To be approved by Shadow Integration Board Minutes of East Ayrshire Shadow Integration Board 3pm, Tuesday 24 February 2015 The Marriage Suite, Rothesay House, 1 Greenholm Road, Cumnock, KA18 1LH Present: Councillor Douglas Reid, EA Council, Chair Councillor Tom Cook, EA Council Councillor Maureen McKay, EA Council Mr Ian Welsh, Non-Executive, NHS A&A Mr Alistair McKie, Non-Executive, NHS A&A Mr Eddie Fraser, Director of Health and Social Care Partnership Mr Eddie Docherty, Associate Nurse Director, NHS A&A Mr Ian Smith, Public Partnership Forum Representative Mr Gordon McKay, Staffside Representative, NHS A&A Ms Caroline Scott, Council Voluntary Organisation (CVO) In Attendance: Ms Margaret Phelps, Corporate Officer, East Ayrshire HSCP Mrs Eunice Johnstone, Planning Manager, NHS A&A Ms Marianne Hayward, AHP Representative Dr Erik Sutherland, Senior Manager of Planning and Performance, East Ayrshire HSCP Ms Annemargaret Black, Head of Primary and Community Services, East Ayrshire HSCP Mr Jim Lyon, Senior Manager Children’s Services, East Ayrshire HSCP Mrs Pamela Milliken, Head of Primary Care and Out of Hours Community Response Services, East Ayrshire HSCP Mr Alex McPhee, Senior Manager of Finance, East Ayrshire HSCP Miss Rebecca Hannah, Committee Secretary (Minutes) 1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS 1.1 Cllr Reid welcomed everyone to the meeting. Action 2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2.1 Apologies for the meeting were received from Iain Linton, Alison Graham, Derek Lindsay, Liz Wilson, Catherine Bingham, Susan Taylor, Shiona Johnston and Ruth Coughlan. 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 22 JANUARY 2015 3.1 The Board approved the minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 January 2015. 4. MATTERS ARISING 4.1 All matters arising had been completed before the meeting. 1 To be approved by Shadow Integration Board 5. EAST AYRSHIRE AHPS SUPPORT IN HSCP 5.1 Ms Hayward gave a presentation to members on Allied Health Professionals (AHP’s) activity within the Health and Social Care Partnership. The following was discussed: Background of AHP’s AHP Business unit AHP Profile Where in East Ayrshire AHP’s provide support bases National and Local Delivery Plans Key References AHP Event Next Steps 5.2 Cllr McKay queried how self referral routes can be utilised more effectively. Ms Hayward advised there are several ways self referrals can be more accessible to patients. There are discussions to have a single point of contact, multi-disciplinary team drop in sessions across different venues and accessing areas outside GP Practices. It is expected that this could reduce GP time referring patients and reduce A&E attendances. 5.3 Cllr McKay asked Mr Fraser if the HSCP achieves the decrease in A&E attendances how this will be tracked. Mr Fraser explained that these figures are already monitored. Ms Black informed members there is a team working in A&E who determines if patients require A&E care or if they can be seen in the community. The evaluation of this A&E team is available for information. 5.4 Members discussed how services which are led by another Partnership would report to the Partnership’s they are not led by. Ms Hayward agreed to liaise with Ms Black to discuss AHP performance reporting. MH/AMB 5.5 The Board agreed the recommendations to: (i) recognise the contribution that AHPs can offer the HSCP.; and (ii) to support these AHPs develop an action plan in line with the East HSCP strategic plan. This will include mapping work already achieved through the National Delivery Plan/ Local Delivery Plan. 6. STRATEGIC PLAN CONSULTATION 6.1 Mr Fraser gave an update to members. The following comments were noted: There have been many meetings with groups to engage and offer comments on the Strategic Plan. Feedback has highlighted the need to review the wording within the Strategic Plan and how this can be more engaging. Online consultation closed on Monday 23 February, comments are now being collated, making any changes and will be brought to the next meeting on 26 March 2015. It is expected that the full Strategic Plan, Delivery Plan and two 2 To be approved by Shadow Integration Board Public Health Needs Assessments will be tabled at the meeting in March to be endorsed by members, ready for approval at the first Integrated Joint Board meeting on 2 April 2015. 6.2 Mrs Johnstone advised the Integration Scheme was submitted on 2 February, the Scottish Government (SG) requested further information which, was completed and submitted again on 20 February 2015. 7. FINANCE 7.1 Mr McPhee updated members on the financial outturn for the East Ayrshire HSCP for 2014/15, based on the current financial position as at 31 December 2014. The following was noted: The East Ayrshire HSCP is currently overspent by £1.217m, which consists of an adverse variance of £0.414m for services managed within EAC and £0.803m for service managed within NHS A&A respectively. For services managed within East Ayrshire Council, the projected variance predominantly relates to additional costs of adult care packages, slippage in anticipated savings in adult day care services, additional childcare placement costs (including secure accommodation, foster care and adoption costs) and additional externally commissioned care at home services. The major component of the projected adverse variance on services managed within NHS Ayrshire and Arran relates to a projected overspend in Primary Care prescribing totalling £0.704m which results from the cost per item prescribed being higher than the original estimate. In setting the budget, actions to generate recurring efficiency savings of £2.365m have been agreed by East Ayrshire Council for 2014/15. It has been agreed that the Primary Care prescribing overspend will be managed as a whole by NHS Ayrshire and Arran. The budget for prescribing in Primary Care is established from first principals each financial year. 7.2 Members queried the management of the Prescribing budget in Primary Care. It was agreed to invite the Director of Pharmacy to a future meeting to engage in discussions. 7.3 Cllr McKay requested additional information regarding the Prescribing budget, in particular, a breakdown of costings. RH AMcP 7.4 Members raised concern with the absence of Lead Partnership budgets such as Mental Health which is managed within the North Ayrshire HSCP. Members felt it was important to have a view of Lead Partnership projected costs in-year for budgetary control and monitoring purposes as although, East Ayrshire HSCP is not the Lead Partnership for this service mental health is strongly related to other services which are managed by East Ayrshire HSCP such as Prescribing. Mrs Johnstone advised that each Strategic Plan must consider the wider Partnerships, ensuring there is no conflict or contradictions between one another. Mr 3 To be approved by Shadow Integration Board McPhee advised that a draft paper relating to the Mental Health Lead Partnership has been discussed at the pan-Ayrshire Financial Governance and Financial Planning workgroup. This paper highlighted that agreement needs to be reached on contributions from individual HSCPs where overspends occur. 7.5 Members noted that although services may be Lead by another partnership the responsibility still lie within the Partnership area. 7.6 Cllr McKay noted the importance of the diversity of housing needs in East Ayrshire and matching this with the complexity in health needs from patients. Mr Fraser noted the importance of managing the expectations of service users while providing the best care. It is expected the number of people with multi-morbidity diseases will increase. Anticipatory care packages are being developed to ensure patients leaving hospitals can plan support packages ready for their return home. 7.7 Clarity was given to members that mental health adolescents are managed under Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). 7.8 The Board agreed the recommendations to: (i) note content of this report, including specific key actions on significant variances. 8. BOARD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 8.1 Mr Fraser advised members of a proposed development programme for Board members. The following comments were made: Three development sessions will be arranged throughout the year to provide continual development for members. Sessions should last around two or three hours. 8.2 Cllr Cook requested dates be organised as soon as possible to ensure members can attend. RH The Board agreed the recommendations to: (i) Receive the report; (ii) Approve the proposed schedule and content of the programme, and; (iii) Otherwise note and comment on the contents of this report. 9. PROPOSAL FOR WEBPAGE 9.1 Ms Phelps updated members on the progress in establishing a webpage for the HSCP. The following comments were noted: The SIB meeting on 26 March 2014 approved a Communication Plan to support the Integration of Health and Social Care. This plan was split into four phases; progress of this plan is now 4 To be approved by Shadow Integration Board completing stage three. It was felt it would be beneficial to have a single point of contact in the form of a webpage to provide information on the Integrated Joint Board. The webpage is expected to develop into a fuller website with member’s details, links into plans and policies for public information. A learning academy is to be developed for staff use, giving information including video links to meetings. 9.2 The Board agreed the recommendations to: (i) Approve the proposal for the creation of a Health and Social Care webpage; and (ii) Note the contents of this report. 10. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE 10.1 Mr Fraser requested endorsement of Board members to implement management structures and support arrangements specifically relating to: (i) Delivery of Community Health and Care Services; (ii) Delivery of Children’s Health Care and Justice Services and; (iii) Delivery of Primary Care and Out of Hours Community Response Services. The following comments were noted: There will be three Heads of Service who, will report to the Director of Health and Social Care Partnership. Nine new post will be established to support the delivery of Community Health and Care Services. These are to be redesigned from the existing management resource so will have no financial impact. An eighteen month post has been created to assist in developing staff; this responsibility will belong to the Head of Service when the post has reached eighteen months. 10.2 Cllr McKay noted the absence of Muirkirk in the Health and Care Services Management Team. Ms Black agreed this should be included. 10.3 Mr McKay raised serious concern that NHS trade unions had not been informed or involved in any management structure changes and, noted he would not endorse the report as NHS A&A staffside representative. Ms Black advised a meeting held between Heads of Service Groups had included the Employee Director. 10.4 Mr Fraser advised the Board is facilitating ongoing changes within the organisation while being supportive; it was felt that staff affected should be made aware of any changes as soon as possible. 10.5 Mr Fraser gave commitment to meet with anyone uncertain of changes to management structure for reassurance. 5 To be approved by Shadow Integration Board 10.6 The Board, with the exception of Mr McKay, agreed the recommendations , to: (i) Endorse the Management Structures as outlined in appendices, 2,3 and 4; (ii) Note that further formal engagement with employee representatives of both the NHS and the Council will now take place in relation to the implementation of these proposals; (iii) Agree funding from Integrated Care Fund for fixed term 18 month Programme Manager post to support the development and delivery of services priorities and increase operational planning capacity to support the new team; and (iv) Otherwise note the content of the report. 11. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 11.1 Looked After Children Incident – Mr Fraser advised members of an incident involving a looked after child who is accommodated in Paisley. The incident has resulted in the young man being cared for in Glasgow Southern General Hospital. A full review will be undertaken which will include Police Scotland, the service provider and the Care Inspectorate. 12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 3PM, THURSDAY 26 MARCH 2015, ROBERT BURNS SUITE, BURNS MONUMENT CENTRE, KILMARNOCK Chair ………………………………………………. Date ……………………………………… 6
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