WEST VIRGINIA PUREBRED SHEEP BREEDERS ASSOCIATION SHEEP AND GOAT SALE ~ OFFICIAL MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ~ Approved by the Board of Directors Sale: 2:30 p.m. May 30th 2015 Tri-County Fairgrounds, Petersburg, WV , Please read this Memorandum Agreement carefully before you make your consignment. 1. Consignors to the sale must be members of the WV Purebred Sheep Breeders Association. A membership fee of $10.00 must accompany your entry forms for the WVPSBA. Only one membership per family is required. . 2. Consignors must pay a consignment fee of $15.00 per head entry fee for each club lamb and club goat. Breeding Sheep and Breeding Goats will be charged $20.00 per head entry fee. 3. In addition to the consignment fees required, consignors will also be responsible for all transfer fees. A minimum 8% of sell price on purebreds, wether sires and dams, and full blood and percentage goats, and 8% on club lambs and goats will be charged for each sheep and goat in the sale to cover the cost of advertising, auctioneer, rental of the facilities and other miscellaneous expenses. 4. Breeders desiring to enter sheep and goats must have their consignments postmarked by April 5th, 2015. Entries received after this date will be charged an additional $5.00 per head late fee. Consignments are open to both West Virginia and Out-of-State Breeders. 5. All breeds of purebred sheep will be accepted. Wether sires and dams, (both yearlings and lambs,) will be accepted. These can be either purebreds or crossbreds. Note: Hair and Wool breeds will be accepted this year. Full blood and percentage Boer goats will be accepted. Bucks and does both yearlings and kids will be accepted. 6. All purebred sheep, full blood and percentage Boer goats must be registered at the time of the show and sale, and must have a breeder's ID that match registration papers. Registration certificates must be signed and turned in to the Clerk at Check-in. The Treasurer will transfer all registration papers after the sale. All animals without registration papers at check in will be shown and sold with the commercial sires and dams. 7. Club lambs and goats are limited to 5 head per family; they must be ewes, does, or wethers. Bucks will not be allowed to show and sell in the club lamb and goat divisions. These lambs and goats must have the same health paper requirements as the breeding sheep and goats. Lambs must weigh a minimum of 60 lbs. Goats must weigh a minimum of 50 Ibs. The goats and lambs will be weighed and numbered beginning at 5:00 pm. Thursday night. 8. You must provide your own feed and bedding while attending the sale. 9. Consignors are responsible for preparing their sheep and/or goats for the show and sale. All purebred sheep must have no more than 1 inch of wool when shown and sold, except wool breeds which may be shown with the amount of wool accepted by their association. Wether sires, dams, and club lambs must be slick sheared to show and sell. 10. Breed, sex, birth dates and scrapie tag numbers as well as breeders ID numbers must be completed on the entry form. This information will be printed in the catalog. Animals will be identified by scrapie tag # at check out by WVDAg.Personel. "Information Sale Day" will be accepted but it would help advertise your sheep and goats better if more information was given. Comments should be limited to 50 words, any over that will be edited. Page 1 of 2 11. Any Sheep in the sale having genetic testing completed and consequently, are represented as being RR or QR need to have proof of the official test results. Results should accompany registration papers. Codon testing will be announced at sell time. 12. Substitutions will be allowed for those sheep and goats cataloged. The substitution must be within the same sex and breed as the original. Note: If a substitution is made, the Secretary must be notified at Check-in. 13. No consignor shall have more sheep and goats in his/her pens than are cataloged . Any animal brought to the sale that is not consigned must be kept on trailers outside the building due to the Animal Health Bio-security reasons. 14. Sheep and goats entered for the Show and Sale should be delivered to the fairgrounds no later than 10:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 28th, 2015. Or notify Dennis Miller, President at 540-908-0393 (cell) ahead of time. 15. All sheep and goats consigned to the Show and Sale must be accompanied by an Honor Flock or Herd Certificate from the West Virginia Department of Agriculture, or a certificate of veterinarian inspection. Sheep and goats will be inspected for foot rot and infectious diseases, upon arrival by WVDA Animal Staff. Therefore, all feet must be trimmed within one week prior to the sale. Sheep or goats showing any signs of Caseous Lymphadenitis or Club Lamb Fungus will not be accepted for the show or sale . Rams and bucks will also be checked for testicle abnormalities at this time. 16. The order in which the sheep and goats are sold is the same as the placing in the show. 17. All sheep and goats will be at the consignor's risk until sold and at the purchaser's risk as soon as sold. 18. It is agreed by all consignors that no sheep or goats will be sold privately before the sale, and then shown and sold through the sale and under no condition will the entry fee be refunded. 19. Guarantee: Yearling rams and bucks are guaranteed breeders as follows: (1) The ram or buck should settle 60% of his ewes or does, provided he is not turned out with more than 35 ewes or does. (2) The consignor will make satisfactory replacement or refund the purchase price on rams and bucks failing to settle ewes or does as indicated, provided that the purchaser returns the ram or buck to the consignor in good condition. (3) Ram lambs and buck kids are not guaranteed breeders. (4) Ewes and does are guaranteed to lamb or kid at either 2 years or 3 years of age. (5) Sheep and goats will be in good physical condition when sold: therefore no adjustments will be made on sheep and goats that die. A Sifting Committee will evaluate all sheep and goats consigned for physical soundness. 20. Any adjustments to be made on sheep or goats failing to breed shall be made between the buyer and the seller. Neither the WV Purebred Sheep Breeders Association, its officers, nor any member of the Show and Sale Committee assume any liability, legal or otherwise, except to help in any way possible to make adjustments, should such become necessary. 21. All sheep and goats consigned to the sale must be tagged with a Federal official scrapie ID. Wether lambs and goats must have official scrapie ID. Official ID must be listed on Certificate of Veterinarian Inspection. 22. Tail Docking — The WVPSBA will not be measuring tail dock length for this show and sale. However, remember W.V. 4-H or FFA members who buy market lambs or purebred sheep, must abide by this rule when showing in Junior shows. Lambs must have a minimum tail length of .7 inches to be considered properly docked for W. Va. Jr. Shows. st th th 23. Class Splits - Junior Lamb classes in all Breeds will be split by: Jan. 1 - Feb. 15 and Feb. 15 - on. The same will be done in the Senior classes by: Sept. - Oct. and Nov. - Dec. Page 2 of 2 West Virginia Purebred Sheep Breeders Association WVPSBA February 15th, 2015 Entry Deadline: Postmarked by April 5th Dear Sheep and Goat Breeders, On behalf of West Virginia Purebred Sheep Breeders Association, I would like to extend an invitation to you for the 65th Annual West Virginia Sheep and Goat Show and Sale. The dates are Friday, May 29 and Saturday, May 30st at the Tri-County Fairgrounds in Petersburg, West Virginia. This year’s events are going to be the most outstanding yet. Your Board Members have been busy making plans! Online bidding will be offered again this year. The North Country Cheviots will have their National Sale again. A Preview Show will follow our sale on Sunday with market lambs and goats included! NO tail docking rule applies. Health inspections and veterinary inspection certificates must accompany all animals. Also, we have added a top indexing, fall born, performance tested ram lamb class. They will show in a separate class and they will sale last with their performance data. This will be about five rams. The Dorcas 4-H club will be serving food and beverages and plans for a delicious lamb BBQ are under way. Also, bath and shower facilities are available. We invite you to enjoy a complimentary meal as you check in. Jim Baxter with RFS and Townsend Sales will be on hand for all your needed supplies. Please include scrapie ID #’s on your entries as well as your flock ID’s. Have proper registrations at check in with scrapie ID numbers with your registrations. Your payment may be held until registrations are received to Susie Kesner, Treasurer. We also need your Email address printed clearly. Remember that WV’s youth tail docking rule is still in effect this includes Club and Breeding Animals! We encourage all sheep and goats to be gene checked. Please include this information in your comments for the catalog and give the information to the auctioneer at sale time. We encourage all youth to know what the codon/scrapie test of each breeding sheep/goat is before they purchase the animal. We have added a $200.00 award to WV Juniors, who consign in their name and show their own animals and receive best consignment in show. They must be in 4-H or FFA. West Virginia consignors let your junior members know about this award. Mail Completed Entry Forms To: PAMELA MILLER WV PUREBRED SHEEP BREEDERS ASSOCIATION 13747 TURLEY CREEK LANE BROADWAY, VA 22815 Page 1 of 2 West Virginia Purebred Sheep Breeders Association Dates and Times to Remember: WVPSBA (For further information visit wwwsheepwv.org) April 5th — Entry Forms, dues and payments mailed to the Secretary (WV Youth consignors must submit entries in their name) th April 15 ----- Application Completed and Submitted for 2015 Young Shepherd Awards Thursday, May 28th — Check-in will be from 12 noon - 10:00 p.m. — 5:00 pm Complimentary meal sponsored by Association members. 6:00 pm Club Goat & Lamb weigh in and all need to be numbered. Friday, May 29th — 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. Finish check-in, Numbering sheep, Be ready when crew arrives — 11:00 a.m. Club Goat Show followed by Full blood and Percentage Boer Goats — 12:00 p.m. After the Goat Show… Exhibitors Meeting — 1:00 p.m. Club Lamb Show — 2:00 p.m. Breeding Sheep Show --- 6:00 p.m. Youth Pizza Party/ Educational and Showmanship Sessions/ Camp Fire Saturday, May 30th — 8:00 am Breakfast Invitation to all Juniors / Parents --- Prepared by the North Fork Go-Getters 4-H — 10:00 am. Junior Judging Contest – Welcome Our Juniors! — 12:00 pm. Annual Lamb Barbeque 1:00 pm Presentation of -- Townsend Award for Best Consignment Presentation of -- The Best WV Junior Consignment Award of $200.00 Presentation of -- Certificates of Credit for Youth who bought at the 2014 sale and won local or state fair — 1:30 pm Junior Skill-a-thon Awards, T-Shirt Presentations Drawing for Two $75.00 Gift Certificates for any junior to use towards the purchase of a breeding sheep. — 2:30 pm Sheep and Goat Sale st Sunday, May 31 Mountain State Preview Show Open to all Youth! Visit (www.mountainstatepreview.com) for more info Grand Champion Market Lamb and Market Goat ----$500 Reserve Champion---$250 Sincerely, Pamela Miller, Secretary WV Purebred Sheep Breeders Association 13747 Turley Creek Lane Broadway, VA. 22815 540-908-0410 Page 2 of 2 West Virginia Purebred Sheep Breeders Association Breeding Sheep &Breeding Goat Entry Form CONSIGNOR’S & FLOCK NAME: _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________ E-MAIL: ____________________________ CITY: _______________________________________ STATE: ______________ ZIP CODE: _______________ PHONE NUMBER(S): __________________________________________________________________________ TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION CLEARLY! BREED: ___________________________ B-DAY: ____________________GOATS- (FULL BLOOD or PERCENTAGE) CIRCLE: Male / Female - (S TW TR) - (Yearling: Lamb: Kid ) - Spring: (Early or Late) Fall: (Early or Late) Flock ID #:_____________________ Scrapie ID #:____________________ Reg. #:_______________________ Sire Name: Reg. #: Dam Name: Reg. #: Comments: BREED: ___________________________ B-DAY: ____________________GOATS- (FULL BLOOD or PERCENTAGE) CIRCLE: Male / Female - (S TW TR) - (Yearling: Lamb: Kid ) - Spring: (Early or Late) Fall: (Early or Late) Flock ID #:_______________________ Scrapie ID #:____________________ Reg. #:_______________________ Sire Name: Reg. #: Dam Name: Reg. #: Comments: BREED: ___________________________ B-DAY: ____________________GOATS- (FULL BLOOD or PERCENTAGE) CIRCLE: Male / Female - (S TW TR) - (Yearling: Lamb: Kid ) - Spring: (Early or Late) Fall (Early or Late) Flock ID #:_______________________ Scrapie ID #:____________________ Reg. #:_______________________ Sire Name: Reg. #: Dam Name: Reg. #: Comments: BREED: ___________________________ B-DAY: ____________________GOATS- (FULL BLOOD or PERCENTAGE) CIRCLE: Male / Female - (S TW TR) - (Yearling: Lamb: Kid ) - Spring: (Early or Late) Fall: (Early or Late) Flock ID #:_______________________ Scrapie ID #:____________________ Reg. #:_______________________ Sire Name: Reg. #: Dam Name: Reg. #: Comments: West Virginia Purebred Sheep Breeders Association BREED: ___________________________ B-DAY: ____________________GOATS- (FULL BLOOD or PERCENTAGE) CIRCLE: Male / Female - (S TW TR) - (Yearling or Lamb) - Spring: (Early or Late) Fall: (Early or Late) Flock ID #:_______________________ Scrapie ID #:____________________ Reg. #:_______________________ Sire Name: Reg. #: Dam Name: Reg. #: Comments: BREED: ___________________________ B-DAY: ____________________GOATS- (FULL BLOOD or PERCENTAGE) CIRCLE: Male / Female - (S TW TR) - (Yearling or Lamb) - Spring: (Early or Late) Fall: (Early or Late) Flock ID #:_______________________ Scrapie ID #:____________________ Reg. #:_______________________ Sire Name: Reg. #: Dam Name: Reg. #: Comments: BREED: ___________________________ B-DAY: ____________________GOATS- (FULL BLOOD or PERCENTAGE) CIRCLE: Male / Female - (S TW TR) - (Yearling or Lamb) - Spring: (Early or Late) Fall: (Early or Late) Flock ID #:_______________________ Scrapie ID #:____________________ Reg. #:_______________________ Sire Name: Reg. #: Dam Name: Reg. #: Comments: BREED: ___________________________ B-DAY: ____________________GOATS- (FULL BLOOD or PERCENTAGE) CIRCLE: Male / Female - (S TW TR) - (Yearling or Lamb) - Spring: (Early or Late) Fall: (Early or Late) Flock ID #:_______________________ Scrapie ID #:____________________ Reg. #:_______________________ Sire Name: Reg. #: Dam Name: Reg. #: Comments: BREED: ___________________________ B-DAY: ____________________GOATS- (FULL BLOOD or PERCENTAGE) CIRCLE: Male / Female - (S TW TR) - (Yearling or Lamb) - Spring: (Early or Late) Fall: (Early or Late) Flock ID #:_______________________ Scrapie ID #:____________________ Reg. #:_______________________ Sire Name: Reg. #: Dam Name: Reg. #: Comments: West Virginia Purebred Sheep Breeders Association Show and Sale Entry Form The following information will be printed in the sale catalog. PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION CORRECTLY AND COMPLETELY. CONSIGNOR NAME: _____________________________________________________________________ FLOCK NAME: __________________________________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ___________________________________ STATE: _________ ZIP CODE: _________________ PHONE NUMBER: _______________________________________________________________________ CONSIGNOR’S SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________________________ WVPSBA MEMBERSHIP FEE: $10.00 NUMBER OF BREEDING SHEEP: _________ x $20.00/HEAD ____________ NUMBER OF BREEDING GOATS: _________ x $20.00/HEAD ____________ NUMBER OF CLUB LAMBS: ____________ _x $15.00/HEAD ____________ NUMBER OF CLUB GOATS: _____________ x $15.00/HEAD TOTAL: ___________ ____________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO WV PUREBRED SHEEP BREEDERS ASSOCIATION Mail completed forms and payment to: Pamela Miller 13747 Turley Creek Lane Broadway, VA 22815 ************************************************************************ CLUB LAMB/GOAT ENTRIES NUMBER OF CLUB LAMBS CONSIGNED: _______________ NUMBER OF CLUB GOATS CONSIGNED: _______________ Include any comments about the club lambs/goats you have consigned. Limit comment to 50 words, any words over will be edited. COMMENTS: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
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