Research Article Phenotypic and Functional Characterization of a Marrow-derived Stromal Cell Line, M210B4 and its Comparison with Primary Marrow Stromal Cells Shweta Singh, Suprita Ghode, Moirangthem Ranjita Devi, Lalita Limaye and Vaijayanti Kale* Stem Cell Laboratory, National Centre for Cell Science, NCCS Complex, University of Pune Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune, India In vitro co-culture system consisting of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) or mesenchymal stromal cell lines of marrow origin has provided important clues about the regulation of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) by their microenvironment or niche. In the current studies, we have compared phenotypic and functional characters of a marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cell line, M210B4, with BMSCs. We demonstrate that M210B4 resembles BMSCs in terms of phenotypic characters. Unlike the BMSCs, M210B4 differentiated only towards adipogenic lineage, and was refractory towards osteogenic differentiation. However, M210B4 cells exhibited a higher HSC-supportive ability as assessed by flow cytometry analyses of the output cells from co-cultures. We observed that M210B4 cells show a constitutively higher activation of p44/42 and p-38 MAPK pathways compared to BMSCs, contributing to their higher HSC-support in vitro. Overall, the results show that M210B4 forms a suitable in vitro system to study HSC regulation in vitro. INTRODUCTION Hematopoiesis takes place in bone marrow, a various cytokines and extra-cellular molecules complex micro-environment comprised of (ECMs). various cells like osteoblast, endothelial cells, emanating from these cells also contribute CXCL12-abundant reticular (CAR) cells, actively in the HSC fate decision (Blank et al., adipocytes, cells 2008; Eckfeldt et al., 2005). Mesenchymal (MSCs), pericytes, etc. (Calvi et al., 2003; stromal cells (MSCs) form a very important Ding et al., 2012; Kiel et al., 2005; Mendez- part of the HSC microenvironment. Although Ferrer et al., 2010; Omatsu et al., 2010; Park et these cells have been used as feeder layers for al., 2012; Sacchetti et al., 2007; Sugiyama et several years (Jang et al., 2006), their precise al., 2006; Zhang et al., 2003). Hematopoietic participation stem cells (HSCs) occur in close contact with documented recently (Jing et al., 2010; the cells of the microenvironment, which Mehrasa et al., 2014; Walenda et al., 2010). control the fate of the HSCs via secretion of Subsequent studies have demonstrated that mesenchymal stromal Various in signaling the HSC mechanisms niche was Key words: Mesenchymal stromal cells, M210B4, HSC. *Corresponding Author: Vaijayanti Kale, National Centre for Cell Science, NCCS complex, University of Pune Campus, Ganeshkhind, Pune, India. Email:, Biomed Res J 2015;2(1):120-133 Singh et al. 121 MSCs actively participate in regulation of whether they express MSC-like phenotype and hematopoiesis and play an important role in support hematopoiesis with efficiency at par homing and engraftment of transplanted HSCs with BMSCs. In the present study, we have (Bensidhoum et al., 2004; Sohni et al., 2013). compared M210B4 cell line with the primary In vitro co-culture of HSCs with stromal feeder layers forms an excellent model to bone marrow-derived stromal cells (BMSCs) using phenotypic and functional parameters. study molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of hematopoiesis in general, and MATERIALS AND METHODS HSC fate in particular. Murine stromal cells Cells were isolated and characterized by Tropel et The protocols used in animal experimentation al. (2004) and constituted an important in vitro were approved by the institutional animal tool to study stromal cell biology. To have a ethics committee (IAEC). The C57BL/6J constant supply of feeder cells, several stromal (CD45.2) cell lines were generated. Some of the clonal (Ptprc; stromal cell lines that have been established Laboratory, Bar Harbor, USA) were housed are PA6 (Piacibel et al., 1996), M210B4 and bred in our experimental animal facility (Sutherland et al., 1991), S17 (Winwman et (EAF). BMSCs were isolated from bone al., 1993), and MS5 (Tordjman et al., 1999). marrow of 6–8 weeks C57BL6/J mice by These cells have been successfully used as flushing the femurs with complete medium, feeder layers and possess hematopoiesis- constituting Iscove's modified Dulbecco's supportive ability in vitro. medium (IMDM) (HiMedia, Mumbai, India) and B6.SJL-PtprcaPepcb/BoyJ CD45.1) mice (The Jackson The M210B4 cell line is a clone derived supplemented with 20% mesenchymal stem from bone marrow stromal cells from cell FBS (Mesen-FBS; Stem Cell Technology, (C57BL/6J × C3H/HeJ) F1 mouse (Lemoine Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) and et al., 1988), and supports hematopoiesis when plated in a petridish. After 8–10 days of used as feeder layer for long-term culture- incubation, with intermittent removal of non- initiating cell (LTC-IC) assay (Burroughs et al adherent cells and addition of fresh medium, 1994). Our group has used this cell line to the adherent cells were used for the study various aspects of hematopoiesis (Bajaj experiments (Anjos-Afonso et al., 2008). et al., 2011; Hinge et al., 2010). M210B4 cell line was purchased from ATCC In spite of its extensive use in LTC-IC and maintained in RPMI1640 (HiMedia, assays, these cells have not been critically Mumbai, India) supplemented with 10% FBS evaluated primary (GIBCO, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, California, marrow-derived stromal cells. It is not known USA). Lineage negative (lin-) cells were in comparison with Biomed Res J 2015;2(1):120-133 Characterization of a marrow-derived stromal cell line, M210B4 122 isolated from bone marrow mononuclear cells irradiated (8000 rads of gamma ray, Co60) (MNCs) of Ptprc mice by using biotin-labelled feeders for 7 days in either IMDM anti-mouse lineage antibody cocktail prepared supplemented with 10% MSC-FBS (MSC from Biotin Mouse Lineage panel (BD qualified Pharmingen, San Diego, California, USA) and California, USA) or Myelocult medium (Stem ® Dynabeads biotin binder (Invitrogen, Calrsbad, California, USA). Cell FBS, Invitrogen, technology, Columbia, Carlsbad, Vancouver, Canada). The British medium was supplemented with 25 ng/ml murine IL-6, 25 Differentiation towards adipocytes and ng/ml murine SCF and 10 ng/ml murine IL-3 osteoblasts (Peprotech, Rocky Hill, USA). We compared For adipocytic differentiation, BMSCs or the HSC-supportive ability of M210B4 and M210B4 cells were treated with standard BMSCs adipogenic conditions: differentiation medium under four A) different Non-irradiated culture BMSCs/ comprising insulin (4 μg/ml), 3-isobutyl, 1- M210B4 in (IMDM + 10% Mesen-FBS), methyl B) Irradiated BMSCs/M210B4 in (IMDM + xanthine (IBMX) (500 µM), dexamethasone (0.25 μM), indomethacin (200 10% Mesen FBS), C) Non-irradiated µM) and 2 µg/ml insulin for 15-18 days. The BMSCs/M210B4 in Myelocult medium and adipogenic differentiation was confirmed by D) Irradiated BMSCs/M210B4 in Myelocult staining lipid droplets with Oil Red O dye medium. After 7 days of co-culture, the cells osteoblastic were harvested and analyzed for LSK (lin- differentiation, BMSCs or M210B4 cells were Sca1+ c-Kit+) stem cell population using flow treated with β glycerophosphate (10 nmol/L), cytometry. The LSK population was further dexamethasone (100 nmol/L) and ascorbic analyzed as long-term HSCs (LT-HSCs) or acid (0.05 nmol/L) for 15–18 days. To confirm short-term HSCs (ST-HSCs) based on CD34 osteoblastic differentiation, cells were stained expression. The absolute numbers were with Alizarin Red S to detect calcium deposits calculated based on % of cells obtained on (Sila-Asna et al.,2007). flow cytometer and total yield, while the fold (Bajaj et al., 2011). For increase was calculated by comparing Co-culture assay absolute numbers of input population to that of BMSCs or M210B4 cells were seeded in the output population. collagen-coated (50 µg/ml) 24-well plate as feeder layer. After 24 h, 1 × 105 lin- cells Flow Cytometry isolated from mouse bone marrow were co- For the phenotypic characterization, BMSCs cultured and M210B4 cells were stained with APC- with either non-irradiated Biomed Res J 2015;2(1):120-133 or Singh et al. 123 conjugated anti-mouse CD44, PE-conjugated membranes (Biorad, California, USA). The anti-mouse CD73, APC-conjugated anti- blots were incubated with specific primary mouse CD90.1, PE-conjugated anti-mouse antibodies CD105, APC-conjugated anti-mouse CD106 (Thr202/Tyr204), anti-p38, and anti-p-p38 (eBioscience, San Diego, California, USA), (Thr180/Tyr182); and horseradish peroxidase- PE-conjugated anti-mouse Sca-1, FITC- conjugated conjugated anti-mouse CD45 and FITC- Signaling Technology, Danvers, Massachu- conjugated (BD settes, USA). The signals were detected using Pharmingen, San Diego, California, USA). Lumiglo reagent (Cell Signaling Technology, For LSK profiling, cells were stained with Danvers, Massachusettes, USA) and the APC-conjugated mouse lineage antibody signals were captured on X-Ray films. cocktail, anti-mouse PECy7-conjugated CD117(c-Kit), Sca-1 CD34 (BD PE-conjugated anti-p44/42, secondary anti-p-p44/42 antibodies (Cell anti-mouse anti-mouse Data were analyzed by Sigma Stat software California, USA) and FITC-conjugated anti- using one-way repeated measure analysis of mouse CD34 (eBioscience, San Diego, variance (One-Way RM ANOVA; Jandel California, USA). The isotype-stained cells Scientific Software, California, USA). The were used as controls. The stained cells were plots represent the values as mean ± standard acquired error of mean (SEM), and p value ≤ 0.05 was FACS Canto San Statistical analysis Diego, on Pharmingen, – II (Becton Dickinson, New Jersey, USA) and analyzed considered significant. using BD FACS-DIVA SOFTWARE version 5.0. RESULTS M210B4 cell line is comparable to BMSCs Western blots at phenotypic level Whole cell lysates were prepared using RIPA BMSCs are phenotypically characterized by lysis buffer supplemented with Phosphatase surface markers as Sca1+CD44+ CD73+ Inhibitor-1(PI-1), Phosphatase Inhibitor-2 (PI- CD90.1+ CD105+ CD106+ CD45- CD34- 2), Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (PIC), 1 mM (Chamberlain et al., 2007; Boxall SL et al., Phenyl Methyl Sulphonyl Fluoride (PMSF), 1 2012; Mabuchi et al., 2013). When M210B4 mM Sodium-orthovanadate and 1 mM cells Sodium Fluoride (NaF) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. phenotypic analyses using the standard Louis, Missouri, USA). The samples having markers, we observed that both BMSCs as equal protein concentration were separated by well as M210B4 are highly positive for CD44, 9% SDS-PAGE and transferred to PVDF CD106 and Sca-1; and moderately positive for and BMSCs were subjected to Biomed Res J 2015;2(1):120-133 Characterization of a marrow-derived stromal cell line, M210B4 124 Table 1: Percent and mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of different surface markers in M210B4 and BMSCs. S. No. Surface Markers 1 CD44 2 CD73 3 CD90.1 4 5 CD105 CD106 6 Sca-1 7 CD34 8 CD45 M210B4 BMSCs a) % population 99.99 73.89 b) MFI 35445 1680 a) % population 8.92 25.84 b) MFI 216.43 178.41 a) % populati1on 16.17 28.73 b) MFI 253.06 173.34 a) % population 31.48 56.75 b) MFI 230.91 595.31 a) % population 99.96 93 b) MFI 4872 2432 a) % population 98.99 86.51 b) MFI 24088 5751 a) % population Nil Nil b) MFI Nil Nil a) % population Nil Nil b) MFI Nil Nil CD73, CD90.1 and CD105 (Fig. 1A). In terms differentiation potential. We observed that of percentages, more number of BMSCs M210B4 cells differentiated into adipocytes expressed CD73, CD90.1 and CD105. Both (Fig. 1B), and not towards the osteogenic cells were negative for CD34 and CD45. The lineage. The data showed that M210B4 data showed that M210B4 cells compare well efficiently differentiates towards adipogenic with BMSCs at phenotypic level, albeit with lineage, but not towards the osteoblastic one. minor numerical differences (Table 1). M210B4 cells expand long-term HSCs in M210B4 cell line differentiates towards vitro adipocytic lineage The results showed that in type 'A' (Non- The marrow-derived Mesenchymal stromal irradiated feeders in IMDM supplemented cells are expected to differentiate towards with 10% MSC-FBS) and type 'B' (irradiated osteoblastic, and adipocytic lineages under feeders in IMDM supplemented with 10% appropriate stimuli (Prockop DJ., 1997; MSC-FBS) co-cultures, the total number of Pittenger MF et al., 1999; Dominici et al., cells harvested was significantly low in 2006). However, when these cells are cultured M210B4 set (Fig. 2A-a, 2B-a). The absolute for long periods they lose their differentiation numbers of LT-HSCs (LSK CD34-) were capacity. So we investigated whether M210B4 significantly increased, whereas the absolute cells possess both adipogenic and osteogenic numbers of LSK HSC (Lin-Sca-1+ c-Kit+), and Biomed Res J 2015;2(1):120-133 Singh et al. 125 Figure 1: Characterization of murine bone marrow stromal cells and M210B4 cell-line. A) Flow cytometric analysis for the MSC surface markers expressed on BMSCs versus M210B4 cell-line; B) The panel illustrates images of adipocytes formed from M210B4 cells and BMSCs stained with Oil Red O. The panel shows that BMSCs differentiate towards the osteoblastic lineage as evident by Alizarin Red S staining; M210B4 cells do not show such differentiation. (Original magnification 100X). Biomed Res J 2015;2(1):120-133 126 Characterization of a marrow-derived stromal cell line, M210B4 Figure 2: Co-culture of murine hematopoietic stem cells with BMSCs versus M210B4 cell-line. Total numbers of hematopoietic cells obtained in various co-cultures are depicted (a). Quantitative data showing absolute number of HSCs (b) and fold change over input cells (c) with respect to total cells harvested, LSK, LT-HSC and ST-HSC, at 4 different conditions (2A) Non-irradiated BMSCs/M210B4 in (IMDM+10%MSC-FBS), (2B) Irradiated BMSCs/M210B4 in (IMDM+10%MSC-FBS), (2C) Non-irradiated BMSCs/M210B4 in Myelocult medium and (2D)Irradiated BMSCs/M210B4 in Myelocult medium. The data of one representative experiment are depicted and are represented as mean ± SEM. N=3. ST-HSC (LSK CD34+) were significantly (Fig. 2A-c and 2B-c). There was no significant decreased in the M210B4 set as compared to difference in M210B4 set versus BMSCs set in the BMSCs set (Fig. 2A-b and 2B-b; Table 2). type 'C' (non-irradiated feeders in Myelocult In terms of fold increase over input, the result medium) co-cultures with respect to LSK- was the same as that of the absolute numbers HSC, LT-HSC and ST-HSC populations in Biomed Res J 2015;2(1):120-133 Singh et al. 127 Table 2: The absolute numbers (mean ± SEM, n=3) and fold increase over input from one representative experiment have been tabulated. 3 Absolute numbers × 10 Culture condition LSK LT-HSC ST-HSC BMSCs M210B4 BMSCs M210B4 BMSCs M210B4 A 30.53±0.85 13.81±0.93 3.22±0.25 10.59±1.26 26.84±1.02 2.11±0.57 B 19.15±1.12 12.67±0.61 1.10±0.07 4.40±0.52 17.94±1.06 7.95±0.10 C 9.69±1.06 13.38±3.86 7.57±1.03 11.63±3.52 1.31±0.07 0.90±0.23 D 3.27±0.15 10.42±0.44 1.88±0.16 7.99±0.34 1.17±0.06 1.75±0.30 Fold increase over input Culture condition LSK LT-HSC ST-HSC BMSCs M210B4 BMSCs M210B4 BMSCs M210B4 A 10.60±0.29 4.80±0.32 1.62±0.12 5.33±0.63 26.62±1.01 2.10±0.56 B 6.65±0.39 4.40±0.21 0.55±0.03 2.22±0.26 17.80±1.05 7.88±0.09 C 3.36±0.37 4.65±1.34 3.81±0.52 5.85±1.77 1.29±0.07 0.89±0.23 D 1.14±0.05 3.62±0.15 0.95±0.08 4.02±0.17 1.16±0.06 1.74±0.29 terms of absolute numbers and fold increase A, B and D culture conditions used in the over input (Fig. 2C-b–c; Table 2), with the experiments, with respect to the primitive LT- exception of significantly lower total cells HSC population (Table 2). Under the culture harvested in M210B4 as compared to that of condition C, however, both BMSCs and BMSCs (Fig. 2C-a). Type 'D' co-cultures M210B4 gave comparable output of various (irradiated feeders in Myelocult medium) did HSC populations (Fig. 2C). not show any difference in the total cells harvested in M210B4 and BMSCs (Fig. 2D-a), Signaling pathways operative in M210B4 but the absolute numbers and fold increase vs. BMSCs over input with respect to LSK and LT-HSC Earlier data showed that M210B4 exhibits a were significantly higher in M210B4 (Fig. 2D- better HSC-supportive ability compared to the b–c; Table 2). The absolute number and fold BMSCs. To examine whether this was related increase over input of ST-HSC between to the difference in their signaling gamut, we M210B4 and BMSCs was non-significant. subjected the lysates of these cells to western Flow cytometry graphs for all the 4 sets of co- blot analyses to detect phosphorylation of p38 culture conditions (A–D) are depicted in and p44/42 MAPK. The four different culture supplementary Fig. S1. The data showed that conditions described above were used. M210B4 cells have a better HSC-supportive We observed that under most of the culture potential in vitro as compared to BMSCs under conditions the levels of phospho p-38 Biomed Res J 2015;2(1):120-133 Characterization of a marrow-derived stromal cell line, M210B4 128 Figure 3: Western blot analyses of phosphorylated forms of p38 and p44/42 in BMSCs versus M210B4 cell-line. Total cell lysate of 48 h cultured BMSCs and M210B4 at different conditions, as shown in the figure were subjected to Western blot analyses. The blots were probed with (i) anti p-p38 and total p38 and (ii) anti p-p44/42 and total p44/42 antibodies. Equal input of proteins was ensured by probing the blots with antibody to α-tubulin. The intensity of the bands was quantitated by densitometry using ImageJ software. (Thr180/Tyr182) were higher in M210B4 as regulation of HSC fate. The cell line models compared to the BMSCs (Fig.3A). The levels become especially useful, when one needs to of phospho p44/42 (Thr202/Tyr204) were use a genetic approach to over-express or higher in M210B4 under culture conditions A, silence any particular gene. Primary cells can B and D as compared to BMSCs (Fig. 3B). also be genetically modified, but need viral Under the culture condition C, the level of p- vectors to get sufficient numbers of modified p38 was high in M210B4, whereas the level of cells. Secondly, being primary cells, the p-p44/42 was comparable to BMSCs. modified cells wither off, necessitating their Collectively, the data suggests that reestablishment. Cell lines give a distinct increased levels of phospho p38 and phospho advantage of unlimited supply of cells, and p-44/42 in M210B4 may have conferred upon also allow use of simple plasmid-based system M210B4 a better HSC-supportive ability for gene manipulations. They also facilitate under culture conditions A, B and D. generation of independent clones showing stable expression. Several cell lines like PA6 (Piacibel et al., DISCUSSION In vitro co-culture system using non-irradiated 1996), M210B4 (Sutherland et al., 1991), S17 or irradiated feeder layers formulated with (Winwman et al., 1993), and MS-5 (Tordjman primary mesenchymal et al., 1991) have been established and stromal cells or cell lines, is a useful tool to successfully used in co-culture studies. Our understand group has mainly used M210B4 cell line in our marrow the derived stromal Biomed Res J 2015;2(1):120-133 cell-mediated Singh et al. 129 previous work (Hinge et al., 2010; Bajaj et al., differentiate towards chondrocytic, and also 2011). Presently, our group is involved in towards other lineages like neural, muscular, genetically modifying these cells using etc. plasmid vectors expressing various molecules We subjected both M210B4 and primary involved in regulation of hematopoiesis. stromal cells in co-culture studies. Since the When we initiated these studies, we noticed feeder cells can be used in non-irradiated or that though this cell line has been frequently irradiated form, we employed both the used in experiments (Sutherland et al., 1991), conditions and used two different kinds of its phenotype in comparison with BMSCs has media typically used in such experiments. The not its data showed that though under most of the hematopoiesis support in comparison with culture conditions the total output of BMSCs has not been examined. hematopoietic cells in M210B4 set was low, been established. Secondly, Therefore we compared phenotype of except in co-culture condition 'D', the fold M210B4 with BMSCs. We showed that these increase of LT-HSCs over the input was cells are phenotypically comparable to consistently high in M210B4 set, except under primary BMSCs. On examination of the condition 'C'. The data suggest that M210B4 differentiation and cells possess better ability to support the LT- adipocytic lineages, we observed that the HSCs. In culture condition 'C', the absolute M210B4 cells differentiated into adipocytes number and the fold increase over input for LT- (Fig. 1B), but were refractive for osteoblastic HSCs were higher than in the BMSCs set, but differentiation. BMSCs are most commonly the data did not reach significance. This could known to differentiate into osteoblastic, be related to milder activation of p44/42 adipocytic and chondrogenic lineages. We MAPK activation under this culture condition have shown such tri-lineage differentiation of (Fig. 3B). Adipocytes are considered as placental MSCs (Sharma et al 2012). negative Adipocytes and osteoblasts form important (Naveiras et al., 2009), but M210B4 cells in components of the HSC niche and thus the spite of being able to differentiate to differentiation of BMSCs towards these two adipocytes supported HSC proliferation. This lineages is relevant in the context of shows that differentiated adipocytes, but not hematopoiesis. Therefore, in the present study pre-adipocytes, may exert negative effect on we examined the ability of M210B4 to the HSCs. The overall low output of differentiate and hematopoietic cells thus appears to be osteoblastic lineages. However, it will be primarily due to low proliferation of interesting to see whether these cells committed progenitors. towards towards osteoblastic adipogenic modulators of hematopoiesis Biomed Res J 2015;2(1):120-133 Characterization of a marrow-derived stromal cell line, M210B4 130 The signaling mechanisms operative in the stromal cells are known to affect HSC fate. that alteration of p44/42 and p38 pathways in the stromal cells can affect HSC fate. Our data showed that constitutively activated In summary, our study shows that p44/42 and p38 pathways in M210B4 cells M210B4 cell line shows phenotypic similarity under all culture conditions except for the with the primary BMSCs and has higher HSC- levels of p-p44/42 under the culture condition supportive properties by the virtue of the 'C,' may be responsible for their better HSC signaling gamut present in them. This cell line support. Stromal cells regulate the HSC fate thus forms a suitable model to examine the via secretion of various cytokines and ECM stromal cell-mediated regulation of stem cell molecules (Scadden, 2006; Baraniak et al., fate. Similarly, this cell line is a suitable model 2010). Cell–cell interactions are also known to to study adipogenesis (Bajaj et al., 2011). play important role in this process. In our future experiments we propose to examine ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS whether show The authors acknowledge Department of differential ECM and adhesion molecule Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, profile. New Delhi (Grant M210B4 and BMSCs BT/PR14036/MED/31/ Our group has shown that p44/42 and p38 101/2010), Director, NCCS, FACS core pathways are coupled and inversely regulated facility, and Council of Scientific and in primitive stem cells (Kale 2004; Kale et al., Industrial Research (CSIR) for fellowship to 2004; SS, SG and MRD). Kale autonomous 2005). 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