Hampshire County Council Site Code Site Name Grid Ref BA009 Newnham Common 470336 153471 Apple Dell 451004 Overton 148345 Wade Road 465127 Basingstoke 153579 Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status Hampshire County Council Portals Landfill (restored) Site completed Landfill (inert) Lapsed permission Active SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council BA017 BA018 Restored non-inert landfill, closed in 1986 but subject to leachate monitoring not monitored (closed site, low priority) Yes Basingstoke Skip Hire, Hampshire County Council, Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc Chineham Energy 467222 Veolia Environmental Recovery Facility 155223 Services (UK) Plc Whitmarsh Lane, Basingstoke Waste Processing, HWRC Apsley Farm Hurstbourne Priors Skyers Wood Chalk Pit Lloyds Lane, Ramsdell, Tadley Manor Farm Chalk Pit Monk Sherborne 442440 Avon Materials 147112 Recycling / Kitson Recycling Ltd 457979 The Manydown Estate 156436 (Operator - John Stacey & Sons Ltd) Landfill (noninert), Waste Recycling Infilling 460841 GB Foot Ltd 155713 Chalk, Landfill (inert) Time Limited BA055 Kingsclere Lime Quarry Wolverton 455436 Kingsclere Lime Quarry 157752 Company Chalk Inactive BA057 Weston Common 469562 Petronas Energy Oil and Gas Gathering Station 144690 Trading Ltd (t/a Humbly Weston Patrick Grove Energy) Time Limited Yes Yes BA060 Mortimer Quarry Mortimer West End Sand and Gravel Time Limited Yes Yes BA084 Chalk Pit 444251 ZGR Andover Road, 146645 Hurstbourne Priors Chalk (lapsed) Lapsed permission BA019 BA031 BA041 BA054 462520 Hanson UK 164046 Waste Processing Active (energy recovery) Yes Dormant; deposit of non-toxic cellulose waste from paper making processes for a period of ten years (BDB46323) (Agriculture - 2009) Permission expired, no monitoring. Waste transfer, including construction, demolition, industrial, household and clinical waste and household waste recycling centre; extension and improvement of household waste recycling centre (BDB/60584); erection of waste recycling building (BDB/61845); erection of extension to existing waste recycling building (BDB/64564); extension and improvement of household waste recycling centre (BDB/69806) granted 12.2008 - 2 monitoring visits per year. Yes Energy recovery incinerator (BDB044300) commissioned in autumn 2002 with handover in January 2003; the incinerator has the capacity to process at least 90,000 tonnes a year, about 60 percent of the municipal waste arising in North Hampshire and energy released by incineration is used to generate approximately 8Mw of electricity; Liaison Panel (2 meetings)no issues - monthly monitoring visit as part of matrix working with W&RM In Restoration (active), Active Yes Aftercare Yes Phase 2 restoration outstanding: non-inert landfill and chalk extraction ceased 2006; electricity generation plant fuelled by landfill gas (until 31 December 2020) (BDB/61514); permission 14/02139/CMA to temporarily increase lorry movements granted 3 October 2014. (Agriculture - 2015) || Application (BDB/75652) for change of use of existing building to agricultural recycling granted 10/02/2012 3 - 4 monitoring visits pa £. Small landfill for Manydown Estate to level field. Permission BDB/70669 granted 06/08/2009. Implemented 02/09/2011. ||Variation of condition 10 of planning permission BDB/70669 (to retain 5 passing bays) granted 13/06/2013 Yes Yes Yes Chalk extraction, inert landfill and waste recycling; variation of condition 4 of planning permission BDB20721CM for an extension of time (until 31 December 2011) for the extraction of chalk and backfilling (BDB 52172); change of use from agriculture to skip hire and associated recycling operation (in retrospect) (until 31 December 2011) (BDB/59091) (Agriculture - 2011) || Application (BDB/75626) for variation of condition 1 of Planning Permission BDB59091 for time extension in addition to application BDB/75621 for variation of condition 3 (method of site working) and condition 4 (extension of time) of Planning Permission BDB20721/CM and variation of condition 1 of planning permission BDB52172, both permissions granted 14/09/2012 ||Variation of condition 9 (Site Layout) and 10 (to allow screening activities) of planning permission BDB/75626 granted 29/07/2013 || Chalk extraction; Initial Review (Active Phase 1) application (BDB041487) determined in 1997; modified (BDB042550) in 1998 (Woodland/agriculture - 2042) - £ || Application for construction and operation of a materials recycling facility and transfer station for construction, demolition and excavation waste, including the importation of inert fill to for an engineered based and localised road improvements to the A339 - permission refused at committee 23/10/2013 || Gathering and production station for Humbly Grove Oilfield (plus 6 wellsites); 2 gas turbine electrical generator units; oil piped to Alton Rail Terminal; First Periodic Review application (BDB46946) determined in 2000; variation of condition 12 of First Periodic Review BDB46946 to allow the continued production of oil and gas (until 30 September 2025) (BDB55930) and installation and operation of equipment and 2.1K pipeline for injection of gas (BDB55931); application for the proposed erection of a building to house a gas injector booster compressor unit, the proposed erection of a gate house and switchroom building and the siting of associated infrastructure in Wellsite A and the laying underground of a 1.5km length electricity cable from wellsite C to wellsite A (BDB/64542); application for variation of the existing Hazardous Substances Consent (BDB/62586) to include provision for a gas injector booster compressor unit and associated infrastructure (BDB/64815); importation of compressed natural gas by trailer and discharge to generate electricity involving the setting out of a trailer discharge area (BDB/67621) granted 21.04.2009; erection of a single storey control post building adjacent to the main compound (BDB/68298) granted 6.2008; variation of condition 5 of planning permission BDB/46946 F26326/9/CMA 00/00024/CMA to allow the export of oil from the site by tanker for a temporary period (BDB/68613) granted 7.2008 (Agriculture and forestry - 2025); BDB/67621 to allow tankering of compressed gas from Singleton granted 4.2009. Liaison Panel main issues: noise and tankering gas in from West Sussex || Application (BDB/75565) for removal of existing portacabins and erection of replacement workshop/office granted 30/01/2012 || Original site now in final restoration in conjunction with Wildlife Trust; sand and gravel processing (BDB32190)(Agriculture and nature conservation 2015); additional silt ponds (BDB52346 and BDB53439.) Eastern extension now in restoration; permission for temporary road crossing granted; sand and gravel extraction from land east of Mortimer Quarry with lower level restoration to commercial forestry and heathland (BDB/58692), permission granted to complete restoration and extend time for completion of the Eastern extension. ||Extension to sand and gravel workings at Mortimer Quarry into land know as Benyon's Inclosure, with restoration to commercial forestry and biodiversity, a temporary conveyor gantry crossing of Welshman's road, retention of existing quarry plant site and associated development including construction of additional silt lagoons with restoration to commercial forestry and biodiversity (BDB73759). Application (BDB/74592 ) for variation of conditions attached to Planning Permission BDB53439 to allow for the construction of additional silt disposal facilities (part retrospective) granted 05/10/2011 ||Variation of conditions 1 of planning permission BDB/74592 to extend the end date for restoration of the plant site for a further 12 months (BDB77355). Variation of condition 1 & 2 of planning permission BDB/73552 to extend the end date for completion of the eastern extension development by 12 months (BDB77347). Permission(13/02555/CMA) for variation of conditions 1, 2, 7 and 23 of planning permission BDB/77347 to extend the end date for completion of the eastern extension development by 12 months (30 November 2014) ||Application (14/03367/CMA) to vary conditions 1, 2, 21 and 24 and to remove condition 23 of planning permission 13/02555/CMA in order to extend the time for restoration of the eastern extension development Lapsed Interim Development Order permission for chalk extraction following failure to submit application for determination of new conditions by 8.1994 (waste to be removed, no other restoration conditions); application for nature reserve submitted to BDBC 6.2005 -not monitored (no activities requiring monitoring) Site Code Site Name BA087 BA102 BA103 BA105 BA106 BA107 BA108 BA109 BA110 BA111 BA112 BA114 BA115 BA119 BA121 BA122 BA123 BA124 Grid Ref Site Description Site Status Tufton Manor Farm 445241 G J Smith Bros Ltd Whitchurch 146525 Landfill (inert) Site completed Priory Farm Anwell Little Bushywarren Copse Herriard Humbly Grove (A) Wellsite Upton Grey Humbly Grove (C) Wellsite Weston Patrick Herriard (A) Wellsite Tunworth Herriard (X) Wellsite Herriard New Farm Weston Patrick The Cemetry Dummer Overton Mill Land South of Overton Railway Station Queens Field Dummer Bere Mill Laverstock, Whitchurch Kennel Farm Beggarwood Lane, Dummer 7 Bessemer Park Basingstoke Southley Farm Overton Ivory Farm Burghclere Highclere WTW Landfill (restored) Site completed 468741 152400 465545 146669 Operator / Agent John Stacey and Sons Ltd Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc Waste Processing Time Limited Restored inert landfill to infill railway cutting; tip soil and chalk on part of OS 291 to a maximum of 1 metre to avoid silt getting into river test (BDB33880); completed (Agriculture - no end date) Not monitored (low risk) £ Restored inert landfill and bunding to provide motorway screening completed subject to levels survey Yes 470563 Petronas Energy Ltd (t/a Oil and Gas 145296 Humbly Grove Energy) Time Limited Yes 469621 Petronas Energy Ltd (t/a Oil and Gas 144870 Humbly Grove Energy) Time Limited Yes 467792 Petronas Energy Ltd (t/a 147590 Humbly Grove Energy) Inactive Oil and Gas 467878 Petronas Energy Ltd (t/a Oil and Gas 146556 Humbly Grove Energy) Time Limited 469710 Birkett Partnership 145249 458437 Dummer Parish Council 146289 451924 Portals 150698 Landfill (Inert) Site completed Landfill (restored) Site completed Landfill (Inert) Closed/ Dormant 458531 D Hutton 146366 448038 The Piscatorial Society 148287 Landfill (restored) Site completed Landfill (restored) Site completed 460561 Derwent Development 147572 Limited Landfill (inert) Site completed 462708 150558 452108 147427 446128 157816 445466 162588 Processing lighting Inactive tubes Composting Active Michael A Smith Associates Laverstoke Park Produce Newbury Reclaim Thames Water Utilities Construction and operation of green waste composting (former wellsite capped) (BDB039969); additional processing area (BDB041844); extension to green waste composting facility (BDB/56369) increasing the capacity from 18,000 to 75,000 tonnes per annum (Woodland and agriculture - 2025) 2 monitoring visits (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) Wellsite (Humbly Grove Oilfield); oil piped to Weston Common Gathering Station; First Periodic Review application (BDB46946) determined in 2000 (see also Weston Common Gathering Station BA057) (Agriculture and forestry - 2025) 1 monitoring visit (with BA057) Wellsite (Humbly Grove Oilfield); oil piped to Weston Common Gathering Station; First Periodic Review application (BDB46946) determined in 2000 (see also Weston Common Gathering Station BA057) (Agriculture and forestry - 2025) 1 monitoring visit (with BA057) Wellsite (Humbly Grove Oilfield); First Periodic Review application (BDB46946) determined in 2000 (see also Weston Common Gathering Station BA057) (Agriculture and forestry - 2025) Yes Active wellsite (Humbly Grove Oilfield); oil tankered to Weston Common Gathering Station; First Periodic Review application (BDB46946) determined 4.2000 (see also Weston Common Gathering Station BA057) (Agriculture or woodland - 2025) 1 monitoring visit (with BA057) Permitted infill of chalk pit and restoration to agricultural use subject to legal agreement concerning lorry routeing and repair of damage to the section of bridleway to be used as a haul road; not yet implemented (Agriculture - no end date) Restored disposal of soil in chalk pit, completed 2001 Inert landfill, retrospective permission for the deposit of non toxic cellulose waste (Not specified-no end date) Waste Transfer Active (Metals) Wastewater Active Treatment Works Veolia Depot 465206 Veolia Environmental Wade Road, 153508 Services (UK) Plc Daneshill Industrial Estate, Basingstoke Waste Transfer BA125 Basingstoke WTW 467457 Thames Water 155150 Wastewater Active Treatment Works BA127 Broadview Woodlands Lane, Cliddesden 462644 Bryan Hirst Ltd 149054 Scrap yard operating under CLU Housing BA158 Dummer Down Farm Dummer Keystone Distribution Houndsmill Road 457431 Dummer Farms Ltd 145102 Inert landfill Lapsed permission BA159 SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Restored inert landfill; restoration and infilling of two sunken dells adjacent to M3 Motorway completed 2001 Restored inert landfill; landfilling of two disused quarry pits and landraising of field with spoil arising from the excavation of fish farm and new trout lake completed 2001; in aftercare Restored inert landfill, Sep 2003; removal of topsoil and replacement with a layer of suitable subsoil fill to a maximum thickness of 500 mm and replacement of topsoil (BDB53915); aftercare signed off 9.2008 (Agriculture) Receiving, sorting into batches of same type ready for export, spent lighting tubes plus dismantling of electronic scrap in readiness for recycling (BDB/58107). Additional waste streams agreed 7.7.11 (BDB/74452). Unit burnt down November 2011 Yes Yes Yes Green and farm waste open windrow composting facility (BDB/61806). Extension granted 15/12/2009 (BDB71017). Application for Lawful Use Certificate for Importation and processing of metal (ferrous and no-ferrous) for selling on Chemical dosing unit (BDB/65040) Implemented 2010. Not monitored; To install and operate two equipment kiosks, part of an upgrade of washwater sewage treatment works (BDB/76410) granted 06.07.2012|| Lapsed permission Renewal of temporary change of use - storage of old refrigerators and freezers (until 30 April 2012) (BDB/65562) 462523 Keystone Distrubution UK Waste Storage & 152893 Transfer Yes New inlet works building and new blower house (BDB/66030) BDB/73192 to construct and operate a sludge cake storage barn and equipment kiosks (11.11.201 (implemented development, no monitoring required)||Application BDB/77521 to install replacement roofs on the primary digester tanks with associated supporting structures and railings granted 28/02/2013|| (BDB/69048) Revised scrap yard layout, construction of retaining wall and bund, offices, processing and storage building, demolition of four existing buildings, erection of ground mounted mobile weighbridge, change of use from garden to waste management area, change of use from waste management area to garden refused (see Appendix 2 - departure, refusal and appeal decisions); Change of use from verge to concrete widened access for safe HGV turning (BDB/70330) received 3.2009, refused; Change of use garden to waste management site, change of use waste management site to garden (BDB/70400) received 3.2009, refused. Planning for housing implemented 2011. Not monitored (New site 2008) Construction of new cricket ground involving importation of waste material (inert) to create new landform and temporary access and contractors compounds (BDB/69220) received 7.2008, withdrawn 10.2008, resubmitted as BDB/70901 granted 7.7.2010 - Not implemented.|| Application to extend time limit for implementation, July 2013 (BDB/70901)||. Inactive (New site 2009) Waste oil fuel storage tank, cardboard recycling and canopy granted 3.12.2009 (BDB/71328) Not implemented Site Code Site Name Grid Ref Operator / Agent BA160 Crockford Lane, Chineham Armstrong Road Basingstoke 465005 154635 465344 153073 Bryan Hirst Ltd Scrap yard (Chineham Tyres) Basingstoke Skip Hire & Waste Transfer Southern Waste Station Management BA161 BA163 BA164 BA165 BA166 BA167 BA168 BA169 BA170 BA171 BA172 BA173 BA174 BA175 - - Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Active Yes Active Yes 3 Bourne Meadow 442157 Southern Water Limited Wastewater Active Bourne Meadow, 150318 Treatment Works St Mary Bourne GRP Kiosk and steel vent pipe sited within residential garden to reduce sewerage flooding risk. The White House 440331 Southern Water Limited Wastewater Active Stoke, Nr Andover 151808 Treatment Works 1 Holdway Cottages St Mary Bourne Tile Barn Farm Upton Grey Whitchurch WTW Winchester Road, Whitchurch 442158 Southern Water Limited Wastewater Active 150467 Treatment Works Ivy Down Lane WTW Clarken Green, Oakley North Waltham WTW Frog Lane, North Waltham The Carousel Dairy, Manor Farm, Farleigh Wallop Overton WTW The Lynch, Overton Land to West of Blackstock Lane Up Nateley, Hook Bushywarren Lane, Herriard, Hampshire PCS Newbury, Yew Tree Farm, Ball Hill Road, East Woodhay Sherfield-onLoddon Sewage Treatment Works Depot, Gresley Road (off Swing Swang Lane), Basingstoke Basingstoke Sidings Depot, Gresley Road (off Swing Swang Lane), Basingstoke 456526 Southern Water Limited Wastewater Active 151060 Treatment Works 470868 Newlyns LLP 148234 446624 Southern Water Limited 146747 Electrical switch gear kiosk and air pressure equalisation vent in support of local flood protection sewerage pumping station Glass Reinforced plastic kiosk and steel vent pipe sited within residential garden to reduce local sewer flooding risk Waste Recycling Active & Storage Wastewater Active Treatment Works Continued use of land for recycling and storage of inert excavation materials Upgrade existing wastewater treatment process by extending the existing WTW south east into adjacent farmland, due to space restrictions within the existing WTW a temporary site construction compound is to be located on farmland adjacent to the north west boundary of the WTW|| Application BDB/77427 Change of land use from agricultural to operational use for wastewater treatment works granted 25/01/2013|| Construction of new treatment process units and Motor Controls Centre Kiosk on operational land 456076 Southern Water Limited Wastewater Active 146885 Treatment Works 460940 Tamar Energy Limited 147069 Waste Processing Active & Energy Recovery Installation of a walk-in GRP Motor Control Centre (MCC) kiosk to house 3 blowers, instrumentation and control panel in association with other permitted development refurbishment and upgrading plant required by the water industry regulator OFWAT (Office of Water services) and the Environment Agency Yes 450456 Southern Water Limited Wastewater Active 150012 Treatment Works 469813 Mr Simon Gosling 152539 Garden waste (New site 2009). Change of use from builders yard/car sales to scrap yard; BDB/71588 granted 9.2.2010|| Application (BDB/76693) for retrospective variation of condition 6 of Planning Permission BDB/71588 (internal vehicle movements) granted 06/09/2012|| Site previously occupied and operated by SCA, who had established right of use. BSH took on site in 2010 and restarted dry recycling, paper/card recycling. New application made for biomass plant and continued recycling, granted 6/7/2010; BDB72+G402250.||Variation of condition 4 of Planning Permission BDB/72250 to change the permitted hours granted 09/04/2013||Retrospective application for waste transfer and recycling, and waste picking station; and, parking of lorries, combined with the existing biomass facility and associated operations granted under planning permission number ( BDB/72250) granted 22.11.2013 Planning permission (BDB/75034 ) for the demolition of existing agricultural buildings, the construction and operation of an anaerobic digestion facility to handle food waste and agricultural slurries, and the creation of an access track to connect the site to an existing highway entrance granted (subject to legal agreement) 12/03/2012 || Application BDB/74739 for upgrading of Overton Wastewater Treatment Works including the extension of the site, works include installation of wastewater treatment units and supporting infrastructure granted 26/09/2011 || Active Application (BDB/74928) for Lawful Development Certificate: Garden waste collection, sorting and ancillary storage granted 21/10/2011 || 465440 Barfoot Energy Projects Waste Processing Active 146500 Ltd & Energy Recovery 442839 PCS Pet Cremation Pet crematorium Inactive 163378 Services 467772 Thames Water Utilities 158661 Ltd Wastewater Treatment Works Inactive 465110 CEMEX UK 153420 Concrete batching Active 46270 HMWP 15240 465110 Hanson Heidelberg 153420 Cement Group Potential Rail Depot Concrete batching Yes Construction of an anaerobic digestion installation for rotational arable crops and local food waste together with landscaping and highway improvements, permission BDB/76332 granted 09/10/2012|| Regularisation of non-hazardous waste transfer activities (BDB/76318) granted 26.06.2012 || To install and operate an equipment kiosk, part of an upgrade, BDB/77780 permission granted 05/04/2013 Yes Operating under district permission. Not monitored Yes Active Site allocated for potential rail depot through Policy 19 (Aggregates wharves and rail depots) Yes Operating under district permission. Not monitored Site Code Site Name Grid Ref Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status EA009 Westwood Netley Knowle Lane Fair Oak (HWRC) Shamblehurst Lane Hedge End (HWRC) Botley Road Hedge End 445753 109559 450385 118454 449216 114389 Hampshire County Council Hampshire County Council Hampshire County Council Landfill (restored) Site completed 449985 Cleansing Service 113293 Group Waste Processing Active EA015 Sunnybanks Fair Oak 449720 M Boyes 118216 Landfill (restored) EA019 Woodside Avenue 444579 Hampshire County Eastleigh (HWRC) 119575 Council Waste Processing Active Mallards Moor Hound Landfill (non-inert) SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Eastleigh Borough Council EA011 EA012 EA013 EA025 EA027 Netley Farm Hound, Netley (HWRC) EA032 Abbey Fruit Farm Netley, Hound Eastleigh Railway Aggregates Terminal Eastleigh EA046 447894 Veolia Environmental 108720 Services (UK) Plc Raymond L Brown Eco Bio Ltd 446374 Veolia Environmental 110006 Services (UK) Plc 445856 109875 446089 118305 Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc Aggregate Industries UK Ltd Restored non-inert landfill; environmental compound and underground landfill gas pipeline to Netley landfill gas generation plan - 1 monitoring visit Waste Processing Active Yes Waste Processing Active Yes Household waste recycling centre - 1 monitoring visit Site completed Restored former sand extraction and non-inert landfill restored to amenity grassland; landfill gas venting facility, access track and screen planting (16044/9); outstanding enforcement notice requiring restoration of builders yard; Eastleigh BC permission F/10/68187 granted 16/02/2011 for nursing home, car park and landscaping following demolition of existing buildings and legal agreement for financial contributions ; 1 monitoring visit to gas flare Yes Household waste recycling centre - 2 monitoring visits Site completed Restored non-inert landfill; aftercare signed off 1.2009 (Agriculture 2002) Landfill (closed) In Aftercare Waste Processing Time Limited HWRC Landfill (restored) Active Site completed Aggregates Rail Depot; Aggregates Recycling; Concrete batching 450855 S Grundon (Ewelme) Ltd, Soft Sand, Landfill 118505 R F Salvidge & SITA UK (non-inert) Active Site completed Yes EA091 Botley Road Hedge End Chickenhall WTW Eastleigh 448728 114121 446617 Southern Water 118264 Services Ltd Waste Processing Wastewater Active Treatment Works Yes Eastleigh Local Distribution Centre Eastleigh Rail Sidings Burnetts Lane Waste Pumping Station, Horton Heath 79 Mortimers Lane Knowle Lane, Fair Oak 44583 11867 Aggregate Recycling Yes EA103 EA105 EA106 Network Rail Ltd Restored non-inert landfill in aftercare, active landfill gas generation plant; temporary waste transfer and household waste recycling centre; to allow the retention and continued operation of Netley Waste Transfer Station (and associated development) for a further period of time (until 30 Jun 2023) (S/11/68998); S106 legal agreement for long-term nature conservation management; outstanding restoration remains to be resolved; variation of condition 17 of PP 26294/6 to extend the hours of operation of HWRC (until 31 March 2014) (S/08/64320) granted 1.2009 (Heathland/woodland - 2006) Restored former sand and gravel extraction and non-inert landfill site restored to agriculture; construction and operation of a landfill gas utilisation plant (F/04/50714), not implemented Not monitored Yes Fair Oak Sandpit East Horton Farm, Fair Oak EA101 Liquid waste storage, treatment and disposal including disposal of landfill leachate - 2 monitoring visits || Expansion of existing liquid waste treatment facility to include erection of 4 no. vertical waste storage tanks within new concrete bunded area & 2no. rectangular self-bunded horizontal oil storage tanks with associated pipe work & gantry, following demolition of existing store building & temporary lab/office building (S/12/71316) - granted 22/11/2012 || Yes EA083 EA100 Household waste recycling centre In Restoration (active) Active Rail aggregates depot and aggregate recycling plant (15967/7); installation of a concrete batching plant lapsed, new concrete batching plant granted 25/11/2010 [S/10/67863]||Variation of condition 8 of Planning permission 15967/3 to remove all restrictions on working hours - withdrawn 23/03/2012|| Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 15967/011 to allow the importation of waste asphalt arisings (S/12/70682) - granted 26.06.2012; Permitted in 2010 but not implemented as of March 2012. However has a foamix asphalt plant under PD. 1 monitoring visit|| Application (S/13/71993 )for erection of a concrete batching plant in a different location to that approved under planning permission S/10/66620, granted 12/03/2013 - 2 monitoring visits pa Yes Non-hazardous landfill following soft sand extraction ceased; Periodic Review application for determination of conditions (S/04/52238) received 8.2004, Environmental Statement requested, application on hold; proposed extension of time for 2 years for non proposed extension of time for 2 years for non-inert tipping (until 31 December 2010) and a further 6 months for restoration S/09/65443 granted 14.04.2010, (Agriculture 2008); Liaison Panel main issues: traffic and odour – 4 monitoring visits Permitted enclosed solid waste transfer station accepting dry, non hazardous commercial and industrial wastes for bulk transfer to landfill, not yet implemented Wastewater treatment plant; the siting of six portacabins and provision of a vehicle parking area for the continued use of an operating centre for waste management activities (until 31 March 2011) (S/06/56233); to construct two MCC control kiosks, two combined dosing kiosks and one containerised standby generator (S/06/56660); retrospective planning application for construction of a Motor Control Centre (MCC) Kiosk (3 No.) and Transformer Kiosk (S/07/60956); retrospective application for construction of Motor Control Centre Kiosk required as part of upgrade works (S/08/63077) granted 9.2008 – 2 monitoring visits (New site 2003) Aggregate recycling (waste concrete sleepers and spent rail ballast); mobile crusher and screen (29383/003) - 1 monitoring visit 449257 Southern Water 117046 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works 450353 R&R Contractors and 118787 CWM Aggregate recycling Eco Recycling Site 450376 Eco Sustainable Woodhouse Lane, 113622 Solutions Botley Yes (New site 2003) Wastewater pumping station; improvements to pumping station (39569/000) implemented Not monitored. Active (New site 2008) Application for a Certificate of Lawful Use for the use of land as a waste transfer station, the selling of aggregate materials, civil engineering and concrete/soil products (S/07/60421) granted 4.2008 - 2 monitoring visits Green composting Inactive New site 2009. Green composting next to nursery S/09/65633 granted 21.10.2009, not implemented Site Code Site Name Grid Ref EA108 Parsons Yard, Knowle Lane, Fair Oak Stoneycroft Rise, Chestnut Avenue, Eastleigh Chickenhall Lane, Eastleigh Central, Eastleigh School Lane, Chandlers Ford Chandlers Ford Hamble Airfield 44770 10780 EA109 EA110 - Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status 450400 Knowle Lane 118500 Aggregates Ltd Soft sand (prior extraction) Time Limited 443134 Eastleigh Borough 118482 Council HWRC Pre-development (inactive) 446272 Clean Power Properties 118254 Ltd Waste Processing (energy recovery) 443235 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd 120460 Hanson Concrete batching Concrete batching Potential Sand and Gravel extraction HMWP SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Yes Exportation of Sand (S/12/70249), granted 17.05.2012|| Application (S/13/71991) for variation of condition 1 of planning permission S/12/70249 (to extend the time limit for sand exportation and backfilling operations), granted 20.02.14 || Siting and operation of screening plant (S/13/73285) , granted 21.02.14 S/12/71604 - Construction of a Household Waste Recycling Centre, granted permission 22/01/2013 ||Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Planning Permission Granted Active Yes Active Yes Erection of an Energy Recovery Centre (comprising an Advanced Conversion Technology (ACT) 8-12 MWe pyrolysis plant and an Anaerobic Digestion 2-3 MWe facility with an integrated education centre) and a 1 MWe Photovoltaic Solar Array together with access, landscaping and associated works. Granted subject to legal agreement. Operating under district permission. Not monitored No planning history Yes Proposed in the HMWP 2013 East Hampshire District Council EH012 Sleaford Closed Landfill Site, (Former Coldharbour Landfill Site) Selborne Brickworks, Honey Lane, Selborne, Alton 479940 Robert Long Consultancy Infilling 138397 476640 Mr Patrick Benham134350 Crosswell Clay (brickworks), Waste Processing and Energy Recovery Selborne Brickworks, Honey Lane, Selborne, Alton Southleigh Forest Rowlands Castle 476640 HMWP 134350 Brick Clay extraction 473903 Veolia Environmental 108476 Services (UK) Plc Landfill (non inert) Active (in restoration) EH027 Moorlands Sandpit Bordon, Whitehill 478461 Erringham Investments 135416 Ltd Landfill (inert) Lapsed permission EH028 Blackbush Hanger Rowlands Castle 474166 A & J Bull Southern Ltd 108658 Landfill (restored) Site completed Bordon Landfill Sleaford, Headley 480546 Veolia Environmental 138401 Services (UK) Plc Landfill (non-inert), Lapsed Aggregates permission recycling Station Road Bordon (HWRC) Renown Chalk Pit Lower Froyle, Froyle Rabbitfield Hill Sleaford, Headley 479339 Hampshire County 136292 Council 476071 Mr T Watkins 144829 HWRC Active Chalk Closed/ Dormant Yes 481214 S Grundon (Ewelme) Ltd Soft Sand 138571 In Aftercare Yes Horndean (B) Wellsite Horndean St Lawrence Road 470577 IGas Energy Ltd 112521 Oil and Gas Time Limited 471859 Hampshire County 139572 Council HWRC Site completed EH015 EH015 EH018 EH046 EH049 EH056 EH063 EH066 EH094 Closed/Ceased with P/P or CLU Former landfill site, now restored. Permission to recontour the site and improve surface drainage not implemented. Inactive Yes Application 20661/050 for change of use to allow previously extracted clay to be used for brickmaking and landscaping - granted 13/06/2012 ||Application 20661/049 for change of use of a farm track to an access to land at Selborne Brickworks granted 04/07/2012 ||Application (20661/048) for construction of an anaerobic digester to convert food waste into bio methane to supply the gas requirements of the existing brickworks and the extension of an existing haul road by upgrading an existing farm track in order to provide HGV access to the digester - granted 11/07/2012|| Application SDNP/12/02224/CW for amendment of Condition 4 of SDNPA Consent 20661/049 relating to vehicle size, type and no. of movements with no increase in tonnage of food waste and farmyard manure transported to the site from that permitted under Condition 25 of HCC Consent 20661/048 - granted 14/12/2012 || Yes Proposed in the HMWP 2013 Ceased Non-inert landfill; currently undergoing restoration to be completed by July 2014 (F29043/6C); Active landfill gas generation; extension to existing leachate treatment plant, installation of inflow balance tank, update SCADA system, chemical and nutrient dosing plant, new pH and DO sensors, sludge extraction system, modifications to pipework, caustic soda tank (until 31 December 2020) (06/67492/002); temporary erection of a 50 metre full anemometry mast with four sets of guy cables, anchored 25m from the base to record wind data for a temporary period (F/27242/011/CMA) granted 7.2008; (Woodland and amenity - 2014); Liaison Panel (0 meetings) main issues: panel mothballed until nearer end date unless issues arise, Variation of condition 1 of planning permission F29043/6C to extend the time for completion of the restoration, pending decision. 4 monitoring visits £ Lapsed inert landfill; Periodic Review application (F21915/005/CMA) determined in 1999; further sand extraction prevented by condition; permission for 47 houses granted by EHDC 1.2007 (Agriculture - 2004) - not monitored (housing permission) Restored sand and gravel extraction and non-inert landfill to forestry; Lapsed non-inert landfill and aggregates recycling (former sand extraction site) ; appeals (F20310/019/CMA & F20310/022/CMA) to extend the life dismissed in 2004, restoration required; (Agriculture - 2006) restoration outstanding. I monitoring visit £ Household waste recycling centre. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements(permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) Yes Yes Chalk extraction; IDO Review applications (F32955C) determined in 1995; appeal against conditions upheld in part in 1997; importation of chalk for storage, reuse and restoration (F22196/007/CMA) refused in 2006 (no appeal lodged) (State suitable for nature conservation - 2042) 1 monitoring visit £ Restored sand extraction in aftercare; worked through Frithend, Sleaford EH121 via haul road; Periodic Review application (F20310/018/CMA) determined in 2002 (Agriculture and nature conservation - 2006) - 1 monitoring visits £ Wellsite; production centre (recent variation of condition to allow extraction for a further period of 10 years until 31/01/2020 (52417) for Horndean Oilfield (plus two wellsites); oil tankered to Alton rail terminal; Liaison Panel main issue: none Former household waste recycling centre. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Site Code Site Name Grid Ref EH113 Home Farm, Petersfield Rd, Ropley Frithend Sandpit Sleaford, Bordon EH133 EH137 EH121 EH140 EH141 Site Description Site Status 436092 Barfoot 131419 Waste Transfer Station Active 481153 S Grundon (Ewelme) 139042 Ltd Soft Sand, Landfill (inert) Time Limited Yes Holybourne Rail Export Terminal, Alton 474544 IGas Energy Ltd 141451 Oil and Gas Time Limited Yes Site A, Phase 3 Omega Park, Wilson Road Alton (HWRC) Rear of 85 Catherington Lane, Horndean Alton MRF Farnham Road 472755 Hampshire County 139445 Council HWRC Active Yes 469403 Chaffer 112891 Landfill (inert) Site completed 474855 Veolia Environmental 141658 Services (UK) Plc Materials Active Recycling Facility EH143 Oakhanger Farm Oakhanger, Bordon EH145 EH147 EH148 EH150 EH152 EH153 EH154 EH155 Operator / Agent Mr R Boyson Active waste transfer station (part) (F24003/022/CMA); Certificate of Lawful Use for waste transfer (part) F24003/021/CMA) Yes Soft sand extraction and permitted inert landfill; Environment Act 1995: First Periodic Review application (F30633/011/CMA) withdrawn 1.2008; winning and working of sand (until 31 December 2016) with restoration at low level to nature conservation uses to include a southern extension to the existing extraction area, and the retention of the processing plant (F30633/012/CMA) granted as a ‘departure’ 2.2007. Use of land for the importation, handling and re-sale of aggregates (retrospective application) (30633/019). (Nature conservation - 2016) 4 monitoring visits £ || Rail export terminal for Humbly Grove and Horndean Oilfields; installation and operation of equipment and 2.1K pipeline for injection of gas (BDB55931); variation of condition 12 of First Periodic Review of Minerals Permission BDB46946 to allow the continued production of oil and gas (BDB55930) (until 30 September 2025) 1 monitoring visit|| Application (26326/011 ) for erection of new demountable office unit and ancillary works including the laying out of 16 car parking spaces, 3 HGV parking spaces, fencing and security gates - granted 11/05/2012 || Application (26326/012) for variation of condition 4 of Planning permission 26326/011 (the demountable unit proposed to be erected has increased in size) - granted 18/09/2012|| Household waste recycling centre and new access road (F28174/028/REG3) and extension (F28174/040); variation of condition 2 of F28174/040 to extend the hours of operation (F28174/044) granted 12.2008; temporary trial (6 months) to receive limited commercial waste was implemented in 2006 and a new permitting scheme set up. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) Completed. Infilling of a disused chalk pit granted 1.2002 (restricted to waste arising from housing development in Wagtail Road), commenced 6.2002 . Inert landfill Site completed Venthams Farm Hugh Toomer Froxfield Green Ventham's Farm Hugh Toomer Froxfield Green Land at Broxhead 480865 Safety Autos Recovery Trading Estate, 136846 Lindford Inert landfill Inactive Inert landfill Inactive Broxhead Farm Lindford, Bordon The Avenue Lasham Bentley WTW Rectory Lane 480876 Headley Farms 136998 469815 Porter 143721 478938 Thames Water Property 143652 Animal waste treatment Waste storage Rose Cottage Longmoor Road, Liphook West End Farm Upper Froyle, Alton 481406 Alan William Bray 131522 Transfer Station Active 474765 Scribeland Organics Ltd 142438 Composting Inactive Vehicle Recycling Active Yes Redevelopment of the site to form Materials Recovery Facility, waste transfer station and ancillary depot uses (F33619/004) granted Apr 2003. 33619/005 granted 17.01.2012 for food waste compactor, implemented September 2012. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Infilling of old pits for restoration and replanting for habitat (F20619/012/CMA). Permission lapsed(considered with EH147) Upgrading of farm tracks to attain a suitable surface for farm vehicles (F20619/011/CMA) permission lapsed. Yes Use of land for vehicle recycling (F20662/038/CMA) Wastewater Treatment Works Importation of pet carcasses and associated material to be disposed of by existing farm incinerators (as authorised by DEFRA) and construction of open sided farm building (F20983/011/CMA) (New site 2006) use of agriculture barns for storage of waste paper and biomass (F37181/009/CMA) appeals dismissed and enforcement notice upheld with variations 2.2008 - 1 monitoring visit Active Inactive (with no P/P or CLU) Active (New site 2006) Electrical kiosk (F39168/002/CMA) not monitored (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) EH156 Waterbrook Estate 472900 Hutchings and Carter (Former Sewage 139499 Works), Mill Lane Transfer and Active Recycling Facility; Concrete plant EH157 Beacon House Unit 13 Mill Lane 472981 SWR Ltd 139990 Waste Transfer Active EH159 Penally Farm Hewshott Lane, Liphook Sunnyside 95 Hogmore Road, Whitehill 484640 Helical (Liphook) Ltd 132201 Waste storage Aftercare 478587 H Carter & Son 134716 Waste Transfer Active EH162 SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for the importation, storage, processing and disposal of imported waste material (F20783/015/CMA). Retrospective application for importation, processing and transfer of End-of-Life Vehicles and the erection of two workshop buildings(20783/019). 2 monitoring visits Importation, short term storage, shredding and distribution of green waste for use as a soil improver for agricultural benefit (F22111/028/CMA) granted 11.2008 (Regulator Committee 14 February 2008) following completion of ‘departure procedures’ an||| Application for change of use from importation, short term storage, shredding and distribution of green waste for use as a soil improver for agricultural to a waste wood shredding operation - REFUSED 20/02/2013|| Yes Waste transfer & recycling centre for construction & demolition waste; commercial & domestic waste; including screening, crushing & an operation centre for the storage & sorting of skips (51471/002) granted 4.2011, subject to Legal Agreement || Application (33089/032) for change of use (with associated building modifications) from existing builders storage depot to a waste recycling facility to accept and process commercial and industrial waste (including the use of a waste picking station and trommel) on industrial land at the former sewage works off Waterbrook Road, Alton - granted 23/01/2013||2 monitoring visits Change of use to waste transfer station with recycling (F22689/002/FUL) granted 6.2008 || Application to extend operating hours (F22689/003) granted 09.2011|| Application (22689/003) for removal of condition 1 (Hours of Working) on Planning Permission F22689/002/FUL - granted 29/09/2011 ||Application to vary condition 1 of planning permission F22689/002/FUL to extend the working hours - granted 17/09/2012. 2 monitoring visits. Disposal of arisings (including surplus spoil and Japanese knotweed) at Penally Farm resulting from construction activities at Bramshot Place, including reprofiling and remediation of land (F35980/006) granted 10.2008 - 1 monitoring Small scale waste transfer operation granted CLU 2010. Site Code Site Name Grid Ref EH163 Liss WTW Andlers Ash Rd 477181 Southern Water Ltd 127137 Wastewater Active Treatment Works EH164 Starter Gate Farm, Monkwood Charlwood Lane Liss Hill Brow WTW Hill Brow Road Units 2-3 Highfield Industrial Estate, Lasham, Alton 467572 Mr N Wren 131056 Waste storage 478727 Southern Water Ltd 126435 Wastewater Active Treatment Works 467904 The Lamp Recycling 142762 Company Waste Transfer 37 Holllybrook Park, Bordon Units 1 and 4-6 Highfield Industrial Estate, Lasham, Hartley Park Farm, Selborne Road, Alton Bordon Sandpit, Picketts Hill, Sleaford, Bordon Waterbook Road, Mill Lane, Alton Buriton 480468 Johnsons Skip Hire 135225 467965 Waste Care 142789 Waste Transfer Active Waste Transfer Active EH166 EH168 EH170 EH171 EH173 - - Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Construction of walk-in ferric dosing kiosk, and a walk-in final effluent monitoring kiosk along with permitted development works within the wastewater treatment works Active Change of use for the storage and compaction of agricultural waste (plastics and cardboard) (21643/007) Screening Opinion: proposed upgrades Active Waste transfer station for the recycling of fluorescent tubes and waste as well as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) (54247) granted 18.07.2012. 1 monitoring visit. Lawful Use Certificate for waste transfer station with associated skip hire business - granted 03/10/2013 || Yes Retrospective application for change of use to waste transfer station granted 14/03/2013||2 monitoring visits. 443134 Barfoot's Energy Projects Waste Processing Planning 118482 & Energy Recovery Permission Granted 480700 Hanson Heidelberg Concrete Active 138510 Cement Group batching 473000 Kendall Group 139900 John Huntley (Petersfield) Ltd. Mineral 47900 HMWP Safeguarding Area 13600 - Whitehill & Bordon Concrete batching MRS & ELV Hook Lane Landfill 451326 Veolia Environmental Warsash, Fareham 105010 Services (UK) Plc Landfill (restored) Warren Farm & 460240 Veolia Environmental Down End Quarry, 106656 Services (UK) Plc Fareham Aggregates Rec, Active Landfill (I), Chalk, Waste Transfer & Processing Yes Yes Operating under district permission. Not monitored Active Yes Active Yes Prior extraction of soft sand / silica sand Construction of up to 1.2MWh Anaerobic Digestion Plant for the treatment of food waste, agricultural waste and rotational crops, including construction of access road, associated buildings and plant, and landscaping - granted 24/10/2013 Operating under district permission. Not monitored No planning history Yes Proposed in the HMWP 2013 Fareham Borough Council FA017 FA025 FA032 Rookery Farm Swanwick, Fareham Site completed Restored non-inert landfill and household waste recycling centre to agriculture (P/99/0419/CC); temporary landfill gas flare in a secure compound (P/97/1088/CC) Not monitored 451249 Raymond L Brown Eco Aggregates 109205 Bio Ltd recycling Active Yes Yes Warren Farm: Inactive aggregate recycling, inert landfill and chalk extraction (intermittent); First Periodic Review of Mineral Planning Permissions application for determination of conditions (P/03/0616/MW) determined in 2004; development and operation of a multi-purpose waste transfer station within an existing quarry to accommodate a range of waste and an element of sorting and pre-treatment (P/06/1124/MW); storage of empty waste storage containers (P/09/0076/MW) permanent additional WTS granted [P/10/1154/MW] and solid fuel recovery plant in original WTS building granted [P/10/0848/MW]. Downend site change of use from green composting to storage of salt, skips and wood waste sorting granted 26.07.11 [P/10/1152/MW] || (Agriculture - 2011) 4 monitoring visits £ || Application (P/12/0404/CC) for variation of conditions to (i) continue storage of green waste, (ii) additional storage of bulky waste and fly tipped waste, (iii) amend hours to be consistent with rest of the site and application (P/12/0406/CC) for Construction of: Fire water storage tank and associated pump house, Electrical transformer building and associated distribution board, Dust filters for the plant and a smaller dust filter for the air separator unit - both granted 16/07/2012 || Application (P/12/0675/CC ) for construction of new electricity sub station - granted 18/10/2012 || Application (P/12/1029/CC) for variation of condition 2 of planning permission P/10/1152/MW (to allow a further period of time to operate the wood waste storage, sorting and transfer, highways salt store, and bin storage - granted 30/01/2013 || Application (P/13/0593/CC ) for use of land at waste facility for parking of HGVs - granted 25/02/2014. || Application P/14/0301/CC Variation of condition 3 of planning permission P/12/1029/CC to allow for continued operation of wood waste sorting, storage and transfer, highways salt store and bin storage (until 30.06.2019) granted 16/06/2014. Yes Yes Inert landfill (P/93/1002/MW) and aggregates recycling; recycling facility for processing of inert construction, demolition & excavated waste including the importation of compost for on soil conditioning, importation of sand for blending, erection of additional screening bunds - granted 08/06/2006 •Application P/10/0400/MW proposed portacabin to be used as a Visitor Centre - granted 22/06/2010 • Application P/13/0931/CC for Use of picking station and cone crusher for primary processing of C&D waste to feed existing onsite washing plant - permitted 18/12/2013 • P/14/0857/CC Permanent inert and secondary aggregate recycling facility including visitors centre, purpose built site offices and mess rooms; fixed and mobile plant; amendments to site layout and haul roads and bunds; sustainable drainage and energy features; management of historic orchard and western woodland ; ecological and landscape enhancement; cessation of future landfill permitted under planning permission no. P/06/0443/CC and options for exploration of potential community related after-uses on restored landfill; and related ancillary development all at existing temporary recycling facility - granted 27/11/2014 Site Code Site Name Grid Ref FA046 Portchester Chalk Pit Fareham Fareham Rail Aggregates Depot Fareham Site Description Site Status 461683 Sturgess Trust 106484 Chalk Closed/ Dormant 456964 Hanson UK (sub106422 contract to Kendall Bros) Aggregates Rail Depot Active Upper Quay Aggregates Wharf, Fareham Wallington Depot Fareham 458036 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd 105889 Aggregates Wharf Active 459136 SITA 106953 Waste Processing, Aggregates recycling Active Eastern Distributor Road Segensworth Unit 6 Crompton Way Segensworth Barnes Wallis Rd Segensworth (HWRC) Broadcut 453572 Hampshire County 107054 Council Landfill (restored) Site completed 452291 Rentokil Initial 108333 Waste Processing Active 453513 Hampshire County 107571 Council HWRC Active Yes 458350 Zebra Waste Disposal 107023 Services Ltd Waste Transfer Station Active Yes FA071 Woodleigh Farm Funtley 455911 Woodleigh and River Rise Landfill (restored) 108184 Farms Site completed FA072 Wallington Hill (SCO) Fareham Land within Allotment Gardens, The Gillies Peel Common WTW Newgate Lane, Stubbington 458237 Southern Water Ltd 106665 Combined Sewer Overflow Active 457118 Southern Water Ltd 105840 Wastewater Active Treatment Works 456613 Southern Water Ltd 103367 Wastewater Active Treatment Works FA075 Wickham Road WTW Fareham 458072 Southern Water Ltd 106803 Wastewater Active Treatment Works FA076 Hook Park WTW Workman's Lane, Hook, Warsash 450247 Southern Water Ltd 104162 Wastewater Active Treatment Works FA078 Charity Farm 127 Wickham Road, Fareham 457701 T J Transport Ltd 108920 Waste Recycling FA079 Unit 1, Pinks Sawmill Wickham Road, Fareham Down Barn Farm, Boarhunt Road, Fareham 457774 Tyre Recycling Services Waste transfer 109707 Ltd station Active 459245 Graham Moyse 107522 Active FA048 FA054 FA064 FA067 FA068 FA069 FA070 FA073 FA074 FA080 Operator / Agent SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Yes Dormant chalk extraction; dwellings and access road on site frontage and within old quarry; Initial Review (Dormant) application required before extraction can recommence - 1 monitoring visit £ Yes Rail aggregates depot - 1 monitoring visit Yes Aggregates wharf - 1 monitoring visit Yes Integrated waste recycling and transfer, including construction and demolition, commercial and industrial wastes and aggregate recycling (P/98/0376/CC); Liaison Panel (1 meeting) main issues: traffic - 1 monitoring visit • Application (P/12/0611/CC) for variation of condition 3 (operating hours) and 4 (area of wood chipping) of Planning Permission P/98/0376/CC - granted 23/10/2012 • Application (P/13/0320/CC ) for variation of condition 7 of Planning Permission P/12/0611/CC (to extend the operation hours of the wood chipper) granted 31/05/2013 • Application (P/13/0763/CC) for erection of a canopy for the storage of wood chippings , granted 04/10/2013 • P/14/1095/CC Variation of Condition 6 and 7 of Planning Permission P/13/0320/CC (hours of working) - awaiting determination Restored - disposal of surplus subsoils generated by road construction by local remodelling of landform and bunding Clinical waste transfer (P/98/0921/CC) - 1 monitoring visit Waste Recycling Inactive Household waste recycling centre; temporary trial (6 months) to receive limited commercial waste (P/08/1204/CC); extension and improvement of the household waste recycling centre (P/05/1276/CC); variation of condition 3 of P/05/1276/CC to extend the hours of operation (P/08/1204/CC) granted 12.2008. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Waste transfer station; extension of waste handling building, erection of new southern boundary screen/fence, relocation of weighbridge and associated office, and installation of soil screening plant with building (P/06/0861/MW); increase height of permitted extension to Waste Transfer Station from 7.5m to 10m (P/07/0018/MW) 3 monitoring visits (New site 2003) Restored reinstatement of former brick pit and brickyard to agriculture using clean imported soil (P/03/0253/MW); final aftercare meeting autumn 2008 (Agriculture 2003) not monitored (implemented development, no monitoring required) (New site 2004) Kiosk to house telemetry equipment at combined sewer outflow (P/03/1882/CC) not monitored (implemented development, no monitoring required) (New site 2004) Erection of new concrete plinth and kiosk to house telemetry equipment (P/04/1450/CC) not monitored (implemented development, no monitoring required) Yes (New site 2005) Construction of a combined control and blower building (P/05/1173/HCC); to vary condition 1 of P/05/1173/CC (Hours of HGV deliveries) (P/06/0431/CC); retrospective planning application for construction of a methanol dosing kiosk and MCC kiosk (P/07/0893/MW); Screening Opinion: construction of a new transfer pumping station at Woolston, a storm outfall at Woolston, a 14.4 km transfer pipeline and new facilities at the existing Peel Common WWTW (SCR/2007/0211) determined, EA required 1 monitoring visit (implemented development, low priority) • Application P/11/1089/CC ( for construction of a UV disinfections system and motor control centre kiosk, granted 24/01/2012 • (New site 2006) Active upgrade works to an existing wastewater pumping station including exiting wall to be rebuilt with new access gate, ground to reinstated, realignment of existing footpath, construction of a temporary contractors site compound not adjacent to development required for the duration of the sewer upgrade works (P/06/1420/MW) implemented, 1st year aftercare on planting 1 monitoring visit (implemented development, no monitoring required) (New site 2007) development/refurbishment of the existing wastewater pumping station with extension onto adjacent arable field (change of use), construction of boundary fence around area to be purchased by Southern Water and an area of ground to be raised around the site of the former Ejector Station (P/07/0291/MW) Not monitored (New site 2008) construction of a Material Recycling Facility to handle a maximum throughput of 125,000 tonnes per annum of construction, demolition and skip waste with weighbridge facility and extension of northern and western boundaries to incorporate 60 HGV parking spaces and hardstanding stockpile area with associated landscaping and bund (P/08/0797/MW) withdrawn 11.2008; Permitted construction of a material recovery facility to handle a maximum throughput of 75,000 tonnes per annum of construction, demolition and skip waste with weighbridge facility (P/08/1267/MW) granted 3.2009 - Not implemented (New site 2009) Permitted change of use of former sawmill building from B2 /B8 Use to a tyre baling facility with associated storage and amendment to building access (P/09/0154/MW) granted 3.2009. Extension granted 2009. Additional tyre baling included 21.04.2010 (P/10/0258/MW). Change of Use of yard area to extend existing adjacent tyre recycling facility with retention of existing B2/B8 Use and portacabin offices. granted 28.03.2011 (P/11/0130/MW) Monitored 2 visits. [New site 2011] Hardcore/concrete recycling granted 17.09.2009 [P/09/0396/MW] Monitored - 2 visits. Site Code Site Name Grid Ref GP001 Grange Road Gosport (HWRC) 458699 Hampshire County 100010 Council GP004 Cherque Farm Lee on the Solent, Gosport 457535 CEMEX UK & Sand and Gravel 100541 Persimmon Homes South (processing), Agg Coast Ltd Rec, Landfill (I) Aftercare (active) Brewers Lane CSO Gosport Land at Quay Lane Elson 458690 Southern Water Ltd 102686 Combined Sewer Overflow Active 460648 Latimer & Ayles 102156 Waste Transfer Station Active Land bounded by Anglesey Road & Foster Road, Gosport Mumby Road WW Pumping Station, Gosport Cranbourne Road Gosport 460547 Southern Water Ltd 99404 Wastewater Active Treatment Works 462200 Southern Water Ltd 99925 Wastewater Active Treatment Works 461405 DS Smith Recycling 99442 Waste Transfer Station Inactive 2 Cranborne Road 461338 Gosport Home Gosport 99406 Improvements Waste Storage Active Lederle Lane, Fareham Road, Gosport Quay lane 458350 Hanson Heidelberg 104400 Cement Group Concrete batching Active MRS Active HR005 Beacon Hill Exshot, Crondall 481959 Cranstone Bros 150074 Aggregates Recycling, Sand and Gravel Active HR008 Springwell Lane Hartley Wintney (HWRC) Bramshill Landfill 476884 Hampshire County 158024 Council HWRC Active 475814 Veolia Environmental 160821 Services (UK) Plc Landfill (closed), Waste Processing Closed/Ceased with P/P or CLU Landfill (restored) Site completed GP016 GP017 GP019 GP020 GP021 GP022 - - HR019 HR026 HR032 HR034 HR037 Operator / Agent A.W. Smith (Gosport) Ltd. Bramshill Plantation 475236 Camas UK Ltd 162251 Blackbushe 481574 SimsMetal UK Ltd Metals 159176 Yateley Starhill Sawmills Hartley Wintney Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded HWRC Active Yes Restored sand and gravel extraction processing, concrete batching, aggregates recycling and inert landfill (Agriculture, housing and highway - 2006) – 2 monitoring visits (New site 2004) GRP kiosk to house telemetry equipment at combined sewer outflow (K16521) not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Erection of two general industrial (Class B1) units with associated offices and waste transfer station and refurbishment of existing building' (K13994/7); 'removal of existing telecom mast, installation of temporary prefabricated office accommodation. Variation of condition 7 of Planning Permission K1399/7 (Site Layout) to include changes to Waste Transfer Station, boundary treatment, car parking, external storage, widening of access gates and inclusion/repositioning of portacabin on site (K13994/10 ) granted 15/10/2012; 4 monitoring visits (New site 2005) Kiosk to house telemetry equipment/control equipment (K16843) not monitored (implemented development, low priority) (New site 2006) Construction of a new motor control centre (MCC) kiosk (K17258) not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Yes Application for Certificate of Lawful Use for 'Importation, bulking/bailing, storage and exportation of mixed dry recyclate (plastics/cans/glass)' (HCC/2011/0115) granted 27.06.2012. New Site 2011. Storage of mud and brick rubble (K8181/3) granted 18/04/2011. Yes Operating under district permission. Not monitored Yes Yes Household waste recycling centre; extension and improvement of household waste recycling centre (04/01873/CMA) Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Restored inert landfill, largely to forestry 478377 UK Waste Management Waste Processing Active 158611 Ltd & Biffa Waste Services Ltd Yes In aftercare Hart District Council Dormant sand and gravel extraction; Initial Review (Dormant) application required before extraction can recommence; Active Certificate of Lawful Use or Development for use of part of the land for the recycling of construction and demolition wastes and soils together with ancillary use of 20 no. skips connected with this recycling use; storage and distribution of aggregates; and storage of building materials as specified, which does not materially exceed the level existing on 13 December 2002 (03/00004/CMA) (None specified - no end date) || Application (F21271/016/REG3) for construction of building for wood burner, granted 08/12/2005 || Application (11/01733/CMA) for erection of open fronted waste transfer station for recycling of construction waste, granted 24/01/2012 ||2 monitoring visit Restored non-hazardous landfill (HDC/22472/C) in aftercare; landfill gas power generation (99/00475/CMA); long term management to encourage heathland (Agriculture, amenity, heathland) Yes Restoration of lake No planning history Yes Waste Processing Active River Valley Lake 482953 R Collard Ltd East of Sandhurst 160872 Road Gosport Borough Council Household waste recycling centre (K8971/2); variation of condition 15 of PP K8971/2 to extend the hours of operation (K8971/4) granted 2.2009 - 3 monitoring visits || Application (K8971/5 ) for redevelopment of the Existing Gosport HWRC to remove the Health and Safety Issue of customer vehicles exiting via the bin servicing area, granted 30/09/2010 ||Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Metal recycling; new structure for the 'end of life' rigs as part of the End of Life Vehicle Regulations 2003, the structure to be single storey, metal framed, open sided with corrugated metal roof over, the purpose to provide weather protection for the operatives working on the vehicles (05/01614/CMA); proposed new access road to serve the north eastern entrance of the Sims Metals site, this will replace the existing southern access to Vigo Lane, which will be reinstated to common land (09/00655/CMA) granted ; Liaison Panel main issues: access and amenity Waste transfer and recycling, construction and demolition and non-hazardous industrial wastes (05/00685/CMA). Retrospective change to the use of the building from storage and transfer of recycling materials to include the parking of vehicles and the storage and transfer of recycling materials(14/01504/CMA). 1 monitoring visit. Yes Restoration of lake in former gravel workings, for recreational use, a new causeway will divide the existing lake into two lakes, one for fishing and one for canoeing (07/02026/CMA) granted 6.2008 following completion of a legal agreement detailing compliance with the neighbouring land to the west, in terms of the footpath south of the river linking up with that on the application site and no development commencing on the neighbouring land until the application site is completed || Application (12/00753/CMA) for variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission 07/02026/CMA to extend the time for the infilling and restoration, granted 29/05/2012 ||Restoration completed and in aftercare. 1 visit £ Site Code Site Name HR038 HR040 Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Chandlers Farm 480792 CEMEX UK Eversley / Yateley 161788 Sand and Gravel (processing); Concrete batching Time Limited Yes Yes Eversley Common 479221 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd Eversley 159152 Sand and Gravel; Time Limited Concrete Batching Yes Yes Yateley Heath Wood 48050 15850 Yes HR042 Warren Heath Eversley / Bramshill 478659 CEMEX UK / R.Collard 158697 Ltd Potential Sand and Gravel extraction Sand and Gravel, Time Limited Aggregates Recycling HR070 Kiln Farm Heckfield 472472 B D Haulage and Plant 159562 Hire HR073 Grid Ref Operator / Agent HWMP Landfill (restored) HR085 Eversley Haulage Park Recycling Inert Material Active HR090 Former Minley 481756 Hampshire County Wood Landfill, Fleet 156940 Council Landfill (restored) Site completed Humbly Grove (B) Wellsite South Warnborough Oil and Gas HR091 472633 Star Energy Ltd 145175 Proposed in the HMWP 2013 Yes Yes Sand and gravel extraction, original phases in aftercare; Initial Review (Active Phase 2) application (0000349CMA) determined in 2001; extraction of sand and gravel with retention of existing processing plant and ancillary facilities(00/00679/CMA); development and operation of a secondary aggregate recycling facility (until 31 December 2013) (06/02863/CMA) ; proposed variation of the permitted method of working requiring amendments to conditions 2 and 26 of planning permission 00/00679/CMA together with an application to erect a conveyor bridge crossing the A30 (08/00471/CMA) granted 6.2008; || Application (SCO/2012/0435) request for scoping opinion - decision: EA required 16/01/2013 || Application (13/00755/CMA) for permanent secondary aggregate recycling facility with landscaping - Granted subject to legal agreement ||Planning application for variation to condition 2 of planning permission 08/00471/CMA to extend the time limit for retention of conveyor bridge( 14/00060/CMA) granted subject to Legal Agreement. Planning Application for variation to conditions 1 & 27 of permission 00/00679/CMA to extend life of site for extraction and restoration and to revise restoration scheme(14/00062/CMA) granted subject to Legal Agreement. (Forestry - 2020) 4 monitoring visits £ Restored inert landfill. Time Limited 478840 R Collard Ltd 159150 Sand and gravel extraction with southern extension to the quarry (within preferred area 2) granted in 2000 following completion of a legal agreement for the long term management of heathland and public access; variation of archaeological condition granted 6.2002 ; extension of time to complete extraction and restoration, extract mineral from under Welsh Drive, extract minerals from Busta Triangle granted 2011. Extraction ceased and restoration complete. In aftercare. Restoration of plant site to be completed by 2015. (forestry, nature conservation 2015) Site completed Humbly Grove (X) 471151 Petronas Energy Ltd (t/a Oil and Gas Wellsite 144765 Humbly Grove Energy) South Warnborough Calf Lane Quarry 477327 C G Comley & Sons Ltd Recycling 149856 HR078 Sand and gravel processing of material from Manor Farm, Finchampstead site in Berkshire; small permitted reserve remains under plant site; Periodic Review application (99/00359/CMA) determined in 2001; use of part of site as sports fields and match fishery including the erection of associated clubhouses, construction of car parking and access (01/01332/CMA) ongoing; proposed variation of condition 6 of Planning Permission 96/01064/CMA to allow for the retention of the bridge, conveyor, haul road and any associated structures for a further temporary period (07/02786/CMA); proposed variation of condition 6 of Planning Permission 99/00359/CMA to allow for the importation of material from land west of Longwater Road (until 31 December 2014)(07/02785/CMA) (Recreation and nature conservation - 2014); Site Liaison Panel (Berkshire) (0Meetings) main issues: amenity || Application (09/01592/CMA) for blending of organic products and minerals to create high quality topsoils - granted 11/11/2009 || Application (13/01295/CMA) for variation of condition 2 of planning permission 09/01592/CMA (to permit the importation of sand for use in the manufacture of BS3882 topsoils during a temporary halt in mineral extraction) - granted 19/07/2013 ||Variation of conditions 1, 4 and 22 of Planning permission 07/02785/CMA to allow for an extension to the time limit for importation of material from Fleethill Farm into Chandlers farm and a revised restoration scheme(14/00644/CMA). Variation of condition 1 of planning permission 07/02786/CMA to extend the time limit to retain haul road, bridge and conveyor from Manor Farm into Chandlers Farm(14/00642/CMA). Variation of conditions 1, 4, 21, 23 of planning permission 99/00359/CMA to extend life of the site and revised restoration(14/00640/CMA) 4 monitoring visits £|| Yes Active Wellsite (Humbly Grove Oilfield); oil piped to Weston Common Gathering Station; Periodic Review application (BDB46946) determined in 2000; variation of condition 12 of First Periodic Review of Minerals Permission 00/00024/CMA to allow continued production of oil and gas (until 30 September 2025) (03/00817/ADJ) (Forestry/Agriculture - 2025) Oil enhancement modification granted 2011 (11/01156/CMA) 1 monitoring visit £ (with BA057) Installation of weighbridge, erection of weighbridge office with toilet and welfare facilities (04/01382/CMA) (ancillary to the development permitted by Certificate of Lawful Development No. HDC/22612/CLE dated 25 May 1993 by Hart District Council); Certificate of Lawful Use - inert and low level hazardous waste recycling and transfer site comprising all processes normally associated therewith, the storage, repair, collection and delivery of demolition and other plant, equipment and vehicles associated with the operation and the salvage of reusable demolition arisings e.g.. timber, brick and tiles (08/03309/CMA) received 11.2008, not yet determined; Liaison Panel main issues: none held. Granted 23/11/2011 || Application (13/01142/CMA) for modification of picking station and store (retrospective) Granted 1/11/2013 ||2 monitoring visits Yes Temporary use of land for recycling of inert material to produce soils and secondary aggregates, including the use of screening and crushing equipment (03/01582/CMA) including the replacement of portacabin offices, and the installation and use of a waste sorting plant (04/01305/CMA); use of land for the storage of secondary aggregates, recycled materials and skips for a temporary period to coincide with associated recycling activities on neighbouring land, plus the erection and use of replacement vehicle workshops (until 31 December 2010) (05/01493/CMA); the use of the site for a weighbridge, associated office facilities and ancillary aggregate storage facility with the existing waste recycling facility at Unit 4 (until 31 December 2010) (08/00603/CMA) granted 4.2008 (Haulage Park 2010) Application submitted to extend life of site. || Application (10/02547/CMA) for erection of a Waste Reception Building and changes to internal layout in Units 1,2,3, 4,5 & 8 and permanent use of Units 1,2,3,4,5 & 8 for waste recycling and transfer activities, including the recycling and transfer of non putrescible construction, demolition, commercial, industrial and municipal waste. Granted 03/03/2011 || 2 monitoring visits. Restored non-inert landfill; leachate pumping (97/00687/CMA); remediation work completed – not monitored (closed site) Inactive Yes Unrestored wellsite (Humbly Grove Oilfield); Periodic Review application determined 4.2000 (Forestry/agriculture 2014) Site Code Site Name Grid Ref HR092 Down Farm Odiham 473103 G K Benford & Co 149274 Waste Processing Active HR093 Land Above Welsh Drive Bramshill New Farm Former Oil Well Site, Froyle Lane, South Warnborough 477389 CEMEX UK 160070 Gravel Extraction completed. 472574 Mr R G Porter 145793 Waste Recycling Active HR095 Butsa Triangle Eversley Quarry 478736 Lafarge Aggregates 159492 Limited Sand & Gravel Extraction completed. HR097 Fleet Sewage Treatment Works, Fleet Wynchwood Farm Farnham Road Hartley Wintney WTW Springwell Lane Hook Depot, M3 Motorway Compound 480521 Thames Water Utilities 156346 Wastewater Site completed Treatement Works 476641 Mr Ray Henley 150889 476744 Thames Water Utilities 158011 Ltd Wood storage Wastewater Active Treatement Works Yes 472390 Amey UK plc 153015 Coated stone depot Active Yes HV004 Harts Farm Way Havant (HWRC) 470521 Hampshire County 105840 Council HWRC Active HV008 Hambledon Road Waterlooville (HWRC) Fishery Lane Hayling Island (HWRC) Farlington Redoubt Portsdown Hill 467898 Hampshire County 109705 Council HWRC Inactive 473475 Hampshire County 98796 Council HWRC Time Limited Yes 468646 L&S Waste 106441 Management Waste Processing; Concrete batching Active Yes Yes HR094 HR098 HR099 - Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Green waste composting and 6 metre CCTV tower; five bunkers, barn, retaining wall and concrete hardstanding used for composting of green waste (05/00086/CMA); installation of hardstanding in associated with green waste recycling facility (08/01978/CMA) granted 9.2008 || Application (13/00621/CMA) for extension of existing green waste recycling facility through the provision of an additional hardstanding, increase in the total amount of green waste and compost from 1,000 cubic metres to 1,250 cubic metres, granted 06/06/2013 ||1 monitoring visit Ceased extraction of sand and gravel with restoration to lower landform for plantation; to be used as nature conservation mitigation in association with secondary aggregate recycling facility at Heath Warren HR042 Former unrestored Humbly Grove ‘B’ Wellsite HR091; application for the change of use (until 30 September 2012) from a waste recycling centre to the storage of woodchip and mixed pelleted paper and plastic (07/01563/CMA); change of use of part of the building from straw storage to pelleted waste paper storage (09/00046/CMA) granted 3.2009 (Agriculture 2014); part retrospective application for wood chipping and storage 10/00376/CMA granted 30.3.2010; Liaison Panel main issues: none held. 2 monitoring visits || Application (12/01087/CMA) for change of use of existing waste storage site to include waste recycling - granted 26/07/2012 || Application (13/00906/CMA) for variation of condition 12 of planning permission 12/01087/CM (to allow supply to other destinations) - granted 13/06/2013 || Application (13/01809/CMA) to continue with the existing permission to process and store graded waste woodchip and pelleted paper and plastic, and to also allow the processing and storage of plastic window frames - Withdrawn || Sand and gravel extraction and progressive restoration to commercial forestry and nature conservation (06/01130/CMA) refused 12.2006; appeal lodged 6.2007, dismissed 1.2008. New application to allow gravel extraction as extension to Eversley Common granted 02.2011 (see site code HR040) Temporary contractors compound required in association with Elvetham Road rising main replacement (until 31 July 2007) (06/02737/CMA) not monitored (implemented development, low priority) ceased. Use of land in the northwest corner of Wychwood Farm for the importation and storage of logs associated with a gardening and tree surgery business (08/02646/CMA) granted 11.2008. Granted permission by Hart DC for alternative use. (New site 2009) construction of three motor control centre kiosks (09/00417/CMA) received 2.2009 - Not monitored Located at existing highways maintenance depot. Not monitored Havant Borough Council HV010 HV017 Household waste recycling centre; Incinerator ceased operation in 1996 and demolished in 1997; extension and improvement of the Household Waste Recycling Centre (06/56960/011); renewal of temporary change of use (until 30 April 2009) for storage of fridges and freezers(07/56960/013) || Application(APP/11/01469) for Construction of two new salt storage barns with associated supporting facilities, small office unit, drainage, lighting, landscaping and vehicle parking, granted 09/12/2012 || Application (APP/11/01470) for provision of a new Havant Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) on the former Havant incinerator land, Harts Farm Way, Havant and an access road to the land to the Northwest of the former incinerator land granted 08/12/2011 || Application (APP/13/00498) for variation of condition 2 of Planning permission APP/11/01470 (to allow work to start at 0730) at the HWRC - granted 12/07/2013 || Application (APP/13/00530) for the variation of condition 2 of planning permission APP/11/01469 (to allow work to start at 0730) at the salt storage barns - granted 12/07/2013 ||Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Household waste recycling centre - 1 monitoring visit HV026 Bedhampton 470487 Solent Aggregates Ltd Aggregates Wharf, 105609 & Havant Tarmac Limited Aggregates Wharf; Concrete batching Active HV038 West of Southmoor 470790 Lane, Havant 105718 Waste Processing Inactive (with no P/P or CLU) HV039 Harts Farm Way Havant Waste Processing Active 470677 T J Waste & Recycling 105769 Ltd Yes Yes Permission (94/58240/HCC) household waste recycling centre|| renewal of permission to operate a household waste recycling centre (until 31 December 2015) (05/58240/006) || variation of condition 3 of planning permission. 05/58240/006 to extend the hours of operation (08/58240/007) (until 31 December 2015) granted1/2009 ||Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Active waste transfer station for skip waste (01/54301/007); Storage and processing of soil and secondary aggregates (03/54301/010); To continue to operate a concrete crusher as part of the Waste Transfer Station activities (05/54301/013); to allow waste to be brought to the site by registered Waste Carriers (05/54301/014) || Permission to increase quantity of waste imported into site (09/54301/015) - granted 18/01/2010 || Consolidation permission, cement silo & ancillary parking (APP/10/00141) granted 17/05/2011. [App consolidates all previous consents under one comprehensive permission]. Liaison Panel (1 meeting) main issues: dust and highway issues. 4 monitoring visits. Aggregates Wharf. Installation of new weighbridge and portable office (97/62532/HCC); Extension of portacabin office to provide mess facilities and demolition of existing mess facilities (02/61829/000); Variation of condition 4 of Planning Permission 25624/14 (repainting/cladding plant in goosewing grey)(04/62532/002); Application to vary condition 6 of planning permission 25624/14 to allow temporary importation of aggregates by road for a temporary period for use in the plant (APP/10/00966) granted 24/01/2011. Low Risk development - 2 monitoring visits Site dormant/inactive with no planning permissions. Proposed waste transfer station within lorry park; application for a waste transfer and recycling station with relocation of lorry parking and associated facilities, approved 9.2000 subject to completion of legal agreements securing financial contribution towards highway, lorry routeing, rescinding of existing P/P, offsite planting and safeguarding of lorry spaces; temp installation of a security cabin (until 5.2002). No progress with Legal Agreement and so permission refused 31.03.2006. Open storage waste transfer (96/53532/4/HCC); Retrospective modifications to existing waste transfer (02/53532/005); Retrospective revisions to site layout including new buildings, car parking, fencing, lighting, plant and machinery (09/56960/015); 4 monitoring visits Site Code Site Name HV040 Budds Farm WTW 470698 Southern Water Havant 105396 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works HV042 New Lane Havant 472136 Wessex Construction & 106613 Plant Hire Ltd Waste Processing HV043 Manor Farm Hayling Island 471966 Fieldfare UK Ltd 101017 Composting HV044 HMS Total Vehicle 472507 David John Silver Recovery Ltd 101246 Vehicle Recovery Active Tesco Solent Road Bedhampton Landfill Havant Exploration Site Off Hulbert Road, Leigh Park Harts Farm Way Langstone SPP (Southern) Ltd Recycling Active Portsmouth Water Inert landfill Active HV045 HV046 HV047 HV048 Grid Ref 471391 106016 470591 106324 469403 108117 Operator / Agent Site Description SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Inactive (with no P/P or CLU) Inactive waste transfer and recycling; application for improvements submitted 9.2002 On-farm green waste composting (03/57813/006) - granted 07/04/2003 || Application (04/57813/008) variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission 03/57813/006 (hours of operation) || Application (04/57813/009) for Amendment to Planning Permission 03/57813/006 (to substitute 150mm of crushed concrete with 150mm of poured concrete) - granted 17/12/2004 || Application (06/57813/010) for variation of condition 2 of planning permission 04/57813/008 to allow extended hours of operation from April to September (0800-1800) - granted 03/03/2006 || Application (APP/12/00500) for amendments to Planning permission 03/57813/006 to allow an increase in the height of the windrows and an increase in the annual levels of waste granted 26/11/2012 || Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. || Active Yes Inactive (with no P/P or CLU) Installation of TOMRA recycling unit to replace existing recycling facility (04/58840/013) - 1 monitoring visit (New site 2007) Screening Opinion: Inert landfill, screening and sorting of waste (SCR/2007/0137), EIA not required. 3 monitoring visits Yes Active Pavement outside 474191 Southern Water No. 56 105445 Services Ltd Kings Road Harts Farm Way, Hanson Heidelberg Havant Cement Group WTW Kiosk Active Concrete batching Active - Lovedean ELV Active Yes NF001 Fawley Waste Processing Plant 443270 Tradebe Fawley 105747 Waste Processing Active Yes NF002 Caird Avenue New Milton 425464 New Milton Sand and 94577 Ballast Sand and Gravel (processing); Waste Processing; Concrete manufacturing Waste Transfer Station HWRC Landfill (closed) Yes - NF018 NF021 NF038 Normandy Road Marchwood (HWRC) Verwood Road, Ringwood Forest Somerley (HWRC) Hamer Warren Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Ring & Bring Ltd 438508 Veolia Environmental 111092 Services (UK) Plc 412216 Veolia Environmental 106987 Services (UK) Plc 412939 CEMEX UK 110147 Yes Temporary permission to construct an hydrocarbon exploration site, mobilization of a drilling rig, setting up and the drilling of an exploratory well including flow testing, permission to include new highway access, access track and passing places (08/53384/002) (expiring three years from the date of commencement of site construction)|| Permission lapsed. Temporary use (5 years) of utilities storage depot as part storage depot and part materials recovery facility including the storage and treatment of arisings (hardcore and inert waste) generated by the Southern Gas Mains Replacement Programme to manufacture roadstone for re-use in trench reinstatement works' (APP/10/00515) - granted 11/05/2011. Monitored: 4 visits || Aggregates Recycling HV049 Wastewater treatment works and sludge recycling centre development (97/50154/2/HCC) with Section 106 Legal Agreement for Conservation Area in southern and south-western area. Linked to Eastney, Portsmouth PTO55; installation of a 'Combined Heat and Power' (CHP) unit, to enhance the efficiency and cleanliness of the water treatment process, and convert to a sustainable (renewable) energy resource (07/50154/009); installation of a ferric dosing system to the existing sewage treatment works, to reduce odour and the corrosive effects of the by-products of the treatment process (07/50154/010); construction of a new methanol storage area motor control centre (MCC) kiosk, a methanol storage pneumatics motor control centre (MCC) kiosk and change in location of an activated sludge plant motor control centre (MCC) kiosk (07/50154/011); construction of workshop in an existing compound area (08/50154/013) granted 6.2008. 2 monitoring visits Yes To run and install one vehicle ramp and drain tanks to comply with new depollution directive (04/69829/000) – 1 monitoring visit Northern Petroleum (GB) Oil and Gas Limited 470582 Conroy's Group 105685 Site Status Installation of a kiosk to house electronic equipment to monitor sewer flows (APP/10/00607) - granted 28/10/2010 || HWRC Soft Sand (restored) Yes Operating under district permission. Not monitored Active No planning history New Forest District Council Special waste storage and processing; removal of condition 1 of 70529 restricting incineration to meat and bone meal (MBM) (80542) (EIA); siting of two portacabin units for use for document storage (84035); installation of a 15m lattice tower to support a warning alarm to comply with COMAH requirements (085737); proposal to construct a new compressor house for a ‘waste to energy’ facility (07/91529); proposed laboratory, gatehouse and amenities building (08/92140) not implemented and lapsed Mar 2011: replacement shredder plant and equipment (08/92343) granted 7.2008. Construction of external storage (11/97051) granted June 2011. 2 monitoring Sand and gravel processing plant site and waste transfer station, including construction and demolition and non-hazardous industrial wastes; relocation of waste transfer station within the Solent Industrial Estate (85850) Time Limited Active Aftercare (active) Time Limited In Aftercare Yes Yes Yes Non-inert waste transfer station in former incinerator building which ceased operation 1996; adjoining household waste recycling centre; redevelopment of existing site to provide a replacement Waste Transfer Station and Household Waste Recycling Centre, demolition of former incinerator building and two redundant dwellings, and temporary extension of time for retention of existing Waste Transfer Station (until redevelopment commences) (07/89251); Restored non-inert landfill (00056236M) in aftercare; Active household waste transfer centre (00065860M); Planning application (09/94567) Variation of Condition 1 of Planning Permission 08/93378 to extend the time limit (until December 2019) for the temporary siting of Somerley Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) - granted 10.2009 ; landfill gas power generation (79150); variation of condition 2 of PP: 00065860M to extend the hours of Restored sand extraction, inert landfill out of aftercare; Periodic Review application (00066519) determined in 2000; access to Bleak Hill NF091 (Agriculture - 2001). Site now managed by Somerley Estate - 1 monitoring visit. Site Code Site Name NF042 Manor Farm 431231 New Milton Sand and Recycling Facility, 93041 Ballast, Milton Road, Veolia Environmental Pennington Services (UK) Plc & Efford (HWRC) Southern Water Services Ltd Former quarry and Time Limited landfill site, HWRC Holbury Landfill Fawley Bleak Hill Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley 442505 CEMEX UK 104636 413088 CEMEX UK 111004 Landfill (restored) Sand and Gravel, Time Limited Landfill (inert) Aggregates Recycling Yes Bleak Hill Quarry Extension 41300 11130 Yes NF097 Blashford Quarry Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley 414643 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd 108175 Potential Sand and Gravel extraction Sand and Gravel (processing) Aggregates Recycling Active NF099 Snails Lane Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Ringwood Pit Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley 415558 CEMEX UK 107631 Sand and Gravel In Aftercare 414986 Hanson Aggregates 108272 Sand and Gravel Site completed Holmsley Ridge Burley 421494 Forestry Commission 101015 Forest Enterprise Sand and Gravel (restored) Site completed NF045 NF091 NF091 NF101 NF103 Grid Ref Operator / Agent HMWP Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Yes Yes Sand and gravel extraction, inert and incinerator bottom ash (IBA) landfill, waste transfer, HWRC, energy recovery, aggregates recycling and wastewater treatment plant; Initial Review (Active Phase 1) application (00060763M) determined in 1999 subject to monitoring of hydrological and ecological effects of the development and management of water and its infrastructure (Efford); permissions also reviewed under the Habitats Regulations because of possible impact on adjoining SSSI and proposed SPA; retention and development of an existing waste recycling management and composting facility (84776); variation of conditions 1, 2, 10, 20 and 23 of 70056 – revised restoration scheme and extension of time to complete development of eastern lake (phase 4D) (until 31 December 2012) (11/97431); construction of a motor control kiosk (MCC) (07/90285); retention of leachate treatment plant including change of use to allow importation of leachate - 5 monitoring visits (07/90840);the development of land without complying with condition 1 of planning permission 74405 and the variation of that condition to extend the extraction of sand and gravel and infilling with inert waste for three months (until 31 March 2008) (07/91532); proposal for the extraction of clay from Efford Lake construction site, for the use in the restoration of wetlands in the New Forest National Park and the restoration of the clay extraction site by infilling with inert waste to complete construction of the lake (08/92566) granted 7.2008|| variation of condition 2 of PP 82145 to extend the hours of operation at Efford HWRC (08/93451) (until 31 December 2020) granted 1.2009 || Efford final phase of tipping, incinerator ash only, then final restoration and creation of eastern lake Manor Farm extraction and infilling of Lower Farm continuing, buildings for waste transfer and recycling not yet constructed Liaison Panel (1 site visit) main issues: outstanding restoration 4D, 4C to finish by end of September, Lower Farm extracted and substantially completed (Agriculture - 2007) 8 monitoring visits £ || Application (09/94932) for variation of Condition 1 of Planning Permission 87383 to extend the time for the completion of restoration (of the landfill site) - granted 27/01/2010 || Application (11/97341) for variation of Conditions of Planning Permission 09/94932 involving revisions to the restoration and aftercare details (landfill site) - granted 09/09/11 || Application (12/98145) for construction of new treatment processes and two control kiosks to support improvement in wastewater treatment (Wastewater Treatment Works) - granted 13/02/2012 || Application (12/99307) for variation of Condition1 of Planning Permission 11/97341 to extend the time for the completion of restoration (landfill site) - granted 17/01/2013 || Application (13/11273) for high quality recycled aggregated washing facility and a clad extension to the existing recycling plant - awaiting decision || Site completed Yes Restored non-inert landfill in aftercare, active flare stack and compound (until 31 December 2019) (83384); former sand and gravel extraction restored to amenity/grazing, legal agreement attached for long term management - 1 monitoring visit Sand and gravel extraction, active recycling of inert waste construction materials to produce secondary aggregates and screening of soils and inert landfill accessed via Hamer Warren FN038; Periodic Review application (78402) determined in 2003 (Agriculture - 2018); Planning permission 09/94574 granted on 23/08/2010 for 'retention of the existing aggregate processing plant - condition 46 of planning permission 78402 and application to vary approved working scheme under condition 5 of planning permission 78402'. Liaison Panel held on a biannual basis. No major issues with the site. Phases 1-5 have now been restored and are in aftercare. 4 monitoring visits per year £. Proposed in the HMWP 2013 Sand and gravel processing; extraction ceased and part restored; plant and associated facilities processing material from Nea Farm, Somerley NF106 delivered by conveyor || application (85539) for non-compliance with conditions 1, 7 & 15 of 047151 to revise the restoration scheme at North Somerley, granted 31/03/2006 || Application (85538) for non-compliance with conditions 7, 8 and 27 of planning permission 00056888M dated 26/06/96 to revise the silting proposals and restoration at Blashford Quarry - granted 31/03/2006 || Application () for proposed variation of conditions 1, 2 and 13 of Planning Permission 85539 for a time limited extension to the period for silting and restoring Ellingham Quarry - granted 23/03/2010 || 11/98107 Variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission 10/95055 for a time limited extension to the period for silting and restoring Ellingham Quarry - granted 11/12/2014 Ceased sand and gravel extraction; IDO Review application (52473M(IDO)) determined in 1993; Initial Review (Active Phase 2) on remainder (68940) determined in 2002; restoration and aftercare scheme approved in 2005 (Water storage, recreation 2003) 1 monitoring visit Yes Ceased sand and gravel extraction and concrete block manufacturing plant; Initial Review (Active Phase 1) application (00065190M) determined in 2003; retention of a service road as means of access to a concrete block making plant and landscaping (83784); variation of conditions to include retention of existing hardstanding as a car park, bird hides, surfaced paths and access infrastructure (06/89225); variation of condition 1 of planning permission 06/88522 to extend the time period (until 30 September 2009) (07/90710) (Water storage, recreation - 2009) Site inactive from Jan 2010, block plant mothballed. 1 monitoring visit || Application (09/94970) for construction of a temporary granular vehicle access and car park area - granted 16/02/2010 || Application (10/96301) for construction of a granular vehicle access and car park area for a temporary period until 20 September 2011, granted 08/12/2010 || Application (11/97712) to retain the gateway and access from the road to the south west corner of Ibsley Water for the purposes of nature reserve management - granted 04/11/2011 || Application (12/99079) for reprofiling of two areas of waterlogged ground to provide a series of ephemeral ponds as wildlife habitat, and construction of a nesting platform for osprey - 04/10/2012 || Block plant removed, site is now complete. Restored sand and gravel extraction for Forestry Commission purposes; Initial Review (Active Phase 1) application (00065124M) determined in 1999; site out of aftercare January 2007 (Amenity - 2002) not monitored (out of aftercare) Site Code Site Name Grid Ref NF105 Chatsworth Blue Haze Somerley Purple Haze NF119 Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded 411685 Veolia Environmental 107395 Services (UK) Plc Landfill (noninert), IBA recycling Time Limited Yes 41150 10690 Potential soft sand and sand and Gravel extraction Sand and Gravel (restored) HMWP Yes Yes Proposed in the HMWP 2013 Testwood Lakes Netley Marsh/Totton & Eling Fields Farm Fawley Bury Farm / Tavells Lane, Marchwood 434679 Viridor Waste 115736 Management Ltd 445563 CEMEX UK 102086 437819 Marchwood Aggregates 110990 / Hive Energy Ltd. Sand and Gravel (restored) Sand & Gravel, Landfill (inert) Aggregates Recycling, Solar Power Site completed Time Limited Yes Yes NF177 Downton Manor Farm Milford on Sea 427493 New Milton Sand and 93152 Ballast Sand and gravel Time Limited Yes Yes NF186 Mockbeggar Ellingham Harbridge and Ibsley Marsh Lane Waste Transfer Station Lymington 415425 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd 109734 Sand and Gravel, Landfill (inert) In Restoration (active) 432392 Veolia Environmental 96208 Services (UK) Plc Waste Processing Active Area 6 Marchwood 439739 Veolia Environmental Industrial Estate 111231 Services (UK) Plc Marchwood Waste Processing Active Searchfield Farm Moot Lane Downton Marchwood Wharf Marchwood 418840 Sussex Handmade Brick 119667 Ltd Clay Lapsed permission 439912 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd 111172 Aggregates Wharf; Concrete manufacturing Active Yes NF223 Slowhill Copse WTW 438377 Southern Water 111179 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works Yes NF225 Keeping Marsh Bucklers Hard 440731 Beaulieu River 100670 Management Ltd Landfill (restored) NF162 NF172 NF215 NF216 NF220 NF222 Non-hazardous landfill; soft sand extraction now ceased; restoration of sandpits by importation of controlled wastes subject to legal agreements concerning lorry routeing, access and highway improvements, management agreements for nature conservation and footpaths/access forpublic recreation, and relating to off-site heathland; determined in 2000 that Initial Review (ActivePhase 2) requirements satisfied by revised restoration (067487) granted in 1999; application to vary condition 11 of 067487 dated 25 January 2000 to extract additional sand and gravel beyond the permitted limit of extraction yielding approximately 12,000 tonnes (until 31 December 2009 p/p 86611); variation of condition 1 of 78351 to extend the period of receipt of waste on Sundays and Public/Bank holidays (06/88024) subject to legal agreements concerning lorry routing, access and highway improvements, management for nature conservation and footpaths/access for public recreation and off-site heathland; development of a temporary waste transfer station (until 22 March 2020 pp 06/88472); temporary waste transfer station (until 22 March 2020) (07/90182); formation of an incinerator bottom ash conditioning and process facility for a temporary period (until 31 December2012) (07/90181); non compliance with condition 3 of planning permission No. 06/88024 for a revised phasing and restoration programme (until 22 March 2020) (07/90183); the installation offour landfill gas engines, replacement landfill gas flare, gas scrubbing equipment, control cabin, leachate treatment facility and associated plant within secure compound (08/92516) granted 8.2008. Extended hours for WTS [11/97613] granted 17.10.2011. Separate leachate treatment facility granted 26.04.2012 [12/98419](Forestry and heathland 2020) (12/99128) Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 07/90181 to extend the life of an Incinerator Bottom Ash (IBA) processing facility until 31/12/15 - granted 10.2012 4 monitoring visits £ In Aftercare Restored sand and gravel extraction to create reservoirs (00056191M); only part extracted (Water storage/recreation - 2003). Site now completely restored and out of aftercare - 1 monitoring visit per year. Yes Restored sand and gravel extraction; Initial Review (Active Phase 2) requirements satisfied by completion of restoration and aftercare granted 11.1995 and associated legal agreement dated 6.1995; site out of aftercare not monitored £ (out of aftercare) Sand and gravel extraction, inert landfill (00066043) and aggregates recycling (70839); winning and working of sand and gravel with progressive reclamation by importing and spreading of inert waste to restore farmland on adjacent land (76732) (Agriculture - 2009) 09/94538 Variation of cond 3 (scheme of working) 5 (restoration) 25 (date of completion) of 049867M and 09/94843 variation of cond 2 (extension of time) of 76732, 09/94536 for recycling and 10/96508 for Tavells Lane all granted until 31.08.2012|| Application to further extend time to 2025 [12/99113] granted subject to legal agreement. monitoring 4 £ visits || Application (12/98402) for construction of a solar park, to include the installation of solar panels to generate up to 5MW of electricity, with transformer housing, security fencing and cameras, landscaping and other associated works - granted 08/05/2012 || Application (12/99110) for variation of condition 1 of Planning Permission 09/94538 to extend the time period of completion until 31 December 2025 (Marchwood Quarry) - granted subject to legal agreement || Application (13/10151) for installation of a communications building, Auxiliary Transformer and CCTV cameras G204 - granted 10/04/2013 || (New site 2004) application for extraction of sand and gravel, constructing a vehicle access and environmental banks, restoration to lakes, woodland and agricultural fields (82483) and reapplication for sand extraction, construction of a vehicular access and environmental banks, restoration to lakes, woodland and small fields (06/87884) refused and appeal dismissed 9.2007 but appeal reopened following legal challenge; appeal granted 27.10.2009; implemented Feb 2011. Monitored 4 visits £ Mockbeggar and Ibsley Extn, restored S&G quarry part by inert landfill (79500); variation of Condition 2 of Permission No.79451 dated 04 May 2004 to extend the time period of sand and gravel extraction at Ibsley Quarry (Extension Site) (until 31 March 2008) (07/90688); variation of condition 1(timescales) and condition 19 (restoration) of Planning Permission 07/90688 (08/92970) received 8.2008 granted 07.03.2012 (Agriculture 2008); Liaison Panel (0 meeting), 2 monitoring visits £. Yes Household waste transfer station (00058785M) - Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) Yes Marine pollution reception/treatment (00058884M) - 1 monitoring visit. Site completed Clay extraction for use in handmade brickworks with restoration to natural woodland and wetland habitats. Permission (00059893M) granted in 2000 following completion of a legal agreement requiring the existing old clay pit area to be restored to broad-leaved woodland and wetland habitats. Never implemented, lapsed 2005. Aggregates wharf (76840), marine aggregate Importation of marine dredged aggregate and processing operations. Aggregate processing plant operated by Raymond Brown Ltd. A ready mixed concrete plant (00061999M) is also located on site and operated by Lafarge. 3 monitoring visits conducted a year. Adjacent former bagging plant area now used for the storage and exportation of bio-fuel (wood chip) and is operated under the existing permitted use for the site granted by New Forest District Council. Wastewater treatment works linked to Millbrook, Southampton SN061; construction of a GRP kiosk for MCC (motor control centre) (87314) 1 monitoring visit Restored landfill, use of marsh for disposal of river bed dredging from yacht harbour, including creation and extension of bunds (00063353M) not monitored (out of aftercare) Site Code Site Name Grid Ref NF226 Marchwood Energy Recovery Facility Marchwood Industrial Park 439603 Veolia Environmental 111285 Services (UK) Plc NF227 New Lane Orchard 423571 R Southcombe Esq New Lane 97038 Sand and Gravel Site completed NF229 Totton Depot Jacobs Gutter Lane 435640 Amey UK plc 111895 Active NF230 Stephenson Road Calmore, Totton 435054 Millbrook Industries 114859 Waste Processing; Coated stone depot Waste Processing Enichem Hardley, Hythe Avon Tyrell Reservoir Land North of Ripley 443957 Enichem UK Ltd 106200 416050 Avon Tyrrell Estate 99283 Everglade Farm Mount Pleasant Lane Rushcroft Mount Pleasant Lane The Old Brickyard Salisbury Road Fordingbridge WTW Frog Lane Pony Pines Ringwood Road Land adjacent to Corner Ways, Bridge Road, Lymington Land adjacent to Bosun's Chair Public House, Station Street, Lymington Land adjacent to Masonic Hall 10 High Street, Lymington Ringwood WTW 430636 Mr & Mrs R Beale 97271 Land adjacent to the Ship Inn, The Quay, Lymington Cracknore Hard Lane Marchwood Industrial Estate Jubliee Farm Purlieu Lane, Godshill NF231 NF232 NF233 NF239 NF240 NF242 NF243 NF245 NF246 NF247 NF248 NF249 NF250 NF251 Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status Waste Processing Active (energy recovery) SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded (New site 2001) Construction of an energy recovery facility, waste transfer station and ancillary infrastructure (69546); application for development and subsequent operation of a vehicle haulage park (86032); variation to approved site office/amenity building plans (06/88580); formally opened 10 July 2007; the new incinerator has the capacity to process 165,000 tonnes a year from south west Hampshire together with the waste transfer of 25,000 tonnes a year, the latter being recyclables and waste not suitable for incineration, energy released by incineration generates approximately 14Mw of electricity; outstanding planting scheme agreed; no pollution or amenity issues; adjacent lorry park for Veolia vehicles operational); Liaison Panel (2 meetings). Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Yes Restored extraction of gravel and construction of fishing lake subject to legal agreement requiring highway improvements and lorry routeing (00064265 Fishing Lake 2002) - Not monitored Permanent approval of an existing Waste Transfer Station located in the Hampshire Highways maintenance depot, for the reception and de-watering of biodegradable gully arisings and inert materials generated from highway maintenance works (06/88326); construction of a control kiosk, a washwater unit kiosk and a vent stack in yard of Hampshire County Council Maintenance Depot (06/88722); temporary office accommodation (until 31 August 2012) (07/90518) not monitored (development implemented, monitoring not required) Yes Site completed Wood waste control extraction system granted 1.2002. Plant removed 2006 Waste Processing Site completed Agricultural Irrigation Reservoir In Restoration (active) Effluent pipeline replacement and installation of walkway (74935); final aftercare meeting autumn 2008 not monitored (ecological survey undertaken) Yes Inactive (with no P/P or CLU) 430539 J R Howard 97358 G Farwell Ltd Landraising 430652 Roy Farmers 118263 414354 Wessex Water 113403 Tipping Site 433514 Mrs L J Martin 112763 432527 Southern Water 95940 Services Ltd Landraising 432677 Southern Water 95782 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works Yes Active, construction of an agricultural irrigation reservoir with the removal of surplus materials (yielding 400,000 tonnes of minerals and soils) arising in the course of construction (until 31 July 2010) (75228) granted following completion of a legal agreement concerning transport improvements in Ringwood and a bird management plan for air safety purposes (Agricultural reservoir 2011); 'Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 75228 to extend the development period' (10/95734) - 4 monitoring visits || Application (12/99127) for variation of condition 1 of planning permission 10/95734 to extend the development period - granted 31/01/2013 (site to be completed by 30 September 2014) || Erection of store/workshop and processing buildings to support vermiculture holding (77331); not implemented (Agriculture cessation) (not implemented) Site completed Restored, drain and raise existing field to form gently undulating sward for formal grazing and private garden (80714) (closed site, now in new ownership) Site completed Use of land for the tipping of inert material (soil) (80243); (Amenity grassland 2004), restored, not monitored Active New kiosk to house equipment associated with new filter and pumping station (81756); construction of a chemical dosing kiosk, a sludge drum thickener, polydosing, motor control centre kiosk and a pumping station motor control centre kiosk as part of a scheme to ensure future Environment Agency consents are met (07/90724) (implemented development, low priority) NFNPA Wastewater Active Treatment Works Wastewater Treatment Works Inactive (with no P/P or CLU) Active Erection of new concrete plinth and kiosk to house telemetry equipment (82752) (implemented development, low priority) (New site 2004) erection of concrete plinth and kiosk to house telemetry equipment (82772) - not monitored (implemented development, low priority) 432617 Southern Water 95581 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works 414971 Wessex Water 103470 Wastewater Active Treatment Works 432765 Southern Water 95596 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works 439909 Ballast Phoenix Limited 110746 Recycling Facility 417589 Mr Stephen Bellows 115000 Composting Lapsed permission Lapsed permission (New site 2004) erection of new concrete plinth and kiosk to house telemetry equipment (82771) - not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Yes (New site 2008) new outfall structure to be located further downstream of an existing outfall located on the Bickerley Mill Stream, a tributary of the River Avon SSSI (08/92599) granted 8.2008 - not monitored (implemented development, low priority) (New site 2004) erection of a new concrete plinth and kiosk to house motor control centre and telemetry equipment in relation to the improvement works to the slipway combined sewer outflow (83142) - not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Application to construct a recycling facility to process incinerator bottom ash and manufacture secondary aggregate (85177); not implemented (applicant did not proceed with (acquiring site) - not monitored (not implemented) Application for a change of usage from farmyard to a wormery using imported biodegradable waste to create soil conditioners/composts for distribution/sale to wholesale and retail outlets (for three years from the date of implementation) (85545); applicant has confirmed the permission will not be implemented and the planning permission has now expired. Not monitored Site Code Site Name Grid Ref NF252 Newbourne Farm Rockbourne, Fordingbridge NF254 Site Description Site Status 410843 Mr R Hill 118607 Green waste processing Active Nea Farm, Blashford & Blue Haze Quarries 414593 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd 108013 Sand and gravel Active NF255 Land at Plumley Wood and Farm, Burnt Hill, Nea Farm, Blue Haze and Blashford Quarries, Near Ringwood 412411 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd 109245 Sand and gravel; Concrete batching Time Limited NF256 40 Salisbury Street Fordingbridge Hounsdown Business Park, Totton Caird Avenue New Milton 151-153 Long Lane Holbury Double H Nurseries Ltd Gore Road, New Milton Unit 2C North Road, Marchwood Courtwood Farm Sandleheath 415002 Wessex Water 114367 Wastewater Active Treatment Works 436123 Biffa Waste Services 111451 Ltd Waste Recycling NF257 NF258 NF259 NF260 NF261 NF262 NF263 NF264 NF266 - Danes Stream Keyhaven Road, Milford On Sea Land South of Danes Stream, Keyhaven Road, Milford On Sea Fawley Refinery, Fawley, Southampton Depot, Nutwood Way, Testwood, Totton Operator / Agent Active SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Active application for certificate of lawfulness (87838); application for certificate of lawful use for processing green waste (07/90177); Application for continuation of composting as part of green waste processing operation; installation of underground storage tank; provision of surface mounted weighbridge and portacabin; extension of hard surfacing and removal of existing building (10/96302), approved 16.12.2010. 2 monitoring visits || Application (12/98401) for variation to composting site and variation of condition 5 of planning permission 10/96302 to increase permitted tonnage of compositing material from 8,000 to 15,000 tones per annum - granted 20/06/2012 || Application (13/10234) for retrospective application for the construction of a track and alterations to existing access for use in conjunction with green waste processing and composting operations - granted 23/05/2013 || Application (13/10972) for variation of conditions 2, 5 and 6 of planning permission no 12/98401 regarding operating capacity, traffic movements and days of operation; part proposed and part retrospective permanent extension to the site operational area for use as green waste processing and composting Granted (5 year temporary consent) 23.11.2013 || Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. (New site 2007) Proposed deep sand extraction, with mobile sand plant, in tandem with existing gravel extraction (including proposed southerly mineral extension) with restoration to a parkland landscape at Nea Farm Quarry, Somerley, Ringwood, to incorporate the transportation of naturally occurring surplus restoration materials from Blue Haze for restoration of Nea Farm Quarry via forest haul routes with a crossing over Harbridge Drove, processing of mineral by retention of existing plant and erection of a new horizontal and radial stacker conveyor and mobile sand plant, retention of offices, mess facilities, bagging plant, recycling facility, concrete plant and ancillary facilities at Blashford Quarry, retention of field conveyor linking Blashford NF097 and Nea Farm NF106 Quarries, time limited extension to Blashford and Nea Farm Quarries and an extension of time for the existing recycling facility at Blashford Quarry granted under permission 73884; now part of site NF255 Plumley Wood. Yes Yes Active 423080 Double H Nurseries Ltd 94560 Waste Recovery Inactive Yes 439268 Biffa Waste Services 111292 Ltd Waste Transfer Active Yes Active 435450 CEMEX UK 114740 Concrete batching Planning Permission Granted Active Change of use of existing industrial building to a materials recycling facility with subsequent amendments to service yard, site access and entrance to building and the provision of new weighbridges, fuel tank and landscaping (08/92603) granted 28.01.2009 Replacement of existing recycling facilities with new tomra automated recycling centre Waste Transfer Station Compound for small quantities of asbestos waste to Rear of Existing Yard, granted 30th July 2010. Actively monitored during set up and initial operation. 411928 Ringwood & Waste Storage Active 115213 Fordingbridge Skip Hire Ltd 429458 Southern Water Limited Construction of Active 91533 WW Pumping Station 429858 Southern Water Limited Wastewater Active 91637 Treatment Works Waste Processing (Composting) New development comprising the extraction of sand & gravel & deep sand (incorporating the diversion of public footpaths) with restoration to agriculture, commercial forestry, deciduous woodland & heathland & associated development including: 1. the construction of a mineral washing plant at Burnt Hill together with the storage of Plumley Wood mineral at Burnt Hill with restoration of the site to heathland; 2. extension of existing field conveyor system from Nea Farm Quarry to Plumley Wood (via Burnt Hill) including bridge sections over Harbridge Drove &public footpath at Plumley Wood; 3. the phased redevelopment of Blashford Plant site including the extension of the plant site & recycling operations into Lodge Field; 4. variation of conditions of Planning Permission No. 06/88238 including key variations to condition 2 (extension of time), 6 (hours of working), 24 (stockpile heights), 27 (screen bunding at Blashford) & 48 (storage capacity of recycled aggregates/arisings) 08/91952 granted 27.2.2007. Implemented 02.11.2009. Proposed minor alteration to the alignment of the Forest Haul Route approved under Planning Permission 08/91952 dated 10 June 2009 together with the variation of conditions 3, 77, 80, 82 and 91 and removal of condition 90 in order to amend the approved Forest Haul Route alignment plans; prescribed restoration afteruse; requirement for reptile fencing and requirement for a nature conservation buffer zone - 09/94701 granted 04/08/2014 Monitored 4 £ Install above ground glass reinforced plastic (GRP) control kiosk to house controls for proposed below ground sewer overflow chamber and pump discharge (07/90463) - not monitored (implemented development, low priority). 425159 Tesco Stores Ltd TOMRA 94622 443510 Solent Environmental Waste Transfer 103942 Services (Asbestos) Ltd Station 443403 Esso Petroleum Ltd. 104710 Yes Demolish an area of existing glasshouse within the Nursery complex, make good remaining glasshouses, construct a woodchip biomass CHP plant within an enclosure building with free standing chimney, hot water storage tank, hardstandings and ancillary associated works, enhancements to site screening and implementing biodiversity site measures (12/98264), granted 29.05.2012. Art 30s yet to be discharged. Used for paper and card collection, bulking, bailing and removal for processing elsewhere. CLPD application in 2010 confirmed B8 use allows bulking up and transfer of waste. Change of use of building to Material Recovery Facility and Use of Land for Storage of Skips Application (11/98049) Construction of a wastewater pumping station, associated access and associated work on below ground sewer infrastructure granted 08/05/2012 || Application (11/98040) construction of a wastewater pumping station and associated work on below ground sewer infrastructure. Formation of Temporary Construction Access off Keyhaven Road. Vent stack on adjacent land - granted 08/05/2012 || Application (13/10957) for recovery and recycling of refinery waste through a "biopile" composting operation and re-use of the processed material for landscape reinstatement and enhancement purposes within the confines of the refinery - granted 15/10/2013 || Yes Operating under district permission. Not monitored Site Code Site Name - land located to the north west of Hythe identified in the Port of Southampton Master Plan Marchwood Military Port Area 6 Marchwood 439912 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd Industrial Estate, 111172 Oceanic Way, Marchwood Potential wharf Forest Lodge Home Farm 44280 10570 HMWP Roeshot 41870 14840 HMWP Potential soft sand and sand and Gravel extraction Potential Sand and Gravel extraction - Grid Ref Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Yes Land which if developed may provide an opportunity for a wharf Potential wharf Concrete batching Yes Active Land which if released from its present uses may provide an opportunity for a wharf Yes Operating under district permission. Not monitored Yes Proposed in the HMWP 2013 Yes Proposed in the HMWP 2013 Rushmoor District Council RM002 Rushmoor HWRC/Transfer Station, Eelmoor Road, Farnborough Ivy Road Aldershot (HWRC) 485987 Veolia Environmental 154753 Services (UK) Plc Waste Processing, HWRC Active Yes 488134 Hampshire County 150519 Council Waste Processing Active Yes RM015 Unit 3 & 4 Stubs Industrial Estate, Hollybush Lane 488466 Keith Dicker Group & Waste 152417 Taurus Waste Recycling Processing, Ltd Biomass CHP RM021 Springlakes Aldershot Hollybush Lane Aldershot 488479 John Raison 151663 488464 George Boulden 152320 (Universal Car Spares) Landfill (inert) Lapsed permission Waste Processing Active Yes RM025 Hollybush Lane Aldershot 488401 Chambers Waste 152310 Management Plc Waste Processing Time Limited Yes RM028 Aldershot Garrison Sewage Treatment Works 488241 Ministry of Defence 152683 Wastewater Treatment Active Yes Unit 18a Government Road Industrail Park 487700 Lamp Recycling Co Ltd 151391 Waste Processing Lapsed permission RM004 RM023 RM029 RM030 Land at Gold Farm 488340 Voaden Sandbrook Ltd / Recycling Government Road, 151859 R Collard Ltd Aldershot Active Yes Waste transfer and household waste recycling centre (96/00030/CMA); variation of condition 5 of 01/00789/CMA to allow lorries to enter and leave the site on Sundays and Public Holidays (05/00336/HCC); variation of condition 6 of PP: 96/00030/CMA to extend the hours of operation (08/00770/HCC) granted 1.2009; construction and operation of a glass storage bay (09/00037/HCCPP) granted 3.2009. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) || Household waste recycling centre. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) Waste transfer, construction and demolition, non-hazardous industrial and household wastes; c concrete crusher (99/00316/CMA): renewable Energy scheme comprising installation of a 'Combined Heat and Power' (CHP) BG100 Biomass Generator and associated shredded wood storage bunker (07/00232/HCC) granted || Application 10/00482/HCC) for renewable Energy Scheme comprising installation of a 'Combined Heat & Power' Plant and associated protective steel structure and shredded wood storage bunker - granted 30/01/2011 || Application (13/00233/HCC) for variation of condition 4 of Planning Permission 99/00316/CMA (increase height of stockpiles), application (13/00232/HCC ) for variation of condition 1 of Planning Permission 98/00277/CMA (increase height of stockpiles) and application (13/00234/HCC ) for variation of condition 3 of Planning Permission 93/00703/CMA (increase height of stockpiles) - all granted 16/05/2013 ||2 monitoring visits Permitted importation of soil to form small island not yet implemented (completion within 12 months of implementation) Waste transfer, vehicle dismantling and scrapyard; part retrospective application to expand existing vehicle dismantling business into the existing commercial vehicle repair yard and comply with EA legislation (02/00754/HCC); retrospective application to regularise existing buildings on site and for use of land for vehicle dismantling and scrapyard (02/00922/CMA) Waste transfer station (95/00478/CMA), construction and demolition, commercial, industrial and household; change of use of site from B8 use to waste use so site can be used in conjunction with currently permitted waste operation adjoining the site, an extension to existing building and general site improvements (08/00146/HCC) granted 5.2008 || Application for (09/00568/HCC) non compliance with Conditions 1 (Commencement of Building Extension and other Ancillary Development) and 11 (site layout) of Planning Permission 08/00146/HCC in order to allow a Concrete Crusher to be Located and Operated at Unit 1, Stubbs Lane, Hollybush Lane - granted 14/01/2010 || Application (12/00304/HCC) for Installation of new recycling plant & machinery at existing Waste Transfer Station to increase materials recovery and diversion of waste from landfill - 03/07/2012 ||2 monitoring visits. Wastewater treatment, Crown Land Development for improvement and refurbishment of sewage treatment works (98/00548/CMA) - not monitored (low risk, low priority) Active Permitted change of use from dental laboratory to recycling centre for receiving and sorting spent light tubes for export Use of land for the recycling of inert material to produce soils and secondary aggregates, including the use of screening and crushing equipment, and siting of a portacabin office/messroom (04/00433/HCC) refused in 2005, no appeal; storage of materials under CLU, occasional use of concrete crusher under PD. 2 monitoring visits. Site Code Site Name Grid Ref Operator / Agent RM031 1A Hollybush Industrial Park, Hollybush Lane, Aldershot 488442 Shorts Group 152144 RM032 Aldershot Sewage 488286 Thames Water Treatment Works, 150339 Blackwater Park Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Waste recycling and Transfer facility Active Yes Wastewater Active Treatment Works Erection of enclosed control panel (07/00212/HCC)– not monitored (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) RM033 Lynchford Lane WTS Farnborough RM034 Cody Technology 484323 QinetiQ Park, Farnborough 154047 Waste Recovery Unit 6, Stubs Industrial Estate, Hollybush Lane, Aldershot Hollybush Lane Aldershot Lynchford Lane, North Camp, Farnborough 488400 Hampshire Macadams 152465 Ltd Coated stone depot 488420 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd 153995 Concrete batching TV009 Thruxton Airfield Thruxton 428047 SITA & Earthline Ltd 145545 Landfill (inert), Time Limited Waste Processing Yes TV024 Bunny Lane 435914 Hampshire County Casbrook (HWRC) 124822 Council HWRC Time Limited Yes TV035 How Park Farm Kings Somborne Shepherds Spring Lane 435214 Tarmac Southern Ltd 131985 436605 Hampshire County 146170 Council Chalk, Landfill (restored) HWRC (closed) Site completed TV051 Ridge Farm Romsey Extra 433994 Viridor Waste 118348 Management Ltd TV055 Lee Lane Nursling & Rownhams TV061 Woodington Farm East Wellow - - Permitted waste recycling and waste transfer facility (07/00807/HCC) granted 3.2009 (Regulatory Committee 10 January 2008) following completion of a legal agreement securing a financial contribution for improvements to the local road network - granted 25/03/2009 || Application (11/00380/HCC) for Variation of conditions 15 (Site Layout), 21 (Storage of Material), 26 (waste transfer building construction), 28 (retaining timber wall), 29 (interior of Waste Transfer Building) and 30 (Portacabin Offices) of Planning Permission 07/00807/HCC - granted 10/08/2011 || Application (12/00513/HCC) for Storage of empty skips and containers, with screening bund - refused 14/09/2012 ||Appeal against Enforcement Notice dismissed. Skips and containers removed and land reinstated. 2 monitoring visits. 488459 Taurus Waste Recycling Waste transfer 154011 Ltd and Recycling facility Sims Metal Management MRS & ELV Active Waste transfer and recycling facility (08/00806/HCC) granted 01.2010 || Variation of conditions 3 (Site Layout) and 7 (Fencing) of planning permission 08/00806/HCC (10/00860/HCC) granted 13.07.2012. Non material amendment - reduction in size of main site office building and amendment to weighbridge infrastructure (NMA/2011/0004) granted 03/02/2011. Variation of Condition 8 (hours of operation) of Planning Permission 10/00860/HCC (13/00860/HCC) granted 11/02/2014. 2 monitoring visits. Yes Planning Permission Granted Active Change of use from Research and Development to a waste management and energy recovery facility (12/00199/HCC), granted 31.05.2012. Operating under district permission. Active Yes Active Yes No planning history Operating under district permission. Test Valley Borough Council TV041 Yes Inert landfill (TVN0063/59), waste transfer and recycling facility (TVN0063/58), construction and demolition waste and recycling facility to produce secondary aggregate (TVN00063/77); construction of noise attenuation bund and raised hospitality viewing area using imported inert fill (until 31 May 2008), enlargement of the existing secondary aggregate recycling area (ancillary to the viewing area and its restoration involving extension of time (until 30 November 2016) beyond the currently permitted end dates under TVN00063/76 and TVN00063/77 for final restoration and retrospective planning permission for emergency vehicle access track to the Helicopter Training Area (07/02226/CMAN); Waste Transfer Station destroyed by fire July 2008 (Private highway, relocation of a motocross course and ancillary landscaping 2008/2016) £ 4 monitoring visits. Household waste recycling centre; renewal of permission to operate a household waste recycling centre (until 31 December 2015) (05/00191/CMS); variation of condition 4 of 05/00191/CMS to extend the hours of operation (08/02658/CMAS) (until 31 December 2015) granted 12.2008. Planning permission for the redevelopment of the existing HWRC to reduce the Health and Safety Risk of customers and vehicles manoeuvring in the same area (10/02710/CMAS) granted 04/01/2011. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Restored landfill for adjoining coating plant; not monitored Site closed Previous Household waste recycling centre - now replaced by new facility - see TV234 Sand and Gravel (Processing) Landfill (Inert) 436105 Raymond L Brown Eco Sand and Gravel 116768 Bio Ltd (processing); Aggregates Recycling; Concrete batching/ manufacturing Site completed 431535 J&W Waste Management Landfill (lapsed) 120321 & C I Collins Ltd Site completed. Active Yes Yes Ceased sand and gravel processing, inert and non-inert landfill; Periodic Review application (TVSM00010) determined in 2000; site has now been restored (October 2010) to agricultural use and is in aftercare. 1 monitoring visit a year £. Interim Development Order (Dormant sand & gravel extraction) permission registered, application required before extraction can recommence; Application for Certificate of Lawful Use for 'the operation and use of site for mixed the importation, storage and distribution of land won aggregates, marine dredged aggregates, secondary aggregates and bagged cement (TVSCLE036); Recycling of construction and demolition waste to produce secondary aggregates and soils (TVS01722/13); Renewal of temporary permission for the recycling of construction and demolition wastes (until 31 July 2010) (TVS01722/20); Proposed additional temporary offices (until 11 August 2010) 07/01508/CMAS); Planning application for relaxation of conditions (condition 2: importation of waste, condition 3: lorry movements, condition 4: hours of working) for temporary period in connection withM27 motorway improvement contract (junctions 2-4) (until 31 July 2010) (08/00550/CMAS); Additional site offices and alterations to site access (08/01785/CMAS); Revised consolidation application for depot, recycling, concrete plant and offices (including surrender of CLU) (10/02266/CMAS). Restored inert landfill (recontouring of agricultural land) (7366) now in aftercare; land adjoining was improved through the raising of levels (TVS07366/4) 1 monitoring visit £. Site Code Site Name TV065 Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Bunny Lane 435383 R F Salvidge & R F Landfill (inert), Timsbury, Romsey 125177 Salvidge Farms (agent) Aggregates Waltet Ltd (operator) recycling, waste processing Active Yes TV066 Hunts Farm Timsbury, Michelmersh 435441 Raymond Brown Minerals Soft Sand, Landfill 125040 & Recycling Ltd (inert) Site completed TV072 Squabb Wood Shootash, Romsey 432928 Viridor Waste 121429 Management Ltd Sand and Gravel, Time Limited Landfill (noninert) Yes Squabb Wood Landfill 43300 12140 Additional nonhazardous landfill Yes Hatches Farm West Wellow Former Refuse Site Bunny Lane 430166 Mr J Harris 119880 436194 BKP Environmental 124913 Services Ltd Sand and Gravel Site completed (restored) Former Refuse Site In Aftercare Balksbury Road Upper Clatford Hill Farm Wellsite Barton Stacey Birchwood House Farm Sherfield English Kimbridge Farm Kimbridge Mottisfont 435019 Seddon Brown 144124 443511 IGas Energy Ltd 136437 430084 SITA UK 122405 Landfill (restored) Site completed Oil and Gas Time Limited Landfill (restored) Site completed 432183 CEMEX UK 125443 Sand and Gravel, Soft Sand TV111 Michelmersh Brickworks Michelmersh 434274 Michelmersh Brick and 125953 Tile Co Clay (brickworks) Time Limited Yes TV111 Michelmersh Brickworks Michelmersh Chapel Farm Lockerley 434274 HMWP 125953 Brick Clay extraction Yes 430262 Raymond L Brown Eco 124727 Bio Ltd Landfill (inert) Somborne Chalk Quarry, Michelmersh 433799 Somborne Chalk 127395 Quarry; Grecon (Romsey) Ltd Chalk; Concrete manufacturing TV082 TV093 TV098 TV104 TV106 TV107 TV112 TV116 Grid Ref Operator / Agent HMWP Site Description Yes Yes Yes Landfill not active. Permission TVS4769/4 expired on 31/10/2011. Planning application (09/00450/CMAS) to vary the following conditions of planning permission 08/01463/CMAS for the purpose of clarification only. 1 (change description to 'waste recycling facility'†), 2 (to specifically use Hunts Farm Quarry and Bunny Lane Landfill for tipping recycled residues ´when these sites are operational'), 3 (concerning reversing alarms to add 'or as otherwise may be agreed by the Waste Planning Authority'†), 11 (to limit duplication, include the restoration requirement in condition 1 and delete condition 11), 12 ( to define areas of the site for inert waste, waste wood, and mixed waste recycling operations) - granted 05.2009. Planning application (10/00744/CMAS) Change of use to vehicle, plant and container parking of an area to the south of the existing waste recycling facility - granted 10.2010. Planning application (10/02712/CMAS) Change of Use to retain and extended recycling facility with ancillary development and activities - refused 08.2011. Appeal (APP/Q1770/A/11/2161324) upheld. 2 monitoring visits. Restored inert landfill (recontouring of agricultural land) (7366) now in aftercare. Planning History: improvement of land (adjoining) through the raising of levels (TVS07366/4). Inactive inert landfill and extension of time (until 10.2010) for landraising and recycling plant (A&J Bull) granted in 2001 following completion of a legal agreement concerning lorry routeing and a highway contribution; new waste recycling facility (R F Salvidge Farms) (until 30 June 2009 or 10 September 2011 if tipping authorised to recommence) (TVS01051/9); the development of land without complying with condition 2 (time limit) and 13 (restoration) of Planning Permission TVS01051/9 to retain as a permanent recycling facility (until 30 June 2015) (08/00887/CMAS) granted 5.2008; the development of land without complying with condition 3 of Planning Permission TVS01051/9 to remove the link between the recycling facility and Hunts Farm and Bunny Lane Landfill, (08/1463/CMAS); planning application to vary the following conditions of planning permission 08/01463/CMAS for the purpose of clarification only. 1 (change description to waste recycling facility), 2 (to specifically use Hunts Farm Quarry and Bunny Lane Landfill for tipping recycled residues when these sites are operational), 3 (concerning reversing alarms to add or as otherwise may be agreed by the Waste Planning Authority), 11 (to limit duplication, include the restoration requirement in condition 1 and delete condition 11), 12 ( to define areas of the site for inert waste, waste wood, and mixed waste recycling operations) (09/00450/CMAS) received 3.2009 (Agriculture 2010). Restoration works on site finished on 30th June 2010 as agreed under planning permission 09/010205/CMAS Non-inert landfill, gravel extraction (5746/1) ceased; construction of a gas utilisation plant comprising of gas flare, gas engines, ancillary equipment, switch room and store/control room (until 25 years from completion of landfill) (TVS05746/6); extraction of clay for landfill engineering, deepening of void, extension to existing consent (until 30 April 2013) (TVS05746/7); gas utilisation plant now implemented (Agriculture/amenity - 2013); Planning permission for the installation and operation of two leachate holding tanks (09/01996/CMAS granted on 25.01.2010, implemented as of August 2011. Planning permission granted for the erection of a mess facility (09/02101/CMAS, granted on 28.01.2010, not yet implemented) Liaison Panel (2 meetings per year) main issues: highway issues, odour, and dust. 4 monitoring visits £. || Application (13/00208/CMAS) Variation of condition 2 of planning permission ref: TVS05746/7 to allow continuation of landfilling until 30 April 2018 - granted 13/06/2013 || Proposed in the HMWP 2013 Yes Restored sand and gravel extraction site; Initial Review (Dormant) site included on appeal 9.1997; application for determination of modern working and restoration conditions required before extraction can recommence 1 monitoring visit £ Restoration of former refuse tip to agriculture (TVS00963/9); Application in 2008 sought to extend the time period for restoration (08/01684/CMAS). This was refused 25.9.2008 (see Appendix 2 - Departure, refusal and appeal decisions). Enforcement Notice served in August 2008 to secure the satisfactory restoration of the site back to agricultural use, as approved under planning permission TVS00963/9 (granted on 04/11/2003 ). Site now restored and in aftercare as of February 2010 and is in its second year of aftercare. 1 monitoring visit £. Restored infill of disused watercress beds. Wellsite (Stockbridge Oilfield); oil tankered to Larkwhistle Farm wellsite; First Periodic Review of Mineral Planning Permissions application for determination of conditions (TVN.M.00005) determined 4.2004 (Agriculture - 2016) Restored sand extraction and non-inert landfill, in aftercare; landfill gas flare and compound (TVS00465/9) (Agriculture - 2012) 1 monitoring visits £ In Aftercare Yes Yes Mineral extraction (TVS05386/4/5/6&/7); material transported by conveyor to holding yard adjoining A3059 and by road to processing plant at Manor Farm, Timsbury TV118 ; proposed continued implementation of TVS05386/5 without compliance with condition 1 (amended restoration scheme) (08/02603/CMAS) granted 1.2009 (Agriculture - 2009). Site now restored and works completed by 31st December 2010. The site is in aftercare. 1 monitoring visit £ Clay extraction for brickworks; Initial Review (Active Phase 1) application (TVSM001/1) determined in 1998; extension of clay workings (until 30 June 2015) (07/00750/CMAS) (Agriculture/rough grazing/nature conservation - 2015) 4 monitoring visits £ || Application (12/00091/CMAS) for proposed change of use of Old Quarry for uses ancillary to Michelmersh Brickworks - granted 19/07/2012 || Clay extraction at School House Field and Hillside Field and restoration to agriculture, temporary storage of clay within existing quarry and restoration to agriculture including variation of conditions to enable extension of time for clay storage and restorations - 14/01234/CMAS granted 22/12/2014 II Monit 4 £ Permitted Dec 2014 Site completed Restored inert landfill (TVS00935/5), in aftercare (Agriculture - 2002) 1 monitoring visit £ Time Limited Yes Chalk extraction; Initial Review (Active Phase 1) application (TVSM009) determined in 1998; new concrete manufacturing and storage unit (TVS05176/2) (Agriculture - 2042) 3 monitoring visit £ Site Code Site Name Grid Ref TV118 Manor Farm Michelmersh TV119 Site Description Site Status 434835 CEMEX UK 124124 Sand and Gravel In Restoration (active) Manor Farm North Baddesley Casbrook Park Timsbury 440787 SITA UK 120647 436005 Raymond Brown 124919 Minerals & Recycling Ltd BKP Group Landfill (ceased) In Aftercare TV177 Harewood Forest Waste Transfer Station 441161 Veolia Environmental 143168 Services (UK) Plc Waste Processing Active Yes TV178 Fullerton WTW 436828 Southern Water 141485 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works Yes TV179 Land Adjacent to Fullerton WTW Hurstbourne Tarrant Wellsite Vale Farm Fish Farm Longparish Chilbolton Down Heath House Estate Site 2 Southern Cross Districution Park Manor Farm Manor Farm Rd Unit 1 Yokesford Hill Industrial Estate, Romsey 436948 IGas Energy Ltd 141956 436069 Yates Company (UK) 153493 444193 Mr G W Dunford 144491 Oil and Gas Time Limited Oil and Gas (restored) Sand and Gravel Site completed 440636 Veolia Environmental 135705 Services (UK) Plc Waste Processing Time Limited 435739 J Harvey Esq 126335 435939 Ace Liftaway 124014 Landfill (ceased) Site completed Waste Processing Active Coombe Willow Braishfield School Lane WTW School Lane 437595 W G Sleeman 125946 42954 Testway Housing Ltd 13759 Landfill (inert) Site completed The Bunny Longstock Pound View Smannell, Andover Green Pond Lane WTW 436067 Testway Housing Ltd 137147 438168 Testway Housing Ltd 149081 Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Treatment 440410 Testway Housing Ltd 123269 Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV196 Red Lane West Tytherley 427315 Testway Housing Ltd 129449 Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV198 Brookside Cottages WTW 429712 Testway Housing Ltd 136408 Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV199 East Dean WTW 429292 Testway Housing Ltd 126814 Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV153 TV180 TV182 TV183 TV184 TV187 TV188 TV189 TV192 TV193 TV194 TV195 Operator / Agent SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Yes Waste Processing Active Yes Processing plant site for former Kimbridge quarry with permitted sand and gravel reserves (unlikely to be worked); Initial Review (Active Phase 1) application TVSM008) determined in 1997; continued extraction of sand and gravel without complying with conditions 1 and 13 of TVSM008 (until 31 December 2010) with importation to cease by 31 December 2008) (TVSM00008/2) (Woodland/lake -2010). Planning permission granted 23.05.2011 for a variation of condition 1 of planning permission TVSM00008/2 to extend the time necessary to complete restoration of the site until 30th September 2015. This permission has been implemented and the site is now being restored. 4 monitoring visits £ Restored inert landfill (TVS05865/3) now out of aftercare; planning permission granted on 19.10.2011 for the retention of haul road, leachate tank and associated control equipment for a temporary period (until 31 August 2015) (06/03506/CMAS) (Agriculture - 2011) 1 monitoring visits £ Inert, construction and demolition waste transfer station (TVS02799/22) subject to a legal agreement concerning a financial contribution for highway purposes; change of use from general storage to a waste electrical storage and transfer facility (05/00732/CMAS); application for screening opinion for waste to energy plant (SCR2006/0250), EA required; remove fuel tanks and construct small steel framed building for the purpose of storing and bulking up metallic shavings prior to onward transportation (08/00503/CMAS) granted 5.2008. New retrospective application submitted on 13.09.2011 for the erection of a picking station within the existing material recovery facility. 4 monitoring visits per year || Application (11/02090/CMAS) for installation of a picking station within the existing materials recovery facility - granted 30/03/2012 || Change of use from general storage to a waste electrical storage and transfer facility (13/00608/CMAS) granted 27/06/2013 || Household waste transfer station (TVN1956/23); variation of condition 16 of TVN1956/23 – use of site on all future public holidays between 0830-1700 TVN01956/33); variation of condition 1 of TVN1956/33 (to allow operations to take place on Saturday afternoon following recognised public holidays, and on two consecutive Saturday afternoons following new year holiday (05/0320/CMN); site destroyed by fire in 2005, now rebuilt. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Wastewater treatment; formation of replacement sludge cake reception bay and erection of covering over the existing sludge cake storage bays (TVN04596/5); installation of a 'Combined Heat and Power' (CHP) unit, to enhance the efficiency and cleanliness of the water (sludge) treatment process, and convert to a sustainable (renewable) energy resource (07/00008/CMAN); construction of plastic filter media MCC Kiosk, sand filter and cess reception MCC Kiosk and blower kiosk (07/02559/CMAN) implemented. Wellsite (Stockbridge Oilfield) (TVM001); oil tankered to Larkwhistle Farm wellsite (Agriculture - 2016) £ 4 visits. Restored wellsite. Site completed Construction of additional fish ponds, removal of gravel offsite and addition of day fishing use (fishing 2000) Yes Green waste composting (TVN4491/2); former wellsite (Stockbridge Oilfield) (Woodland - 2023) Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. 436528 115912 Lapsed permission Wastewater Active Treatment Works Active Ceased inert landfill, restoration required; infill of old mineral workings to improve coppice ability and increase pheasant pens granted 7.2001 Yes Waste recycling and transfer and associated skip and portaloo hire (TVS01119/12); temporary overnight storage of skips and vehicles, temporary storage of astroturf and storage of portaloos in building 2 (until 30 September 2008) (06/02326/CMA); temporary storage of inert screen materials (soil, concrete, crushed rubble, grit, timber and clean concrete) crushing of concrete (28 days) and sorting of lightweight materials and processing and storage of wood, storageof portaloos and skips (until 30 September 2008) (06/02323/CMAS); superceded and now part of TV236 Restored inert landfill ; continued work to stabilise chalk pit faces and change of use of land granted 5.2002 (Equestrian 2002) Retention of wastewater treatment works (TVN08337/1); permission implemented - not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Improvements to wastewater treatment works (TVN03011/1); permission implemented - not monitored (implemented development, low priority Active Improvements to wastewater treatment works (TVN08511); permission implemented - not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Active addition of bucket lift elevator, new humus tank and control cabinet to existing wastewater treatment works (TVS09692); permission implemented. Planning Permission granted 2.10.2009 for Refurbishment of existing wastewater treatment plant and provision of generator system. Permission implemented. Implemented development, low priority, site not monitored). Active replacement wastewater treatment plant within existing structure (TVS09712); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Replacement wastewater treatment works on site of existing works (TVN08571); permission implemented- not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Replacement wastewater treatment works on site of existing works (TVN09206/1); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Site Code Site Name Grid Ref Operator / Agent Site Description TV200 East Deane WTW Dean Road 42736 12684 Testway Housing Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV201 East Deane WTW Dean Road 42697 12959 Testway Housing Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV202 Stevens Drove WTW 43405 13209 Testway Housing Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV203 Manor Road WTW 42940 East Tytherley 12936 Testway Housing Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV204 Broughton Down Farm Bulpits Hill WTW Vernham Down 42911 13407 43415 15660 Sole Hill Farm Salisbury Road Pragnells Cottage North Lane 42866 Countryside Skip Hire 12291 427479 Testway Housing Ltd 130122 Waste Storage How Park Farm Kings somborne Dean Hill MOD Site West Dean 435336 Dreweatt Neate 131616 425985 Defence Estates 126723 Former Mineral Aftercare (active) Working Site Wastewater Active Yes Treatment Works TV205 TV206 TV207 TV208 TV211 TV212 Testway Housing Ltd Wastewater Treatment Works Site Status Stockbridge WTW 435739 Southern Water Marsh Court Road 134483 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV215 Blackbarn Farm Grateley TV216 West Wellow WTW 431670 Southern Water 119129 Services Ltd Chipping of clean Inactive wood waste and composting Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV217 Romsey WTW 434201 Southern Water 121004 Services Ltd TV218 Firgo Farm 445924 T J Composting Services Green Waste 144143 Ltd Composting Inactive Mill Farm West Wellow 431013 Town & Country Waste 120428 Services Ltd Storage Site completed Merryhill House Budds Lane Tesco Stores River Way, Andover Romsey Depot Canal Walk 435157 Michael Lethbridge 122139 436817 Tesco Stores PLC 146641 WTS Active Recycling centre Active 435731 Environment Agency 121627 Waste Storage TV220 TV221 TV222 Replacement wastewater treatment works on site of existing works (TVS09850); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Change of use from B1 to composting of non-toxic wastes (TVS07423/2) granted following completion of a legal agreement concerning highway improvements; permission not implemented– 1 monitoring visit (implemented development, low priority) Storage of skips (TVS00121/4) 1 monitoring visit Wastewater Active Treatment Works Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV219 Replacement wastewater treatment works on site of existing works (TVS00977/7); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Inactive Lymer Villas WTW 437215 Testway Housing Ltd Upton Lane 116675 427141 G P Planning 140264 Replacement wastewater treatment works within existing structure (TVS09221/2); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) New wastewater treatment works to replace existing (TVN08740); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV214 Improvements to wastewater treatment works including new humus tank, control cabinet, outfall and fencing (TVS09789); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Lapsed permission Active Oval Road/Butlers 430075 Testway Housing Ltd Close WTW, 126100 Mount Lane TV213 SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Wastewater Active Treatment Works New wastewater treatment works and drainage area to replace existing septic tank and soakaways (TVS07592/3); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority Restoration of former mineral workings to grassland (by 31 March 2006) (TVS02930/7); site restored - 2 monitoring visits Permission for sewage treatment works with pumping station to replace existing, new access roads, creation of segregated compounds with fencing (05/00458/CMS) (Not yet implemented); Variation of condition 10 to allow extension of time for implementation (08/02412/CMAS); Proposed temporary site access road to the contractor's compound to facilitate the new sewage treatment works and pumping station to replace existing and associated works (09/02277/CMAS); Variation to condition 1 of planning permission 09/02277/CMAS to extend the time for implementation for proposed temporary site access road to the contractors compound to facilitate the new Sewage Treatment Works & Pumping Station to replace existing and associated works (11/00897/CMAS) - 2 monitoring visit Conversion of open aeration tank to covered settlement tank and installation of new aeration plant and humus tank (TVS09152/1); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Installation of humus tank and electrical control cabinet (TVS10280); permission implemented - not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Two airlift desludge kiosks (TVS10303); development of standby generator and phosphate removal equipment comprising of a ferric dosing plant and control kiosk and final effluent phosphate monitor kiosk (TVN09282); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Change of use of part of farmyard for chipping of clean wood waste and small scale composting of green waste (TVN01089/6); permission implemented 1 monitoring visit Yes Yes Proposed motor control centre (MCC) kiosk, ferric dosing kiosk and phosphate monitoring kiosk (TVS10488); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Green waste composting facility (TVN09191) Storage of inert waste in skips (TVS04164/10). Proposed waste transfer station (asbestos) individual sealed containers x 2 (TVS10630) implemented - 1 monitoring visit (low risk, low priority) Installation of a TOMRA recycling centre to replace existing facility (TVN01207/20) - not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Active Certificate of Lawfulness for continued storage of hazardous and non hazardous waste arising from agency attendance at pollution incidents and recovery by agency officers in the course of their duties (TVS00793/16) not monitored (implemented development, lowpriority) Site Code Site Name Grid Ref TV223 Longbridge Farm Lee TV225 Site Description Site Status 435582 Raymond L Brown Eco 117769 Bio Ltd Restored infill Site completed Plot 5 West Portway Industrial Estate, Andover Roke Manor Old Salisbury Lane 434113 Computer Salvage 146469 Specialist Ltd Processing of electronic waste Lapsed permission Chilbolton WTW Coley Lane 438794 Southern Water 139231 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works TV228 Ashfield Sawmill Southampton Road 436661 Pure 8 Tyre Tech 119357 Waste Recycling Active TV229 Houghton Down Farm Stockbridge Kings Somborne WTW Romsey Road, Compton A303 Recycling Facility, Barton Stacey 433657 T J Transport Ltd 135541 Construction of a 'safety bank' Aftercare 434113 Southern Water 128989 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works 444295 Raymond Brown 143002 Minerals & Recycling Ltd Waste Recycling; Active Foamix Plant Land off Swallowfields Opposite Dove Close Barton Stacey WTW Difford Scott Close, Walworth Industrial Estate Andover (HWRC) Middle Wallop WTW 436827 Southern Water Services Temporary 146831 Ltd contractor's compound TV226 TV227 TV230 TV231 TV232 TV233 TV234 TV235 Operator / Agent 433023 Raymond Brown Minerals Mineral extraction 122478 & Recycling Ltd Active SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Creation of hardstanding for storage of farm equipment by infilling redundant slurry pit with inert construction waste (TVS01617/4); permission implemented not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Application to store, grade and process electronic waste (TVN09501); not implemented (applicant did not proceed with acquiring site) – not monitored. Yes Yes Extraction of sand and gravel, landfilling with inert construction, demolition and excavation waste and restoration to agriculture, erection of minerals processing plant and ancillary buildings and equipment, construction of new access off A27 including demolition of bungalow (Preferred Area 3) (07/02771/CMAS) received 9.2007; approved (Regulatory Committee 28 March 2008)subject to completion of a legal agreement to secure long term management of the woodland and a contribution for highway maintenance and improvement. Planning permission 07/02771/CMAS granted on 22nd June 2009. Legal Agreement signed on 17th June 2009. New planning permission granted on 3.11.2011 for the variation of condition 2 of planning permission 07/02771/CMAS to vary the red line boundary. Planning permission implemented. 4 monitoring visits a year. £ Construction of phosphate monitoring and ferric dosing kiosk (06/00025/CMAN)– not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Yes Tyre recycling facility for the storage, mechanical shredding, granulating and bailing of tyres and storage of recycled tyre product, comprising the construction of a new building, hardstanding, weighbridge, lighting, open storage bays, self bunded diesel storage tank, the use of mobile plant and retrospective permission for the retention of existing portable office accommodation, fencing, portable toilet and effluent tank and earth bund (07/01543/CMAS) granted 4.2008 following completion of a legal agreement to ensure that the current proposal alone is implemented and to control lorry routing Construction of a ‘safety bank’ (06/02365/CMAS); retention of existing bund measuring 93x21x5m and importation of 500-700 loose cubic metres of soil to finish and top the bunds with new planting scheme on outer face of bund (09/00394/CMAS) received Five proposed control kiosks to house electrical control panels and equipment (06/02692/CMAS); construction of an outfall headwall as part of new sewerage infrastructure associated with the existing Kings Somborne Wastewater Treatment Works (07/021 Yes Waste recycling facility for farm, construction and demolition waste, including soil screening, concrete crushing, material and container storage (for 5 years from commencement) (06/02870/CMAN); construction of safety and noise screening (09/00148/HCC3N); Permanent permission (09/01292/HCC3N) granted 09/10/2009 || Application (10/00030/CMAN) for variation of conditions 3, 14 and 15 of Planning Permission 09/01292/HCC3N (to relocate the waste recycling picking station, increase length of building and provide an additional portacabin office) - granted 23/04/2010 || Application (10/02309/CMAN) for proposed extension of time to allow completion of works and restoration - granted 30/11/2010 || Application (10/02343/CMAN) for additional managers office, mrf welfare units, secure store and drivers welfare facilities - granted 23/11/2010 || Application (10/02691/CMAN) for variation of conditions for PP 09/01292/HCC3N and 10/00030/CMAN dealing with site layout (condition 3) extension of operating hours (condition 4) variation to bund (condition 5) and carrying permitted waste to include commercial and industrial waste (condition 19) - granted 30/03/2011 || Application (11/02791/CMAN) for In connection with planning permission 10/02309/CMAN Variation to planning condition 1 for extension of time to allow completion of bunds by December 2012 07/02/2012 || Application (12/01236/CMAN) for application for temporary permission for one year for a foamix plant for manufacturing road making materials from recycled asphalt planings (rap) including provision for storage of 20,000 tonnes of rap feedstock, storage bays and staff welfare unit granted 23/08/2012 || Application (12/02445/CMAN) for variation of condition 5 of planning permission 10/02691/CMAN to allow extended working hours only within the MRF building to increase the capacity for site to process waste and recover commodities for recycling - 31/01/2013 || Retrospective application (12/02648/CMAN) for temporary permission for storage of empty skips related to MRF operation - granted 14/02/2013 || Application (12/02647/CMAN) for extension of time (to September 2013) to allow completion of works and restoration - granted 14/02/2013 || Retrospective application (13/00053/CMAN) for temporary additional staff parking in relation to the MRF operations - granted 19/02/2013 || Application (13/00661/CMAN) for new office accommodation, car and cycling parking with associated landscaping - granted 11/06/2013|| Application (13/01755/CMAN) for minor alteration of site boundary to accommodate improved drainage and operational changes, including new weighbridge and office/welfare unit - granted 01/10/2013 || Application (13/01643/CMAN) for permanent facility for the processing and recycling of incinerator bottom ash to produce aggregates (IBAA) and the recovery of metals - granted 24/10/2013 ||Liaison Panel 2 meetings. 3 monitoring visits. Site completed Temporary contractors' site compound required for the duration of the sewer upgrade works at Cricketers Way, Andover (until 30 April 2007) (06/03145/CMAN) 443677 Southern Water 142175 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works Yes 438422 Hampshire County 146088 Council HWRC Yes 430995 Defence Estates 138222 Wastewater Active Treatment Works Active Construction of a ferric dosing plant, sand filter compressor kiosk and temporary site access road with boundary fence and gate (07/50154/009) not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Development of a new household waste recycling centre (07/0015/HCC3N); variation of condition 2 of PP 07/0015/HCC3N to extend the hours of operation (08/02956/HCC3N) granted 2.2009 Yes Installation of final effluent filter and associated feed chamber and control kiosk (07/01032/CMAN) not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Site Code Site Name Site Description Site Status TV236 The Waste Centre 435849 Ace Liftaway Yokesford Hill 124013 Industrial Estate Waste recycling; Concrete batching Active TV237 C A Stevens Transport Old Stockbridge Road Andover Mini Skip Hire Commercial Centre bury Farm Botley Road Tesco store 6 Pilgrim Close, Chandlers Ford 7 Stevens Drove Houghton 427027 C & A Stevens and Sons Tyre Processing 141200 Facility Active 439166 Andover Mini Skip Hire 147213 Waste Storage Active 435174 Tesco Stores Ltd 146809 442046 Tesco Stores Ltd 119998 Tomra Active Tomra Active 434115 Testway Housing Ltd 132139 Submersible Active pumping station & control cabinet The Flats Stevens Drove, Houghton 434107 Testway Housing Ltd 132070 Installation of new Active submersible pumping station TV246 Bullington Cross Inn Bullington Cross 446368 Bryan Hirst Ltd 142038 Metals Recycling Facility Active TV249 Homestead Farm Penton Corner 433538 Nelson Plant Hire 146346 Waste Transfer Active - Shepherd Spring Lane, Andover 436580 Hanson Heidelberg 146240 Cement Group Concrete batching Active Concrete batching Active Concrete batching Concrete batching Active Yes Active Yes J Hirst & Sons MRS Active HMWP Potential Sand and Gravel extraction TV239 TV240 TV241 TV243 TV244 - - - Grid Ref Shepherds Spring Lane, Andover Shepherd Spring Lane, Andover Yokesford Hill Industrial Estate, Belbins, Romsey Hurstbourne Station Cutty Brow Operator / Agent Tarmac 436580 Hope Construction 146240 Materials 435795 Kendall Group 124060 44130 14450 SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Replaced TV188. Active enlargement of recycling centre comprising of erection of a building, wallshardstandings, remodelling of land levels, installation of plant and machinery, provision outside processing of concrete (crushing for 28 days only) and wood shredding, storage of inert screen materials, skips and portaloos and associated parking (07/01429/CMAS) granted 10.2007; variation of condition 16 of planning permission 07/01429/CMAS (height of stockpiles) (08/01038/CMAS) withdrawn 5.2008 Planning permission (10/01992/CMAS) granted 10.2010; variation to layout, stockpile heights and 2yrs to complete building 3. Further application 25.10.12 for further extension of time to complete building - granted 21/02/2013 || Monitored 2 visits.|| (New site 2007) for a concrete recycling site, to recycle concrete waste into a secondary aggregate (07/02133/CMAN) withdrawn 10.2008(New Site 2010) Planning permission 09/2350/WAN granted on 16.02.2010 for Development and operation of a tyre processing facility. Permission implemented. 4 monitoring visits. Application for a Certificate of Lawful use for mini skip hire (08/01640/CMAN) granted 04.2009 Siting of a single Tomra recycling unit and associated works (09/00138/CMAN) received 1.2009 Siting of a single Tomra Recycling unit and associated works (09/00010/CMAS) received 1.2009 Demolition of existing pump house and installation of new submersible pumping station and control cabinet Demolition of existing pump house and installation of new submersible pumping station and control cabinet Yes Permission (09/02530) granted 03.2010 for Change of use from public house to recycling yard and construction of a store building/office, tipping area, storage areas and formation of car parks. Extension to existing scrap metal recycling yard (11/01427/CMAN) granted 09/09/2011. Non Material Amendment to allow the handling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) (NMA/2012/0258) granted 07/09/2012. 2 monitoring visits. Change of use from haulage and storage to waste transfer station (skip hire)(11/02569/CMAN) granted 02/08/2012. Change the roof detail on planning permission 11/02569/CMAN (NMA/2012/0333) granted 30/11/2012. Replacement waste handling building, additional office building, variation to the height of stockpiles, alteration to the site layout, extension of site to include empty skip storage and vehicle parking areas (14/00760/CMAN) refused 17/09/2014. Variation of condition 16 of planning permission 11/02569/CMAN to allow concrete crushing on the site outside the building (14/01108/CMAN) refused 17/09/2014. Variation of condition 3 (operating hours) of planning permission 11/02569/CMAN (14/01527/CMAN) refused 17/09/2014. Appeal lodged against Enforcement Notices against matters under 14/00760/CMAN. 5 monitoring visits. Yes Operating under district permission. Not monitored Yes No planning history Operating under district permission. Not monitored Operating under district permission. Not monitored Yes No planning history Yes Proposed in the HMWP 2013 Winchester District Council WR004 Bishop's Waltham Depot, Botley Road WR008 Prospect Road Alresford (HWRC) 454340 Amey UK plc 116340 Coated stone depot Active Yes 458051 Hampshire County 131782 Council HWRC Active Yes Household waste recycling centre (99/02245HCS W16266); variation of condition 11 of 99/02245HCS to extend the hours of operation (08/02575/HCS) granted 12.2008. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) Site Code Site Name Grid Ref Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status WR018 Former Otterbourne Incinerator Site 445507 Veolia Environmental 123780 Services (UK) Plc Waste Processing Active WR080 Larkwhistle Farm Wellsite South Wonston WR081 Botley Rail Aggregates Terminal, Curdridge 445158 IGas Energy Ltd 135594 Oil and Gas Time Limited 452066 Aggregate Industries 113337 UK Ltd Aggregates Rail Depot Active WR086 Funtley Tip Wickham WR105 Raglington Farm Shedfield 454821 SITA UK Landfill (restored) 109218 455018 R F Salvidge, SITA & Landfill (ceased) 113050 J&W Waste Management Site completed WR157 Folly Farm Wellsite Crawley WR158 Wallers Ash Wellsite South Wonston WR178 Newhouse Farm Northington WR182 Mandalay Forest Road 442264 IGas Energy Ltd 133793 Oil and Gas Time Limited 448519 Star Energy Ltd 136155 Oil and Gas (restored) Site completed 454267 I Cammack 136917 460626 Hampshire County 114231 Council Landfill (inert) Site completed Landfill (restored) Site completed WR183 Bar End Depot, Bar End Road Winchester (HWRC) 448665 Hampshire County 128214 Council HWRC WR187 Barton Farm Winchester WR190 Spring Gardens Alresford 447579 Roger Ward Building 131230 and Design Southern Water Services Ltd Waste processing Active Pumping Station Active WR191 The 'Pebbles' Southwick Road, North Boarhunt, Nr Wickham WR192 Pegham Industrial Estate 459844 Mr Keith Butler 111015 Green waste recycling centre Active 455021 L&S Waste 108947 Management Waste site Active WR193 TJ Waste & Recycling Barfield Close 448635 T J Waste & Recycling 128753 Ltd ELV facility Active SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Yes Waste transfer station (W00965/05); incinerator ceased operation in 1996 and now demolished; retrospective siting of temporary office accommodation and change of use of residential bungalow for office accommodation for a temporary period (until 31 January 2016)(05/02571/HCM); variation to the permitted waste management activities at the Otterbourne Waste Transfer Station (use of the yard and former paper store/MRF for waste storage and transfer purposes, and the siting of storage containers/cabins) (06/02464/HCS W00965/12) granted following completion of a S106 agreement restricting the number of vehicles entering/leaving the site; replacement offices, including extension and alterations to bungalow/office, temporary stationing of portacabin offices/toilets etc. during construction and temporary car park (07/01979/HCS) (until 30 April 2025); demolition of former bailing shed and erection of two new waste transfer buildings and other external alterations (07/03077/HCS) granted subject to a legal agreement concerning daily lorry movements to and from the site; extension to approved office (08/01133/HCS) granted 8.2008. Siting of 2 food waste containers 09.2009,change of use from MRF to WEEE storage 02.2010, replacement green waste bay 12.2010. Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. Yes Yes Wellsite; production centre for Stockbridge Oilfield (plus 4 wellsites); oil tankered to Hamble Oil Terminal; First Periodic Review of Mineral Planning permissions application for determination of conditions (03/02825/HCM W10378/03) determined in 2004 (Agriculture - 2016); Liaison Panel main issues: none held – £ 4 monitoring visits. Rail aggregate depot and coated stone plant; permanent siting of a portacabin at the depot (03/01627HCM W00371/11); replacement of existing permitted portacabin with alternative portacabin (08/011738/HCS) granted 9.2008; erect three new feed hoppers and conveyor extension and to vary condition 10 of PP DRD4056 to allow importation of sand, hardstone, recycled asphalt planings (RAP) and recycled concrete for use in existing asphalt plant (08/02857/HCS) granted2.2009. (implemented development, low priority) 2 visits per year. || Application (09/01058/HCS) to erect three silos - granted 05/08/2009 || Application (11/01086/HCS) for relocation of existing operational portacabin containing site managers office and meeting room, from the northern weighbridge exit to the southern weighbridge entrance - granted 04/07/2011 || Restored non-inert landfill (9900822HCM W02380/20), out of aftercare; installation of a fenced compound housing a containerised generator and retention of the current access/site road and use of temporary flare (until 31 December 2020) (05/01317/HCS); In Aftercare Restored inert landfill (W11763/06 03/01226/H); access not reinstated; proposed agricultural improvement by infilling with inert wastes (07/02980/HCS); variation of condition 2 of 07/02980/HCS to extend the time limit for tipping operations (08/02519/HCS) Yes Wellsite (Stockbridge Oilfield); oil tankered to Hamble Terminal; First Periodic Review of Mineral Planning Permissions application for determination of conditions (03/02825/HCM W10378/03) determined in 2004 (Agriculture - 2016) 4 monitoring visit Restored wellsite (Stockbridge Oilfield) Closed inert landfill (infilling and restoration of a slurry lagoon) (0101773HCS W01409/10) (Agriculture 2002) Restored inert landfill, incorporating silt from The Moors LNR, Bishops Waltham (WR181) into land for agricultural benefit and re-seed with native grassland mix Active Yes Active Household Waste Recycling Centre; natural resource recovery uses and/or B1/B2 uses (03/01512/HCM W08495/12); construction of a Household Waste Recycling Centre including parking, site office and sales area, revised access and site drainage (03/01515/HCM W08495/13); training centre where scrap furniture is reconditioned for re-use, an education centre for courses in ecology and bio-diversity, and admin for Winchester Alliance for Mental Health (03/01519/HCM W084495/14); change of use from highway depot to temporary car park (for five years) (05/03019/HCS); variation of condition 3 of PP: 03/01515/HCM to extend the hours of operation (08/02637/HCS) granted 1.2009 3 monitoring visits || Application (10/00738/HCS) for Extension of Time for Condition 3 of Planning Approval 05/03019/HCS W08495/15 for continued use as a car park for one year until 31 March 2011 - granted 27/04/2010 || Application (11/00117/HCS) for Extension of time for Condition 3 of Planning Approval 05/03019/HCS W08495/15 for continued use as a car park for a further two years until 31 March 2013 - granted 22/03/2011 || Application (13/00006/HCS) for Extension of time for Condition 1 of Planning Approval 11/00117/HCS WR183 for a further two years until 31 March 2015 - granted 14/03/2013 || Site for temporary storage of builders waste (0202450HCM W00942/10); Storage of waste (1. 6yd skip for plasterboard waste, 2. temporary storage of excavated soil/rubble) (09/01861/HCS) - 2 Monitoring visits Redevelopment scheme to include mcc kiosk, balancing storage tank, valve chamber underground cso chamber new telemetry, turning area/access road and ancillary works (03/01082/HCS W05836/02); permission implemented, construction completed not monitored Active change of use to recycling centre for green composting (03/01094/HCM W06165/10); A retrospective application for change of use from agricultural to green waste recycling, to increase the area used from 0.2 hectare to 0.6 hectare, to include three polytunnels for dry storage of recycled materials (10/02304/HCS) - 3 monitoring visits Yes Active construction of industrial building, weighbridge and office/mess facilities, waste recycling, storage and treatment (03/01240/H W00480/33) granted on appeal in 2005; installation of a night watchman’s caravan (05/02675/HCS W00480/37). Planning permission granted on 7.04.2011 for construction of new building to house Combined Heat & Power plant (11/00136/HCS). 2 monitoring visits. Active erection of a new end of life vehicle building within the confines of the existing site (03/01741/HCM W02007/06); Continued use of existing waste recycling facility for the recycling of metal, paper, cardboard and plastics which will handle a maximum throughput of 15,000 tonnes per annum of commercial waste with slight variation to operating hours (10/00637/HCS); - 2 monitoring visits || Application (13/00793/HCS) for the construction and operation of a waste transfer station to handle construction and demolition/skip waste (10,000tpa) and continued use of the site for recycling metal, paper, cardboard and plastic (15,000tpa) - Withdrawn Site Code Site Name Grid Ref Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded WR195 Harestock WTW 447064 Southern Water 132379 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works Yes WR196 Bury Farm Botley Road 452460 Wessex Construction 111200 and Plant Hire Ltd Recycling of Active secondary aggregate. Concrete Active batching; Coated stone depot Yes WR197 Micheldever Depot 451709 Aggregate Industries Stockbridge Road 143609 UK Ltd; Amey UK plc Recycling construction and demolition wastes (04/01823/HCM W19107) 2 monitoring visits. Yes Mobile foamix and stabilisation with crushing facility when required for more than 28 days per calendar year (04/01835/HCM W02114/06) - not monitored (development operating without complaints, low priority. Coated stone plant on existing highways depot site WR198 Tesco Stores Easton Lane, Winchester WR199 Pegham Industrial Estate Fontley Road WR200 Silverlake Garage Ash Row 449561 Tesco Stores Ltd 130143 Tomra Recycling 454869 Bryan Jezeph 108818 Consultancy Ltd Waste Transfer Active 454225 Richard Stone 113618 ELV facility Active WR203 Unit E Bar End Industrial Estate WR205 Four Dell Farm Otterbourne WR206 New Alresford WTW Appledown Lane WR207 The Norfolk House 1 Romsey Road 448652 OCS Group Ltd 128329 Waste Treatment Active 445332 A.J. Blake 124267 459039 Southern Water 130662 Services Ltd Aggregate recycling Wastewater Treatment Kiosk Active Yes Active Yes 447616 Southern Water 129546 Services Ltd Mcc Kiosk Active WR210 Four Dell Industrial Park Poles Lane 445337 R&W Civil Engineering 124337 (Chantacre) Ltd Waste transfer station Active WR211 Upper Slackstead Farm Braishfield WR212 DSTL Portsdown Main Portsdown Hill Road WR213 Highbridge Road Wastwater Pumping Station, Brambridge WR214 Sanctuary Farm Alresford Drove WR215 Four Dell Farm Otterbourne 439604 Pucknall Energy 126088 Generation Ltd Biomass CHP Inactive 463186 T J Transport Ltd 106909 Waste Recycling In Aftercare 447170 Southern Water 121917 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works WR217 Barton Farm (No.9) Andover Road, Winchester Active motor control kiosk (04/01859/HCM W10551/03); erection of motor control centre (MCC) kiosk, substation kiosk, standby generator, air blower kiosk, fuel storage tank and phosphate removal equipment comprising ferric dosing plant and control kiosk and final effluent phosphate monitor kiosk (05/00595/HCS W10551/04); permission implemented not monitored (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) Active Installation of ‘tomra recycling’ to replace existing recycling facility (04/02516/HCM W11725/52) - 2 monitoring visits Change of use from a scrapyard to a waste transfer station (04/02519/HCM W03395/09); change of use from a scrapyard to a waste transfer station 5/00504/HCS W03395/10) subject to legal agreement for financial contribution towards highway works; extension to existing building and outside storage bay (07/02914/HCS) 1 monitoring visit. Yes Replacement building to provide automotive treatment facility and extension to storage area (W05767/11); part retrospective extension of concrete compound (to mitigate against loss of approved compound area due to environmental buffer zone) construction of fire access and working area (including reservoir), relocation of screen planting and construction of opaque netting extension to fencing (07/00714/HCS W05767/12); conditions appeal withdrawn 6.2008; minor amendments to planning permission 07/00714/HCS to change alignment of fire access to enable improved fire emergency service working area and associated realignment of planting, security fencing and additional obscure netting to north east and north west boundaries, variation of condition 5 to allow storage of vehicles to a maximum 4 high excluding 15m on east boundary at 3 high (08/01512/HCS) granted. Liaison Panel (no meetings) main issues: heights of vehicles and screening. 2 monitoring visits. Change of use of existing industrial/warehouse unit to waste transfer/treatment station including general office and warehouse use, creation of new roller shutter door access to southern elevation and erection of clinical waste store (05/03071/HCS); 1 monitoring visits. Development and operation of facility for the production of recycled aggregates and other recycled materials (07/01762/HCS); variation of condition 2 of P/P 07/01762/HCS (removal of limits on vehicle movements) (09/00029/HCS) granted 2.2009 2 monitoring visits. Construction of a walk in kiosk and new treatment process units to support an upgrade - granted 15/07/2011 (New site 2007) Construction of a new motor control centre (MCC) kiosk and vent pipe as part of a scheme to prevent internal sewer flooding to two properties (07/01064/HCS) not monitored (implemented Use of land for storage and transfer of waste materials associated with highway maintenance works and ancillary storage of highway maintenance materials (07/01815/HCS) appeal upheld 30 October 2008 (see Appendix 2 - Departure, refusal and appeal decisions); Retrospective gully waste dewatering facility (10/02625/HCS) granted 08.03.2011 II Retrospective and proposed variations to vary site layout of existing planning permission no’s 07/01815/HCC and 10/02625/HCC and associated conditions. Application to include minor associated development to improve safety or operational efficiency - 13/02558/HCS granted 24/02/2014 Monitored 1 visit To produce approximately 300kw of electricity for sale to the grid and 600kw heat through three biomass generators (08/00034/HCS) not monitored (not implemented within AMR period) Importation of concrete blend with on site demolition material to produce a secondary aggregate for a temporary period (08/00600/HCS); 447409 Landacre Trading Limited Inert landfill 136683 445316 Jon & Geoff Venn (t/a Wood and 124267 Green Otter) plasterboard recycling 447544 Mr Blackmore Storage of 131203 builders waste In Aftercare Active Construction of a Wastewater Pumping Station, including: Change of Use for land to be leased by Southern Water Construction of Motor Control Centre Kiosk Construction of Vent Columns (2 No.) Steel palisade fence around area of the Pumping Station Permanent Access Road off Highbridge Road Change of Ground Levels (08/00958/HCS) granted 7.2008 not monitored (determined outside AMR period) Yes Restored land improvement using inert material transferred from adjoining site (08/02382/HCS) (until 31 October 2009) granted 12.2008 (New site 2008) development & operation of the facility for the recycling of waste wood and other recycled materials (08/02657/HCS) granted as a departure 3.2009 (see Appendix 2 - Departure, refusal and appeal decisions) Application 10/01128/HCS for Variation of conds 2 & 3 of pp 08/02657/HCS to allow processing of gypsum from waste plasterboard, granted 08.10.2010. Active Temporary placement of 15yrd ro-ro skip to short term storage of waste created from building works in Winchester (09/01939/HCC) Site Code Site Name Grid Ref Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Application for a Certificate of Lawful use for waste recycling - granted 25/01/2011 || Application (12/01011/HCS) for Erection of replacement building for use as part of the lawful use of the site as a site for waste/scrap metal sorting and recycling and end of life vehicles - granted 01/10/2012 || Application (12/01801/HCS) for Lawful Use Certificate: Lawful use of the site edged red for waste/scrap metal sorting, recycling and storage - sui generis use - refused 20/12/2012 || Application (12/02367/HCS) for Removal of condition 6 of application 12/01011/HCS (erection of a two metre high fence on the eastern and northern boundaries of the site) - Granted 06/12/13 || WR218 Barton Yard Upper Wield 462740 Lailey Recycling 137966 Waste Recycling Active WR219 Gunstock Farm Northside Lane, Bishops Sutton WR220 Garfield Road, Bishops Waltham 461898 Mr G Russell 132072 Inert landfill Inactive 455288 Dase Engineering 117917 Scrapyard WR221 DSTL Portsdown Main Site WR223 Unit 3 Claylands Road Claylands Road WR224 DSTL Portsdown Main Site, Portsdown Hill Road WR225 Waterlooville HWRC WR231 Old Park Wood Industrial Estate, Old Park Road, Bishops Sutton WR233 Larkwhistle Farm Works, Larkwhistle Farm Road, Micheldever 463253 Demolition & Salvage Ltd C&D Waste 106833 Recycling Inactive 454786 Hughes and Salvidge 117944 Limited Waste Treatment Inactive 463193 Demolition & Salvage 106882 Ltd Waste Storage 466735 Hampshire County 110015 Council 462508 Mr E Rankin 129994 HWRC Active Waste Transfer (sui generis) Inactive 453210 Stagetruck Ltd 142347 Inert landfill Inactive - Depot, Easton Lane, Winnall, Winchester Micheldever Station 449160 CEMEX UK 130120 Concrete manufacturing 45180 14330 HMWP Potential Rail Depot Yes Pound Bottom Landfill Site Redlynch, Salisbury 42235 11787 Cleansing Service Group (CSG) Ltd Landfill Active (hazardous & nonhazardous), Landfill (leachate & biogas), Waste Recycling, Waste Treatment (composting) Yes Brockenhurst WTW Balmer Lawn Road, Brockenhurst Rye Dale WTW Ashurst Ambervale Farm Pitmore Lane, Sway 43111 10278 Southern Water Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works Yes 43408 11129 43009 97173 Southern Water Services Ltd George Farwell Ltd Wastewater Treatment Kiosk Waste Transfer/ Recycling Active Yes Mount Pleasant Sway 429887 New Milton Sand and 97533 Ballast Sand and Gravel Closed/Ceased with P/P or CLU - Infilling of pond Active Yes Storage of scrap vehicles and metals and for the sorting and compacting of metals - granted 09/01/2012 || Application (13/01766/HCS) for erection of metal clad shed used for the recovery of waste oils from end of life vehicles - referred to as a de-pollution shed (retrospective) - granted 06/11/13 || Importation and storage of concrete waste to blend with on site demolition material to produce secondary aggregate for a period of two years (10/02588/HCS); Demolition of existing buildings and reconstruction of buildings on site for the processing of non ferrous metals Active Importation and storage of concrete waste to blend with on site demolition material to produce secondary aggregate for a period of two years (11/00465/HCS). 2 monitoring visits Provision of a new Waterlooville Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) in the West of Waterlooville Northern Major Development Area, Old Park Farm (11/01601/HCS); site preparation; Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements Yes Change of use of part of existing industrial building (B2 use) to use for waste transfer (sui generis) and alterations to building to increase the height of the eaves and ridge, demolition of existing extensions and building and siting of three portacabin Yes Infill of former storage lagoons with inert waste and creation of hard standing, granted 16/12/13 Active Yes Operating under district permission. Not monitored Site allocated for potential rail depot through Policy 19 (Aggregates wharves and rail depots) New Forest National Park NFNP 001 NFNP 002 NFNP 004 NF075 NF095 Active Hazardous and non-hazardous landfill, MRF, green waste composting, leachate and biogas facilities; Increase height of temporary landfill gas flare (until 30 September 2007) (06/90167/MIN); operation of a composting facility for shredding recycled and green waste (until 9 September 2014) (06/90326); installation and operation of a leachate storage tank which will replace the current leachate lagoon (for 10 years) (07/91588); installation and operation of a landfill gas utilisation plant (until 23 November 2017) (07/92070); continued operation temporary landfill gas flare (until 29 February 2009) (07/92441) granted 3.2008 5 monitoring visits £ (New site 2006) Four proposed control kiosks to house equipment (06/90361) – not monitored (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) (New site 2007) motor control centre (MCC) kiosk (06/90816) – 3 monitoring visits North Common Lane: restored inert landfill and waste transfer station Ambervale Farm (New site 2004): Active inert waste transfer station, recycling facility and new access (75507); variation of condition 9 of APP/Q1770/A/03/1118751 (original application 75507) to allow 44 HGV movements per day (Mon Fri) and 23 on Saturdays (87141); variation of condition of APP/Q1770/A/06/2026438 to cease heavy commercial vehicle movements on Saturdays and provide for redistribution of the permitted movements over the working week (Monday to Friday) (07/91461); use of portacabin as office (08/93337) granted 12.2008 Ceased sand and gravel extraction, part restored; IDO Review application (00052925M(IDO)) determined in 1993; importation of inert waste (75970); intermittent restoration; development of land without complying with condition 1 of 75970 and the variation of this condition to extend the period of restoration (08/93537) withdrawn 2.2009; variation of condition 1, 11 & 12 of Planning permission 75970 to complete site restoration and to amend the approved restoration scheme (08/93704) granted 3.2009 (Agriculture 8.2009). Site Code Site Name Grid Ref Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status NF109 Holmsley Landfill Bransgore 42061 98793 Raymond Brown EcoBio Ltd Landfill (inert) Active NF161 Fawley Quarry Badminston Farm, Fawley Tower View Crabbswood Lane, Sway Lime Kiln Lane Holbury 44672 10209 CEMEX UK Sand and Gravel Inactive 42646 97711 George Farwell Ltd Waste Transfer Active 44270 10376 SMS Skips Waste Transfer Active Ashlett Creek WTW Fawley Beaulieu WTW Firestation Lane, Beaulieu Former MoD Oil Storage Depot, Fawley 44664 10287 Southern Water Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works 43907 10188 Southern Water Services Ltd Wastewater Treatment Kiosk Active 44671 10268 Hampshire Turf Waste Transfer and Soil Treatment Active Thorns Farm Sowley Lane, East End, Lymington 43868 97244 TJ Composting Services Waste Treatment (composting) Inactive Sway WTW Flexford Road, Sway Lyndhurst WTW Southampton Road, Lyndhurst East Boldre WTW Chapel Lane, East Boldre 42875 96503 Southern Water Services Ltd Wastewater Treatment Kiosk Active 43112 10900 Southern Water Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works 43351 11276 Southern Water Services Ltd Wastewater Treatment Kiosk Active PT001 Horsea Island, Paulsgrove Portsmouth PT027 Kendalls Wharf Anchorage Park 46400 10500 Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc 46755 10320 Kendall Bros Ceased Active Active Active PT028 Tipnor Wharf / Pounds Wharf, off Twyford Avenue, Tipnor, PT031 Portsmouth Energy Recovery Facility, Anchorage Park 46400 10365 Hope Construction Materials Landfill (closed) Landfill (biogas) HWRC Aggregates Wharf; Concrete batching Aggregates Wharf; NF202 NF218 NF224 NF234 NF235 NF236 NF237 NF241 NF244 SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Yes Restored inert landfill; restoration to agriculture by tipping of inert waste (79851) granted following completion of highway agreements, implemented in 2004; modification of planning condition (85070) to allow site to operate between 15 July to 30 September 2007 (07/91750) (Agriculture 9.2007) 1 monitoring visits £ Sand and gravel extraction (48794) granted on appeal in 1995; variation of condition 3 to vary the order of phasing and to create a replacement silt bed within phase W10 (07/92181) granted 6.2008 (Agriculture - 2013). Application (13/98825) to vary conditions with further extraction of sand with a new end date of 31 Dec 2026 with revised working and restoration received 08.2013. Waste management; certificate of lawful development for the storage and distribution of materials specified (topsoil, crushed concrete, brick rubble, scalpings, hoggin, path gravel, sand) (0054775M) Active waste transfer (68932); Certificate of Lawful Development for the use of land as a skip business depot and waste transfer station, construction and demolition, industrial and commercial wastes; waste recycling and transfer facilities, container storage, offices and workshop for existing waste transfer business; building to enclose existing waste transfer facilities (77401); revision to details of a permitted building to enclose an existing waste transfer and recycling operation (86174); application to import, store and sell primary and recycled aggregates and recycled soils (86948) (refused but allowed on appeal); replacement maintenance shed (06/90524/FULL) 3 monitoring visits Yes Biological treatment works including inlet works, sludge building, treatment unit and access (0006288) not monitored (ecological surveys ongoing) (New site 2003) Kiosk to house standby/replacement blowers (77549) - not monitored (development implemented, monitoring not required) (New site 2003) Active import, stockpile and screen topsoil and provide single storey site office and ancillary storage containers (78225); facility for resource recycling, recovery and transfer (07/92129) appeal allowed 10.2008 (see Appendix 2 - Departure, refusal and appeal decisions); variation of condition 8 of PP: 07/92129 to allow importation of soils, inert waste wood and green waste (08/93571) granted 1.2009 4 monitoring visits Change of use from intensive beef unit to green waste composting facility (78713)- granted 08.2005 (New site 2003) New kiosk to house motor control centre (MCC) for upgraded works (79427) not monitored (implemented development, low priority) Yes Replacement standby generator, sand filter, phosphate removal and nutrient analyser control kiosk (81616) (implemented development, low priority) Construction of MMC kiosk, SAF blower kiosk and air lift kiosk (82726) (implemented development, low priority Portsmouth City Council PT053 Quartremaine Road Anchorage Park PT055 Eastney WTW Eastney 46670 10290 Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc Yes Closed non-inert landfill undergoing final restoration; household waste recycling centre; and landfill gas generation plant (Amenity - 2008) Yes Aggregates wharf and aggregate processing and bagging Inactive Concrete Active batching Waste Processing Active (energy recovery) Mothballed aggregates wharf. Active readymix plant. Yes Materials Recovery Facility; incinerator ceased operation 1991; construction of an energy recovery facility allowed on appeal and permission granted 10.2001, operational since March 2005 46675 10280 SITA 46840 09995 Southern Water Services Waste Transfer/ Recycling Waste Transfer Aggregates Recycling Wastewater Treatment Works Active Yes Active Inactive Yes Active Yes Waste transfer station, construction, demolition and industrial wastes Wastewater treatment and sludge recycling, new plant development linked to Budds Farm, Havant HV040 Site Code Site Name PT056 Unit 1600 Blueprint Portfield Road, Dundas Spur, Anchorage Park PT057 Land Adjoining MRF Quartremaine Road, Anchorage Park PT058 Portsmouth Naval Dockyard Military Road, Portsmouth PT059 Unit 43 Marshlands Road, Farlington PT060 Howards Yard Ackworth Road, Hilsea PT061 The Bell Store Unit 6 Dundas Spur, Anchorage Park Walton Road, Highbury, Portsmouth land at HM Naval Base and commercial port as safeguarded in the Portsmouth Core Strategy PT Grid Ref Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status 46650 10260 Seek-IT Waste Transfer/ Recycling Active SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded (New site 2005) Change of use to a waste electrical and electronic equipment facility (Class B2) (A*38944/AA) 46670 10300 Veolia Environmental Services (UK) Plc Waste Transfer Ceased (New site 2006) Ceased; construction of 10M high building and use of land for waste transfer station including ancillary parking/loading area for a temporary period of two years (E*29662/AK); the building is still there, the licence is still in force, but operations have ceased and the building is likely to be taken down in the near future. 464130 Waste Services (UK) 101190 Waste Transfer 46790 10510 G E Heard Waste Transfer/ Recycling Active 46630 10420 Bridge Skips Waste Transfer/ Recycling Active 46680 10260 Bell Microsystems Waste Transfer/ Recycling Inactive Concrete batching Active 467000 CEMEX UK 104500 Active Hazardous and non-hazardous waste transfer Change of use for the recycling and refurbishment of Industrial drums and barrels (Class B2) (B*17183/AA) Yes Storage, recycling and distribution of construction and associated waste, construction of single storey building (A*33719/AF) (New site 2007) Licensed Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) treatment facility (07/01255/FUL) granted 8.2007; Permission now expired (three year permission only) Yes Operating under district permission. Not monitored Potential wharf Yes Land which if released from its present uses may provide an opportunity for a wharf Dundas Lane Dundas Spur Old Reservoir Road Quartremaine Road, Portsmouth DS Smith Recycling EMR Tilbury Metals Ltd. Tipner TJ Waste MRF MRS & ELV MRS Active Active Active Waste Transfer Inactive Yes Yes Yes Commercial MRF No planning history TJ Waste Southampton City Council SN011 SN034 SN035 SN036 SN038 SN039 SN040 Floating Bridge Road Transfer Station Peartree Green Bakers Wharf Millbank Leamouth Wharf Millbank 44350 11130 Drivers Wharf Northam Burnley Wharf Chapel Willments Shipyard Peartree Green 44330 11280 44300 11175 44355 11195 Supermarine Wharf Peartree Green 44350 11250 44330 11230 44350 11180 Biffa Waste Waste transfer, domestic, commercial and non-hazardous industrial wastes Aggregates Wharf Inactive Active SITA Aggregates Wharf; Concrete batching Waste Transfer Solent Aggregates Aggregates Wharf Active CEMEX UK Aggregates wharf Yes Aggregates wharf and concrete batching plant. Inactive Waste transfer, construction, demolition, domestic, commercial and non-hazardous industrial and difficult wastes has planning permission for an alternative marine use. Yes Aggregates Wharf: Inactive aggregates recycling; waste transfer/recycling Aggregate Industries UK Ltd Aggregates Wharf; Active Concrete batching Aggregates wharf Aggregates wharf and minerals processing facility; transfer/recycling Yes Concrete batching. Aggregates wharf inactive. Site Code Site Name Grid Ref Operator / Agent SN043 Southampton HWRC Town Depot, Chapel Imperial House Empress Road, Bevois Valley Millbrook WTW Western Docks 44290 11140 Southampton City Council HWRC 44275 11325 SITA Waste Transfer Active Yes 43870 11250 Southern Water Services Wastewater Active Treatment Works Yes Spitfire Quay Peartree Green Western Docks Southampton 7 Ashley Crescent Newtown 44340 11180 43962 11220 44616 11044 Aggregate Industries UK Ltd Aggregates Wharf Inactive Aggregates Wharf Inactive Waste Transfer Active Red Lodge Nursery Vermont Close, Lordswood Unit E Hazel Road Industrial Estate Woolston Empress Road Bevois Valley Baltic Wharf Crosshouse Dibles Wharf Belvidere 44150 11585 Southampton City Council Waste Transfer 44405 11235 Waste Services UK Waste Transfer 44276 Hope Construction 11317 Materials 44298 CEMEX UK 11155 443200 112200 Concrete batching Active Aggregates Wharf Inactive Aggregates Wharf; Inactive Concrete batching Yes City Depot & Recycling Park Southampton (HWRC) 229 Ashley Crescent Newtown Northam Ironworks Princes Street, Southampton 65-69 Melbourne Street Central Trading Estate Chapel Dock Gate 20 Western Docks Building Maintenance Services, Shirley Depot Portswood WTW Kent Road, Portswood Berth 109 / King George V Dock Bollard No's 132 146, Western Docks Woolston WTW 439196 Southampton City 112696 Council HWRC Yes 44616 11044 Active 443450 European Metal 112740 Recycling Ltd Waste Transfer; Concrete batching Metal recycling export facility 442812 T & G Metals 111787 Metal recovery site Active 438592 K & B Crushers Ltd 112625 440058 Southampton City 113554 Council Aggregates Recycling Waste Transfer Active 443520 Southern Water 114714 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works 439745 Solent Stevedores Ltd 112132 Metal recycling export facility 443450 Southern Water 110391 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works SN060 SN061 SN062 SN064 SN065 SN066 SN067 SN068 SN069 SN070 SN071 SN072 SN074 SN075 SN076 SN077 SN078 SN079 SN081 Site Description Site Status SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Inactive (closed) Household waste recycling centre. Closed on 6 December 2011. Replaced by SN071. James Huntley & Sons Integrated waste recycling, commercial and industrial wastes; a waste management licence application was made to the Environment Agency in 5.2006 to extend the WML to include the whole site owned by SITA (not just the building as at present) Wastewater treatment; sub-regional sludge treatment and recycling centre (Safeguarded Site K) linked to Slowhill Copse, Marchwood NF223 (Safeguarded Site J) Aggregates bagging plant. Aggregates wharf during 2007/08 Yes Metal recycling; use of site as a waste transfer station with a skip storage and erection of a new building of 1300 sq. m (05/01186/ful) Active Mixed municipal waste transfer including street cleaning residues (trees, bushes, grass, contents of litter bins, scrap metal – all SCC only) Active Mixed municipal waste transfer L&S Waste Management Active Previous use for CD&E waste recycling; use of the site as a waste recycling facility with a new building, weighbridge site office and new salt shed construction (06/01210/ful); RAM Recycling went into administration in 2007. Aggregates wharf Aggregates wharf and concrete batching plant. Former Calor gas depot, land off First Avenue, HWRC (opened on 7 December 2011). Yes Waste recycling and reprocessing plant. Concrete batching plant. Active Yes Metal waste & scrap dealers. Metal waste & scrap dealers. Aggregate recycling centre for concrete and brick waste. Active Yes Wastewater treatment Active Re-cycled metal exports on behalf of SJ Norton & Co. Exportation in excess of 500,000 tonnes per annum using the two on-site high capacity harbour mobile cranes. Wastewater treatment Site Code Site Name Grid Ref SN082 Royal Crescent Road, Southampton Land safeguarded in the Southampton Core Strategy for Port Use BR Freight Depot, Imperial Road, Southampton 442742 Olleco Ltd 111276 EH003 Butser Hill Lime Quarry Buriton 472636 George Ewen Ltd 120319 EH015 Selborne Brickworks Selborne EH022 Basing Home Farm 467607 Ashmarden Ltd Sages Lane 128234 Infill pit EH025 Lode Farm/Rookery Farm Kingsley 477609 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd 137520 Soft Sand, Landfill (inert) EH042 Woodside Farm West Tisted Upper Adhurst Farm Liss Ropley Lime Quarry Ropley 468327 R M Chesterman Ltd Landfill (inert) 129792 477256 Mr G Fothergill (t/a Soil Waste Treatment 125298 Centre) (soil recycling) Lapsed permission Active 465717 Dudman Group 130522 Closed/Dormant with P/P or CLU Chalton Chalk Quarry Rowlands Castle Horndean (X) Wellsite Horndean Horndean (C) Wellsite Rowlands Castle Petersfield WTW 474940 Wessex Construction and Chalk 115673 Plant Hire Ltd Closed/Dormant with P/P or CLU 471519 IGas Energy Ltd 112575 Oil and Gas Time Limited Yes 472430 IGas Energy Ltd 112071 Oil and Gas Time Limited Yes 476993 Southern Water 122846 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works Yes 473786 Hampshire County 122986 Council HWRC Active Yes Waste Processing; Coated stone depot Blackmoor Estate 478419 Williams of Bordon and Waste Treatment Blackmoor 132309 Blackmoor Estate Ltd. (soil recycling) Active Yes Chapel Farm Closed/Ceased with P/P or CLU - - Operator / Agent Site Description Site Status Waste Transfer Active SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Cooking oil and other waste collection depot Potential wharf Yes Land which if released from its present uses may provide an opportunity for a wharf 442850 Lafarge Tarmac Ltd 113070 Concrete batching Active Yes Operating under Southampton CC permission. Not monitored South Downs National Park EH048 EH055 EH057 EH058 EH067 EH117 EH123 EH138 EH139 EH142 Bedford Road Petersfield (HWRC) Petersfield Depot Borough Road Petersfield Chalk, Landfill (inert), Aggregate Recycliing 476643 Mr Patrick Benham-Crosswell Clay (brickworks), 134423 Landfill (inert), waste processing Inactive Yes Yes Dormant permission for aggregate recycling (20552/033) expires March 2015; variation of (20552/029/CMA); Inactive chalk extraction; Interim Review of Mineral Permission (Active Phase 1) application (F20552/27C) determined in 2000 subject to submission of Original site completed: clay extraction for brick manufacturing and inert landfill; construction waste recycling permission expired; Initial Review (Active Phase 2) application (F20661/030) determined in 2000. Extension lapsed: excavation of clay and reinstatement of the land to agriculture and the provision of an access road for the extension area (F20661/037CMA, /038CMA & /039CMA); (Agriculture - 2007); Liaison Panel main issues: operation of brickworks, continued unauthorised activities; landfill now completed. Application for AD Plant refused and upheld on Appeal. Site completed Infill old disused farm pit with inert soil from foundations Chalk 473804 Amey UK plc 122678 476812 T J Landfill 135352 Inactive Waste disposal Time Limited Active Yes Yes Active sand extraction (Rookery Farm); processing plant, aggregates recycling, ‘Topsport’ and merchanting operations and inert landfill (Lode Farm); western area (OS128) restored; eastern area (Bridges Land) lapsed; Periodic Review application (Rookery Farm) (F24847/014/CMA) determined in 2003; Scoping Opinion; proposed extension to existing mineral extraction operation and restoration to nature conservation uses, advice offered 8.2008. Application withdrawn. (Agriculture 2018). Variation of condition 1 of planning permission F24847/015/CMA to extend the time period for tipping of inert waste and to revise the final restoration contours (granted 07/11/2014 ). £ 4 monitoring visits. Inert landfill Permitted turf and topsoil production and distribution facility to include the importation and storing, sorting, grading, screening, blending and ameliorating and also recycling of inert waste Yes Chalk extraction; IDO Review application (F20209/6C) determined in 1994 (State suitable for agriculture - 2042) – 1 monitoring visit £ Dormant/Inactive chalk extraction; IDO (Dormant) Review application required before extraction can recommence (Not specified - 2042) 1 monitoring visit. Yes Wellsite; production centre (recent variation of condition to allow extraction for a further period of 10 years until 31/01/2020 (52416) for Horndean Oilfield (plus two wellsites); oil tankered to Alton rail terminal; Liaison Panel main issue: none Wellsite; production centre (recent variation of condition to allow extraction for a further period of 10 years until 31/01/2020 (27832/006) for Horndean Oilfield (plus two wellsites); oil tankered to Alton rail terminal; Liaison Panel main issue: none held (Agriculture - 2010) 4 monitoring visits Wastewater treatment plant (F24043/6C) 1 monitoring visit (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) Household waste recycling centre (F23060/22); variation of condition 4 of PP. F23060/22 to extend the hours of operations (51550) granted 1.2009 Monitored by W&RM under matrix working arrangements. (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) (New site 2001) waste transfer bays for the de-watering of gully waste (F23214/002); permanent approval of an existing Waste Transfer Station located in the Hampshire Highways maintenance depot, for the reception and de-watering of biodegradable gully arisings and inert materials generated from highway maintenance works (F23214/003/HCC) 1 monitoring visit (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) Soil recycling; variation of condition 13 of F35283/001/CMA (correction of number of daily lorry movements) (F35283/004/CMA); continued use as soil recycling centre, with associated development, without complying with condition 1 of F35283/001/CMA and condition 1 of F35283/003/CMA for extension of permission and restoration scheme (until 31 March 2012)(F35283/005/CMA); the siting of a concrete crusher and associated stock piles within an existing soils recycling site (F35283/006) refused 1.2009 (see Appendix 2 - Departure, refusal and appeal decisions) (Agriculture 3.2012);Continued use as soil recycling centre, with associated development, without complying with condition 1 and condition 17 of F35283/005/CMA for extension of permission and restoration scheme (either temporary for 5 years or permanent)(SDNP/35283/007) granted 12/01/2012. Liaison Panel (no meetings) main issues: amenity Ceased importation of inert materials required in relation to agricultural improvements (F21878/008/CMA) (Agriculture 7.2004); final levels not according to plan, no progress in submission of plans for new access; BCN served 18 May 2006; clay then moved onto site so TSN served 19 May 2006; Enforcement Notice served February 2008 Appeal received June 2008 Appeal allowed. Site Code Site Name Grid Ref EH158 Heberdens Farm Finchdean Site Description Site Status 473546 Mr A Fisk 113997 Recycling of construction & demolition waste Active The Potato Yard South Holt Farm, Dean Lane End, Finchdean, Rowlands Castle EH169 Bensgreen Farm, Blackmore Lane, Froxfield, Petersfield WR072 Claylands Road Bishop's Waltham (HWRC) WR125 Morestead WTW Winchester 474060 Mr J Bellinger 112241 Waste transfer station Inactive with no P/P or CLU 471497 Regeneration Services 127434 Limited Composting Active 454733 Hampshire County 117973 Council HWRC Active 449170 Southern Water 127951 Services Ltd Wastewater Active Treatment Works WR137 Frith Lane Wickham WR185 Pest Cottages West Meon 457451 SITA 112653 464611 RJ and GR Silk 126099 Landfill (non-inert*) In Aftercare WR186 Avington Matterley Farm WR188 Land adjacent Hurst Farm, Marwell, Thompson's Lane, Owslebury 453945 IGas Energy Ltd 128619 450626 Radley House 121321 Partnership Borehole Time Limited Temporary waste transfer station Inactive WR201 Upperhill Farm Droxford Road WR209 Avington WTW Package Plant Avington Park WR229 The Lambing Yard, Windmill Down Farm, Church Lane, Hambledon 459080 Mr Duckworth 116771 453249 Southern Water 132212 Services Ltd Waste Treatment Inactive 464107 Alsoils+ Ltd. 116122 Waste transfer (soils) EH161 Operator / Agent SafeChargable Site Narrative guarded Change of use of an agricultural building and adjoining land for the storage and processing of builders waste (22407/009). 2 Monitoring visits Retrospective planning permission for 'Change of use of building to Material Recovery Facility and Use of Land for Storage of Skips'; refused on 11/08/2010. Site subject to Enforcement Notice which took effect on 01/10/2010 to cease use of the site and clear imported waste. 3 monitoring visits SDNP/12/02787/CW | To consolidate the green waste processing and all composting activities in windrows at the subject site within and on the curtilage of its north barn, currently having (East Hampshire District Council) conditional planning permission (22961/007) granted for B1(c) light industrial and B8 warehousing. Thus the planning application may be viewed as a change of use to include composting and the storage of compost in and around the north barn. Yes Household waste recycling centre not monitored (permanent built development operating without complaints, low priority) Landfill (inert) Restored wastewater treatment; installation of new plant at existing wastewater treatment works to provide enhanced secondary treatment (9602846HCS) granted 06/02/1997 2 monitoring visits || Application (11/02441/SHCS) Construction of wastewater treatment facilities including 2 walk-in kiosks to support new treatment processes - granted 02/12/2011 || Restored, in aftercare, non-hazardous landfill (contaminated soils); variation of conditions 1 and 18 of 02/01590/HCM W11890/08 (extension of time for restoration) (until 31 July 2006) (05/02070/HCM) (Agriculture - 2006) - 1 monitoring visit £ Closed/Ceased with P/P or CLU Wastewater Active Treatment Works Restored infilling for agricultural improvement (0202712HCM W17783/01), part not implemented (Agriculture 2003) – not monitored (site closed) Yes Yes Oil exploration borehole (0202134HCS W17981); temporary permission (within two years of operations commencing) to drill two additional, directional exploratory/appraisal wells including the testing, along with the continued testing of Avington B(2) Composting and worm farm, tree nursery for fodder and landscaping for Marwell Zoo (0202394HCM ); variation of condition 1 (extension of time) granted 2004, but not implemented and permission lapsed. Retrospective permission 09/02063/HCS granted 8/2/2010 (previous application 09/01046/HCS withdrawn) for change of use to storage & transfer of waste, ancillary plant storage etc. associated with gas utility works & general construction & civil engineering business, for limited period. Expired 31/3/11. No waste on site but unrestored, outcome of application to SDNPA for change of use awaited Recycling of used cooking oil into bio-diesel (04/02986/HCS W7931/06) - not monitored (development operating without complaints, low priority) The proposed development is to provide a wastewater pumping station wet well and transfer main dealing with the wastewater from Avington Active Retrospective planning application for an inert soils waste transfer station with soil screening - granted 25/09/2012 || monitored: 3 visits pa ||
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