CHAPTER THREE EAST GREEK AND OTHER IMPORTED POTTERY Margaret S. Mook and William D.E. Coulson INTRODUCTION 'his assemblage includes pottery with a variety of wares, rincipally spanning the 7th through the 5th centuries BCE.' 1uch of the material is East Greek, with an admixture of ottery imported from Greek Mainland centers such as ,thens, or from other areas of the Mediterranean. Many of 1e pieces, however, cannot be identified as coming specifially from any area of the eastern Mediterranean. The fragmentary nature of this imported pottery at Dor resents the main problem; only two vases, a jug and an skos, could be completely restored. Although much infor1ation can be extracted from a body offragments, the broad hronological and geographical span of this pottery coupled tith the scarcity of published, stratigraphically recovered, omparable material from East Greece itself, hinders the jentification process. Nevertheless, all fragments preservng any part ofthe rim, base, handle, or body decoration are ;resented here in both the catalogue and the drawings. THE POTTERY \.variety of fabrics can be discerned, but nearly all the potcry has been well-fired and well-levigated. Very little tem>er has been employed, although inclusions frequently nclude white limestone and micaceous particles. One of the eatures common to the decorated pottery is the streaky 1uality of the paint. This often varies from Munsell 1OYR \/1 black, where a thicker application of paint has been used, o lOR 5/6 red in cases of thinner application, even in deco·ation applied in a single brush stroke. This characteristic is :vident on many of the banded bowls and especially on the "'ave-line fragments, among others. The surfaces of the ;herds and the painted decoration are generally very well Jreserved. Open Shapes Less than half of the sherds belong to open shapes. By far the najority, over 90%, of the fragments representing open ;hapes belong to banded bowls. These have been divided into types and designated by consecutive letters. No other Jpen shape was represented in large enough numbers for a typology to be significant. The discussion of open shapes has been divided into the following eight categories: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. Banded bowls (Types A-E) Bases belonging to banded bowls (Types F-G) Handles belonging to banded bowls Decorated bowls and cups Lebes Plate Mortarium Ladle/Scoop I. Banded bowls A high percentage, 37%, of the pottery in this entire assemblage represents banded bowls. These are vessels with shallow, semi-spherical shaped bodies having one or two horizontal loop handles' and a ringed foot. No banded bowl has been found with a complete profile at Dor, but such complete shapes have been recovered from a number of sites, and indicate that this type of bowl typically had a ringed base.' As a number of such bases have been recovered at Dar, it is very likely that the majority of these banded bowls did have ringed feet. The system of decoration is quite regular. The exterior is always decorated with a band at the rim and there is often a second band below. The top oft he interior is decbrated with a broad band and frequently there is a narrow reserved band on or near the lip. Narrower bands decorate the sides and bottom of the vessel interior, forming concentric circles. The interior is regularly slipped, often in a color different from that of the fabric, while the exterior, if it is slipped, is regularly self-slipped. Five types (A-E) can be distinguished by the character of the rim, while subtypes may be recognized on the basis of size. The basic types include bowls with diameters of 0.16 m. or larger. The subtype category has been established to distinguish bowls (almost cups) with a diameter smaller than 0.16 m. This measurement, 0.16 m., represents the medial size in the range of banded bowl diameters at Dor. Bowls smaller than this have a distinctly different look. Subtypes occur only within Types A, B, and E, and differ from the main type in respect to size only. Type A (Catalogue Nos. 6, 16, 42, 119, 169, 229-230, 259, 260,270,279, 310; Fig. 3.1:1-10) has a rim that is concave and tapers up to a pointed lip. The rim diameter of this vessel type ranges from 0.16 m. to 0.22 m. (although five of these have a diameter of0.18 m.). There are eight Type AI bowls (Nos. Ill, 118, 120, 191, 214, 215, 216, 308; Fig. 3.1: 11-18) having diameters ranging from 0.10 m. to 0.14 m. Nos. 16, 93 42, 119, 120, 169, and 279 have a second exterior band, while the exterior of 270 is further embellished with wavy lines. This type of bowl is considered to come from East Greece, but most examples have come from other areas of the Mediterranean (Sukas II: 38, fn. 237; Gjerstad 1977: 31). Possible local imitations have been found on Cyprus (Coldstream 1981: 17-22; Gjerstad 1977: 31 ). 4 The earliest parallels for our Type A come from Mersin, where the group was assigned to the late 7th/early 6th century BCE (Barnett 1940: 120-21 ). Such a date seems to represent the introduction of this form and decorative scheme; there are now examples from as late as the 4th century BCE at Mevorakh (Stern 1978: 41, Fig. 10:6-9, Pl. 30:1-4) 5 Banded bowls from the tomb near Ambelikou on Cyprus are dated to the first half of the 6th century BCE, and the banded bowls from Kition to the end of the 6th century BCE (Gjerstad 1977: 31; 62). A bowl similar to Type A from Tell Keisan has been assigned a date in the second quarter of the 6th century BCE (Briend and Humbert !980: 126, fn. 6, Pl. 22:6). The banded bowls that have been discovered in the Athenian Agora and at Taanach, however, come from the most stratigraphically secure contexts and are both dated to the last quarter of the 5th century BCE (Agora XII: 357, Pl. 79:1721; Rast 1978: 51, Fig. 84:6). The contexts of the Dar examples, particularly those coming from the favissa in Area Cl (Nos. Ill, 117, 119, 120) and those from phase 6b in Area C2 (Nos. 191, 214, 215, 216, 229), suggest that these vessels were in use at Dar in the 5th century BCE, primarily in the latter half of the century. TypeBbowls(Nos.l7, 113, 181,258;Fig.3.2:1-4)generally have a pointed lip, but are characterized by their contracted rims. The upper portion of the vessel is steep, while the lower wall is sharply angled towards the base. The rim diameters range from 0.16 m. to 0.22 m. The seven Type B 1 banded bowls (Nos. 10, 53, 91, 112, 121, 264, 304; Fig. 3.2:5-11) vary from 0.12 m. to 0.15 m. in diameter. Type B bowls are closely paralleled at Sukas, and Ploug rightly points out the similarity of this bowl shape to that of late 7th century BCE bird and rosette bowls 6 A bowl from Neapolis, considered to be an imitation of East Greek banded bowls, is unusually similar to Dor 121 in both profile and interior decoration (Rouillard 1978: Fig. 13:1 0). The terminus post quem for this piece from Neapolis is ca. 550 BCE. The Dor Type B bowls may span the last half of the 6th century through the mid 5th century BCE. The character of the rim distinguishes Type C bowls (Nos. 84, 109-110, 182, 192, 195, 196, 218, 219, 265; Fig. 3.3:1-9). This is a ledge rim and overhangs on the interior, slanting downwards, so that the lowest point of the lip has the greatest thickness. Rim diameters range from 0.18 m. to 0.25 m. Very similar bowls with this ledge rim have been found at both Sukas and Tarsus, and all have been assigned 6th century BCE dates 7 The examples from Sukas can be dated to the second quarter of the 6th century BCE (Sukas II: 40, Nos. I33a, 134). The banded one-handlers from the Athenian Agora of this same shape are also primarily from the late archaic period (Agora XII: 124-26, Pl. 30:742-43, Fig. 8:742-43).' Banded bowls with this rim type, then, are being made by the second quarter of the 6th century BCE and continue to be popular throughout the century. 9 The two fragments classified as TypeD (Nos. I, 276; Fig. 3.4: 1-2) have the same overhanging ledge rim as Type C; 94 however, the rim is distinctly contracted. The upper wall almost vertical, while the lower wall is sharply angle towards the base (as was Type B). Also, these two fragmen are coarser than the other banded bowl sherds. As such small percentage of each vessel is preserved, accurate diam< ter measurements cannot be determined. There are no goo parallels for this particular shape, although the angled wa is characteristic ofthe later one-handled banded bowls frm the Athenian Agora (Agora XII: 125). Type D bowls rna thus belong to the late 6th/early 5th century BCE and ar probably imitations of East Greek banded bowls that hav been produced elsewhere. It is difficult to establish the1 relationship to Type Band C bowls in terms of developmer since the examples are not many. TypeE(Nos.l9,48,51, 73,107,114,115,116,132, 17( 193; Fig. 3.5:1-10) represents the final banded bowl rir form. Once again, the criterion for distinguishing this typ is the shape of the rim, which is essentially concave with rounded top and frequently a sharp inner lip. As with type A and B, this bowl shape comes in two distinct sizes. Typ E bowls range from 0.18 m. to 0.24 m. in diameter, while th subtype, Type El bowls (Nos. 54, 194,269, 299),have diam eters that measure from 0.13 m. to 0.15 m. The earliest parallels come from Mersin, while those fron Sukas may date to the second quarter of the 6th century BCI (Barnett 1940: 120-21, Pl. 50:1; Riis 1970:82-83, Fig. 25c Sukas II: 40, Pl. 6: 135). The examples from Tarsus com mostly from 6th century BCE contexts, with some evidenc' for a 5th century date, while the banded bowl from N eapoli with this shape has a terminus post quem of ca. 550 BCI (Tarsus III: 266, Fig. 88:1233, 1235; Rouillard 1978 282-83, Fig. 9:8). 10 As with Type B, these bowls would bes be assigned to a broad period of manufacture, beginning ir the second quarter of the 6th century and continuinJ through the 5th century BCE. II. Bases belonging to banded bowls Twenty-three bases can be identified as belonging to bandec bowls of the types described above. It is the interior decora tion of horizontal bands (becoming concentric circles at th( center of the bowl), the similarity in fabric, as well as the bas( form of the comparanda, that enables one to identify them.' These bases can be divided into two basic groups: thos( belonging to deeper bowls and those from shallower bowls This distinction is determined by the steepness of the side~ of the vessel near the base. Shallower bowl bases (Nos. 23 24-25,26,27,55,56, 149,183,184,198,202,247,255,261 probably belong to vessels having rim types C and E. Bowh with these rim types have walls at the same angle as the wall~ on these base fragments. Similarly, the deeper bases (Nos 153, 197, 199, 200, 201, 235, 274, 291, 307; Fig. 3.6:1-9: belong to vessels with steeper walls- those of rim types A B, and D. Within the above groups there are two types of ringed base: Type F, with a flaring and bevelled (except Nos. 198 and 261) foot (Nos. 24-25 [Fig. 3.6:1 0], 26 [Fig. 3.6: 11], 153, 183 [Fig. 3.6: 12], 198 [Fig. 3.6:13], 199, 200, 201, 202 [Fig. 3.6:14], 235,247 [Fig. 3.6:15], 261 [Fig. 3.6:16], 291, 307), and Type Fl, having a near semi-conical ringed foot (Nos. 27 [Fig. 3.6: 17], 55 [Fig. 3.6: 18], 56 [Fig. 3.6: 19], 184 [Fig. 3.6:20], 197, 255 [Fig. 3.6:21], 274), often with a torus- Laped exterior. There is one Type F2 ringed base (No. 23; g. 3.6:22) with a vertical foot, and one Type G base (No. 19; Fig. 3.6:23) that is small and nearly flat. The particular pe of base employed does not have any correlation with e vessel size or shape. I. Handles belonging to banded bowls f the nineteen preserved handles belonging to banded )wls (Nos. 16, 30 [Fig. 3.7:1], 53, 58 [Fig. 3.7:2], 71 [Fig. 7:3], 98 [Fig. 3.7:4], 104 [Fig. 3.7:5], Ill, 116, 118, 125 'ig. 3. 7:6], 169, 191 [Fig. 3. 7:7], 214, 215, 216, 236, 259, 75 [Fig. 3. 7:8]), all but two (Nos. 16, 191 ), which are slightly at, are round in section. The handle diameter increases ith the increasing size of the vessel. The handles range from 008 m. to 0.012 m. in diameter, with the exception of one ~ry large handle (No. 116) that has a diameter of 0.025 m. he handles (save No. 116) have paint only on upper or uter surfaces that would have been applied with a brush hile the vessel spun on a potter's wheel. The task ofpainttg the interior of the handle or the zone between the handle ttachments was usually considered too time consuming to e done. The roundish blobs of paint found on Nos. 53, 98, II, and 118, on the upper surface of the junctions of the andle with the body, were formed when the brush hit the andle while a band was being applied to the body just bove. The handle of 116 is completely covered with paint nd was probably dipped, a method frequently employed in 1e 5th century BCE (Agora XII: 18). V. Decorated bowls and cups , small number of other decorated bowls and drinking cups re represented in this Dor assemblage. One fragment (No. 95; Fig. 3.8: I) may belong to the class of pottery designated ,[ Mirra ware by Boardman (Boardman 1959: 163-64)." 'his has a buff slip and is decorated on the exterior with six rayish red vertical stripes which descend into a lustrous red orizontal band. The fabric and bichrome-effect painted .ecoration parallel that of the so-called AI Mirra ware. This ype of pottery is now thought to come from Cyprus, and is enerally dated to late in the 8th century BCE (Coldstream 979: 264-65, Pl. 30:5, 6; Boardman 1980: 41-42, Fig . .l4). Another fine bowl (No. !55; Fig. 3.8:2) is slipped and covred with a dark reddish brown paint and added white decoation, on the exterior. This type of surface treatment is ound on the interior of Chian chalices in the 6th century ICE, and is very elaborate in the first half of the century Boardman 1967: 157). Dor No. !55 illustrates part of a •ineyard scene and it is clear that the artist had a good comnand of the technique, although parallels are unknown-" chis piece may be a derivation from Chian style, and so lated to the 6th century BCE, perhaps the first half of the :entury due to its complexity. The rim of a drinking vessel, possibly a chalice, is repre'ented by No. 83 (Fig. 3.8:3). It is an elongated and pointed "im with a band of red paint around the lip and two red blobs lecorating the exterior. A second vase for drinking (No. 213; 0 ig. 3.8:4) is perhaps a kylix. The surface reveals that the )ieee was either badly fired, or suffered weathering before :xcavation recovery. The rim is inset and the lip is pointed. fhe interior and the exterior above the inset are painted, while on the exterior, below the inset, traces of ivy with dots along the branches are preserved. This is a good Attic shape and scenes with ivy dispersed throughout are characteristic of the first half of the 5th century BCE. L4 Finally, bowl No. 233 (Fig. 3.8:5) is decorated with a floral motif that does not belong to the Archaic or Classical Greek repertoire. The shape is deep and spherical with a plain rim. The exterior is slipped a light reddish brown with a darker reddish brown band around the belly and a wide white band above it, from which rises an elongated bud in outline with a similarly shaped leaf on either side. Parallels for this scheme of decoration are unknown. V. Lebes There is only one example of a lebes (No. 52; Fig. 3.8:6) in this assemblage. It has a thickened, everted rim, a convex (almost biconical) body, and one preserved upswinging horizontal handle. The entire vessel is painted black and the exterior is decorated in white paint, with a register on the belly formed by two bands framing a pattern of contiguous 'X'es. The profile, but not the decoration, is very similar to that of a lebes from Tarsus, and may date to the 6th century BCE (Tarsus III: 261, Fig. 139a: 1200). VI. Plate Plate rim No. 122 (Fig. 3.8:7) is the only one of its type preserved at Dor. It has a slightly everted bulbous rim with a squared off outer lip. The interior of the rim is painted red, while along the lip and just under it are a series of red and black bands against a pink slip. This is a characteristic type of East Greek plate rim decoration, although there are no exact parallels for this shape. It should date to the first quarter of the 6th century BCE (Boardman and Hayes 1966: 90, 96, Pl. 69: I 020). VII. Mortarium A fragment of a heavy rim (No. 173; Fig. 3.8:8) belongs to a large, shallow vessel, probably a mortarium. Parallels from Taanach belong to the 5th century BCE, although the form continues into the Hellenistic period (Taanach 1: 50). The Tel Dor example differs from other parallels in that it has white stripes on the top of the rim and interior. VIII. Ladle/scoop A ladle or scoop is represented by No. 154 (Fig. 3.8:9), in which the upper portion of the bowl and the lower handle are preserved. Although this example is decorated with pink paint on the handle and red on the bowl, its shape is very close to that of an undecorated piece from the Athenian Agora, which belongs to the last quarter of the 5th century BCE (Agora XII: 229, 375, Pl. 96: 1992). Closed Shapes Over half of this assemblage represents fragments of shapes belonging to closed vessels. Many of the sherds, however, are such that the specific shape can no longer be identified. The discussion of closed shapes has been divided into the eleven sections below: 95 IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. Lekythoi Amphoriskoi Askos Oinochoai Table amphoras/jugs (Types H-J) Bases belonging to table amphoras/jugs (Types K-L) XV. Decorated body sherds belonging to closed vessels (Types M-S) XVI. Amphora rims (Types T -BB) XVII. Amphora toes XVIII. Amphora handles (Types CC-FF) XIX. Amphora body fragment IX. Lekythoi The very fine, light-ground, pattern lekythos is represented here by three examples (Nos. 211-212,225, 273). All three appear to be the work of the Beldam workshop, or at least were done by a painter heavily influenced by it. Lekythos wall fragment No. 225 (Fig. 3.9:2) is decorated with a rightrunning meander framed by sets of parallel bands, with a three-tiered checkerboard patterned band below. A large pendant palmette hangs from a band below the checkerboard. A very similar vase has been identified by Has pels as a work actually done by the Beldam painter, and is dated to 470-460BCE(Haspels 1936: 18l;Jacobsthall927: 7l,Pl. 34a). The arrangement of the checkerboard panel below the meander is, however, even more similar to that on a lekythos recovered from the Athenian Agora and attributed to the Beldam workshop(Townsend 1955:219, Pl. 77: 44). Similarly, a fragment from Tarsus has the same characteristics as our No. 225 and is also from the Beldam workshop (Tarsus III: 295, Fig. 98:1436). All three of these vases are dated to 470-460 BCE and, thus, so too should No. 225 be. Only a portion of the body of the lekythos is preservec' in fragment No. 273 (Fig. 3.9:3). The surfaces are very worn. Nevertheless, the right-running meander with a three-tiered checkerboard patterned band below, framed by bands, is of a piece with No. 225 and should likewise be attributed to the Beldam workshop. Thus, it can be dated to the second quarter of the 5th century BCE. Nos. 211-212 (Fig. 3.9: 1) preserve the shoulder and upper wall of a third light-ground lekythos. The shoulder is decorated with tongues and rays, and the upper body with a threetiered checkerboard patterned band that is bordered by bands. Such decorative treatment on these parts ofthe vessel are also characteristic of the Beldam workshop; the vase can be dated safely to the second quarter of the 5th century BCE (Knigge 1976:152-54, Pl. 41:295.1,3, 4, Pl. 66:300.1). X. Amphoriskoi At Dar, amphoriskoi are represented by two shoulder fragments (Nos. 4, 254). Both are decorated with concentric bands around the shoulder and belly, on No. 4 (Fig. 3.9:4) with black paint, while on No. 254 (Fig. 3.9:5) dark red paint was used, against a light colored slip. This type of vessel has been recognized as originating in Cyprus and dating to the 5th to 4th centuries BCE (Stern 1982: fn. 34). A good parallel 96 comes from Shikmona, on which the paint from the uprig handles spreads onto the shoulder of the vessel and wou account for the tongue-shaped blobs on our No.4 (Elgavi 1968: Pl. 69: 185). XI. Askos A single askos (No. 99; Fig. 3.9:6) can be identified amon< the Dar material. It has a ringed base, biconical body, anc wide spout. There is a band of red paint at the base and mid-belly and three bands of red on the lower shoulder; trace of red paint at the lip indicates a band, while the t< and sides of the handle are also painted red. An East Gre< askos from the Athenian Agora has the same shape and dec ration, and comes from a context dated to 490-450 BC (Agora XII: 358, Pl. 80: 1727; Fig. 14). Such a date is appr priate for No. 99 as well. XII. Oinochoai Two fragments of trefoil shaped rims (Nos. 18, 217) demo1 strate the existence of oinochoai. No. 18 (Fig. 3.10: l) is fro1 a very small vessel with a black-painted exterior. The oth< sherd, No. 217 (Fig. 3.10:2), is from a muchlargeroinocho on which the rim has been poorly joined to the body. Tt red paint on the rim was applied by dipping, and likewi' exhibits a lack of technical precision." It is difficult to da1 these pieces, but No. 217 is probably from the 5th centur BCE. XIII. Table amphoras/jugs When only small rim fragments are preserved, it is often di ficult to distinguish between the jug and table amphor shapes, as they often have similar rims. Three types (H-2 are represented. The first, Type H, does seem to belong t table amphoras. Two examples (Nos. 305, 306; Fi! 3.10:3-4) have slightly incurving rims with thickened lip' both are decorated with a black band on the exterior ofth rim. On the basis of a parallel from Emporia, this form rna date from as early as the mid-7th century BCE (Boardma 1967: 139, Fig. 87:504). Type I is also represented by two examples (Nos. 168, 26! Fig. 3.10:5-6), which are characterized by a thickene• everted rim and a black-painted exterior. No. 263 is furthe differentiated by a ridge running horizontally around th neck. No exact parallels are known. Of the four examples o Type J (Nos. 8, 123-124, 253, 257; Fig. 3.10:7-10), Nm 123-124 (Fig. 3.1 0:8) are of a distinctly different fabric, on· that may be identified as Corinthian. All four fragment have thickened offset rims that are decorated with a band o red or black paint. A vase similar to Nos. 123-124 is faun< in the Athenian Agora and dates our piece to the mid-5tl century BCE (Agora XII: 190, 339, Pl. 62: 1480). Neck fragment No. 242 (Fig. 3.10:11) has a pointed slightly everted rim with a thickened lip and does not belon1 to any of the table amphora/jug types identified above. Th< blackish brown band around the interior and exterior ofth< rim is characteristic of Archaic East Greek table amphoras The vertical curving lines on the neck of No. 242 are akin t< the decoration on a Chian amphora fragment from Suka: (Sukas II: 72, No. 322, Pl. 16), which is attributed to the earl] ith century BCE. So too, the two 'hooked' lines preserved m the worn surface of the neck may perhaps be the remains >f a deep wavy line. Such decoration on East Greek jug, tydria, and amphora necks is well attested in the 6th century Hanfmann 1956: 176-82; Tarsus Ill: 326-27, No. 1625, ~ig. 155). Handle fragment No. 309 (Fig. 3.10: 12) also belongs to a ug or table amphora. The stripe down the exterior and arcng band over the upper attachment are common on such ]reek vessels in the Archaic period (Gjerstad 1977: Nos. 181 and 182, Pl. 21). One complete jug (No. 15; Fig. 3.10:13) has been pre;erved. This is decorated with a dark gray band on the rim, ;even vertical stripes on the front shoulder that vary from iark gray to red, while three dark gray bands decorate the 1pper body, and a band on the lower body and at the base ue both red. The handle was probably painted dark gray. >imilar elements are found on two oinochoai recovered at focra."' Although these vessels are much more elaborate, they provide a general time frame for our jug; it should date to the 6th century BCE, perhaps the first half. XIV. Bases belonging to table amphoras/jugs There are two basic types of base (K-L) that can be considered to have come from either table amphoras or jugs: Type K (Nos. 2, 290; Fig. 3.10: 14-15), is a flat base, and Type L (Nos. 57,203,222,223, 300; Fig. 3.10:16-20), is a flaring, bevelled, ring base. All bases, except No. 290, have a band of paint on the exterior of the base. Type K base No. 290 (Fig. 3.10: 15) is apparently from a household vessel, but this shape of foot, with or without the banding, is certainly known from the mid-6th through the 5th centuries BCE (Agora XII: No. 1613; Slaska 1978: 223-24, Pl. 95, Fig. 3). Type L and the two subtypes, Type Ll (No. 100; Fig. 3.10:21) which is distinguished by its slightly flaring, unbevelled, square-sectioned foot, and Type L2 (No. 86; Fig. 3.1 0:22) which is also not bevelled and has a much smaller diameter, are shapes that can be traced from the 7th through the 5th centuries BCE(Boardman 1967: No. 485;AgoraXII: Nos. 1455, 1460, 1536). As has been noted above, banding was most widely used as a decorative element in the 6th and early 5th centuries BCE (Agora XII: 18). XV. Decorated body sherds belonging to closed vessels A considerable number of body sherds have preserved decoration. Types M-S introduce decorative motifs and elements that have not yet been discussed." The first motif under discussion is the wavy line, Type M. As Hanfmann has pointed out, wave-line ware was produced from the late Geometric through the Archaic periods, and even into the Classical period, at numerous East Greek workshops (Tarsus Ill: 324; Hanfmann 1956: 167-84). Nine examples of wave-line ware can be identified amongst the imported material (Nos. 12, 13, 40, 79, 80, 209, 246, 262, 278; Fig. 3.11:1-9). The wavy line on Nos. 79, 80,209,246, and 262 is framed by at least one band above and below, and is placed on the shoulder of the vessel. These fragments may belong to storage bins of the sort found in the Athenian Agora." They could then be assigned to the last quarter of the 5th century BCE.''' No. 40 (Fig. 3.11 :3), a jug or amphora rim and neck fragment, is not paralleled exactly anywhere. The method of decoration is, however, very similar to that found on a krater at Tarsus, possibly from the 7th century BCE (Tarsus Ill: 323-24, Fig. 107:1607). No. 278 (Fig. 3.11:9) represents a wave-line vessel with added white decoration. The upper wavy line has been made with white paint, characteristically difficult to see (Agora XII: 19). This fragment is best assigned to the 6th century BCE. A single example of the zigzag motif (No. 156; Fig. 3.11: 10), Type N, is found amongst the Dor material. A red zigzag with a band beneath it runs around the shoulder of the vessel. Zigzags are popular decorative elements throughout the 7th and early 6th centuries BCE (Tarsus III: Nos. 1354, 1580, 1617, for example). Type 0 designates the one fragment (No. 180; Fig. 3.11: 11) that may be identified as Tocra local ware. The fabric is of the correct type and the characteristic red and white decoration is applied directly onto the clay, as it is in the vessels at Tocra. "' Tocra 1440 has a decorative scheme identical to that on Dor No. 180 - a series of white-red-white horizontal bands. The terminus ante quem for vessels with this type of decoration is ca. 600-590 BCE (Boardman and Hayes 1966: 10). Nos. 128-129 (Fig. 3.11: 12), Type P, possibly represent a Rhodian vase. The fabric and surface treatment are paralleled by a Wild Goat amphora found at has alternating red and white bands on the belly, and is assigned a date early in the first quarter of the 6th century BCE (Sukas II: 51, 59, Pl. 9:171). A somewhat less similar, but nonetheless parallel, East Greek vessel from a ca. 600-570 BCE context in the Athenian Agora has similar slip and dark bands, but is lacking the white ones (Agora XII: 34 7, Pl. 70: 1579). Our vessel does come from the eastern Aegean, it may be Rhodian, and dates to around the first quarter of the 6th century BCE. Type Q consists of a single sherd (No. 60; Fig. 3.11:13) having a vertical tree-type decoration in black paint over a pink slip. This motif decorates the neck of No. 60, and cannot be identified as a Greek type. Although such a floral element would not be unexpected from Cyprus, no good parallels are to be found. The four sherds belonging to TypeR (Nos. 167, 178, Fig. 3.11: 14-15; and Nos. 207, 292, Fig. 3.12: 1-2) are decorated with a band of scalloping on the shoulder. This decorative element is found on a vase from Shikmona and on a vessel from the Athenian Agora in a late Archaic (ca. 520-480 BCE) context (Elgavish 1968: Pl. 66: 182; Agora XII: 209, 357, Pl. 79: 1723). Several jug fragments from Tel Mevorakh also have a scalloped band on the shoulders (Stern 1978: 41, Fig. 10: 13-15). These date from the early to mid-5th century BCE through the third quarter of the 4th century BCE. Two vessels with pendant tongue or leaf decoration on their shoulders are represented by Nos. 131 and 282-284 (Fig. 3.12:3-4), TypeS. Such motifs are found on vessels from Cyprus, the Levant, and Macedonia. 21 Ploug associates the unslipped variety, of which Nos. 282-284 (Fig. 3.12:4) are examples, with a large group of vases from the second half of the 6th century and the first third of the 5th century BCE (Sukas II: 81, fn. 489). An oinochoe from Cyprus with this motif is also dated to the second half of the 6th century. Yet, No. 131 (Fig. 3.12:3) finds its closest parallel in a Cyp97 riot table amphora of Bichrome VII ware that has similar fabric and slip and the same type of pendant red tongue or leaf, each having a dark line down its center (Thalmann 1977: 73, Pl. 5:11, No. 90). This table amphora belongs to the Cypro-classic II period and should thus date to 400-325 BCE, a date which may, then, be appropriate for No. 13!. XVI. Amphora rims Although some twenty-five amphora rim fragments have been preserved, representing nine different shapes (Types T -BB), only the three Chian examples can be identified with certainty." It appears that only the Chian amphoras do in fact come from the Greek Mediterranean. Two types ofChian amphoras are present at Dor. Type T (No. 46; Fig. 3.13: I) is the finer example. The exterior is slipped light brown, the rim is rounded and the exterior of the lip is covered with a band ofblack to red paint. The neck is slightly bulging and carries a dipinto in the form of a dotted theta below the lip. This type is widely paralleled; such Chian amphoras are found in the Athenian Agora, at Corinth, Olbia, Emporia, Mevorakh, and Sukas, among many others (Grace 1961: Fig. 44 (second from left), P24873; Campbell 1938: 608, No. 13, Fig. 29; Pharmakousky 1914: col. 231-32, Fig. 53:30; Boardman 1967: 180, Pl. 67:953; Stern 1978: 35, fn. 34, Pl. 25:6, Fig. 8; Sukas II: 71, Pl. 16:324). It is an import from the end of the 6th century to the first two decades of the 5th century BCE. Type T1 (Nos. !08, 139; Fig. 3.13:2-3) is a later Chian shape and has a fairly coarse fabric with a creamy colored exterior. The lip is rounded and there is a distinct collar around the neck - a characteristic feature of Chian amphoras through the third quarter of the 5th century BCE (Grace 1961: Fig. 43, first in rear, Fig. 44, last). Not enough of No. 139 (Fig. 3.13:3) is preserved to determine whether there is a vertical neck, as with No. 108 (Fig. 3.13:2), or whether the bulging collar runs directly into the sloping shoulder, a feature of the earlier examples. Type Tl rims can, thus, be assigned to imports of the 5th century BCE, prior to the last quarter. Type U (No. 22; Fig. 3.13:4) has a thickened everted rim; none of the neck is preserved. A similar amphora comes from Kition and has a terminus post quem of ca. 600 BCE (Johnston 1981:44, Pl. 29:51, Pl. 33:51). Type V represents the largest class of amphora rims (Nos. 49, 77, 92, 96, 97,102,148,172,220, 268; Fig. 3.13:5-14). The rim is thickened and only slightly everted. Three examples (Nos. 65, 66, 67; Fig. 3.13: 15-17) represent Type W. These rims are deep and nearly triangular in section, forming a broad ledge above the neck. No. 65 (Fig. 3.13: 15) is flat on top, while No. 67 (Fig. 3.13: I 7) is angled downward. Type X is preserved in one example (No. 145; Fig. 3.13: 18). The rim is slightly everted, triangular in section, and forms a broad ledge overhanging the neck, similar to Type W. A parallel shape is found at Tell Keisan, where it is identified as Rhodian (Briend and Humbert !980: !12, Pl. 15: 14a). No. 145 may be a derivation of the form, but it does not appear to be of Rhodian fabric. The Keisan amphora is dated to the late 4th or early 3rd century BCE. Type Y rims (Nos. 144, 14 7; Fig. 3.13: 19-20) are angular 98 and only slightly everted, while the subtype, Type Yl (Nm 21, 43; Fig. 3.13:21-22), has a much more sharply everte' nm. The one example of Type Z (No. 68; Fig. 3.13:23) has. flaring neck with an everted rim that is flat on top with ; vertical exterior. Type AA (No. 143; Fig. 3.13:24) has a vertical neck and; straight rim that slightly overhangs the neck; the exterior o the lip is vertical. The final amphora rim form is Type BB (No. 90; Fig 3.13:25). The walls of the neck slope inward, towards th1 rim, which is angular and everted. The handle is attache< directly onto the rim and smeared into it. Such a feature i: somewhat unusual, but a good parallel comes from Caesare: Maritima, where it is dated to the end ofthe 2nd and the 3rc centuries CE (Levine and Netzer 1986: 162, Fig. I: 14, 17). XVII. Amphora toes Amphora toes also exhibit a diversity of types. Each of th( six examples (Nos. 28, 29, 76, 171, 244, 311, 312) is of a dif ferent shape. No. 28 (Fig. 3.13:26) has a conical-shape( pointed foot, with a rib just above the base. Where the inte· rior profile extends to the top of the base, a small hollow io formed. No. 29 (Fig. 3.13:27) is short and broad with straight, slightly bevelled sides, and a small depression on the underside. A shallow semi-spherical toe with rounded lip is represented by No. 76 (Fig. 3.13:28). The underside is marked with an off-center, circular pock mark, while the interior has finger-swirl marks. No. 171 (Fig. 3.13:29) is deep and broad with flaring lip and angular sides; there is a very shallow depression in the underside and the upper lip is decorated with a red band. No. 244 (Fig. 3.13:30) has a rounded, everted lip and a hollowed underside. No. 311 may be a Mendean or Thassian example. It has a pointed evertedlip and a deep hollow in the underside, and should date to the 5th or 4th century BCE. 23 Thassian toe No. 312 has a rounded slightly everted lip with a shallow hollow in the underside. This toe can be compared to Histria 434 (Condurachi 1966: 485, Pl. 53:434). XVIII. Amphora handles A number of amphora handles have been recovered at Dor and several of them have features of interest. Four handle types can be distinguished (CC-FF). Handles are very difficult to date, as the shapes are consistent over long spans of time. Type CC is elliptical in shape and seven examples are to be found in this assemblage (Nos. 14, 33, 72, 126, 161 [Fig. 3.13:31-35], 243, 248). Three of these, Nos. 14, 161, and 243, can be identified as Chian by their cream colored slips and fabrics. No. 14 (Fig. 3.!3:31) has a glossy black to red vertical stripe embellishing the handle exterior, while No. 161 (Fig. 3.13:35) is decorated with a reddish brown zigzag stripe. Such painted decoration is used on Chian amphoras from the late 7th/early 6th century BCE onwards (Boardman and Hayes 1966: 136-37, Nos. 1414, 1415). No. 126 (Fig. 3.13:34) is slightly ribbed on the exterior. One large flat handle (No. !50, Fig. 3.13:36), Type DO, has been preserved. Two smaller flat handles (Nos. I 7 5, 18 5; Fig. 3.13:37-38) make up Type EE. The exterior of No. 185 , decorated in red paint and has a horizontal stripe across 1e handle's apex, with two vertical stripes descending from s center and framing the outer edges of the handle. The final handle form, Type FF, includes a single example fa double-rolled handle (No. 277; Fig. 3.13:39). It may be Koan handle, since the double-barrel is a typical Koan fealfe, but non-Koan double-barrelled handles do exist. 14 It oes not provide a key to dating the piece. :IX. Amphora body fragment , body sherd (No. 136; Fig. 3.13:40) with yellow slip that as been covered with a streaky application of paint varying com black to orange to red may have belonged to an 'SOS' mphora. This 'a Ia brosse' surface treatment is characterisic of the Attic 'SOS' type amphora in the 7th century BCE fhalmann 1977: 73-74, Pl. 6:6, No. 99; Karageorghis 1977: 2, Pl. 2: I, No.6). Such a technique is found on 6th century ICE examples from the Athenian Agora as well (Agora XII: 92,341, Pl. 64:1501-1503), and must be dated to a broad 'eriod of time, including both the 7th and 6th centuries ICE. CONCLUSIONS ~he relative numbers of East Greek and other Mediterratean imports found at Dor are indicative of general trade >atterns. Very little pottery from the Aegean was being brought into Dorduring the 7th century BCE. A single example of an Attic import and a small number of East Greek pieces probably arrived during the latter half of the century. The flow of pottery from East Greece steadily increases throughout the 6th century, with vases from Rhodes being imported early in the century, and pottery from Chios, and even Tocra, following. A marked increase in the quantity of Attic vases occurs in the second quarter of the 5th century BCE. In the 5th century there is continued trade with East Greece, although it is less vigorous than in the 6th century. Only a few examples of East Greek pottery from the 4th century BCE were present on the site, indicating that trade with this area of the Aegean had all but ceased. (See also discussion of Athenian imports in Chapter 4.) Summary of Dates of Selected Loci Area Phase Locus Date A A A A c 5 5b 6 617 6 18 27 32 33 4631 c 6a c 6b Late 6th-4th centuries BCE Latter half of 5th century BCE 6th century BCE Late 6th-5th centuries BCE Late 6th-third quarter of 4th centuries BCE 4651 Second half of 6th-5th centuries BCE 4668 6th-5th centuries BCE 99 CATALOGUE This catalogue includes the diagnostic material initially identified as East Greek from Areas A and C, with a few examples from Area B. All sherds and vases are arranged numerically according to locus. After each catalogue number is a brief identification of the piece, its type (if it forms part of a typology), and the registration number. In order to standardize descriptions of color, the Munsell Soil Color Charts (Baltimore 1975) have been used to record the colors of the fabric and paint. The most usual color for decoration is IOYR 3/l, very dark gray, referred to here simply as black. In several instances, the paint is streaky and varies from black to red. This appears to be the result of variations in the thickness of application -where the paint is thicker it is black, where thinner it is red. A uniform characteristic of this pottery is the presence of white limestone inclusions in the fabric. The following terminology is used in the catalogue: MPH refers to the maximum preserved height, D. stands for diameter, W. for width, and Th. for thickness. Bands are always horizontal, encircling the interior or exterior of the vessel. When neither interior or exterior is distinguished for the term slip, both are slipped. All measurements are given in meters. L18, Area AO, phase 5 I. Bowl rim frag. Type D. Reg. No. I 068/ I. MPH 0.034, D. rim ca. 0.24. Fine, soft fabric 2.5Y 7/2 light gray. Worn surfaces. Black band on exterior at rim. Another black band on interior below lip. 2. Table amphora/jug semi-flat bascfrag. Type K. Reg. No. I 067/2. MPH 0.053, D. base 0.09. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric I OYR 7/2 light gray, core 5YR 6/3 light reddish brown. Exterior slip I OYR 6/3 pale brown with a 5YR 4/2 dark reddish gray band on base and a blob of paint above band. Interior wet-smoothed with wheel ridgmg. 3. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. I 068/2. MPH 0.0245. Very fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown, core IOYR 711 light gray. Two bands on interior ranging in color from 2.5YR 3/2 dusky red to 2.5Y 3/0 very dark gray. 4. Amphoriskos shoulder frag. Reg. No. I 056/3. MPH 0.043. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior selfslipped. Exterior decorated with three black bands at juncture of neck with shoulder and two blobs below. Two bands beneath shoulder. Wheel ridging on interior. 5. Body frag. Reg. No. I 059/2. MPH 0.046. Closed vessel. Fine, semi-hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 1OYR 7/3 very pale brown. Exterior decorated with two glossy black bands. L27, Area AO, phase 5(1>?) 6. Bowl rim and body frag. Type A. Reg. No. I 096/ I. MPH 0.024, D. rim ca. 0.17. Very fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 5/6 red. Exterior slip I OYR 6/21ight brownish gray. Black band on exterior at rim continues over onto interior, forming band on interior as well. There is a second band on interior varying from black to I OR 4/3 weak red. 7. Jugletllekythos rim and neck frag. Reg. No. 1096/2. MPH 0.029, D. rim 0.04. Fine. semi-hard fabric 5YR 7/3 pink. Worn surfaces. Exterior slip I OYR 7/3 very pale brown. Black band 100 on exterior at rim continues over onto interior forming an interi( band. 8. Table amphora/jug rim frag. ('').Type J. Reg. No. 1098/1. MPH 0.044, D. rim 0. I I. Fine, semi-hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddi; yellow. Worn surfaces. 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown band on exterior< rim continues over onto interior forming an interior band. 9. Body and handle frag. Reg. No. 1086/1. MPH 0.03, W. handle 0.03, Th. handle 0.013. Closed vesse Semi-hard, semi-fine fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. \Vorn surfaces. Ext( riorslip I OYR 8/3 very pale brown. Vertical handle is painted blac on exterior, with paint continuing onto body above handle. L28, Area AO, phase 5 ( + 6?), disturbed I 0. Bowl rim and body frag. Type B I. Reg. No. I I 36/2. MPH 0.043, D. rim 0. I 5. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddis yellow. Exterior slip between 7.5YR 7/4 pink and 7.5YR 6/4 Iigt brown. Black band on exterior at rim continues over onto interio which is monochrome black. I I. Body frag. Reg. No. I 136/1. MPH 0.066. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddisi yellow. Worn surfaces. Exterior slip 2.5YR 8/2 white. Two band varying from black to I OYR 2/2 very dark brown on exterior. Sligh wheel ridging on interior. 12. Body frag. Type M. Reg. No. I I 36/3. MPH 0.05 I 5. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/4 pink Exterior slip 2.5Y 7/2lightgray. On exterior a wavy line with ban< below in I OYR 2/2 very dark brown. Slight wheel ridging on intc nor. I 3. Body frag. Type M. Reg. No. I I 36/4. MPH 0.04. Closed vessel (?). Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6 ligh red. Very worn exterior. Exterior slip 2.5YR 8/2 white. Extcrio: decorated with meander and two wavy lines in 7.5YR 5/6 strOll! brown. Interior slip I OYR 7/3 very pale brown. L32, Area AO, phase 6(a?/b?) 14. Amphora handle frag. Type CC. Reg. No. I I I 9/4. W. handle 0.0365. Th. handle 0.02 I. Semi-coarse, hard fabrir 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown. Slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Vertical stripr of paint ranging from 7.5YR 3/0 very dark gray to 2.5YR 3/6 darl red on handle is intersected by a horizontal stroke at base ofhandle. I 5. Jug (from L32 and L36). Reg. No. I I 50/8. H. 0.3 I. D. rim 0. I 05, D. base 0. I 0. Partially restored. Fine, hare fabric between I OR 6/8 light red and 2.5YR 6/8 light red. The deco· ration consists of a washy 7 .SYR 3/0 very dark gray band on exterior at rim that continues over onto interior forming an interiOI band. Seven vertical stripes on front shoulder, with the two central stripes merging, vary from dark gray to lOR 5/8 red. Three very dark gray bands decorate the upper body; at the back of the vase the lowest two merge. The band on the lower body and that on the base are I OR 5/8 red. The exterior of the vertical handle (W. handle 0.028. Th. handle 0.0 I) was probably all painted very dark gray. There are wheel marks on the body. L33a-b, Area AO, phase 6a (a), 6b (b) 16. Bowl rim handle and body frag. Type A. L33a, Reg. No. I I I 7/I. MPH 0.04. D. rim 0. I 8. Handle stub preserved (W. handle 0.0 I 5, Th. handle 0.01 1). Fine. hard fabric 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown. Exterior slip 7.5YR 6/2 pinkish gray. Black band below handle with second black band at rim, on exterior. Interior self-slipped. Black band on interior just below lip. 7. Bowl rim and body frag. Type B. L33a, Reg. No. 1116/4. MPH 0.028, D. rim 0.18. Very fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/8 light ed. Exterior slip 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior decorated with 2.5YR 6/6 light red band with a black band above, at rim, that ::mtinues over onto interior forming a washy band on interior. 1terior slip 2.5YR 5/6 red. Wheel marks on exterior. 8. Oinochoe rim frag. L33b, Reg. No. 1160/l. MPH 0.04. Fine, hard fabric lOYR 7/3 very pale brown. Worn Lirfaces. Exterior painted black. 9. Bowl rim and body frag. Type E. L33b, Reg. No. 1173/3. MPH 0.069, D. rim 0.24. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellW. Exterior slip SYR 6/6 reddish yellow. Band varying from lOR /4 weak red to 2.5YR 5/8 red on exterior at rim continues over nto interior to just below lip, with a second red band on interior. oterior slip 2.5YR 6/6 light red. 0. Bowl(?) rim frag. L33b, Reg. No. 1160/3. MPH 0.022, D. rim ca. 0.12. Semi-fine, soft fabric 5YR 6/2light live gray. Exterior band 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown at rim with black and below. Interior is monochrome black. I. Amphora rim and neck frag. Type Yl. L33b, Reg. No. 1146/2. MPH 0.069, D. rim 0.13. Handle stub preserved (W. handle 0.04, -h. handle 0.022). Semi-coarse, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yelJW. Wheel ridging on interior. .2. Amphora rim frag. Type U. L33b, Reg. No. 1146/l. MPH 0.036, D. rim 0.18. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4 ight brown. Evidence ofwet-smoothing. :3. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F2. L33b, Reg. No. 1172/2. MPH 0.013, D. base 0.05. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4 light 'rown. Self-slipped. Two black bands on interior. :4. Bowl ringed base frag. (two joining sherds, same vessel as 25). :ype F. L33b, Reg. No. 1174/5. MPH 0.022, D. base ca. 0.06. Fine, hard fabric 1OYR 6/3 pale W. handle 0.029, Th. handle 0.012. Vertical handle. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4 light brown. Black to 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown paint on exterior. Wet-smoothing on interior. 33. Amphora handle frag. Type CC. L33b, Reg. No. 1173/6. W. handle 0.033, Th. handle 0.012. Vertical handle. Semi-fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/4light reddish brown. Vertical black stripe down exterior. 34. Bowl body frag. L33b, Reg. No. 1173/8. MPH 0.044. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Selfslipped. Two 5YR 5/3 reddish brown bands on interior. Traces of red paint on exterior. 35. Body frag. L33b, Reg. No. 1173/5. MPH 0.04. Closed vessel. Fine, spongy fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior self-slipped. Streaky 2.5YR 4/8 red band on interior. 36. Body frag. L33a, Reg. No. 1117/6. MPH 0.039. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4 light brown. Exterior slip 7.5YR 5/2 brown. Streaky 5YR 3/2 dark reddish brown band (at point where stroke began and ended) on exterior. 37. Body frag. L33a, Reg. No. 1116/1. MPH 0.058. Closed vessel. Semi-fine, soft fabric IOYR 7/3 very pale brown. Worn surfaces. Exterior slip 2.5Y 7/2light gray. Two streaky 5YR 3/2 dark reddish brown bands on exterior. 38. Neck and shoulder frag. L33b, Reg. No. 1147. MPH 0.04. Closed vessel. Semi-fine, hard fabric IOYR 6/4light yellowish brown. Worn surfaces. 5YR 2.5/2 dark reddish brown band on exterior. 39. Body frag. L33a, Reg. No. 1117111. MPH 0.073. Open vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4 light brown. lOYR 3/l very dark gray paint on interior and exterior. Increasing thickness of sherd probably indicates that it is a fragment from near the base. Wheel ridging on interior. >rown. Self-slipped. Traces of three black bands on interior. The >aint has a distinctly metalhc quality. L34, Area AO, phase 5? :5. Bowl ringed base frag. (non-joining with 24). Type F. L33b, ~eg. No. 1174/1. 40. Jug/amphora(?) rim frag. Type M. Reg. No. 1137/3. MPH 0.06, D. rim? Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/4 pink. Worn surfaces. Exterior slip I OYR 7/3 pink. Black band at rim on exterior :6. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. L33b, Reg. No. 1160/2. MPH 0.015, D. base 0.08. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yetow. Self-slipped. Streaky band on interior varying from 5YR 3/2 lark reddish brown to 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown. with two horizontal wavy lines below, and a possible third line merging into the second. :7. Bowl ringed base frag. Type Fl. L33b, Reg. No. 1146/4. MPH 0.02, D. base ca. 0.07. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish rellow. Self-slipped. 2.5YR 5/6 red band on interior. 18. Amphora toe frag. L33b, Reg. No. 1126/4. MPH 0.08, D. base 0.028. Knobbed toe. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4light brown. The bottom of the base is pointed. 29. Amphora toe frag. L33a, Reg. No. 1109/2. MPH 0.045, D. base 0.051. Conical stump toe. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip lOR 7/3 very pale Jrown. The bottom has a shallow depression, forming the conical Jase. 30. Bowl handle frag. L33b, Reg. No. 1173/7. D. handle 0.0 12. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/4light reddish brown. 41. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 1137/4. MPH 0.029. Fine, hard fabric 5Y 6/4 light reddish brown; core 5Y 611 light gray/gray. Interior slip 5YR 5/4 reddish brown. Two 5YR 3/2 dark reddish brown bands on interior. L35, Area AO, phase 6(a?/b?) 42. Bowl rim frag. Type A. Reg. No. 1168/4. MPH 0.035, D. rim 0.18. Semi-fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown. Slip 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Two streaky, carelessly applied I OR 5/8 red bands on exterior. The upper band continues over rim and onto interior, forming an interior band with portions of another band below this. 43. Amphora rim frag. (two joining sherds). Type Yl. Reg. No. 1179/1. MPH 0.054, D. rim? Semi-coarse, spongy fabric 5Y 7/3 pale yel- Worn surfaces. Traces of black paint on upper and outer surfaces. low. Worn surfaces. Exterior self-slipped. Streaky black band on exterior and another above, coating all sides of the lip. On interior, 31. Handle frag. L33b, Reg. No. 1164/6. W. handle 0.0135, Th. handle 0.0 17. Horizontal handle. Fine, semi-hard fabric IOYR 7/4 very pale brown. Worn surfaces. Streaky 5YR 3/2 dark reddish brown paint on exterior surface. a black band at the lip. 32. Handle frag. L33b, Reg. No. 1164/2. brown. Curving black stripe on exterior. 44. Shallow ring base frag. (two joining sherds). Reg. No. 1168/2. MPH 0.042, D. base 0.07. Closed vessel. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip IOYR 8/4 very pale 101 L40b, Area AO, phase 7 +8 45. Body frag. Reg. No. 1191/1. MPH 0.047. Closed vesseL Fine, spongy fabric 5YR 6/3 pale olive. Worn surfaces. Three streaky black bands on exterior. Slight wheel ridging on interior. L45, Area AO, phase 7+8 (+ 6b??) 46. Amphora collar frag. Type T. Reg. No. !195/1. MPH 0.065, D. rim 0.11. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 7.5YR 6/4light brown. Top and exterior of rim (to just below rim) painted black to 2.5YR 4/6 red. Black dipinto on exterior just below rim. Slight wheel ridging on interior. 47. Body frag. Reg. No. 1197. MPH 0.07. Closed vesseL Semi-fine, spongy fabric IOYR 7/4 very pale brown. Two 7.5YR 4/2 brown/dark brown bands on exterior. Wheel ridging on interior. L46, Area AO, phase 7+8 48. Bowl rim and body frag. Type E. Reg. No. 1219/1. MPH 0.047, D. rim? Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Slip 2.5YR 6/6light red. Band on exterior at rim varies from 2.5YR 5/4 reddish brown to 2.5YR 5/4 dark reddish brown and continues up over rim forming a band on interior. 49. Amphora collar and handle frag. Type V. Reg. No. 1218/1. MPH 0.07, D. rim 0.17, W. handle 0.046, Th. handle 0.023. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6light red; core 2.5YR 5/0 gray. Slip 7.5YR 6/4light brown. Handle has a slight ridge along center of exterior. 50. Bodyfrag. Reg. No. 1218/3. MPH 0.062. Closed vesseL Fine, hard fabric between 5YR 7/4 pink and 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior decorated with three lines followed by two bands all in 2.5YR 4/6 red. Slight wheel ridging on interior. with a very washy black spiral emanating from the dot and risi" into a solid black band on the wall. 56. Bowl ringed base frag. Type Fl. Reg. No. 10047/3. MPH 0.04, D. base 0.06. Probably a bowl. Fine, hard fabric 5Y 6/4 light reddish brown. Self-slipped. 57. Table amphora/jug ringed base frag. Type L. Reg. N 10047/21. MPH 0.06, D. base 0.12. Semi-fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6lig red. Exterior slip between 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown and 5Y 6/6 reddish yellow. Band on exterior at juncture of base and bo< varies from black to washy 2.5YR 4/6 red. Wheel ridging on int rior. 58. Bowl handle frag. Reg. No. 10047/8. D. handle 0.008. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/2 pinkish gra Tapering stroke of black paint on exterior with small blob on int rior. 59. Body frag. Reg. No. 10047/4. MPH 0.073. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddi• yellow. Exterior self-slipped. Two 2.5YR 5/6 red bands on exterio Wheel ridging on interior. 60. Neck frag. (two joining sherds, one from LI002). Type Q. Re No. 10080. MPH 0.085. Closed vessel. Fine, semi-soft fabric I OYR 7/4 ve1 pale brown. Worn surfaces. Exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exteri< decorated with a washy I OYR 212 very dark brown vertical strii with approximately triangular leaf-shaped elements tapering 01 from both sides of stripe. A second, unadorned stripe curves awa from the leafed stripe. Wheel ridging on interior. LIOOS, Area AO, phase 8b?/9a? 61. Body (shoulder?) frag. (same vessel as 62). Reg. No. 10048/5 MPH 0.0??. Closed vessel. Fine, friable fabric 2.5YR 7/2 Jig! gray. Exterior decorated with two I OYR 2/2 very dark brow bands, the uppermost having two horizontal ridges runnin through it. Slight wheel ridging on interior. L47, Area AO, phase 8b?/9a? 51. Bowl rim frag. Type E. Reg. No. 1213. MPH 0.045, D. rim ca. 0.!8. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 616 reddish yellow. I OR 5/6 red band on exterior continues onto top of rim. Red band on interior as well, just below lip. 52. Lebes frag. Reg. No. 1235/4. MPH 0.075, D. rim ca. 0.22. Fine, semi-soft fabric IOYR 7/3 very pale brown. Exterior and interior painted black. Handle zone of exterior decorated with a register of 2. 5Y 712 light gray contiguous 'X'es, bounded above and below by bands of the same color. Round, upward looping, horizontal handle (D. handle 0.0125). L1007, Area AO, phase 9 ( +8?) 53. Bowl rim and handle frag. Type Bl. Reg. No. 10047/2. MPH 0.04, D. rim 0.13, D. handle 0.009. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/4light reddish brown. Self-slipped. Band varying from black to 7 .5YR 312 dark brown on exterior at rim continues over onto interior and forms a band on interior. 54. Bowl rim frag. Type El. Reg. No. 10080/6. MPH 0.034, D. rim 0.14. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. 2.5YR 5/6 red band on exterior at rim continues over onto interior, forming a band on interior. 55. Bowl ringed base frag. Type Fl. Reg. No. 10061/6. MPH 0.037, D. base 0.05. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6light red. Self-slipped. Interior decorated with black dot in center ofbottom, 102 L1009, Area AO, phase 5? 62. Shoulder frag. (same vessel as 61). Reg. No. !0067. MPH 0.057. Worn surfaces. Exterior decorated with three ver dark brown bands. A horizontal ridge runs through the uppermm band. There is a blob of paint below the bands. LIOIO, Area AO, phase 9(b?) 63. Body frag. Reg. No. I 0083/9. MPH 0.093. Closed vessel. Semi-fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 61 light red. Exterior slip between 7.5YR 7/6 and 7.5YR 6/6 both red dish yellow. Interior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior decorated wit a I OYR 212 very dark brown band. Slight wheel ridging on interior. L1167, Area AI, phase Sa 64. Body frag. Reg. No. 11540/6. MPH 0.029. Closed vessel. Fine, semi-soft fabric I OYR 8/6 yel low. Worn surfaces. Exterior slip I OYR 8/4 very pale brown. Exte rior decorated with a band and portions of two blobs in 2.5YR 41: weak red. Slight wheel ridging on interior. L1170, Area AI, phase Sb 65. Amphora rim frag. Type W. Reg. No. 11607/1. MPH 0.03, D. rim 0.14. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 red lish yellow. Slip 7 .5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. One groove on exterior ~elow rim at juncture with neck. rior 7.5R N 6 gray. Exterior of the base decorated with streaky black to lOR 4/6 red paint. Two small circular areas have no paint. L1183, Area Al, phase Sb? (+6a?/5c??) L1206, Area Al, phase 6(b?/c?) ,6. Amphora rim frag. Type W. Reg. No. 11696/5. MPH 0.03, D. rim 0.16. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 5YR 5/6 ·ellowish red. Slip 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. 76. Amphora toe. Reg. No. 1172417. MPH 0.035, D. base 0.072. Round, flattish toe. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 1OYR 7/4 very pale brown. Shallow circular depression (pockmark) on underside is slightly off-center. L1189, Area AI, phase 6 i7. Amphora rim frag. Type W. Reg. No. 1159217. MPH 0.039, D. rim 0.17. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 2.5YR 5/6 ed. Slip 1OYR 7/3 very pale brown. Two grooves on exterior below im at juncture with neck. Ll193, Area Al, phase Sb?/6?? i8. Amphora rim frag. Type Z. Reg. No. 11645/1. MPH 0.065, D. rim 0.14. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 2.5YR 5/6 ·ed; core 2.5YR 510 gray. Slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Slight wheel ridging m interior. i9. Strap handle frag. Reg. No. 11623111. W. handle 0.022, Th. handle 0.014. Horizontal handle. Fine, mrd fabric 1OYR 511 gray; core 1OYR 4/1 dark gray. Black paint m all surfaces. L1196a, Area Al, phase 6a?/5c?? (disturbed?) 70. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 11644/1. MPH 0.048. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 4/3 reddish brown. Interior ;lip 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown. Exterior has splashes of black )aint and wheel marks. Interior decorated with two streaky black Jands. (Fabric and interior decoration are identical to 87, but 70 s 0.002 thicker than 87 at same point in vessel.) L1197, Area AI, phase 6a/5c?? 71. Bowl handle frag. Reg. No. 1165117. D. handle 0.01. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/4 pink. Slip 7.5YR 8/4 pink. Exterior of handle painted 2.5YR 4/6 red. 72. Amphora handle frag. Type CC. Reg. No. 11664. W. handle 0.039, Th. handle 0.02. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 1OYR 6/3 pale brown; core exterior 2.5YR 4/0 dark gray, core interior 5YR 5/2 reddish gray. L1211, Area Al, phase 6(b?) 77. Amphora rim frag. Type V. Reg. No. 11700/2. MPH 0.04, D. rim 0.135. Semi-fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6light red. 78. Body frag. Reg. No. 11700111. MPH 0.031. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Worn surfaces. Three streaky bands varying from black to 2.5YR 4/6 red on exterior. 79. Shoulder and body frag. Type M. Reg. No. 11707/4. MPH 0.052. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 2.5YR 514 reddish brown. A wave-line bounded above and below by a band, in streaky black to 2.5YR 4/2 weak red, on exterior. 80. Shoulder and bodyfrag. Type M. Reg. No. 11715/1. MPH 0.075. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6light red. Self-slipped. Four streaky bands with an oblique stroke of paint merging into the second from the top (probably the beginning of a wave-line), varying from black to 1OR 5/6 red glossy paint. Wheel ridging on interior. L1216, Area Al, phase 6c 81. Low conical base frag. Reg. No. 11802110. D. base 0.06. Very fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Self-slipped. Underside of base has a fine, almost transparent, slightly metallic slip with traces of lOR 5/8 red paint. L1218, Area Al, phase 6b 82. Body frag. Reg. No. 11804/1. MPH 0.035. Closed vessel. Very fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior decorated with glossy black band with three parallel bands and a curving/oblique band, all in 5YR 5/4 reddish brown paint. Slight wheel ridging on interior. L1204, Area Al, phase 6b+c (fill), 6c (floor) 73. Bowl rim frag. Type E. Reg. No. 11675/5 (fill). MPH 0.04, D. rim 0.19. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6 light red. Self-slipped. Band on exterior at rim continued over onto interior and forms an interior band; there is another band below this on interior. The decoration is in a streaky, metallic black to 7 .5YR 4/4 weak red paint. 74. Rim frag. Reg. No. 11713 (floor). MPH 0.032, D. rim 0.18. Open vessel. Semi-fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Self-slipped. Decoration, in black paint, consists of a wavy line on outer face of rim, a band at juncture of rim and body on exterior with another band below this, and, on the interior, a band just below the rim. 75. Pedestal base frag. Reg. No. 11675/2. MPH 0.037, D. base 0.115. Open(?) vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow; core exterior 7.5R 4/4 weak red, core inte- L1220, Area Al, phase 6c 83. Rim frag. (drinking vessel). Reg. No. 11815/1. MPH 0.032, D. rim 0.18. Open vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Worn surfaces. Slip 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow. On exterior, portion of a blob with a second, smaller blob above it, and a band at the exterior that continues up over rim, forming a band on the interior. All in 2.5YR 4/6 red paint. L1221, Area Al, phase 6c 84. Bowl rim frag. Type C. Reg. No. 11826/4. MPH 0.024, D. rim 0.24. Semi-fine, hard fabric between 5YR 6/4light reddish brown and 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Band on exterior varies from black to 5YR 5/6 yellowish red. Interior band below lip is 5YR 4/2 dark reddish gray. 103 85. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 11908/2. MPH 0.04. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yeilow. Exterior self-slipped. Interior slip between 2.5YR 616 light red and 2.5YR 516 red. Band on interior I OR 518 red. L1225, Area Al, phase 6c L1241, Area Al, phase 8 96. Amphora rim and neck frag. Type V. Reg. No. 11927/7. MPH 0.05, D. rim 0.13. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yc low. Wet-smoothed surfaces. 97. Amphora rim and neck frag. Type V. Reg. No. 11927110. MPH 0.044, D. rim 0.14. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddi' yellow. Surfaces encrusted. 86. Table amphora/jug ringed base frag. Type L2. Reg. No. 11827/8. MPH 0.045, D. base 0.075. Semi-fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Worn surfaces. Exterior self-slipped. Black to 5YR 3/2 dark Self-slipped. Outer surfaces ofhandle and interior of vessel painte reddish brown paint on exterior at bottom of foot. black. 87. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 11827/2. MPH 0.034. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 5/3 reddish brown; core 5YR 5/1 gray. Interior slip 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown. Two black bands on interior. Wheel marks on exterior. L1235, Area AI, phase 7 (+8?) 88. Bowl rim frag. (same vessel as 89). Reg. No. 11831110. MPH 0.04, D. rim ca. 0.16. Fine, hard fabric between 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow and 7.5YR 6/4light brown. Self-slipped. lOR 5/8 red band on exterior at rim continues over onto interior lip. There is another red band on the interior, below the lip, that becomes streaky at the bottom, varying from black to 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown. 89. Bowl rim frag. (same vessel as 88). Reg. No. 11831/4. MPH 0.035. Interior coated with streaky black to reddish brown paint. 98. Bowl handle and body frag. Reg. No. 11929/5. D. handle 0.0095. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellm L1242b, Area Al, phase 7 or later 99. Askos. Reg. No. 11948. H. 0.159, D. spout 0.056, D. base 0.088, W. handle 0.021, Tl handle 0.009. Semi-fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/8light red. Worn an pitted surfaces on top of vase, and encrustation. Exterior sel slipped. Exterior decorated with 1OR 5/8 red paint including a ban at base, one at mid-belly, three bands on lower shoulder, and alon top and sides of handle; traces of a band on lip of spout also. Th vessel has a biconical body, wide spout, and ringed base. Ll243, Area A1, phase 8?+9? I 00. Table amphora/jug ringed base frag. Type Ll. Reg. Nc 11940/4. MPH 0.03, D. base 0.09. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 516 yellowisi red; core 2. 5Y 612 light brownish gray. Surfaces worn an• encrusted. 2. 5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown paint on exterior. Under L1236, Area AI, phase 6?+7? 90. Amphora rim, neck and handle stub frag. Type BB. Reg. No. 11896/1. MPH 0.047, D. rim 0.105, W. handle 0.018, Th. handle 0.034. Coarse, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yeilow. Handle has a 5YR 6/1 gray/light gray core. Evidence of wet-smoothing on exterior. Ll237a-b, Area AI, phase 7 (a), 8, disturbed (b) 91. Bowl rim frag. Type Bl. Li237b, Reg. No. 11905110. MPH 0.032, D. rim 0.15. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip lOR 5/6 red. Very washy black band on exterior at rim continues over lip and coats the interior. 92. Amphora collar frag. Type V. Ll237a, Reg. No. 11896/2. MPH 0.056, D. rim 0.13. Semi-coarse, hard fabric between 2.5YR 5/6 red and 2.5YR 4/6 red. Wet-smoothed exterior is lOYR 6/3 pale brown. 93. Bowl body frag. Ll237b, Reg. No. 1!905/14. MPH 0.043. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/8 light red. Interior slip 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Two black bands on interior. Wheel marks on exterior. 94. Body frag. Ll237b, Reg. No. 11903/1. MPH 0.046. Closed vessel. Semi-fine, spongy, friable fabric 2.5Y 7/2light gray. Exterior decorated with two 2.5Y 3/2 very dark grayish brown vertical stripes that partially merge. (94 and 95 are possibly from the same vessel; they have identical fabrics, thicknesses, and paint.) 95. Body frag. Ll237b, Reg. No. 11903/2. MPH 0.04. Closed vessel. Semi-fine, spongy, friable fabric 2.5Y 7/2light gray. Exterior decorated with two 2.5Y 3/2 very dark grayish brown bands. 104 side of base painted lOR 5/6 red. L1244, Area Al, phase 7 or later 101. Juglet (?)rim and handle frag. Reg. No. 11970. MPH 0.023, D. rim 0.08, W. handle 0.02, Th. handle 0.013 Semi-fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior and interio painted 1OR 3/4 dusky red to lOR 5/6 red. One side and interior o handle painted black. I 02. Amphora rim frag. Type V. Reg. No. 11970. MPH 0.044, D. rim 0.14. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 2.5YR 511 red. Exterior and interior wet-smoothed. Rough construction. 103. Trimmed ring base frag. Reg. No. 11970. MPH 0.028, D. base 0.052. Semi-fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/i light red. Exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Depression (trimmed out? in bottom of base is 0.011 deep with a diameter of0.025. 104. Bowl handle and body frag. Reg. No. 11970. MPH 0.028, D. handle 0.012. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddisr yellow. Exterior self-slipped. Exterior of handle and entire interim painted with a thick, glossy 2.5YR 4/6 red paint. 105. Jugloinochoe double-roll handle frag. Reg. No. 11970. W. handle 0.03, Th. handle 0.0 14. Semi-fine, hard fabric 5YR 5/3 reddish brown. Self-slipped. Exterior sides of handle and area of the joining of the two 'rolls' also painted black. This handle constructed from two separate rolls of clay. i~ I 06. Body frag. Reg. No. !1970. MPH 0.046. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric2.5YR 5/6 red. Exterior slip 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Streaky black band on exterior. L4301, Area Cl, phase 5 +topsoil 107. Bowl rim frag. Type E. Reg. No. 43026/1. MPH 0.052, D. rim 0.20. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yelow. Exterior self-slipped. Interior slip 2.5YR 6/6light red. 2.5YR ~/6 red decoration consists of a band on exterior at rim that continIes up along lip, and a band on interior just below lip. 108. Chian amphora collar frag. Type Tl. Reg. No. 43056/1. MPH 0.135, D. rim 0.16, W. handle 0.04, Th. handle 0.025. >emi-coarse, hard fabric between 5YR 616 reddish yellow and 5YR 5/6 yellowish red. Surfaces are heavily encrusted. L4317, Area Cl, phase 4 I 09. Bowl rim frag. (same vessel as II 0). Type C. Reg. No. 43216/2. MPH 0.035, D. rim ca. 0.25. Fine, semi-hard fabric 5YR 6/6 redjish yellow. Worn surfaces. Self-slipped. Band on exterior at rim :ontinuesjust over rim, with a second band just below lip on interior, both in streaky black to 2.5YR 4/6 red paint. 110. Bowl rim frag. (same vessel as 109). Type C. Reg. No. 43216/3. MPH0.029. L4318, Area Cl, phase Sb, disturbed Ill. Bowl rim and handle frag. Type AI. Reg. No. 43357/4. MPH 0.018, D. rim 0.10, D. handle 0.009. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Worn surfaces. Self-slipped. 2.5YR 5/6 red decoration on three-quarters of upper surface of handle, including roundish blobs at juncture of handle with body where brush hit handles while banding on body was being done; band on exterior at rim continues over lip and coats interior. Wheel marks on interior. 112. Bowl rim frag. Type Bl. Reg. No. 43307/8. MPH 0.024, D. rim 0.13. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 616 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Streaky black band on exterior at rim continues up over lip, forming a band on interior which varies from black to 2.5YR 4/6 red. 113. Bowl rim and body frag. Type B. Reg. No. 43122. MPH 0.042, D. rim 0.22. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Blackto 5YR 5/4 reddish brown bandon exterior at rim continues up over lip and merges with the black band below the lip on the interior; there is another black band on interior below. 114. Bowl rim and body frag. Type E. Reg. No. 43122. MPH 0.044, D. rim 0.22. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Slip 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Streaky black to I OR 516 red band on exterior at rim continues up over lip forming a band on interior with two more red bands below it. 115. Bowl rim frag. Type E. Reg. No. 43136/2. MPH 0.026, D. rim 0.16. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped. Interior slip 2. 5YR 6/6light red. Decoration in lOR 5/8 red paint consists of a band on exterior that continues over rim to just above point of carination on interior, with another interior band below. 116. Bowl rim and handle frag. Type E. Reg. No. 43307/4. MPH 0.021, D. rim 0.21, D. handle 0.025. Fine, soft fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Worn surfaces. Exterior and interior painted 2.5YR 4/6 red. 117. Bodyfrag. Reg. No. 43136/5. MPH 0.055. Closed vessel. Fine, semi-soft fabric 2.5Y 7/2light gray. Worn surfaces. Exterior self-slipped. Very washy black band on exterior. Wheel ridging on interior. L4321, Area Cl, phase 4?/5a? 118. Bowl rim and handle frag. Type AI. Reg. No. 43154/2. MPH 0.014, D. rimO.ll, D. handle 0.008. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 716 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Band on exterior at rim continues up over lip forming a band on interior, there is a second band on interior below this. Half of the upper surface of the handle is also painted, including roundish areas at area of juncture with body. All decoration is in a streaky black to 2.5YR 4/6 red paint. 119. Bowl rim frag. Type A. Reg. No. 43113/2. MPH 0.025, D. rim 0.21. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6light red. Self-slipped. IOR 5/8 red band on exterior at rim continues up over rim onto interior lip; there is another red band on the interior below this. 120. Bowl rim frag. Type A I. Reg. No. 43113117. MPH 0.03, D. rim 0.14. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Two 2.5YR 5/6 red bands on exterior. The second band is just below rim and continues up over lip, coating interior. 121. Bowl rim frag. Type Bl. Reg. No. 43113118. MPH 0.034, D. rim 0.15. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 616 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped. Interior slip 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Band on exterior at rim continues up over lip and forms a deep interior band, with a second interior band below, all in 2.5YR 516 red paint. 122. Plate rim frag. Reg. No. 43328. MPH 0.023, D. rim 0.20. Semi-fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Interior slip lOR 5/6 red. Exterior decorated with one black band below rim, another above it on the lower exterior edge of the rim, with two 1OR 4/4 weak red bands above this, on the rim. Contiguous to the top red band is a black band running around the top of the interior. 123. Table amphora/jug rim frag. (same vessel as 124, non-joining). Type J. Reg. No. 43113/8. MPH 0.05, D. rim 0.09. Fine, semi-soft fabric 2.5Y 8/2 white. Worn surfaces. 1OYR 312 very dark grayish brown band on exterior just below rim becomes washy on the rim, continues over the rim and forms a solid band around the top of interior. 124. Table amphora/jug rim and neck frag. (same vessel as 123, non-joining). Type J. Reg. No. 43113/9. MPH 0.021. 125. Bowl handlefrag. Reg. No. 43113/15. D. handle 0.0 II. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Black to lOR 4/4 weak red paint on nearly all of upper surface. 126. Amphora handle and bodyfrag. TypeCC. Reg. No. 43113/1. MPH 0.084, W. handle 0.04, Th. handle 0.02. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6light red. Encrusted surfaces. Exterior slip 5YR 6/4light reddish brown. Handle has shallow vertical ridges on exterior and at lower area of attachment; on exterior there is a thumb impression 0.0045 deep and 0.017 in diameter. Wheel ridging on interior. 127. Bodyfrag. Reg. No. 43113/6. MPH 0.026. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Two washy I OR 4/4 weak red bands on exterior. 128. Body frag. (same vessel as 129, non-joining). Type P. Reg. No. 43113/19. MPH 0.08. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior decorated with a black band followed by a contiguous 7.5YR 8/2 pinkish white band and a streaky black to 2.5YR 4/6 red band, with another pinkish white band below this. 129. Body frag. (same vessel as 128, non-joining). Type P. Reg. No. 43113/20. MPH 0.092. This fragment preserves a slightly lower portion of the vessel, revealing that below the second pinkish white band there is another streaky black to red band. 105 130. Body frag. Reg. No. 43127. MPH 0.072. Closed vessel. Fine, soft fabric 2.5YR 8/2 white. Worn surfaces. Exterior self-slipped and decorated with two black bands. Wheel ridging on interior. 131. Shoulderfrag. TypeS. Reg. No. 43113/21. MPH 0.052. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior slip IOYR 7/3 very pale brown. Portions of four vertical leaves or pendant tongues in 5YR 5/6 yellowish red, with lOR 3/4 dusky red vertical lines running down their centers, encircle the shoulder. A wavy horizontal yellowish red line emerges from the third leaf. L4338, Area Cl, phase 3h (/3a??) 141. Body frag. Reg. No. 43223/5. MPH 0.1 02. Closed vessel. Semi-fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 61 light red. Exterior decorated with two I OR 5/8 red bands. Wher ridging on interior. L4354 (floor), Area Cl, phase 3 142. Bowl body frag. (two joining sherds). Reg. No. 43322/3. MPH 0.056. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/61ight red. Self-slippec Two washy black bands on interior. Favissa, Area Cl - fragments probably belonging to L4321 132. Bowl rim frag. Type E. Reg. No. 43423/1. MPH 0.02, D. rim ca. 0.16. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped. A 2.5YR 4/6 red band on exterior at rim continues up over lip and coats interior. 133. Body frag. Reg. No. 43423/2. MPH 0.036. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 1OYR 7/3 very pale brown. Exterior self-slipped and decorated with four streaky black to 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown bands. 134. Body frag. Reg. No. 43423/3. MPH 0.041. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 5YR 6/4light reddish brown. Two lOR 4/6 red bands on exterior. 135. Body frag. Reg. No. 43423/4. MPH 0.084. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric2.5YR 5/6 red. Exterior self-slipped and decorated with one 1OR 5/8 red band. Wheel ridging on interior. L4620, Area C2, phase 5 143. Amphora rim frag. Type AA. Reg. No. 46245/1. MPH 0.08, D. rim 0.135. Semi-fine, hard fabric I OR 5/6 red. Sli] IOYR 7/3 very pale brown. 144. Amphora rim, neck and handle stub frag. Type Y. Reg. No 46295/2. MPH 0.095, D. rim 0.09, W. handle 0.047, Th. handle 0.019 Semi-coarse, semi-soft fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Slip 7.5YF 7/4 pink. Slight wheel ridging on interior. 145. Amphora collar frag. Type X. Reg. No. 46295/2. MPH 0.09, D. rim 0.115. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 2.5YR 5/t red. Slip I OYR 7/3 very pale brown. Interior wet-smoothed and hat slight wheel ridging. 146. Body frag. Reg. No. 46245/2. MPH 0.056. Open vessel. Fine, semi-hard fabric 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow. Slip I OYR 8/3 very pale brown. One washy black band on exterior. L4324 (fill), Area Cl, phase 4 136. Amphora body frag. Reg. No. 43116/2. MPH 0.045. Semi-coarse, hard fabric lOR 8/4 very pale brown. Exterior slip IOYR 8/6 yellow. The entire exterior is coated with a streaky application of paint that varies from black to 2.5YR 4/6 red, with much of the underlying slip showing through. L4325 (fill), Area Cl, phase 4 137. Bowl(?) body frag. Reg. No. 43144/1. MPH 0.055. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 4/2 dark reddish gray towards interior, and 5YR 514 reddish brown towards exterior. Exterior slip varies from 7.5YR 6/2 pinkish gray to a streaky black wash. Interior is slipped 7.5YR 5/2 brown and is decorated with two metallic 5YR 3/1 very dark gray bands. L4336, Area Cl, phase 5, disturbed 138. Body frag. Reg. No. 43289/5. MPH 0.023. Curving portion of an everted rim(?) from an open vessel. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6 light red. Interior and exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Streaky black band on exterior. 139. Chian amphora collar and handle frag. Type TI. Reg. No. 43177/1. MPH 0.07, D. rim 0.17, W. handle0.04, Th. handle 0.026. Semicoarse, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Surfaces heavily encrusted. 140. Body frag. Reg. No. 43249/ I. MPH 0.077. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown. Streaky black band and wheel marks on exterior. Slight wheel ridging on interior. 106 L4623, Area C2, phase S(b?) + 6??, disturbed?? 147. Amphora rim, neck and handle stub frag. Type Y. Reg. No. 46337/1. MPH 0.085, D. rim 0.11, W. handle 0.047, Th. handle 0.017. Semi-fine, hard fabric I OR 5/8 red. Exterior slip 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Wheel ridging on interior. Traces of burning on interior made after breakage. L4626a-c, Area C2, phase 5? (a), 5b?/6a? (h), 6 (c) 148. Amphora rim frag. Type V. L4626b?ic?, Reg. No. 46510/6. MPH 0.054, D. rim 0.135. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 2.5YR 5/6 red. Exterior slip 5YR 6/41ight reddish brown. 149. Bowl base frag. Type G. L4626b?/c?, Reg. No. 46510/5. MPH 0.011, D. base 0.055. The base is flat. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Slip 5YR 6/4light reddish brown. Interior decorated with 5YR 4/3 reddish brown circle in center of bottom, with black band above. 150. Amphora handle frag. Type DD. L4626b?/c?, Reg. No. 46402. W. handle 0.059, Th. handle 0.028. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 5YR 5/6 yellowish red. Slip 7.5YR 6/41ight brown. Traces ofburning, made after breakage. 151. Bowl body frag. L4626c, Reg. No. 46521/2. MPH 0.062. Near base. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow; core 7.5YR 6/2 pinkish gray. Interior slip 2.5YR 6/61ight red. Interior decorated with I OR 4/4 weak red band, with a black band below towards center of bowl, followed by a weak red line and another black band. L4627, Area C2, phase 5+6a 52. Jug/amphora rim and neck frag. Reg. No. 46406/1. MPH 0.075, D. rim 0.1 0. Semi-coarse, semi-soft fabric between YR 7/4 pink and 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown. Neck bulges lightly. 53. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. Reg. No. 46573/11. MPH 0.06, D. base 0.05. Fine, semi-soft fabric 7.5YR 6/4light •rown. Worn surfaces. Interior slip lOR 7/3 very pale brown. Two ;orn black bands on upper portion of interior. 54. Ladle/scoop handle frag. Reg. No. 46543/3. MPH 0.05, W. handle 0.035, Th. handle 0.016. Semi-coarse, emi-hard fabric 5YR 6/3 light reddish brown. Outer side painted OR 4/6 red, inner surface painted 5YR 8/4 pink. The centerofhanlle is slightly depressed. The area below handle dips down into a airly flat projection, of which only a small portion is preserved and uuld be the upper part of a shallow scoop or ladle. 55. Bowl ringed base frag. Reg. No. 46406/7. MPH 0.065. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior slip .OYR 8/3 very pale brown. Interior self-slipped. Worn surfaces. lhe exterior is painted over with a streaky application of paint that raries from 5YR 2.512 dark reddish brown on the upper edge, Jecoming so thin that the slip beneath can be seen, to a solid band )[dark reddish brown below, with a mostly uniform application of IOR 3/4dusky red. Below the rough band is a series of fine, approxinately horizontal branches in a thin 5YR 7/2 pinkish gray paint. \bove and to the right of the upper branches are eleven dots of 7.5YR 8/2 pinkish white paint, three above the band, four on it, md four below the band. Another pinkish white dot occurs below md adjacent to the fourth branch. A pinkish white semi-circle is >laced below the band and above the first branch. !56. Shoulder frag. Type N. Reg. No. 46424/5. MPH 0.043. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 2.5Y 7/4 pale yellow. Self-slipped. Exterior decorated with a streaky zigzag and a band below, in I OYR 3/3 dark brown. Slight wheel ridging on interior and wheel marks on exterior. 157. Body frag. Reg. No. 46424/12. MPH 0.052. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric !OYR 7/3 very pale brown. Exterior slip lOYR 7/2 light gray. Washy IOYR 3/3 dark brown band on exterior. !58. Body frag. Reg. No. 46573/4. MPH 0.026. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Three !OR 4/6 red bands on exterior. Slight wheel ridging on interior. L4631, Area C2, phase 6 162. Flat base frag. Reg. No. 46414/1. MPH 0.024, D. base 0.044. Probably a closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/2 pinkish gray. Slip 7.5YR 4/2 brown/dark brown. Wheel ridging on interior. String-cut marks on bottom of base. 163. Handle frag. Reg. No. 46517111. W. handle 0.02, Th. handle 0.014. Vertical handle. Fine, hard fabric IOYR 7/4 very pale brown. Streaky 5YR 3/3 dark reddish brown paint on two-thirds of outer surface. 164. Handle frag. Reg. No. 46415/1. W. handle 0.021, Th. handle 0.014. Vertical handle. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Slip lOYR 7/4 very pale brown. Worn surfaces. Outer side painted 7.5YR 3/6 dark red. I65. Body frag. Reg. No. 46414/6. MPH 0.03. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric lOYR 7/4 very pale brown. Self-slipped. I OYR 6/3 pale brown band on exterior. 166. Body frag. Reg. No. 46576/3. MPH 0.065. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 5/4 reddish brown. Exterior slip 7.5YR 6/4 light brown. Streaky 2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown band on exterior. Wheel ridging on interior. L4632, Area C2, phase 5 167. Shoulder frag. TypeR. Reg. No. 46535/4. MPH 0.062. Closed vessel. Fine, semi-soft fabric !OYR 7/3 very pale brown. Worn surfaces. Shoulder decorated with five and one half scallops, with two bands below, all in black. L4651a-b, Area C2, phase 6a (a), 6b (b) 168. Tableamphora/jugrim frag. Type I. L4651a, Reg. No. 46584. MPH 0.043, D. rim 0.105. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 616 reddish yellow to 5YR 7/1 light gray. Interior slip lOYR 6/2 light brownish gray. Exterior coated with 7.5YR 4/2 brown/dark brown paint that continues up over rim and forms an interior band. 169. Bowl rim and handle frag. (two joining sherds). Type A. 1.4651 b, Reg. No. 46635/8-9. MPH 0.07, D. rim 0.17, D. handle 0.01. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Slip 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Decoration in streaky black to 2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown paint; on exterior one band below handle and one band above handle that continues up over rim and forms a band on the interior, with two additional interior bands below. Upper surface of handle is also painted. 159. Shoulder and neck frag. Reg. No. 46573/6. MPH 0.06. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior painted between 7.5YR 5/6 and 7.5R 4/6 red, with a IOYR 8/4 very pale brown band at the juncture of shoulder and neck. Slight wheel ridging on interior. 170. Bowl rim frag. Type E. L4651a, Reg. No. 46569/5. MPH 0.037, D. rim ca. 0.18. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. 2.5YR 5/6 red band on exterior at rim continues up over lip forming band on interior. 160. Body frag. Reg. No. 46573/7. MPH 0.043. Closed vessel. Fine, semi-hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior decorated with a jagged stroke of washy !OR 4/6 red paint. L4653, Area C2, phase 6b L4630a, Area C2, phase 6a 161. Amphora handle frag. Type CC. Reg. No. 46511/1. W. handle 0.036, Th. handle 0.023. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Slip 5YR 7/4 pink. A 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown stripe zigzags across the outer surface and continues over onto back. Traces of burning, made after breakage. 171. Amphora toe. Reg. No. 46542. MPH 6.3, D. base 0.065. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Slight depression in bottom of toe. Interior has finger-swirl marks. L4660, Area C2, phase 6a 172. Amphora rim frag. Type V. Reg. No. 46637/3. MPH 0.078, D. rim 0.12. Semi-coarse, semi-soft fabric lOR 5/6 red. Exterior slip 5YR 7/4 pink. Worn surfaces. 107 L4661, Area C2, phase 6a 173. Mortarium rim frag. Reg. No. 46589111. MPH 0.048, D. rim 0.30. Semi-fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Slip 7.5YR 614 light brown. Interior and top of rim decorated with 2.5Y 8/2 white stripes. 174. Handle and body frag. Reg. No. 46589/8. MPH 0.03, W. handle 0.018, Th. handle 0.015. Vertical handle. Fine, hard fabric 1OYR 8/4 very pale brown. Exterior self-slipped. Stripe along top of handle in 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown. Slight wheel ridging on interior of body. 175. Amphora handle frag. Type EE. Reg. No. 46585/4. W. handle 0.042. Th. handle 0.02. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 5YR 616 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. 176. Body frag. Reg. No. 46581/1. MPH 0.064. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped. Streaky black band on exterior. Wheel ridging on interior. 177. Body frag. Reg. No. 46581/2. MPH 0.031. Closed vessel. Fine, semi-hard fabric 7.5YR 616 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped, and decorated with an uneven band(?) with blob fringes, and two additional bands, in lOR 4/6 red. Slight wheel ridging on interior. L4663, Area C2, phase 6(b?/a??) 178. Shoulder frag. TypeR. Reg. No. 46649/1. MPH 0.058. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 5YR 716 reddish yellow. Worn surfaces. Exterior decorated with a register of scallops, bounded above and below by a band, in I OR 3/2 very dark grayish brown. 179. Body frag. Reg. No. 46649/2. MPH 0.043. Closed vessel. Fine, soft fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Worn surfaces. Two exterior bands in lOR 3/2 very dark gray- ish brown. faces very worn. Horizontal stripe across apex of handle, with tw vertical lines emanating from its center and arching along edges a outer surface, in lOR 4/6 red paint. 186. Shoulder frag. Reg. No. 46629/3. MPH 0.032. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink Exterior slip I OYR 8/4 very pale brown. Band of lOR 4/6 red pain at juncture of shoulder and neck. 187. Body frag. Reg. No. 46629/4. MPH 0.031. Closed vessel. Fine, semi-soft fabric 2.5Y 7/4 pal< yellow. Exterior self-slipped. Washy 7 .5YR 3/2 dark brown ban< on exterior. 188. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 46643/8. MPH 0.03. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/4light reddish brown. Self slipped. On interior, !OR 4/6 red band with a 2.5YR 2.5/2 vef] dusky red band below. 189. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 46643/4. MPH 0.032. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 616 reddish yellow. Self slipped. lOR 4/6 red band on interior with a narrow red ban( below. Poor construction. 190. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 46610/4. MPH 0.042. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 616 reddish yellow. Selfslipped. Two washy 5YR 3/2 dark reddish brown to black bands on exterior. L4668, Area C2, phase 6b 191. Bowl rim and handle frag. Type Al. Reg. No. 46693. MPH 0.03, D. rim 0.13, W. handleO.O!, Th. handle 0.007. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Black band on exterior at rim continues up over lip, forming a band on interior, with a second band below on interior. Upper surface of handle painted black. 192. Bowl rim frag. Type C. Reg. No. 46680/3. MPH 0.017, D. rim 0.22. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish L4665, Area C2, phase 6 (h?/a??) 180. Body frag. (Tocra ware). Type 0. Reg. No. 46603/3. MPH 0.055. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 5/8 red. Exterior slip between 7.5YR 7/4 pink and 7.5YR 6/4light brown. Exterior decorated with a series of three 7.5YR 8/2 pinkish white narrow bands which frame two lOR 4/6 red bands. L4666, Area C2, phase 6b 181. Bowl rim frag. Type B. Reg. No. 46617116. MPH 0.034, D. rim ? Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 5/8 red. Exterior self-slipped. Streaky, glossy !OR 4/6 red to black band on exterior at rim continues up over lip and coats interior. 182. Bowl rim frag. Type C. Reg. No. 4662919. MPH 0.062, D. rim 0.24. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 616 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Band on exterior at rim continues up over lip, forming band on interior (the paint is worn off the interior lip), with a second band on the interior below; all in 2.5YR 4/8 red. 183. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. Reg. No. 46607/12. MPH 0.09, D. base 0.05. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/4light reddish brown. Interior painted black. 184. Bowl ringed base frag. Type Fl. Reg. No. 46617/11. MPH 0.66, D. base 0.11. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Two washy 2.5YR 416 red bands on interior. 185. Amphora handle frag. Type EE. Reg. No. 46636/1. 108 MPH 0.09, W. handle 0.04, Th. handle 0.015. Semi-coarse, fri2 ble fabric 2.5YR 5/6 red. Slip 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown. Sm yellow. Exterior band at rim varies from black to 7.5R 4/6 strong brown, and continues up, forming a band on lip. Below lip, on inte- rior, is a 2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown band. 193. Bowl rim frag. Type E. Reg. No. 46628/4. MPH 0.035, D. rim 0.22. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/4 pink. Selfslipped. Decoration between 2.5YR 6/4 light reddish brown and 2.5YR 5/6 red, consists of a band on exterior at rim that continues up over lip, forming a band on interior, with a second band below on interior. 194. Bowl rim frag. Type El. Reg. No. 46614/5. MPH 0.044, D. rim ca. 0.14. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped, interior slip 2.5YR 6/6light red. Band around rim overlaps onto both interior and exterior, with another band on interior, all in 2.5YR 3/6 dark red. 195. Bowl rim trag. Type C. Reg. No. 46609/13. MPH 0.067, D. rim 0.18. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Band on exterior at rim continues up onto interior lip; interior is decorated with two more bands, all in 5YR 4/3 reddish brown. 196. Bowl rim frag. Type C. Reg. No. 46679/2. MPH 0.067, D. rim 0.22. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Band around rim overlaps onto both interior and exterior, with two additional bands on interior, in 2.5YR 4/8 red paint. Finger marks on exterior. 197. Bowl ringed base frag. (two joining sherds). Type Fl. Reg. No. 46693/24. MPH 0.037, D. base 0.065. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/4light redLish brown. Self-slipped. On interior, two adjacent bands merge in 1reas, and there is a third band below, all in 5YR 411 dark gray mint. Wheel marks on underside of base and on exterior. riorslip between 2.5YR 6/6light red and 2.5YR 5/4 reddish brown. Washy band on exterior that varies from black to lOR 3/6 dark red. Wheel ridging on interior. .98. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. Reg. No. 46627/7. MPH 0.021, D. base0.06. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yelow. Self-slipped. Bottom of interior decorated with two streaky Jands in 2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown paint. L4671a, Area C2, phase 6?/7? 199. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. Reg. No. 46609114. MPH 0.05, D. base 0.07. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yelow. Exterior self-slipped. Interior slip 7.5YR 6/2 pinkish gray. On :xterior, blob of black paint with a band below. 100. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. Reg. No. 4662R/3. MPH 0.043, D. base 0.075. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish ;ellow. Exterior self-slipped. Interior slip 7.5YR 6/2 pinkish gray. fwo black bands on interior. Wheel marks on exterior. ZO!. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. Reg. No. 46614/3. MPH 0.05, D. base 0.10. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped. Interior slip 5YR 5/6 yellowish red. Wheel marks on exterior. 202. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. Reg. No. 46628/6. MPH 0.021, D. base 0.10. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown. Slip 7.5YR 4/2 brown/dark brown. Two parallel horizontal incised lines on exterior. Black band on interior. 211. Lekythos shoulder frag. (three joining sherds, same vessel as 212). Reg. No. 46624/6. MPH 0.015, D. shoulder 0.06. Very fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip lOYR 8/4 very pale brown. One row of glossy black (especially at ends where there is a concentration of paint) to 2.5YR 4/8 red rays encircle shoulder, with a second row of rays above, going up neck, in black. 212. Lckythos body frag. (same vessel as 211). MPH 0.018. Very fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip IOYR 8/4 very pale brown. Decoration indicates sherd is from area just below shoulder. Decorated with a cross-hatched band (four horizontal lines, eleven vertical lines preserved), and horizontal line above, in a streaky, glossy paint that varies from black to 2.5YR 3/6 dark red. L4672, Area C2, phase 6b 203. Table amphora/jug ringed base frag. Type L. Reg. No. 46632111. MPH 0.064, D. base 0.13. Semi-fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped. At juncture of body with base a band of washy 2. 5YR 3/6 dark red paint. Wheel ridging on interior. 213. Bowl rim frag. (kylix?). Reg. No. 46656/3. MPH 0.043, D. rim ca. 0.15. Very fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4 light brown. Slip 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Rim slightly inset from body, and is painted with a band that continues up over lip and coats interior. On exterior, below rim, is a vegetal motifhaving two fine stems with flanking dots along each and sporadic leaves along stems. All in a glossy metallic paint between 2.5YR 4/6 red and 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. 204. Handle frag. Reg. No. 46693/22. MPH 0.044, W. handle 0.011, Th. handle 0.006. Vertical handle. Possibly a cup handle. Fine, semi-soft fabric lOYR 8/3 very pale brown. Worn surfaces. Traces of 1OYR 3/2 very dark grayish brown paint overall. 214. Bowl rim and handle frag. Type Al. Reg. No. 46687/9. MPH 0.022, D. rim ca. 0.12, D. handle 0.008. Fine, hard fabric SYR 6/4light reddish brown. Band on exterior at rim continues up over lip and coats interior; top of handle painted also, all in SYR 4/2 dark reddish gray. 205. Body and handle frag. Reg. No. 46693/23. MPH 0.042, W. handle 0.016, Th. handle 0.0 13. Vertical handle. Open vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7. 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Slip lOYR 8/2 white. Worn surfaces. Band above attachment of handle to body and a vertical stripe running down exterior ofhandle, in SYR 3/4 dark reddish brown paint. 215. Bowl rim and handle frag. Type A 1. Reg. No. 46694/10. MPH 0.028, D. rim 0.15, D. handle 0.01. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4light brown. Black band on exterior at rim continues up over lip and coats interior. Upper surface of handle also painted black. 206. Handle frag. Reg. No. 46706/7. W. handle 0.016, Th. handle 0.011. Vertical handle. Fine, semihard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Traces of5YR 2.5/2 dark reddish brown paint overall. 216. Bowl rim and handle frag. Type Al. Reg. No. 46703/8. MPH 0.017, D. rim ca. 0.13, D. handle 0.009. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4light brown. 7.5YR 4/2 brown/dark brown bandon exterior at rim and coating top of handle. Interior decorated with a black band. 207. Shoulder frag. TypeR. Reg. No. 46609/3. MPH 0.082. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. A vertical stripe next to a register of seven scallops in 2.5YR 4/8 red on exterior, with traces of a band below scallops. 217. Oinochoe rim frag. Reg. No. 4666111. MPH 0.082, D. rim? Spout spans 0.045. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 616 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. 2.5YR 4/6 red band on exterior at rim continues onto lip. Rim sloppily formed by the joining of a separate piece of clay. Wheel ridging on interior. 208. Body frag. Reg. No. 46693/8. MPH 0.027. Closed vessel. Fine, soft fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior self-slipped. Two 5YR 3/2 dark reddish brown bands on exterior. 218. Bowl rim frag. Type C. Reg. No. 46708/3. MPH 0.041, D. rim? Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Band on exterior at rim continues up over lip on to interior, becoming very streaky below interior lip, varying from 2.5YR 4/8 red to black. 209. Shoulder frag. Type M. Reg. No. 46702. MPH 0.056. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric between 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow and 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped, and decorated with a squarish, thick-bottomed, open loop, bounded above and below by a band, in 5YR 3/2 dark reddish brown paint. 210. Body frag. Reg. No. 46693/21. MPH 0.044. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 5/8 red. Exte- 219. Bowl rim frag. Type C. Reg. No. 46650/8. MPH 0.06, D. rim 0.23. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Band of2.5YR 4/8 red on exterior at rim continues up over lip and forms a band on interior. 220. Amphora rim frag. Type V. Reg. No. 46728/11. MPH 0.059, D. rim ca. 0.15. Semi-coarse, semi-hard fabric 2.5YR 5/6 red. Slip lOYR 7/3 very pale brown. 109 221. Ringed base frag. Reg. No. 46723/8. MPH 0.022, D. base ca. 0.1 0. Open vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/3 light reddish brown. Worn surfaces. Exterior, interior, and underside of base coated with black to 2.5YR 4/6 red paint. 222. Table amphora/jug ringed base frag. Type L. Reg. No. 4666!/5. MPH 0.032, D. base 0.11. Fine, semi-soft fabric 2.5YR 6/61ight red. Exterior slip 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Band of !OR 4/6 red paint at juncture of body with base. Wheel marks on exterior. 223. Table amphora/jug ringed base frag. Type L. Reg. No. 46638/2. MPH 0.053, D. base 0.11. Closed vessel. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip between 5YR 6/6 and 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown. Washy 2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown to black band on exterior at lower edge of body and base. Wheel ridging on interior. 224. Shoulder and body frag. Reg. No. 46728/6. MPH 0.138. Closed vessel. Fine, semi-soft fabric between I OYR 716 yellow and 2.5Y 712 light gray. Very worn surfaces. Exterior self-slipped. Upper portion of exterior has one or two carelessly executed bands, while lower edge of shoulder has two bands, all in black to 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown paint. Wheel ridging on interior. 225. Lekythos body frag. Reg. No. 46666. MPH 0.53, D. body 0.06. Very fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip I OYR 8/4 very pale brown. Decoration in glossy paint. Narrow black band on upper edge with a contiguous I OR 4/6 red band below, followed by a meander with two more narrow bands below, all in the same red paint. Below this, is a rectangular cross-hatched area (four horizontal lines, with twelve vertical lines preserved), followed by a black band from which stems a pendant palmette with sixteen leaves. The stems and outer edges of the leaves are red while the tips of the leaves are black (where there is a concentration of paint). Wheel ridging on interior. 226. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 46722/7. MPH 0.026. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/61ight red. Exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Interior self-slipped. Two bands on exterior vary from I OR 5/6 red to 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown. 227. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 46661/3. MPH 0.024. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/4 pink. Slip 5YR 6/41ight reddish brown. Two 2.5YR 4/6 red bands on interior. 228. Body frag. Reg. No. 46639/2. MPH 0.065. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior decorated with two 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown bands and one 2.5YR 6/8 light red band. L4675, Area C2, phase 6b 229. Bowl rim frag. (same vessel as 230, non-joining). Type A. Reg. No. 46711/2. MPH 0.038, D. rim 0.18. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/8 light red; core 5Y 5/1 gray. Exterior self-slipped. Interior slip 2.5YR 6/61ight red. Exterior band at rim continues up over lip, forming band on interior; second interior band is 2.5YR 4/6 red. 230. Bowl rim frag. (same vessel as 229, non-joining). Type A. Reg. No. 4671113. MPH 0.04. 231. Bowl body frag. (three joining sherds, possibly same vessel as 229-30). Reg. Nos. 46714/7-9. MPH 0.05. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/8 light red. Exterior selfslipped. Interior slip 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Two 2.5YR 4/6 red bands on interior. 110 232. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 46714/11. MPH 0.057. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Sel slipped. Two washy 2.5YR 4/8 red bands on interior. Wheel marl on exterior. L4678, Area C2, phase 6?17? 233. Deep bowl rim and body frag. (four joining sherds). Reg. No: 46727/2, 4672716, 46727/8, 46727/9. MPH 0.123, D. rim ca. 0.18. Semi-fine, semi-soft fabric lOY! 714 very pale brown. Worn surfaces. Exterior slip 5YR 6/41ight rec dish brown to 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Middle of exterior painte' with a washy band from which emanates an outlined bud, with tw solidly painted leaves on either side, all in 7. 5YR 8/2 pinkish whitf Below the band is a contiguous 5YR 4/3 reddish hrown band an1 a vertical stripe continuing down the pot. Interior coated witl 7.5YR 4/2 brown/dark brown paint. 234. Body frag. Reg. No. 45727110. MPH 0.038. Closed vessel. Fine, soft fabric IOYR 7/4 very pal brown. Exterior painted with two bands in I OYR 3/2 very darl brown paint. Wheel ridging on interior. L4721, Area Cl, phase 2-8 235. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. Reg. No. 47136/7. MPH 0.03, D. base 0.05. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddisl yellow. White limestone inclusions up to 0.001 in size and som1 micaceous particles. Self-slipped. Two streaky 7.5YR 3/2 dar! brown bands on interior, with traces of a third. The lowest pre served band has a patch of paint with blobs above and below it Chaff-dung voids and some spalling on exterior. 236. Bowl handle frag. Reg. No. 47136/8. D. handle 0.0065-0.008. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4 ligh brown. White limestone inclusions less than 0.0005 in size, blacl grits, and some micaceous particles. Upper surface decorated witl a streaky I OYR 3/1-4/2 very dark gray to dark grayish brown paint which drips onto the underside. L4727, Area Cl, phase 2-8, unsealed 237. Bowl rim frag. Reg. No. 47211/11. MPH 0.019, D. rim 0.14. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/4 Iighl brown. White limestone inclusions up to 0.0005 in size, black grit~ up to 0.001 in size, and microscopic micaceous particles. Minute traces of glossy 5YR 5/8 yellowish red paint on top of rim. 238. Plate/shallow dish rim and body frag. Reg. No. 4721115. MPH 0.012, D. rim 0.15. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. White limestone inclusions less than 0.0005 in size and fine sand. Interior monochrome matte painted 2.5YR 4/8 red, continues over lip and forms an uneven band on the exterior with splatters of paint on the lower body. Wheel marks on interior and exterior. 239. Bowl rim frag. Reg. No. 4 7150/10. MPH 0.018, D. rim 0.14. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/81ight red. Some micaceous particles and microscopic black and white inclusions. Interior and exterior painted monochrome glossy 2.5YR 5/8 red. Exterior is polished; both surfaces have an irridescent appearance. Wheel marks on interior. 240. Bowl rim frag. Reg. No. 4 7211/6. MPH 0.015, D. rim 0.24. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 8/6 reddish yellow. Occasional white limestone inclusions up to 0.0005 in size and fine black grits. Possible chaff-dung voids in core. Interior and exterior painted monochrome glossy 2.5YR 5/8 red. Exterior polished. Wheel marks on interior. !41. Bowl body frag. Reg. No. 47211/12. MPH 0.013. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self,Iipped. White limestone inclusions up to 0.0005 in size and some nicroscopic micaceous particles. Interior decorated with two >ands in matte 2.5YR 4/8 red paint. Chaff-dung voids and some :palling on both surfaces. Wheel marks on exterior. !42. Table amphora/jug rim, neck, and handle frag. Reg. No. 17150/15. MPH 0.06, D. rim 0.10, W. handle 0.0255, Th. handle 0.095. 0 ine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. White limestone (?) nclusions up to 0.0015 in size, fine sand and microscopic nicaceous particles. Exterior slip l OYR 8/4 very pale brown. Exte·ior surfaces worn, but decorated with two vertical 'hooked' lines ;vith band on rim exterior that continues over lip to form a band m the interior, all in l OYR 3/2 very dark grayish brown paint. The ;tub of one elliptical handle is preserved. Some spalling on exterior. L4713, Area Cl, phase lb, unsealed 243. Amphora handle frag. Reg. No.4 7050/ I. MPH 0.157, W. handle 0.037, Th. handle 0.0225. Semi-fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6light red. Very micaceous fabric with white limestone inclusions up to 0.001 in size and black grits. Exterior ;lip 2.5Y 8/2 white. Slight wheel ridging on vessel interior. L4746, Area Cl, phase 2-8 244. Amphora toe. Reg. No. 47267. MPH 0.073, D. base 0.0565. Flaring, conical toe. Semi-fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Very micaceous fabric with some white limestone inclusions up to 0.001 in size and black grits. Exterior slip IOYR 8/4 very pale brown. The conical depression on the underside of the toe is ca. 0.09 deep and ca. 0.026 at its widest diameter. Deep wheel ridging on interior. MPH 0.147, W. handle 0.04, Th. handle 0.03. Semi-fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 5/6 strong brown. White limestone(?) inclusions up to 0. 0015 in size, 'sand,' and microscopic micaceous particles. Exterior slip 7.5YR 6/41ight brown. L4803, Area Cl, phase 4c 249. Handle frag. Reg. No. 48010/5. D. handle 0.026 (span of handle ca. 0.087). Horizontal handle. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Entire surface painted 2.5YR 5/6 red, with a stroke of 5YR 3/2 dark reddish brown paint on one side. L4804a-b, Area Cl, phase 4a?/3c?? (a), later than 2 (b) 250. Bowl/cup rim frag. L4804a, Reg. No. 48029/13. MPH 0.04, D. rim 0.10. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Interior self-slipped. 0.025 below rim is an everted ridge running around exterior. Above the ridge is a band of 7.5YR 7/2 pinkish gray paint with a contiguous band of streaky 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown paint above, and a stroke of5YR 3/2 dark reddish brown paint that runs over lip just onto interior. 251. Juglet/lekythos rim and neck frag. L4804b, Reg. No. 48146/3. MPH 0.028, D. rim 0.04. Fine, semi-spongy fabric lOYR 7/3 very pale brown. Exterior coated with worn black paint. 252. Body frag. L4804b, Reg. No. 48146/4. MPH 0.038. Probably an open vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior slip lOYR 7/3 very pale brown. Interior selfslipped. Exterior decorated with four horizontal bands that vary from 5YR 3/3 dark reddish brown to I OR 4/6 red. Two of the bands are intersected by a vertical stripe that varies from dark reddish brown on the edges to 2.5YR 4/6 red. L4810, Area Cl, phase 4c+5 L4751, Area Cl, phase later than 5 245. Shoulder frag. Reg. No. 47284/ll. MPH 0.034. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Very fine 'sand' inclusions. Exterior slip 7.5YR 614 light brown. Exterior decorated with one uneven band above the shoulder carination and one below, both in flaky 5YR 2.5/l black paint. Wheel marks on interior and exterior. L4752, Area Cl, phase 4c(/5a??) 246. Shoulder frag. Type M. Reg. No. 47292/1. MPH 0.031. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7. 5YR 6/4 light brown with a centered 7 .5YR 5/2 brown core. White limestone and angular, elongated black inclusions, both up to 0.0005 in size. Exterior slip 7 .SYR 5/4 brown. Exterior decorated with a wavy line between two bands in 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown paint. Wheel marks on interior, spalling on exterior. L4753, Area Cl, phase 4e 247. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. Reg. No. 47290. MPH 0.017, D. base 0.065. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 616 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. White limestone inclusions up to 0.002 in size, fine 'sand,' and some micaceous particles. The tondo is decorated with a dot in the center surrounded by two concentric bands (circles) in streaky 7.5YR 412'-312 brown to dark brown paint. 253. Table amphora/jug rim frag. Type J. Reg. No. 48083/2. MPH 0.025, D. rim 0.11. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Washy 5YR 4/4 reddish brown band on exterior at rim. Top of rim painted IOYR 8/3 very pale brown; on interior at rim is another reddish brown band. L4814, Area Cl, phase 4a 254. Amphoriskos shoulder frag. Reg. No. 48073/12. MPH 0.032, D. shoulder 0.08. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped, and decorated with three bands on upper shoulder and two bands below shoulder on upper body, all in !OR 3/6 dark red. L4815, Area Cl, phase 5 255. Bowl ringed base frag. Type Fl. Reg. No. 48091/2. MPH 0.02, D. base ca. 0.13. Fine, hard fabric lOR 6/llight gray/ gray. Slip 5YR 6/4 light reddish brown. Black band on interior. Wheel marks on exterior. 256. Body frag. Reg. No. 48091/6. MPH 0.056. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow; core IOYR 6/1 light gray/gray. Exterior slip l OYR 7/3 very pale brown. Three washy black bands decorate exterior. Slight wheel ridging on interior. L4816, Area Cl, phase later than 4 L4754, Area Cl, phase Sa 248. Amphora handle frag. Type CC. Reg. No. 47349/12. 257. Table amphora/jug rim frag. Type J. Reg. No. 48106/2. MPH 0.031, D. rim 0.11. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/4light reddish Ill brown. Self-slipped. Band varying from 2.5YR 4/6 red to I OR 3/6 dark red on exterior at rim continues up overrim,just onto interior. IA818, Area Cl, phase 4(c?) 258. Bowl rim frag. Type B. Reg. No. 48112/4. MPH 0.039, D. rim? Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Selfslipped. 5YR 6/1 gray/light gray area (from firing) on exterior with black band above at rim that continues up over lip, forming a band on interior, with two additional black bands on interior. 259. Bowl rim and handle frag. Type A. Reg. No. 48104/4. MPH 0.026, D. rim? D. handle 0.009. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 5/1 gray. On exterior, just above handle, is a black band that continues up over lip, forming an interior band, with a second black band on 267. Shoulder and handle root frag. (two joining sherds; same ve sel as 266). Reg. Nos. 4817311,48173/5. MPH 0.10, W. handle 0.048, Th. handle 0.014. Closed vesse Semi-coarse, hard fabric 5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior slip 7.5YR 71 pink. Streaky 1OR 4/6 red band at juncture of shoulder and necl Below point of handle attachment are two red bands with a 5Y 8/2 pinkish white adjacent band below. Two wide red strip< diverge from point of handle attachment. There is a squiggle ofre paint to the side of handle root. Slight wheel ridging on interior. L4838, Area C1, phase 4c 268. Amphora rim frag. Type V. Reg. No. 48328/8. MPH 0.057, D. rim 0.13. Semi-coarse, hard fabric 2.5YR 51 red. Exterior slip 7.5YR 6/4light brown. interior. Upper surface of handle also painted black. 260. Bowl rim frag. Type A. Reg. No. 48104/6. MPH 0.042, D. rim ca. 0.18. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior self-slipped. Interior slip 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Black band on exterior at rim continues over lip forming an interior band, with two additional black bands below on interior. L4824, Area Cl, phase 4b 261. Bowl ringed base frag. Type F. Reg. No. 48130/4. MPH 0.02, D. base 0.06. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 5/8 red. Slip 5YR 5/6 yellowish red. Interior decorated with a band on upper edge and at bottom of vessel, in 2.5YR 4/8 red paint. U829, Area Cl, phase 4b, disturbed? 262. Shoulder frag. Type M. Reg. No. 48138/1. MPH 0.06. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior slip 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow. Exterior decorated with a horizontal wave-line framed above and below by a band, all in streaky black to 2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown paint. L4830, Area Cl, phase 4(b?/c?) 263. Table amphora/jug rim frag. Type I. Reg. No. 48143. MPH 0.023, D. rim 0.10. Fine, soft, friable fabric I OYR 7/4 very pale brown. Worn surfaces. Interior slip I OYR 6/4light yellowish brown. Monochrome black coating on exterior continues just over nm. L4832, Area Cl, phase 4c 264. Bowl rim frag. Type Bl. Reg. No. 48154/1. MPH 0.05, D. rim 0.13. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Selfslipped. Metallic black paint on exterior at rim continues up over rim, forming a band on interior. Interior decorated with two addi- tional black bands. L4839, Area Cl, phase 6, disturbed? 269. Bowl rim frag. Type El. Reg. No. 48388/1. MPH 0.038, D. rim 0.14. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddisi yellow. Slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. 5YR 5/6 yellowish red paint on uppe edge of rim continues down into interior forming a band. 270. Bowl rim frag. Type A. Reg. No. 48331/1. MPH 0.04, D. rim ca. 0.22. Semi-fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 red dish yellow. Slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Worn surfaces. On exterior,: wavy, curving band is framed by a band above and below; the uppe band is at the rim and continues up over lip, coating the interior all in lOR 5/6 red paint. 271. Ringed base frag. Reg. No. 48388/5. MPH O.OI 5, D. base? Possibly open vessel. Fine, semi-softfabri• 5YR 7/2 pinkish gray. On exterior of base are three 7.5YR 3/2 dar! brown bands, with a fourth just above the base. The underside o the base is also painted dark brown. L4843, Area Cl, phase S(a?) 272. Cup/bowl rim frag. Reg. No. 48I84/4. MPH 0.027, D. rim 0.10. Very fine, soft fabric IOYR 8/3 vef) pale brown. Worn surfaces. Exterior painted 7.5YR 3/2 darl brown, the paint continues over rim and stops on interior of lip. L4844, Area Cl, pbase S(a?) 273. Lekythos body frag. Reg. No. 48199/2. MPH 0.056. Very fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/4light reddish brown. Worn surfaces. Exterior slip 1OYR 8/4 very pale brown. Exterior decoration in 5YR 3/2 dark reddish brown consists of crosshatched band (four horizontal lines, thirteen vertical lines pre- served) framed above and below by a band, with a meander on top. 274. Bowl ringed base frag. Type Fl. Reg. No. 48189/3. MPH 0.021, D. base 0.09. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Interior decorated with a band and a circle in the L4833, Area Cl, phase Sa ( +4c??) center of the base, with two blobs of paint between the band and circle, all in a streaky black to 2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown paint. 265. Bowl rim frag. Type C. Reg. No. 48 I 63. MPH 0.04, D. rim 0.18. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 616 reddish yellow. Exterior self-slipped and decorated with a 2.5YR 5/6 red band L4868, Area Cl, phase (2+3)?/4a? that continues up over rim and coats interior. 275. Bowl handle frag. Reg. No. 48383. D. handle 0.008. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. L4835, Area Cl, phase 4c Worn surfaces. Traces of 1OR 4/6 red paint on exterior, and evidence of burning after breakage. 266. Body frag. (same vessel as 267). Reg. No. 48173/8. MPH 0.032. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. On exterior, one band of I OR 5/6 red with an adjacent band of 7.5YR 8/2 pinkish white paint. L4872, Area Cl, phase 4a, unsealed 112 276. Bowl rim frag. Type D. Reg. No. 4834511. MPH 0.028, D. rim ca. 0.15. Fine, semi-soft fabric 7.5YR 7/4 nk. Worn surfaces. A band of washy 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown paint 1 exterior at rim continues over lip forming an interior band, with 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown band on the interior below lip. L4878, Area Cl, topsoil '7. Amphora rim and double-rolled (Koan?) handle frag. Type F. Reg. No. 48445. MPH 0.028, D. rim ca. 0.11, W. handle 0.031, Th. handle 0.016 >.of each roll 0.0155). Semi-coarse, semi-hard fabric 2.5Y 7/2 ~ht gray. Very worn surfaces. Both interior and exterior coated ith black paint. L4905, Area Cl, phase S(a?/b??) 286. Bowl rim frag. Reg. No. 48473/10. MPH 0.047, D. rim 0.24. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Slip lOYR 7/4 very pale brown. Worn exterior surface. On exterior, streaky black band with black band above on lip of rim, that continues over lip, changing to lOR 3/6 red and forming an interior band. L4907, Area Cl, phase 4b 287. Body and handle frag. Reg. No. 48432/2. MPH 0.031, D. handle 0.026. Horizontal handle. Semi-fine, friable fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior painted 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown. Wheel ridging on interior. L4885, Area Cl, phase 4b 78. Body frag. Type M. Reg. No. 48347/1. MPH 0.05. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric lOR 7/6 yellow. Exteor slip IOYR 6/3 pale brown. On upper edge of exterior washy 5Y 8/2 white, loopy wave-line with black wave-line below that :sts on the upper of two black bands. L4893, Area Cl, phase 4 or later 79. Bowl rim frag. Type A. Reg. No. 48439/1. MPH 0.055, D. rim ca. 0.16. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish ellow. On exterior at rim is a 2.5YR 3/2 dusky red band that connues up over lip and becomes 2.5YR 4/6 on interior with a red and below on both interior and exterior. L4909, Area Cl, phase 5? 288. Body frag. Reg. No. 48410/1. MPH 0.048. Closed vessel. Semi-fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Worn surfaces. Slip lOYR 7/4 very pale brown. Two washy 2.5YR 5/6 red bands on exterior. L4911, Area Cl, phase 4b, unsealed 289. Jug rim frag. Reg. No. 48490. MPH 0.02, D. rim 0.075.. Fine, hard fabric between 7.5YR 7/6 and 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Rim painted with a 2.5YR 4/6 red band. L4915, Area Cl, phase 4c L4903, Area Cl, phase 4b 80. Handle frag. Reg. No. 48435/1. W. handle 0.025, Th. handle 0.014. Flat, vertical handle. Fine, ard fabric 2.5Y 7/4 pale yellow. Worn surfaces. Black vertical tripe along upper side of handle. 81. Body and handle frag. Reg. No. 4843115. W. handle 0.027, Th. handle 0.016. Flat, vertical handle. Semioarse, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Exterior of handle dec·rated with a 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown stripe, with a vertical eddish brown stripe down body on either side of handle attachllent. :82. Body and neck frag. (probably same vessel as 283 and 284). -ype S. Reg. No. 48446/2. MPH 0.068. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/4pink. Curvng vertical line in 2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown on exterior. Slight vheel ridging on interior. !83. Neck and shoulder frag. (probably same vessel as 282 and !84). TypeS. Reg. No. 48435/5. MPH 0.04. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/4 pink. Verti:al2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown stripe on exterior. Slight wheel ·idging on interior. ~84. Shoulder and neck frag. (probably same vessel as 282 and 283). fype S. Reg. No. 48431/9. MPH 0.055. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 7/4 pink. Ver.ical stripe with series of diamond-shaped leaves or pendant .ongues overlapping in sets of two, to one side of stripe, in 2.5YR l/4 dark reddish brown. Slight wheel ridging on interior. 185. Shoulder frag. Reg. No. 48435/3. MPH 0.05, D. shoulder ca. 0.12. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric lOYR 8/3 very pale brown. Encrusted surfaces. Exterior self;lipped. Three 2.5YR 5/6 red bands on exterior. Wheel ridging on interior. 290. Table amphora/jug flat base frag. (numerous joining pieces). Type K. Reg. No. 48519. MPH 0.043, D. base 0.098. Semi-fine, friable fabric 2.5Y 7/4 pale yellow. Encrusted surfaces. L4916, Area Cl, phase 4c 291. Bowl ringed basefrag. (two sherds). Type F. Reg. No. 48498/3. MPH 0.033, D. base 0.045. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/61ight red. Worn surfaces. Self-slipped. Interior decorated with a 2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown band on upper edge, followed by a 2.5YR 4/4 reddish brown band. Below this is a transparent band of 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow paint and a second dark reddish brown band. 292. Shoulder frag. TypeR. Reg. No. 48511/9. MPH 0.05. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior decorated with a register of connected scallops or loops around shoulder, framed above and below with a band, all in 2.5YR 5/6 red paint. 293. Shoulder frag. Reg. No. 48498111. MPH 0.041. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Mold(?) deposits on surfaces. Exterior decorated with faint tapering vertical stripes (leaves?) with a band above, in lOR 3/6 dark red paint. L4926, Area Cl (registration error) 294. Rim frag. Reg. No. 48514/1. MPH 0.038, D. rim 0.12. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. Interior and exterior slip 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior decorated in 2.5YR 4/6 red paint, with a band at rim that continues up over lip and forms a band around interior. An oblique line on the exterior descends from the band on the outer rim along a broken edge. 295. Bowl body frag. (Al Mina ware?). Reg. No. 48514/7. MPH 0.027. Very fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6!6 reddish yellow. 113 Exterior slip IOYR 7/4 very pale brown. Exterior decorated with six vertical2.5YR 3/2 dusky red stripes that descend into the middle of a washy 2.5YR 3/2 dusky red to 2.5YR 4/8 red band. Interior is painted I OR 4/6 red. All paint is very glossy. L4931, Area Cl, phase Sb, disturbed 296. Body frag. (same vessel as 297). Reg. No. 49324/7. MPH 0.075. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 5/2 brown. Exterior is quite hard and smooth, as if burnished. It is decorated with a horizontal incised line and a washy black band. Wheel ridging on interior. 297. Body frag. (same vessel as 296). Reg. No. 493!5/5. MPH 0.043. Exterior decorated with a washy black band and a washy 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown band. L4932, Area Cl, phase S(a?/b??), disturbed 298. Body frag. Reg. No. 49325/4. MPH 0.067. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Exterior slip IOYR 6/3 pale brown. Exterior decorated with two black bands. Wheel marks on exterior. L4937, Area Cl, phase S(b?) 299. Bowl rim frag. Type El. Reg. No. 4934/4. MPH 0.045, D. rim 0.15. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/4 pink. Selfslipped. Black band on exterior at rim continues up over lip and partially merges with two bands on the interior which are painted 2.5YR 3/4 dark reddish brown. L4938, Area Cl, phase later than Sb 300. Table amphora/jug ringed base frag. Type L. Reg. No. 49346/9. MPH 0.074, D. base 0.11. Fine, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/6light red. Exterior slip 7.5YR 6/4light brown. Streaky lOR 4/6 red to black band on base extends above juncture of base and body. Wheel marks on exterior. 301. Body frag. Reg. No. 49333/8. MPH 0.029. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric lOYR 7/4 very pale brown. Self-slipped. Exterior decorated with three streaky bands that vary from black to 2.5YR 4/6 red. 302. Body frag. Reg. No. 49333/9. MPH 0.033. Closed vessel. Fine, spongy fabric 2.5Y 7/2 light gray. Worn surfaces. Self~slipped. Exterior decorated with two black bands. Slight wheel ridging on interior. L4951, Area Cl, phase earlier than 3 303. Rim frag. Reg. No. 49382/4. MPH 0.024, D. rim between 0.07 and 0.11. Closed vessel. Fine, semi-hard fabric 2.5Y 7/4 pale yellow. Exterior painted 7.5YR 3/2 dark brown. Paint continues over lip to form a band on interior. L4955, Area Cl, phase 4c, unsealed 304. Bowl rim frag. Type B I. Reg. No. 49388/6. MPH 0.035, D. rim 0.12. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/8 reddish yellow. Self-slipped. Black band on exterior at rim continues up over lip, forming a band on interior. Below, on interior, are two 2.5YR 314 dark reddish brown bands. Gray area on exterior is from firing. 305. Table amphora/jug rim and edge of handle root frag. Type H. Reg. No. 49388/2. MPH 0.058, D. rim 0.105. Fine, hard fabric !OYR 5/2 grayish 114 brown. Self-slipped. Exterior decorated with a black band at r and another black band below upper handle attachment area. A1 above handle is also painted black. The neck bulges slightly a there is wheel ridging on interior. 306. Table amphora/jug rim frag. Type H. Reg. No. 49388/1. MPH 0.06, D. rim 0.10. Semi-fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/6 n dish yellow. Worn surfaces. Traces of black paint on top and ex rior of rim. Very slight wheel ridging on interior. L4989, Area Cl, phase Sa 307. Bowl ringed base frag. (probably same vessel as 308). Type Reg. No. 49481/3. MPH 0.029, D. base 0.054. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/6 reddi yellow with centered 7 .5YR 512 brown core. White limestone incl sions all less than 0.0005 in size, fine 'sand,' and some micaceo particles. Exterior self-slipped. Interior decorated with three 5\ 3/I-3/3 very dark gray to dark reddish brown bands. Wheel mar on interior and exterior. L4991, Area Cl, phase 4(c?) 308. Bowl rim frag. (probably same vessel as 307). Type A I. Rc No. 49489/l 0. MPH 0.037, D. rim 0.!3. Fine, hard fabric ranging from 5Y 6/6 to 7.5YR 6/8 reddish yellow, with centered 7.5YR 512 brov core. White limestone inclusions all less than 0.0005 in size, fi1 'sand,' and some micaceous particles. 7.5YR 6/4light brown sli Three 5YR 311-3 very dark gray to dark reddish brown bands dec rate the interior, the uppermost continues over the lip and forms band on the exterior of the rim. 309. Handle frag. Reg. No. 49489/5. MPH 0.055, D. handle 0.017-0.019. Round, vertical hand! Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 6/6 reddish yellow. White limestone in ell sions up to 0.001 in size, black grits and micaceous particles. SL 7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow. Exterior of handle decorated with ave tical stripe and a band that arcs around the upper attachment i streaky, flaky 2.5YR 4/8 to 7.5YR 312 red to dark brown paint. Surface finds 310. Bowl rim frag. Type A. Reg. No. 77991. MPH 0.016, D. rim 0.14. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 5/4 brow: Exterior slip 7.5YR 6/4light brown. Blackband at rim exterior cOl tinues up over lip and coats interior. 311. Amphora toe. Reg. No. 11908/2. MPH 0.033, D. base 0.055. Flaring, conical toe. Semi-coars, hard fabric 2.5YR 6/8light red. Exterior slip between 5YR 7/4 pin and 5YR 716 reddish yellow. The conical depression on the unde side ofthe toe is 0.008 deep and has a maximum diameterof0.026 312. Amphora toe. Reg. No. 46543/7. MPH 0.06, D. base 0.05. Flaring toe. Semi-coarse, hard fabn 2.5YR 5/6 red. Base of toe has flaring sides and a circular depre: sion on the underside with a 0.018 diameter. 3!3. Body frag. Reg. No. 46543/4. MPH 0.028. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 7.5YR 7/2 pinkis gray with a 5YR 7/l light gray core. Exterior slip IOYR 7/3 ver pale brown. Worn surfaces. Two black bands on exterior. 314. Body frag. Reg. No. 48347/5. MPH 0.027. Closed vessel. Fine, hard fabric 5YR 6/41ight red dish brown. Exterior slip l OYR 7/4 very pale brown. Exterior decc rated with a black blob and two curving, vertical 2.5YR 4/6 m lines to its right, a wide vertical black stripe with red fringes on on side and an adjacent black stripe. NOTES '· I. ). I. ~. l. I. Although some Attic pottery is included here, the majority has been studied by Ronald Marchese and is presented in Chapter 4. Sukas II: 38, fn. 238-40, concerning the possibility that this type of bowl was made with both one and two handles. See Rast 1978: Fig. 84:6; Sukas II: 38, fn. 237, Pl. 6:!33a, Pl. 7:134, !36a, 137; Tarsus Ill: No. 1233; Stern 1978: Fig. 10:7, Pl. 30: I; Johns 1933: Fig. 88, Pl. 35. The bowls that result from mass production and are slightly less fine are distinctive in that the base ring is also decorated with a band. It should be noted that a 'skyphos' from Tell Keisan, Briend and Humbert 1980: l 09, Pl. 13:2 7, is more akin in shape and decoration to Dor Type A than to the Hellenistic bowls ofTarsus or Ashdod. See Sukas II: 40, fn. 244, Pl. 7: l36a for examples. Riis 1970: 83, Fig. 25a; Sukas II: 40, Pl. 6: 133a, Pl. 7: 134; Tarsus Ill: 266, Nos. 1233-1241, Fig. 88, Fig. 141. There is some evidence for 5th century BCE production. The fabric of the Tarsus bowls seems very similar to that of the Dor examples. Hanfmann suggests that the Tarsus bowls are imitations made to Greek specifications. The 'standard' Agora one-handler has a diameter half that of the Dor examples, though larger bowls (e.g. No. 741) comparable to those at Dor do occur. These bowls do occur in the 5th century BCE, but the published examples are few; see Agora XII: 125; Tarsus Ill: 266. Ploug (Sukas II: 38-40) has rightly observed that although this type ofbowl was held to be East Greek, the finds from the Athenian Agora have shown it to be a type with a more extended provenience. It is therefore very difficult to suggest specific centers of manufacture for the Dor bowls. So too, because the examples from Dor were probably imported from a number of places, it would be misleading to adduce diachronic development from this assemblage. See Sukas II: Nos. 136a, 137, 380; Barnett 1940: Pl. 50:3, 5; Oldenburg 1981: 77, Fig. 66:433. The identification of 295 as possible AI Mirra ware was suggested to the authors by Jane C. Waldbaum, who also provided the bibliographical references. The authors would like to thank Gerald Schaus for examining the photographs and drawings of many of the painted sherds, and for providing helpful suggestions on provenience. Moore and Philippides 1986: 257, Pl. 91:1295, called 'branches with fruit' and dated to the second quarter of the 5th 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. century BCE; 282, Pl. 102:1501, early 5th century BCE; 282-84,Pl.l03:1508, 1509,1511,1519,1523, l524,alldated to ca. 490-480 BCE; 286-87, Pl. 104:1548, 1550, 1555, all dated to ca. 490-480 BCE. See Agora XII: 18,41 on dipping. The Tocra vessels (Boardman and Hayes 1966: 42, Pl. 30:591-92) are much more elaborate, but the basic motifs are the same. Fragments of banded ware represent nearly half of the closed vessels in this assemblage. Many of these have been discussed above, and since reference is made to the general use of banding as a decorative motif, banded ware will not be discussed separately here; there is little to add. The Agora bins (Agora XII: 40,343, Pl. 67: l528-29)have been identified as Eretrian. See Thalmann 1977: 66, 72-73, No. 81, Pl. 6:2, where, except for the neck of the krater, the interior was not painted. The criterion for interpreting the Dor fragments as belonging to closed vessels was primarily the lack of interior paint. Nevertheless, the shape ofDor 79, 80,209, and 262 is more suitable for storage bins than kraters. Also, the squarish shape of the wave-line on 209 is very closely paralleled by that on an olpe, also dated to the second half of the 6th century BCE (Rouillard 1978: 284-85, Pl. 83, Fig. 14:3). See also Riis 1970: 118, Fig. 42a. Boardman and Hayes 1966: especially Pl. 91:1439-1441. Hayes points out that this type of white-red-white decoration is typically Rhodian, but that the fabric and painting technique ofTocra pieces 1439-1441 are not Rhodian. Thalmann 1977: 75, No. 90, PI. 5: ll; Gjerstad 1972: Pl. 2, Fig. 65: ll; Sukas II: 81, fn. 489, No. 373; Elgavish 1968: Pl. 52:112. For references to Olynthos, Nymphaion, Larissa, and Xanthus see Sukas II: fn. 489. The authors are indebted to Virginia Grace and Carolyn Koehler of the Stamped Amphora Handle Department of the Athenian Agora. They both kindly examined photographs and drawings of the amphora material (except the Chiao pieces). Unfortunately, none of these amphora rim fragments matched particular profiles in Miss Grace's books of Greek profiles. The authors would like to thank Carolyn Koehler and Virginia Grace for this identification. Maria Petropoulakou of the Stamped Amphora Handle Department of the Athenian Agora examined photographs and drawings of this handle and determined that it is not necessarily Koan. ABBREVIATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY gora XII See Sparkes and Talcott 1970. arnett 1940 R.D. Barnett, Mersin, The Greek Pottery, Liverpool Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology 26 (1940): 110-32. oardman 1959 J. Boardman, Greek Potters at AI Mina?, Anatolian Studies 9 (1959): 163-69. oardman 196 7 J. Boardman, Greek Emporia: Excavations in Chios 1952-1955 (British School of Archaeology at Athens, Supplementary Volume No. 6), Oxford 1967. oardman 1980 J. Boardman, The Greeks Overseas, London 1980. oardman and Hayes 1966 J. Boardman and J. Hayes, Excavations at Tocra 1963-1965, the Archaic Deposits I (British School of Archaeology in Athens, Supplementary Volume No. 4), Oxford 1966. .riend and Humbert 1980 J. Briend and J.-B. Humbert, Tell Keisan (1971-1976), une cite phenicienne en Galilee, Gottingen 1980. ·ampbell 1938 M.T. Campbell, A Well of the Black-Figure Period at Corinth, Hesperia 7 (1938): 557-611. 11 5 Coldstream 1979 J.N. Coldstream, Geometric Skyphoi in Cyprus, Report of the Department ofAntiquities ofCyp, 1979: 255-69. Coldstream 1981 J.N. Coldstream, The Greek Geometric and Plain Archaic Imports, in: Excavations at Kition .J The Non-Cypriote Pottery, Nicosia 1981: 17-22. Condurachi 1966 E. Condurachi, Histria II, Bucharest 1966. Elgavish 1968 J. Elgavish, Archaeological Excavations at Shikmona, Field Report No. I, Haifa 1968. Gjerstad 1972 E. Gjerstad, J. Lindros, E. Sj6qvist, and A. Westholm, Swedish Cyprus Expedition, Finds a Results of Excavations in Cyprus, Vol. IV, Part 2, Stockholm 1972. Gjerstad 1977 E. Gjerstad, Pottery from Various Parts of Cyprus, in: Greek Geometric and Archaic Pottery Fou in Cyprus, ed. E. Gjerstad, Stockholm 1977: 23-59. Grace 1961 V.R. Grace, Amphoras and the Ancient Wine Trade(Agora Picture Book No. 6), Princeton 1961. Hanfmann 1956 G.M.A. Hanfmann, On Some East Greek Wares Found at Tarsus, in: The Aegean and the Near Fa Locust Valley, NY 1956. Hanfmann 1963 G.M.A. Hanfmann, The Iron Age Pottery of Tarsus, in: Excavations at Gozlu Kule. Tarsus III, T Iron Age, ed. H. Goldman, Princeton, NJ 1963: 18-332. Haspels 1936 C.H.E. Haspels, Attic Black-Figured Lekythoi, Paris 1936. Jacobsthal 1927 P. Jacobsthal, Ornamente Griechischer Vasen, Berlin 1927. Johns 1933 C.N. Johns, Excavations at Atlit (1930-31): The South-Eastern Cemetery, Quarterly of the Depa ment of Antiquities in Palestine 2 (1933): 41-104. Johnston 1981 A. W. Johnston, Imported Greek Storage Amphorae, in: Excavations at Kition IV, The Non-Cypric Pottety, Nicosia 1981: 37-44. Karageorghis 19 77 V. Karageorghis, The Pottery from Kition, in: Greek Geometric and Archaic Pottery Found Cyprus, ed. E. Gjerstad, Stockholm 1977: 61-63. Knigge 1976 U. Knigge, Kerameikos IX Der Sudhugel, Berlin 1976. Levine and Netzer 1986 L.l. Levine and E. Netzer, Excavations at Caesarea Maritima (Qedem 21), Jerusalem 1986. Moore and Philippides 1986 M.B. Moore and M.Z.P. Philippides, The Athenian Agora XXIII, Attic Black-Figure Pottet Princeton, NJ 1986. Oldenburg 1981 E. Oldenburg, The Sounding at 'Arab Al-Mulk, in: The Excavations at Tall Daruk and 'ArabAl-Mu (Publications of the Carlsberg Expedition to Phoenicia 8), Copenhagen 1981: 72-82. Pharmakowsky 1914 B. Pharmakowsky, Russ/and. Archdologische Anzeiger (1914): col. 231-32. Ploug 1973 G. Ploug, Sukas II, The Aegean, Corinthian and Eastern Greek Pottery and Terracottas (Publicatim of the Carlsberg Expedition to Phoenicia 2), Copenhagen 1973. Rast 1978 W.E. Rast, Taanach I: Studies in the Iron Age Pottery, Cambridge, MA 1978. Riis 1970 P.J. Riis, Sukas I, The North-East Sanctuary and the First Settling of Greeks in Syria and Palestit (Publications of the Carlsberg Expedition to Phoenicia 1), Copenhagen 1970. Rouillard 1978 P. Rouillard, Les cCramiques peintes de Ia Gn::ce de l'Est et leurs imitations dans la pfminsu iberique: recherches preliminaires, in: Les ceramiques de Ia Grece de /'Est et leur diffusion en Occ dent, Paris 1978: 274 - 86. Slaska 1978 M. Slaska, Gravisca: Le ceramiche comuni di produzione greco-orientale, in: Les ceramiques l Ia Grixe de !'Est et leur diffusion en Occident, Paris 1978: 223-30. Sparkes and Talcott 1970 B.A. Sparkes and L. Talcott, The Athenian Agora XII, Black and Plain Pottery of the 6th, 5th, ah 4th Centuries B.C., Princeton, NJ 1970. Stem 1978 E. Stern, Excavations at Tel Mevorakh (1973-I976). Part One: From the Iron Age to the Roman Pe tad (Qedem 9), Jerusalem 1978. Stern 1982 E. Stern, Material Culture of the Land of the Bible in the Persian Period, 538-332 B.C., Jerusale1 1982. Sukas II See Ploug 1973. Tarsus Ill See Hanfmann 1963. Thalmann 1977 J.P. Thalmann, Cf:ramique trouvee a Amathoute, in: Greek Geometric and Archaic Pottery Faun in Cyprus, ed. E. Gjerstad, Stockholm 1977: 65-86. Townsend 1955 116 E. Townsend, A Mycenaean Chamber Tomb Under the Temple of Ares, Hesperia 24 (1955 187-219. ~"ifijjj;j} 2 3 4 6 5 7 9 8 10 14 13 15 16 18 Fig. 3.1. 4 3 2 8 7 6 5 11 9 10 0 Fig. 3.2. Fig. 3.1. Banded bowls Type A (1-10), Type Al (11-18). "· !. I. I. i. ). 7. s. i. l. I. 2. l. I. 5. s. 7. l. 5 10 15CM Fig. 3.2. Banded bowls Type B (1-4), Type Bl (5-11). Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. No. 109611 111711 1168/4 43113/2 46635/8-9 46711/2-3 48104/4 48104/6 4833111 4843911 43357/4 43154/2 43113/17 46693 46687/9 4669411 46703/8 49489110 27 33 35 4321 4651 4675 4818 4818 4839 4893 4311 4321 4321 4668 4672 4672 4672 4991 6 16 42 119 169 229-230 259 260 270 279 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ill II. I. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. 1116/4 43122 46617116 48112/4 1136/2 10047/2 11905/!0 43307/8 43113118 4815411 49388/6 33 4318 4666 4818 28 1007 1237 4318 4321 4832 4955 17 113 181 258 10 53 91 112 12! 264 304 118 120 191 214 215 216 308 117 ···-~ ~Afil;!l!#!fffi/ r"''·~&/0~··~"~~~~~rr:~~ 2 3 4 5 ~;,?ff?;,_, ' ' '' 7 JP 8 9 Fig. 3.3. 2 Fig. 3.4. r. · ~-~-1 u" -'~ I 3 2 6 5 4 8 7 9 0 5 10 15CM 10 Fig. 3.5. Fig. 3.3. Banded bowls Type C. No. Reg. flio. Locus Cat. No. I. 11826/4 43216/2-3 46629/9 46680/3 46609113 46679/2 46708/3 46650/8 48163 1221 4317 4666 4668 4668 4668 4672 4672 4833 84 109-110 182 192 195 196 218 219 265 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fig. 3.4. Banded bowls Type D. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. I. 113611 4834511 28 2872 II 276 2. 118 Fig. 3.5. Banded bowls Type E. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. I. 1173/3 1219/1 1213 11675/5 4302611 43122 43136/2 43307/4 46569/5 46628/4 33 46 47 1204 4301 4318 4318 4318 4651 4668 !9 48 51 73 !07 114 115 116 170 !93 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2 3 6 7 b'.::? 5 ~u~ f""'~ 10 9 8 ~ 12 11 ">b~ 14 17 16 t~-~c -~· __,7 ,.,& 21 20 19 E?'Q 23 0 10 5 15CM Fig. 3.6 . • • 3 4 . . ©~ ····· . . 6 • 8 7 5 0 Fig. 3.7. - 1 2 3CM gp!M!i! Fig. 3.6. Bases belonging to banded bowls. ). Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. 46573111 46693/24 46609114 4662813 4661413 4713617 4818913 48498/3 4948113 117415. I 116012 46607112 4662717 4662816 47290 4813014 1146/4 I 006116 I 004713 4627 4668 4668 4668 4668 4721 4844 4916 4989 33 33 4666 4668 4668 4753 4824 33 1007 1007 153 197 199 200 201 235 274 291 307 20. 21. 22. 23. 46617111 4809112 1172/2 4651015 4666 4815 33 184 255 23 149 24-25 26 183 198 202 247 261 27 55 56 4626 Fig. 3.7. Handles belonging to banded bowls. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1173/3 1004718 1165117 1192915 11970 43113115 46693 48383 33 1007 1197 1241 1244 4321 4668 4868 30 58 71 98 104 125 191 275 119 3 2 4 I 5 6 7 9 8 Fig. 3.8. Decorated bowls and cups, lebes, plate, mortarium, and ladle/scoop. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 48514/7 46406/7 11815/1 46656/3 46727/2 4926 4627 1220 4672 4678 295 155 83 213 233 6. 7. 8. 1235/4 43328 46589111 46543/3 47 4321 4661 4627 52 122 173 154 120 9. 2 u 3 5 4 6 0 1 2 3CM ~=- Fig. 3.9. Lekythoi, amphoriskoi, and askos. vo. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. i. 4662416 46666 48199/2 4671 4672 4844 211-212 225 273 4. 5. 6. I 05613 48073/12 11948 18 4814 1242 4 254 99 121 U1 3 4 2 6 5 7 8 ~!iif . . ul 9 10 11 12 14 15 ,,,f., 16 13 17 19 18 21 20 0 22 5 10 15CM Fig. 3.10. Oinochoai and table amphorae/jugs. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 1160/1 4666/1 49388/1 4388/2 46584 48143 1098/1 43113/8-9 48083/2 48106/2 47150/15 33 4672 4955 4955 4651 4830 27 4321 4810 4816 4727 18 217 305 306 168 263 8 123-124 253 257 242 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 49489/5 1150/8 I 06 712 48519 10047/21 46632/11 46661/5 46638/2 49346/9 11940/4 11827/8 4991 32 18 4915 1007 4668 4672 4672 4938 1243 1225 309 15 2 290 57 203 222 223 300 100 86 122 22. -~-....,..-_.,.,.<<'"'--""~ .:.O.',;/_;;c:;;>J/.0-;.- 2 4 3 7 6 5 10 11 13 14 15 0iliiUWiil1 2 3CM iW!S§!!I• Fig. 3.H. Decorated body sherds belonging to closed vessels. Reg. No. Locus Cal. No. 1136/3 1136/4 1137/3 11707/4 11715/1 46702 47292/1 48138/1 28 28 34 1211 1211 4668 4752 4829 12 13 40 79 80 209 246 262 No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. 9. 10. 48347/1 46424/5 46603/3 43113/19-20 10080 46535/4 46649/1 4885 4627 4665 4321 1007 4632 4663 278 156 180 128-129 60 167 178 II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 123 2 3 5 6 4 Fig. 3.12. Decorated body sherds belonging to closed vessels. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. I. 2. 3. 46609/3 485!1/9 48116/21 4668 4916 4321 207 292 131 4. 5. 6. 48446/2 48435/5 4843!/9 4903 4903 4903 282 283 284 Fig. 3.13. Amphora rims, toes, and handles. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. No. Reg. No. Locus Cat. No. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1195/1 43056/1 43177/1 1146/1 1218/1 11700/2 11896/2 11927/7 11927/10 11970 46510/6 46637/3 46728/11 48328/8 11607/1 11696/5 11592/7 46295/2 46295/2 46337/1 45 4301 4336 33 46 1211 1237 1241 1241 1244 4626 4660 4672 4838 1170 1!83 1!89 4620 4620 4623 46 108 139 22 49 77 92 96 97 102 148 172 220 268 65 66 67 145 144 147 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 1146/2 1179/1 11645/1 46245/1 11896/1 1126/4 1109/2 11724/7 46542 47267 1119/4 1173/6 11664 43113/1 46511/1 46402 46585/4 46636/1 48445 43116/2 33 35 1193 4620 1236 33 33 126 4653 4746 32 33 1197 4321 4630 4626 4661 4666 4878 4324 21 43 68 !43 90 28 29 76 171 244 14 33 II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. !9. 20. 124 72 126 161 !50 !75 !85 277 !36 3 2 5 ~~ -, ~p c;=r-, -, 11 -r 16 17 ~ . , I ~~ (~~ 27 . . 31 36 19 I ~I ~ 26 32 • 37 -r 20 -, 1===r-r 1·---r-1 r=i t- 22 21 \jj -, 14 - 18 r-1-c. I 13 -,. . fT'- -~ 15 12 ~~ 28 I 25 M "< '(' ~~ 29 30 . .. 33 38 ~ 34 35 39 40 Fig. 3.13. 0 5 10 15CM 125
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