Check boxes that apply: Alumni □ | Alumni Attended 1998-2014 □ | Faculty □ | Non-Alumni □ | KCAI Art & Design Auction 2015 Thank you for your donation! To be included in the full-color Auction catalog: 1) Complete this form online at OR by hand and mail in the postage-paid envelope provided, and 2) e-mail your image to by April 1, 2015. Digital images should be at least 300 DPI and in JPEG format at 5 x 7 inches. If you have any questions, contact Marcus Cain at 816-802-3461 or Name of artist (as it should appear in the catalog): ______________________________________________________ Alumni Year/KCAI Dept. : ___________________________ E-mail: __________________________________ Phone: home □ work □ cell □ _______________________________ Website: ____________________________ Address (street, city, state, zip code): ________________________________________________________________ Title of donation: _____________________________________ Media: _______________________________ Dimensions: _______________ Year completed: ______ Market value: $________(required) Signed? Yes__ No__ During the Auction, KCAI will reserve an opening minimum bid of 25 % of the market value of the piece you donate. (“Market value” should reflect, when applicable, prior sales of similar artwork by artist, hourly cost of production and cost of materials used in the production of piece donated.) KCAI is also offering a range of levels from which you may donate and receive reciprocal benefits and services in acknowledgment of your support; check only one box below based on the value of the artwork you wish to donate: FOR YOUR 100% DONATION I’M IN! 100% donation of artwork with fair market value of $100+ • One complimentary ticket to attend the Auction + the discount rate of $95 on ticket price for a bidding guest.* • Information on the winning bidder of your artwork. • Inclusion in the auction event catalog. • 100% of your donation goes towards KCAI student scholarships – thank you! I’M IN WITH A FRIEND 100 % donation of artwork with fair market value of $750+ • Benefits listed above + an additional complimentary ticket** for your bidding guest. VIP FOR ME 100% donation of artwork with fair market value of $2,000+ • Benefits listed above + one complimentary invitation for you to attend the off-campus Patron Party. VIP FOR ME + ONE 100% donation of artwork with fair market value of $5,000+ • Benefits listed above + a second complimentary invitation to the off-campus Patron Party + automatic consideration for the juried Live Auction selection process (does not guarantee entry into the live auction). I GET IT ALL 100% donation of artwork with fair market value of $8,500+ • Benefits listed above + we’ll reimburse $150 of shipping OR framing costs from your receipt (whichever is applicable). - OR 20% COMMISSION OFFER (ONLY FOR ARTISTS DONATING THEIR OWN WORK) Receive 20% of the proceeds raised from the winning bid on artwork with a fair market value* of $100+ • One complimentary ticket to attend the Auction + the discount rate of $95 on ticket price for a bidding guest.* • Information on the winning bidder of your artwork. • Inclusion in the auction event catalog. * Regular individual auction ticket price $125 each (KCAI Auction Artist discount rate: $95) – OVER FOR IMPORTANT DEED OF GIFT INFORMATION & OTHER DONATION OPTIONS – If you donate your piece and it does not receive the minimum bid or does not sell during the Auction, KCAI will keep your piece for future fundraising opportunities at the Art Institute’s discretion unless you designate otherwise. I agree. (Thank you, we appreciate your donation! Please complete Deed of Gift form below for our records.) I do not agree. (No problem! KCAI will call you at the phone number you provided to schedule a pick-up.) Kansas City Art Institute Deed of Gift If your piece does not receive the minimum bid or does not sell during the 2015 Auction and you would like to donate your piece to KCAI for future fundraising opportunities at the school’s discretion, please complete the information below. We greatly appreciate your generosity in donating your work! I /We _____________________________________________ hereby give to Kansas City Art Institute: Artist Object title/description Market value (your name) Works accepted are understood to be unstipulated and unrestricted gifts to the Kansas City Art Institute and become the property of that institution for use at its sole discretion without limitation. KCAI will have absolute ownership of the described property and this ownership includes all rights for display, reproduction, publication and auctioning of the work. If you would rather make a financial contribution to the KCAI Annual Fund instead of donating artwork, you may do so below or online at □ My donation to the Annual Fund is enclosed (checks payable to KCAI): ______________________ □ Pledge - I will send the following total amount by April 1, 2015: ________________________________ □ Please charge $__________________ to my Visa ____ MasterCard ____ AmEx ____ Discover ____ Card Number: ________________________________________________________________________ Name on Card: ___________________________________________ Expiration date ____/____/____ How you wish to be listed in donor recognition materials: ________________________________________ __________________________________________ Artist signature _____________________________________ Date __________________________________________ Billing address, if different from front page _____________________________________ Phone: □ home □ work □ cell For Kansas City Art Institute: __________________________________________ Nicolle Ratliff, Vice President of Advancement File: deed of gift; 2014/15 _____________________________________ Date
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