ONE Night 2015 Sponsorship Packet - Donate Now

Sponsorship Opportunities 2015
Dear Friends of Regional One Health and MED Night:
The BEST Night in Memphis is getting BETTER! With our system’s name change from The MED to Regional One
Health along with four hugely successful years of the annual fundraising gala, we decided that now is the time to
take the hottest party in town to an epic level.
This year we are saying Goodbye to MED Night…and Hello to ONE Night!
ONE Night to let your hair down and dance the night away to hit songs performed by multiple original
ONE Night to come together as a diverse and dynamic community in support of the ONE and only Elvis
Presley Trauma Center, Firefighters Burn Center, Sheldon B. Korones Newborn Center and the High Risk
Obstetrics program, delivering some the smallest and most vulnerable babies in this region.
There is no other night like ONE Night and you do not want to miss the next one.
ONE Night will be held March 28, 2015 at the Memphis Cook Convention Center. We invite you to join us as a
sponsor. Our tables and tickets always sell out months in advance, so be sure to secure your place today!
If we do not receive the enclosed registration form, someone from our team will reach out to you before we sell
out. Please feel free to call our office at 901-545-6006 with any questions.
We hope to hear from you soon and look forward to seeing you on the dance floor March 28, 2015.
Warm Regards,
Susan Scheidt Arney
Event Co-Founder and Chair
Sally Pace
Event Co-Chair
Alison Barton
Event Co-Chair
Nikki McVean
Event Co-Chair
Title Sponsor $500,000
rominent, above the ONE Night, inclusion as Title Sponsor in all printed
and electronic materials related to ONE Night, benefiting Regional One
Health Foundation
rominent, top-level logo inclusion on ONE Night media back drop on the
red carpet
• Onstage recognition during the program
orporate message to receive prominent mention in pre- and post-event
press releases and media materials
pportunity for one corporate executive to be listed as an Honorary Event
Chair on all related materials (press releases, invitation, programs and
Regional One Health Foundation website)
orporate logo prominently displayed on video screens at various points
during event
• Corporate message included in event program
• Feature article in ONE Pulse Spring 2015 Issue
ategory Exclusivity – No other brands competitive to your core business
will be in the Title Sponsor or Signature Sponsor categories
• First right of refusal for following year’s ONE Night
• Top-level company logo placement on event page on the Regional One
Health Foundation website
• Invitation for ten corporate representatives and guests to attend Private
Entertainers’ Reception the evening before ONE Night
hoto opportunity and meet-and-greet with the performers during ONE
• Prime dinner seating with two tables for ten guests each
• VIP beverage tickets for all ONE Night attendees
• Hotel or transportation accommodations provided for ONE Night attendees
• Top–level gift bags for ONE Night attendees
• Invitation for one senior level corporate representative and a guest to each
of Regional One Health’s private Dinner with the Docs events
• Invitation for two senior level corporate representatives to a private golf
outing at a premier golf course with Regional One Health’s CEO and
reation of a very visible association with one of the Mid-South’s leading
healthcare organizations, dedicated to the treatment and research of
Trauma, Burn, Neonatology, High Risk Pregnancy and the advocacy of access
to quality healthcare for all Mid-Southerners
Signature Sponsor $100,000
Limited availability
• Inclusion as a Signature Sponsor in all printed and electronic materials
related to ONE Night, benefiting Regional One Health Foundation
• Logo inclusion on ONE Night media back drop on the red carpet
• Corporate message to receive mention in pre- and post-event press
releases and media materials
• Onstage recognition during the program
• Corporate logo displayed on video screens at various points during event
• Company logo placement on event page on the Regional One Health
Foundation website
• First right of refusal for following year’s ONE Night
• Invitation for six corporate representatives and guests to attend private
Entertainers’ Reception the evening before ONE Night
• Photo opportunity and meet-and-greet with the performers during ONE
• Premium dinner seating with two tables for ten guests each
• VIP beverage tickets for all ONE Night attendees
• Top–level gift bags for ONE Night attendees
• Invitation for two senior level corporate representatives to a private golf
outing at a premier golf course with Regional One Health’s CEO and
• Invitation for one senior level corporate representative and a guest to each
of Regional One Health’s private Dinner with the Docs events
• Creation of a very visible association with one of the Mid-South’s leading
healthcare organizations, dedicated to the treatment and research of
Trauma, Burn, Neonatology, High Risk Pregnancy and the advocacy of access
to quality healthcare for all Mid-Southerners
Presenting Sponsor $30,000
Limited Availability
• Inclusion as a Presenting Sponsor in all printed and electronic materials
related to ONE Night, benefiting Regional One Health Foundation
ompany logo placement on event page on the Regional One Health
Foundation website
• First right of refusal for following year’s ONE Night
• Invitation for four corporate representatives and guests to attend Private
Entertainers’ Reception the evening before ONE Night
• Corporate logo displayed on video screens at various points during event
• Onstage recognition during the program
hoto opportunity and meet-and-greet with the performers during ONE
• Preferred dinner seating with two tables for ten guests each
• VIP beverage tickets for all ONE Night attendees
• Invitation for one senior level corporate representative and a guest to each
of Regional One Health’s private Dinner with the Docs events
Platinum Sponsor $12,000
Limited Availability
• Inclusion as a Platinum Sponsor in all printed and electronic materials
related to ONE Night, benefiting Regional One Health Foundation
• Invitation for two corporate representatives and guests to attend private
Entertainers’ Reception the evening before ONE Night
orporate logo placement on event page on the Regional One Health
Foundation website
• Corporate logo displayed on video screens at various points during event
• Preferred dinner seating with one table for ten guests each
• VIP beverage tickets for all ONE Night attendees
• Listing
for one corporate executive as “Host Committee” member on all
event materials
Entertainment Sponsor $125,000 (exclusive) $25,000 (non-exclusive)
Limited Availability
isting as “Entertainment Sponsor” and/or “PERFORMANCE PROVIDED
BY YOUR BRAND” on event materials, including Regional One Health
Foundation website and pre/post event press releases
isted as Sponsor of the Private Entertainers’ Reception the evening before
ONE Night
rominent logo placement at Private Entertainers’ Reception the evening
before ONE Night
• Invitation for ten corporate representatives and guests to attend Private
Entertainers’ Reception the evening before ONE Night
• Private meet-and-greet with performers
referred dinner seating with two tables for ten guests each
(exclusive sponsorship only)
inner seating with one table for ten guests each
(non-exclusive sponsorship)
• VIP beverage tickets for all ONE Night attendees
• Opportunity to introduce entertainers from the stage
• Corporate logo on stage backdrop behind celebrity during performance
• Invitation for one senior level corporate representative and a guest to each
of Regional One Health’s private Dinner with the Docs events
• Invitation for two senior level corporate representatives to a private golf
outing at a premier golf course with Regional One Health’s CEO and
President (exclusive sponsorship only)
Gold Sponsor $6,000
• Inclusion as a Gold Sponsor in all printed and electronic materials
related to ONE Night, benefiting Regional One Health Foundation
• Corporate mention on event page on the Regional One Health
Foundation website
• Dinner seating with one table for ten guests each
Center of Excellence Cocktail
Reception Sponsor $5,000
Limited Availability
isting as “Cocktail Reception Sponsor” on event materials including event
program, pre/post press releases and event page on the Regional One
Health Foundation website
• Top-Level corporate logo placement on/at respective bar during ONE Night
cocktail reception
• Signature drink created for respective bar
• Dinner seating for four guests
Hotel/Travel Sponsor
pricing info upon request
Limited Availability
pportunity to provide accommodations/travel for prominent guests and
• Opportunity to offer services to guests on event website
isting as the “Hotel/Travel Sponsor” on event materials including Regional
One Health Foundation’s website and pre/post event press releases
• Dinner seating for four guests
• Onstage recognition during the program
• Corporate logo displayed on screens during event
Gala Dinner Sponsor $50,000
• Prominent logo placement on menu cards placed on all guest tables
• Listing as “Gala Dinner Sponsor” on event materials
• Dinner seating for four guests
• Onstage acknowledgement during program
• Corporate logo displayed on screens during event
Luxury Beverage Sponsor
• Listing as “Luxury Beverage Sponsor” in event materials including Regional
One Health Foundation’s website and pre/post event press releases
• Opportunity to select wine offerings available on each guest table
• Prominent logo placement on menu cards or wine labels on all guest
• Dinner seating for four guests
• Onstage recognition during program
• Corporate logo displayed on screens during event
Décor Sponsor $5,000
• Opportunity to provide creative event and dining décor
• Listing as “Décor Sponsor” on event materials including Regional One
Health Foundation’s website and pre/post event press releases
• Dinner seating for four guests
• Onstage recognition during the program
• Corporate logo displayed on screens during event
Print Sponsor $15,000
• Opportunity to underwrite/provide printing for printed event materials
including media backdrop on the red carpet, programs, bar backdrops,
signage, etc.
• Listing as the “Print Sponsor” on event materials including Regional One
Health Foundation’s website and pre/post event press releases
• Dinner seating for four guests
• Onstage recognition during the program
• Corporate logo displayed on screens during event
Tickets and sponsorships
sell out months in
advance, so hurry to
reserve your spot on the
dance floor!
March 28, 2015
Company/ Sponsor Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Company Executive: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Contact Person:______________________________________________________________ Phone:________________________________________
Email:___________________________________________________ Fax:_______________________________________________________________
❑ We will be a Signature Sponsor for ONE Night 2015.................................................................................................................$100,000
❑ We will be an Entertainment Sponsor for ONE Night 2015.................................................................................$25,000 - $125,000
❍ We want exclusivity in this sponsorship. Please contact us with details.
❑ We will be a Presenting Sponsor for ONE Night 2015................................................................................................................. $30,000
❑ We will be a Platinum Sponsor for ONE Night 2015.................................................................................................................... $12,000
❑ We will be a Gold Sponsor for ONE Night 2015................................................................................................................................$6,000
❑ We will support Regional One Health Foundation as a:
❍ Gala Dinner Sponsor................................................................................................................... $50,000
❍ Print Sponsor................................................................................................................................. $15,000
❍ Center of Excellence Cocktail Reception Sponsor...............................................................$5,000
❍ Hotel and Travel Sponsor........................................................................ pricing info upon request
❍ Luxury Beverage Sponsor............................................................................................................$5,000
❍ Décor Sponsor..................................................................................................................................$5,000
❑ We will purchase individual tickets for ONE Night 2015 $500 each before 10/31/2014
$600 each after 10/31/2014
❑ We are unable to attend or sponsor, but will support Regional One Health Foundation’s mission with the enclosed
contribution of:
❍ $5,000
❍ $2,500
❍ $1,000
❍ $500
❍_______________ other
Make Payable to
Amex_______ Visa________ Mastercard________ Discover________
Regional One Health Foundation
Card Number________________________________________________
877 Jefferson Avenue
Exp. Date________________________Security Number___________
Memphis, TN 38103
Billing Address______________________________________________
Name as it appears on card_________________________________
❑ A check is enclosed, payable to Regional One Health Foundation
❑ Please send an invoice to our company address above
Fax completed registration form to Marsha Evans at 901.545.6999, scan and email to or visit to order securely online.
To pay by credit card via phone, or for more information, call Marsha Evans at 901.545.6405.
All sponsors will enjoy the listed benefits as well as visible association with
one of the Mid-South’s leading healthcare organizations, dedicated to the
treatment and research of Trauma, Burn, Neonatology, High Risk Pregnancy
and the advocacy of access to quality healthcare for all Mid-Southerners.
Regional One Health Foundation
877 Jefferson Avenue | Memphis, TN 38103