Dale Avenue, Hassocks, West Sussex, BN6 8LP Telephone: 01273 845892 Facsimile: 01273 846358 E.mails: office@downlands.w-sussex.sch.uk head@downlands.w-sussex.sch.uk Headteacher: Mrs R Hetherton B.Ed NPQH April 2015 Dear Parent/Carer and Student, th I am writing to advise you of the arrangements for the remaining few days leading up to the Leavers’ Assembly on Friday 8 May. The th current timetable will continue as usual to Thursday 7 May. Obviously all students will be expected to attend lessons punctually and be prepared to work throughout the week in order to maximise the learning opportunities available to them. Further details about the arrangements for study leave can be found in the Leavers’ Booklet which has already been distributed to all students. st The pre-ordered ‘hoodies’ will be distributed on Friday 1 May in the Schering Suite at 1.15pm. Please ensure that any outstanding monies are paid before this day. Alternatively, cash to settle balances can be brought in on the day. Students will th be allowed to wear their hoodies around school until the 8 May. After this date hoodies must not be worn in the school building or lessons. Students have been informed that the hoodies are a souvenir of their time at Downlands, not an addition th to our current uniform and therefore must NOT be worn to or in any exams or in the period after 8 May We are still awaiting the delivery of the yearbooks and these will be distributed to those students who have pre ordered and paid for them as soon as they arrive in school. th The Leavers Assembly will take place in the hall on Friday 8 May at 10.45am. Students are required to arrive at school at 10.30am and not before, entering the building at the main reception, unless they have an exam or come by coach. Latecomers will not be able to attend the assembly. On this occasion only, students should attend school wearing nonuniform. They will be expected to be smartly and suitably dressed. Students are encouraged to not wear jeans. Students should always be in full school uniform and arrive punctually to lessons and examinations. Any student arriving on site without full uniform will be asked to leave immediately. Following the assembly, Year 11 students will go to the canteen where there will be a buffet for them. This will give them the opportunity to say their goodbyes to each other and to staff. Students will be expected to leave the school premises by 12.45pm. As the school is situated in the village, we are especially aware of the impact pupil behaviour can have on local businesses and residents. Consequently, we ask that pupils leave the village and go straight home when they leave the school. I have been very pleased with the way almost all of the students in the year group have been working and behaving in lessons as they make the final preparations for the exams. Their positive response has been very much appreciated and remarked upon by staff. On occasions, however the inevitable excitement at this point in their school career can overspill into thoughtless behaviour, particularly on the last day. Year 11 students should remember that other students will be working in their lessons and it is important that there is no disruption to the school day. In the light of isolated incidents over past years I should like to make it clear the school’s stance on the following; 1. It is hoped that the majority of students will prefer to have their yearbook signed by friends and staff however, they may bring a th spare shirt for friends to sign on Friday 8 May after Leavers’ Assembly. They are not permitted to sign any shirt they are wearing during any other school day. Signed shirts are not to be worn in school. 2. A very small number of students have in the past let themselves and the school down on the way to or at school although these incidents are extremely rare at Downlands. You may have heard of some schools locally where alcohol or other items such as flour and eggs have been brought in on the last day. It goes without saying that this behaviour will not be tolerated and any student who behaves inappropriately will be sent home and not allowed to attend the Leavers’ Assembly. It will also jeopardize the pupil’s attendance at the Prom. It must be remembered that the school must continue to function for all pupils ensuring they are in a safe and orderly environment with all expectations observed by all pupils. I should like to end by thanking you for all the support you have given over the past five years. I sincerely hope your son/daughter realises their potential in the forthcoming GCSE examinations and would like to take this opportunity to express how much I have enjoyed being their Head of Year. Yours sincerely Mr M Whitmore Head of Year 11 WEST SUSSEX COUNTY COUNCIL
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