Dear friends I do not recall when or at what age I was taught to say The Lord’s Prayer. It was clearly early on in my life and, I suspect, predated my going to school. For many years some of the words and concepts were not understood but I always felt I had achieved some sort of special rapport with God while reciting this prayer. For instance, I never understood the word “hallowed” which appears in the line, “hallowed be thy name”. I thought this to be a form of address as in “hallo”, so for many years I was under the impression I was saying “Hello” to God which always struck me as a very nice way to start my communication with my Father in heaven. In later times I appreciated that the use of the word “hallowed” is to acknowledge that God should be given due respect as the creator and arbiter of our being. For centuries Christian societies appreciated and practised reverence towards God, Christ and the church, blasphemy being a very serious crime, punishable in extremis by death. In more recent times, unquestionable respect and obedience to God throughout Christian society in many parts of the western world no longer obtains. I recall a significant milestone in this process occurring in the television shows of the Irish comedian, Dave Allen, who not only parodied the 1 ritual practices of religion but also the persona of Christ. In the later 20th century world, unquestioning respect based on the status quo and hierarchy no longer obtains and the Christian religion has also fallen victim to criticism and parody as has been the lot of so many other institutions. Society as a whole cannot be said to be as consciously Christian as it was in previous times nor to observe the tenets of Christianity including how we should relate to God. Not every individual is happy or complacent with what is perceived as a violation of respect for God. Many Muslims are uncomfortable and deeply offended when God and/or their religion is not given due respect, and, as we know, a small minority will take violent action against those who engage in such practices as occurred when the prophet of God was parodied and lampooned in cartoons. Thankfully I am unaware of any Christian threat to wreak punishment on those who blaspheme. I AM aware, however, that as Christians, reverence and respect for God is essential in order to define our relationship with Him. Andrew Gannon 2 FAMILY NEWS Congratulations to Derek and Marion Spiers who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in April. Joan Beresford is well in herself but is still having problems with her eyes. A nurse is going in every day to put drops in her eyes and later this month she has an appointment at the Ophthalmology department. Please think of Norine Brown as her husband, Stan, recovers from a recent fall. We continue to remember those of our Church Family who are in care homes and those who are not able to get along to Church. Jim Martin THANK YOU The beaver scouts and leaders would like to thank those who supported their fund-raising event which raised £115 for the RNIB and Guide dogs. 3 LOCAL AND GENERAL ELECTION, 7th MAY Once again we will be offering refreshments to people who come to vote in our hall, between 10 and 12 in the morning and 2 and 4 in the afternoon. Please join us if you can. CHRISTIAN AID NEWS As we prepare for the door to door collection during Christian Aid week, this year from 10th to 16th May, there are some useful resources on the Christian Aid website, Your prayers and support for all our collectors will be much appreciated. Also on this website are details of an ecumenical prayer vigil across the world on the 24th of every month which it is intended will continue until there is a just and lasting resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE We are pleased to be able to welcome Revd Dr Rosalind Selby, Principal of Northern College, to lead our anniversary worship on May 17th. The service will be followed by a soup and pudding lunch. If you have a favourite dessert you could offer to bring along, please let Jean Fermie or Elaine know. WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDIES All are welcome to join Jenni Slack and Ron Webber for Bible study on Wednesday mornings between 10 and 11. The next two dates are May 13th and June 10th. 4 “HEROES” HOLIDAY CLUB We are pleased to have Jonathan Buckley leading a holiday club on Tuesday 26th May with the theme of Bible heroes. All children aged 5-11 are welcome between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. and at 12.30 we will have a picnic lunch followed by games for all ages. So bring a picnic lunch and join us at 12.30, with or without children. See Elaine for flyers to pass around to family, friends and neighbours. SENIOR TEAS AT TOTLEY RISE METHODIST CHURCH On the third Sunday afternoon of each month Totley Rise invite seniors to join them for tea and cake. These have proved so popular that helpers are needed, especially drivers. Anyone is welcome to drop in. SAFARI SUPPER To date I have had offers of three main courses but would like three other people to offer starters so that this event can take place. Also I have only had three enquiries from ‘guests’. The preferred date is 20th June. Please let Jeanne Clark know if you are interested or it will be a very small, intimate gathering! Fellowship Committee 5 LADIES’ GROUP (PLUS MEN) On May 6th the Ladies’ Group will be hosting a fund raising event – a beetle drive and refreshments – and a new quiz to buy. This will take place in the Chatsworth Hall. It is open to everyone. Looking further ahead, Joan Ward will be our Blue Badge Guide round Bakewell on Wednesday 1st July. We last went several years ago in the rain. This will be a different tour and we are hoping for better weather. Details to follow but we will set off at 6.30 p.m. for a leisurely stroll followed by a meal at 8 p.m. Once again men are invited to join us. Jeanne Clark ANNIVERSARY TRIP Although the date of the anniversary service has been changed so we can have the opportunity to hear Revd Rosalind Selby, the trip will go ahead as planned on Saturday 9th May to Hull. We shall set off from Dore Station on the 8.27 train, returning at 18.21. The rail fare is £25.90 return, £17.10 with a senior rail card. Jeanne Clark has maps and leaflets if anyone would like to plan their day in advance. Fellowship Committee 6 The flowers in church this month are in memory of Jessie and Alexander Anderson (Shona’s mum born on 6th May and her dad who died on 8th May) and Frank Cooper (11th May). TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME The most useless thing to do Worry The greatest joy Giving The greatest loss Self-respect The most satisfying work Helping others The most effective sleeping pill Peace of mind The most crippling failure disease Excuses The most powerful force in life Love The worst thing to be without Hope The deadliest weapon The tongue The greatest asset Faith The most prized possession Integrity The most contagious spirit Enthusiasm The most important thing in life GOD Everyone needs this list to live by - pass it along! 8 7 LETTER FROM SHIRLEY It’s hard to believe that seven months has passed since I was in Sheffield. The work with St John’s (Stone) continues. We have just reached a stage where we are exploring a shared vision to work with some youngsters with learning difficulties as they leave home and move towards independent living. The developer who bought St John's old church building to convert into apartments (whilst retaining the listed parts) is involved in building apartments for them and St John’s is considering a shop/café area for outreach alongside these youngsters. It's all in God's hands. Dave and I find working together is helpful and encouraging to our ministries and we have recently been trained to be pastorate partners for Local Ministry and Mission Review with local churches and as appraisal partners with ministers during their review. We hear from time to time what is happening in Sheffield and recently at our Synod I had the pleasure of meeting Zaidie whom I'm told is 'awesome' so that is brilliant news and I look forward to hearing about your continuing journey. With love in Christ Revd Shirley Miller 8 RANDOM THOUGHTS Pentecost is an invitation to dream. For when a community of faith quits dreaming dreams, it has little to offer either its members or the wider world. These dreams involve adopting a new perspective on what’s possible, rousing our creativity to free us from conventional expectations. They help us see that maybe what we thought was outlandish actually lies within reach. Matthew L. Skinner Pentecost has not created an alternative mythology with which to secularise and commercialise it. It has not created a figure like a fat, jolly man in a red suit or a large bunny. Stores don’t stock special items for the Feast of Pentecost. In fact, the Feast of Pentecost comes and goes in the church year without the world even noticing. Mark Surburg I have acquired the habit of looking for the silver lining of the cloud, and when I have found it to continue to look at it, rather than at the grey in the middle. It has helped me over many hard places. Pablo Picasso The point to remember is what the government gives, it must first take away. J.S. Coleman 9 “Big Heroes” Holiday Club Tuesday 26th May 2015 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Drinks provided; please bring your own packed lunch Ages: 4-11 Cost: £1/child Registration from 9.45 a.m. Parents, grandparents and siblings welcome to join us from 12.30 p.m. for lunch and games for all the family All of our leaders are DBS checked in line with current legislation RSVP with numbers of children by Friday 22nd May Email: or text 07929 720977 10 THE EASTER STORY (answers) Across: 3 Golgotha; 4 Thieves; 6 Transgressors; 7 Burial; 11 Veil; 15 Darkness; 18 Centurion; 19 Caiaphas; 21 Field; 22 John; 23 Magdalene; 26 Forgive; 27 Sins; 28 Passover; 30 Herod; 31 Angel; 32 Peter; 33 Joseph; 37 Thomas; 38 Flesh; 40 Robe; 42 Vinegar Down: 1 Annas; 2 Calvary; 3 Gethsemane; 5 Crucified; 8 King; 9 Kiss; 10 Creature; 12 Linen; 13 Barabbas; 14 Nicodemus; 16 Judas; 17 Living; 18 Cloud; 20 Silver; 24 Garments; 25 Emmaus; 29 Sheep; 34 Pilate; 35 Stone; 36 Blood; 37 Sword; 41 Risen FRIENDSHIP CRYPTOGRAM Can you work out which numbers represent which letters and solve the sentence which is to do with friendship? A B C D E F G H I J K L M 26 11 4 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 21 18 I _ _ O 4 6 1 21 18 O _ _ E U _ , 11 _ O _ 7 21 14 4 19 11 _ _ E I _ _ _ _ E 23 18 5 _ E 25 11 21 25 9 U E 2 _ O 1 _ 14 20 11 19 11 U 21 18 O 14 21 . 11 _ A _ E 20 26 10 11 _ O _ E 9 21 10 11 COFFEE ROTA May 3rd Fiona Green and Gill McAdie th 10 Elizabeth Keech and Liz Walkden th 17 Soup and dessert lunch th 24 Jeanne Clark and Vera Edwards st 31 Helen Miller and Marie Gleadhill th June 7 Christine Smith and Marion Spiers FLOWER ROTA May 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st Shona Picken Gladys Cooper ANNIVERSARY Liz Walkden Anne Dale SUNDAY MORNING DOOR STEWARDS May 3rd Neil and Ella Lawrie th 10 Moira and Andrew Gannon th 17 Molly Webb and Jim Martin th 24 Marion and Derek Spiers 31st Brenda and Roy Harrison DUTY ELDERS’ ROTA May 3rd Jane Studd Communion stewards: Jim Martin, Rob Studd, Richard Groves 10th Anne Dale 17th Margaret Warwick 24th Margaret Barron 31st Rob Studd 12 May Diary Sun 3 Wed 6 Family service with communion at 10.30 a.m. led by Miss Anne Dale and Soulroots Mid-week service at 11.30 a.m. led by Revd Margaret Herbert Meet for a sandwich after the service Fund raising night organised by the Ladies’ Group 8 p.m. (See separate article) Thurs 7 Local and general election Sat 9 Church Anniversary trip to Hull (See separate article) Sun 10 Family service at 10.30 a.m. led by Revd Bob Heathcote 10th – 16th Christian Aid week Mon 11 Elders’ meeting at 7 p.m. Tues 12 Totley Brook Club at 2.30 p.m. Mrs Janet Ridler – “Sheffield Cathedral” Service of Prayer for Help and Healing 8 p.m. 13 Wed 13 Mid-week service at 11.30 a.m. led by Mrs Elaine Ferguson Yorkshire Assembly at the Spa Complex, Scarborough Sun 17 Anniversary service at 10.30 a.m. led by Revd Rosalind Selby, Principal of Luther King House The service will be followed by a soup and dessert lunch. There will also be a Traidcraft stall after the service. Mon 18 Copy date for June Take Notice. All articles to Jeanne Clark by this date please Wed 20 Mid-week service at 11.30 a.m. led by Revd Simon Copley Sun Pentecost family service at 10.30 a.m. led by the Worship Group 24 Tues 26 “Heroes” children’s event from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. All welcome to join us at 12.30. (See separate article) Wed 27 Mid-week service at 11.30 a.m. led by Revd Brenda Hill Sun Family service at 10.30 a.m. led by Professor Clyde Binfield 31 14 Directory Phone Deputy Chair Secretary: Assistant Treasurer: Pastoral Care: Editor: Joan Memmott 236 6784 8 Totley Grange Close, Sheffield S17 4AG Email: Elaine Ferguson 236 5607 32 Rushley Drive, Sheffield S17 3EN Email: Jane Studd 236 1192 5 Devonshire Road, Sheffield S17 3NT Email: Rob Studd 236 1192 5 Devonshire Road, Sheffield S17 3NT Email: Jim Martin 236 2403 15 Moorview Court, Bradway Drive Sheffield S17 4PD Email: Jeanne Clark 236 7390 8 Abbeydale Park Rise Sheffield S17 3PD Email: www. A Member of the Sheffield Group of United Reformed Churches 15 Mon 3rd Mon Tues 2nd Tues Term-time 1st Tues 2nd Tues Wed Term-time 1st Wed Thurs Fri Zumba T’ai Chi On Broadway Shine Academy Aerobics Photography Group Lunch Club Yoga Computer course – iPads Totley Brook Club Martial Arts Beaver Scouts W.E.A. Abbeydale Writers Shine On: Ladies’ choir Totley Brook Quilters Service for Help and Healing Pilates Coffee morning Mid-week Service Dance class Brownies Ladies’ Group - not often in church AllMove Strictly Dancing Hastings Road Art Group Social Club Zumba Funky Monkeys Dance class Scottish Dancing Ella Lawrie has contact details: tel. 236 6294 16 10 – 11 a.m. 11.30–12.30 p.m. 1.30 – 2.30 p.m. 4.30 – 6 p.m. 6.30 – 7.30 p.m. 7.45 - 9.45 p.m. 10 – 1.30 p.m. 1.15 – 2.45 p.m. 1.30 – 3.30 p.m. 2.30 – 4 p.m. 3.45 – 5.45 p.m. 6.15 – 7.15 p.m. 7 – 9 p.m. 7.30 – 9 p.m. 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. 8 - 9 p.m. 9.15 – 11.15 a.m. 10 – 12 noon 11.30 – 12 noon 1.45 – 2.45 p.m. 6.15 – 7.40 p.m. 8 p.m. 8 – 9.30 p.m. 9.30 – 12 noon 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. 7.30 – 8.30 p.m. 10 – 11 a.m. 2 – 3 p.m. 7.45 – 10 p.m.
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