.ie CORK STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER SOCIETY nt ry Schedule for our Championship Show. wE On Sunday 31st MAY 2015 ho To be held at ww w. D og S Ballyphehane Community Centre Tory Top Road Ballyphehane Cork Judge is John Finney (Sanguliano) ENTRIES CLOSE 16th. MAY 2015 Enter online at www.dogshowentry.ie Online closes at midnight on the 23rd May 2015 2015 Officers & Committee President; .............................................................. Mairead O’Sullivan, Chairman; .............................................................. George O’Sullivan, Vice Chairman: ................................................... Mr. Nigel White, Hon Secretary: .................................................... John Sweeney Hon Show Secretary: ....................................... Avril O’Sullivan Hon Treasurer: ................................................... Maura Long, Trophy Stewart: ................................................. Mr. Tony O’Flynn wE nt ry .ie Committee Annmarie Sweeney, Darren Kearney, JJ Flanagan, Valerie O’Sullivan, Bernard Doolan, Paul Heffernan Guarantors to the IKC Maura Long, John J Flanagan, Mairead O’Sullivan, Nigel White ww w. D og S ho Introduction to Our Judge John Finney (Sanguliano) “ I bought our first SBT in 1974 and I first awarded CC’S in 1995 and to date I have awarded them 9 times. I have served on Morecambe Bay and Cumbria SBTC for over 25 years and am the current treasurer. I am also ast Show Manager at Manchester Ch Show. I have judged in Australia, South Africa, USA, Norway and Ireland. I thank the committee of Cork SBT Society for allowing me to judge their Ch Show. I have no colour preference and can assure you of my honest opinion” Hon. Show Secretary Hon. Secretary Avril O’Sullivan The Potteries Hilltown Carrigaline Co. Cork +353 (0) 87 1531592 kearnstaff@hotmail.com John Sweeney, Ballyfeard, Minane Bridge, Co Cork. +353-(0)21-4770808 Jhn.sweeney@gmail.com Are You a Member of the Cork Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society? .ie If not, join today. Application form on the centre pages nt ry Have you something to advertise? wE You can advertise in the show catalogue for a fee of €10 ho This is a useful service to facilitate advertisements of Stud Services, Retirement Notices, Pups for Sale, Grooming Services, Training services among others. S Editorial rights: og All advertisements will be reviewed by the catalogue editor. ww w. D Details of the nature of the wording of your advertisement along with the fee should be sent to the show secretary at the following address Avril O’Sullivan The Potteries Hilltown Carrigaline Co. Cork +353 (0) 871531592 kearnstaff@hotmail.com 1 Rosettes for all dogs placed from 1st to 4th in each class. ARE ON OFFER TO ALL ARE PAID UP MEMFORDSHIRE BULL .ie PERPETUAL TROPHIES CLASS WINNERS WHO BERS OF CORK STAFTERRIER SOCIETY. wE nt ry All trophies must be signed for and must not leave the jurisdiction of the I.K.C. ho Once again og S Any person failing to observe any provisions of the code of ethics may be dealt with under the disciplinary rule of the Irish Kennel Club Effective 01/01/1995 ww w. D Cork Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society would like to thank their sponsors for their generosity Rule 131 Regulation Every dog exhibited, or competing at any show, field trial or obedience test must be registered with the Irish Kennel Club Ltd, in the name of the exhibitor or competitor , save in the case of greyhounds duly registered with the Irish Coursing Club and dogs of a non registered breed for which licences have been approved for Obedience, Agility or Working Tests. Failure to comply with the above will result in (a) The dog being disqualified from the event and (b) The exhibitor being fined, the implementation of which shall be a normal office routine. All appeals to the Irish Kennel Club should carry a refundable fee if the appeal is upheld. 2 Cork Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society Founded 1978 Affiliated to the Irish Kennel Club. Application for membership Fees: Single Membership € 5 Dual Membership €7 .ie Family Membership €8 (Please complete in Block Capitals) nt Personal Details: ry Enclosed Please find €___ to cover membership for the year 200__ wE Full Name Mr( ) Mrs( ) Ms ( )(Tick as appropriate) S ho Address: og E-mail________________________ ww w. D Phone Number___________________ Date ___/___/___ Application Type: Renewal of Membership ( ) New Membership ( ) (Tick as Appropriate) I ......................................................................................................................... (Full Signature) wish to apply for full membership of the Cork Bull Terrier Society. I hereby undertake to abide by the rules and code of ethics of the society, and of the Irish Kennel Club. Proposed by:______________ Seconded By:___________________ Membership No ____ ( For Official Use) Honorary Treasurer: Ms Maura Long 7 Audley Place, Patricks Hill. Cork. Classification for Breed Club Shows DOGS Puppy Junior Intermediate Open Champion Veteran Junior Intermediate Open Champion Veteran BITCHES Puppy DEFINITION OF CLASSES AT BREED CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW (All age classes computed from date of birth.) .ie A Puppy Class is confined to dogs over six and under twelve calendar months of age on the first day of the Show computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. ry A Junior Class is for dogs between 9 and 18 calendar months of age on the first day of the Show, computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. (. nt An Intermediate Class is for dogs between 15 and 24 calendar months of age on the first day of the Show, computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. wE An Open Class is for dogs over 15 months of age on the first day of the Show, computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth. ho A Champions Class is for dogs who have gained the Title of Champion under Irish Kennel Club Rules or under a recognised Kennel Authority confirmed by the date of closing of entries.* S A Veteran Class is for dogs over eight years of age on the first day of the Show, computed from and inclusive of the date of its birth.. og Please Note: A Veteran Dog who is a Champion may enter in either Veteran or Champion Class but not both. ww w. D N.B.: A Dog or Bitch may be entered in ONE BREED CLASS ONLY (No double entries) Dogs entered in restricted classes must also be entered in one of the Standard Classes for the breed. All dogs entered must be registered or transferred at the Irish Kennel Club in the name of the Exhibitor. ENTRY FEE Service Charge: €20.00 Any number of dogs in the same ownership INCLUDING CATALOGUE 3 Show Rules 1. 2. 3. .ie 4. This show shall be held under the rules of the I.K.C as in force on the day of the schedule. In the following rules the word “dog” will be taken to mean both sexes. All dogs must be registered with the I.K.C Ltd and transferred in the name of the exhibitor before the date of the show. The committee reserves the right to refuse, on reasonable grounds, any entry they may think fit and also to exclude or refuse any person admission to the show. The Cork Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society will not be responsible for any loss or damage sustained by an exhibitor through accident or otherwise. The Cork Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society will not be responsible for any accident that may occur to any exhibitor or other person attending this show. ENTRY FORMS : MISTAKES IN- The Catalogue will be compiled from the Entry Forms submitted by the Exhibitors, and while every endeavour will be made to have the Forms correctly interpreted, the Cork Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society cannot accept any responsibility for mistakes which may bring Exhibitors within the purview of the Irish Kennel Club Ltd Rule 15, Sect. 1, or clerical mistakes that may occur during the compilation. Visitors are requested not to handle the dogs sent or brought for exhibition to this show. The Cork Staffordshire Bull Terrier Society will not be responsible for the entire or partial loss or detention of or damage to or injury to or by any dog or dogs or any property belonging to exhibitors or other visitors to this show and it is on this understanding that entries shall be received. Exhibitor passes will not be sent, but will be supplied at the show. As every exhibitor is deemed to be fully acquainted with the rules and regulations of the I.K.C Ltd. It is advisable to procure a copy of same. Parents are warned that they are fully responsible for their children’s actions and behaviour at the show. nt ry 5. ho wE 6 7. ww w. D 9. 10. og S 8. 11) Please Note: Entries will be received no later than Friday 16th May 2015 (postmark) Online closes at midnight on the 23rd May 2015 Show opens at 12:30 pm to facilitate those exhibiting at Cork & District All Breed Championship Show on the same day. Judging commences at 1:00 pm sharp. 4 wE ho S og ww w. D .ie ry nt wE ho S og ww w. D .ie ry nt
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