Central Slovakia on Bike 01 JULY - 13 JULY 2015 Camp is organized by RC Zvolen and RC Banská Bystrica, Slovak Republic Slovakia 2015 Here are the basic informations: 1. Date of arrival the 1th July 2015 Date of departure the 13th July 2015 /Wednesday/ /Monday/ 2. Place of arrival: town Zvolen, the Main bus station, train station 3. Place of departure: town Banska Bystrica, the Main bus station, train station 4. Time of arrival: according to air, bus or train connection, all days there is a contact person in RC Zvolen who will take care about each participant Connections from Vienna to Bratislava you can find on the page www.slovaklines.sk, www.postbus.at also in english language Connections from Bratislava to Zvolen you can find on the page http://cp.atlas.sk/vlakbus/spojenie/ also in english or german language Even though, Slovakia is a small country, in our area there are nine national parks. 14 protected landscape areas have the most valuable phenomenas of our Slovak nature. The forests cover more than 40% of our area. 1200 caves have been discovered and registered so far. On the list of UNESCO are 7 historical, 5 cultural and 2 natural monuments. We invite you to visit us, come to Slovakia to get to know its beautiful nature, the country, culture and its inhabitants. Welcome in Slovakia July 2015 PHOTOS CAMP 2014 Program: The 1th July 2015 arrival, accommodation, welcome meeting with organisators, biking instructions, information about program, other information and dinner. From the 2th July 2015, daily program on bike and evening program with Rotary members. The July 6th 2015 transfer from Zvolen to Banska Bystrica. The second part of camp will continue here. The 12th July bye bye party with Rotarians, next day departure. Important. All participants pay 150 EUR or the equivalent in Euro for bike rentals and other services. It includes free of charge service and transports during time of camp. This amount must be send: Account number : 4007989884 / 7500 Account name : ROTARY CLUB ZVOLEN IBAN : SK60 7500 0000004007989884 BIC / SWIFT / : CEKOSKBX Each participant must have his own helmet and gloves, sport wear and shoes suitable for biking. Small knapsack for food and soft beverages is recommended. Each participant must inform us immediately about his height so we’re able to rent the most suitable bikes for you. Each participant must present the required insurance against illness and third person liability. CONDITION OF PARTICIPATION IS GOOD PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE. RECOMMENDED AGE FROM 16 YEARS. General info: Average temperature in the time of camp is: Morning and Evening 10 – 18, day 20° C – 25° C. Be also prepared to for rain and bad weather. Some pocket money is necessary for additional free time expenses / recommendation min. 30 EUR till 100 EUR/ All credit cards are generally acceptable /Eurocard-Mastercard, Visa, etc./ I am looking forward to see you in Slovakia. On behalf of organisation team and Presidents RC Zvolen and Banská Bystrica The best regards, YEO RC Zvolen, Milan Juleny, e-mail: milan.juleny@icloud.com Club cintact: Hotel Poľana, nám. SNP 64/2, 960 01 Zvolen Slovakia Applications: Club contact: Please send the standard Rotary Youth Exchange application form by 31 March 2015 by email to Martin Sugar: campsinbound2240@gmail.com, tel.: +421904283722, and in copy to Jan Bílek: camps2240@gmail.com, tel.: +420602204446
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