www.pwc.ie Ireland Companies Act 2014 June 2015 Impacting all Irish companies Commencement of the long awaited Companies Act, 2014 is, in the most part, on 1 June 2015. This is the largest piece of legislation lreland has ever seen, comprising a total of 25 Parts (over 1440 sections) and 17 Schedules. The Act consolidates and reforms Irish Company Law and every Company, director and shareholder will be affected and will have choices to make. In this bulletin we aim to give an overview of the Act, which will assist you to understand, in simple terms, how the Act will affect companies. We look at the options available to companies in order to comply with the Act, in a practical and cost effective manner. New types of entity under the Companies Act 2014 Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD) Designated Activity Company (DAC) Creation of a new Model Company – Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD) – this is intended to replace the existing private limited company with a more simplified format allowing for a simple constitution, no requirement for an AGM and only one director required. No name change required. Creation of a new Designated Activity Company (DAC) – certain companies will be required to register as a DAC, e.g. regulated financial institutions. Others will need to choose if a DAC vehicle will suit their current or desired structure. These companies will have a two document constitution and must have two directors. A name change will be required. Existing private limited companies will have to make a decision on which of the new entity types they wish to become. They can opt in and become a new private company limited by shares, opt out and become a designated activity company or do nothing and be deemed a designated activity company for the transition and a private company limited by shares thereafter. Please see our other bulletins in which we deal with the options for companies in more detail. Some of the main differences between the new model private company limited by shares (LTD) and the existing private company limited by shares (EPC’s) are set out below: EPC (existing private company limited by shares) LTD (new model private company limited by shares) Minimum of two directors Minimum of one director No requisite skills requirement for secretary Company secretary must have the requisite skills or access thereto. Two document Memorandum & Articles Single document constitution Capacity limited by powers in Memorandum – ultra vires Ultra vires does not apply No requirement to register Option to register those entitled to bind the company Only single member companies may dispense with AGM May dispense with the AGM Written resolutions must be passed by all members May pass written resolutions by the relevant majority Other types of entity - key features Unlimited Companies (UCs) Public Limited Companies (PLCs) • An unlimited company will continue to have a Memorandum and Articles of Association • The only company type permitted to have shares listed on the stock exchange • It will still have an objects clause • It may opt to have just one member (currently must have at least two) • It will continue to have a Memorandum and Articles of Association Guarantee Companies (CLGs) • This will be the most common form of entity used by charities, sports and social clubs and management companies • It will continue to have a Memorandum and Articles of Association with a main objects clause • It may opt to have just one member (currently must have at least seven) • It will continue to have a main object clause • It will be able to avail of the audit exemption (not currently available) • Name changes to include words “Unlimited Company” or “UC” at the end of its name • It may opt to have just one member (currently must have at least seven) • No name change • Name changes to include words “Company Limited by Guarantee” or “CLG” at the end of its name • It must have two directors • It must have two directors • It must have two directors Other key provisions of the Act • The Act sets out in one place the provisions relating to the keeping of accounting records, the preparation of financial statements and the audit of financial statements providing additional clarity for directors and companies. In addition this part sets out a clear definition of the financial year end. • Changes to the requirements relating to directors’ loans – encouraging loans to directors to be properly documented. • The disclosure of interests in shares and share options has been amended so that de minimis interests of less than 1% are no longer required to be notified. • The Company Secretary must now have the requisite skills or resources necessary for this role, or access thereto. • Summary Approval Procedure introduced to simplify the procedure for certain restricted activities such as transactions with directors, financial assistance, capital reductions and solvent windings up. • Mergers and Divisions Regime – procedures being introduced to allow to private companies to merge or divide without court approval under the summary approvals procedure resulting in savings, in both time and money, for companies. Codification of Directors Duties • Audit exemption expanded to include group companies and guarantee companies and thresholds expanded. • Persons Authorised to Bind the Company – options to register individuals authorised to bind the company with the Companies Registration Office. • Charges and Registration of Charges – priority of registration of charges and a two stage procedure for registration of particulars of charges. • Formalising the voluntary strike off process and therefore differentiating between voluntary and involuntary strike off. • Company Law Offences categorised 1 to 4 (1 being the most serious and carrying a maximum fine of EUR500,000 and/or up to a maximum of 10 years in prison). • Law relating to the winding up of a company updated and now provides more consistency between members voluntary, creditors voluntary and official windings up. • Directors Compliance Statement – the directors of certain large private limited companies and all public limited companies will be required to produce a compliance statement to be included in the director’s report on the financial statements.* *W ill apply in respect of financial years commencing on or after 01 June 2015. In the past determining the duties and responsibilities of the directors has not been clear, now the codification of directors duties in the Act gives clarity for directors. These are set out in eight fiduciary duties which will • act in good faith apply to directors, shadow • act honestly and responsibly directors and de facto directors • act in accordance with the company’s constitution and to exercise as follows: those powers only for lawful purposes • not to use company property unless approved by the members or the company constitution • not to fetter discretion unless permitted by the constitution or unless it’s in the company’s interest • to avoid conflicts of interest • to exercise care, skill and diligence and • to have regard for the interests of members as well as employees A transition period of 18 months begins on the commencement of the Act. If a company fails to act during the transition period it will be deemed to be a private company limited by shares (post transition) with a one document constitution consisting of the existing Memorandum and Articles minus the objects clause and any provision which prohibits the alteration of the Memorandum and Articles. What this means in practice is that the publicly filed constitution will not match the actual constitution. Now is an opportune time for organisations with a large number of companies to review their group structure. Group simplification should be considered to make the transition process easier. We are happy to help, just give us a call, no question is ever too simple. You need to understand your choices to make the right decision for your company. Companies Act timeline Enactment: 23 December 2014. Commencement: 1 June 2015. Transition Period: This will run for an 18 month period from 1 June 2015. 15 months after commencement: Final date for those companies wishing to become a DAC under the conversion process. 18 months after commencement: End of transition period. Key contacts Alan Bigley Partner +353 (1) 792 6403 alan.bigley@ie.pwc.com Trudy Kealy Senior Manager +353 (1) 792 6881 trudy.kealy@ie.pwc.com Ruairí Cosgrove Director +353 (1) 792 6070 ruairi.cosgrove@ie.pwc.com Edel Dooley Manager +353 (1) 792 6466 edel.dooley@ie.pwc.com Fiona Barry Senior Manager +353 (1) 792 6720 fiona.barry@ie.pwc.com This content is for general information purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional advisors. © 2014 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved. PwC refers to the PwC network and/or one or more of its member firms, each of which is a separate legal entity. Please see www.pwc.com/structure for further details. 05347
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