Central Union Reaper for 1969 - Vol. 38

Elder Matiko to Serve Voice of Prophecy
Norman J. Matiko, who for more than six years has
served as lay activities, Sabbath school, radio-TV, and
public relations secretary of the Manitoba-Saskatchewan
Conference, will on September 1 assume the responsibilities of field service director of The Voice of Prophecy
in Glendale, California. The major
functions of the field service department include promotion of the Bible
correspondence courses, follow-up of
the courses, and the answering of
questions coming in from students.
Elder Matiko was born in Saskatchewan, Canada, and attended Canadian
Norman J. Matiko
Union College, from which he was
graduated with a Bachelor of Theology degree. He thereupon took postgraduate work at Potomac University, earning an M.A. in Bible and Systematic Theology with a
minor in Preaching and Speech.
Elder Matiko was ordained to the ministry in August, 1962, near the end of his first pastorate in Regina,
GARY B. SWANSON, Associate
Public Relations
The Voice of Prophecy
Four Food Groups
The United States is a very nutrition-conscious nation. TV commercials, magazine advertisements, newspaper items, family and neighbors continually talk of
calories, vitamins, polyunsaturated fats and protein. When
engulfed by so much propaganda, some of which is biased,
the average individual with little or no nutritional education may be at a loss for a basic guide to food selection.
There is a simple and sensible guide to nutritious eating: the Four Food Groups. The person following this
guide is protected from faddish and unbalanced diets. All
foods have been placed into one of the four groups depending on their nutrient content. By choosing different
foods day by day from each group and including at least
the minimum servings recommended an individual will receive all needed nutrients.
Minimum Servings
Four Food Groups
Milk Group
(Including skim, evaporated, dry
milk, buttermilk and cheese)
Protein Group
(Including eggs, legumes, soy protein
products, gluten, nuts and cheese if
it is in addition to milk)
Vegetable and Fruit Group
(One serving of a vitamin A food: leafy,
dark green vegetables or yellow vegetables.
One serving of a vitamin C food: citrus
fruit, tomato, raw cabbage)
COVER STORY: Miss Joyce Rodie, one of the student teachers
at Union College, helping an elementary student at Helen
Hyatt Elementary School, Lincoln, Nebraska. Parents remember that all Central Union church schools begin Tuesday, September 2. Make plans now to have your children in church
school this fall.
The CENTRAL UNION REAPER is published (50 issues a
year) by the Central Union Conference at P. 0. Box 6127,
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Vol. 38, No. 31.
Sept. 19-21, '69
There are four BIG reasons why YOU will come to
this year's big alumni weekend at C.P.A.:
1. You will hear Elder Paul M. De Booy (class of
'44), world youth leader, just after his return from
Zurich, Switzerland.
2. You will be challenged by Elder Francis Wernick (class of '37), dynamic president of the Lake
Union Conference.
3. You will tour Soviet Russia in color Saturday
night with Dr. Willard Regester (class of '42), and on
Sunday enjoy the usual happy alumni banquet.
4. You will be able to show due appreciation to
your alma mater, renew precious friendships, and
honor classmates of the special anniversary classes1919 — 50-y2ar class
1944 — 25-year class
1959 — 10-year class
REMEMBER the date is earlier this year—September 19-21! It will be a wonderful homecoming!
J. N. Hunt, President
YOU will be there!
Oak Park Alumni Association
Bread and Cereal Group
(Whole grain or enriched products)
The Four Food Groups are the foundation for a good
diet. This guide can be used for reducing if skim milk is
used and low calorie selections are made from the other
groups. A growing or very active person needs more calories than are furnished by the minimum servings listed.
These additional needs are best satisfied by eating more
servings of the groups and including some fats and desserts as body weight permits.
Feedback from Patients
"Thank you for the kind service in the Emergency
Room."—A patient.
"On two occasions, members of our family have been
in your hospital and both times we have been very happy.
Porter is the hospital of our choice."—A patient.
"I have been coming to your hospital as an outpatient for physical therapy and have been well treated and
deeply appreciate Mrs. Lull's interest and kindness."—
Helen Eldredge.
"I have no complaints—only praise for everything. I
enjoyed Channel 12 music and the group singing in the
hall."—E. E. Fletcher.
"Thanks to you for the wonderful care you give at
your hospital. Each time I've been there your friendliness
has been appreciated."—Helen Norton, Idaho.
We receive about a dozen comments each week and
the majority are well pleased with our meals and nursing
care, however some point out areas that need improvement.
These comments are routed to the department involved and
every effort is made to correct the condition. We invite
the readers of the REAPER to pray that we might give the
best of service and that each employee be a Christian witness. We also invite those who are able to join our group
of workers and accept the challenge to witness before
the thousands who come to us each year.
A. W. VANDEMAN, Director
Public Relations
hikes, discussions, lunch and supper, sundown vespers, an
evening sing along, and free time for relaxation and enjoyment in the beauty of nature.
The summer MV officers are leaders, Ken Downing
and Julie Blom, and secretary, Arla Stutzman. Other MV
programs that the group has presented during the summer months include a musical variety program, a discussion called "Marriage-Go-Round," and a Holmes Park
evening vesper program with Elder C. L. Strickland, pastor of the Lincoln SDA churches.
The MV this summer has as its objective "Striving
for active participation of all students on the campus" as
stated by Julie Blom, one of the leaders. She went on to
say that the officers have been pleased with the participation of the students especially in the discussions.
DA0CDA @C)11L.31C6Leh
Summer Graduation
Saturday night, August 9, is the Commencement date
for the Summer Senior Class of 1969. Elder E. L. Marley,
president of the Iowa Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, will present the Commencement Address beginning at 9:15 p.m. in the College View Seventh-day Adventist church.
Consecration will be Friday evening, August 8, beginning at 8:30; the speaker will be Dr. Gerald Colvin,
assistant professor of Education at the college. Elder M. D.
Hannah, one of the College View church pastors, will speak
for the Baccalaureate service Sabbath morning at 11:00.
Both Consecration and Baccalaureate services will be held
in the church.
The Senior Class has chosen as its aim to "Demonstrate love for Christ and man" and their motto is a "Revolution for Christ."
Sixtieth Year Celebration
The officers of the graduating class include: Bob
The Livonia Seventh-day Adventist church held its
Blehm, president; John Koch, vice president; Lorene sixtieth year reunion Sabbath, July 19, 1969, with 110
Yackley, secretary-treasurer; and Joel Caldwell, pastor. friends and members attending. Bob McHenry from KanThe sponsor of the class is Mr. Kiff Achord, associate sas City, Missouri, led the congregation in singing. "Sixty
Dean of •Men.
Years a Sabbath School" was a welcome given by Ned
Pauley of East Moline, Illinois, a former member of the
Student Teachers
Livonia church. Elder Roy Chamberlain from Decatur,
Fourteen Union College elementary education stu- Georgia, told the mission story. Elder H. R. Coats, Sabbath
dents are doing their student teaching this summer at school secretary for the Missouri Conference, conducted
Helen Hyatt Elementary School in Lincoln, under the the study of the lesson.
supervision of Miss Maude Reid and Mrs. Betty Hilliard,
The worship hour was highlighted by Elder Jack
instructors in elementary education. They may choose to Martz, lay activities secretary of the New Jersey Conferstudent teach during either session or both sessions and ence, speaking on "Homesick for Heaven." The Livonia
may earn a possible three hours college credit.
park was the setting for a picnic lunch. Friends and relApproximately 40 children attend the summer school atives from many sections of the country spent a few
classes which meet from 9:00 until 12:00 a.m. five days a hours recalling the past.
The afternoon meeting, led by Elders Harold Miler,
The student teachers at Helen Hyatt this summer former district pastor, and H. R. Coats, consisted of coninclude:
gregational singing, special music, and personal expeMr. Fred Holweger
Mrs. Esther Allen
riences. Mrs. Burdell McHenry told of her own experience
Mr. Lael Burton
Miss Cindy Ray
with the original meetings that led to the organization of
Miss Joyce Rodie
Mrs. Gayle Colvin
the Livonia church. Elder Miler .read the church history.
Mr. Elton Davenport
Mr. Reece Simerman
It was learned that from this church 22 persons had gone
Mrs. Carolyn Dorchuck Mrs. Millicent Bernhardt
out into the work in both the home and foreign fields.
Miss Ellen Dyer
Mr. Neal Kelley
Paul Baugher related how his mother, the first AdMrs. Arlys Wittmier
Mrs. Dina Holweger
ventist in the Livonia area, lived through the ridicule and
The summer school children are divided into two opposition to the truth. Pastor Paul Gibson, district leader,
groups—one group studying math, reading, and language
arts in a traditional manner, and the other group approachTop left: Mrs. Wayne Harris conducts Sabbath school for the sixing their topics in units.
tieth year celebration at Livonia, Missouri. Top right: Elder Jack Martz,
resident of Livonia, presents the Sabbath worship service. Lower:
The unit for study this summer is Nebraska. Films, former
The congregation assembled for the sixtieth year worship service.
projects, and field trips hold student interest in this area.
Some of the places includ' ' for field trips during the summer session have been th Nebraska State Historical Society, Pioneers' Park Zoo, the Blacksmith's Shop at Lincoln Steel, the planetarium and Elephant Hall, King's Food
Host, and City Hall.
Both groups enjoy swimming every day under the
direction of Mrs. Mabel Erickson, instructor in physical
education at the college.
0 _
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Summer MV
The Union College summer MV Society sponsored
an MV Retreat to Waubonsie State Park in Iowa, on Sabbath, July 19. The school bus was enlisted to carry the
campus students; and with the cars that accompanied the
group, a total of about 90 met on a hillside in the park for
Sabbath school and church services. Activities included
outlined the plans for future work of the church.
The members of the Livonia church are to be commended for their preparation for this occasion. The building has been extensively redecorated and the program had
been well planned.
PAUL GIBSON, District Pastor
News Briefs from the Conference
V Elder H. R. Coats met with the Poplar Bluff church,
Sabbath, July 26.
V P. Cordray was the top literature evangelist in sales
($957.00) for the week ending July 17.
✓ Elders Robert Clarke and Jim Hoehn will hold a series
of evangelistic meetings at Columbia, August 10 through
V!27 7Cf.))\`,,V,MC6
Investiture Service Held at Casper
Pathfinders and students of the Casper SDA school
held a very impressive Investiture service in the Casper
church with 30 being invested in all classes from Sunbeam to Guide.
Those who had helped instruct the students with
Elder Dale C. Aalborg stood at attention on the rostrum
as the participants marched in preceded by our national
colors. Before being seated they gave the flag salute,
Junior MV law, pledge, motto and sang our national anthem.
Elder Aalborg, the Wyoming youth leader, examined
each participant in some phase of his work in a very interesting, yet clever manner. This made a most interesting
program for it was not rehearsed and the unexpected
questions and answers were their own, not the usual memory work usually given.
Special musical numbers added to the program.
Honors in 15 subjects were awarded and a display in
the foyer of things that had been made to complete requirements of the honors of the class work proved to be
very worthwhile.
Master Guides present assisted Elder Aalborg in
presenting the scarfs, pins and honors to those who were
Church PR Secretary
Junior Camp Enjoyed at Mills Spring Camp
Seventy-nine juniors from every section of Wonderful
Wyoming and other states enjoyed Junior Camp at Mills
Spring Camp, 13 miles south of Casper on Casper Mountain, during the first part of July.
The flag of the United States of America was raised and lowered
each day at Mills Spring Comp with appropriate ceremonies.
Top: Kneeling are Pat and Debbie Castle, while standing are Connie and Ellen Reece, Cheryl McCumber and Mark. Fowler. They are
demonstrating requirements that are needed to be completed in order
to be invested into the next progressive class. Center: Steve Groulik,
Melanie Fowler, Kim Rodgers, Brian Aalborg, and Robert Walker show
requirements completed for their respective classes. Lower: Joan
Larson, Warren Tetz, and Mark Robinett watch as Bob Bisqaard applies
a sling to Mike Larson.
Campers admire same of the plaster plaques and ceramic tiles
trying to decide which they will make.
— —
Ceramics was a new craft this year, it proved to be very popular.
Here some of the campers discuss some of the pieces with one of their
Willis Adams explains the process of firing copper enamel in the
small kiln to one of the campers.
A lively game of ball occupied free time and helped take care of
excess energy.
Wyoming youth leader, Dale C. Aalborg, was the
camp director and was assisted by an able staff of 30.
Variation was noted in the program with new and different nature and craft classes being added this year. They
included: birds, spiders, trees, moths, butterflies, insects,
camperaft, copper enamel, ceramic tile, loom weaving, ceramics, plaster plaques, leathercraft and lanyards.
The busy schedule kept everyone occupied from the
6:30 reveille in the morning to 9:15 taps at night.
Those present all felt nearer to God at the close of
the camp. Especially inspiring were the Morning Watch
and Prayer Bands and the Sabbath church service which
was held under the blue skies in a beautiful location among
the pine and aspen trees.
Changes at the camp are noted each year and this
year part of the campers were able to stay in permanent
cabins instead of tents. It is hoped that next year all will
have this privilege.
Wichita Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School Evangelism was again a happy
experience for the children of the Wichita First church in
mid-June, under the capable direction of Mrs. Betty Potter.
"God's Noble Heroes" was the study theme and willing teachers led the children through the pages of time
as the lives of great men of the Bible were studied.
The MV Nature Honor in mammals was taught by
The Book and Bible House will be open again on the
second Sunday of the month, August 10, from 9:00
a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Panda Destiny Special—ONE FREE WHEN YOU BUY
M. C. Griffin, Manager
Top left: Mrs. Bobby Potter awards white Bible to Bobby Drew for
bringing largest number of visitors to VBS. Top right: Mrs. Mildred
Bostic (left), and one of her helpers, Miss Jeanne Ray, display craft
Proiects. Center left: Junior boys and girls display character dress of
Bible heroes they studied. Center right: Kindergarten children. Lower
left: Primary group. Lower right: VBS group singing during closing
Miss Theresa Cortez, and some 15 juniors achieved this
The craft projects were under the leadership of Mrs.
Mildred Bostic. Lovely ceramic vases, burlap flowers and
a variety of Craft Kit projects kept the children's interest
at a daily peak.
Division leaders included Mrs. Louise Ray in the
junior, Mrs. Jeanette Dimock in the primary, and Mrs.
Harriett Williams in the kindergarten. Mrs. Marion Fuller
kept the nursery and Mrs. Alice Durant prepared juice for
An interesting closing program was presented by the
children depicting special little truths about the Bible characters.
A Neighborhood Bible Club has been organized and
meets each Sabbath afternoon. Approximately half the
children attending to date are non-Adventists.
Vacation Bible School Evangelism will continue to
be our most effective and least expensive means of evangelism.
Church Press Secretary
Wichita Pathfinders
A mid-summer Investiture service at the Wichita First
church presented one of the largest groups of Pathfinders
ever to be invested at the Missionary Volunteer Society
Mr. Bob Potter has been a faithful Pathfinder leader,
assisted by his wife, Betty; Mr. Raymond Boas, boys'
deputy director, and Mrs. Louise Ray, girls' deputy director. Much planning has been done for campouts, crafts,
regular summer meetings and socials to keep the young
people of the church interested in Pathfinder activities.
Elder C. J. Owens, Kansas Conference MV secretary,
was guest speaker for the Investiture and presented hon5
A Golden Wedding
Top left: Elder C. J. Owens presents awards to Trail Friends: Bonita
Potter, Linda Cortez, and Jan Fesler. Top right: Elder Owens commends
Robert Bolen, who has achieved highest level in Pathfinder club. Lower:
Wichita Pathfinder Club with Elder Owens, MV secretary, and Bob Potter, leader, center front.
Mr. and Mrs. Oral D. Davis of Liberal, Kansas, recently celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. The
Sabbath before, district pastor, 0. W. Parks, directed his
sermon to them, and
preached of "Ten Keys to
a Happy Marriage."
Brother Davis was at
one time a successful literature evangelist in Kansas, and head of the publishing department in this
State. He and Mrs. Davis
have two sons, Forrest of
Kansas City, and Oral D.,
Jr., of Liberal, who are active workers in their
We wish for Brother
and Sister Davis the continued blessing of God,
and many more years of
Brother and Sister 0. D. Davis,
married life.
flanked by their children and
0. W. PARKS, Pastor
ors and awards to the children. His sermon dealt with the
importance of youth, not only as leaders of tomorrow, but
as the active and vital members they are in the church
today. A church cannot survive without them.
Mits. IRENE CORTEZ, Church Press Secretary
VBS Brings Results
A most successful vacation Bible school has just been
finished in Omaha where a staff of 25 people worked together very efficiently to accomplish their purpose. Eightytwo children were in attendance which was an increase
of 15 over last year. Exactly half of these were non-SDA's.
Mrs. Melvin Glantz, Mrs. Marcie Moon, and Mrs. Ronald
McNeal supervised the various divisions.
"God's Noble Heroes" was the general topic for study.
The craft room under the capable leadership of Mrs.
W. A. Clarke and Mrs. Orval Moore was a beehive of enthusiastic activities where many beautiful and useful articles were made.
A successful Community Bible Club with an attendance of eight to ten each week has been in operation since
Coming to South Sioux City, Nebraska
Zeje efecadde
Charles H. Buursma, Conference Evangelist
Several fire prevention demonstrations were given to employees of the Shawnee Mission Hospital and Health Center
this week by members of the Merriam Fire Department.
In sessions held for each of the three hospital employee
shifts, members of the fire department discussed the various
kinds of fires, and through actual demonstration with the employees themselves participating, showed the correct use of
fire extinguishers and the correct extinguisher for the specific
Fire department members participating included Fire
Inspector, Robert Moseley, and several volunteers.
Top: Demonstrating the use of extinguishers is Capt.
Richard Frederick as employees look on. Lower: Following this
hospital employees gained experience in actual fire-fighting.
August 9, 7:15 p.m.
Sermon Title
Continuing nightly through August 31.
All members in the area urged to come.
Any names of interests, please send to L. G. Dunstan,
3302 "A" Street, South Sioux City, Nebraska 68776
It's Arrowhead Camp Time!
Exciting game of capture the flag in the big meadow.
For the time of your life it's free time activities like
box hockey at Camp Arrowhead. You may secure a
camp application from your Pastor, Pathfinder Director or MV leader.
the close of last year's vacation Bible school. As a result
of the faithful efforts of Mrs. Rolland Homer and Mrs.
Henry Surdahl we hope to see children of God in the
earth made new.
A pleasant note to add to vacation Bible school is a
mother and two children were baptized a few months ago
as a result of a first contact through a vacation Bible school
in another state.
A program was presented for the parents at the close
of the school.
Praying together during teen camp.
Nebraska Outdoor Club
The Nebraska Outdoor Club goes camping at Tuttle
Creek, Kansas, August 15, 16 and 17. Distance 114 miles.
Follow Highway 77 south to Highway 16. Go west 1 mile.
Turn left to Fancy Creek area. Go to the second turn and
proceed over the hill. Turn right and look for a camping
site. Everyone welcome!
Nebraskans, join your Outdoor Club and receive the
Outdoor World magazine at the low price of $4.25.
For additional information contact Wes Welch, 4821
South Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68506. Telephone 4894894.
Enjoying the chuckwagon dinner
in a real buck board.
Littleton Vacation Bible School
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace."
Softly and reverently each morning these words were
sung by 100 boys and girls following a lively song service
directed by Mrs. Dorothy Dean.
During the two-week period, July 7-18, 143 children
were enrolled in the Littleton Vacation Bible School, 50
of whom were non-Adventists. Each division was highlighted with lessons and stories taught by various teachers
and leaders.
The kindergarten division of approximately 40 chilCENTRAL UNION REAPER, AUGUST 5, 1969
Camp council time.
Why not join your friends in a real time of fellowship and fun
Junior Camp
Earliteen Camp
Family Camp
August 10-17
August 17-24
August 29-Sept 1
Send Application to: Glacier View Camp
2520 So. Downing
Denver, Colorado 80210
Every week three units of boys and girls leave camp
Monday after lunch under the direction of Mr. Melvin Brass
and return back to camp Thursday afternoon. While out at the
Pioneer Village they have the opportunity to work on the new
75 foot bridge—the different campsites, plus learn all about
five exciting honors! Wouldn't you like to go on Pioneering?
Top, left to right: Nancy Chrisenberry, Carl Martinez, Jesse Moses,
Shelly Blackburn, Dianne Brownne, Carol Martinez, and Robin Barr
Lower: There were 148 children in attendance at the VBS held at
Littleton, Colorado.
dren was ably led by Mrs. Kae Cline, assisted by Mrs.
Linda McTavish and Mrs. Claudia Strohauer. During
craft time, under the supervision of Mrs. Barbara Becker,
they made string holders, a plaque outlining a hand of
each child, personalized paperweights, caged animal pictures, and plaster of paris plaques of children praying.
About 35 primary children were directed by Mrs.
Roma Barr, while Mrs. Viona Wine instructed them in
making wind chimes, matching waste basket and pencil
holders, and "praying hands" plaques.
Mrs. Ann Maxwell and Mrs. Lucile Claridge had
During the months of April and May the Colorado Conference churches were extremely busy gathering 20 million pennies to improve Glacier View Camp. The Golden church was an
active participant and employed many methods to help the
worthy cause. As one money-making project, the Golden
Pathfinders enjoyed preparing a spaghetti supper. One hundred people were in attendance and all proceeds went toward
the campaign. Top: These were the chefs and helpers at
Golden Pathfinder spaghetti supper—left to right: Gunnar
Nelson, Elsie Watson, Al Watson, Marty Albertson, and Effie
St. John. Lower: View of the 100 patrons who enjoyed Brother
Watson's mouth-watering spaghetti and Elder Nelson's scrumpMrs. Marty Albertson,
tious garden salad.
Church Press Secretary
Mr. Brass
in. Headquarters
working on bridge
There are two more big camps for you to go pioneering on
August 10-17 Junior
August 17-24 Earliteen
Send applications to:
Glacier View Camp, 2520 So. Downing, Denver, Colo. 80210
charge of the 40 juniors whose lessons came to life each
day as they were taught by Mrs. Wesley Spiva. Their
crafts, directed by Mrs. Lynn Moses, included furry animal pictures, driftwood flower arrangements and ' praying hands" plaques. At a very impressive program Friday
night, July 18, several children were presented awards for
outstanding memory work by Mrs. Marcia Blackburn, associate director.
Plans have been made to begin a Neighborhood Bible
Club in Castle Rock for the children who came from that
area and plans are also underway to conduct another club
for those in the Littleton area. Only as we continue to
work and pray for the souls of these boys and girls will
the things of earth "grow strangely dim in the light of His
glory and grace."
Littleton VBS Director
Why I Want to
Come to Campion
I have heard so much about it and I would like to experience dorm life. Everyone I know gives a very good
word for Campion so I think it would be neat to be one of
of its students. It's also a good place to learn responsibility and find new friends. RONNIE MARTIN, 9th Grade
Greeley, Colorado
I want to come to Campion because I attend a public
school and am constantly ridiculed about my religion. I
believe that a person should be around those of their religion.
Farmington, New Mexico
I '1__01r).)0,ACe
A fine day vacation Bible school was held in the Lamar
church with 32 children in attendance. Most of these were from
non-Adventist homes.
The children enjoyed their workbooks and crafts and expressed their desire to come to the next vacation Bible school.
Five of these children are attending Sabbath school now
as a result of their attending Bible school.
The parents of the children attended the closing program
and viewed the crafts and workbooks of the children.
Pictured ore the boys with their wood crafts and the
group of children who attended with the teachers and helpers,
taken in front of the Lamar church. Several of the teachers
and helpers drove as much as 50 miles to help in this vacation
Bible school.
Mary Hallmark,
Church PR Secretary
Pastor's Son Receives Awards
Word has been received by Pastor and Mrs. John
H. W. Hardaker of Durango that their son, SP/5 Wayne
N. Hardaker, stationed with HHC, 1st. Battalion, 27th
Infantry in Viet Nam, is a recipient of three awards; combat Medic Badge, Army Commendation and the Bronze
Star with "V" attachment for heroism. Wayne serves with
the 27th Infantry as a medic. He is a graduate of Campion
Academy in Loveland and attended Andrews University
and the Peabody Conservatory of Music in Baltimore before entering the service.
Conference News Items
1.0 Pastor John H. W. Hardaker of the Durango district
held Sunday morning religious services at Ft. Lewis College for 400 DeMolays' at their recent conclave for the
State of Colorado.
vo H. V. Reed held the Sabbath services at Greeley on
August 2.
1.0 C. V. Brauer conducted the Sabbath services at Idaho
Springs on August 2.
Po At a workshop for a Five-Day Stop-Smoking Clinic held
at Adams State College in Alamosa, Pastor John Hardaker of Durango was one of the instructors.
too The Pueblo-Rye district will have H. V. Reed for the
Sabbath services on August 9.
ko The Sabbath services at Golden will be conducted by
C. V. Brauer on August 16.
100 H. V. Reed will have the worship service at Ft. Morgan
and Sterling on August 16.
ko C. V. Brauer will be at Nucla and Montrose for the
worship services on August 23.
Y"' Ward A. Scriven will conduct the Sabbath services at
Pueblo and Rye on August 16.
por H. V. Reed will conduct the dedication service at the
Denver-Spanish church on August 23.
frir C. V. Brauer will be in charge of the Welfare Camp
at Glacier View, August 3-10.
Nutrition can be an important factor in the treatment
of alcoholism, the same as it can for other conditions.
Samuel Schonbach—LISTEN, May, 1969
Brent Lane Balmer of Ault, Colorado, and Wanda
Marie Friesen of Lycan, Colorado, were married in a service in Greeley, Colorado, on July 6 by Lloyd Barnes, pastor of the Lamar district.
Both Brent and Wanda are recent graduates of Union
College where they have prepared to enter the Lord's
vineyard as church school teachers. This fall they plan to
begin using their talents by operating a two-teacher church
school in Juneau, Alaska.
The wedding service was modest but very attractive
and well attended. Reception was held in the gymnasium
of the Greeley Seventh-day Adventist school.
Our prayers and blessings go with this fine young
couple as they begin their life together and seek to do their
part in hastening the coming of our Lord.
LALONE, Mrs. Lotus, was born in Mound City, Kan., on June 15,
1890 to Robert and Lona Bagby. She was united in marriage with
Vernon S. LaLone in Alva, Okla., in 1914. Other survivors besides her
husband include her brother—Robert Bagby, Grand Junction, Colo.; a
sister—Mrs. Opal Bliss, Lookout, Okla.; and friends who loved and
respected her.
DEINES, Minnie Pauline, was born Nov. 10, 1884 to Mr. and Mrs.
John Krug in Russell County, Kan., ;and passed to her rest, Jan. 25, 1969.
On Nov. 3, 1901 she was married to Peter Deines. To this union were
born 10 children, 5 sons and 5 daughters. Mr. Deines preceded his wife
in death, May 13, 1962. Also preceding here were 2 sons—Emil and
Clarence, 2 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. Surviving Mrs.
Deines are 8 children—Mrs. Clara Eichman, Hoisington; Siegmund
Deines, Quinter, Kan.; Mrs. Tebea Wiedman, Ransom, Kan.; Mrs. Esther
Flagler, Wakeeney, Kan.; Mrs. Rosa Rumpel, Wichita, Kan.; Mrs. Lillian
Huber, Quinter, Kan.; Oscar Deines of the home; and Lawrence Deines,
Wakeeney, Kan. Also surviving are 20 grandchildten, 2 great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. GLEN FARNSWORTH
GAEDE, On Jan. 19, 1903, Bena Evelyn was born to Agnes Ewert
Gaede and John B. Gaede, Hillsboro, Kan. On May 3, 1922, she was
united in marriage to Henry E. Hagelgantz of Bazine, Kan. To this union
was born 2 daughters—Addie and Althea, and a son—Evans. In August of
1930 her husband passed away. May 19, 1932, she married Henry H.
Gaede from Hooker, Okla. She passed away Jan. 29. Her parents, her
sister—Susan, and her two brothers—Waldo and Menno preceded her in
Survivors include the husband—H. H. Gaede; 2 daughters—Mrs.
Walter Nies, Turon, and Mrs. Oliver Nazarenus, Bemidji,Minn.; a son—
Evans Hagelgantz, Lincoln, Neb.; a sister—Mrs. Dorothyede,
a Columbus,
Ohio; 8 grandchildren; 3 stepsons, Marion E. Gaede, Columbus, Ohio; 8
grandchildren; 3 stepsons, Marion E. Gaede, Kansas City, Mo.; Carlin
H. Gaede, Long Beach, Calif., and Delton A. Gaede, Sacramento, Calif.;
and 5 step-grandchildren. She will he greatly missed by many friends
and relatives.
HUFF, Mrs. J. C., the former Irene May Henry, was born in Buffalo County, Neb., Dec. 3, 1881, and passed to her rest in Norton, Kan.,
May 31, 1969.
Survivors include her husband of Norton; 5 daughters—Iva Thompson and Zilpha Eastin, Norton, Lelia Hershier, Colorado Springs; Katherine Welch, Aurora, Colo.; and Grace Potts, Denver; 17 grandchildren;
26 great-grandchildren; 2 sisters—Lillian Phillips and Faith Heckendom,
Puyallup, Wash. Services were conducted by A. V. Shultz.
GREEN, Marie Hough, was born near Carthage, Mo., Oct. 1, 1884
and passed away in Scottsbluff, Neb., June 25, 1969.
Survivors include 6 children—Wesley, Odessa, Tex.; William, Annandale, Va.; Richard, Bayard, Neb.; Frances Green, Bayard Neb.; Helen
Russell, Minatare, Neb.; and Ruth Grueber, Nelson, Neb.; 1 brother—
K. E. Hough, Scottsbluff, Neh.; 2 sisters—Hattie Kuhl, Oroville, Calif.;
and Lenna Dannells, Greyhull, Wyo.; 15 grandchildren and 3 greatgrandchildren. Funeral services and interment were at Bayard.
MARCH, Danny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley March of Centralia,
Mo., horn Feb. 12, 1961 at Mexico, Mo., passed to his rest, May 23, 1969,
at Columbia, Mo. Danny's courage in sickness was an inspiration to
those close to him. He is survived by 6 sisters and 1 brother. 3 grandparents, many other relatives. Interment was at the Mt. Tabor Cemetery,
Atlanta, Mo. Services were conducted by Elder L. G. Boshell.
WILSON, Mrs. Luella, was horn July 4, 1872 and passed away
July 1, 1969. She was horn in Bates County, Mo., and spent most of
her life in this State. She is survived by a son—Carl Wilson, Kansas City,
Mo.; 2 daughters— Mrs. Alta Mary Roth, Overland Park, Kan.; and Mrs.
Irene Ringo—Centertown, Mo.; a brother—John L. McGee, Jay. Okla.; a
sister—Mrs. Lucy Melton, Kansas City, Mo.; 4 grandchildren and 6
WILSON, Mrs. Luella was born July 4, 1873, in Rockville, Mo., and
died in Jefferson City, Mo., July 1, 1989. She leaves 2 daughters—Mrs.
Alta Roth, Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. Irene Ringo, Centertown, Mo.; a
sister—Mrs. Lucy Melton, Kansas City, Mo.; and a brother—John L.
McGee, Jay Okla.; 4 grandchildren; and 6 great-grandchildren. Services
were conducted by Elder Ray Davidson of the Central Seventh-day
Adventist church, Kansas City, Mo. Interment was in the Forest Hill
Advertisements and business notices
are not solicited but are published only as an accommodation. They MUST
be sent to the local conference for approval before being published in
the CENTRAL UNION REAPER. Advertisements appearing in the
REAPER are printed without endorsement or recommendation of the
Central Union Conference. Minimum charge for each insertion is $3.50
up to 50 words and five cents a word over the 50. There is a limit of
four insertions. Cash MUST accompany advertisement.
Business Notices
NICHOLAS, Laura Olive (Hake), Nicholas was born near Lawrence, Kan., on June 11, 1885. On Aug. 8, 1903 she was married to M.
Archie Nicholas in Oklahoma. He preceded her in death in 1958. This
union was blessed with 4 daughters and 1 son—Mrs. Inez Suntyck, Grand
Island. Nebr.; Mrs. Sena Petersen, Enumclaw, Wash.; Mrs. Marne Blazek,
St. Paul, Nebr.; Mrs. Adabelle Walker, Lima, Ohio; Harold Archie
Nicholas, Mesa, Ariz. Mrs. Nicholas passed away July 9, 1969. Services
were held at Roper's Funeral Home in Lincoln, Nebr. Interment was
made at Cedar Lawn Memorial Park on July 14, 1969.
STAFF PHARMACIST for 300-bed hospital located at the foot of the
colorful Colorado Rockies. Good elementary school and academy. Large,
active church. Urban or rural living. Contact B. E. Boddy, Personnel
Director, Porter Memorial Hospital, 2525 S. Downing St., Denver, Colo.
80210, or call collect (303) 744-1955, Ex. 609.
HUTCHINS, Henry Clay, born Oct. 26, 1882 in Washington County,
Tex., went to his rest May 18, 1969. Mr. Hutchins was married to Anna
Belle Coffee. who survives him as do 5 children. Brother Hutchins awaits
the call of the Life-giver at the Howell Valley Cemetery. The writer officiated at the funeral service.
J. W. Flax
IDENTIFY YOURSELF as a friendly Seventh-day Adventist. Use the
new World-Wide SDA Fellowship emblem on your travel equipment.
Printed in block on yellow self-adhesive vinyl. Send $1.00 for 4 emblems
to Leon Smith, 3222 Healely Drive, Nashville, Tennessee 37207. Watch
29-1; 31-1; 33-1; 35-1.
for them as you travel.
FARROW, Mrs. Mable Sarah. was born in Colorado in 1884 and
passed to her rest July 10, 1969. Sister Farrow's maiden name was
Barrett; she was married to William Farrow in 1918 at Independence,
Mo. Br. Farrow nreceded his wife in death in 1957. Sr. Farrow is survived by 1 son—Tack, Rogersville, Mo. She awaits the call of Jesus in the
Oak Grove Heights Cemetery. The writer officiated at this service.
J. W. Franc
JARVIS. Mrs. Charlotte J., was born March 19, 1892 in Nebraska, a
daughter of Fred and Liza Belle Parkins Groom. She passed to her rest in
Springfield, Mo., July 5, 1969. She now rests in the Oak Grove Heights
Cemetery awaiting the return of Jesus. Br. Glenn Evans and the writer
J. W. Fug
CHRISTINE, Virginia Alice, was born in western Kansas on Sept.
14, 1901. She passed to her rest on July 13, 1969 in Seattle. Wash.
Services were, provided by the Butterworth, Mortuary in Seattle after
which her body was flown to Denver, Colo., and buried at the Fort
Logan National Cemetery beside her deceased husband, Lee Alfred
Christine. She is survived by her son—M. T. Travis, and 2 grandsons—
M. T. TRavzs
Bob and Ron, Redmond, Wash.
GUY, Beniamin James. was born in Pierce, Neb., on Dec. 10, 1892
and passed to his rest on Tan. 2, 1969 at Enterprise, Kan. He was the
son of Warwick Guy and Bertha Louise Rhode.
Mr. Guy is survived by his wife—Lillian and 2 daughters—Miss
Ramona Guy, Salina, Kan., and Mrs. Faye Cann, Jacksonville, Fla.
He also leaves to mourn his passing 4 sisters, 3 brothers, and 1
Mr. Guy was buried in the Enterprise, Kan., cemetery.
Voice of Prophecy Radio Log
Sundays unless otherwise noted. Subject to change.
Consult your local paper.
KGIW 1450
KBOL 1490
Colorado Springs KVOR 1300
KVOR-FM 92.9
KVFC 740
KRAI 550
KDTA 1400
KFML 1390
KFML-FM 98.5
KIUP 930
KZIX 600
Fort Collins
KFMF-FM 93.3
Glenwood Springs KGLN 980
KREX 920
Grand Junction
KREX-FM 92.3
La Junta
KLMR 920
KLOV 1570
KUBC 580
KKAM 1350
KVRH 1340
KCRT 1240
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
8:00 AM
8:00 AM
10:30 AM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
WMER 950
KOVE 1330
KOWB 1290
KOWB 1290
KASL 1240
KRAL 1240
KVRS 1360
Rock Springs
KWYO 1410
9:30 AM
8:30 AM
8:15 AM
8:30 AM
7:30 PM
8:30 AM
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
8:30 AM
9:30 AM
-- MISSOURI -Farmington
KREI 800
KHMO 1070
KW05 1240
Jefferson City
WHB 710
Kansas City
KWOC 930
Poplar Bluff
KWOC-FM 94.5
KSTI. 690
St. Louis
KGBX 1260
KTUI 1560
KWPM 1450
West Plains
5:30 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
8:45 AM
8:45 AM
10:30 AM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
5:30 PM
KUPK 1050
KUPK-FM 97.3
KWBW 1450
KWBW 1450
WHB 710
Kansas City
KWNS 1290
KWNS-FM 93.1
MI 910
KEWI 1440
KFDI 1070
9:15 AM
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
9:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
Garden City
KCNI 1280 8:30 AM
Broken Bow
KTNC 1230 9:30 AM
Falls City
KMMJ 750 9:30 AM
Grand Island
KODY 1240 9:30 AM
North Platte
KLIN 1400 9:30 AM
Sun -Fri. KUCV-FM 91.3 10:00 PM
KOZN 660 9:30 AM
KNEB 960 9:30 AM
DO YOU NEED material for an MV program? The one hour soundcolor film PREPARE FOR THE STORM, depicting family survival in the
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and service here since 1931 Bonded direct factory franchises. Telephone/write NOW, FREE information. Robert C. "Auto" Martin, Box
1881, Grants Pass, Oregon 97526.
29-1; 31-1
Sunset Calendar
Denver, Colorado
Grand Junction, Colorado
Topeka, Kansas
Kansas City, Missouri
St. Louis, Missouri
Lincoln, Nebraska
Casper, Wyoming
Aug. 8
Aug. 15
(Add one hour for Daylight Saving Time.)
Central Union Reaper
Office address, 4547 Calvert St., Moiling address, P. 0. Box 6127,
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506. Telephone (area code 402) 488-2313.
Official Organ of the Central Union Conference of Seventh-day
Clara W. Anderson
R. E. Spangle
Managing Editor
Subscription price $1.00 a year.
All checks and money orders should be made payable to the
Both old and new addresses should be given when a change is
requested. Zip code numbers should be included.
All copy for publication should reach the REAPER office by
TUESDAY NOON preceding the dote of publication.
R. H. Nightingale
R. E. Spangle
E. L. Moore
ASI Secretary
R. E. Spangle
Central Credit Manager
R. C. Thomas
L. G. Barker
Evangelism Secretary
B. L. Hassenpflug
Industrial Relations
R. H. Nightingale
Lay Activities
P. F. Pedersen
Missionary Volunteer
J. H. Harris
Notional Service Organization
J. H. Harris
Public Relations
L. G. Barker
Publishing Department Secretary
J. N. Hunt
E. E. Hagen
Religious Liberty Secretary
R. H. Nightingale
Sabbath School Secretary
E. E. Hagen
B. Y. Baughman
J. H. Harris
R. E. Spangle
CENTRAL STATES, W. S. Lee, President, J. E. Meredith, Secretary-Treasurer, P. 0. Box 1527, Kansas City, Missouri 64141, Telephone WAbash
1-9980, 2528 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, Missouri 64127.
COLORADO, H. V. Reed, President, H. L. Haas, Secretary-Treasurer,
Telephone 733-3771, 2520 South Downing, Denver, Colorado 80210.
KANSAS, S. S. Will, President, N. K. Harvey, Secretary-Treasurer, P. 0.
Box 1557, Telephone CEntral 3-9639, 1275 Topeka Blvd., Topeka, Kansas 66601.
MISSOURI, A. V. McClure, President, R. W. Dunn, Secretary-Treasurer,
P. 0. Box 11540, Telephone FLeming 3-7113, 8540 Blue Ridge Blvd.,
Kansas City, Missouri 64138.
NEBRASKA, F. 0. Sanders, President, L. F. Webb, Secretary-Treasurer,
P. 0. Box 6037, Telephone 488-2323, 4745 Prescott, Lincoln, Nebraska
WYOMING, Wm. C. Hatch, President, E. D. Tetz, Secretary-Treasurer,
P. 0. Box 599, Telephone 237-2503, 604 South Walcott St., Casper,
Wyoming 82601.
fan Worth
Hello! Are you wondering what will be hot-weather attractive as
well as nutritious? Feast your eyes and your appetite on the
recipes below. They will help you breeze through the scorching
days with ease — and minimum time in the kitchen, too!
Yummy Sandwich Spread
2 cups finely chopped SOY AMEAT FRIED
2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
1/4 cup chopped or slivered almonds
1/2 teaspoon onion salt
1/4 cup corn flake crumbs
2 teaspoons chopped parsley
2 teaspoons lemon juice
IA cup milk
1/2 cup mayonnaise or soyannaise
butter or margarine
6 barbeque buns or 12 slices whole grain bread
Combine all of above except butter and buns or bread.
Mix well. Spread buns or bread generously with butter
or margarine and make sandwiches. Serves 6.
Veja-Links on a Stick
1 can V EJA-LINKS (20 oz)
10 wooden skewers
1 cup sifted flour
11/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2-1 teaspoon onion powder (according to taste)
2 Tablespoons corn meal
3 Tablespoons vegetable shortening
I egg, slightly beaten
-3/i cup milk or reconstituted SOY AMEL
Sift together flour, baking powder, salt and onion powder. Mix in corn meal. Cut in shortening. Add egg and
milk all at once and mix well. Drain and completely
dry VEJA-LINKS. Insert wooden skewers into dried
LINKS. Dip into batter to coat completely and fry in
deep fat at 365°F until brown, 4 -6 minutes. Serves 10.
Fresh Vegetable Chow Mein
1 cup onion half rings
1 cup thinly sliced VEGETABLE SKALLOPS
1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
3 Tablespoons cooking oil
11/2 cups celery, cut on slant
1/2 pound fresh bean sprouts
1 cup French-cut fresh green beans
1/2 cup fresh bamboo shoots
(or use drained 5-ounce can)
4 Tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon monosodium glutamate
11/2 cups hot water
2 tablespoons soy sauce
Saute' onions, mushrooms, and SKALLOPS in oil,
being careful not to brown. Add celery, bean sprouts,
bamboo shoots and green beans. Saute' three minutes
longer, stirring constantly. Sprinkle flour and MSG
over the vegetables and mix lightly. Add hot water and
soy sauce. Add salt to taste and more soy sauce if
desired. Cook until vegetables are crispy tender. Serve
on rice or fried noodles. Garnish with tomato wedges.
Serves 6.
Numete Salad
1 can NUMETE (20 oz), finely diced
1 cup diced celery
1 can green peas (#303), drained
4 hard-cooked eggs, sliced
salad dressing or soyannaise
Combine all ingredients, using enough soyannaise to
moisten well. Season to taste. Serve on crisp lettuce
leaves, garnished with a strip of pimento. Serves 6 to 8.
President's Last Report From the Far East
Indonesia, Land of Millions, Needs the Message of Christ
The fascinating and interesting nation of Indonesia is made up of thousands of islands. This
group of islands is divided into two union mission conferences—the West and East Union Missions.
In the West Indonesian Union Mission the main islands are Java, Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara group,
West New Guinea and part of Borneo. This is divided into eight local missions with a population
of more than ninety million people of whom about eighty million are Mohammedans.
The headquarters of our work is in Djakarta the second largest city in the Far East. This is on
the island of Java which has about 1000 persons per square mile, making it one of the most densely
populated areas on earth. The union offices are located on the fourth and fifth floors of the evangelistic center and this is located on a main thoroughfare in a busy modern part of the city.
It was my privilege to speak to the union staff at worship one morning and also on Sabbath
morning to the church that meets in the auditorium of the center.
The trip I made to Bandung was by vehicle and is a scenic ride going over a mountain pass.
The terraced rice paddies of Java are a delight to behold and almost have a manicured look as if
they were placed there for their beauty alone. At Bandung are located ou'r publishing house and
sanitarium and hospital; nearby is our college. Additions were being made to the sanitarium and
hospital and to the college. The boys' dormitory at the college is a lovely functional building in
which a large chapel also serves as the meeting place for the church.
In this union mission with over twenty-two thousand members only eleven families and four
single workers are from overseas. All the rest of the workers are national.
The headquarters for the East Indonesian Union are at Menado on the island of Celebes
and is quite a long distance from Djakarta. In a small area of northeast Celebes we have a large
Seventh-day Adventist membership. The largest hall in Menado—outside of a theater—was engaged
for the meeting where I spoke to a large group of our believers.
Since the union was organized only a few years ago a college has been located in North Sulawesi near Menado and has been giving work on the junior college level. This school is located in a
choice location. To the north is the picturesque Mount Klabat and to the south the beautiful Tondano River valley.
In another part of the Celebes is the city of Makasar. It is a Mohammedan stronghold. A
couple years ago the fanatical Moslems tried to burn down our church. We have a fine group of believers in this place. Most of the members in the church where I preached two nights are Chinese.
The last night I showed pictures—part of them of our work in the Central Union Conference.
In Indonesia there are still many unentered villages where no evangelistic meetings have
been held. In fact there are many unentered islands. The Lord has promised. that the gospel will
go to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. The Lord expects us to work and give as though
everything depended on us. If we give of the full measure of our ability and dedication then He will
step in with His wonder-working power and do what we can't accomplish. By His might and
power, "He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness."
R. H. NIGHTINGALE, President
Central Union Conference