EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL CABINET – 22 APRIL 2015 PROPERTY AND ESTATE RATIONALISATION - COMMUNITY ASSET TRANSFER UPDATE Report by the Depute Chief Executive: Economy and Skills and Chief Financial Officer and Acting Depute Chief Executive (Safer Communities) INTRODUCTION 1. The purpose of this report is to: a. seek authority for a further community asset transfer request for the site of the Ochiltree Community Centre and library; and b. seek authority for a further community based solution. BACKGROUND 2. The Property and Estate Rationalisation workstream, established as part of the Council’s Transformation Strategy, aims to reduce the number of operational buildings by 25%. The work undertaken by the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) team will contribute to the overall Property and Estate Rationalisation workstream and the 25% target. 3. Following recommendations from the Leisure Trust on 10 September 2013, Cabinet at its meeting on 25 September 2013 agreed: i. ii. 4. To authorise officers to pursue asset transfer of those facilities listed in the appendix report, with proposals being presented to Cabinet for approval; and To pursue a separate review and asset transfer of pitch and pavilion provision with proposals being presented to Cabinet for approval. This list was amended by Cabinet on 18 June 2014, reducing the number of Trust facilities for which asset transfer was to be sought to 81. Council at its meeting on 12 March 2015 further amended the list and the revised baseline of properties is 45 as shown below: Trust facilities Baseline ADD additional facilities LESS proposed CATs LESS proposed Community based solutions / Capital project developments / declared surplus LESS remove from CAT list Baseline 1 3 12 65 66 63 51 6 45 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL FOR ASSET TRANSFER 5. The Community Asset Transfer Group have considered the following detailed application and now recommend to Cabinet approval of the following proposed asset transfer of a Trust facility: Property Group Ochiltree Ochiltree Community Community Centre and Hub Library Proposal Group wish to acquire the cleared site following demolition of the buildings by EAC. Thereafter they propose to erect a new multi-purpose environmentally friendly community facility. The group aim to attract a range of external funding to the value of £1.7m to support the build costs and initial running costs. Transfer terms Proposed disposal terms have been agreed at a price of £29,000 subject to the group obtaining planning consent for the proposed use and evidence of the sufficient funding being secured. The group anticipate being in a position to commence building in January 2017 and, therefore it is proposed that the existing facilities will be run by East Ayrshire Leisure Trust until 31st March 2016 and thereafter the demolition process will begin. COMMUNITY BASED SOLUTIONS 6. Community based solutions have now been approved in New Cumnock, Dalrymple, Drongan and Mauchline. Further flexible community based solutions are emerging, some of which are within the context of Community Led Action Plans. Whilst there will be overall savings in terms of a reduction in the numbers of facilities in specific communities, discussions are leading to the consolidation of some services into one building. The resultant solutions may be suitable for management either via asset transfer, by East Ayrshire Leisure Trust or, where related to a school, by the Council’s Facilities Management Team. 7. A detailed project has now been developed at Kilmaurs and other projects are in development in Patna and Rankinston. Details of the solution developed for Kilmaurs is as follows: Current Provision at Kilmaurs 8. The community centre, library and pitch and pavilion were all on the list approved by Cabinet for asset transfer. Council at its meeting on 12 March 2015 agreed to declare the pavilion surplus to requirements to facilitate demolition and the reinstatement of the site. 9. An independent building survey obtained for the community centre highlighted that costs of £0.654m are required to the property and this equates to £1,194 per sq.m. The building comprises of a mixture of a single storey large steel framed structure and single storey brick built extension. The roof, brick work, windows, render, external areas, and floor coverings are in poor condition. This property is therefore deemed to be unsustainable to pass to a community group for asset transfer. 10. Extensive discussions and engagement about sustainable future facilities and solutions have taken place with the local community. This has led to an application being received for the library building from the Community Association who wish to relocate lets from the community centre to the library building. Proposed provision at Kilmaurs 11. In terms of community facilities, in order to relocate the lets from the community centre in the library building, re-configuration is required. The CAT applicants have been involved in the re-design of the building to ensure the maximisation of the transfer of lets from the community centre. Investment is now required to enable this to proceed and once complete the existing community centre would be surplus to requirements and demolished. Financial position at Kilmaurs 12. It is proposed that the costs associated with the relocation of the Community Facilities into the library building, estimated at £0.154m be funded from the Transformation Strategy Capital Fund. These costs represent value for money when considered in relation to the revenue savings associated with the closure of the existing community centre and library which are currently estimated at approximately £0.092m per annum, including staff, energy and running costs. The reconfigured property would then be asset transferred to the community group following completion of a successful detailed application which would be presented to Cabinet in due course. 13. Following finalisation of the asset transfer position the community centre would be demolished. In this regard a one off investment is required from the Transformation Strategy Capital Fund of £0.035m. PROGRESS AGAINST BASELINE 14. If all the recommendations within this report are approved by Council then the baseline of 45 properties would reduce as follows: Trust facilities Baseline LESS proposed CAT at Ochiltree 2 Baseline 45 43 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 15. In respect of the proposed CAT transfer of the site of Ochiltree Community Centre and library, the estimated annual revenue savings will be £49,806 and will secure a capital receipt of £29,000 for the Council. Ochiltree Community Hub Limited anticipates attracting external capital funding up to a total of £1.7m to support both the build and early years running costs of the project. A one-off investment is required from the Transformation Strategy Capital Fund of £0.070m for the proposed demolition of Ochiltree Community Centre and Library. 16. Capital investment of £0.154m is required from the Transformation Strategy Capital Fund in connection with the investment in respect of the Kilmaurs community based solution and a further £0.035m for the demolition of the Kilmaurs Community Centre. This will result in recurring annual revenue savings of £0.092m. 17. The financial implications arising from this report affect the anticipated savings from the Energy Efficiency, Property and Estate Rationalisation and Alternative Delivery Model workstreams. These would be apportioned against 3 workstreams as follows: Workstream Energy efficiency Alternative Delivery Model – East Ayrshire Leisure Property and Estate Rationalisation TOTAL Savings target (£) £2.135m £2.094m Ochiltree Kilmaurs TOTAL £12,640 £18,583 £9,639 £41,325 £22,279 £59,908 £2.222m £18,583 £41,325 £59,908 £49,806 £92,289 £142,095 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 18. The application recommended for transfer has been assessed against the statutory criteria specified in the Disposal of Land by Local Authorities (Scotland) Regulations 2010 as, in order to be eligible for transfer, the proposal must contribute to one of the purposes set out at paragraph 4 (2) of the Regulations being (a) economic development or regeneration (b) health (c) social well-being or (d) environmental well-being. 19. It is considered that the proposed transfer contributes to the purposes as follows: Contribution Disposal of Regulations to Comments Land (b) health (c) social well-being 20. This proposal contributes to local priorities set out in the new community plan in terms of ‘Wellbeing’ in particular the groups commitment to support community based activity, training and enhance community cohesion. The facility will provide a focal point for the community to come together to access a range of services and opportunities, provide opportunities for local people to volunteer and contribute to the health and social wellbeing of the community. It will be a specific condition of the disposal that the site will be used for the proposed community hub. In order to protect the Council’s position an economic development burden in favour of the Council restricting the future use of the site for the approved purpose for a period of 40 years will be incorporated in terms of Section 45 of the Title Conditions (Scotland) Act 2003 in the disposition to be granted at settlement and/or an appropriate claw back security will be entered into allowing for recovery of the discounted element or part thereof in the event of the property being sold or an alternative planning use being authorised by the Council or its successors as planning authority. 21. The disposal will be subject to the group obtaining planning permission for the proposed development and securing the requisite external funding. 22. The Solicitor to the Council will include any other conditions which may be deemed necessary to protect the interests of the Council in respect of the proposed disposal. POLICY / COMMUNITY PLANNING IMPLICATIONS 23. The proposed asset transfer is in accordance with the Council’s Community Asset Transfer Policy as approved by Cabinet at the meeting on 24 October 2012. 24. The proposed asset transfer contributes toward the Council’s Community Planning themes of Economy and Skills, Safer Communities and Wellbeing. 25. In accordance with the Council’s Transformation Strategy, the development of this work is essential in enabling the Council to transform its relationship with communities thus strengthening and enabling our local people to work with us to deliver sustainable services and jointly respond to challenges in the future. This in turn will lead to an increase and widening of scope of asset based programmes which will result in a further reduction in resources over time. HUMAN RESOURCES IMPLICATIONS 26. Whilst there are no direct Human Resources implications arising from the proposals in this report, if a property is transferred to a voluntary or community organisation, there will be implications for employees of both the Leisure Trust and East Ayrshire Council. A canvass of employees for interest in voluntary severance has been carried out and a number of employees have indicated that they would be interested in opting for voluntary severance. 27. Work has been carried out on reconciling those employees who have expressed an interest in voluntary severance against the likely future services and related premises and this exercise will continue throughout the asset transfer process. The enhanced redundancy scheme has subsequently been extended to run in parallel with CAT programme until March 2016. In addition the Council’s redeployment policy will assist in reducing employee numbers in line with the reduced property portfolio. 28. Discussions have taken place with the Trade Unions in respect of the overall canvass for voluntary severance and the Council and Leisure Trust remain committed to continue to engage with employees within the reconfigured service. RISK IMPLICATIONS 29. Managing Risks in Asset Transfer, a guide (Department for Communities and Local Government, June 2008) includes common risks identified by the Quirk Review (“Making Assets Work - The Quirk Review of community management and ownership of public assets”). Cognisance has been taken in respect of each of the risks identified whilst developing our transparent application and assessment process in order to mitigate any risk to the Council. 30. The proposed asset transfer to Ochiltree Community Hub is heavily dependent on initial capital and revenue grant funding. It is therefore proposed that the asset transfer is subject to the company securing and demonstrating this initial grant funding. 31. In the event that there was no transfer of the site to the community group, year 4 of the Strategic Housing Investment Plan Programme allows for development of the site at Main Street, Ochiltree. RECOMMENDATIONS 32. Cabinet are asked to: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Approve the asset transfer to of the site of the Ochiltree Community Centre and library to Ochiltree Community Hub; Approve the funding for the demolition of Ochiltree Community Centre and library as outlined at 15. above; Approve that East Ayrshire Leisure Trust continue to operate the facilities until 31st March 2016, that thereafter, the facility will be demolished and only then will it be transferred, subject to funding having been secured; Approve the proposed investment at Kilmaurs outlined at 16. above subject to a successful detailed application being received from the community group in respect of the library building; Approve the funding for the demolition of Kilmaurs Community Centre which will be progressed when the asset transfer position is finalised. Otherwise note the contents of this report. Alex McPhee Depute Chief Executive (Strategic Lead: Economy and Skills) Chris McAleavey Acting Depute Chief Executive (Strategic Lead: Safer Communities) 15 April 2015 BACKGROUND PAPERS 1. Report to Cabinet on Property and Estate Rationalisation Proposals dated 25 Sept 2013 2. Report to Cabinet on Property and Estate Rationalisation Proposals dated 18 June 2014 3. Report to Council on Property and Estate Rationalisation Proposals dated 12 March 2015 For further information on the content of this report contact: Katie Kelly, Strategic Manager – Vibrant Communities on 01563 578120 or Angela Graham, Senior Estates Surveyor on 01563 503475 Implementation Officer: Katie Kelly, Strategic Manager – Vibrant Communities
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