Downsview Today Spring 2015 - Downsview Seventh

Downsview Today
Vol. 2 Issue 1 | Spring 2015
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“Born and
Bound for Bred...yet
(A call
Also In
to re
• Coun
• Miss try Living:The G
• Chris n Trip...MONG ayle’s Story
• Adve ian’s Journey t OLIA
for Jesu Health Reform
How Do You Stand?
“We are in the great day of atonement, when our sins are, by confession and
repentance, to go beforehand to judgment.” SM bk 1.
God is looking for mirror images of Himself before He can burst the clouds of
heaven to take His people home. Many long for Jesus to come, but fail to understand
that He cannot come until He has a people whom He can seal. A people who can
stand ready to recieve the latter rain which in turn prepares them to give the loud cry.
This sealing cannot happen when one merely calls oneself a “Christian”. It requires
a genuine demonstration of love for God. The bible outlines distinctly what must be
accomplished in every individual who is to stand before God redeemed. There must be
a revival in the hearts of the remnant, which will be followed by a reformation. “There is
no evidence of genuine repentance unless it works reformation.”GC pg 463.
A true servant of God must be willing to be reformed to the standards God as
set out in his words. He must be willing to let go of the world and all its distractions and
humble himself and surrender all; fashion, worldly music, entertainment, unhealthful
diet and every cherished sin. “Reformation signifies reorganization, a change in ideas
and theories, habits and practices. Reformation will not bring forth the good fruit of
righteousness unless it is connected with the revival of the Spirit. But it is our work, by
confession, humiliation, repentance, and earnest prayer, to fulfill the conditions upon
which God has promised to grant us His blessing.” SM.
Let us zone in a bit on the “cherished sins”, the little things that so beset us.
Recently someone asked this question, “Am I sinning when I drive above the speed
limit?” In the book Our High Calling it states, “It is our duty in every case to obey the
laws of our land, unless they conflict with the higher law which God spoke with an
audible voice from Sinai and afterward engraved on stone with His own finger. . . . The
ten precepts of Jehovah are the foundation of all righteous and good laws. Those who
love God’s commandments will conform to every good law of the land. We are not
required to defy authorities. Our words, whether spoken or written, should be carefully
considered.” OHC, Romans 13:1-7.
Does that mean when we drive above the speed limit, make illegal turns, park
illegally, text and or talk while driving, when we actually know what the law states, we
are breaking the laws of the land thus sinning against God? If so my friends these are
cherished sins that we may partake in daily; one such besetment will keep us from
being sealed for God. We must search ourselves well, afflict our souls, and plead with
God for forgiveness.
One of my favourite passages reads as follows, “Christians should be preparing
for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise, and this
preparation they should make by diligently studying the word of God, and striving to
conform their lives to its precepts.... God calls for a revival and a reformation.”
—Prophets and Kings, 626.
There is a great crisis before us, a great test; if we have not passed all the little
tests we encounter each day, definitely we will not pass such a great test. Today we
are to reevaluate our position, we are to assess our lives and repent, confess our sins,
make wrongs right and plead with God for mercy. A mirror image of God will reflect His
character and seek to vindicate His Name. Let us be diligent and strive to be ready to
Hazel Delpeche is a member of the Downsview Seventh-day Adventist Church,
currently serving as Communications Director.
Downsview Seventh-day Adventist Church
37 Bakersfield Street
Toronto, ON M3J 1Z4
Telephone: 416-635-6461
Senior Pastor: Ledford Morris | Associate Pastor: Leonard Northe
2 Downsview Today Spring 2015
In This Issue
Main Feature..................... Pg 8
Editorial...............................Pg 2
Message from the Pastor....Pg 3
Farewell/Welcome..............Pg 3
Youth Corner.......................Pg 4
Words of Wisdom ...............Pg 4
Poem ..................................Pg 4
Mission Trip ........................Pg 5
Morningstar Club ................Pg 6
Children’s Corner .............Pg 11
Country Living ..................Pg 12
Sabbath School ................Pg 13
Recipes ............................Pg 15
Christian’s Journey ..........Pg 16
Stewardship .....................Pg 18
Birthday Wishes ...............Pg 18
Testimony .........................Pg 19
Communications Team
Hazel Delpeche , Director/Editor/Layout
Cherri-Ann Vincent, Assoc./Writer/Layout
Amanda Henry, Assoc./Layout
Nathaniel Tayloe, Videographer
Terry Dixon-Ministry Elder
Kevin Brown (Head),
M. Lattibeaudierre (Assoc),
D. A. Smith, L. Green, D.Stewart,
D. Demetrus, L. Phillip, R. Sanford,
O. Quest & D. Martin-Ministry Elder
Contact us via email:
Church website:
The editor may alter any article
submitted as deemed necessary.
Message From The Pastor
Faith That Works By Love...Pastor Ledford Morris
As a young man attending a Seventh-day Adventist
high school in the West Indies, I learned and still remember,
one important fact of life; namely, the sin of ancient Israel
was a false pretension to Godliness, separating
themselves from God’s will and requirements by their wicked
works of unrighteousness. The lesson of life that I learned
from ancient Israel’s failure to glorify God, is that our life of
obedience will testify to the amount of love that we have for
God. The Bible makes it plain that faith without works is dead
and our works show our faith. Genuine love for God and our
fellow men expels, or will expel, all selfishness from our sinful
While ancient Israel claimed to be the most exalted
people on planet Earth, they did not practice the
commandments of God. They did not reflect the character
of his love, which we ourselves today are struggling with,
unable to reflect on the borders of the heavenly Canaan.
We should always remember that no human being can be
truly righteous unless his or her soul or life reflects the image
of God and also manifests love for all nations, kindreds,
tongues, and people.
John 3:16 makes it plain that God loves the whole
world and gave up Jesus to die for everyone. Romans 5:1, 5
reveal that all of us are justified by faith to have peace with
God through Jesus, and because the love of God is shed
abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, we have hope. Hope
for what?
Ellen.G.White, in Sons and Daughters of God pg.
115 says, “He who has the love of God shed abroad in his
heart, will reflect the purity and love which exist in Jehovah
and which Christ represented in our world. He who has the
love of God in his heart has no enmity against the law of God,
but renders willing obedience to all His commandments, and
this constitutes Christianity. He who has supreme love to God
will reveal love to his fellow men, who belong to God both by
creation and redemption. Love is the fulfilling of the law; and
it is the duty of every child of God to render obedience to His
As we journey through 2015, let us remember to allow
our faith to be seen by our works of love. As God’s children, let
us invest all the talents that He has entrusted to us to prepare
the world in love for the imminent return of Jesus as the
blessed Lord and Saviour of the human race.
Let our faith be seen by our consistent love for God
and our fellow men in 2015.
The New Year brought with it some changes in leadership at Downsview
Seventh-day. Our church family bid farewell to Pastor Ida Smith who was transferred
to the Kingsview Village Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pastor Smith, first served as
a Bible Worker at Downsview. She was commissioned as a Pastor at the 2013 Ontario
Conference Camp Meeting and assigned to Downsview as Associate Pastor, serving
alongside Pastor Ledford Morris. The dedicated teacher, wife and mother continues to
assiduously labor in the field for souls. Although dearly missed by the members, she is
encouraged to continue her exploits for the Lord.
Meanwhile a young man with a passion to see
souls enter the Kingdom has been appointed as the new Associate Pastor at
Downsview. January 2015, members, with open arms, welcomed Pastor
Leonard Northe and his wife Sister Hilda Northe to our church. Pastor Northe,
a father of two, was transferred from Toronto Central Seventh-day Adventist
Church. He is a graduate of Oakwood University. He works alongside
Senior Pastor Ledford Morris.
Spring 2015
Downsview Today 3
In The Valleys I Grow
by Jane Eggleston
Sometimes life seems hard to bear,
Full of sorrow, trouble and woe
It’s then I have to remember
That’s it’s in the valleys I grow
“The youth, if right, could sway a mighty
influence. Preachers, or laymen advanced in
years, cannot have
one-half the influence
upon the young that the
youth, devoted to God,
can have upon their
associates.” E.G. White
Messages to Young
People p.204
Are the historical
tenants of the
Seventh-day Adventist
church still relevant to
the youth today?
It’s been an
exciting first quarter for the Youth of
Downsview. We have been careful to include
lessons from our pioneers, biblical
characters, our fundamental beliefs and our
mission in our programming in order to get
a practical understanding of what Adventism
is all about. In addition to our weekly
Sabbath programs we have also joined with
our sister churches in our region for youth
week of prayer, and it’s been a blessing.
Andrew Fuller presented power
packed sermons discussing the topic of
faith and reason. Many youth were brought
closer to Christ as a result of this Spirit-filled
week. Youth Week of
prayer ended with World
Youth day on March
21st where the youth of
Downsview participated
in literature evangelism
in the Downsview area.
We plan to be involved
in even more outreach
events in the coming
months so keep an
ear open for upcoming
announcements. Please
continue to pray for the
youth of our church as we all work together
to win souls to Christ.
Terry Dixon serves as an elder and
AY leader at the Downsview
Seventh-day Adventist Church.
If I always stayed on the mountaintop
And never experienced pain
I would never appreciate God’s love
And would be living in vain
I have so much to learn
And my growth is very slow,
Sometimes I need the mountain tops
But it’s in the valleys I grow.
I do not always understand
Why things happen as they do
But I am very sure of one thing
My Lord will see me through
My little valleys are nothing
When I picture Christ on the cross
He went through the valley of death
His victory was the enemy’s loss
Forgive me Lord for complaining
When I am feeling so very low
Just give me a gentle reminder
That it’s in the valleys I grow
Continue to strengthen me Lord,
And use my life each day
To share your love with others
And help them find their way
Thank you for valleys Lord
For this one thing I know
The mountain tops are glorious
But it’s in the valleys I grow.
Submitted by Sis. Dorma Burton
A word to the wise is sufficient...
Pastor Leonard Northe
I have been Associate Pastor of the Downsview Seventh-day Adventist Church for almost three months. These few
months are not sufficient to candidly speak about the youths with whom I am just getting acquainted. At first glance, I have
noticed the many positive qualities of our youths; they are respectful, academically focused, and embrace the simplicity of
worship.Therefore, my little talk will focus on encouraging our youths.
Dear youths—you are precious and priceless to God your Creator. As you concentrate on your future
endeavors: school, career, and eventually starting a family, remember that what really matters in life is your
relationship with God and your obedience to Him. God desires above all to prosper you, but there are conditions for receiving
God’s blessings. Use your time wisely. Freely give your time, talents, and riches to the Lord. Seek to bless the less fortunate
and be a blessing to your community.
Within a few years, you will experience the freedom to make your own choices, but with freedom comes
responsibilities. Choose your friends wisely; choose good over evil, and even if you have to stand alone, stand for right
“though the heavens fall” (Education, p. 57). It is God’s will that you live a pure life while resisting the
pressures and temporary pleasures of the world. The devil will put before you many stumbling blocks. Family
members, friends, peers, co-workers, acquaintances, and strangers who would try to discourage you and sabotage your
Christian life, but by faith, hold on to the promises of God.
I leave you with the encouragements Paul gave to young Timothy, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because of
your youth; on the contrary, set the believers an example in your speech, behavior, love, trust and purity. Pay attention to
yourself and to the teaching, continue in it, for by so doing you will deliver both yourself and those who hear you”.
(12, 16 CBJ).
4 Downsview Today Spring 2015
Mission Trip...MONGOLIA
How flexible are you to go where God calls?
We, God’s children, were created to serve; to share
Christ with everyone we meet. The Bible reminds us several
times of our purpose. Galatians 5:3 says “You, my
brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom
to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love.”
Further Jesus says in Mark 16:15 to “go into all the world and
proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” What are we
doing now to serve and evangelise the people we interact
with daily? How is God asking you to serve?
At the 1990 Seventh-day Adventist General
Conference session, we as a church decided to shift our
focus to global missions after a decline in ethnic church
planting between 1940 -1990. Missionaries were being sent
everywhere, more specifically to the 186 places where the
church had never existed, to carry out the great commission
to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”
(Matthew 28:18, 19). One of these unentered population
segments was Mongolia. With a population of 2,953,190
Mongolia is a landlocked country sandwiched between
China and Russia. Approximately 53% of the Mongolian
population is Buddhist, followed by Christianity (2.2%),
Shamanism (2.9%) and a surprising 38% of Mongolians do
not associate with a religious denomination. At that time in
1990, the Seventh-day Adventist church had still not been
established despite previous Adventist labors that had come
to an end during hostilities between China and Japan before
World War II.
The message had died with those who had received it,
as a new unknowledgeable generation had over taken the old
one. However,“Under the auspices of Adventist Frontier
Missions a young couple, Brad and Cathy Jolly settled in Ulan
Bator, the capital. By 1995, 3 years after moving to Mongolia,
they had organized a company of 13 baptized members. In
1997, fifteen more had joined them” (Light Bearers, p. 580).
I had the privilege of going to Mongolia with the
Department of Outward Pursuits at Canadian University
College (now Burman University) last May, 2014. The
Outward Pursuits Department is a field of study, preparing
and training its students through outdoor experiential
education to be strong leaders and teachers in their careers.
I was accompanied by three sponsors and eight of my
In Mongolia, we worked and stayed at Starting Point
Life University (SPLU), the Adventist University located in
Bulgan Province, Mongolia. This university, started in 2011
under the leadership of Cathy Hartman (previously Cathy
Jolly) one of the first missionaries to Mongolia in 1992. It is
primarily an English language school with a focus to share
Jesus Christ.
Over the course of 4 weeks, we engaged in a series of
service projects. More specifically, we helped lay the
foundation for a garage; which involved laying and pouring 30
tons of cement manually. We also assisted in building and
repairing the generator house and shower house. In addition
to construction, we taught both university and elementary
level courses ranging in English, Mathematics and
Orienteering. Most importantly, we were engaged in
evangelism through; Week of Prayer series, Sabbath School,
and daily worship services. SPLU also reaches out to their
community through service projects. One which I enjoyed
was medical visits by the nurse to neighbours in need.
I often get the question “Why wasn’t the money just
sent overseas? Wouldn’t that be more effective?” My answer
is this; radio programs, television series, newsletters and
tracks alone cannot help. Yes, these are great methods and
resources for sharing the gospel truth. They are useful in that
they spark questions and a desire for searching in
unbelievers. However, we need to do Bible studies, to show
them how to use the Bible to find answers and most
importantly to show them the lifestyle Christ wants all of us to
In 2005, there were fewer than 100 Seventh-day
Adventist believers after the first missionaries in 1994. Today
there are close to 200,000 believers with eight churches in
Ulan Bator alone. Praise God! Let us pray for the
missionaries in Mongolia and elsewhere as the message
continues to spread rapidly around the world. God is calling
each of us to serve Him. He promises to always protect us,
wherever we go as mentioned in Joshua 1:9 where God says
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do
not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God
will be with you wherever you go."
This mission trip was truly a blessing and I pray that
we will continue to trust and serve God. Let us be flexible
always to do whatever and go wherever He leads. My
challenge to you is to listen to God’s calling, become a
missionary wherever you are and spread the good news!
-Jyssica Delpeche
Jyssica Delpeche is a third year biology pre-Med student minoring in outward pursuits
at Burman University (the Seventh-day Adventist University in Alberta, Canada)
Spring 2015
Downsview Today 5
JULY 6 2015 TO JULY 17 2015
MON - FRI/9 AM - 3 PM
[Before and after
after--care available]
Registration Dates: May 1 TO May 30 2015
[Space is limited]
Children ages 4 —14 years old
6 Downsview Today Spring 2015
To Register please contact
Mitsy Ann Simmonds @ 416
Hazel Delpeche @ 647
I will always do my best
The shuffle of tiny feet in the foyer and hushed tones
of parents repeating final reminders indicated a grand
occasion was on the verge of commencement. The few
members waiting patiently in the sanctuary threw infrequent
glances at the entrance doors anxious to witness the start of
the ceremony.
The little lambs had been looking forward to this day for
weeks now. A prelude filled with utter excitement; getting new
uniforms and practicing their pledge, "because Jesus loves
me I will always do my best." Anxious faces revealed
contentment beyond description.
Suddenly the instrumental rang out indicating it was
time to march in. The children strutted to the front as proud
parents and supporters smiled and acknowledged their
presence. Once inside the eager faces stared ahead as the
songs, pledges, laws, aim and motto were repeated.
As they were seated, the directors; Carlene CharlesAdventures and Oneko Quest- Pathfinders greeted everyone
warmly and thanked God for His goodness.The main
presentation was given by elder O'Neil Quest. He expressly
pointed to each law noting how they should be reflected in the
lives of all present.
Five excited Adventures were inducted into the
Morningstar Club, Timia Samuel, Conner Perry, Joshua
Barrett, Alexcia Ashby, and Jaden Ashby. Miss Lily Walker
charged them to remember the pledge as they were “Scarfed”
by the Masterguides in uniform. Their lights were added to the
Adventurer Flame signifying their lifelong desire to be lights in
this dark world.
Later in the program, eight joyful Pathfinders were
inducted into the Morningstar Pathfinder Club. Alexis Henry,
Andrea Lue, Alison Andrews, Mishael Petgrave, Philip
Gordon, Caden Bacchus, Hayden Thorpe and Jaylen
The Pathfinder Club started more than 30 years ago,
and each year Pathfinders pledge themselves to God and
promise to keep the law by living as lights in everything they
do. Being an Adventurer or a Pathfinder is a privilege our
children can access through this great church that God has
called out of this world with His mighty cleaver of truth.
Our continued support for these clubs will ensure they
meet the mandate of training our youth for leadership and
service to humanity. Although both the Adventurer and
Pathfinder clubs are youth-oriented we are monumentally
tasked as adults to model essential spiritual and social
values so our youth will follow by example and likewise
aspire to develop high moral principles.
We pray that our youth through these clubs will accept
that God and His church love them and will demonstrate
a sense of belonging through continued dedication to the
church and its ministry. May they develop loving and caring
attitudes and the determination to excel in their various
Communications Team...
Spring 2015
Downsview Today 7
Feature story
“Born and Bred...yet Bound for Hell”
Shadows appear and fade as sunset declared how
much of nature will be concealed and the many mysteries
to be discovered over the next several hours. Meanwhile
nearby trees encouraged by mild breezes echoed joyous
sentiments that their rest time was here again.
The setting sun on Friday evening has always been
quite symbolic for me; another day without work and the
ability to dress up and meet friends at church. The clickclack of my 4 inch heels on the pavement immediately
drowned out all other thoughts; my feet ached after a long
day at work, and now my brain engaged in a battle over my
blue or red dress for tomorrow, what shoes should I wear?
Do I have a bag that matched those shoes?
As I turned the keys in the front door of my small
apartment I realized how tired I was and the only
feasible arrangement for this Friday evening seemed
8 Downsview Today Spring 2015
ordering pizza, showering and going to bed.
As I awoke on Sabbath morning well rested and with
ample energy for this new day. I glimpsed over to the hands
of my bedroom clock struggling to hit 9 before I could get
out of bed. It was 8:45 and I was going to be late for
church again. I scampered out of bed and immediately
began arranging hair, clothes and shoes practically at the
same time.
Just as I was making headway a new revelation
peeked, Sister Jones asked me to sing today during Divine
Service, I hadn’t an opportunity to practice this week,
ok truth be told, I did not even remember. I immediately
grabbed a CD and popped it into the side of the open laptop
sitting on my dining room table. As I gulped down cereal,
I fought my way through a song I was already acquainted
with, humming more than singing.
I arrived at church just in time to do the Song of
Meditation before the sermon. A lusty “Amen” from the
congregation confirmed my inkling that I sounded
wonderfully. As I walked to my usual seat at the back,
brethren nodded and waved at me, and I smiled back. I sat
down next to one of my best friends, who whispered, “you did
it again girl, you could really sing!” I chuckled a little; for I too
was rather pleased with the singing. Thoughts swirled in my
head; I know I have a good voice and I could perform, guess
I was born with that gift; maybe I’ll do my own
music someday.
Our pastor took the podium and began
the sermon just as I remembered to check my
phone messages; I wondered if that new boy I
started dating two weeks ago wanted to hang
out later, also my friend Jay asked to come over
this weekend so I can braid her hair, then there
was this movie I had planned to see on
Saturday night. My mind went into overdrive
once more; if I did the laundry later I will have
all day Sunday. What should I cook on Sunday?
What about today’s lunch? Should I eat leftover
pizza again?
“Brethren we have a serious problem in our
congregation,” Pastor shouted. The line drew
me out of the long list of things to do
debacle now in full gear in my mind. Who did
what again? I did not mind hearing about the
shortcomings of our brothers and sisters. “Too
many of our members are walking around with
things hidden in their hearts that are eating
them alive spiritually, unconfessed sins are
responsible for our lack of faith, poor
relationship with God, and it is constantly
robbing us of our peace and Joy,” he continued. I
wondered if he was referring to that sister who cheated
on her husband and rumor surfaced that her husband
impregnated another young girl, my thoughts raced as I
searched the pews for the possible
“Turn your bibles with me to Proverbs 28:13,” Pastor
continued, “He that covers his sins shall not prosper: but
whoever confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy.
That prayer you make so often Lord forgive me for all my
sins, too ashamed to call it by name. Do you honestly
think it is hidden from God? Do you think that God honors
this behavior? These awful habits that you do not ask the
Lord to remove from your life, yet you hide and cover up.
Who are you fooling? Coming here Sabbath after
Sabbath, born and bred Seventh-day Adventist yet bound
for hell.” Pastor was on fire today, I thought, but that last
line especially had started me thinking not about the other
members of the congregation this time, but about myself.
My thoughts brought me to a place I had not
encountered before and questions were set on a SpinCycle in my mind, after all, I have been a Seventh-day
Adventist all my life, but; do I really have a relationship
with God? I come to church because it is a routine activity
for me, but; do I even love the Lord? What about the many
wrong things I constantly do without asking His
“According to Psalms 32:3 when I kept silence, my
bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long.”
Pastor exclaimed, “Do you find yourself weak and
miserable? Is sin taking over your life? Then it is time to
repent. We need to change our minds about our sins and
forsake them. We need to confess it as sin, and ask God’s
forgiveness for our failure, and we will be forgiven.
Regardless of what you’ve done, if you will give it to the
Lord, confess and forsake it, you can receive mercy.” My
eyes were opened for the very first time and I
saw clearly.
Pastor was talking to me, I am the one with
unconfessed sin yet calling myself a Christian,
fooling others maybe but I was not fooling God,
I contemplated. “God loves us more deeply than
we’ll ever know, but He hates our sin with a
passion,” Pastor added. “That’s why He sent
Jesus to die for us, so that our sins could be
removed. Christian friends, sin forms a wall
between man and God, even in a believer’s life.
The Blood of Jesus is the only thing capable of
removing such a wall. When we repent, it opens
the flood-gates to receive our heavenly Father’s
rich blessings in our lives.”
A lady beside me shouted, “Amen, Amen.”
Tears ran down my cheeks as reality slammed
home. I thought about being here Sabbath after
Sabbath since a baby and still bound for hell,
participating in church activities and still bound
for hell. “When we sin we turn away from God
but when we repent we turn back toward God,”
Pastor remarked. “The invitation to repent is
rarely a voice of chastisement but rather a
loving appeal to turn around and to return toward God. It
is the beckoning of a loving Father and His only begotten
Son to be more than we are, to reach up to a higher way
of life, to change, and to feel the happiness of keeping
the commandments,” he added. No! I will not permit these
sins to keep me away from God’s kingdom. After all I know
the truth, I understand God’s commandments and how
He wants me to live, and I do love God, yes I do, I just
don’t show him and it is time to change my ways and live
for Jesus. I felt the Holy Spirit beckoning me to make that
There is no better time than now. I became oblivious to
those around me and stared into a new future, a new life,
renewed faith in God. “Won’t you come to God today my
brothers and sisters,” Pastor said softly. “Lay it at the altar
and leave it there. This is a call for those of us who are
Christians yet still burdened by sin, give it to Jesus today,
let him cleanse you completely do not walk around with
this unnecessary load. Acts 3:19 says; repent ye therefore,
and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when
the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the
Lord. We can all be bound for heaven but we must do what
God desires of us.”
As I walked to the altar my head hung in shame, I knew
today will be the day I give it all to Jesus, repent of my sins
and make that complete change. I will be a “born and bred
Seventh-day Adventist bound for heaven.”
Cherri-Ann Vincent is a member of the Downsview Seventh-day Adventist church, she currently
serves as a Sabbath School Superintendent and is a member of theCommunications team for 2015/2016.
Spring 2015
Downsview Today 9
10 Downsview Today Spring 2015
1 John 2:14
lectus eget
Fa ith S tr e n g t h e n s
hen Mrs. Murphy took over
the Þfth grade at a suburban
elementary school, all the
other teachers warned her about Jimmy.
He was a real troublemaker, always
causing problems. She had better keep
an eye on him if she didnÕt want her
class constantly disrupted.
So during recess period on the Þrst day
of school, Mrs. Murphy asked Jimmy to
stay inside; she wanted to have a little
talk. Jimmy slumped into a chair with a
downcast look. He knew what was
coming. Mrs. Murphy sat down beside
him and began, ÒJimmy IÕve heard all
kinds of things about you. But you
know what? I donÕt believe a word of it!
You and I are going to get along just
Jimmy stared back wide-eyed. No one
had ever expressed faith in him before.
No one had expected the best. And
something about the look in Mrs.
MurphyÕs kind eyes made him want to
be a good kid more than anything in
the world. Jimmy skipped all the way
out to the playground. That year he
became the model student in the Þfth
me please!
Have Christ in your heart.
Make extra effort to have a prayer on your
lips today. Read 1Thessalonians 5:17.
Have Heaven in your eye.
Think about heaven and being with Jesus
for eternity. Read John 14:1-3.
Follow the Guide of the Holy Spirit.
Allow the bible to dictate your actions not
self.Read John 16:13
Make Friends with God’s Children.
Get a friend that will strengthen your walk
with Jesus.
Work, play and walk in Holiness.
Where ever you go and what ever you do,
make sure that your angels can be present.
Write the word on the blanks below
moving from right to left.
Galatians 6:7
Spring 2015
Downsview Today 11
Making The BIG Move
Our story is very unique when it comes to our journey to country living. We were living in Calgary, Alberta and were
studying the prophecies of Daniel with some church friends at our home. As we prayed for a closer walk with the Lord, He
slowly and gently led us to make certain changes in our life. We had some friends that we were in contact with, who received
the country living message and moved to British Columbia (BC) from Toronto, ON. They talked to us about the message and
gave us some resources to listen to and watch. We then started to study this message for ourselves and became more convicted that we should also make this move. Our friends, Rohan and Simone Watson, in BC, opened their doors to us and told us we could stay with them until we
found our own place in the country. As we prayed more about this, the Lord revealed Himself to us in His Word and we
decided to make the move. Many people thought we were crazy to leave and go to a place where we had no job or house of
our own (something we would not recommend others to do, unless they are certain this is what the Lord is calling them to do),
but we believed it was the Lord’s leading. As a result of us moving to the country, other church members were spurred to also
move out of the city and into the country. Country Living...
The Gayles
This is where the story gets really interesting. We were living at Rohan and Simone’s house for a couple of months and
they were so hospitable, warm, welcoming, and selfless the whole time we were there. God truly used them. Camille’s sister,
Kathy, decided to move to BC from Brampton, ON after about 1 month of us living there, we still had no place of our own and
no job ( we were living on savings and whatever Ramalho received through canvassing). Kathy was planning to live with us
when we found our own place. She decided to put her house up for sale, by faith. Two months later we still had no place to
stay, and Kathy and her family, which consists of 3 children and her husband, decided to buy plane tickets and move to BC by
faith. To make a long story short, 3 weeks before she arrived, the Lord found a large home for us with 4 bedrooms, 2 living
rooms, a huge kitchen, and more. We had enough room for both our furniture. Praise the Lord!! Kathy did not even know we
found a place for ourselves until she walked into the door. The whole time she thought we would be camping out at Rohan’s
house. What faith!!!!
During the time at Rohan’s house it was a real testing time for both of us. We knew we had to find a place before
Kathy arrived and we could not see any possibilities in sight. This took a lot of prayer and faith. Ever since that time of test
and trial, we have been living in the country and it is such a blessing to see how the Lord has guided us and is
continuing to guide us in our day to day experience. It is such a blessing especially for our children to be in the atmosphere
of the country, you truly see a difference in their behaviors and their temperaments. Praise the Lord for His counsel to country
living because it truly does aid in our spiritual growth. This is not to say that country living is full of thorn-less roses, oh no,
there are a lot of trials and learning curves involved. We had to learn about cutting down trees for our woodstove, gardening,
etc. but the Lord is leading and guiding every step of the way. All the ups and downs are God ordained and they are
specifically for our sanctification. Let us be faithful in following everywhere the Lord may lead us. God has led us back to Ontario and we continue to live in the country. Kathy is still in BC and still loves the country life
with her family. May the Lord continue to guide and bless you as you endeavor to follow Him. -Ramalho Gayle
Ramalho works for Lifestyle Canada, and lives in the country with his wife
Camille and their two daughters Amariah and Zeraiah.
12 Downsview Today Spring 2015
Dear members,
I encourage you to invite someone to Sabbath School.
The Sabbath School Mission Statement is; “Seventh-day
Adventist local church education fellowship that builds
faith and practice.”
Two key words; faith and practice are the enabling
tools in the proper implementation of our Mission
Faith is the bible understanding, knowledge and
personal relationship with Jesus.
Practice is the application of faith in the context of
living and witnessing with Jesus... Do (a call for action).
So let’s invite someone to come and experience the sweet
fellowship and spiritual relationship with Jesus.
God bless you all as we work for the Master.
Sis Vera Grant-Green, Sabbath School Superintendent.
Spring 2015
Downsview Today 13
Eden’s Call Ministries
"Calling men and women back to the Edenic Lifestyle"
Life changing health
seminars, cooking classes,
hydrotherapy, natural
remedy sessions
and more…
Change your current health
habits to live a healthier
lifestyle on our 6 - 8 weeks
coaching program...
Studying the word of God
will open your understanding
of our Savior...
Ge ch
To Start
and ving c
Li eni
Contact us to book a seminar, cooking class or appointment.
By Phone: @ 647-559-8498
By Email:
Visit us @
14 Downsview Today Spring 2015
“I have been instructed by my guide that not only should those
who believe the truth practice health reform but they should also teach it
diligently to others; for it will be an agency through which the truth can
be presented to the attention of unbelievers. They will reason that if we
have such sound ideas in regard to health and temperance, there must be
something in our religious belief that is worth investigation.”
(Letter 1, 1875, in Ev 514) E. G. White.
Natural Remedies
Cabbage leaves are good for pain and inflammation, especially in arthritic conditions,
abscesses, boils, burns, insect bites, neuralgia, sciatica, muscle aches, pleurisy,
liver attacks, intestinal pain, diarrhea, and dysentery. It is also good for healing wounds
and sores, such as in varicose veins, skin eruptions, hemorrhoids, eczema, and even acne.
*Take 1 or 2 washed and dried cabbage leaves, depending on the size of the area you
want to cover. The greener the leaf is, the better.
*Cut out the bottom part of the central rib.
*Bruise the leaves with rolling pin gently until it is moist.
*Warm the leaves by putting them on a cookie sheet in the oven at a temperature of 200° degrees
for 1-2 minutes or until warm to touch.
*Apply to the area. Cover with a plastic wrap first, then with an elastic bandage.
*Leave the poultice on for 6-8 hours or overnight.
*For more serious wounds, you may plunge cabbage leaves in boiling water or soak in olive oil for 1 hour to soften,
to make it cling better, and to increase antiseptic effect.
*You may use it as a compress by chopping the cabbage leaves well. Add Epsom salt (1⁄2 cup for every cup of chopped
cabbage). Wrap in muslin, and apply to the painful area after warming it. This compress offers much relief for
muscle aches, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, arthritis, pleurisy, and liver attacks.
*For migraines, apply to brow.
*For colds or asthma, apply to chest and throat.
*When used for wounds, make sure to clean the wound before applying the poultice.
***Please consult your physician/healthcare professional before administering
any natural treatments if you are using prescribed medications.
Spring 2015
Downsview Today 15
A Christian’s Journey
From healthy to health reform
I invite you to journey with me as we look at the life
of a Seventh-day Adventist who has been a member of the
church for over 15 years. She got baptised in her mid-teens
and is now a responsible wife and mother. She works in
middle management in a large organization and her
husband works as an executive with one of the largest
transit companies in the city where they live. We’ll call this
member Christian.
Christian has three children, two boys and a girl.
Christian loves the Lord and attends church regularly. She
works in various departments of the church and participates
in many church activities especially those for children.
Twice per week Christian and the family would go out for
fast foods, in the evenings the children were allowed to
watch just about anything on television, they stayed up late
at night, her husband was steep into sports and Christian
loves sports as well. Both Christian and her husband work
very long hours so the children were kept by her aunt in the
evenings until Christian got home from work. The family had
very short (3-5 minutes) daily devotion.
One day, Christian wrote in her diary, “I promise
myself that this year I will have personal daily devotions
each morning”. Christian wanted to “connect” with her
Saviour as she realised that she was not Christ-like in many
of her actions to her husband, children and even at work.
She wanted to gain strength from these sessions to take her
through the day. Also, she hoped that these sessions would
help her live a Christ-like life at all times. After all, living
like Christ lived and walking as he walked could only be
achieved by spending quality time in the word and in prayer
just like Jesus did.
To aid in her personal devotion, Christian got herself
a good study bible and the Spirit of Prophecy books in the
“Conflict of the Ages” series together with a few other books
from her library which she hoped would help her
better understand some sections of the bible. Christian
started with simple reading and spending 10 to 15 minutes
studying then pleaded with God to help her overcome her
bad habits as pointed out in her morning study. Overtime,
Christian realised that without knowing, she was spending
close to an hour in her personal devotion after which she
would have to rush to get her children and herself ready
for school and work, so she started waking up earlier each
Oh, how Christian’s heart melted as she studied.
From her reference Bible she would read a chapter or a
few verses and would then find the additional reading from
the relevant Conflict of the Ages series book. The readings
were so amazing. She saw, through the aid of the Holy
Spirit, things she never saw before or even thought of.
Realising how much she needed to be more like Christ, she
saw her sinfulness and her utter need for Christ. Christian
realised that she needed to be more loving,
understanding, and patient, to name a few. She realised
16 Downsview Today Spring 2015
that even though she considered herself a good Sabbath
keeper, the fruit of the spirit was not possessed by her.
Daily her heart softened as she read about the life
of Christ and the great sacrifice that He made for us. “Oh
God!” Christian pleaded, “forgive me for the many times I
failed you and crucified your Son afresh by living a lie and
by my harsh words to my spouse, children, co-workers and
friends. I now realise that I truly need you in my life and
ask you to purge me with hyssop, wash me and make me
clean.” Christian poured her heart out on the altar, and like
Job she confessed and sought forgiveness for sins she may
have committed from her youth. She then purposed in her
heart, that with the help of God, she must change her ways
and bring Jesus in everything she does. Oh, Christian was
overwhelmed – so many things to change. How can I do it?
Then she remembered Phillipians 4:13 “I can do all things
through Christ which strengtheneth me”.“I will take it one
day at a time”, Christian reminded herself…”one day at a
time, one step at a time.” The first change will be towards
my family….they must see the change in me, she thought to
Christian realised how important it was for her to
spend this time in personal devotion as only God could help
her to be an overcomer. Based on the things she read and
what she knew of herself, some of the things she needed to
change were entered on her list which included the
-Shouting at the children.
-Working long hours both at work and at home.
-Entertainment/Amusement as found in the book. (“Counsels
to Parents, Teachers and Students”.)
-God is a God of Order – she needed to have set times for
worship, eating, sleeping. The house must be clean and
tidy at all times and she needed to teach her children to
keep their surroundings and toys in an orderly manner.
-Health Reform and while studying health reform she found
dress reform. This was very hard for Christian. If she adopts
dress reform, she would have to change her entire wardrobe
both for work and church. (Counsels of Diets and Foods, Christian
Temperance and Bible Hygiene and Counsels on Health).
-No eating between meals - (Counsel on Diet and Foods, Christian
Temperance and Bible Hygiene) – how would she ever achieve
this especially with her children already accustomed to
eating whenever they felt like eating.
-No hot drinks – (Healthful Living.) Christian and her husband
would have between 3 to 5 hot drinks each day and she
even read that it becomes addictive even though she was
not drinking caffeinated tea. How could she make this
change, she loved her hot drinks but could this be one of
the reasons she had problems with her stomach? She read
from Counsels on Diet and Foods that “Hot drinks are
debilitating; and besides, those who indulge in their use
become slaves to the habit.”
-Don’t eat and drink – “Food should not be washed down;
no drink is needed with meals… The more liquid there is
taken into the stomach with meals, the more difficult it is for
the food to digest;” (Healthful Living)
-Change diet – As the wife and mother, she decided that her
family will eat properly prepared meals at regular intervals,
eating no snacks between meals and avoid eating a heavy
meal late evenings. Christian could not believe she would
need to change so many things in her life.
One day, while discussing these changes with her
husband, Christian said, “I have really grown to love Jesus
and I believe His words. Because of my love for Him, I will
make whatever change I need to make because I know that
He will help me”. Her husband smiled and replied, “yes, I
know He will help you and I will help you too”. Christian was
surprised at his response but she had been praying that
the Holy Spirit would work on his heart as well. Her main
concern with her husband was dress reform because he has
always commended her on the way she dressed and she
wondered how he would react to her reform in dressing.
Christian had a talk with her husband about the
things she read and how she felt. He told her that he had
noticed some changes in her and was happy. She
encouraged him to have personal devotion as well since not
much time was spent in family devotion, especially in the
mornings. He promised her that he would try.
Thus far, Christian was surprised at the outcome of
her study sessions: There were:
-No more shouting matches between her and the children
-Better quality of life. She planned the activities in each day
so she had more quality time to spend with her children and
after the children were gone to bed, she had some alone
time for herself and time to spend with her husband.
-No long hours at work.
-Christian got recipe books as she realised her family’s
healthy eating habits depended on her. She also
researched natural remedies for her children’s simple
-She went through her closet and removed most of her
clothing that she believed were not modest.
-She realised she had more order in her life, and in the life
of her children
Christian realised that her devotional time was so
precious to her, she hated having to stop to prepare
herself for work and her children for school. She guarded
well those precious moments in the quiet of the morning in
study and prayer. One day, while sitting in prayerful thoughts
on the train on her way to work, Christian wondered if she
could ever gain perfection. Will I get to a plateau in my
devotional life, a place where I can mature no further, or a
place where I will not want to study anymore? she asked
herself. Then in her devotion the following morning, she
read about the life of Enoch. Slowly she read from chapter
6 from the book Patriachs and Prophets – one of the books
in the Conflict of the Ages series – of Enoch walking with
God for over 300 years until God took him. Christian was
overjoyed as she concluded that her relationship with God
could only get better as growth is a slow process. She
praised God for the revelation, and in silent prayer asked
God to help her to live like Enoch who faced temptations like
we do and lived in a corrupt world like we do but lived a holy
To Christian’s joy, she realised that her husband had
started spending time alone in studying. He did his studies
in the evenings. She was happy and continued praying for
him. Her prayer also was that the Lord would help him to
live like a true priest of his household. During evening family
worship, Christian and her husband shared with each other
and the children what they studied at their personal
devotion. Christian was happy to see that her husband
agreed to spend more time in the word and she saw the
changes in him as well. She called her children together,
told them of the many things she was learning, apologised
to them for the times she did not represent God to them
and promised them that she would not shout at them again
because she realised that that is not Christ-like. She
encouraged the children not to shout at each other or at
their friends or call each other names. Christian had no
idea that a simple promise, made to herself, would change
her entire life and draw her to a closer relationship with
God. She was amazed at what God wanted to do with and
through her. What a joy, joy unspeakable. Christian would
not want to return to where she was in her spiritual life
before she made that promise.
One morning in her quiet time with the Lord,
Christian read from the book Counsels to Parents Teachers
and Students about amusements of children playing cricket,
tennis and how God was dishonored and that the forces of
the enemy gained a decided victory. Say what!!! Christian,
with eyes bulging, read the paragraphs over and over. Oh
God, please don’t touch my sports, she pleaded. You know
I love my sports and my husband loves sports too. It relaxes
us both and when we go to the matches, it gives us alone
time away from the children….Please God, not my sports.
That morning, Christian had a short prayer but her thoughts
troubled her on her way to work. What could be so wrong
about sports (amusement). This was hard for Christian.
From her short prayer, it is obvious that she was upset.
What will Christian do? Will she give up her sports or give
up her devotional time?
Please read about Christian’s decision in the next edition of
our Newsletter.
Rosetta Dodd is the current chair of ECM
-Eden’s Call Ministries, a health and
bible ministry in Ontario Canada.
The Miracle of the Seventh-Day Ox…
Written by Bradley Booth
Nickolas Panchuk is a pastor living in Communist Russia persecuted for his Christian beliefs.
Nickolas is sent to a prison camp in Siberia where he stayed for eight years. While there, he refused
to sacrifice his Christian beliefs and suffered the consequences for doing so. The ramifications for
his refusal was imprisonment in a wooden box, no way to relieve himself, stretch or keep warm
against the biting cold and only a slice of black Russian bread and a cup of water to appease his
appetite. Nickolas’ abuse lasted about 10 days, each week he declined to work on the Lord’s day.
Due to his forthright behaviour, Nickolas was blessed and found hope in an unlikely source, an Ox
by the name of Maksim; with Maksim’s assistance, he was able to endure and perform a weekly
miracle of witnessing for Christ. The Seventh-Day Ox is an awesome and incredible ‘must’ read story which depicts ones strength, courage and true faith during a time of persecution. Read how God
displays His love and provides for those who choose to do His will; the Lord truly honors those who
honor Him.
Shaunielle Pixley is a member of the Downsview Seventh-day Adventist
Spring 2015
Downsview Today 17
The Stewpot is produced monthly by the Pacific
Union Conference Adventist Stewardship Ministries
Director Gordon Botting: Distributed monthly by the
Ontario Conference Stewardship Ministries
Director: David Schwinghammer. The following was
distributed by Stewpot. The Seventh-day Adventist
church in Canada Stewardship Ministries; Director:
John Howard
It was her first plane ride. The first hour
the flight was relatively smooth, but suddenly the
weather changed and the aircraft began to bounce
around. After the twentieth sudden drop the lady
could not take it anymore, so she grabbed the arm
of the gentleman sitting next to her and pleaded,
“Do something religious”. He immediately stood up
and took an offering.
Like the gentleman on the airplane, too often
we think of stewardship as just taking up an offering
or pleading for more finances for church ministries.
Unless we begin to change our perspective on this
important part of church doctrine, we will continue
to expound the myth that being a good steward is our
faithfulness only in tithes and other religious offerings.
As church members we need to change this basic
Stewardship should involve every aspect of
our individual lifestyle. One of the most powerful
stories Jesus told was the Good Samaritan parable
as recorded in Luke:10. As you think about the caring
attitude espoused by the Samaritan, note the different
ways he was a true steward. Caring for the
wounded merchant man took time, healing his wounds
and lifting him up on to his donkey took energy, taking
him to the inn took transportation and paying for
his care took money, Truly, the Samaritan was steward
in his use of transportation, time and treasure.
Everyone assumes that they understand what
is meant by the word STEWARDSHIP:
For the majorityof church members, it would be defined
as the doctrine of tithes and offering. It would probably
be expanded to include other economic aspects of the
local congregation. Some may even expand it to include
their own personal finances.
Elder Ben Maxson, Director of the General Conference
Stewardship Ministries, explores ten myths
about Stewardship.
1. The myth of stewardship as money and offering
2. The fund-raising myth of stewardship
3. The insufficient money myth
4. The myth of stewardship as church support
5. The myth of stewardship as a cure for selfishness
6 The fear of commitment myth
7 The myth of pastoral distance from giving patterns
8 The myth of too many stewardship sermons
9. The business-bargain myth
10 The work-for-god myth.
****Details on these myths to follow in the next issue
of Downsview Today.
Submitted by Sis Annette Foster, Stewardship Director at
Downsview Seventh-day Adventist Church.
18 Downsview Today Spring 2015
Brother Onan Lovelace
has been a baptized
member of the
Adventist church for
over 20 years, more
than half of that time
has been spent at
Downsview where he
makes his contribution
as a devout organist.
He also plays the
Organ at several other
churches and nursing
homes in and
around Toronto.
Brother Lovelace
is a committed
organist for the
work of God, who
despite his age is
always on time.
He is a humble
Christian whom
young people can
consider a role model.
The recent celebration of his 94th Birthday
confirms that God has indeed blessed him with
longevity and good health. May God continue to
bless and keep him in good health as he carries on
a soldier for Christ.
God Bless You!!!
Sister Margaret Nelson has been a
member of Downsview Seventh-day
Adventist church for over 14 years.
She has served in several departments
of the church including Community
Service and Hospitality. She is a
devoted Christian who continues
to serve the church and
community and confirms the
commonly shared sentiment that
age is simply a number. May God
bless her always with endurance
and prosperity
to all memberswho were
blessed to see another year of life in the months of
January, February and March. God bless!!
Guardian Angels on Highway 401...The Dodd’s Testimony
us sinceSowemany
things have happened to
moved from the city that we
started keeping a log. It is evident that the
enemy of our souls is not happy. And here
I was back in November thinking God had
done the greatest thing for us. I was wrong.
The greatest was yet to come, and even as
I type this testimony, I know that as we get
closer to the end God will do even greater
things for us. [In November 2014, during
heavy snow, we spun out on the 401 and
the car stopped across the middle and right
lanes - that is a different testimony]
We left home at 4:02 a.m. on
February 27, 2015. The morning plans were
to get Donovan to the airport for a flight to
Idaho where he would participate in a
marketing seminar for work. After leaving
him at the airport, we (Doneisha and I)
would head off to work….we were
thinking about leaving Doneisha at
Downsview Station, while I would drive to
one of the Go stations and park then take
the Go Train to Union Station.
As is our custom, if we are
leaving home outside our regular schedule
and can’t meet as a family for worship,
once we get in the car, we would have our
devotion. The devotion would be led out by
the person who is not driving. Today, as I
was driving, Donovan led out. He read the
devotional reading from Maranatha for
February 27th and prayed for protection for
us through the day and for himself while
away. Donovan sat in the front
passenger seat, Doneisha in the back
behind her father. As it was early, there
were not many vehicles on the 401. We
comfortably drove along and when we got
to Oshawa, I remember glancing over at the
parking lot of the Go Station. A few minutes
after, I changed lanes from the middle to the
left to pass a dark coloured pickup that was
before me.
Shortly after, I saw something big
and brown appeared out of nowhere before
the windscreen. Not knowing what this
“thing” was and certain that it was about to
come through the windscreen, I swung to
the right and suddenly I realised that I had
lost control of the car. I tried steering it back
to the left………..I know I could not gain
control of the car anymore. The car quickly
swerved back to the left into the divider
which separates the east and west traffic.
My side of the car [the front] hit the divider
and the car landed on the passenger side.
I remember Donovan asking “Is
everyone okay?” We said ‘yes’. [There was
the smell of smoke]. He said, “we have to
get out in case the car goes up in flame”. I
can still remember that awful smell of the
smoke……must have been a combination
of fluids mixed together….it was just awful.
We noticed that persons were walking
around the car. I was hanging, the seat
belt held me in place. We were shouting
to the persons outside to open the door.
Of course, there was no passenger door
to open as the two on the passenger side
were down on the road and the other two
were up in the air. As the vehicle was a
Rav 4, the door to the trunk opens outward.
Soon someone opened the door to the
trunk. Doneisha was out first, Donovan next
and I followed right behind him.
We were shaken, I could hardly
stand…….weak, nervous but giving God
thanks. I remember saying to Donovan, you
will have to get a taxi to take you to the
airport….[poor me]. One of the gentlemen
told us to go sit in his pickup where we
would be kept warm while another called
911. Doneisha and I sat there holding each
other and shivering like leaves on a tree
blown by the wind. We were not cold, just
in shock and nervous. We held on to each
other until the ambulance came.
After a while, Donovan came and
sat in the front of the vehicle.The gentleman
asked me what happened and I told him
about the “thing” I saw coming towards me.
He later told me that there are two plastic
bags flying outside and that must be what
I saw. Within minutes…….don’t know how
long, the tow truck, ambulance and police
were there. I can’t believe that I caused
the traffic on the 401 to stop, oh boy. We
watched as the men lifted the car back on
its wheels to clear the highway.We were
transferred to the ambulance.
My blood pressure was taken [bear
in mind that the last time it was done at the
doctor’s office about 3 weeks ago it was
normal] now it was 240/124. While I don’t
know what Donovan’s reading was, his was
high as well.
Injuries – Doneisha was hit on her
shoulder by the suitcase that was on the
seat beside her and was having pains.
Donovan had pain on the left side of his
lower back, his left shin and his left little
finger. I was having a terrible headache [at
the top of my head] neck pain came next
and then dizziness. We were all taken to the
hospital. My diagnosis was whiplash and
the doctor said to me “they’ll tell you not to
take it, but I’m telling you to take 6 Advil and
soak yourself in a hot tub”. Those who know
me know how much I hate pills. The hot
bath yes, the Advil, a resounding NO.
Deandra – it was not easy making
a call to our younger daughter who was not
with us in the car. She has been dreaming
about us being involved in an accident for
over two years. Her dreams were the same
every time. When she finally awoke from
her deep sleep and her sister told her what
happened, she cried uncontrollably.
Thanksgiving & Praise
 Praise God that we did not hit any other
vehicle and that the highway was not very
busy. We noticed that all the vehicles
stopped so we could walk across the
highway….who could have done that but
God….He promised that He will make a
way where there seems to be no way.
Isaiah 43:19 states that “…I will even make
a way in the wilderness…” Well, my way
was made across the lanes of the 401.
 I just wish I could say thanks to those
gentlemen who were on their way to work
but stopped to help us……praise God for
 Thank God for friends, our church
members who called to tell others and to
ask them to pray for us.
 Thank God for our church mothers who
are always praying for us.
 Thanks to Maxine who came to the
hospital so we could get a ride when we
were discharged.
 Thanks to my Uncle Barry and his wife
Joan. We went to his house where we got
something to eat and I could get a hot bath
to help with the pain in my neck. Barry then
took us to see the car and collect our things.
He took us to an optician as Donovan’s
glasses broke and he needed a
replacement ASAP, then he took us home.
 We give God thanks that we are alive and
even though we are in pain we can at least
walk – better than many who have had an
accident on the 401.
Question and Answers
When we reminisced on what
happened, how it happened and what the
outcome could have been, we asked the
question, why were we spared to walk from
this accident?
 The Lord has a work for each of us to
accomplish where he has placed us. Lord,
help us to be willing servants and give us
discernment to know when to do your will.
 The enemy of our souls knows that I had
a study to do with a young man that very
evening and I believe that he did not want
that study to go on.
 I have a letter that I have written to my
siblings and friends….telling them about
God’s love for them and how He is coming
back soon and that they should be prepared
to meet Him….again the enemy of our souls
did not want them to get that letter.
 I also believe that the enemy would allow
persons to say that they want to remain in
the city because if they should move out,
then they could be in an accident too.
 And many more.One of my dear friend
said to me, “at the time of your accident, I
was asleep but God never sleeps and He
never slumbers”. She was quoting from
Psalm 121:4. Praise God for that.
Recently a group of us were
discussing the close of probation. I know
that if I had died, my probation would have
been closed and now I ask myself the
question, would my name be written in the
Lamb’s book of life? Revelation 20:12 and
Revelation 21:27. Were there any sins that
I did not ask forgiveness for? Would my
grave be marked to come up in the first
resurrection? Oh God, please help me to
be more like you and to live a life that truly
reflects that of your Son Jesus Christ.
The Dodd’s have embraced the country living
message and now reside in Warkworth, Ontario.
Spring 2015
Downsview Today 19