No. M-'l 201 3(1 )201 4-M&E Department of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural Development, (Monitoring & Evaluation Unit) Block No. 11, C.G.O. Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-1 10003, dated- 19.05.2015 To As per the list annexed. subject: - Request for Proposal (RFp) for comprehensive lmpact Assessment of Watershed Projects sanctioned during 2005 to 200g. Dear The Department of Land Resources (hereinafter called "Employer") has proposed to assign the Comprehensive lmpact Assessment of Watershed Piojects ianctioned during 2005 to 2008 to the firm/lnstitute/NGO. The detailed terms & conditions prescribed for submission of RFP may be seen at Department's website- 2-. The employer had invited an Expression of rnterest (Eol) to empanel the firms/lnstitutes/NGos for c^omprehensive lmpact Assessment of watershed projects sanctioned during 2005 to 2008. More details in this regard are provided under Terms of Reference in this RFP document. your firm has been-short-lisied amongst others for Request for Proposal to carry out the comprehensive lmpact As"sesvnent of i::yins. watershed Projects sanctioned during 2005 to 2oob and is now invited to submit its proposal as per the RFP document avairable on our departmentar website. s"p"r"t" proposals (technical and financial) should be submitted. 3...T1: uooosal duly completed in all respect should be addressed to ,Under secretary (M&E)' Department of Land Resources,'Room No. 601, 6th Froor, N;. cco c.omplex, Lodhi Road, New Derhi-i10003 in the seared cover supericrrpted as "comprehensive rmpact Assessment of watershed projects,' th" enverope should contain two separate envelopes each for Technical Bid (rey "nd' a iinancial aio lrsy duly sealed. lt should reach this office on or before tzth.lune.'zois pnrl.rn" proposals received after due date will not be entertaineolnlnffisiance and this Department shall not be herd responsible-fo_r any type of postal o6tay. pre-uio A meeting yil].U_e !et! on.31+!e. 201S at 11.00 A.M. iri th; conierence rriil oi*,L a"p".trent at N.B.O. Building, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi. Bril ii, confirm that you have received this letter of invitation and you are intend to 5in{!V submit a Proposal. . (p. C. Meena) Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia re|- 011-24306612 List of the Shortlisted Firms/Institutes/NGOs Details of the fi rms/institutesA.,lGOs InsPIRE Network for Environment, S- 2l2,2nd Floor Panchsheel park, New Delhi- I10017, Tel- 91114904800, email-, websiteAFC India Ltd, B-l/9, Community Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi- 11005& Tel- 9 I I I 457 9 1 I 89, email- in. website- www.afcind i The Energy and Resources Institute, southern Regiona cenGT6laain, Domlur II Stage, Bangalore- 560071 ,Tel- 25356590, email-, website- Mott MacDonald, A20,Sector 2, Noida- 201301, Uttar Pradesh, Tel- 9 l 1202543582, emailNatural Resources India Foundatio, (NRI Dwarka, New Delhi- 110075, Mob- 981 0243395, email- website- Wapcos Limited, 7 6-C, Institutional Area, Sector- I Nabarad Consultancy Services Nabard Building, New Delhi- 110008, Tel- 0l 125753410, ema i I - zedel-bi@nebcp!1li!, heado ffi ce@nabcon s. in, websitewww Hand in Hand trOir,g0 haiyappa,s Men,s College Little Kancheepuram, Dist- Kancheepuram- 631503-Tamil Nadu, Te [- gtqqffiZOtoOt, National Institute of Rural D"r" Govt of India, Centre for Water and Land Resources, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- 500030, Vob- 0964068931l, email- ssi Consulting rn P.S.B.idhannagar (Sputh), Kolkata- 700r06, Tel- 91334 0013r49, Email- sutra@sutraconsu , website- www.sutraconsurtin Anandmay Engineers Mandakini Greater Kailash 4 New Delhi- I10019, Tel- 0l12627114g, emai l- anandmay? com, website_ www Sun Agrifresh Indust.r*. New Delhi-l10058, Tel- 0t t-45264514. lltf Internationut t Subhashnagar, chandkheda, Ahmed abad- 3g2424, Tel- o7g232g22lg email- risdm@rediffmai Society for Uttaranchal Dev A lmora- 263 60 I (Uttarakhand), Tel- 05962237 7I 0, emai I - al mora@gmai, website- Centre for Rural Ml"lqg-"rrt, p Phone- 048 I -259 6269, 259 6269 Gram- Rural E-mai I crmruial @bsn l. in 16. Vimarsh Development Solutions Pvt.Ltd. 197, l"t Floor, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Gurgaon1220 I 6, Haryana T el- 0 I 2423 4028028 1 emai l- adm in @vimarsh. in, 17. Gramin Vikas Trust (Established & Supported by Kribhco),5ft Floor, A Wing, Kribhco Bhawan, A-10, Sector-1, Nodia (U.P), 201301 Tel- 0l2O2535623email- 18. CentreforSymbiosisofTechnology,Environment& 19. complex, Kormangala- 5 60034, Tel- 08025 500 664, email- Harshal Gramin Vikas Bahu SansthaViveknagar, Mul Road, Chandripur, tvtatrarastrtra442402 Email : h rda_ch d I @red website : www. h a rshal.ors. in honoida@svtindia 20. , Infova Consultancy Services Limited, Corporate Office Asia - Pacific, 4,h Floor, Statesman House Building, Barakhamba Road, Connught Place New Delhi- 110001, Tel- 30446489,
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