed above the following program is suggested: “Participant members” would provide input to the scope of work and would have access to the project findings, and reports as they are generated. “Steering committee members” would provide project guidance and direction on refinements to the scope of work, help shape the specific deliverables and provide an ongoing advisory role to the project. Each member would be provided with a private briefing on aspects of field work in progress of interest to them, at the test bed or remotely. “Testing partners” would also sit on the steering committee, with all the benefits described for the Steering Committee members. In addition they could participate in the project by providing their product or technology, or one of their choosing, for the FLEXLAB tests. An additional scope deliverable would be provided to the testing partners in the form of a case study detailing product-specific performance and findings relevant to the tests conducted. Staff from testing partners can spend time on-site with LBNL staff to observe real time testing and will be provided with web access for remote, real-time data viewing. They would have the option to obtain additional testing and analysis, beyond the CABA scope, with incremental funding. Targeted Project Sponsors: CABA members that will be relevant to this project will to some extent be determined by the technology area that is selected for study. It might be suggested that an initial outreach focus on the areas of envelope, shading, lighting and whole building controls integration. The initial set of interested parties is anticipated to be: - Automated envelope, shading and lighting (fixtures/controls) manufactures Whole building controls manufacturers Owners and Facility Managers Utilities The value proposition for the manufacturers is to provide third party, validated technical input on key performance metrics, sensing and operational value of 7 Proposal to CABA v9 4.2.15 Selkowitz/Regnier/Walker integrated intelligent controls that can be used to refine and develop better product offerings and demonstrated values for customers. Validated data comparing intelligent controls to a ‘business as usual’ scenario will be provided under a range of conditions. The project will also provide the metrics and data for building owners and utilities to understand the value of intelligent integrated controls for their operations and customer programs. 8
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