This is the Lord’s Day, July 5, 2015 AM Worship Service (#4132) Text: Romans 1:26-28 Scripture: Romans 1:8-32 The Shameful Sin of Sodomy I. A Shameful Sin II. A Dreadful Cause III. A Severe Punishment Psalter Numbers: 17, 323, 21, 20 PM Worship Service (#4133) Text: Genesis 20:3-7 Scripture: Genesis 20 God’s Word to Abimelech I. The Warning II. The Protection III. The Prayer Psalter Numbers: 405, 311, 140, 289 Offerings Today: General, Benevolence Offerings Today: NWIPRS, Trinity CHS Next Week: General, Benevolence Next Week: PR Special Ed, Sem. Student Asst. We welcome all visitors to our worship services today. We pray you, with us, may be blessed under the preaching of God’s Word. Reformed Witness Hour, Sunday - 8:00 a.m. on KLOH 1050 AM; 5:00 p.m. on KDCR 88.5 FM Today’s Topic – Husbands, Love as Christ - Ephesians 5:25-27 (Rev. C. Haak) Next Week’s Topic – Husbands, Love with Purpose - Ephesians 5:25-27 (Rev. C. Haak) Organists/Pianists Ushers Nursery - Today – Joni VDT, Nancy Z Today – Brent B, Brad W Today – Cara B, Amy Z Next Week – Pam R, Lori H Next Week – Kyle VDT, Joel VE Next Week – Diane V, Kara VDT Announcements Per Hull PRC's request, there will be a pulpit exchange this evening. Rev. Engelsma will preach at Hull, and Rev. Laning will preach for us. We welcome him to our pulpit and fellowship. The council presents to the congregation the trio of Revs. A. Brummel, G. Eriks, and C. Haak from which to call a second missionary to the Philippines. A congregational meeting has been set for today after the morning service. The Council will meet this Tuesday, July 7, at 7pm in church. Semi-annual Budget & Building fund reports for family and individuals are in envelopes on the table in the narthex. Please pick yours up. The Doon/FMC delegation to the Philippines plans to return home this Thursday, July 9. May God give them safety in their travels. Denomination Rev. Huizinga declined the call extended the call from Peace PRC. Prof. and Mrs. Gritters continue to labor in Singapore among the saints of the CERC. Prof. Gritters' presence there allowed Rev. A. Lanning and Elder Leong to travel to Kolkata, India to meet with contacts that they have there. Providence PRC is moving: With thanks to God, Providence PRC is pleased to announce that the purchase of the church building at 1569 44th St. SW, Hudsonville, Michigan 49426 has been finalized. We plan to hold worship services there immediately, D.V. Church Family Brent & Cara Boon are asked to correspond with the Kleyns. Nora Koedam was able to return home from the hospital this past Monday and is recovering well. We give thanks to God for his healing mercies. We express our sympathies to Jim & Lori Hoogendoorn in the death of Lori's uncle, Mr. Pete Hoekstra, last Sunday morning. He was a member of our Hudsonville PRC. "For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself" (Phil. 3:20, 21). Requested Announcements We are truly humbled and thankful at the outpouring of love and support we have received from you, our extended church family. In the days since our precious Austin was called home, we have felt God’s grace through your prayers, and been comforted by your words of encouragement. The Lord has used you to lift us up and to make our heavy burden a bit lighter. It is evident that when one part of the body hurts, the entire body hurts. We still hurt, however we are able to confess that God’s amazing grace has sustained us, and we have faith that it will continue to sustain us in the days, weeks and months ahead. We ask that you continue to pray for us as God calls us to continue our earthly sojourn without our son. Love in Christ, Russ & Karisa, Bradyn, Calvin and Gracie Lotterman. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength.” Isaiah 26:3-4 Trinity Christian High School will hold its annual society meeting on Monday, July 13, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. The nominees to stand for election to the board are Jeff Andringa, Rob Andringa, Mark Hoekstra, Barry Pollema, Tim Postma and Dave Van Egdom. You can pick up an agenda on the table in the narthex today. Convention Chaperone Committee: We are in desperate need of more male chaperones. You must be 23 years of age or older to apply. Please email the convention email asap, and thank you again for applying! A Night of Organ Music is being planned for July 15, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Hull Protestant Reformed Church. It will be an evening of praise to God utilizing the new Allen Organ that has recently been installed. Current organists and students will be playing selections that highlight the features of the new organ. You are cordially invited to attend. The WEALTH steering committee is beginning to plan and organize for the new season of WEALTH Bible Study. We are in need of women to lead small groups as well as attendants in the nursery and the children’s rooms. Please consider helping out in one of these capacities this year. If you have any questions about one of these positions or would like to volunteer, please email Verna ( SENIOR RETREAT: Registration for our Senior Retreat will soon be closing. We have a number of openings left. Please contact Bert Wories @ 219.718.8732 to register. Visit our website for a registration form. Our retreat will be held at Cedar Lake Conference Grounds on September 2225 Lord Willing. “So teach us to number our days, that we may applyour hearts unto wisdom” Psalm 90:12
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