Dear Parent/Carers 15th May 2015 CONGRATULATIONS We are all

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Dear Parent/Carers
15th May 2015
We are all very excited about the news that Miss Tiffen has had a beautiful baby girl born on
Wednesday at 6:45 am weighing in at a healthy 9lbs 4oz. Everyone is looking forward to
having a cuddle. As yet no name for baby Tiffen as mum and dad thought they were having
a boy!
It gave us great pleasure to welcome the children and families who will be joining us in
September. We are delighted that they have chosen our school as the foundation stone for
their child’s educational journey and trust that the next three years will be one of enjoyment
and learning for their child, and one that they will look fondly back upon in years to come. A special well
done to George Toomey who made the new children feel very welcome.
A huge well done to all our amazing Year 1 children who entertained the crowds with their
enthusiastic Maypole dancing. A special thank you to Mrs Simmonds who coordinated the
routines and gallantly held the Maypole whilst the dancing took place! The children took the
opportunity to encourage many of their parents and grandparents to join in. They soon realised
the need for good teamwork and coordination, some may need a little more practice! Another
thank you to our amazing Doddinghurst Fund Raisers who helped raise £134.70 for our school, by manning
a Lucky Dip stall. We all really appreciate their continued support and efforts.
Great excitement took place in school on Wednesday when the children in Year 1 came to school
dressed as bees! Very unique bees. They used their skills to create tessellated pictures using
hexagon shapes and demonstrated their ability to make some very delicious honey crispy cakes,
which the staff also enjoyed. They then used their sensory skills to locate the honey. Great fun
was had by all. Thank you also to all our Bee Mummies who stepped up to the mark again helping support
the young bees in their learning.
This year the Infant and Junior School will be doing something amazing. We are
going to run our own ‘Race for Life’. This will take place in the Junior playfield,
after the Junior Sports Day on the 12th June 2015. In today’s assembly we
explained to the children the importance of raising money for Cancer Research. We explained that this is a
Charity that helps raise money to do research to try and find a way of getting Cancer to go away. Both
schools are encouraging everyone who can, run, walk or cartwheel their way around the course. Unlike the
adult race, ours can be a more suitable distance and does not need you to do any extra training, unless you
want to. Details can be found on the attached letter. Mrs Nicholson is hoping not to run alone!
Next week we will be focusing our learning on the importance of having a healthly lifestyle.
This also coincides with ‘Walk to School week’ so we would like to encourage you to use your
feet, and walk, even if you park in neighbouring street and walk the extra distance. The week
will have lots of practical activities linked to many aspects of health and wellbeing. The Year 2
children will be having a First Aid Course, whilst Year 1’s will have a visit from the Essex
Ambulance Team. EYFS will be making healthy smoothies and all will be taught the importance of staying
safe and taking care of our bodies and minds. Together with this newsletter you will find a Walk to School
report card that can be completed as a family. It’s surprising what you notice when you go for a walk and
take the time to talk about your experience. If any families have any skills in promoting a health and
wellbeing lifestyle please let us know.
Billy Lovett and Alfie Holbrook, Reception - for lovely writing about planting
Erin Happe, Reception - for great use of phonics and improved writing
Louie Singh, Reception for an enthusiastic learning about shapes
Jessica Hill-Allen, Reception - for showing that she is sensible and keeping herself safe
Laxmi Patel and Hannah Farmer, Reception – positive attitude to learning
Harry Burrow, Reception – for his free writing
Ryan Dennis, Reception – for working hard
Emmilia Lole, Reception – for good behaviour always trying her best
George Toomey and Matthew Ogunleye, Reception – for focusing and using their Phonics
Samuel Rosner, Reception – detailed sunflower picture
Olesya Borman and Luke Richardson, Year 1 – for their topic work
Chloe Luxford, Millie Armstrong, and Samuel Cordwell, Year 1 – for their ICT work and for persevering
Lily Durrant, Rosie Renwick – Year 1 for the Doubling work in Maths
Denny Lovett, Year 1 – for counting in 4’s
Keyana Javed , Year 1 – Maths work
Harel Choo and Isaac Minor, Year 1 – Mental Maths
Oliver McDermot, Year 1 – showing maturity when his brother was very unwell
Amelia Rooney, Honey Straw and Eliza Riley, Year 2 – for their reading comprehension
Frankie Farrelly and Byon Meyer, Year 2 – for being able to complete their maths work and check for accuracy
Aaron Birch, Year 2 – Good focus in maths
Hollie Hawkins, Year 2 – for her Castle research
Daniel Piazza, Year 2 – for his story map
Frank Cozens, Year 2 – for being polite and showing respect
Ronnie Lovett, Year 2 – for his amazing Javelin throwing (foam Javelins)
Zack Higgins, Year 2 – for his extra science work
Holly Shelton, Year 2 – for her maths work
Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Nicholson
Head Teacher