IFU-VG-R4-03215 13/04/2015 08:29 Page 1 Determine what the ideal lean weight of the animal should be v-gel ® Instructions for use and cleaning PLEASE NOTE: These instructions are for guidance only. They are not intended to supercede best clinical practice employed by individual veterinary professionals. These instructions apply equally to the cat and rabbit devices (except for exclusive features of the cat v-gel®). It is advisable to watch the training videos available on www.docsinnovent.com and YouTube Find us on Facebook 1 Weigh the animal to assist in selecting the correct size of v-gel®. 2 Using the determined ideal body weight information refer to the sizing chart overleaf to select the correct size of v-gel® to use. 3 Sizes 3 & 4 and 5 & 6 Cat v-gels are for the same weight of animal but 4 and 6 are for longer nose cats. 5 Ensure that the patient is pre-oxygenated and is fully anaesthetised to a surgical plane of anaesthesia before inserting the v-gel®. 6 Examine the mouth of the patient for any food/hay then apply an appropriate dose of local anaesthetic topical spray onto patient’s larynx and wait for 60–90 seconds for it to take full effect. 7 Lubricate the v-gel® cuff with a water-based lubricant, such as Vetlube®. 8.2 If using Sidestream Capnography, attach the port to the v-gel® prior to insertion. Insert the v-gel® into the pharynx. If too large a size is selected, the v-gel® cannot be inserted with gentle finger-push pressure. In this case choose a smaller size. 10.1 General: Users of v-gel products should carefully familiarise themselves with Docsinnovent’s product information for use and cleaning, as fully detailed on our website at www.docsinnovent.com. Important: It is essential that users must follow the recommendations as to handling, use, cleaning and sterilising of each v-gel product in order to maintain its condition for up to the maximum 40 patient uses within 1 year of supply, after which the product should be disposed of. Docsinnovent and your supplier will accept no liability whatsoever where a user has failed to comply in all respects with those recommendations, or has exceeded the maximum number of patient uses within the 1 year period, or the product use-by date has been exceeded. Docsinnovent Ltd, Bury House, 31 Bury Street, London, EC3A 5AR, UK Tel: +44 (0) 207 649 9071 Fax: +44 (0) 207 632 0301 Email: info@docsinnovent.com To further help select the correct size v-gel® feel for the larynx. Without touching the animal’s fur place the v-gel® cuff over this – ensure that the connector portion reaches just past the incisor teeth. 8.1 v-gel® PRODUCT WARRANTIES and WARRANTY LIMITATIONS Warranties, conditions and limitations: 1.Docsinnovent Limited warrants that v-gel products (a) conform to Docsinnovent’s published specifications, (b) are free from manufacturing defects and (c) are fit for their intended use and purpose. 2.Users should inspect the products immediately upon delivery and must report in writing any apparent defect in a product to your supplier within 7 days of delivery, after which any claim cannot be accepted. 3.Users claiming a product failure during use must report such failure in writing to your supplier immediately upon discovery. Your supplier or Docsinnovent will require a user claiming a product failure to specify details of the claim and certify compliance in all respects with the recommendations of use set out above. The product must be available for return and analysis. 4.Where a claim is accepted, your supplier will normally replace the product free of charge or alternatively at its option refund/credit the cost of the product. 5.You may be required to return the product the subject of a claim to your supplier. It should be securely packaged and sent pre-paid by normal post. Where a claim is accepted, your supplier will refund postage. 6.Docsinnovent’s and your supplier’s liability in respect of any claim shall be limited to the invoiced price for the product and any postage refund, and they shall not be liable under any circumstances for consequential loss, damage or loss of profits in respect of any claim. 4 When using a Mainstream Capnograph attach the sensor directly to the v-gel® 15mm port. Pharyngeal arch Mainstream sensor 9.1 The v-gel® will guide itself into place upon insertion into the pharynx as will the tip of the vgel® to seal the upper oesophagus. 9.2 Continue inserting the v-gel® until it passes over the base of the tongue. The v-gel® will then seal over the larynx. 9.3 The insertion process will stop when shoulders of v-gel® come into contact with the pharyngeal arches. A positive stop will be felt when the correct position is achieved. 10.2 Check that the patient is breathing through the v-gel® by viewing breathing waveforms on the Capnograph. If a Capnograph is not available employ an alternative safe method. The animal will not experience the usual gagging reflex actions associated with the use of endotracheal tubes. 11 To secure the v-gel® to the patient tie a gauze fabric strip securely around the ring features on the device. The gauze can be also passed through the loops on the body of the v-gel® if preferred. 12 The gauze strip should be fastened securely around the back of the neck of the animal. 13 Once the v-gel® is secure, the weight of the anaesthetic circuits can be supported by the d-grip® tube holder. 14 Once surgery is complete untie the gauze strip and, when the patient has regained consciousness, simply remove the v-gel. Prepare the v-gel® for cleaning and steriliastion, ready for re-use. IFU-VG-R4-03215 13/04/2015 08:29 Page 2 v-gel Cleaning v-gel® ® Instructions for use Sizing Chart CLEANING NOTES: 1. Cold sterilizing or disinfectant cleaning agents, including but not limited to: ammonium chloride, chlorhexidine, bleach solutions, surgical spirit etc. are NOT recommended for v-gel® as they could shorten the useful life and/or damage the product. 2. Rinsing off enzymatic cleaning solution using tap water instead of sterile water could potentially downgrade sterility and cleanliness but should not harm the product’s useful life providing they are immediately and thoroughly dried out. 3. Docsinnovent is able to identify any deviation from the recommended cleaning and sterilising process. Any deviation from the cleaning guide voids the warranty. 1 After each use, rinse with tap water to remove any mucus or other foreign material from all surfaces of the v-gel® device and cradle. Ensure that the monitoring port cap is disconnected from the gas monitoring port. 2 Mix ENZYMATIC CLEANER ONLY (see note 1) into warm water (<50⁰ Celsius) as recommended by the manufacturer. 3 Soak the v-gel® and cradle in enzymatic cleaning solution for a period of 10 minutes. Shake off excess water from all parts and then completely dry all inside and outside surfaces of the v-gel® and cradle. 7 Check to ensure the inside of the rubber monitoring port cap is completely dry before reconnecting it back onto the gas monitoring port. Return the v-gel® to the cradle. 4 Whilst soaking, use a soft bottle brush to gently clean the internal airway channel of the v-gel® to remove any remaining mucus or other foreign material. 5 Thoroughly rinse the v-gel® and cradle with filtered or sterile water. (see note 2) 6 8 Clip the inflation line securely into the clips on the underside of the cradle (cat v-gel® only). 9 Mark off one number on the cycle counter located on the cradle. the fully-dried v-gel® product into an autoclave 10 Place pouch, seal the pouch and place on the shelf of the steam autoclave. The product must not be directly in contact with the internal drum wall throughout the sterilization process. ® v-gel for Cats (feline) valve unit and inflation line ® Wing sections and moulded tie ridges on the body provide various device-to-patient securing points to ensure to prevent malposition during use. Shoulder – provides tactile stop point for insertion control and improves resistance to rotation and malposition when device is in place. Inflatable dorsal pressure adjuster – to increase sealing pressure if required. Dorsal surface Tongue pressure relief area Size reference code Cuff Monitoring port cap – prevents gas leakage when monitoring sampling line is not attached. Species pictogram Latex-free symbol Airway channel Contoured Cuff Tip IFU/VG/R4/03215 Steam Autoclave @121°C (250°F) cycle, followed by the drying cycle. At the end of the total sterilization process check product in the bag is fully dry and free from any internal condensation. Integral monitoring port permits attachment to a gas sampling line. v-gel key features Shoulder dorsal bump – aids towards resisting rotation and malposition when device is in place. CAT dorsal inflatable valve – to increase sealing pressure if required 11 Maximum use indication 12 Allow the Autoclaved bag containing the sterilised product to fully dry in a well ventilated environment.
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