PLEASE JOIN US! CONFERENCE MARCH 17, 2015 SACRAMENTO SHERATON HOTEL March 17, 2015 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. SPONSORED BY THE CALIFORNIA COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS EDUCATIONAL SERVICES ASSOCIATION (CCSESA) STATEWIDE ARTS INITIATIVE JOIN US FOR AN EXCITING DAY “The tasks ahead are daunting: Enjoy interactive plenary sessions. making sure that the new system Engage in breakout sessions led by CCSESA Regional Arts Leads and Arts Organization Leads as they showcase modules and materials that demonstrate how the visual and performing arts support Common Core State Standards. Hear from exciting arts and education leaders and artists. of local control works; recruiting and training tens of thousands of teachers; mastering the Common Core Curriculum; and fostering the creativity needed to inspire students.” Network with school, district, and county office leaders from across the state. Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. Learn new professional learning strategies and approaches and about the new CCSESA Arts Initiative Web Site and Creativity at the Core Resources. Celebrating K-12 Arts Education To Register: For more information: Contact Jessie Kroll-Yoas Phone: (916) 446-3095 Email: Cost: $75 Includes lunch, materials and light snacks FOR MORE DETAILS, LOOK INSIDE! California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) Arts Initiative has been leading a new initiative, Creativity at Regional Arts Lead, Heidi Brahms, from Shasta COE will share information about a distance learning arts module that they have created in partnership with the Music Center of Los Angeles. the Core, funded by the California Arts Council and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The initiative involves regional teams including Regional Arts Lead County Offices of Education and partner Arts Organizations in all What’s Happening on the 17th? eleven regions of California. The teams have pilot arts professional learning materials that Be enthused and motivated by our opening keynote, Amy Charleroy, Director 6 -12 Curriculum and Instruction for The College Board, New York City. Amy will provide a national perspective on arts learning and Common Core Standards. been working for almost a year to develop and support Common Core State Standards and 21st century learning. These experts employ a wide range of creative and innovative strategies Be wowed by arts leaders. You will hear from arts and education experts from across California who have experience with impacting 21st Century student success! supporting Be inspired by nationally acclaimed artist, Sean Adler Hernández Oliu, as he performs. the Be informed by CREATE CA Leadership as they share how they have been part of a statewide effort to support arts education and creative schools. Be excited as you participate in interactive sessions that will open up new doors of thinking for you! Be amazed by the creativity of Maya González, children’s author and artist, and participate in a book signing at the end of the day. K-12 classroom teachers and administrators. The materials will be part of an online repository of resources and available to public in March 2015 at The California Department of Education, the California Association for Bilingual Educators, Loyola Marymount University, and CREATE CA have been partners in this statewide effort. Meet and Hear from Children’s Book Author and Artist: Maya González Maya Christina González is an author, fine artist, a progressive educator and the illustrator of more than twenty picture books, several of which have won recognition form the Pura Belpré Award, Américas Book Award, and International Latino Book Participate in sessions that bring the arts and Common Core to life. Learn strategies that you can use in your own setting with other colleagues and staff. Awards. When not in the studio, Maya works with children and educators to stress the importance of creativity in the classroom. She has developed several lines of curriculum and training and has worked in classrooms across the US. Hear from Young Professional Vocalist, Sean Adler Hernández Oliu Professional Sharing Regional Teams will be sharing their professional learning modules and providing content and resources that will demonstrate how creativity and innovation can motivate and engage students while supporting new state standards. You will be able to choose breakout sessions that best meets your needs. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage and learn new strategies for deeper learning in the arts and Common Core. Each session will be interactive and provide a rich suite of resources that you will be able to access online at Come see why The Huffington Post recently hailed Creativity at the Core as an “exciting and promising effort” that should “ignite the awareness of other states and the nation and hopefully lead to a renaissance in education.” Sean Adler Hernández Oliu is a 12 year old artist from Anaheim, California. He competed on the NBC program La Voz Kids, the Spanish version of The Voice. He advanced out of a pool of over 6500 invited contestants to be one of the six finalists. That training and exposure has given him the opportunity to perform across the US and Mexico. He hopes that music will always be part of his life. Creativity at the Core Regional Arts Leaders Creativity at the Core involves CCSESA Regional Arts Leads who serve as the Visual and Performing Arts Subcommittee of the state Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC) to support development and implementation of Common Core-aligned arts learning resources in each eleven service regions of California. Each team includes one county office arts lead and one-two arts organization partner leads. These teams are developing exciting professional learning modules that they will share with you. Region 1 2 3 Regional Arts Lead County Office of Education Arts Organization Humboldt County Office of Education Stacy Young North Coast Dance Shasta County Office of Education Heidi Brahms The Music Center Sacramento County Office of Education Steven Winlock Crocker Arts Museum Mallorie Marsh Ikolo Griffin & Gina Grebe Module Topic and Grade Level Focus Lifting the Barre in Arts Education: Connecting Dance with Common Core in English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science Grades K-6 Distance Learning through the Arts: Equal Access for Arts Grades K-8 Keith Wyffels Common Core: Implementing Arts through Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity Grades K-12 California Musical Theatre Gina Smith 4 Alameda County Office of Education Ray Cagan Monterey County Office of Education Hamish Tyler Teaching Artist Guild Stanislaus County Office of Education Cheri Lloyd & Jill Polhemus Fresno County Office of Education Robert Bullwinkel Ventura County Office of Education Charice Guerra Gallo Center for the Arts 9 San Diego County Office of Education Russell Sperling Old Globe Theatre 10 San Bernardino County Office of Education Armalyn De La O Los Angeles County Office of Education Shannon Wilkins P. L. A. C. E. Performance 5 6 7 8 11 Jean Johnstone El Teatro Campesino Emiliano Valdez Creativity in Court and Community Schools Grades 6-12 ACTOS Arts Integration Culturally Responsive Arts Learning Across the Curriculum Tied to Common Core Grades K-8 Lesson Study as a Model for Sustainable Arts Integration: Grades K-12 Raul Garcia Fresno Arts Council Lilia Chávez Museum of Ventura County Wendy Van Horn Roberta Wells-Famula Sue Roginski Arts for All Arts Integration and the Common Core for Teaching Artists Grades K-6 Artifact Detectives: Building Knowledge in Language, History and the Arts through Active Inquiry Grades 3-5 Problem Solving through Theatre: Learning 21st Century Skills via the Dramatic Arts Grades 6-12 Getting Ready for Performance: Building the Creative Process in Dance Technique Grades 7-12 Assessing Arts Integration in the Era of Common Core Grades K-6 Talia Gibas THIS PROGRAM IS FUNDED BY THE CALIFORNIA ARTS COUNCIL AND THE WILLIAM AND FLORA HEWLETT FOUNDATION
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