CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE DEPARTMENT OF NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT TO THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR REVIEW BOARD (ERB) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPROPRIATENESS DATE OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: March 11, 2013 Project Name: Fulton Bank- New bank and office building Planner: Mary Joy Scala, AICP Applicant: Fulton Bank Applicant's Representative: Terry Cain Applicant's Relation to Owner: Authorized agent Application Information Property Street Address: 901 Seminole Trail Property Owner: George A Jr and Cathy L Seymour Tax Map/Parcel#: Tax Map 41B, Parcell (Online Record: 41B001000) Total Square Footage/Acreage Site: 0.796 acres Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Plan) Designation: Mixed Use Current Zoning Classification: Highway Corridor Mixed Use with Enh·ance Corridor (EC) Overlay Entrance Corridor Overlay District: §34-307(a)(l) Route 29 North and (2) Hydraulic Road Current Usage: Import Car Store (building to be demolished) Background The ERB reviews Entrance Cmridor Certificate of Appropriateness applications when the proposal is for new construction. Applicant's Request The applicant is requesting approval of a certificate of appropriateness to construct a one-story bank building (approximately 125 feet x 60 feet) with three drive-through lanes and surface parking for 23 cars. The site abuts the Kmrut parking lot, Route 29 Nmth (Seminole Trail), and Hydraulic Road. The vehicular circulation is similar to existing, with one entrance/egress on Hydraulic Road, one egress only on Route 29 North, and an internal entrance/egress to the Kmad pru·king lot. A 5-foot sidewalk and Allee Elm street trees and Yoshino Cherry ornamental trees ru·e proposed along the road frontage. Additional landscaping is proposed on site, including Sugar Maples and London Planetrees, Serviceberries, and Dogwoods. 1 The City is in the process of purchasing right-of-way from this prope1iy owner to construct an additional travel lane from Hydraulic Road onto Route 29 Nmih. This new property line has been incorporated into the site plan Building materials consist of brick, cast stone, cultured stone, and EIFS (exterior insulation finishing system). The main roof is fiberglass shingle; the tower roof is metal. Windows are clear glass with cast stone trim. Outdoor lighting consists of fully-shielded wall sconces and pole lights, maximum 20 feet high. Standard of Review The Planning Commission serves as the entrance corridor review board (ERB) responsible for administering the design review process in entrance corridor overlay districts. This development project requires a site plan, and therefore also requires a certificate of appropriateness from the ERB, pursuant to the provisions of §34-309(a)(3) ofthe City's Zoning Ordinance. The ERB shall act on an application within 60 days of the submittal date, and shall either approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application. Appeal would be to City Council. Standards for considering certificates of appropriateness: In conducting review of an application, the ERB must consider certain features and factors in determining the appropriateness of proposed construction, alteration, etc. of buildings or structures located within an entrance corridor overlay district. Foilowing is a list of the standards set forth within §34-31 0 of the City Code: §34-31 0(1): Overall architectural design, form, and style o{tlte subiect building or structure, including, but not limited to: tlte lteight, mass and scale,· The proposed (approximately 125 feet x 60 feet) building is approximately 21 feet in height to the top of the main roof, and approximately 27 feet to the top of the tower. The overall form is a one-story, rectangular shape with traditional style elements. Staff Analysis: A building of this height, mass and scale is appropriate in this area. §34-31 0(2): Exterior architectural details and features o{the subiect building or structure; This building is one-story with a small tower, with clear glass windows facing Route 29 and Hydraulic Road. The main pedestrian entrance faces Hydraulic Road. Staff Analysis: The building design is traditional, and has sufficient variation and articulation. 2 §34-310(3): Texture, materials and color ofmaterials proposed (or use on the subject building or structure; The proposed building materials/colors consist of: • Brick: Statesville Brick, straight edge wood-fired series, Chestnut (red) color, modular size; • Cast stone (trim): Stafford Stone Works, limestone color 261 (from Fredericksburg); • Cultured stone (base and tower): Owens Corning, Caramel Country Ledgestone pattern; • EIFS: Dryvit #108 Manor White; • Shingles: Timberline Prestique Lifetime, Slate color; • Metal roof: Pac-Clad Snap Clad, Interstate blue color; • Window frames: Duranodic Dark bronze color; • Window glass: insulated, clear; • Metal coping: bronze color. Staff Analysis: The use of red brick is important to provide continuity with the conidor. EIFS is not a recommended material, but it is used minimally on this building. Stone is more commonly used for site walls than building walls in the Charlottesville area. The use of stone is secondary, but the pattern is not from this area. Whole Foods, for example, an ERB-approved project, makes use of a fieldstone pattern that better reflects the local character. (Actual samples will be available at the ERB meeting.) §34-310(4/: Design and arrangement of buildings and structures on the subject site; This is an auto-oriented zoning district. The building it located at the maximum setback permitted. The drive-though and most parking spaces are located in the side and rear; a small area of parking is located between the building and Hydraulic Road. Access is provided to the abutting commercial site. New landscaping is showu along the streetscape, in the parking lot, and around the new building. Staff Analysis: The design of the building on the site was determined by the minimum/maximum setbacks for the Highway Conidor zone. It is difficult to conceal parking with so much frontage. The layout appears to adequately accommodate the desired functions. §34-310(5): The extent to which the features and characteristics described within paragraphs {1)-(4/,above, are architecturally compatible (or incompatible) with similar features and characteristics ofother buildings and structures having frontage on the same EC street(s) as the subject propertv. Staff Analysis: The goals are to make the site function well for the users of this site and the corridors, and to have an attractive development that is compatible with its surrounding context. This building will generally be architecturally compatible with other buildings in this area. §34-310(6/: Provisions o{the Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines. Relevant sections of the guidelines include: 3 Section I (Introduction) The Entrance Corridor design principles are expanded below: • Design For a Corridor Vision New building design should be compatible (in massing, scale, materials, colors) with those structures that contribute to the overall character and quality of the corridor. Existing developments should be encouraged to make upgrades consistent with the corridor vision. Site designs should contain some common elements to provide continuity along the con·idor. New development, including franchise development, should complement the City's character and respect those qualities that distinguish the City's built environment. • Preserve History Preserve significant historic buildings as well as distinctive architecture from more recent periods. Encourage new contemporary design that integrates well with existing historic buildings to enhance the overall character and quality of the corridor. • Facilitate Pedestrian Access Encourage compact, walkable developments. Design pedestrian connections from sidewalk and car to buildings, between buildings, and between corridor properties and adjacent residential areas. • Maintain Human Scale in Buildings and Spaces Consider the building scale, especially height, mass, complexity of form, and architectural details, and the impact of spaces created, as it will be experienced by the people who will pass by, live, work, or shop there. The size, placement and number of doors, windows, portals and openings define human scale, as does the degree of ground-floor pedestrian access. • Preserve and Enhance Natural Character Daylight and improve streams, and retain mature trees and natural buffers. Work with topography to minimize grading and limit the introduction of impervious surfaces. Encourage plantings of diverse native species. •. Create a Sense of Place In corridors where substantial pedestrian activity occurs or is encouraged, or where mixed use and multi building projects are proposed, one goal will be creating a sense of place. Building arrangements, uses, natural features, and landscaping should contribute, where feasible, to create exterior space where people can interact. •. Create an Inviting Public Realm Design inviting streetscapes and public spaces. Redevelopment of properties should enhance the existing streetscapes and create an engaging public realm. • Create Restrained Communications Private signage and advertising should be harmonious and in scale with building elements and landscaping features. • Screen Incompatible Uses and Appurtenances: Screen from adjacent properties and public view those uses and appurtenances whose visibility may be incompatible with the overall character and quality of the corridor, such as: parking lots, outdoor storage and loading areas, refuse areas, mechanical and communication equipment, Where feasible, relegate 4 parking behind buildings. It is not the intent to require screening for utilitarian designs tbat are attractive, and/or purposeful. • Respect and Enhance Charlottesville's Character Charlottesville seeks new construction that reflects the unique character, history, and cultural diversity of this place. Architectural transplants from other locales, or shallow imitations of historic architectural styles,_for example, are neither appropriate nor desirable. Incompatible aspects of franchise design or corporate signature buildings must be modified to fit the character of this community. Section 2 (Streetscape) The designs of the existing vehicular entrances on Route 29 North and Hydraulic Road are being improved. A new 5 foot City sidewalk will be constructed with tbe Hydraulic Road widening improvements. Proposed new street trees consist offive Allee Elms and two Yoshino Cherry. Staff Analysis: The design meets site plan requirements. Perhaps the trees should be located on the street side of the sidewalk. Section 3 (Site I: Additional landscaping is proposed on site, including Sugar Maples and London Planetrees, Serviceben·ies, and Dogwoods. Proposed lighting consists of fully-shielded wall sconces and pole lights, maximum 20 feet high. A screened trash enclosure is located in the rear. The site plan notes that all mechanical equipment shall be located and screened on the roof with a small wall or other solid structure and shall be constructed of a material harmonious to the fac;ade. Staff Analysis: The site features are generally appropriate for the use. Section 4 (Buildings): Pertinent guidelines for buildings include architectural compatibility, mass, scale, height, fac;ade organization, materials, color, and details. Staff Analysis: The building design is generally appropriate. The use of red brick and the minimal use of EIFS and cultured stone are recommended. Staff recommends a cultured stone pattern that is more similar to local stone. Section 5 (Individual Corridors): Route 29 North Vision: 5 While much ofthe growth ofthis corridor is expected to be within Albemarle County's section as it extends north, there is great opportunity to redevelop Charlottesville's parts with more intense retail and mixed uses. Scale ofdevelopment will go ji·om large to medium as you move south towards the City. More pedestrian scaled, mixed-use in.fill opportunities exist in the Barracks Road area as opposed to the auto oriented north end Route 29 North Sub-Area A: Northern corporate limits to 250 overpass Vision: As Route 29 traffic enters the City this area should serve to calm traffic and create a transitionji·om auto oriented suburban development to more pedestrian friendly, urban scale development. Planting and maintaining street trees along the existing Route 29 sidewalks, and locating buildings close to the road will assist in this effort. Although wide roads and large traffic volumes discourage pedestrian crossings, a pedestrian environment can be encouraged within developments. Providing walking and driving linkages between developments andproviding for transit will also create alternatives to having to drive on Route 29. Individual building designs should complement the City's character and respect the qualities that distinguish the City's built environment. This corridor is a potentia/location for public way-finding signage. Hydraulic Road Vision: There is potential for redevelopment ofthe older sites along the corridor including K-Mart Plaza and Dominion Power. Large new buildings should be designed to reduce mass. Opportunities include: building closer to Hydraulic Road, adding land~caping along the streets and in parking lots, and creating pedestrian and auto connectivity within and between developments. A new road could provide access to sites to the north. Preserving a stream buffer and extending a greenway along Meadow Creek are additional needs. West ofRt. 29 pedestrian connections would be important if older commercial and residential properties along Hydraulic Road are redeveloped Public Comments Received No public comments have been received to date. Staff Recommendations Staff believes the project meets the standards and guidelines for a certificate of appropriateness in the Entrance Conidor. Staff recommends approval of this application. Recommendations for changes are: • Use a cultured stone pattern that is more similar to local stone. • Locate the street trees on the street side of the City sidewalk. Suggested Motion I. "I move to approve the Entrance Conidor Certificate of Appropriateness application for the new Fulton Bank and office building at Route 29 and Hydraulic Road, with the following conditions: !.. .. 2 .. ... " 6 Attachments: Application form (2 pages) Site Plan (5 pages) Building perspectives (2 pages) Building elevations (2 pages) ERB Project Narrative (6 pages) 7 r: -- ·- - -- - .- -- - - - · - -· P13-otSY Entrance Corridor Review Application (EC) Certificate of Appropriateness 1 AI: CE:Iti eo Please Return To City of Cnarlottesvtlle Depanment of Netghbornood Development Servtces PO Box91 1 C1tyHal! Charlottesvtlle. Vtrgtnia 22902 Telephone (434) 970-3'130 Fax (434) 970-3359 NE/GHBORHCODDEVEl S£ I .. , p 1 ( 20..' - -- - - ---- - - --- J • ~ RVICE.) Please submit ten (10) copies of application form and all attach ments. For a new construction project, please inc lude $375 application fee . For all other projects requiring EC approval, please include $125 application fee . For projects that require only admimstrative approval. please include $100 administrative fee . Make checks payable to the City of Charlottesville. The Entrance Corndor Rev1ew Boa rd (ERB J meets tne ::;.::cor.o iuesuay of 111.: montn Deadl1ne for submrttals 1s Tuesday 3 weeks pnor to n.:.<t ERB rneelinq oy 4 p rr Owner Name . ProJect Name/Descrrptton Street Address / Ctflll'! J. S €.1 r'lov(l. 1 tr6oa.£,t; 4. :1'/l. <~ Applicant Nam e_ _!___:_.:l FV~~~==--...!.; w &.v~=:k::....l-______ P~Sf.D ~ ),Fvi..-rt>~ Fw~+,...;(•liL 1o I 0 ,..., vL r: Parcel Number l.f1J3 oo/000 T/1-41( Signature of Applicant Applicant Information Address : fVL.'l'!,...., !Mwh... o~ !~~~ sq~+ ~'~ Email· ~,.,..... <!!..·~ Phone: (W)7t7 · 2•1 - J.?67 (H ) nereoy attest t11at the rnformatlon 1 nave provided 1s. to tne o f rny knowledge. c orrect (Signature also denotes ·n,,nlitrn ent to pay mv reQUired mail nouces.) ie!>t J!E:ffffr ~ __ S tqnatu ~"a---- Date /e/lll. '( CAt/\/ FAX ------------- ---- -- -- - -- - - Property Owner (if not applicant) Address: 4ot Yf6'\'~ T"'-4~1... c ...,_,e,_ ....;f vat U 1o t Ema il. ' Phone. (W ) _ _ _ _ _ (H l _ _ ___ _ Pr:nt Name '/ -16-IJ Date Property Owner Permission (if not applicant) , nave read th1s applicatron and hereby g1ve my consent to . t ~ i>UOrniS$1011 _ ALtlM•>7 FAX - - - - - - - -- - -- P~!"'•> 10 Jlo"'>S /OJ J4~AAI1( t.£11(A Srgna ture: Date Pr1nt Nam e: Date Description of Proposed Work (attach separate narrativ e if necessary) : ~ t-r~~,.._?..._ """-".£.A.i7 &r 'fl-lr£ #>rr Slf--t /,A.f/1~1 fU ~ /)-! l.n!'-t#otf,..f uf" tl'O' 2V Arl! &rv Attachments (see reverse side for submittal requtrementsr ________ - ------·-- - - - -- - --- SU A,> ____________ /\ppr o v~:: d / D1 sap p ro ved oy Date ,·:ondlttons of approval I i I I _____j _r_--o-'-j-''"'-g_ _ _, 2013 City of Charlottesville Department of Neighborhood Development Services 61 0 E. Market Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT LAND USE APPLICATIONS George A. Seymo"ur, Jr., and Cathy L. Seymour (the "Owners"), are the owners of City of Charlottesville tax map parcel number 41B001 000 (the "Property") and hereby authorize Fulton Bank, Collins Engineering, Scott Collins, and their representatives and/or afliliates thereof, to submit land use applications on the Owner's behalf affecting the Property. Such land use applications may include Site Plan applications, Entrance Corridor Review applications, and similar applications for the Propetty, as needed for Fulton Bank to obtain all necessary approvals to construct and operate a retail bank with a drive through teller window and lanes on the Property. Sincerely, , r I George' A. Seymour, 1r. :1M61S\!J J 2 0 0 GA R R ETT ST , SU I TE K CH A R L OTT ES VI LLE VA 2 2 9 0 2 434.293.3719 PH 434.293.2813 FX www.collins- Dear 901 Seminole Trail- Proposed Fulton Financial Development (Current Import Car Store) Engineer: Collins Engineering DATE: FEBRUARY 12, 2014 PROJECT NARRATIVE Summary: The parcel located at 901 Seminole Trail is a used car dealership and is located at the intersection of Hydraulic Road and Route 29. The property is proposed to be transformed into a shared building space providing both banking and office areas. The proposed building is approximately 5,950sf and will open in the Spring of 2015, with construction beginning in the late summer months of 2014. The existing zoning is HW (Highway Corridor) and the parcel is located on the entrance corridor. Figure 1: Existing Conditions – Import Car Store Uses: The parcel located at 901 Seminole Trail is located adjacent to a commercial store (KMart), an automobile repair shop (Meineke Car Care), a gas station (Exxon Mobile) and a restaurant (Trader Joes’s). Other similar commercial stores are located nearby as well. The proposed site is in general accordance with its surrounding environment. The proposed plan will also bring approximately 10 jobs to the area, and will provide a service to this location. The parcel proposes a bank and office space, as shown on the plans. The building will be shared between occupants. The proposed development also takes into consideration the expansion of both Route 29 and Hydraulic Road, which previously acquired right-of-way from this parcel for its construction. Below is an exhibit that shows the parcel’s existing zoning map. Figure 2: Existing Zoning Map Access: Ingress/egress to the parcel will come from three different existing locations, none of which are proposed to be relocated. All three existing access points will remain in place, but all three will be upgraded and will meet minimum City requirements. One point of access will be from Hydraulic Road and a second point will be from the adjacent shopping center containing K-Mart. Both of these access points will continue to have two-way circulation. The third point of access will be egress only. This existing exit is located along Route 29 and is incorporated into the development. Stormwater Management: The present condition of the site is primarily impervious pavement with concrete walks and a building. With the development of this parcel, impervious areas will be reduced and more green open space lawns will be implemented than what currently exists onsite. In summary, the proposed development will mean less run-off than currently exists, and the stormwater runoff rates, volumes and velocities exiting the parcel will be improved. Utilities: This property will be served via existing public water and public sewer. Landscaping: Landscaping is provided for this development and helps to soften the parcel’s streetscape. Green open space is also proposed on what is currently a heavily existing impervious lot. Additionally, street trees are proposed along Hydraulic Road and Route 29 outside of the vehicular line of sight. Lighting: Light fixtures are proposed with this project to help ensure safety for its inhabitants. The light fixtures shown are to be full cutoff with pole heights not to exceed 20’ in height. The plans propose a maximum of 0.5 foot candles at the property line alongside Route 29 and Hydraulic Road in accordance with City standards. The plans also propose a minimum of 2.0 foot candles within a 60’ radius of the ATM machine located onsite, which is in compliance with the Federal ATM Safety Act. Conclusion: The proposed project is harmonious with current patterns of use and development with the surrounding area, especially in terms of the scale and massing of the existing buildings. Furthermore, the development conforms to a number of aspects of the city’s comprehensive plan. These include the redevelopment of infill sites using sustainable building practices, promoting pedestrian circulation through the use of sidewalks and the use of appropriate landscaping and lighting to mitigate the current noise and traffic from the adjacent heavily traveled roads. Overall, in approving the proposed development the site will be enhanced and will be in harmony with other adjacent buildings and properties within the area. The scale and massing on the site is appropriate, and is far less than the maximum permitted. The parking adjustment, lighting, landscaping and added green open space makes it more compatible with City planning goals and is an improvement to the parcel. The following are pictures of the existing site: Figure 3: Existing Used Car Dealership Figure 4: View looking south from Route 29 exit Figure 5: View looking west from Route 29 exit Figure 6: View looking north from Route 29 exit Figure 7: View looking north from Hydraulic Road entrance/exit Figure 8: View looking west from Hydraulic Road entrance/exit Figure 9: View looking south from Hydraulic Road entrance/exit Figure 10: View looking south at entrance/exit providing inter-parcel connectivity FULTON FINANCIAL CORPO TION THIS ENTRANCE CORRIDOR PLAN - (.!) CITY OF CHARLOTIESVILLE, VIRGINIA z li; w ::;: z !( li: ~ 0 en z GENERAL NOTES: OWNER SEYMOUR, GEORGE A, JR. & CATHY L GROVE RD. 901 SEMINOLE TRAIL CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 ARCHITECT Vl w c z NEWGROUND C/0 MIKE NEFF VICINITY MAP CHESTERFlELD, MD 63017 SCALE: 1" = 2000' TELEPHONE: (636) 898-8132 COLLINS ENGINEERING < ::;: "' !2 --> g ....en .... "' "' 0 0 -' Vl w 15450 SOUTH OUTER FORTY DRIIIE ENGINEER 01 u :I: ::;: ::J Vl > w -E ~ -' < z 200 GARRETT STREET, SUITE K CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 TELEPHONE: (434) 293-3719 PARCEL TMP 41B00100 901 SEMINOLE TRAIL CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DB 8022012/PG. 213 ZONING HW (HIGHWAY CORRIDOR)- PARCEL IS LOCATED ON THE ENTRANCE CORRIDOR EXISTING USE CAR DEALERSHIP PROPOSED USE BANK & OFFICE SPACE: FINANCIAL INSTITUTION LOCATION OF PROJECT 901 SEMINOLE TRAIL, CHARLOTIESVILLE, VA 22901 SHEET INDEX TOTAL ACREAGE OF SITE TOTAL ACREAGE: 0. 796 ACRES STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EXISTING SITE IS PRIMARILY IMPERVIOUS AND THE PROPCSED DEVELOPMENT GENERATES A NET DECREASE IN IMPERVIOUS AREAS. TITLE SHEET EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOUTION PLAN SITE PLAN UGHTING PLAN UGHTING DETAILS DEVELOPMENT SATISFIES STORMWATER QUALITY AND DETENTION REQUIREMENTS AND REDUCES THE POST DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF RATES, VOLUMES, AND VELOCITIES FROM THE SITE. SEE THE SWM PLAN. AND SUPPLEMENTAL CALCULATIONS AND WORKSHEETS. ± (AN ESC PLAN WILL BE SUBMmED WITH THE FINAL SITE PLAN) TOTAL LAND DISTURBANCE <1 ACRES SETBACKS PRIMARY STREET (ROUTE 29) FRONTAGE: 5' MINIMUM AND 30' MAXIMUM TOTAL LINKING STREET (HYDRAULIC ROAD): 2D' MINIMUM SHEETS: 1 2 3 4 5 5 /PROPOSED_/ / DEVELOPMENT SIDE AND REAR: 0' BUILDING HEIGHTS SHEET mE THROUGH THE SITE's OVERALL REDUCTION IN IMPERVIOUS AREAS THE SITE PHASING THIS DEVELOPMENT ONLY CONTAINS ONE PHASE. THERE ARE NO FLOODPLAIN LIMITS WITHIN THE SUBJECT PROPERTY PER FEMA MAPS #51003C0286D & a U51003C02780, DATED FEBRUARY 4, 2005. STREAM BUFFER THIS SITE CONTAINS NO EXISTING WATER COURSES, STREAM BUFFERS OR FLOOD PLAINS. AS SUCH IT DOES NOT IMPACT A STREAM BUFIFER, WATERCOURSE OR FLOODPLAIN ON THE PROPERTY. THE SITE DOES HAVE AN EXISTING STORM DRAINAGE LINE ALONG THE PERIMETER WHICH WILL REMAIN. THIS SITE NOT APPLICAIBLE CONSERVATION PLAN NOT APPLICABLE EXISTING VEGETATION MINIMAL EXISTING TREE COVERAGE, SITE IS PRIMARILY PAVED. TREES ARE LOCATED ALONG THE PERIMETER, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON PLANS IN AREAS OF CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO STARTING WORK. CONTACT ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF LOCATION OR ELEVATION IS DIFFERENT FROM THAT SHOWN ON THE PLANS, IF THERE APPEARS TO BE A CONFLICT, AND UPON DISCOVERY OF ANY UTILITY NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. AS SHOWN ON THE EXISTING CONDITlONS SHEET. TOPOGRAPHY CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCURACY OF THE GIS DATA USED IN THE PLANS AND THE CONTRACTOR MUST LOCATE ALL SURFACE AND SUB-SURFACE UTILITIES PRIOR TO ANY WORK ONSITE. TOPOGRAPHY AND SURVEY OF THE SITE WERE PROVIDED BY COMMONWEALTH UAND SURVEYING, LLC IN AUGUST OF 2013. TOPOGRAPHY IS FIELD SURVEYED AND SHOWN AT 1' INTERVALS. USGS DATUM IS NAD 83. UTILITIES THE SITE WILIL BE SERVED BY PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER. CRITICAL SLOPES NO CRITICAL SLOPES EXIST ON SITE THAT MEET THE CONDITIONS OF THE CITY ORDINANCE SECTION ANY SIDEWALK AND/OR CURB DAMAGE IDENTIFIED IN THE SITE VICINITY DUE TO PROJECT CONSTRUCTION ACTMTIES AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR SHALL BE REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 34-1120. ALL SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE CONSISTENT WITH THE MUTCD. AREAS DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC USE CURRENTLY. THERE IS NO LAND ON THIS PROPERTY THAT IS PROPOSED FOR PUBLIC USE. A TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR CLOSURE OF SIDEWALKS, PARKING SPACES AND ROADWAYS AND IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER. SUBJECT PARCEL IMPERVIOUS AREA EXISTING BUILDING & CANOPY: EXISTING SIDEWALK: EXISTING PAVEMENT· 3,710sf 668sf PROPOSED BUILDING & CANOPY: PROPOSED SIDEWALK: PROPOSFQ PAVEMENT: 27 298sf TDTAL-31 ,676sf PAVED PARKING AND CIRCULATION: WATER DEMANDS/FIRE FLOW 5,950sf 1,647sf 19.751 sf TOTAL-27,34Bsf EXISTING HYDRAUUCROAD _______________________ SITE AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SHALL MEET CURRENT IBC ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. 19,751sf THE SITE IS LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUADRANT OF THE HYDRAULIC ROAD AND ROUTE 29 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION & DEMOLITION NOTES: (ALSO S££ NOTES .. DETAilS FOR ADDITIONAL D£MOI.JOON NrlT£5) 1. IFC 1404.1-SMOKING TO BE ALLOWED IN ONLY DESIGNATED SPACES WITlH PROPER RECEPTACLES. 2. IFC 1404.2-WASTE DISPOSAL OF COMBUSTIBLE DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE BUILDING AT THE END OF EACH WORKDAY. 3. IFC 1410.1-ACCESS TO THE BUILDING DURING DEMOLITION AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE MAINTAINED. 4. IFC 1404.6-CUTING AND WELDING. OPERATIONS INVOLVING THE USE OF CUTTING AND WELDING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 26, OF THE INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE, ADDRESSING WELDING AND HOTWORK OPERATIONS. 5. IFC 1414.1-FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH NOT LESS THAN ONE APPROVED PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHER AT EACH STAIRWAY ON ALL FLOOR LEVELS WHERE COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS HAVE ACCUMULATED. 6. REQUIRED VEHICLE ACCESS FOR FIRE FIGHTING SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALL CONSTRUCTION OR DEMOLITION SITES. VEHICLE ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO WITHIN 100 FEET OF TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS. VEHICLE ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY EITHER TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT ROADS, CAPAIBLE OF SUPPORTING VEHICLE LOADING UNDER ALL WEATHER CONDITIONS. VEHICLE ACCESS SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL PERMANENT FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS ARE AVAILABLE. INTERSECTION. THIS DEVELOPMENT PROPOSES THE INSTALLATION OF A COMPLETE FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY ALONG HYDRAULIC ROAD, APPROXIMATELY AT THE PROPERTY LINE/RIGHT-OF-WAY. THE FIRE HYDRANT IS PROPOSED TO CONNECT TO THE EXISTING 12" WATER LINE WITHIN HYDRAULIC ROAD. THE MINIMUM NECESSARY FIRE FLOW FOR THIS SITE IS 1500gpm FOR A DURATION OF 2 HOURS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SHEET LAYOUT IFC SECTION B1 05.2 AND A FLOW TEST WILL BE CONDUCTED ON EXISTING INFRASTRUCTURE TO ENSURE ADEQUACY. SIGNAGE SITE SIGNAGE WILL BE PROPOSED IN A SEPARATE APPLICATION. INGRESS AND EGRESS ACCESS TO THIS SITE WILL BE FROM (3) EXISTING ACCESS LOCATIONS. ONE LOCATION IS FROM ROUTE 29, ONE LOCATION IS FROM HYDRAULIC ROAD AND ONE LOCATION IS FROM THE K-MART PARKING LOT. SCALE: 1" = 30' ONLY EXISTING ACCESS POINTS WILL BE UTILIZED AND THIS PLAN DOES NOT PROPOSE ANY ADDITIONAL ACCESS LOCATIONS. LIGHTING PLAN A FINAL LIGHTING PLAN WILL BE PROVIDED WITH THE FINAL SITE PLAN. ALIL LIGHTING SHALL BE FULL CUT-OFF FIXTURES. SITE TRIP GENERATION AND LAND USE ITE CODE 8TH EDITION SPLIT GENERAL OFFICE (710 EQUATION) & DRIVE-IN BANK (912 EQUATION) AVERAGE DAILY TRIPS: PARKING REQUIREMENTS 339 VPD (170 ENTER/169 EXIT) AM PEAK RATE: 45 VPH (25 VPH ENTER/20 VPH EXIT) PM PEAK RATE: 70 VPH (33 VPH ENTER/37 VPH EXIT) 3.5 SPACES/1 ,OOOsf OF GFA FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS (MORE RESTRICTIVE TlHAN GENERAL OFFICE SPACE) 19 SPACES REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED 23 SPACES PROVIDED TRASH CONTAINERS THE BANK WILL HAVE A PRIVATE COMPANY PICK UP AND DISPOSE O'l ..- I'- z (') (') ::5 a.. O'l C\1 ""'" ""'" (') ARCHITECT NEWGROUND C/0 MIKE NEFF 15450 SOUTH OUTER FORTY DRIVE CHESTERFIELD, MO 63017 CURRENT OWNER ENGINEER SEYMOUR, GEORGE A JR. & CATHY L 901 SEMINOLE TRAIL CHARLOlTESVILLE, VA 22901 COLLINS ENGINEERING 200 GARRElT ST, SUITE K CHARLOlTESVILLE, VA 22902 ~ w z -...1 ...1 OF THE TRASH ON A DAILY BASIS. 0 u c 0 L 0 "~ u •ID ~ ID .Q ~ 0 u UJ u _J > (/) w II- z ~ ~ z 0_J a: <( :c 0 UJ :::.::: =a::: ow -"w "z u(5 cz aw t<n oz I- w w I l/) <( ::::> u (/) I- w w a: I- ID C 0 ID II- L. frw L W w ID L .a Q X ~ ID 0 C ID z c ~ 0 c:'::' 0 • (')oo z c i.Y:~ w 0 wz • ~ _Q w-0 2 If) z- :J ~ -' 0 0 L ~ 0 8 o-..._ 0 ,_u -L c0 ID "- ~ . c 00 L C a. :.a ::::> ~] "' c ~ IJ.. 0 0 x:,::; ID 0 ID L C\1 " :<Stic w -' I= b w li; ~ w J: tl) JOB NO. 132089 SCALE AS SHOWN DIRECTOR, NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPMENT -6~ 0 L z <( z ....... ~ ll. SIGNATURE PANEL a~ "' c~ .!:: § u u.c II- <( C) 0 0 . o~ ID 0 ....... IJ.. a: a: L(.) .c ,_a_ (/) w "-::J c-' ·- 0 w " _J ....J w . c'-' z 0 w _J I- U1 >- 0 ....... 0::: 0::: <( l9 z ~ Q 0 C\1 0 w w> z ID w 0 Q L 0::: O'l C\1 C\1 ULTIMATELY DISCHARGES INTO THE SOUTH FORK RIVANNA RIVER RESERVOIR. STREAM BUFFER MITIGATION PLAN z - THE MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT WILL BE 80' AND THERE IS NO MINIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT FLOODPLAIN l9 SHEET NO. 1 ID 0 L 0 0 0 00- C -o ID ru E::= ~ E 0 ·- o- "0- 0 -u c ·o0 ~ _Q ID 0 w oi w > 0 "(ij c ""' 0 0 .!:: cw ru..: o - > QO ·0 ID W ID 0 .c.C >-- • EXISTING STORM SEWER OUTFALL TMP 418002000 PEYTON ASSOCIATES PARTNERSHIP 1801 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 ZONING: HW r-'EXI~;Tl~IG TREE TO LINE L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 I DIRECTION 40"56 09 50"26 25 19"30 20 43"10 30 35"11 58 54"50 58 N 35"09 02 N 54"50 58 N N N N N s I E E w w E E E w TM P 418oo2ooo PEYTON ASSOCIATES PARTNERSHIP 1801 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 ZONING: HW DISTANCE 12.42' 4.04' 11.90 0.83' 1 0.45' 4.30' 16.43' 6.56' I.F. = IRON FOUND N.F. = NAIL FOUND PP = POWER POLE LP = LIGHT POLE WM = WATER METER Dl = DROP INLET REMAIN (TYP.) LINE EXISTING WOODEN RETAINING WALL TO REMAIN EXISTING CONC RETAINING WALL TO REMAIN I \ \ \ \ . . TMP41Bpoiooo · ... . SEYMOUR; GEORGE A, JR & CATHY L .· !lo1SEMINOLE TRAIL· . . CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 2i901 . . ZONING: HW · o.796ac.· I \ EXISTING DROP .. · . INLET· \ \ POLE& FOUNDATION TO BE REMOVED (TYP.) / v· y"· / /. -- /,/. .. .. >\ ~ •. ~\" ./ /· '\_· . ··;····· / I ~ · FOUNDATIONTO . . . BE REMOVEb . / . . . . / . (TY.P,) . --' "' \ .. ·/ "-·'.._ -,... . ."-, --.._ .... . ··;·.· I> /. ,..~.1~•n POLE & '.._ . "' .,.._·"-- ... / ./ '-. '- .. /. ./ ./ DEMOLISHED(TYP.) EXISTING SIDEWA~ TO REMAIN UNTIL CITY RELOCATES IT \ • w{THEWIDENING •.OFTHEROAD ··;· / OF .. ., \ . (c~~~~~:~~~~EDGE . TOBE \ ' ·-...: ·/· .. · .. '. · .. ··. . .. · .... ;./·. • //. ·~ . .q, ' v · 7 ---EXISTING DROP INLET(TYP.) /'. I> \ /. ·.·.~.· [>· . . EXiSTING CURB :tO · REMAIN (TYP.) · (j . \ v · .> 7 \ TMP 41Boo2ooo · :HIP~Y1-nN ASSOCIATES PARTNERSHI \ v . ·:•: 1>. •. " ' 1: . \ :: 1801 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 ZONING: HW . EXISTING .. DRAINAGE INLET · BENCHMARK '"'·"'~IN PAVEMEND ELEV.=48ug (lJ ·I . . "-<:l{I~TINr. BUIU:liNG' -.-.::::;.~"""~~-~--'"'-.... '· \ I .. ., · TO BE REf.10VED i .. I .. I. I ELECTRICAL BOXES TO _..- REMAIN UNTIL CITY RELOCATES IT wiTHE WIDENING OF THE ROAD . \ ' .. I . 14"48'01" 79.00' T = 10.26' L = 20.4 1' R = .. : 1 . II -·-· · - . -.- -·--- _._· .-·. _· - _ .. ....,.--...- · - . .. .. TEMPORARY. CONSTRUCTION EASEME:NT .. I.F. I .. I ROJ\D R{W · ,--:--"' ___,__. - - z a w w z l!J z w ll1 . '. . \ l!J z - .-·:T-· . 1 i EXISTING SIGN TO BE REMOVED z :3 a.. a:: C\J C\J 0 z 0 <( ....... <( 0.. C\J 0 (j) >- LU ....J ....J > CJ) w ~ 0 ....J a: <( I 0 _J z ~ z w LU <( ::) CJ) 1- LU LU a: 1- CJ) I I a: a: <( (9 0 0 C\J LU 0 00 1- l/"1 z _J 1-- ....J a:: z 0 0 u 1w 0 u ~ ~ LU EXISTING WATER METER TO BE REMOVED & LATERAL TO BE ABANDO'N TO THE MAIN a:: 0 10 z ....... 0 u u1,.9 z z <( z....... 1-LL. X UJ z l/"1 0 ~ :::::> LL. 0 z "'zww (3 z w (f) z >. CONTRACTOR SHALL MODIFY UPPER PORTIONS OF E:XISTING RETAINING WALLS AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODA T£ THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT A UCENSED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FOR DESIGN MOD/FICA TIONS PRIOR TO AL TERA T/ONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING PAVEMENT/CURBING & ENSURE POSITIVE SLOPE REMAINS AT ALL TIMES. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM ALL UTILITY, DRAINAGE & ROAD CONNECTIONS AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY TIE-IN ISSUES OR DISCREPANCIES. 2. 3· PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL NOT EXCEED 3000 LUMENS. 4· CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LATERAL & ABANDON SERVICE BACK TO THE SEWER MAIN. 5· ~REPRESENTS 5 PROPOSED PARKING SPACES 6. 1\t:l SIGNING & PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE w/MUTCD GUIDELINES& REGULATIONS. 7· A TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE CLOSURE OF SIDEWALKS, PARKING SPACES& ROADWAYS & IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER. 8. g. -· N N N N 50'L6 25 19'30 20 43'10 30 35'11 58 54"50 58 N 35'09 02 N 54'50 58 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 s L7 LB ·-·4.04' ·- E w w 11.90' 0.83' 1 0.45' 4.30' 16.43' 6.56' E E E w I.F. = IRON FOUND N.F. = NAIL FOUND PP = POWER POLE LP = LIGHT POLE WM = WATER METER = DROP INLET I • :'1, ~ i ~ •I • "' I • • PROPOSED 6" CL. 52 DIPW/L PROPOSED ASPHALT PAVIoMEI~T(TYP.) SAN. SAN- SAN-- ~APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EX. 5/L . .I v . . .. .· .·· .· .· .. . . ... · ·--·~"'~·--··-· .. '-1-·ULII< (4)PROPOSED45°. . ANGLED PARKiNG GRASS · SPACES ...OVERHANG . \R~iERTY . .. ; • v . .. . . _ , ~ PROPOSED1"TYPEKCOPPERWATER TOTHEBLDGw/A/i"WATER METER FLUSH w/THE PAVEMENT 1' •I .---EXI!5TI~IGWOODEN RETAINING WALL · SCREEEIN~:I~NG~k~.~~~N~ ... ALONG PI LINE. PROPOSED 12"x6" TS&V w/6" G.V. FOR FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL UTILIZE CAST IRON WATER METER BOX. • • • EXISTING CON C. RETAINING WALL .;i_•" • I • I · ST.D. CG-2 · \NE • OFEX. ~ -~_CONCMEDli\.!'L.'L........c . . .- ,/~LATERAL j SHALL ATTEMPT TO SAVE EXISTING TREES ALONG EASTERN PROPERTY LINE w/2' • ~ ~ ......- 1-··-~---- ···--- _.--COI~TR~AC"rOR . ~"=~o· THIS SHEET AS BUlLT SURVEYED M.H. (RIM 482.12') I • TIE-IN EXISTING STC)R~~~-L DRAIN TO PROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM ,"i·" 1-11.- SCALE: MATCHLINE, SEE ___ ._t\.,____ _ _.---<..uNTRACTOR SHALL ATTEMPT TO NOT DISTURB EXISTING LIGHT POLE & FOUNDATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL NEW LIGHT FIXTURES ON EXISTING POLE IN ACCORDANCE w/ CITY REQUIREMENTS. (TYP.) LINE 1L..-H _ . 1 ~{ SEE SHEET 4 FOR COMPLETE SIGHT DISTANCE MEASUREMENTS. THE BUILDING STREET NUMBER SHALL BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AT ALL TIMES, INCLUDING DURING CONSTRUCTION, FROM THE STREET FOR EMERGENCY RESPONDERS. '10. OVERHEAD WIRING OR OTHER OBSTRUCTION SHALL BE HIGHER THAN '13'~6" "· ALL PAVEMENT SHALL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING FIRE APPARATUS WEIGHING 75,ooolbs. ». ALL PROPOSED CURB NOT ASSOCIATED WITH PERPENDICULAR &ANGLED PARKING SPACES SHALL BE PAINTED YELLOW & SHALL HAVE 'NO PARKING" SIGNS. THE COMBINATION OF YELLOW PAINTED CURB & NO PARKING SIGNS ASSIST TO CREATE A 20' WIDE FIRE LANE AROUND THE MAJORITY OF THE BUILDING's PERIMETER. '3· TRASH & RECYCLABLE CONTAINERS SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE BUILDING & SHALL BE SCREENED VIA A WOODEN OR BRICK ENCLOSURETHAT EXTENDS A MINIMUM OF 1' ABOVE THE HEIGHT OFTHE CONTAINERS MAKING IT NOT VISIBLE FROM THE STREET(s). "4· ALL MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LOCATED & SCREENED ON THE ROOF VIA A WALL OR OTHER SOLID STRUCTURE & SHALL CONSTRUCTED OF A MATERIAL HARMONIOUS WfTH THE FACADE OF THE BUILDING. ·- - - -- I ---'i,t, M - t - 1 f\11 I gc.: :;!~ en B~ z Hl ~ 0 _£ • ::;: APPROXIMATE LOCATIO! OF EX. 0:!.2" W/L M ---1 ..... M APPROXIMATE c f2 Ul I:; g U) ~ ~ M (.. __ ........ - - - - ..--·--..-·--··-· ____.._. ______l,Q.~~~-Q.EJElLELP~~l.... L...----..,..,---------...,> 11.1 \ ~ '\ .. .... . . \ w- w PROPOSED BUILDING . CF ONLYf':,---!]J__~ ""' , y / l!J · . . · L!Ne .. ~-· :;1 :o. TYP. .. ~. ... ~MAXIMUM SETBACK . LINE ""' \ \ .,"· ' .... . . .'-.· %.<P"1.,.~- \ \ '?) ~ \ \ \ \ \ WAY/DONOT \ ENTER SIGN \ ',. \ w w . ·'-.· PROPOSED ENTRANCE TO SITE ' ·.·.. ~··.·· ~ .(j) l!J BENCHMARK (NAIL IN PAVEMENT) ''\ z i i :·, : \ w PROPOSED SIDEWALK BY CITY w/ ROAD WIDENING IMPROVEMENTS STREET TREES ALONG 29, OUTSIDE OF SIGHT DISTANCE ESMT (TYP.) U1 z -_J .F. GRAPHIC SCALE ' ~ \[ if j:::)· ~~ ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft. \1 . .. . . .. . ....... ~~~.~~ l]'r.,-:--~]i= -:···~~-·····"""'·1'1¥""' ~-~lf-......;;;1tfc~ '""""'"Iff" = PLANT SCHEDULE BOTANICAL z :3 c... 0::: C\1 0 0') C\1 C\1 <( > ~ w .....J .....J > (/) w COMMON NAME SIZE QUANTITY V ·'='CTIO"":T TREES Al@NGI... HYDRAULIC ROAD, OUTSIDE ' \V ~- QfS.IGHTX!IST.ANCE @~J:::::·:; .. :c~·----· ;;:;:::·::.:==rz.:cc.c.... \:\:·" .. "\.· ······· · . ....J·. '·· '-iff' .::.:.... ~ - -I~ - PROPOSED SIDEWALK Cln;~~:g~~:ei~ING MAPLE ---- ----- :.:.f-:1 1- . '\.0' HYDRAULIC ROAD (VAR. WIDTH R/W & ~ 6"SDR26PVCSILLAT/v\, E/P) EXISTINGWATERMETER&LATERAL TO BE REMOVED. ~NT~O~AI,l,.!!!ST!I!.LA ~>" JY.!:!' K£.QEPE.Jl.YLAT[B_ __________________________ ___ _ .,.._. LATERAL TO THE BLDGw/ A'l"WATERMETER& CAST IRON METER BOX FLUSH wiTHE PAVEMENT. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE THE EX. WATER METER & RETURN ITTO THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE UTILITIES DEPARTMENT. AT THE TIME THE NEW WATER TAP IS MADE, CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE w/ UTILITIES DEPT. FOR THE RELEASE OF A NEWf'WATER METER. NEW WATER LATERAL SHALL TIE INTO EX. WATER MAIN IN HYDRAULIC ROAD t; .E. ww . ~, 'J ~ ~PROPOSED06"n.2s"W/LBEND ,....::~ ....f• I ·. ,.\ \.. ~~FO~_COMPLIETEF.H.ASSEMBLY -- - J ?' .~ -~ . : .._ - ·1----'12.,,-- ::: - ·c. .. ' z _ - -:.~I--PROPOSED 6" CL.-rI 52DIPW/L _J 0 u 0 0 ........ 0::: 0::: .....J a: <C I 0 ~ w u w u ~ 1- z w ....J <( ........ :) (/) u 1- w <( a: ........ w 1- (/) z z LL I=w z a: a: <( <.9 0 0 C\1 0 0 I= z 0 I 1 PA SYM z - ,.,... . . STD.CG,i \ \ \ ' .'\ .. . ·\ ... \ . ' ... . ~.P'tc,~~' \ "· ' . .):.--PI~OF•OSIED 5' WIDE \ \ . "'CONC. SIDEWALK ·~~~00,\ ~(Sloe,~ z a 1MINIMUM5ErBACK .'\· \ \ / ... 'si> \ NOTE: EGRESS \TRANCE / (5,320sf) OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF THE PARKING LOT & BUILDING SHALL CONSIST OF A GRASSY LAWN GROUNDCOVER (TYP.) \ /.··.·.·· . llt---AREI~S ~ i'5 ~ SCREENED t:NI,LLI'>Ut<t; FOR TRASH & RECYCLABLE CONTAINERS Lf'ROPO!iEDs' WIDE CONC. SIDEWALK ijl 1 AG PROPOSED CONC. SIDEWALK(s' MIN.) PROPOSED LANDSCAPING (TYP.) ~ 0 ~ ::::> LL z "'zww <3 z w z<( _J o.._ LU I V) LINE LINE L1 L2 1,3 I N N N N DIRECTION I 40'5ti U9 E 50'26 25 E 19'30 20 43'10 30 N3~1158 E 5~4"50 58 E N 35'09 02 E N 54' 50 58 "'t4 L5 L6 L7 L8 w w s w CONTRACfd'~ SHALL ATTEMPTTO NOT DISTURB EXISTING LI§~T POLE & FOUNDATION. CONTRACt"-6R SHALL INSTALL NEW LIGHT FIXTURES ON EXISTING POLE IN ACCORDANCE w/ CI~EQUIREMENTS. (TYP.) DISTANCE 12.42' . ~.04' 11.90' 0.83' 1 0.45' 4.30' 16.43' ~ 6.56' ;:-; ·j"' . r-t\1' . OJ . _.J ...;, ,....~· . ' . ..., . -/-o; . "'f.'F. = IRON FOUND N.F. = NAI~I'lQUND PP = POWt.K POLE LP = LIGHT POLE WM = WATER METER = DROP INLET . _; .... . r"$ . . . '-'1 -!-..; . ' '-j~ .· . -t:; .. . . . \ ., -!-'I' . ..,. . --1-:; '. . . j -~--~·. "' ,...~· . .. Jr-f'r:j' "' • g . z . J "' ,...~· ' ·~· . .... ,....~· .. ~ i-">' . . . ..;..:; .· .· ., . -/-"'' . . MH;li .· ·f.·• . . Vi . . j:.{ .· . . . .., '1-r; . . "' . . 'f..t-..• ' 161-4 . -MH: . . . \ . I \ .. . . ¢c . -1-"' . . -j.~ .. '\·· . . . . . . -' ~ ~~ "" .. . . _,__ PROPOSED LIGHT LOCATED ON BUILDING -~· -~-~ '\_i ...; j..•...; . LOCATION OF PROPOSED ATMMACHINE \-1-r; ···\·· . . .. 6o' RADIUS w/ MINIMUM 2.0 r<...·-.._ AS SHOWN, IN ACCORDANCE w/ THE FEDERAL ATM SAFETY ACT 'J <:::. rr¥ . • . . .. · ··~ . . ·,. .. / . ' . r-•··: / / .. t9 "" . . -1-r; .. . . ·>/ -W z - ,/' . . tiC'! "f,...; . . _j ,.,., . . a ,...~·. \ \ -~-~ . .,, . . . . ~ --f.•• . ' PROPOSED LIGHT FIXTURE (TYP.) MAXIMUM o.s FC AT PROPERTY LINE ALONG ROUTE 29, AS SHOWN w \ -~--~ \ • ...I \ .,.. · .., co . r-...; . ,.,_ -~' ··~·· •:. \ \ \ ,....~·. MAXIMUM 0.5 FC AT--....: PROPERTY LINE ALONG IJiY[>RAlJLIC ROAD, AS SHCtWN \ \ ,...•...; .. >.;,.' . BENCHMARK ·f.~ (NAIL IN PAVEMENT) ELEV.=482.19 '//':' . {::} . J Oj ~~ .· . ::s 0.. ~ C\1 0 en C\1 C\1 :;: ~ . J "i ·J ' ._j .... z z - w _J _J > (/) w I w 0 ~ w 1- lll .." '-.. ~, ......... i ~'-, ,·"' GRAPHIC SCALE 'f.o· '-:· /Jj'c. ... .. . ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 z -....J ft. ~~~-~~-"- ··--"~ f> -~· '! u w u <(z f w w a: 1- C/) f f w a: a: ....J <( 0 0 0 C\1 C) _J 0.... ~ 1- z z f I w ~ _J • • • Label CalcType FC at Property Line at Grade Illuminance FC Beyond Prop Line at Grade Grass Area FC at Grade Illuminance Illuminance Paved Area FC at Grade 60ft ATM Radius at Grade Illuminance Illuminance Units Fe Fe Avg 0.35 0.01 Fe l'c Fe 2.20 2.78 4.10 1 Max 1.8 0.4 4.8 7.3 7.3 I Min 0.0 i 0.0 0.1 0.0 2.2 Avg/Min --1·-oM-o=ax-'-/M-=iJ_J-I N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 22.00 KA. 1.86 48.00 N.A. 3.32 c 0 u c ru ~ ~ ·c • <( u z<( z ........ LL "'c :;< 0 " c 0 "'2u ~ m c 0 u z L ~ 0 "0 ~ ::> LL 132089 Calculation Summary c ru m ........ I LIGHTING NOTES: 1. ALL LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE FULLY SHIELDED AND BE FULL CUTOFF. 2. LIGHT POLE HEIGHTS SHALL NOT EXCEED 2o'IN HEIGHT. 3· FOOTCANDLE LEVELS AT THE PROPERTY LINE ADJACENT TO HYDRAULIC ROAD AND ROUTE 29 SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.5 FOOTCANDLES. 4· IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FEDERAL A TM SAFETY ACT REQUIREMENTS, FOOTCANDLE LEVELS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 2.0 FOOTCANDLES WITHIN A 6o' RADIUS OF THE AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE FACILITY. ~ .....J u • I :::J (/) "z 0 t:: z a: ~ <( . J,-...; "' . . ~ ~ 0_J . \ 0 0 ........ SCALE 1"=10' SHEET NO. 4 c 0 LED Wall Sconce 161 1-Jigh performance and LED Wall Sconce 161 Vlil<O >?Ym'o " ' i<n'IO"" f\'-'"1 %'1PP•0 "''" '" iC-UH '"'· "P'~' S:":C~r>lC& "'"'i" ''"'" of"'""'"" "llOUOn "il.hln V'oot Oo" ac"' buttoo :o mv'l€ to,"""' or <uowoo '"""'" "''" a<:nve noiJ '"' e '"'"' "" """' -~ ''''"' P'""'""' "'ll'""' fl"' "'" '''"""'" ,,,.tto,v 4W 'Yinl>O.~ '1"11us> 0"<0 '"''"' '"'-""(gO 'ho,-, """' (I• I':) aM (rlgOt) <r"VY~OV< II ..,nor<l th< Up I<~} nor.m•flt. '"" " ' <h''<O I"Y d.C"'"'""' J. \~"' S' ''·'IOOa,tllj><l.l O•JM ff" c.oO<Moe t¢ pi"H'* ~·{ b0/<'11J ""'XIM"O" 0< ?"''" "''I pO\,.roSD0w%t> In~'"'"" "I'" Ko.p""' (MP.jl ''"'"' '"'·"''"no'""""'~"""'"'" b· 10m""'"'• tO. ""'"'' m " ""' Mo"'"! '"'~In om c!-,, v~"' '"IJ ~"'"' ''" " ' '"'~'"'' "M Hom•" eeoc"'"' I'" <c " ' "'""' "'""" Th• '""'"'' = l""""O''' ~1 '"'' arO? fun"'! Oil i' ;>k•s you b..:K 000 Set«" CO>rtj!O< ~11L VJO" oO p'O<W pt Cl ~ "'"'"l' MoM1 f\oHponN 'Y"'" ' ' ' " ' ' :>' i;y 9D;>; " too; o' ;ho no nnl cor''""' v"\'""• ••J""'"& til< l!;"'>t lovol ~v;,NI"'~'I ""'"' motion " -Jooottod oy tOo PIR " ' lum<n!i' o ·•em :;.:.(JI W'"'·~' <r><l ful ilJh< ~J<ptr: D1rntr"G «1 'W ! i<"NI I 1A ""~' •. """"" 1et !t 1" CfllnCCes 16" .-""- -~~---··-----~~--~~~ /// ThePmhp!i (;~rdu> U:D W~ll Sro~ce 161 is 1.~ e~l~··ged a 1<:' enh~nced ~CrSIOil af thtl 111, p!OVidlhg p~l"fotm~nCC 'a>X<bhi'':Y \lp to th~t vf a [:c J hal1dS! lummure, wh1le ll>ll·g ccns1deral:>ly :.;,so en.;,rgy. I -- ~~~~~ w ...~~ Db"ib"<lu~ c 161-<:'W~ 5<oll<o !61 L5D !01W'!I\ ll1oMI' "1-MR ' fl 1~1{ ~- ·o>pom~ 101·!>!1'1 ooly) 101 "<Cl dt~l <lrC..OC 'ontcol 101 w c 1 ~ <~v j~"'''i'~ fM·IlPO 101 ~·to""'~"'"' 0 ' ~HV lt1-DO:' ' lOS Tmo :l llimA ~lmli>J""" l"OL"-~~J~ l.lfC~my~ lElT,pd 7~W d"""'·'"'"~ """"'""'"n 1!<:11A·u.l5 2Lill"'"l'• 11(>0'1 5l!l.nA IE5 Typ• j""'""'.'''" protii•-J"""'";~1·J Ol<l<IQn l">l;Oil'i< -,, .. ,., .1, ·~ (:..\" l '~ ~"''"""! O..MIV 1W'i.1"'JK 1 "'" ~"'"'"I dO! .~Al1oJ;:4} ··~-/ 1 """'"tO<, I"'"'"''"' I '"'("•mo<~nti Di~tributton Opti""~ cor.dtl<t"d cnCioon bo• I ,.,.,...,1 'P" ~.. ; I ' '' lD~A>.Itgo ~"""""' 1""'"10., '"'""",; ""'"''OJ:ANI>' C5L•I ~ Se'"'"b; "'"''ll' '0'-i·>~•uctolH• '" >elli:CU,,,., '·"'~~ :lo:.,·l, ,,~r.-,:c y,·ll.o >.j) • .,.,, "''" "· ,,,, ·"" : ''" .• <·.. . . 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'"<' • ~ ght~n~'""' l.EDo.,sl1 .W LE!::o. lQ.scr~ o,L<i-~:<y\1< 'El ''"''lbw~on• -2. ~. •ul-4. ~-, opl\#(iul<"<-o(f • A,::cr•._ ~.,...,,.m U •• CIJl ''"'~for"""" lo""~' r> wh<o "'"""'""'"<he do,.nlo/< P'>'~"'" All !I' <Olln>'H' <qu -~;'>"1<1" NW ot CW >r&0.<~f<li~1"COMO"l'"~u • fJ!,u..olf,r..-loc-=ooomo""'"''""'"'"''!ih<""""""' ' ~~«~IIOtal ~"fom>D<O~ rn1· fEliO« pi<.>.,;<<~l·~,n""' «o 4 oU • l"ot en '"'1'4~"'"'" oootro op~~"·"~·.o·~b-.dd~'""'-' or-eN~~ • P.r(>'m>nre ''~"'"'-"'" m4•l•lW HICJ.,hrl• >llll'~"t'"'' .... ~ -''in'"'"''' • :-l~"'lr g, 0 ""'' hw<io~ • '>to"""'"2 p.,,.no "' ~"""j '""" lcctlml ., ~P >r•~ 1•1n~o:l ..... %/GloD w.o ,g" ooty n~lA o<tt.• ''ow, th• %'8.-ID~•IIowo m~d1f"a~on of f~P-211 "~ th' 'SIR-It10 Ele~,ni\) I!OIII.dWOI'<Oiy LED w.•=nty "~""""<' ,h~ lHh=f' I Fl) ,1~'"" .vo '""-""' U) <;;I;IN~I;>RTl "'"' son•<>r«t.t"'~''"'""''l APC Ml\1. • !M-OIM· 101 L!D """" :<o·!'OeJ Mh u.1(r{J,mn• tl>< ""'"" >t<t>> "' U" '""~" IC ''" '"" ~· f\P·~ !\ '"'·"' P•""''"''' '"'" "lil~blloYI m~Oo. ""'ltllio;, tlmo "" or, ""' o~ ""' more \N,m tho P,'1?. 100 !"""'" "'~ ''"th•!• •nC "''" ro~ 2:1 ~""'"" prolol" ·'t-~H !tu;ll,.,.r<;;w!Oh I W OI'IOfil<otllo <o S Y•a~· IO>oitod DI!IGIIIGHTS The Phdrp> Gard.;o EcoFc;,rm comb1n-::s C.C0110my wrth pcriorm~oc;:, man LED area lummawc Gpabio of dclivcnn~ up co 20,000 lumon• or M<lrc In a c.;,mpn~t. l.;,w profifc LED lllm,nalro, ~'oFor1n offor< u ocw !ov~l of cu•tom~rvalu~ EcoForm f~a<.lJrOG an innova[,\1<: r~troflt arm kit, >mlpllf111lg ~it.;, co~~er'Sions to LED b} e.l1m1natmg th.:J Mc-d to d;'ili additional hales 111 mos.t CY.Inl~g pole> Integral ~ontt-nl iiyst:<'>lllii ~·ntl~ble fur f,w~h>H' ener,ey sRvm~•· ;1<7, 4to ot HVUI<r• 101-DCC" av.Oab!•"i" IICLA·I<i)l, 170LA-%!'3 •·d '"' ':!""" "'"hoo' «4o" '"-l'';1<r> 9' '""''""""I; •v•h '''""" d' F•w bw<ton, '~'~ 161 ~o..,r;tr: """""" AI. 1!I ''"~'"'"" oqu.p~<-1 '"'"" N\'1 ~ CN oro D,,,..,Li<h<> <'~n=tmlmo~,~l,f,r<l 0..... 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It <ai1Mt be w'ed t<l adju<t ""'"'"'¢ Tl<" FS IR-WG v.;,,.,, » I R P· '"" '"'"'"• 1<><>I " CuuHo· '-'"0 "'" Wllr>~ of W>u:Stvpcer FOP 1-11 I< "'""~" wlf'll"' """" ''' <11o F\~-~11 " " " ' fvr "'"~ ""'P"'"'' chi;; 1·~-C.'i."t ''""'!'· Tto F~IR-WC ""pi'Y <I""'' "''' " """ ,.-~n,pt.S '" '"' )'<)" \.l"ocot'> '"" proce<S T·" paO pM'<1 & itmll"l W'ij tO ""'Z"'' tforo·J~h " ' '"""'' :uloo ~J,~~: ;.r 'lot• I"""'"'""'"'' <•>< h'R-ICOR"''O" ?togc>ro,lln; T'ol" MIM~< <0 watt,co,pec com • F51R-IOO W"rol""'' R~mot• P•~w-amming Tool• Th• rS\R-IQO R.oloto ~cogramm"g f~ol ''"''""Ff ,.r"TII;< ><II•.Mt"""'"' d 101-~li!, '" sor mcl•;41rg Our.Mn <nJ J.o1m"; lw•l vn lo #, Vl~hooc •11• "''" ·o connoct 't'Y wlr" ~~; oo 1um1n81" anJ " ' " " ' ' " ' i · r,,.,! · ~,o 4 crd d""b""""D"' Hlo ~-,, ..-, ·····~'·"'I""'"'• WJ% 'L,i<kotodJCto;J~mo"'t<" _,;"''''-"'""''""'"'~""-"- .;. " p, '"'"' "'''"'" """ : '"-···"'· Do '"'111 l K~"'"I.~J\o fh,l,p, N.V. (l<.apl '"l>i"' fh,l<p~ ~II PI,,\,., c.;,''"~ Co"'"""' nzt," '"'"' .,J 2ao rr~~>IJin S~oo:-. 11m• lp<<lll '"''""'"' • lo m~•.st "'"Muc M"<• W'""'"pi.~p< COMI>Jnlll"ll"' K90ioYJojk< Pn:I~>NV i'h:a!(• All r~r .. .-u.,..·o.t ::.O«~l<lll:'""'' .,, ,J, ' " t~ d"O;JO ·~·lhw: no<'"· ;;; 21l13 Kon ""'~"'- FWI~!» NV. (F~)'\1 fllllloo) All t >g'l:• "'orvod Spodim!lono "'"" "'Orw ro dtaOJ:~"'"I'*'~ ""''"• ~-h,.. pM•• com.k"""''"'' "~~+"' l.,.,c~·1"m'c~co• ~.~ y• ,le<l """ o.•o .,,\f,od :"'Y'' ~·1~H ,.d ; i F"'Mu~o.<. IS~ d:o ~~~:;~;,, ti<>'<" Mo<mttfQf ~~"~ "'""' "loe>tod ~· m..~'""' ~~ <h• luom<uro Molof. ~" (t a\-o.,:• 0«'6"' '•"'"' ~~Wfi pool<too) Sf>!l<•• ""'"' ""'"'"' I" lh< J·'x« :broth~ t) H~"""og pi<« nmcb~ ,,,~...,J lry ru>x Y!o' p~,,.1 ~~'"'"'"' bo'" (l>r ocher<) '"'"UJrolly !¢ <ho =Q Warnmty L,d, lum;n;o 10 r<=>= lW 'l,o;! c<n;i,..r<l..:l "\ 1.H"d" 44 an S1>tdl <•Hr 'Y"'" ''"""= W"5 :JC..l[;l>o, ! ""~llf l"lli>~l•wl<:• i o•IV-l•>e 34l'..;S.WHC: ' I PC:Is" 3"'"' l oho'<"ol :~" 'j I '"""l'P""~r It>~ u~t'""~ Ho<~nw<""'"~"~ vf <IIH'-"' ""·"''""" ' fiol<l P"'"'""""'"''" '"0<1'"'"' II ok~r-:.:1. ""I' ooo "~c<.dod ~'' 10b < :::ru '" ~··~,. •"' ,_ LfiJ"'''Y~ · H1 R-la~ M!\ 1""' hoi.J P"!Tm""" '""' "'" ~r.n Mf\' """""' ""~,"'~ """' • C•,.Pi<""'""' ~oo 1l1 ...II )[•[;C'J; !(; /' '---------- ~~"'~ !\.oru"' Wtnoo PHi~IP:S. li" F!.atmg .,.---·- ; B•_ ~ 1$(' ~tM.t ru·d tdy f • r"f"' '""'f"" en t<> ~rnr,, ww ,.~ ·' : a~P" '"' m "" "' "" !l>W '" 171'i ··~ut ~~~, ..~·· ~n!t. mouoo >enwr '" :o!R 'to~mn<ll"'>· Des;cripcti<>IO U) perfo1Tnance 0 APJ·MRII•min,_;,~~""''-~>ihblewii<b Hou~i'"z J~~m ! Qo;<!cno - llW; ,~'"'•"'·'·''"'~·"·'"'''r1·: { w~f'l' "' i~l· ....~ llUA-IPJ:I l. .W'>.mp, • .,.,,,.., • .\"."·'·~·, ·..,., 1,1P"'' Ac~es~m·!"" •w 70 Cl\! 1>CIW '""~-=d ""'"'' '~!";,~' v ::~~Ln SOCii"'( Rnl•h """" 1Sn~ll·!47li lo1 """' ""'o""' o ,.,..,.itJ, ow UnlA-VOID 2 Lff: "'"Y~ 1NW "" ll/101'1.1" 1~l-llPIH11U Volt>zc c::= 11<:1LA-HOJ i. L!'L'<tl''"''~ 1it•W c.ont drH-rod"" prolll• ~Hl T,p~ =:J ""'"<''' Ths!»lrp' G~,X., l.E':> vVlll ~''"""1~1 '"" ;nl>r.g<;<l WI OOI>Of><~ "IM'I"'f '-" I C6 'Q1 ~I" (f. dl"~ p "'"'"''~"· <...,b lOy up <D <~< ~h ~Qr>V<,I coci• h.liddum;=,"' ,..IJis '~~<')" <~rnld<.~?bl)' !<;, •n<eJr """"'l''•' 1 o1-C'Nl-~-TRA-1.UI<Y· -LNI'I-E!.RF ~--- l IJoj;_ pow~rolltl!l;!hl OUIIL'' TM """'"''"' ""'""' o" 1>1~11 "'''I"~ """'oo ~ rorrl" rn-"~"•"""d,>!!., '"''"" n,. '""' ,,.• "''""'"'row D>><O<I<>I\ perk.rl ,•'"'"~'"flO< _, 11''" """'' 01. G"""~&l " - outstanding <"'""''" ,j,.,,.,,,. Mdltkmat Spndfl:r_arimo ft4>~'""""'" ~trnH»ll o W<l2~<14ijlb' ·.1~ 1>4\ ---~ O~JTDCX)~. with c;,,,.,,,; AFC>-Mfl:llllmRilir~~6,~(h~i•~u<t<~l ECOFORM S; rE & AREA Redefining value • 1bl -AI'tl· Mill• 11!1 ""'" "~"""""" ·h A"""" c p,.,ill• ""~ M~''"" Po"o"'" :l.ocr okf."oh '"'~<>I ""''"" '""'"') o<,.b'""' oho ,.,,,,.., nf boOth outoomlt ptoflo dl"r'ml>~,oo '""'''o" ''"~'"'" T" !cme.,1•o ~II d:,... •o !D < pw<1 50"- l;:l·<~t•pcc '"'"'" ;.,,,,.,,P onl~'"""'" ror~" •o:-AFP llrnl'¢01> n"' otm •,Ool ""' "' """ opo"'"'"'"' ~D';. <Oo' """'"'"' ,.,,,,., "'""''·P"' keH"' "'" '"to /' LOO">(<f met~l cou """"" lrom ' " 1"10 :o aootl»t"""' lt~pl or!O"'"'• l hHctiVO nel<llslr41ca"'O ~~ ll,hlng(a ""'"'"'"''"""")ell ow-'" on b~'-" OO~gr<>Jn4 '"' Oi><k t-r.<: on Y'"""' ~'"'i'''"" I cr <h• ""'"'· • 00" "~on1 <ilo lu<rl">lr,, '' "" P""'' "'• 1C f?Q' "'"""" og O<i!lt. "~ en , """loo1o ,,, 12W or 27!'-' topot only ~lvtlt·r "'"'"' o~ "'" F~Oct. PHILIPSGAF.DCO. LED WN ""''N ''"1' "''"'11' '"' ccom'!tlr11>to" P'" ''"''i'"'" • 161-MR: l<1 nrnolr 0 ' •r.c>uJe' O'-'"" lnf> >t•d "Pift) n'<><IO ''"""· W>tiSWpp<r~ "'""""""<! LED Wall Sconce 161 lnf<>rmattcn • 101 <:W~' 101 L0'1 """""'"' d'Og '""'""' one lurninaire 1n C~nhgut·.attun Luntmatr., integrated style, all LED Wall Sconce 161 ~oo,nK!Ijk< 0 :lOll '<'•~'"""""' "1\'IW PhF IP' N V (P.~y; l'htllp; Ail <I&: :iom•"''' Nj j)S3n Pf.ono 8~.f&i-W6 '""'vd Pi>i>r» l.;,htm~Comp•nf Ill1 llr.ln»>m' ~o>d Mof'IJ>Om ON. Gn.WLK~il F""""· 6~~ 068-~&% ,., -· __ ,, ,,, , ..,.. ',.,, '·'l<l'< K"rl10klll'< ~hll~' N >" ~po<~foc~;=, '"" •ob!"otto d>ar~< ""'thout """"" ,, ~,,.,, "" •,1.,. ' - ' • I 1~·1 I~ ~o.Y I" "''"' l • < ,(.- .oJ I. c\q"''' J"op. ""''ulol"" lo '!..">"' PhiOt~ :II h•h~o ~ .,, "' ' " ' ,, > <• • i\ IC>l '1· " ' ' ' ' " ' "'"' .. '"''"~;-· •,·, PHI UPS t\;-""'"'•""'" """" ~~ •f'l<·'l"' '""''I"'"""'""' eb•I1P' r.or.!lu;.1<o>r>t ,. < ' '"-"'-' .,_.J ''-'"'''' ·tc·> '·""'''"""~'.-'!. : IJ- <.. 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Dr""D'm"'' "'"'"' <ho "'"""""· <.u o.,p,Dx•· 01~ "'"""""o \Nqh 21 5 ~os('J77 Kg) 0QS(S" 111= ECF-AJID-MR:O ~'''"I" GeM---<> E·"'Fe"' lW l"''"""''ewlth """oo>ott' l'r<>hlo IJ'"'"' o;:, "'"' Ri"'""'~(-~Oe li.,ECf-APc~ ~lROooonbl""' tOe O,.refi<>Oib<><b '~, "'"9' '" " " M<"''"' '""'"""" po~fol• Jon""''~""d '"""'"' ~'P"'"" """"'"" Pl"~P' Df>~D""""'' rood olo ft.e lcmL""Ir~ w!l dim,, SO% powor, 50% I gffi per die dionm!ng prof1i<l ;hown fo< tOe ECF APD II m<><IOO" doteo"'d donng tho ""'e""" t"' ""4'"'· IJmoc"re ""~"'"''"'lt•t Y!%, the ''"''"""" ~.~cro; 1<> 100% !'O'I>"'""d IW>'< o"'""' Ti1t' '"''""""~ ' " " " " QO h,gh '""'' ""'""'"" '' """"'"'~ f<y ""' """"""'~ f"'' od, Lcmln•l·os ~lth Autorr>tl< Pra~lo Tre r '"~"g 1"'6" dbwo tho O'<C ,:ow houOing ,o ox<OII';< m•·'-~'m""' Cf!<JO'' :o lorg LW '!'""' ~" fcOVId• '"""'I Opt,gl Syoio=»l" ''"'0•-0) l?O 4JJOV o•!,Jobf• ,_.Ot"to• P'>""•' RoHI "'·"' ''-""'"'' Ai• r;cofc l"ff lomi'l<~e' •1vlpoe>J wl<l< '~"''"" nv ,,, c,gr.. ~on:o·~""e"''"'(oeO •£'" l'lnhh fW, """""'' toi01 I""'"" 'l '"'"'"" < laJe '-"' 'Or"'""'"''''""· ol"""""'"''lJ' <cpl.,d, th•·m~ly co coJ, "'~'""'' ""'!'""'"" 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W\1~"ot>'!I'H G200-047 08/13 """" l ol6 -----~----------------~ ------------~------~-~~~--~--~_j z w U1 ..J ''"1'0"'"· tho ECF.;,ro -MRO •;,uro, ""'"'"urr' eocru "'Ying>, on4 '"'""''that ;<leqw<Ic I"'"'" ""'"·otoT m~"·"' ' '""" W<i @ 1013 Ko"lol<ll(lm pt, ~po NV I,Ro)'!ll PO·~ps) All rl&h" "''""vod SpoCO(o<>t.oo• oro oub>«t to'"""~~" w.lhout ootl<e v.wwph11p• Nm!cM """' l!J z -..J •<" '"' ""ttl< Sol>ct bu<to·o to ""''•" to• "'"'" oc'uno"o" wl:l~fl 'h• ""'''~ ~'' 'OI,oMd''"' ,...,dto adJ"" p<.-amot" "''''""' TO•,a·o;row' '" "'•" t~:nlo-wtoc tOaA" 'f'>oi>o'' '"'aloe> On.,'"""· C'M~O trc"l "~"t 1)c.ft: ood ("&'" ar• ow l.o,s lo ,,n,,.l th• "f k"J' "c""""" "'" tho "'""" I"J ; • '"'' e Solo"'"'" wcap o ~ood 1, yoo <o""""" to pc•o;tO" l<'ly ~"J-ond ""x'"'"'" o' m1n '"""' "''""' ~ ~rln;ow•yfmm the "''"" fiol" '"'"""'" <l1o ~r~l""l ,.ruo. 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Tl>• Folio?< GocJ« !<o 0 wn <o"'b ,., "~oom~., th e•cfomoan<o< '·, " l m; ·e• luminal"' ~ ap!blo v( J•ll;" ng "P :c 10,000 lum"' " rr·>r< ' ' oomp•:;c, lov. pooHI< LCD !um<Ool·o, EooForO> o1"'' n"" bo '"''!""' fh• fSl ~.· ~0 JP, """'""''"' bi·J" ectl~""' oomOLOIOl.tlor b•·,••o t~• fSP ~II JO>d '"" 'S'R 10(> orogr>~•m~rgl~o £•mplomec" ocrec"o l<tpo "" !'ower Off IA1' nM 'd'""''" lumiO~C<'< The FS! ~ "'''· I Cf-Ai'C- Y~l ,_,,or ""If>&', Fn<O.udlrg "'"'t<.n arO diln<OI'g >WI on '"-"• with'"' I~· ""'I ~ 'c"ne<e uc, '"'"" h t;o lufl'IMI" \he'''""' wllllou '"'Y" ""'"'" "'""I' 'Nlr...!li!SS Remote ?r.ogrammin;g Tool ·o~ R•r"<rl.C Proi'""'""•''l To>l a<""s.ory permtt< aojo>tmect of ECF M" FS'!R-1M! W •hlr• a "'""'" '"""" •Og horght olth• ,.,.,. t1o FSI f\-IW olio.<' fOO<t"•c>tlcn of Onoc <I>< IIDtlon>Oh''"" to>Oc-"'.<Cd"" th< hand •.,r.:, ~Yerplao-. tl>cn o:on>otwn' o-.;<mr~k wd'" the ·~'!e The p!,.\>C /<:c>moiel<' '"'" "''""'" """"'' "'""'cd o>nd >"~moO) h then 00 ·t~ hond bolo ff I"'~' '~' '"P""'' l.,. •.tl"'"· thc c""'-''""' " !<,..00> ~le loo (»'<OVid•oJ '"''~ble "'"""'""'''uo"' ro""' """'on "'"'or '" ""' pclo ""''"'n 'I Sy;t< ~ mput "''1 ,.,., bo,.,.; oo '"""" W>lt"l" 0,• "P 'o +I 10%. '"" "'"'0 ~" "'"'"'"''""' b w;,-d v:~zc. by c;> t& +/ ~~. 1{ Ltomen •itl.•O>ba;cd on ,r.oto.-.etrk """ oer1crmed in co-n to ''"-""'"r' fS'P , H-19 0 J~ta" 'ded b><o-:1 M '"'' w,., '""'""• 130" oro"'' ere lc ,.,; '"''"· wh"" rlace•l >t ' foot h •;gilt cc '"""""'an a.,.l -""oi>l>loln !2W 6r l"!N '"""·~nl)' Moo on ''"'or<>f, st:tt< po~t "D 0 ''"'-'" 1,>70p) 11,a9bb H99 1 ~ 051 0•)41. 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Typo~ R""""'" ""W r.. mo<»• l<mmall~ 10~ude Initial Lomerr•" Total ~,ti>Moton i<•mma<r• "''"'"' Oo 1lD'I ot 717¥ an~., ro • oo"""' 'l"""'' l'ffl"""d hyotb= 1\!"l'oy Lorn"'"., ptog<amrml:>lomotlon motion "jotoctocl, tho l"m1001m '""' lo lO<f.l Tllo 1, '""""" '"'""'"' or ~1gt, """I n~ motloc " <locectod fort -.e motror ""'"" ,J"'atool• p<'lod a~<r ,.,J11d> '''e "'"''~"'~"- ECF-DIM LED Wattage and l.t!men V.alu!!r!! . Standard Eco-Form Luminaire Ord~rC:ocl• OU 1DOOI\ ::;1 i [ & 1\I\L/>. ~-- Dtm€fl.Jons. Standard EcnFonn Luminair<' -Moton $.,.,,,./or ECOFORM ECOFORM w w ----~----~--~----------------------- 0 C\1 0 en C\1 C\1 <( > w _j __J > Cl) w ~ 0__J a: <( I 0 0 ....... 0::: 0::: 0 u w u z ~ J 0 z ~ _.J w <( (/) u 1-:::::> 1- w w a: 1- C/) ~ a: a: w <( <.9 0 0 w ....... z <( z ....... u.. 2 0 !::i :::> u.. C\1 u 132089 SCALE N/A SHEET NO. 5 ~ "-~ 0 ~ "-"0 "w m ~ • 0 1.....-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L......................J....................JF= ~ Signs: Exterior Materials 3 signs 41 SF aggregate total Fulton Mortgage Company: 15 SF Fulton Bank: 13 SF (x2) Maximum height of sign 20' above ground (. 0 Brick: Statesville Brick, straight edge woodfired series, Chestnut color, modular size. Cast Stone: Stafford Stone Works, Fredericksburg , VA color 261 , limestone color. -=~~ o-; (. -=IN ~ I ~ -=IN (J I ~ afilcn ~ I ~ ~~ -=ten ({) I ~ N I ~ 0 ....:!(() ~ ~ N I I ~ ~ Stone: Owens Corning, Carame l Country Ledgestone (dry stack look) 0 8 0 Shingles: Timberline Prestique Lifetime, Slate 0 Metal roof: Pac-Ciad Snap Clad, Interstate Blue EIFS 1: Dryvit #108, Manor White color color. color. Q Window frames: (8 (0 Duranodic Dark Bronze color. Window glass: Insulated, clear. Metal Coping: Bronze color. rI NEWGROUND breakthrough hi_ Q. Fulton Bank Charlottesville, VA (Seminole Trail) DESIGN Exterior Materials (0 (. Cast Stone: Stafford Stone Works , Fredericksburg, VA color 261 , limestone color. (. Stone: Owens Corning , size and color to match Longhorn Steakhouse (dry stack look) -=tN "<t (0 I "<t ~ I ~ N ~I(() ~ I !!} Brick: Statesville Brick, straight edge woodfired series, Chestnut color, modular size. -=IN N I •8 ~ EIFS 1: Dryvit #1 08 , Manor White color Shingles: Timberline Prestique Lifetime , Slate color. N (. Metal roof: Pac-Ciad Snap Clad , Interstate Blue color. (. South Elevation Window frames : Duranodic Dark Bronze color. (f ) Window glass: Insulated , clear. (. Metal Coping: Bronze color. East Elevation NEWGROUND breakthrough hi_ Q. Fulton Bank Charlottesville, VA (Seminole Trail) DESIGN
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