Minutes of the Dorval Elementary School Governing Board Meeting held 03/24/15, 7:02 p.m. in the staff room Attendance Staff: B. Fasciano, C. Gauthier, H. Bourget, C.King, A.Gueudry, C. Mayer Parents: K. Bleakley, S. Collins, P. Ottoni, M. Parent, K. Scott, S.Berger Community Reps: D. Wylie Principal: Erik Olsthoorn Commissioner: n/a Regrets: J. Marleau, T. Caban Recorder: Laura Pietracupa Public: Laurie-Anne and Lisa 1. Call Official Meeting to Order (quorum, welcome) Chair K. Bleakley called meeting to order at 7:02 pm 2. Adoption of Agenda Motion: C. King Second: A. Gueudry Unanimous 3. Correction and Adoption of Minutes of the Meeting of Feb 17th 2014 Motion: C. Gauthier Second: C. King Unanimous 4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes 1. Subject time allocation Two more registrations in Kindergarten, up to 50 students now Changes in cycle 1 and cycle 2, a number of students are leaving Transfers coming in from other schools and provinces ERC remains a part of cycle 1 Science remains a part of cycle 2 Increase of 30 minutes for grades 1-3 going into Music program Motion: K. Scott Second: C. King Unanimous 5. Public question period There were questions about the “Music Program” at DES and why it reverts to a music and drama program in grades 5 & 6. Parents feel the learning of the instrument is what makes the DES program unique and beneficial to the students, and is a “selling feature” of DES. Also, parents request that they be consulted before such changes are made in the future. 6. Reports 1. Correspondence CPC Parent Commissioners Report (see Report) Principals and GB chairs received an invitation to Board on Monday to discuss major school change. 2. Principals report Consumable fees document to parents. Report cards went out yesterday, glitch has been rectified. Interviews upon request Thursday March 26th at 4pm into the evening. Francofolie: Opening assembly with A. Gueudry leading. Today was Quebec films, tomorrow is literature and books, Thursday is bingo and Cabane a Sucre. Friday is Kermesse, a few games outside and inside. Culture in the School: Claymation and cut out animation for Grades 5 and 6. CTV news is likely to come Thursday. Grade 6’s go to drug awareness kiosk at Dorval Community Center Thursday the 26th. April 21st: Kindergarten and cycle 1 students to meet Lucy Papineau. Air quality initiative: through School Board. Hired company to check air quality. All staff members asked to fill out a survey if they have concerns about particular parts of the building. Evacuation that occurred: Fire alarm pulled by accident. Staff reacted fabulously. Building evacuated in 2 minutes. Daycare is now ordering thermal blankets, 25-30 blankets available in each classroom and specialist room. Composting has started again. Babysitting course. Parents have expressed interest in having course for Grade 6’s. French Book fair April 14th and 15th. Buy 2 books, get 3rd free. Vaccinations for Grade 4 April 16th (booster shot). Grads looking at movie night April 17th. May 14th K visit orientation. 3. Daycare 2 Students from McGill that are studying to be teachers are coming to work with students from Grade 5 and 6 on Math program. It will be videotaped but it will only be teachers and not children. Fees may go up to $8 April 1st. Last Tuesday and Wednesday conference, all about communication with parents, staff and children, all techs from across Quebec were there, lots of brainstorming, very interesting. 4. Parent Committee See attached CPC Report Budget consultation: any individual can comment. Enrollment recommendation submitted. Google Apps: trying to integrate more technology in schools. Summer School locations: St. Thomas High School and Lasalle Comprehensive High School. Grant application for Pearson Education Foundation has had a change in date. Response document in regards to Chartwells. Junior Voyagers camp is open for registration. Family Fun Run is on May 3rd. 5. Treasurer Our Christmas dinner was $213.80 Currently in the negative at -$24.80 6. Teachers Students from cycle 2 and 3 thoroughly enjoyed the annual theatre production at LPHS. The production this year was Adam’s Family. Cycle 2 and 3 also enjoyed a “Wax Museum” production in the gym. Students were dressed in costume (relating to Black History Month) and gave info on themselves when the students came over to their table. Another group will be doing the presentation shortly. 15 Grade 6 students (The “WE” Team) went to Theatre St. Denis where they empowered the other students to collect second hand hockey equipment to send to Douglas Stewart in Quaqtaq. April 24th: Grade 5 and 6 students will be participating in the School Board Basketball tournament. Dorval will be one of the host schools. April 24th and 25th: Grade 5 and 6 students will be participating in a robotics tournament at John Rennie High School with A. Gueudry. 7. Support staff No report. 8. Home and School March 19th: Executive Dinner. Shari and Fe representing DES Home and School March 23rd (deadline): Unsung Hero nominations for parent volunteers, Golden Torch executive on Home and School nominations Francofolie March 23rd-27th: Home and School approved request to pay $ for fiddler and pancakes snack ($900). Need parent volunteers. Legacy Project: $400 donated to hockey equipment going to Quaqtaq. Easter 3rd-7th off. April 21st - 22nd : Author visit Kindergarten and Grade 1 April 17th: Grade 2 trip to Biodome April 24th: Ped Day and Basketball Tournament Next meeting April 15th 9. Community Reps Guides and Scouts had blood drive, 103 pints collected. 8th year participating. Next month on April 18th in Pointe-Claire there will be a 50th Anniversary hobby show at St. John Fisher Church, Cubs submitting different projects and hobbies. 7. New business 1. E-vote Ratifications Budget Consultation response on February 24th. 13 replies. 12 “yes” and 1 “no” Motion: B. Fasciano Second: C. King Unanimous “We Day” Outing and Drug Awareness kiosk at Dorval Community Center for Grade 6s. 12 responses and 12 “yes”. Motion: K. Scott Second: S. Collins Unanimous 2. Consultation: Governing Board Composition GB has decidednot to change the composition for next year. 3. Consultation: Three year plan of immovable’s. Yes we agree with the Dorval Elementary line. Motion: S. Berger Second: C. King Unanimous 4. Approval of field trips/ fund raising/ facilities request Red Cross Babysitting course for Grade 6’s. Approval needed for service contract. 8 sessions during lunch hour on Tuesdays. $85 per student with a minimum of 15 students. Students must be present at all times. Must complete homework manual, entertainment kit, babysitting for brother, sister, cousin, neighbor with an evaluation, participate in class discussion. Person who is giving lessons is a trained teacher and trained Red Cross teacher. Motion: B. Fasciano Second: C. Gauthier Unanimous On April 17th Biodome Trip. Bussing was not incorporated in the price from our last meeting. From 9am-3pm. Grade 2 and 1-2 split, 12 adults and 64 students with a 1-6 ratio. $25 per student. Motion: K. Scott Second: C. King Unanimous Green Summit. April 27th which is Earth Day at Children’s World Academy. Talks and workshops on gardening, endangered species, composting, transportation, etc. 1 adult (Mary Cullinen) and 4 students. Motion: C. King Second: S. Collins Unanimous Robocop Jr Edition at John Rennie. Robotics club. To familiarize student’s with science and Technology Friday April 24th and Saturday April 25th from 8:30-2:30 for Grade 5 and 6 students. 5 adults and 20 students selected 1-5 ratio and no cost. Carpool or Motion: K. Scott Second: S. Berger Unanimous Track and Field June 2nd at Riverdale. 9-130. Transport by bus. Grade 6 students. 8 adults 35 kids 1-5 ratio lead by B. Martinez and grade 6 teachers. $16 per student. Motion: C. King Second: C. Mayer Unanimous Pointe-Claire canoe club. Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 to do outdoor sports, kayaking, dragonboat, etc. Method of transport is walking. Adults are teachers from cycle 2 and 3. 5 to 7 adults. 1-8 ratio. Over a number of days June 8th, 9th , 10th , 11th and rain day of 12th . Motion: S. Collins Second: B. Fasciano Unanimous Pool Days. Kindergarten to Grade 6. For K-5 June 18th with rain date of 19th. Two separate groups going. First group is Grade 3, 4, and 5 in the morning from 10am-12pm and K-2 are in the afternoon from 12pm-2pm. Walters Pool is not opened so we will go to Ballantyne. Students will be bussed. Grade 6s pool day is on June 23rd at Walters from 12pm-2pm (they will be walking) Motion: K. Scott Second: M. Parent Unanimous Grade 2 Pine Beach Popsicle Party. June 19th with rain date of June 22nd. 1:20pm-3:00pm. 12 adults, 26 students, 1-6 ratio. No cost. Motion: S. Collins Second: C. Mayer Unanimous 8.Varia 9. Next meeting: April 21st 2015 10. Adjournment at 8:47 pm. Motion: S. Berger Second: A. Gueudry Unanimous
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