ArcelorMittal Dofasco Minor Baseball League 2015 Registration Please Read Information on reverse side prior to completing the application. Signatures are required to process application Contact: Tom Hixson 905-574-1082 or Ted Todoschuk 905-578-5902 Player’s Name:___________________________________________________________________ Player's Address: ________________________________________________________________ # Street City Postal Code Contact Phone # _______________ Parent E-mail address_____________________________ Other Email addresses to be used________________________________________________________ Parents Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ (Signature required for players less than 18 years by parent/guardian. If 18 or over, then players signature required) NOTE: We will not need a copy of the player’s birth certificate this year. I understand that any personal information collected, used or disclosed is solely for the purpose of administering the Recreation Programs for me and my dependants and that I, my son daughter/spouse or ward participates in these activities at my/their own risk and there shall be no liability whatsoever attached to ArcelorMittal Dofasco, its servants, agents, employees, other participants, or independent contractors for any loss, damage or injury of any nature, however caused. In case of any medical or other emergency that may occur while son/daughter/spouse, my ward or I is participating in these activities, I hereby authorize ArcelorMittal Dofasco, its servants and employees, to take such action as they consider appropriate, including, without limitation, providing or obtaining medical or surgical attention. Please indicate (circle) if you are registering as: Employee’s Child OR Grandchild OR Associate or Self Employee's/Grandparent’s/Sponsor Name ____________________________ Perm. No. _________ Department _____________________________________________ Ext. ________ Address (if different than applicant’s) __________________________________________________ # Street City Postal Code Contact Phone # _________________ E-mail address__________________________________ Employee/Grandparent or Sponsors Signature ___________________________________________ (Associate players please note: Sponsor’s signature is mandatory requirement) Park Date Stamp here: RATES ON REVERSE SIDE 2015 1996 or earlier Junior Bantam Midget 2000/01 Peewee 1997/98/99 2002/03 dd/mm/yyyy Mosquito Date of Birth 2004/05 Has Child Registered Before Y/N Rookie M or F T-Ball Child's Name (List each child in your family in the spaces provided below) 2006/07/08 2009/2010 Year of birth Child 1: Child 2: Child 3: Registration Fees (HST included): Junior Midget Bantam Peewee Mosquito Rookie T-Ball Employee Child Grandchild or Associate $380.00 $210.00 $210.00 $190.00 $150.00 $140.00 $70.00 $400.00 $220.00 $220.00 $200.00 $160.00 $150.00 $80.00 Note: Cheques can be postdated to April 17, 2015 Note:There will be a $20.00 charge for NSF cheques. Registration fee must be enclosed with your application form. If paying this fee by cheque, make the cheque payable to DOFASCO MINOR BASEBALL LEAGUE and mail the application and cheque to: ArcelorMittal Dofasco Inc., P.O. Box 2460, Hamilton, Ontario, L8N 3J5, Attention: Recreation Department. NOTE: Our ability to have teams in each category will depend on the number of applications. Please have them in by April 17, 2015 so we can plan accordingly. We will be taking applications after this date, but it would help if you can get them in by this date For Office use only: Paid by: CASH / MONEY ORDER / CHEQUES Date: Date: Amount Amount Cheque # Cheque # $
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