Seniors Newsletter - April / May 2015 News - Club Manager

Seniors Newsletter - April / May 2015
Not long now until our Otumoetai TC Seniors Queens Birthday
tournament - men’s/ladies doubles on Saturday 30 May and
mixed on Sunday 31 May. Entry forms have now been distributed so please check the website for entries (a copy is also attached to the end of this newsletter). Or email direct to
In case you need further incentive to enter, please note that this
year there will be no opportunity for reciprocal play at Tauranga
Lawn as Lawn is hosting a junior tournament the same weekend.
The Gould Morgan Shield was held at OTC on 19 April between
WBOP and EBOP/Rotorua/Taupo. Congratulations to Otumoetai
players Sue Wild, Sue Jamieson, Fred Kleve, Kevin Marshall and
Colin McLaren who were selected to play for WBOP. WBOP
successfully took home the Shield, 78 sets to 42 sets.
Please keep an eye out for information on our senior club prizegiving, we would love to see as many of you there as possible.
Meanwhile, enjoy the cooler weather and see you on the court!
Inside this issue
Club Champs ...........................2
WBOP Prizegiving ...................3
Whats On/Reminders ..............4
Club Champs for 2015
All Club Champs have been played now, and a big thanks
to all those who organized and played in 2015. Results for
all competitions are set out below:
Mixed Doubles:
Ten pairs entered the Mixed Doubles on 28 February,
where Mike Pierce/Casey Tarau defeated Mike Reed/Toni
Craig in the final (6/2, 6/3). Valanti Gounakis/Sue Nunn
won the flight, Murray and Kyle Ward won the plate, and
Des Hall/Tyla Gartner won the consolation plate.
More photos from
Waitangi Tournament
Ten men’s pairs and five ladies pairs entered the doubles,
played on 14 March 2015:
 Jason
Young/Valanti Gounakis defeated Mike
Pierce/Peter White (6/2, 6/3) in the men’s final. Iain
McGregor and Bruce Walpole won the flight, Dave
Burghardt and Peter Trass won the plate, and John
Eden and Coen Willemse won the consolation plate.
 Chris Jones/Chris Tustain finished first in the ladies
round-robin competition. (Shelley Bosma/Pam Mason
16 men (14 in ‘competitive’ and 2 in ‘social’) and 6 ladies
entered the Club Champs singles held on 11 April.
 In the Men’s Singles, Jason Young defeated Reuben
White in the men’s final (6/0, 6/2), while Ervin
McSweeney won the flight, Peter Trass won the plate,
and Murray Landon won the consolation plate.
 In the Ladies Singles, Pip Charlton was the winner and
Sue Nunn the runner in the round-robin competition
(determined by a countback after all 3 in the winner’s
bracket finished 1-1 in their round-robin).
 John Eden defeated Albert Ruegg in the Social event.
Midweek have also recently held their midweek championship singles
finals, with Fred Kleve winning the men’s section and Julia Kleve winning
the women’s.
Unfortunately Pam Booker has decided to step down from her position
as Midweek Club captain. We would like to thank Pam for all her hard
work and commitment to Otumoetai Tennis Club, and wish both her and
Roger all the very best for the future.
“Good shot, bad luck, and hell are the five basic words to
be used in a game of tennis, though these of course can be
slightly amplified.”
Virginia Graham,1949
Waikato-Bays/Western Bay of Plenty Prizegiving
At the Waikato-Bays/WBOP Prizegiving held at Mt.
Maunganui Tennis Club on 10 April, Otumoetai’s
Kauri and Totara Interclub teams were awarded
trophies for winning the Men’s A Division 1 and Division 2 Friday Night Interclub competition that finished last December.
Congratulations to members of Kauri and Totara!
What’s Coming Up...
OTC Queens Birthday tournament, men’s/ladies doubles on Saturday 30 May and mixed on
Sunday 31 May.
Tennis Seniors Western Bay AGM - 9 May 2015 at 4pm at Tauranga Lawn. Senior members
are invited to join Saturday club day tennis from 1pm , followed by the meeting, nibbles and
happy hour.
Vets Tournament, St Peters Tennis Club, Hamilton: Men’s and ladies doubles on Saturday 2
May, mixed doubles on Sunday 3 May. Contact Dave Werder on 07-839 3516 or for more details.
Tennis Waikato-Bays is hosting a community coaching course at Te Puna tennis club on 3
May (9am-3pm). If you would like some basic skills in tennis coaching to assist the club as a
volunteer, parent helper, etc, please contact Peter O’Dea at Sport Bay of Plenty
( or 0274 944 415) for further information or to enrol.
Upcoming tournaments and tournament results can be viewed at the Tennis NZ Website - http://
Promotions / Sponsorship
Otumoetai Tennis Club is looking for tournament sponsor(s). As you know, we host three
tournaments each year (Waitangi and Queens Birthday Seniors, and February Juniors). There
are also other sponsorship possibilities including Business House, running all year round.
Details of the sponsorship proposal are still being finalised - however, if you would like further
information on this, please contact Bernie Goodwin.
We also take this opportunity to thank the Gartner family for their kind donation of Rebel
Sports gift vouchers, which were awarded at the recent OTC junior prizegiving. Please contact
our junior administrator, Julia Kleve, if you would like to be involved in any way in the
continued development of our junior members.
Thank You
Our club continues
to thrive thanks to
the generosity of
various funding
EMAILS: As we like to keep contact with you through emails,
please ensure we have your correct email address. If you wish
to update any contact details , please contact us at
BALL MACHINE: Please contact Mike Reed (027 454 3038) for
your orientation on the ball machine (which takes about 5
minutes!), and then you’re ready for action
SHOE TAGS: All members must now wear a shoe tag when
they are on court. This is to help prevent non-members using
the Clubs facilities for free that YOU are paying for.
NON MARKING SHOES: Please ensure if you are going to
play on the blue courts you must have NON MARKING SHOES.
Please test your shoes first before playing if you’re unsure.
GATE: Please keep the gate closed at all times when playing
outside of squad hours. New code for the new season when
you pay your 2014/15 subscription. Visitors must pay $5.00
each to use the facilities if you let them in.
LIGHTS: A reminder that we like our Club to run as costeffectively as possible. Therefore, if a lit court is in use, please
think to use the next court so as to share lights. Be energy
aware and in save the Club funds in the process! If you must
turn on another light switch, please turn off after use.
SLIDING DOOR: If you would like a key to the downstairs sliding door, please see Fred Kleve (there is a $10 charge).
We particularly wish
to thank Pub
Charities for providing funding for our
club coaching.
We also
acknowledge the
five Tauranga participating businesses:
AJs Bar,
Marty’s Pool Bar
Renner’s Bar
Rossco’s Café
and Bar (Wharf
Street) and
Mount Brewing