EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE: 15 MAY 2015 15/0194/PP: ERECTION OF STEEL PORTAL FRAMED AGRICULTURAL SHED AT CROFTHEAD FARM CATRINE BY CROFTHEAD FARMING COMPANY Report by Head of Planning and Economic Development Click for Application Details: http://eplanning.eastayrshire.gov.uk/online/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=NLCUY4GFFFS00 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SHEET PURPOSE OF REPORT 1. The purpose of this report is to present for determination a planning application which is to be considered by the Planning Committee under the scheme of delegation, since it is subject to an application which has been submitted by an East Ayrshire Council Elected Member. The application is considered not to be significantly contrary to the local development plan and thus should be determined by Planning Committee. RECOMMENDATION 2. It is recommended that the application be approved. CONTRARY DECISION NOTE 3. Should the Committee agree that the application be refused on the basis of the principle of the proposed development and contrary to the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Economic Development the application will require to be referred to the Council as it would be a significant departure from the East Ayrshire Local Plan Michael Keane Head of Planning and Economic Development Note: This document combines key sections of the associated report for quick reference and should not in itself be considered as having been the basis for recommendation preparation or decision making by the Planning Authority. EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE: 15 MAY 2015 15/0194/PP: ERECTION OF STEEL PORTAL FRAMED AGRICULTURAL SHED AT CROFTHEAD FARM CATRINE BY MR DAVID SHAW, CROFTHEAD FARMING COMPANY Report by Head of Planning and Economic Development PURPOSE OF REPORT 1. The purpose of this report is to present for determination a planning application which is to be considered by the Planning Committee under the scheme of delegation, since it is subject to an application which has been submitted by an East Ayrshire Council Elected Member. The application is considered not to be significantly contrary to the local development plan and thus should be determined by Planning Committee. APPLICATION DETAILS 2. Site Description: The site is located some 825 metres to the North of Catrine on an elevated site in open countryside off the U718 Crofthead Farm and within the curtilage of the farm steading and to the rear and south side of these farm buildings. The Farm is predominantly agricultural in nature related to dairy/milk production. The site also slopes from North to South towards the direction of the village of Catrine which is in a valley with no direct view of the site. 3. Proposed Development: The application relates to the erection of a steel framed portal shed. The shed measure 36.57 metres in length, 22.87 metres in width and at its highest point will extend to 8 metres in height. It will be subdivided into 6 equal bays with 4 used for the storage of agricultural plant and related machinery and two bays set aside for a separate feed/grain storage area. It will be built over a cast concrete floor. The shed will feature dwarf concrete walls 1.4 metres in height with the upper portion of the walls clad in box profile sheeting painted juniper green, it will feature an apex style roof clad in natural grey reinforced fibre cement roof sheeting incorporating a series of roof lights at regular intervals on either side of the roof. The access doors will be on the north elevation fronting into the rear farm courtyard and will comprise 6 silver galvanised steel roller shutter doors one for each bay. The rainwater goods will be silver galvanised steel with rainwater run off directed to existing field drains. 4. Although the farm steading sits at an elevated position, the proposed new shed being located to the rear of the main farm steading, it would be screened from the nearest road by the existing farm dwelling and these associated barns and outbuildings. The proposal is to replace an existing steel framed barn clad in corrugated iron sheeting which is at the end of its useful life and beyond repair. In addition it would be screened from neighbouring properties and the Sorn to Catrine road by the natural topography of the land, trees and hedgerows bordering the road verges. 5. The proposed building will not however be screened from the Mauchline to Auchinleck Road or the Catrine Road as owing to the landform there will be an element of visibility. CONSULTATIONS AND ISSUES RAISED 6. No consultations were required to be undertaken for this type of application. REPRESENTATIONS 7. No letters of objection have been received in connection with this application. ASSESSMENT AGAINST DEVELOPMENT PLAN East Ayrshire Local Plan 8. Sections 25 and 37 (2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 require that planning applications be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. For the purposes of this application the development plan comprises the East Ayrshire Local Plan (2010). 9. The application was assessed against the EALP 2010 and in particular Policies ENV9, IND5(ii) and SD5. 10. Whilst there is no specific design guidance relating to the style and design of agricultural buildings Policy ENV9 states that in general terms the Council will actively encourage and demand the highest possible standards of design from applicants in the formulation of their proposals. The proposal is considered to be compliant with this policy noting the design, positioning on site and that the colour of the shed is specifically designed to have a relatively minor impact on the local environment. In addition these types of agricultural sheds are common in rural communities and are designed specifically to blend into the environment rather than be a dominating feature. 11. Policy IND5 part (ii) states that sympathetic industrial, commercial and business developments relating to and associated with supporting the traditional rural activities of agricultural and forestry and which can be clearly demonstrated to have a specific requirement for a rural location, will be encouraged and considered acceptable to the Council. The proposal is required to support the ongoing needs of the operation of an agricultural farm unit in a rural location and is therefore compliant with this Policy. 12. Policy SD5 states that development proposals which are located outwith settlement boundaries, as indicated on the Local Plan Rural Area Map, will be acceptable to the Council only where the development: (v) provides for the operational needs of agriculture or forestry; The proposed development is required for the continued operational needs of an existing agricultural farm unit and is therefore compliant with this Policy. ASSESSMENT AGAINST MATERIAL CONSIDERATIONS 13. The principal material considerations relevant to the determination of the application are the impact on the amenity of the area, the planning history of the application site and the Draft Local Development Plan. Impact on the Amenity of the Area 14. It is considered that the proposal would have a relatively minor impact on the overall amenity of the area. The site is located within a rural location in a predominantly agricultural area. An existing agricultural barn was located on the same site as the proposed shed although it was smaller in scale. In addition the size, scale and design of the proposed new shed are common place in rural locations and specifically farm steadings. The proposed shed has been designed to reduce the impact on the countryside noting also is location alongside the existing farm steading and buildings and specific siting to the rear of the steading away from the public road. Although there will be some visibility within the surrounding locale and settlements given the existing landform, this would not be of such significance as to warrant refusal of the planning application noting that this proposal comprises a typical type of agricultural related building and its location in the countryside would therefore be expected. Planning History 15. 08/0289/AN: Proposed erection of a general purpose agricultural shed. Approved with conditions on 9 May 2008. 16. 11/0213/PP: Proposal to erect a 50 metre high anemometer mast - Approved with Conditions on 26 May 2011. 17. 11/0703/PP: Proposal to erect one 49 metre high wind turbine and associated meter housing - Approved with Conditions on 2 December 2011. 18. 13/0025/NMV: Non Material Variation to amend turbine specification withdrawn 10 October 2013. 19. 13/0882/AMCPP: Discharge of planning condition 6 – shadow flicker approved 19 December 2013 Draft Local Development Plan 20. The Council meeting on 19 February 2015 agreed that the emerging Local Development Plan be treated as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. The Local Development Plan has recently been out to consultation and now that this consultation process has closed, all responses will be evaluated to establish where objections have been lodged. Until then, the Plan is a limited material consideration. Notwithstanding that, the proposal would be generally considered as being compliant with the relevant policies namely OP1 and IND3, noting that it will be appropriate to the character and amenity of the area and appropriate in design terms and would relate to and support agricultural activities. FINANCIAL AND LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 21. There are no financial or legal implications for the Council in determining this application. COMMUNITY PLAN 22. The proposed development accords with the “Economy and Skills” theme of the Community Plan as the proposal promotes growing and investing in an existing agricultural business and providing employment opportunities which as a local business will assist in improving the economy of the area. CONCLUSIONS 23. The application is considered to be compliant with the Development Plan policies ENV9 and IND5(ii) and SD5. Therefore, given the terms of Sections 25 and 37(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 the application should be approved unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 24. There are no material considerations relevant to the determination of this application, to merit refusal of the application in terms of impact upon amenity of the area, planning history and the draft Local Development Plan. RECOMMENDATION 25. It is recommended that the application be approved. CONTRARY DECISION NOTE 25. Should the Committee agree that the application be refused on the basis of the principle of the proposed development and contrary to the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Economic Development the application will require to be referred to the Council as it would be a significant departure from the East Ayrshire Local Plan. Michael Keane Head of Planning and Economic Development FV/MK 6 May 2015 LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Application Form and Plans. Statutory Notices and Certificates. Adopted East Ayrshire Local Plan (2010). Previous planning applications Draft Local Development Plan Anyone wishing to inspect the above papers please contact, Alexander Timpany Planning Enforcement Officer, on 01563 576639. Implementation Officer: David McDowall, Operations Manager TP24 East Ayrshire Council TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997 Application No: 15/0194/PP Location Crofthead Farm U718 Crofthead From B705 To C137 Catrine/Sorn Catrine Mauchline Nature of Proposal: Erection of an Agricultural Steel Portal Framed Shed. Name and Address of Applicant: Mr David Shaw Crofthead Farming Company Crofthead Farm Catrine KA5 6HW Name and Address of Agent MG Agricultural Services Michael Goldie Craighead Farm Mauchline KA5 6EX Officer’s Ref: Alexander Timpany 01563 576639 The above Planning Permission Application should be approved. REASON FOR THE DECISION The application is compliant with the Development Plan and there are no material considerations which indicate otherwise.
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