Secondary Governors’ Conference Wednesday 25 March 2015 Curriculum and assessment what is changing and what should we be doing? Chris Martin General Inspector/Adviser (data, performance and sold services) HIAS School Improvement Hampshire Children’s Services Year on Year 2015 (Year 11) Current KS2 Levels Current KS3 Levels Current KS4 5 A*-C EM 2016 (Year 10) Current KS2 Levels Current KS3 Levels Current KS4 Progress 8 2017 (Year 9) Current KS2 Levels KS3 change part - levels New E&M Progress 8 2018 (Year 8) Current KS2 Levels KS3 change part - levels More new GCSEs Progress 8 2019-20 (Year 6/7) Current KS2 Levels New KS3 No levels Final new GCSEs Progress 8 2021 (Year 5) New KS2 Std. Score New KS3 No levels Final new GCSEs Progress 8 Changes to the curriculum When will the new GCSE qualifications be taught? • 2015 – English language, English literature and maths • 2016 – geography, history, biology, chemistry, physics, double science, modern foreign languages (French, German and Spanish), ancient languages (classical Greek and Latin), religious studies, art and design, drama, dance, music, physical education, computer science, citizenship studies, food preparation and nutrition. • 2017 – remaining subjects either new GCSEs, including design and technology (or no GCSE) Specifications to be available in schools one year before first teaching. Ofqual – benchmarking new grades Current grades A* A B Current benchmark C D E New Grades 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 International benchmark – new expectation? (DfE decision) 2 F G 1 U U Outcomes of Consultation on Setting the Grade Standards of new GCSEs in England (Ofqual, April 2014) Ofqual summary Progress 8 vs Current Value Added Similarities • Calculation done in same way • Same confidence interval method (sig -, sig +) • Double counting of English and Mathematics • Use of KS2 levels as baseline (until 2020, KS2 standardised scores from 2021) Differences • New points system • Based around ‘0’ rather than 1000 • Use of previous years ‘estimates’ from 2019 (and possibly 2017/18) • New restricted structure (English, Maths, 3 Ebacc, 3 high value others) From Value added to Progress 8 VA/Old Points Progress 8/New Pts 1060 1 1030 0.5 1024 0.4 1018 0.3 1012 0.2 1006 0.1 1000 0 994 -0.1 988 -0.2 982 -0.3 976 -0.4 970 -0.5 No Ofsted – 1 grade above ½ grade above in all subjects Average performance ½ grade below – floor target Attainment 8/Progress 8 Quiz How do you do it? • Decide which ‘bucket’ a subject is in: ‘Basics’ (B) Ebacc (E) Mathematics English language OR English literature (which ever has the highest grade) The highest 3 grades from The 3 highest other grades, History, Geography, any including the lowest English language, any science grade and any ‘left over’ Ebacc grades • • • High Value Others (O) Work out the points score for each qualification (don’t forget to double the ‘Basics’) Grade A* A B C D E F G U Points 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Calculate the individual student’s Progress 8 score and their value added score (÷10) given the estimated attainment 8 score which has been given If these 6 students were the entire cohort of one school what would be the school’s progress 8 score (Note: an individuals value added score Quiz Example Student A GCSE Mathematics GCSE English Language GCSE English Literature GCSE History GCSE Physics GCSE Chemistry GCSE Art GCSE PE GCSE French Attainment 8 Estimated Attainment 8 Progress 8/VA Score A A B A B C A* A* A 70 64 +6/+0.6 B B O E E 14 14 6 7 6 O O E 8 8 7 Attainment 8 in 2013 KS2 Level 3 4c 4b 4a 5 Best 8 VA 2013 Total Points 339 383 411 442 520 Best 8 VA 2013 Grades 8 Ds 6 Cs, 2 Ds 1 B, 7 Cs 5 Bs, 3 Cs 8 As Attainment 8 total New Points 2013 (old points) Average Progress 8 number of Grades subjects FFT analysis entered 26 (256) En D-, Ma E, EBacc F, Others D+ EBacc 1.2, Others 2.6 38 (328) En D+, Ma D+, EBacc E, Others C EBacc 1.8, Others 2.8 44 (364) En C, Ma C, EBacc D, Others C+ EBacc 2.3, Others 2.8 51 (406) En B-, Ma C+, EBacc C, Others B EBacc 2.6, Others 2.9 69 (514) En A, Ma A, EBacc A, Others A EBacc 2.9, Others 3.0 Using FFT Progress 8 Analysis Average entries EBacc Nat. D+ Hants C- High entries Low grades High entries High grades Nat. 2.2 Hants 2.4 Low entries Low grades Low entries High grades Average grade Assessment – what to consider Which year groups? Reporting – internal, parents? How are you going to show progress? What do subject leaders need to do – curriculum and assessment? • Planning to adapt – mistakes or change in national results/policy. • What does our data tell us – how can we model our decisions to consider impact and limit surprises. • • • • Secondary benchmarking English & Maths Ebacc Subjects Art, PE, Drama etc Leadership decisions Curriculum framework Tracking framework Judgements, moderation, assessments Detailed Curriculum steps Ofsted guidance – June 2014 “Inspectors will not expect to see a particular assessment system in place and will recognise that schools are still working towards full implementation of their preferred approach.” “However, inspectors will…spend more time looking at the range of pupils’ work to consider what progress they are making in different areas of the curriculum”
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