Riptide News -

March 16, 2015
Volume 2, Issue 1
Riptide News
 April 12th—Registration
 May 17th—Opening
party (4-7pm)
Swim Team Registration
Registration will be held on
April 12th from 2-4 pm at the
Dove Tree Clubhouse.
Attached to this e-mail are a
number of forms which need to
be completed for registration:
Registration Forms will be
accepted through May 6th.
Swim Team Registration
SAIL Intent to Swim
SAIL Ethics & Liability
SAIL Registration & Medical Release
Registration Fees are
$70—1 child, $135—2 children,
$195—3 children, $255—4
If you are unable to attend
Registration on April 12th,
please drop them by/mail to :
7 Old Taylor Court, Gvl 29615
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
After May 6th, a $10 late fee
will apply per swimmer and a
team gift is not guaranteed.
 June 9th—Discovery
Island Waterpark Fundraiser
Dove Tree Home Owners Association Dues or Associate Membership Dues are required to
be paid prior to swim team
registration. Deb Jolly will be
present at registration to collect any unpaid dues.
 June 15th—Greenville
Drive SAIL game
You will have an opportunity to
purchase swim team suits at
Registration. If you are not
able to attend registration, you
may shop for a swim team suit
at Alpine Ski, located on Orchard Park Drive.
Support the Riptides and advertise your company! Thank you to last year’s 4 sponsors— Barnett’s Stump
Grinding, Carlton Professional Tree Equipment, Eppes & Plumblee Law Firm, and T.L. Lewis Construction, Inc.
This year we would love to have even more! For $100, your company name/logo will be placed on a vinyl
banner at the pool as well as on the heat sheets for our home meets. Please contact Julie Fairchild: to be a Riptide Sponsor!
Swim Practice Schedule (Guppy schedule on pg 2)
Swimmers are divided up by
age groups for practice.
While school is in session, the
practice schedule will be as
4:15-5:00pm 8yrs & under
5:00-5:45pm 9 & 10 yrs
5:45-6:30pm 11 yrs & older
Social Events
Beginning June 8th:
Morning practice (Mon—
8:45-9:45am 10 yrs & under
9:45-10:45am 11 yrs & up
Afternoon (Mon—Wed):
4:00-4:45pm 8 yrs & under
4:45-5:30pm 9 & 10 yrs
5:30-6:15pm 11 yrs & up
Ribbons will be distributed the
morning following the Swim
Meet at 10:30am.
Practice begins Monday, May
18th! Practice will be held on
Fridays until the 1st meet.
 June TBA—Movie Night
 July 1st—Roller Skating
 July 9th—Pasta Pumpup (6-8pm)
 July 12th—Bloody Sundae (5-6pm)
 July 14th—Awards Ceremony (6pm)
Swim Meet Schedule
@ McCarter
@ Canebrake
Botany Woods (home) 6/18
Thornblade (home)
@ Wellington Green/
Divisionals @ Botany 7/11 Sat.
Woods (all age groups) only
Championships & Clas- 7/18 &
sics @ Westside
Page 2
Riptide News
Our Guppy division is for young
swimmers who still need assistance swimming the length of the
pool on their own.
Guppy Practice Schedule:
Practices and meets will be conducted with a guppy coach or helper by the swimmer’s side to support and cheer them from one end
to the other.
June 1st, 2nd, 3rd —
Mon-Wed 6:30-7:00pm
Guppy Meet Schedule
May 26th, 27th, 28th —
Tues-Thur 6:30-7:00pm
As they are ready, guppies may be
moved up to swim team to swim in
one or two events at the regular
swim meet before the season is
Beginning June 8th—
Mon-Wed 3:30-4:00pm
Guppy season ends on 6/29.
Meg Fogleman will be the guppy
coordinator for the guppy events.
Each swim meet, home and
away, requires a significant
amount of teamwork to ensure
the meet runs smoothly.
Start getting prepared
to compete in our SAIL
league with spring
training at any of the
following locations. Ask
your neighbor—many
are enrolled already!
We need volunteers in the following areas: timers, runners,
records, stroke and turn judges, clerk of course, back-up
referee, starter, tent parents,
set-up, and tear-down.
Kroc Center
Westside Aquatic Center
Sports Club
TBA Meet (9am10am)
V. Devenger (910am)
Parent Fun Meet
(6:30-7:30 pm)
Spirit Wear—
Volunteer Needs
YMCA Greenville
v. Brighton Carisbrooke (9-10 am)
SAIL Training dates will be held
in April & May. More information
will be sent soon.
We need ALL parents to be
trained in at least one of these
S how your team s pirit!
We will s ell se veral
items with our logo and
des ign below!
We als o have new team
suits this year. A lpine
will ha ve them ready at
2015 Board Members
Tiffany Watson—Head Coach
Julie Fairchild—President
Becky Kelly—Treasurer
Regenea Voorhees—Social
Cathy Truesdale—Concessions
Tom/Lisa Lockhart—Spirit Wear
Sam Swift—Asst. Coach
Mary Anise Turner—SAIL Rep
Alan Truesdale—Computer
Amanda Dease—Snacks
Donovan Brown—Meet Volunteers
Meg Fogleman —Guppy Coor.
Contact us: dovetreeswimteam@
Show your team spirit!
Dove Tree Swim Team