To be used in conjunction with the Club’s Child Protection Policy PHOENIX GOLF CLUB JUNIOR HANDBOOK 2014 Front cover picture showing the approach to the 2nd green with the 3rd green in the background 2 PHOENIX GOLF CLUB Brinsworth Pavilion-Pavilion Lane-Bawtry Road Brinsworth-Rotherham-S60 5PA Telephone 01709 363788 JUNIOR & PRE JUNIOR MEMBERS HANDBOOK Name………………….…………………… 2014 Officials Club President Club Captain Lady Captain Junior Captain Club Secretary Junior Organiser Welfare Officer Professional Asst’ Professional Mr R Booth Mr M Riaz Mrs P Booth Miss J Basham Mr B Muffett Mr G Perry Mr D Boardman Mr M Roberts Mrs J Roberts Website: Email: FOR CONTACT NUMBERS SEE PAGE 22 3 Contents WHO’S WHO CONTENTS WELCOME MESSAGE FROM JUNIOR ORGANISER HISTORY OF PHOENIX GOLF CLUB JUNIOR SECTION Junior Captain Junior Committee Junior Organiser (see also page 5) Juniors Pre-Juniors RULES FOR JUNIOR MEMBERS The Club House (use of) Junior Members Age restrictions (moving into Adult categories) Dress Code in the Club House Dress Code on the Course Illustrated Dress Code JUNIOR RULES General (to include medals/competitions) Giving precedence CONGU HANDICAPS THE JUNIOR GOLFER Obtaining a handicap and your responsibilities: PLAYING THE GAME OF GOLF CODE OF CONDUCT We ask that you Look out for your own safety and the safety of others Unbecoming Conduct and Behavior PARENTAL SUPPORT We would welcome your support and assistance GOLF ETIQUETTE Participating in the game of golf COACHING Individual & Group coaching Rules etiquette coaching Junior Notice Board Information PGC CONTACT NUMBERS FIRST AID FIXTURES FOR JUNIORS & PRE-JUNIORS USEFUL CONTACTS (Local & National) 4 Page 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 & 12 11 & 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 17 & 18 19 & 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 to 26 28 WELCOME MESSAGE FROM Mr. GLYNN PERRY PHOENIX GOLF CLUB JUNIOR ORGANISER We at Phoenix Golf Club are really pleased you have chosen to play golf with us. On behalf of everyone may I extend to you a warm and friendly welcome and wish you an exciting and enjoyable time. We want to encourage boys and girls of all abilities to achieve their own personal goals in golf. We will provide coaching and guidance to allow you to enjoy your game, to make new friends and to play golf socially or in organised competitions. This handbook has been designed to help you ‘settle in’ quickly, and describes the facilities that are available, including some of the bylaws and rules that all of us must follow both on and off the course. Success and benefits from junior golf can only come with the full support of everyone here at the club, the Junior members and their parents, all pulling together to encourage, support and assist in whatever way they can to develop the skills, achievement and enjoyment in playing golf. As a junior member you become an ambassador for our juniors and our Golf Club. We hope you will enjoy your role with pride, playing an active part in helping other boys and girls to take up golf and become members who will enjoy playing and learning the many good things the sport has to offer to us all. If you need any assistance or information I am around the complex on a regular basis as are other helpful members who have the best interests of our club at heart and see a successful junior section as a priority in maintaining a healthy future for the club. 5 THE HISTORY OF PHOENIX GOLF CLUB Phoenix Golf Club was officially established on 1st January 1932 by the workers of a local steelmaking firm, Steel, Peech & Tozer, although hearsay has it that golfers played golf on a few holes some time prior to this. The membership at this time comprised of just 22 founder members. It is recorded that four gentlemen went to management of Steel, Peech & Tozer and asked if they could be given permission to develop an area of scrubland and former arable land into a golf course. With no funds available the management allowed this subject to agreement that all work was done in the gentlemen's own time and at their own expense. They and their fellow members developed the golf course in a piecemeal style firstly to a nine hole course initially designed by Mr Tom Williamson and then in 1935 into fourteen holes. Much of the development work being done with simple hand tools. The rest as they say is history and the present day members of Phoenix Golf Club owe these four gentlemen and their fellow members an enormous debt of gratitude. The first official game was played over the first new nine holes in the winter of 1932 by Bert Douglas, Seth Hampshire, Morley Gladwin and Norrie Bacon, accompanied by fellows, Reg Brunyee, George Fox, George Copley and Mr Seaman the Groundsman. In 1949 Golf Course architect Mr C K Cotton drew up plans for an 18 hole layout and after securing land to the North of Bawtry Road the new 18 hole golf course was officially opened in 1952. The course like the clubhouse has seen many alterations over the years, and what we have now is the result of excellent forethought, hard work and dedication by the membership over the many, many years since its inception in 1932, and is now something to be extremely proud of. 6 JUNIOR SECTION This is run by the Junior Organiser on behalf of the club. The Junior Organiser and Junior Committee meet regularly to review and improve the running of the junior section, arrange competitions and discuss social and educational golf events. The Junior Captain – is selected by the Junior Organiser / Professionals for his/her support to the junior section and has an important role to play. He / She is an ambassador for the juniors and Phoenix Golf Club, who will by example, engage with all the junior section members to encourage their participation and ensure that they play in a manner that is fair and provides enjoyment for all, upholding the code of practice and encouraging respect for all others at the club, and the facilities provided. Junior Committee – The Junior Organiser, PGC Professional or assistant Professional, PGC Club Captain, PGC Junior Captain PGC Secretary PGC Welfare Officer PGC President may also join in on meetings Junior Organiser – Is an adult member who is given the responsibility of organising the Junior Section on behalf of the club. 7 Juniors – Of any age up to 18 years with a Club Handicap of 54 or less playing off the white tees. Able to play the course at any time except where restrictions for Open competitions etc apply. Able to play in junior club competitions, Junior subs are payable in October and lasts for 12 months Pre-juniors – Can play the course off the Blue Tees Only (9 Holes) at any time (except Adult Competitions) and to include Pre-Junior organised Competitions apart from restricted times as set out by the Club committee, but must be accompanied by an adult at all times who may be either playing or walking (Playing Parents must be a member of the club, or signed on). (One adult can accompany a maximum group size of four prejuniors). A Pre-Junior can apply to become a junior member by completing a membership application form when the Club Professional/Junior Organiser decides he/she is deemed to have sufficient ability and competence to play golf on the club golf course. A Pre-Junior may be invited to play in an organised Junior Event by the Junior Organiser for Handicap purposes only, if it is deemed that they are excelling at that particular level Pre-Junior Subs are Payable in October and lasts 12 months Please see notice boards or website for fees 8 RULES FOR JUNIOR MEMBERS: The Club House Junior Members are allowed to use the clubhouse in the same way as adults but not allowed to purchase or consume alcohol. Soft drinks and food may be consumed in the clubhouse but only if purchased from the catering staff. Junior members are reminded that attaining the age of 18 years does not automatically qualify them for adult membership; an application for Intermediate Adult membership is to be made in writing to the Club committee. Dress Rules in the Club House – (Applies to all members) Smart casual clothing in all areas of the Clubhouse, and as is individually specified for specific events elsewhere in the Clubhouse. Soiled clothing from the course is not allowed anywhere in the clubhouse lounges or games rooms. No golf shoes whether spiked or pimple soled are allowed in the clubhouse. No outerwear, (coats, overcoats, raincoats, anoraks and golf jackets etc) anywhere in the clubhouse. Dress Rules on the course – (Applies to all members & Parents) Trousers must not be tucked into socks. Tailored shorts of reasonable length may be worn with either knee length socks or predominantly white sports socks. Shirts must have collars and must be tucked into trousers. Collarless or sleeveless shirts are not permitted, (girls may wear a sleeveless blouse). Mobile Phones may be taken on the course, but only used to get help. Store the club contact telephone numbers (see page 22) on your phone in case of any emergency. 9 10 JUNIOR RULES Junior members without a handicap must be accompanied on the course by a member aged 16 years or over unless permission is granted by the Committee. Junior members reaching the age of 16 years or holding a handicap of 12 or below may play in Adult Club Competitions (subject to paying the competition entry fee) and be eligible to win a prize, after having received permission to do so by the Handicap & Competition Committee. Other age restrictions may apply in Open events. In Adult Club Competitions each group containing a Junior Member must include at least one Adult member (aged 18 years or over) unless permission is granted by the Committee. Junior members under the age of 16 and with a handicap of 13 to 28 can play in Adult Club Competitions but for handicap purposes only and at the discretion of the Golf Professional. Under these circumstances payment of the competition entry fee is not required. They are only allowed to book a time from the day before the competition unless permission is granted by the Committee. Juniors are allowed to sign in visitors at the discounted rate at the discretion of the Golf Professional. A Pre-Junior may be invited to play in an organised Junior Event by the Junior Organiser for Handicap purposes only, if it is deemed that they are excelling at that particular level. 11 If after signing the sheet you find yourself unable to play, you should inform the organiser and your playing partners then cross your name off from the entry sheet so that others may sign in your place. In golf it is considered discourteous not to turn up for a competition once your name has been entered and may lead to a suspension from subsequent competitions if you fail to notify the organiser; In a stroke play competition, members must complete their score cards, enter their own scores into the club computer and then place the completed card into the box provided in the computer cabinet or some other designated area before leaving the clubhouse, unless otherwise instructed by the Junior Organiser or the Handicap and Competition secretary. Giving precedence The Club President, Club Captain’s and their guests/playing partners have precedence on the first tee at all times. Junior members with a handicap in excess of 28 or without an official handicap must always give precedence to adult members. CONGU HANDICAPS A golf handicap allows players of all levels of golfing ability to compete against each other on a fair and equal basis. A handicap system is effectively essential to the popularity and prosperity of the game of Amateur Golf. The System developed and refined by the Council of National Golf Unions (CONGU) provides a player with a golf handicap that reflects their playing ability relative to that of all other players handicapped by the CONGU® Handicapping System. 12 THE JUNIOR GOLFER Obtaining a Handicap and your responsibilities You will be required to submit to the junior organiser, 3 completed scorecards for the full 18 holes of golf. Cards may be signed by any other member of Phoenix Golf Club who has a handicap, and is acceptable to the committee. Cards cannot be submitted in winter when playing to temporary greens, other cards submitted during the winter will have allowances made to the standard scratch score (see below). Please place the 3 signed completed score cards in the competition box at the side of the secretary’s office, having written (for handicap purposes) on the top of the cards. The Junior Organiser or Handicap & Competition secretary will take your best gross score, adjust any hole that is more than 2 over par, subtract the “standard scratch score” of the course, which is 70 (could be adjusted when submitting cards during the winter as above). Juniors with handicaps of 29‐54 will have their adjustments made by the handicap secretary. Juniors with handicap of 28 and below will have their handicaps adjusted by CONGU (Council of National Golf Unions). The organiser will record this information and inform you when your handicap is allocated, you will also be allocated a personal computer number for extra identification. You can obtain a current handicap certificate from the Club Secretary, H&C Secretary, Junior Organiser or Club Professional. Lists of member’s handicaps can be found on the notice boards and the Professionals Shop. It is your responsibility to play off the correct handicap. Once you have obtained a handicap, it must be kept “active” by entering at least three qualifying competitions each year. You will not lose your handicap unless you leave the golf club and are not transferring to another club. 13 PLAYING THE GAME OF GOLF A few tips you will find useful when out on the course – Keep up with the group playing in front of you, not just ahead of the group behind. Players with the “honour” for winning a hole should tee off at the next Hole before marking their scorecard. After the last player has teed off, the others should move ahead leaving the last player to catch them up. At all times be aware of the group behind you. If you lose a clear hole with the group in front, you MUST invite the group behind to play through at the earliest opportunity. When searching for a ball you are allowed five minutes, always consider letting the players behind play through. DO NOT walk up the fairway together if your golf balls are scattered in different directions, walk directly to your own ball and be ready to play when it is your turn. Plan your next shot whilst walking to your ball and choose the club you intend to use. Encourage your partner to play a provisional ball if you are both unsure where it may have landed. Play with different people, improving your understanding of the game, the pace of play and make new friends. Ensure you leave your trolley or golf bag at the point where you are likely to leave the green to walk to the next tee. DO NOT leave your bag at the front of the green where you will have to go back to retrieve it. If you have putted out be prepared to replace the flag. PLEASE TRY TO AVOID SLOW PLAY AT ALL TIMES 14 CODE OF CONDUCT You are valued for the role you will play in the sport of golf, being an ambassador for our juniors and golf club both on and off the course. We ask that you – Fill in and sign the Code Of Conduct each season. Help to create and maintain an environment free from fear and harassment, one in which enjoyment and participation are important. Respect other golfers, being polite and courteous at all times – treat everyone, as you would wish to be treated yourself. Understand that you have a right to be treated as an individual. Respect differences in gender, disability, culture, race, ethnicity, age, social orientation, and religious beliefs between yourself and others. Demonstrate fair play and be honest, applying golf’s standards both on and off the course. Respect the advice you receive that promotes the concept of a balanced attitude. Treat organisers and coaches with respect. Observe instructions or restrictions required by the club or its members of staff. Do not engage in any irresponsible, abusive, inappropriate or illegal behavior. Challenge or report if you observe any form of discrimination and prejudice. Look out for your own safety and that of others. Tell someone if you are leaving a venue or competition; Be organised and on time. Take care of the course – repair divots, pitch marks and rake bunkers after having played your shots. 15 Do not consume alcohol, illegal or performance enhancing drugs or stimulants and please avoid smoking. Refrain from any abusive or foul language. Listen, learn, improve and most importantly ENJOY. Look out for your own safety and the safety of others Remember– Don’t go out on the course on your own. Do not try to carry more golf clubs in your bag than you can comfortably handle! (maximum 14 allowed) use a trolley where possible. Store the telephone numbers of the Pro’ Shop (01709 382624) and Clubhouse bar (01709 363788 option 3) in your mobile, and keep it with you out on the course for use in case of an emergency. If you or someone with you is ill, and in need of help or you feel threatened or frightened, telephone the club, tell them who and where you are and what the problem is. Try and attract the attention of other golfers nearby. Check that you will not hit anyone with your club when swinging or that any playing partners’ balls will not hit anyone. Should a misdirected ball seem as if it might hit someone, shout a warning “Fore” at them. Do not allow others to stand to the front of you when playing your ball. Do not play golf if there is lightning or thunder in the area, if the warning claxon is sounded you must leave the course. In foggy and icy conditions members play at their own risk. When retrieving golf balls from ditches be wary of steep slopes and use the access steps where provided. Speak out if you have concerns about your own needs or the needs of others. 16 Unbecoming Conduct and Misbehavior will result in disciplinary action! This may come in the form of; A verbal warning A written warning An interview with the management committee (gents/ladies) of the Club Possible period of suspension Ultimately this may lead to expulsion from the Golf Club and in extreme cases referral to an appropriate authority. PARENTAL SUPPORT As the parents of the young people who are the junior membership you are very important to us, both to the success of the junior section and to the future of our golf club, and are most welcome to our club. Please be encouraged to take an active part and to engage with the organisers, parents and juniors. As members, parents and visitors whenever you are at the club for either golf or social meetings, please be aware of and abide by the Dress Code (as indicated elsewhere) We would welcome your support and assistance with – Supporting the golf club policy for child protection, welfare and enjoyment. Taking an interest in and being supportive of your children’s activity and progress. Introducing yourself to organisers and officials, feel free to talk with the Junior Organisers, parent volunteers, PGA Professional, and Club Welfare Officer. Finding out what the club offers, when coaching and junior competitions are arranged, be aware of playing restrictions and membership category limitations. 17 Making yourselves and your child aware of the junior handbook contents, and encouraging young people to adopt the good practice guidance. Complying with the supervision requirements for young children playing on the course. Being punctual when dropping off or picking up your child/ children for/from coaching and competitions. If leaving your son/daughter at the club please ensure they have sufficient spending money, appropriate clothing (i.e. a hat to protect them from the sun or waterproofs in the winter), a drink to take in their bag as dehydration occurs even on cool days. Make sure your child and the club have a correctly completed Junior member profile form to ensure they are provided for in the best way possible, especially should a medical emergency arise. Having clear lines of communication to keep up with your child’s progress. Ensuring that the club has an emergency contact number for you when you are away from the club. A mobile phone number is preferable, and that you leave your mobile telephone switched on so that we may contact you should an emergency arise. 18 GOLF ETIQUETTE Golf is played for the most part, without the supervision of a referee or umpire, relying upon the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the Rules. All players should conduct themselves correctly, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. This is the spirit of the game of golf. First and foremost, we want you to enjoy your round of golf, but we expect you to observe the basic rules of golf etiquette, which allow other players to enjoy their games also. Think of it as a sort of golfers’ Highway Code. The following brief explanation is intended to give you grounding on what to do (and what not to do) on a golf course. Be courteous and respectful of others at all times. Players must be prepared to tee off at their allocated time, i.e. being at the tee when the group in front is preparing to tee off. Play must always commence from the first tee unless permission to start from another tee has been given. Replace all divots and repair pitch marks on greens before moving off. Rake over all footprints and other marks made in bunkers. Do not take trolleys, buggies or golf bags onto the tees or greens Do not take practice swings on the tees or greens. Do not play any shot until you are sure that other golfers or course staff are out of range. 19 Shout "Fore" if you think that a stray shot might go near or hit someone. Avoid slow play‐keep up with the match in front, not just in front of the match behind. Walk briskly between shots in the direction of you ball and if possible decide which club to use for your next shot before you reach your ball. If you play a bad shot and suspect that the ball might be lost, play a provisional just in case. Take a maximum of five minutes looking for a lost ball. Only the player whose ball is lost should search whilst others play their shots before assisting to look for a lost ball. If there is a clear hole in front of you, and the following group have caught you up and are waiting, allow them to play through at the earliest opportunity – especially if they are a smaller group (i.e. a two‐ball Vs a four‐ball) Do not take an excessive number of repetitive practice swings. Before putting, always leave your bag or trolley alongside the green at a point nearest to the next tee. When you have completed the hole, clear the green quickly, marking your scorecard when you arrive at the next tee, the person having the honour of teeing off first, should tee off before marking his card. Participating in the the game of Golf – Junior members should conduct themselves in a polite and proper manner at all times both on and off the course. Remember golf is a game of “trust” and all should play the game fairly and honestly. To be punctual at all times, and always arrive in plenty of time before coaching sessions or meetings commence, and you are well advised to always be ready to meet your playing partners well in advance of your tee off time in competitions. 20 COACHING The game of Golf may appear a simple challenge, moving a ball with the use of clubs from one place to another. However golf requires knowledge of the rules and etiquette and the development of a variety of skills. With its many hazards, a golf course demands accuracy, power, feel, control, touch and concentration. As a beginner it is important you follow the correct pathway to avoid injury and bad habits. Good coaching will help you strike and control the ball, allowing you to achieve the rewards and enjoy the sport of golf. Like many golf clubs, we have a resident Golf Professional, Mick Roberts, who along with his assistant Julie Roberts provide individual and group coaching sessions throughout the year Individual coaching sessions are available, such one to one teaching will focus upon the element of your game that both you and either Mick or Julie consider require further improvement and development. Group coaching sessions are arranged throughout the summer months by Mick and Julie, these sessions are arranged for: Beginners ‐An introduction to the game of Golf. These are sessions provided for beginners to provide them with basic instruction and challenges that enable them to use the clubs and hit the golf ball, with no commitment placed onto the participants to continue in golf. Should you wish to continue your enjoyment, guidance and advice for becoming a member of the Golf Club is readily available. Improvers‐ group sessions are organised for the junior members throughout the summer months, which are designed to continue their development of golfing skills and abilities in all aspects i.e. driving-woods-irons-chipping-bunkers and putting. 21 Rules and Etiquette coaching – Periodically the coaches and junior section will organise quiz sessions that are designed to test your knowledge of the golfing rules, codes of conduct and etiquette. Participation in these quizzes will also improve your knowledge and understanding of the game of golf and further your enjoyment. Information ‐ Junior Notice Board – Look out for information posters on your notice board informing you and your parents of competitions, results, activities, coaching sessions and quizzes and meetings, or contact your Junior Organiser if you have any concerns. Phoenix Golf Club - Contact Information – E mail address; Website; Phoenix Golf Club Secretary Phoenix Golf Club President Phoenix Golf Club Junior Organiser Phoenix Golf Club Professional Phoenix Golf Club Welfare Officer Phoenix Golf Club Clubhouse Bar Phoenix Golf Club Catering Course information line 01709 363788 or 363159 01709 363788 01709 379116 01709 382624 01709 363788 01709 363788 option 3 01709 363788 option 4 0844 481 9250 FIRST AID Location of First Aid Equipment – All First Aid Equipment can be found in:1. Professionals Shop 2. Clubhouse 22 Juniors Fixtures & Coaching 2014 April Thur Sun Thur Thur Thur 4th 6th 11th 18th 25th - Coaching Junior Captains Drive In Coaching Coaching Coaching 1st 8th 11th 15th 22nd 28th 29th - Coaching Coaching Woodcock Cup Coaching Coaching Challenge Day Coaching 1st 5th 12th 19th 26th 28th 29th - Brookes Cup 2pm Tee Coaching Coaching Coaching Coaching SUGC ICTC @ Wath GC 2pm Tee SUGC ICTC @ Sandhill GC 2pm Tee 3rd 6th 10th 17th 24th 31st - Coaching SUGC ICTC @ Phoenix GC 2pm Tee Coaching Coaching Coaching Coaching 2pm Tee May Thur Thur Sun Thu Thur Wed Thur _ - 2pm Tee June Sun Thur Thur Thur Thur Sat Sun _ July Thur Sun Thur Thu Thur Thu 23 Juniors Fixtures & Coaching 2014 - Cont August Fri Thu Thu Fri Thu Fri Sun Thu 1st 7th 14th 15th 21st 22rd 24th 27th - - Joe Clegg Cup 2pm Tee Coaching Challenge Day Michael Roberts Junior Cup 11am Tee Coaching Jack Smith Trophy 11am Tee Junior / Adult Foursomes Challenge Day - Coaching Coaching Coaching Coaching Alan Webb End Of Season Trophy 2pm _ - _ September Thu Thu Thu Thu Sun 4th 11th 18th 25th 28th October Thu Thu Thu Thu Sat 3rd 10th 17th 24th 26th Subscriptions Due - Coaching Coaching Coaching Coaching Presentation Night Please note that further events or competitions may be planned during the year which will be shown on the Junior Notice Board 24 Pre-Juniors Fixtures & Coaching 2014 March Wed Wed Wed 16th 23rd 30th - Handicap Round Handicap Round Handicap Round 2nd 6th 6th 9th 16th 23rd 30th - Coaching Junior Captains Drive In 1st Julie Chandler Medal Coaching Coaching Coaching Coaching 7th 11th 14th 28th - Coaching 2nd Julie Chandler Medal Coaching Challenge Day 1st 4th 11th 18th 25th - 3rd Julie Chandler Medal Coaching Coaching Coaching Coaching 2rd 6th 9th 16th 23rd - Coaching 4th Julie Chandler Medal Coaching Coaching Coaching 3pm Tee 3pm Tee 3pm Tee April Wed Sun Sun Wed Wed Wed Wed _ 3pm Tee 3pm Tee May Wed Wed Wed Wed 3pm Tee 3pm Tee June Sun Wed Wed Wed Wed 3pm Tee July Wed Sun Wed Sun Wed 25 3pm Tee Pre-Juniors Fixtures & Coaching 2014 - Cont August Wed Thu Sun Wed Thu Fri Wed Fri Sun Wed Thu 6th 7th 10th 13th 14th 15th 20th 22nd 24th 27th 28th - 3rd 7th 10th 17th 24th 28th - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - Coaching Wee Willetts @ Bondhay 50 Shot Challenge Coaching Challenge Day Wee Willetts @ Phoenix Coaching Wee Willetts @ Sitwell Junior / Adult Foursomes Coaching Challenge Day 3pm Tee Sept Wed Sun Wed Wed Wed Sun Oct Wed Sun Wed Wed Sat _ - Coaching 5th Julie Chandler Medal Coaching Coaching Coaching Alan Webb End Of Season Trophy 2pm Subscription Due st 1 5th 15th 22nd 25th - _ - Coaching 6th Julie Chandler Medal Coaching Coaching Presentation Night Please note that additional Pre Junior Coaching Sessions are also held by Julie Roberts every Saturday and Sunday. Further events or competitions may be planned during the year which will be shown on the Junior Notice Board 26 NOTES 27 Local Contacts Local Police Child Protection Team In an emergency contact via Tel: 999 Explain who you are and why you are calling, you will then be put through to the appropriate person to explain the problem. National Organisations Childline UK Tel: 0800 1111 NSPCC 24 hour Helpline Free phone 0808 800 5000 EGU Case management Officer mobile 07803 661890 County Welfare Officer ‐ Carol Hill Euro Golf Rules of Golf http:// PHOENIX GOLF CLUB Brinsworth Pavilion-Pavilion Lane-Bawtry Road Brinsworth-Rotherham-S60 5PA Telephone 01709 363788 HANDBOOK PRINTED by WEBDESER
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