climate change stakes and opportunities in the EU and the V4 region

The French Embassy
cordially invites you to the conference
From Lima to Paris: climate change stakes and
opportunities in the EU and the V4 region
On Tuesday 26 May at 9.30am
At the French Institute
In partnership with the Regional Environmental
Center, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland
and the Polish Institute in Budapest, the
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in
Budapest, the Embassy of the Czech Republic
in Budapest, the Embassy of the Slovak
Republic in Hungary and the
Representation of the European
Sponsored by Air France, GDF Suez,
Lafarge and Veolia
Language of the conference: English
Address: Institut Français, 1011 Budapest, Fő utca 17
Registration: by 21 May.
9.30-10am: Registration
10-11am: Opening speeches
From Lima to Paris: political approaches to an ambitious global goal
o Marie-Hélène Aubert, Advisor to President of the French Republic François Hollande on climate
and environment negotiations
o Ákos Lukács, Head of the Department for Climate Policy, Hungarian Ministry of National
o Michel Rentenaar, Deputy Director Climate, Energy, Environment and Water, Netherlands
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
o Csaba Kőrösi, Director for Environmental Sustainability, Office of the President of the
Republic of Hungary
- Chair: H.E. Roland Galharague, French Ambassador to Hungary
11-11.30am: Coffee break
11.30-1pm: Round table 1
From Lima to Paris: setting the stakes, negotiating the options
o Ákos Lukács, Head of the Department for Climate Policy, Hungarian Ministry of
National Development
o Michel Rentenaar, Deputy Director Climate, Energy, Environment and Water at
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
o Tomasz Terlecki, Head of Central and Eastern Europe Programme, European Climate
o Moderator: Gábor Bartus, professor, department of Environmental
Economics, Budapest University of Technology
1-2pm: Lunch break
2-3.30pm: Round table 2
Challenges and opportunities of a low carbon transition in the V4 region
o Julia Michalak, Climate and Energy Project Leader at demosEUROPA
o Juraj Mesik, Energy and Climate Advisor, Slovak Foreign Policy Association
o Zsuzsanna Pató, Corvinus University of Budapest, BCE Regional Center for Energy Policy
Research, Research Associate
o Pavel Zamyslicky, Head of Department for Climate Change at the Czech Environment Ministry
o Moderator: Tomasz Terlecki, Head of Central and Eastern Europe Programme,
European Climate Foundation
4-5.30pm: Round table 3
The Climate Reality Project: Stakeholders in the climate negotiations
o Zsofia Tomaj, former diplomat at the Permanent Mission of Hungary to the UN –
Science-based policy making – the UN Open Working Group Process
o Peter Olajos, Executive Director, Green Player Consulting and former Member of the
European Parliament – Long term business strategies in the light of climate challenges
o Pavel Antonov, Editor and Co-Founder, and Affiliate of the Open Space
Research Centre, UK – Media and climate change: responsible communication
o Zsolt Bauer, Head of Communications and PR – Regional Environmental Center &
Branch Manager – The Climate Reality Project – Road to Paris global campaign
o Moderator: Marta Szigeti Bonifert, Executive Director, Regional Environmental
Center & Board Member – Hungarian Business Leaders Forum