Presentation Descriptions & Biographies Listed Alphabetically by Presenter’s Last Name *Please note Speakers and Topics are subject to change without notice* Mary Anna Abuzahra - Epona, The Divine Mare This lecture presents astrological correlations between the asteroid Epona #3838, somatic and emotional awareness, personal leadership style. We will discuss The Celtic Goddess Epona, in her role as "the Divine Mare", Key Keeper and Name Giver and how revisiting our ancient and critical relationship with horses is an essential way to remember our "authentic self." Basic astrological knowledge is helpful but not necessary. Mary Anna combines the ancient intuitive arts and tools of archery, astrology, and mythos to encourage the connections between spirit and somatic self-empowerment. She offers consultations, training and presentations for individuals and groups. She does individual and group coaching, co-facilitates Mounted Archery intensives, holds certifications and licensure in the fields of Early Childhood Education, Montessori philosophy, Archery and a Bachelor of Arts in Communications. Ed Annick - STRESS Relief thru EFT+++ EFT [EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE] is basically a "tapping" on the acupuncture/acupressure points while emoting a phrase about an emotional issue. This is the result of studies that achieved 25-50% success. I have been able to enhance these success ratio by applying "clearing" of negative energies[thru prayer] and by applying EHD[EMOTIONAL HOOK DATE] which usually goes back to some issue in childhood. Success in the 80-90% has occurred Moreover, physical problems "hooked" to the EHD have disappeared! All can be done by the individual or assisted by a trained person. I have a BEE, 2/3 MBA,and a MS in Counseling. Have 40+ yrs in industry up thru the VP level in 2 disciplines. My second career has been as therapist for young boys[4-16], alcohol & drug, methadone clinic, and general counseling. 30+ years as a Dowser. Past evaluation--"Best speaker after attending 15 ASD Conventions" Alicja Aratyn - The Essence of Dowsing What is the main role of dowsing in societies and on global scale? Why should one learn and perfect dowsing skills? What are the secrets making dowsing so amazing people want to know? Alicja will show how dowsing is interconnected with practically all Metaphysical disciplines. You will see similarities and major aspects of dowsing present in many modalities. From Magic to Quantum Physics, from Wizards to modern time doctors, we will see how understanding and applying dowsing enhances people life, carrier and health. You will see that to know dowsing usually means to be great at what you do. Alicja will change your life forever. Environmental Engineer by education, Metaphysicist by passion, she researches Sacred Geometry shapes and their application in our life to help people reach higher level of their awareness. She travels internationally to teach and consult. Her teaching is based on Ancient Egyptian School of Vibrations and Classic European School of Dowsing. Alicja holds the title of Doctor of Metaphysics from United Kingdom. Patrick Baker - NEW ENGLAND'S MYSTIC CEREMONIAL LANDSCAPE Part of New England’s charm lies in the thousands of miles of stone walls and stone structures one finds when wandering in the woods. Popular belief is that these are the work of Colonial settlers. An argument exists that these structures were built thousands of years ago, long before Colonial settlers arrived. It is believed that the purpose of many of these structures was ceremonial, and that worship of the Great Spirit inspired their construction. Earth energy is frequently a prominent characteristic of these sites. Pat Baker will make this argument and describe a number of sites he has explored. Pat Baker lives in Westmoreland, New Hampshire. His many passions are reflected in a successful career in the chemical business, the “New Brewer’s Handbook,” a small book which helped trigger the real beer revolution and Great Meadow Music, a small record label formed to capture some of the very best of New England’s contra dance music. Understanding New England’s mystical stone structures now absorbs him. Brian Besco - Practical Tools of Consciousness, Science, and Spirit in Dowsing Using conscious, etheric, and science based tools to compliment any and all skill sets. The Sacred Heart as a science of consciousness. The physical heart and returning the consciousness to where it began in utero, and how to use this technique to circumvent personal interference with Dowsing. The science behind Tensor Technology, including the creation and use of the etheric templates. Using Tensor Rings for clearing non-beneficial Earth energies and vortexes, raising the vibration of water, and amplifying personal and spiritual abilities. And, my experiences of releasing Earth Grid Dragons, held against their will to create non-beneficial grids. I am Brian Besco- author, healer, film maker, sage. I am a Master Builder and world leader in Tensor Technologies, beyond the Slim Spurling legacy. I am an Earth Grid worker, in the broadest of definitions. I have co-created several new modalities and schools of thought, including the Crystalline MerKaBa Activation, Soul Connections, Multidimensional Soul Integration, and Unlocking Soul Codes through DNA. I am currently co-creating with Shelley Darling and a group of Master Dowsers. John Wayne Blassingame - AGING BACKWARDS and THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Today we know that physical signs of aging are far more a product of lifestyle choices than calendar years. This presentation offers an exciting and comprehensive plan for actively slowing down and even reversing the aging process through mental exercise that develops strong , flexible muscles. As Dowsers we can pick and choose which of these exercises is best for us and eliminate the rest. I will be using the Book: "Aging Backwards" as a guide for the first part of my Presentation. For the second part I will be using The Book: "The Fountain of Youth" John Wayne Blassingame’s background in the USN SeaBees and his civilian schooling have been in engineering, an apt foundation for his life’s work. As a professional Dowser for over 40 years, dowsing for Water Well sites, Electromagnetic and Geopathic problems in homes and businesses, Minerals and Personal needs and as designer and developer of labyrinths, John has become one of the most sought after consultants in these fields in the country. John has conducted all day workshops as well as shorter classes teaching and building mobile labyrinths at 20 different conferences. He has taught Water well sit locating, Home and business Detoxifying, Basic and Advanced Dowsing, Map Dowsing and Electromagnetic/Geopathic zone locating. Nancy Bodenstein - Let's Eat Healthy This presentation will include a variety of healthy eating related topics. The class members will dowse for which topics their body needs information to be more healthy. Each body is unique in its needs. Therefore, it behooves us to ask the body what it needs. Then each topic will be discussed as determined by the class members. Some of the possible topics include food combining, gluten sensitivity, nightshades, HFCS, GMOs, halogens, and nitrates. How can we help our bodies cope with the todays foods and added chemicals? Dr. Nancy Bodenstein (DMA) has presented at many conferences, including ASD National and the Ozark Research Institute, on topics ranging from music and frequencies to health topics. She is now retired from Salem State College, Salem, MA and enjoys traveling to conferences to share information. Nancy Bradley - Archetypal Energy Double Laybrinth Exploring the multi-dimensional archetypal energy labyrinths and how they can transmute and shift energy. Experiential engagement with the Labyrinths both inside and outside. Introduction to the concept of archetypal energies and how they relate to everyday living. Born and raised in Ontario and currently residing in Ottawa as a Holistic Practitioner and Teacher. Over the years I have accumulated ways of facilitating changes in ones’ mind, body and spirit connections. The Archetypal Energy work has been the core of my growth experience. Currently the President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers, and the Ottawa Dowsers Group. Darrell Brann - Nervous System, Chakra System, Harmonics The nervous system is considered the command central for the body. It enervates all the organs, sense organs and muscles, and sends information back to the brain from the organs and muscles. The Heart chakra petals create the entire nervous system as well as the acupuncture meridians - the nervous system of the etheric body. In this informative talk, I will discuss the nervous system, the chakra system as the template for the body, and the harmonics that create the various nerves throughout the body. I will demonstrate various nerves including cranial nerves and the acupuncture meridians as harmonics. Darrell has extensive training in the healing arts. After his first Near Death Experience, he began figuring out the vibrational aspect of the body. After 4 more NDEs, he began figuring out the dimensional aspect of illness and disease. Darrell developed HARMONICS OF HEALING, as a new healing modality in the early 2002 and has been developing the A classically trained musician, he speaks and teaches nationally. Entertaining and extremely knowledgeable in the healing arts and metaphysics, you will love this presentation. Diane Bull - How to Ask the Right Question In some instances, you may seem to get the “wrong” answer. How to minimize this and keep increasing your dowsing skills will be discussed in this presentation. There will be plenty of time for questions, as this will be an interactive presentation. DIANE BULL has been an ASD member for over 35 years. She is a traditionally trained scientist, Ordained Interfaith Minister and Butterfly Woman. Diane is a Sacred Geometry, Bio-Geometry and Feng Shui practitioner/ speaker and employs intuition and energy sensing in her work. Diane received the 2009 ASD Register of Recognition Award. Leroy Bull - Map Dowsing Map Dowsing is one of your really useful dowsing skills. You can learn to take a map or photograph of anywhere and extract information about the area it represents. After centering (getting into your dowsing mindset), clearing the map of thought forms, etc. and using your favorite dowsing method, you may choose one or more of the 12-14 methods you will be exposed to in this class. After hearing the various methods presented, you will have an opportunity to practice on a map supplied. Since Map Dowsing usually assumes a competency in information dowsing, answers will be supplied. Leroy Bull, author and past President of ASD, has been dowsing for over fifty- five years. Leroy has a B.S. in Animal Husbandry and a Master of Science in Food Technology. He retired from the United States Department of Agriculture. Leroy has successfully dowsed 2,000 water wells, written the quintessential workbook on Map Dowsing, approximately two-thousand earth energies projects, thousands of map dowsings and teachings, vein diversions, mineral dowsing, lost people/pets/items and assorted specialty requests. John Butler - Dare to Prepare A lot of people are predicting man-made and natural disasters in the near-term future. John has been studying this subject for over 20 years. His clairvoyant visions and dowsing have guided him in determining the most important things to have on hand when these events happen. Information will be given on a large variety of topics - how to prepare for an Ebola-type pandemic, a financial crisis, a Hurricane Sandy, long-term power grid failures, massive food shortages, radioactive and fallout. In the future you will be glad you have prepared. John is a lifetime member of ASD. He is able to perceive the energies outside and inside people, and has been described as "one of the best clairvoyants on the East Coast." John has traveled the nation to present his discoveries - including lecturing at the New England School of Acupuncture and the Emperor's College of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles. His unique combination of dowsing and clairvoyant work has led to many valuable discoveries and attracted clients from all over North America. Linda Clave - Astrology and Healing Everything is vibration and everything in our world responds to the vibrations coming from the Zodiac and other constellations. The zodiac and planetary symbols are energy glyphs. They carry currents that interact forming patterns originating from one's birth time and place whether one is a nation or a child. These patterns are energies constantly interacting. The Flow of these energies creates health and unfoldment. Understanding the movement through the 12 signs with their respective elements and body parts plus their positions on the spinal column and their relationship to the 12 meridians of acupuncture give the dowser a framework to open healing doors for themselves and others. Linda Clave has a Body/Mind/Spirit practice in Greater Boston for 35 years , Her work blends energy practices from the, Dowsing, Reiki, Astrology, Tong Ren Therapy, Muscular Therapy, and the Arch Angels. Linda has been a Reiki Master since 1996 and a developer with Walter Ness of the Inner Exploration Process. Linda and Kate Rafferty have a Tong Ren Astrology group twice a month in Arlington MA. Linda has taught dowsing and been an ASD member since 1980. Susan Collins - Preparing for Life and Death at the Hospital We all know someone who has to go to the hospital either for tests, treatments or on an emergency basis. As dowsers, we can help ourselves and those we love, to create the most appropriate outcomes for doctor and hospital visits. Together we will document what to ask for and how to ask for it to restore health and balance. We will also look at how to help those who are transitioning to their next phase, as well as talk about caring for ourselves as we cope with their loss. Self Empowerment with Dowsing Does it sometimes feel like there's something preventing you from having what you really want in your life? Does it feel like "bad luck" follows you around? And that if you could only figure out what's causing it, you could start to live the life you've always thought you'd have? The one with a happy family, and enough money to afford some extra things and a job you enjoy and good health. It's not too late to create that life - you can do it with dowsing. The Force IS with you. Come and figure out how to use it. Susan Collins was President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers from 2003 to 2006, and was named Dowser of the Year in 2006. She is a full-time, professional dowser who has presented at a variety of international and regional conferences in North America, the United Kingdom and the Middle East. Susan has a dynamic, global consulting practice. She is the author of a successful series of books and DVDs on dowsing techniques. More details at Merrill Cook - Energy Medicine Exposed, Free and Benefiting You Today’s world is changing rapidly; can we keep up with it? We need strategies to assist our bioenergenic field to keep it unblocked and flowing. Cultures everywhere have ways to boost vitality as well as ways to maintain clarity and balance. We will be presenting ways to fix your energies in less than a minute. Unseen pathways such as meridians and the subtle fields such as the aura can be strengthen and nourished. We will end this class with the memory booster! Merrill Cook is a former computer programmer, recent LMT, and has a BS in Education. She is the long time owner of Champlion’s General Store, a health food business in Storrs, Ct. She is a master dowser and lightworker and has presented ASD convention. She has studied Chinese herbalism, American herbalism, hypnotism, homeopathy and Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine. Presently she has a growing private, energy practice in the Possibilities Room at her store Alison David Bird - Marconics: This is YOUR Clarion Call Marconics is the Evolution of Energy Healing. Your soul was phase-locked in third dimensional density for the purposes of manifestation on the material plane. As you activate your DNA and learn to overcome that phaselocking, you will return to a multidimensional quantum state. The Spiritual Hierarchy has interceded with the provision of Marconics - an Ascension vehicle, which facilitates the progressive integration of Higher Selves within the human form, returning us to the Galactic Consciousness. This is how the return of Christ Consciousness will be experienced, by bringing Heaven to Earth. This is the I AM Merge. This is Ascension. Marconics Originator, Alison David Bird, C.Ht - former BBC Journalist, and co-author of the book; ‘The Clarion Call’ - was contacted by Pleiadians in 2012 & later bestowed with Marconics, a new multi-dimensional healing system for the Ascension, for which she has been Custodian over many lifetimes. Alison is a Certified Hypnotherapist specializing in Past Life and In Between Life Hypnosis and teaches Spiritual Alchemy and Metaphysics. For details: Valentine Desplat - Linguistic conversation - How language is influencing our way of dowsing? How would you translate the word "dowsing" in another language? Are you even sure that this word (dowsing) exists as you are using it in English in other languages? Children don’t necessarily have all the vocabulary that we have as adults, but yet they don’t show fewer abilities than adults. Therefore, could the language be considered as a barrier rather than a support in our dowsing? The purpose of this conversation will be to expose the linguistic situation and to encourage people to think about this situation and how they are applying their language in their everyday dowsing. I’m a native from France. I have a bachelor degree in International Trade and Foreign Languages, as well as a master degree in Natural Language Processing on Computers. My family had shown abilities in dowsing for a long time but yet never talked to others about it. I have been working on the spirit word for all my life, especially with people (alive or dead). David Franklin Farkas - Is Everything You Know About Ghosts Dead Wrong? What are ghosts? What is going on with them and whose dimension is this anyway? How are they different from other entities and why does David have controversial ideas about how we should deal with them? A chance to tell your ghost experiences, support each other and clarify what all this means. We always have fun and learn a lot! A Paper Dowsing Technique for Clearing Houses and People Over the years doing remote clearings I needed a method for collecting data quickly while talking to the client on the phone. What developed is a paper and pen technique that is partly dowsing, but gets a wider range of data more like a psychic reading. If you do readings, this is a way to incorporate dowsing. If you are a dowser, it's way to expand the kinds of answers you can retrieve. Come see what I've come up with and use it as a springboard to create your own methods. David Franklin Farkas. MS Ed, is a professional house healer and ghost rescuer. He is a thought leader, independent (rogue) scholar and master practitioner in the area of remote clearing and healing of land, buildings, people, businesses and situations. He is a Technician of the Sacred, a literal translation of the word shaman. He has over 35 years of experience, the last ten years focused full time on remote healing as service for businesses and individuals especially problematic real estate. Mary Farrell - DOWSING FOR FENG SHUI What would you change in your life? A new or improved relationship, more money, travel, how about a new career? This interactive presentation will introduce the Chinese Art of Placement to focus on goals. Dowsing is a wonderful tool to use with Feng Shui to achieve desired results. With dowsing you can determine the best colors, placements and energy flow. You are invited to bring pictures or sketches of your front door, bedroom or other areas and leave with solutions to problem areas or enhancements to support your goals. No previous dowsing or Feng Shui experience required or needed. MONEY, SPIRIT and ABUNDANCE A workshop that combines Spiritual practices with practical get-out-of-debt strategy empowering you to change the dynamic of money in your life. Know that nothing is too good to be true, Nothing is too wonderful to happen and Nothing is too good to last! Mary has presented self-awareness concepts for 20 years. She learned dowsing from an Uncle and enjoys exploring the mysteries of life. Mary has trained in the Silva Method, MariEl, Tarot, Warriors of the Heart, Essential Peacemaking, Feng Shui, Astrology, attended Power of Thought School, studied with Native American teachers, Wise Women and more. She shares to assist others in finding joy, achieving goals and finding their own means of inner exploration. Mary is a two time presenter at ASD. Susan Fox - Brain Functioning Research – How To Work WITH the Brain’s 4 Electro-Chemical Viewpoints Participants will experience a common phenomenon occurring in the brain that results in us thinking and speaking from the brain’s 4 unique viewpoints. Understanding how to “respond instead of react” when we interpret the world around us improves communication. Participants will learn about the energy fields we create around thoughts that can either hold us back or help us move forward in life. Participants will be a part of a demonstration to release chi field energy blockages. Energy release facilitates healing transformations. We create reality using our perceptions. Brain functioning research provides evidence that the brain, from birth, is pre-programmed with certain “human software programs” called thinking styles. Experience how to beneficially use these thinking and language patterns to resolve internal disharmony vibrating in a person’s energy fields. This science facilitates the return of being able to reasonable with the well-being consciousness stream already present in the etheric energy field. An internationally known, accomplished and highly respected brain dialog researcher, hypnotherapist, trainer and writer, in 1988 Susan certified in hypnotherapy at the Hypnotism Training Institute of Los Angeles, CA. Susan specializes in hypnotic scriptwriting and self-empowerment programs. She is a freelance writer, a Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner, a Reiki Master Teacher and an energy field intuitive. Susan received the 1998 International Hypnosis Hall of Fame’s Woman of the Year Award. She was nominated to receive the 1998 Sealah Award and induction into the International Hypnosis Hall of Fame. She was nominated in 2004 to be included in the American Biographical Institute’s Great Women of the 21st Century. Dian Freeman - How to Raise your Cholesterol for your Health's Sake Raise your Cholesterol for your Health's Sake. As far back as 1994, the American Heart Association reported that low cholesterol is associated with increased deaths from trauma, cancer, hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding into the brain) and respiratory and infectious diseases. Recent studies link low cholesterol with severe depression, suicide, infertility, Erectile dysfunction anxiety, rage and violent behavior. Learn the true culprits causing heart disease. Studies supporting lowering cholesterol have been performed on those with heart disease. If you do not have heart disease, learn why to consider keeping your cholesterol where it chooses to be. Trust your body to know best. Health Signs and Symptoms: Face and Tongue Analysis Signs and Symptoms: Traditional Face and Tongue Reading There's more to the face than meets the eye. The condition, shape, and color of the face gives information about the status of a persons health, energy and potential. The Five Elements of Chinese Medicine manifest in face structure, each feature has meaning, when features change it leaves clues as to our health status. The tongue also says a lot about a person's health, each portion of the tongue commands a different body system. Join us to learn how to read the health clues given us by the face and tongue. Dian Freeman is certified in clinical nutrition, she gives private consultations, lectures nationally, uses myriad drugless and energetic healing modalities and teaches four six-month prep courses for national nutritional certification and issues a certification as a Holistic Health Counselor. Dian holds a Masters Degree and is currently studying for a doctorate in Medical Humanities at Drew University in Madison, NJ. She can be reached at: 973-267-4816 or at Her website is Carol Gader - Dowsing for Perfect Health In this workshop you will learn how to use a pendulum on charts, and to make and use charts to determine what your personal needs are in order to have the best health you can possibly have. You will be able to determine your vitality index, what your personal and psychological health levels are and what is the main cause of your physical problems , whether it is environmental, psychological, physical, from a past life, emotional, mental, or just nutritional deficiencies. You will learn how to read your pH level and how to correct it. You will also learn to determine if you are holding anger or resentment, and what it is doing to your health. You will determine what you may need for supplements or herbs, and what your body is missing. This class will empower you to be all you can be through your dowsing skills and to be able to help your loved ones too. Don’t miss this class. Bring a Pendulum. Master Dowser, Carol Gader, member of ASD for 30 years, served on the ASD board, taught Basic and Intermediate Dowsing Schools and lectured at their conventions and other conventions for about 20 years, taught classes to individuals and groups throughout New England and FL, wrote the book 'Dowsing for Your Health' and taught classes for DVD's, Both now available at the ASD bookstore. Grahame Gardner - A Beginner's Guide to Technopathic Stress EMFs, microwaves, cellphones, iPads, cordless phones, games consoles, ‘smart’ meters, Bluetooth, dirty electricity… our modern love affair with gadgets means that we are continually enveloped in an electromagnetic soup of radiation. Many people find themselves suffering from electro-hypersensitivity with potentially devastating effects ranging from tinnitus, depression and insomnia to breathing difficulties, MS and other degenerative disorders. It’s a complicated subject that requires a lot of study to fully comprehend, but luckily Grahame is here to explain it in easy to understand bite-sized pieces, with lots of practical advice on methods you can utilize to protect yourself and reduce your exposure. One of the most respected dowsers in the UK and internationally, Grahame is a professional member and registered tutor of The British Society of Dowsers and served as President of the Society from 2008-2014. He produces the awardwinning podcast ‘Adventures in Dowsing’; and in 2014 was presented with the prestigious BSD Award for exceptional services to dowsing and the society. His book ‘Dowsing Magic’ is published by Penwith Press. Grahame lives in Glasgow, Scotland. Joe Gleason - BY EMBRACING TRUTH RATHER THAN FEAR, WE CAN CREATE A HARMONIUS FUTURE It has often been said that there is no utopia. Is that perhaps a self-fulfilling prophecy? Albert Einstein, referring to his E=MC2 formula, stated that creating our own reality is physics, rather than philosophy. With that in mind, perhaps it is time to collectively create a new reality. Many of us attending dowsers' events, spent past lives in the tumultuous "end days" of Atlantis and Lemuria, while attempting to shift the human awareness of that era. History repeats and we now find ourselves facing similar challenges. The tools for quantum change are available to us, and slowly coming to the forefront. I want to foster awareness of opportunities and convincing sources for self-education to aid us in attaining our true human potential. The truth shall set us free. Joe is a thirty-plus year member of the ASD and a long-time presenter at the national convention and chapter meetings. His formal education is in Engineering, Economics, Forestry and Business. His informal education ranges through a broad variety of practical and esoteric subjects. He is a builder. designer, geomancer, inventor, writer and visionary. He is a conceptual indigo who accesses a huge cosmic store of opportunities for change Beth Grace - Chinese Astrology: What’s Your Vital Element? BaZi, also known as Four Pillars Chinese Astrology, is an invaluable tool for the Feng Shui consultant to better understand their clients. BaZi literally means 8 words and one of those “words” is your vital element. Join me to find out what your vital element is and how it shapes your personality. We will also discuss how dowsing can be useful in the analysis of charts. *Please see me before hand to find out your element before the talk begins* Feng Shui: What's Your Life Gua Number? Feng Shui is an ancient art and science. The science of Feng Shui lies in the formulas consultants use to asses the quality and flow of energy. The Art is in the practitioner’s interpretation of the rules and that is where dowsing becomes a useful tool. Participants will learn what their life Gua number is, how it affects their personality and how that number determines what directions are most beneficial for them. We will use dowsing to decide how to use that information and apply it in their lives. Beth is a certified Feng Shui consultant trained at The New England School of Feng Shui and with Joey Yap at Mastery Academy in Malaysia. She uses BaZi Chinese astrology, to better understand her clients and their needs. She also incorporates dowsing in her work which she uses for Space Clearing, locating Earth Energies and water for well sites, and has been an apprentice to master water dowser Bill Getz for over a year. Althea Gray - How The Unseen World Effects Our Lives What you don't see could be effecting your health, your peace of mind, your ability to thrive and do well in life. Many cultures in the world recognize that there are other forces, not all beneficent, that invade our subtle fields creating, minimally, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression to more substantial damages to the psyche, personality, and health of the individual. We will explore what these forces are, how they invade our field, and what to do about them. I have spent the last 10 years developing a Professional Clearers TM training program for Healers, Doctors, and Therapists. Through the use of dowsing, I am able to identify what is there, to what degree, and clear it with 100 percent accuracy. I am able to do this precise work thousands of miles away. Currently, I have been invited to speak about these unseen forces at an International Conference for Integrative Medicine in Puerto Villarta, Mexico Feb 7 -8. It is my hope that Professional Clearing TM become a part of all health care practices. I come from a lineage of Healers from Nicaragua and have been in private practice as a Healer for 17 years. I also have been serving Sri Lanka as their Honorary Consul for the last 13 years. I have developed many programs to not only train good Healers, but, to educate the public about what Healers actually do and why they are important in any integrative medical program. I am founder of Professional Clearers TM and am in the process of developing a program to train Healers to become better skilled practitioners. Jeff Gregory - Sound Wellness and Emotional Imprints We will be teaching you how to locate and transmute emotional imprints in the subtle energy bodies using tuning forks, crystal singing bowls, and gongs. These stuck emotions often relate to physical ailments. We will be using Dowsing and muscle testing before and after. The class will end with a 20 minute sound session. This will leave you relaxed and renewed. Our website is Trained in many different mind body modalities over the last 20 years in multiple sound therapies, including gongs, crystal singing bowls, and tuning forks. Fifteen years as a Reiki Master, seven years of Light Body Activations, as well as Kinesiology. Rebecca Gurland - Envision Better Eyesight Envision Better Eyesight will show you how to empower yourself and relearn to see clearly! Here are the tools, tricks and techniques that have been used throughout the world and throughout the ages. Dowsers can determine what to use of the more than twenty practical vision improvement ideas that lead to strong eyesight as we relax and retrain the eyes to focus well. You will receive an extensive list of resources, and dowsing and eyes charts. Just a few minutes a day with simple practices and techniques can make the difference – Discover that improving our eyesight is possible! Rebecca Gurland, from Eastford, CT, presents innovative ways to improve and energize ourselves that are fun and effective. She is a natural food store manager and the author of Healing Intentions for Earth 2008 – 2010 and Envision Better Eyesight, including the Dowser’s Edition. She has classes, workshops and individual sessions for natural food cooking, energy medicine, dowsing/ kinesiology, vision training, energy psychology (tapping techniques) and self publishing. Lindamarie Hill - Restoring Our Ecological Balance How do we begin to repair the damage done to our ecosystems? In learning to repair ecological damage, we improve the health and well being of whole systems, our great Mother Earth and individuals. Ecological restoration leads to sustainable living. When we engage in restoration, we strengthen all our interrelationships, therefore repairing cultural and societal disenfranchisment. Dowsers are blessed with tools for assessing damage and remediation procedures. We, as dowsers, have a responsibility to use these gifts and tools and take a leading role in teaching others. Let the healing begin. Lindamarie Hill was a founding member of the Adirondack/Lake Champlain Chapter of ASD, and a speaker at the National Convention for many years. Dowsing has been an essential part of her healing practice, teaching and writing. Blending spirituality, science and mysticism, she teaches internationally. A Master educator, healer and dowser, her dedication to the paths of Bhakti and Karma Yoga, includes devotion to the Divine in all, and action and service to all. Devin Isgro - Alphabet Magic This session will cover the following subjects: Why the alphabet characters are actually runes; The english definition and name of each alphabetic rune; some applications of this information; clearing up issues and addressing personal problems. Please note that this information has been channeled from a librarian of the akashic records and is not book or internet sourced. Simply put, our work is original. We are excited to teach our latest project to ASD members and attendees and are looking forward to showing others how to utilize the alphabet they use daily as an energetic force for good in their lives. I am a 23 year old energy enthusiast with a bachelor’s degree in business and economics. A dowser since 2007, I have learned to channel through dowsing, among other things (speaking with and encouraging growth of plants/trees, cloud gathering, sorting out spirits, and rune magic to name a few) David Kane - Ormus and Dowsing Hello: We are Dave and Riki and are producers and teachers of Ormus. Ormus materials have a profound effect on our health and spiritual path because of their unusual nature. Physically, Ormus materials an essential nutrient that is largely unknown as they are difficult to analyze. Spiritually they assist a balance that is also lacking in modern times because of the way we live. Knowledge of Ormus and Ormic materials allows an interesting review of all aspects of what we eat, how we live and why we have so many health problems. Dowsing has been our primary tool in this research as there is little material available. This may be the only example of dowsing as a multi-year research tool in a new field of research. Our talk also includes samples that people can experience. Results happen in a few minutes while we enlighten attendees about the nature of Ormus. The purpose of our talk is to open new avenues of interest, to relate it to our day to day activities, and how to use the knowledge to make our lives a little better. Ormus is a group of materials that we already know much about from our own experiences and you will make these realizations as we pull things together through a new set of eyes. Plants animals and people respond well to ormus on many levels. There is much new and unknown material to digest from our presentation, and it takes a while. We find that as this occurs people are interested in learning more about it and more about how to make it. We offer, as a follow up, a teaching session on understanding and making ormus at home for those that are interested. This is all about getting important knowledge out to those individuals looking for answers and not corporate rhetoric. 705-874-0762 or 909-271-0252 or e- mail My background is technical, analytical, and mechanical. I have primarily involved in various aspects of problem solving in mechanical, aero and production problems. Alchemical practices have become a large part of this in the last few years. We has been learning that these protocols link so closely that dowsing is a very major part of his protocol. Riki and I are now in our 8th year of research on this effect. Check us out on You Tube. Google and visit for our web page. Carolyn Kelley - Magic and Miracles: How to Place your Order with the Universe and get Results Our minds, combined with our hearts, are truly magical! With gratitude, focus and action you will discover how to manifest what you desire. We are using only 5% of our abilities when we merely use our conscious minds. This practice keeps us stuck in ordinary realities. Flip the switch! The subconscious mind has the answers. Tune in and find the answers you need. Our subconscious and superconscious mind houses 95% of hwat is available to us. Tapping into that reality is as simple as dowsing. Learn techniques to tap into information that can release blocks, clear energies and move mountains. Flower Essences for Conscious Awakening Flower essences are more important today than ever before as we enter a time where we need to take charge of our own lives. There are 1,000’s of flowers on our earth, each with its own signature its own vibration. Carolyn has gathered over 150 of them as they speak to her. Which ones speak to you? Learn how to select the ones for you through introspection and dowsing. We will then create intenstions to activate their balance properties. Participants will also learn how to make their own essences. Carolyn Kelley has a lifetime of experience in energy healing technologies, spirituality, eastern & western herbology, flower essences & quantum physics. She is director of Journey Within Learning and Wellness Center, "Facilitator of the Journey", creator of Herbal Energetics/InJoy Organics products, all established to help humanity be conscious, healthy, & uplifted. Paul Kobak – 5th Dimension Portals A lecture concerning portals, a 22 minute film of me opening a portal then the audience walks outside to witness a portal and 5th dimensional entity's presence. Paul Kobak was taught dowsing by Margaret Ball in the 1980's and was President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers 1994-96. Riki Kretschmar - Dowsing For Pets Health and Nutrition Teaching how to make healthy choices with food, supplements, vaccinations and Veterinary care. Dispelling many incorrect, long held ideas. Making pet care simple----- Works for both cats and dogs! I am a Dowser, Reiki Master Reflexologist and EFT practitioner. I was Vet, Tech. and Dog groomer for 47 years. I was also a breeder and showed dogs for many years. My partner Dave and I make ORMUS and are actively engaged in making the world a healthier place. Pam Kristan - Awakening in Time: Time Management for Dowsers If your answer to “How are you?” is “Busy!” you need this workshop. Learn the ABCs of navigating gracefully through our time-pressured environment – Attention, Boundaries, and Choices. We’ll draw attention to what serves, rather than what overwhelms; set firm, yet flexible boundaries to meet the pressure to do more; and get comfortable with making tough choices. We'll practice hands-on the techniques we'll learn about, and use dowsing to make short- and long-term choices that cultivate presence, acknowledge our interconnections, and accept responsibility for the choices we make. The path may not be easy, but the reward is a life grounded in reality and open to possibility. Pam Kristan is author of Awakening In Time: Practical Time Management for Those on a Spiritual Path. She has been teaching time management since the mid-80’s at Rowe Conference Center, The Open Center (NYC), and the Ruah Spirituality Institute. Find more at Lori Labelle - Transformational Grace Transformational Grace utilizes a sacred geometrical formation in which individual and unique experiences of Divine Grace can be experienced. The grid formation is set with intention and the Archangels are called in to assist those entering the center. You may have a specific question or request that you wished to have addressed or simply a desire to receive whatever is needed at the moment. As you stand in the center, surrender, allow, and receive, as others witness and hold the energy for you to do so. It is as beautiful to stand in witness as it is to receive. Each session is as unique as those who participate, and those who show up to serve them. This is primarily experiential so there is a small introduction, a short meditation, and then the Gate is opened so that as many people wanting to go in and experience it can. My name is Lori Labelle. I consider myself to be consciously aware, and actively began walking a spiritual path back in 1999 with my first reiki class. I have been a practitioner in Reiki, Integrated energy therapy, Accutuning, New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation, and the No-Touch Marconic Energy. I use sound in various ways and channel Light Language. I am currently creating the Universal Human Empowerment system which provides us with the upgrades and teachings needed to remain balanced and moving forward in transformation and ascension but at a pace you can set, so as to fully experience and integrate in your time frame. Fearn Lickfield - Spiritual Stewardry: Working with the Energetics of Place Calling all land holders and aspiring stewards! Do you want to learn how to tune in and understand the subtle energetics and workings of the land where you live and/or garden? In this workshop, Fearn will give an overview of Geomancy and earth energetics and explain some of the common issues that show up in the land. She will introduce techniques to assess and respond to the sacred landscape to bring about clearing, balance, healing and fertility. You will leave with a clearer understanding and tools to take home and practice so you can co-create harmony and vitality with the land. Fearn’s passion is facilitating the healing and connection of the hearts of people with the Heart of Nature. She cocreates and teaches The Green Mountain Druid Training and Guardians of the Sacred Earth. She works as a certified flower essence practitioner, ecstatic dance leader, geomancer, community organizer, gardener and medicine maker. Being a lover of magic and ritual. she creates and leads community celebrations in honor of the earth and waters, the seasons and for rites of passage. Dr. Jean Logan - Aging is a lie we bought into The goal in my presentation is to help people take back their power from those who have programmed us into believing that we are limited; to help lift them up and understand who they really are and what that means. I want them to reach the understand how to let go of what is holding them back so they can move forward in their life. Dr. Jean Logan is an ordained minister, has a doctorate in Holistic Nutritional Healing and has studied many types of alternative healing. She is the author of “Unlocking the Power of Glyphs” and “Sacred Symbols of Light” which are now in over 70 countries. All profits are used to assist homeless children through Holy Ground Farm, a non profit that assists homeless children. She was a Toastmasters for several years. Roxanne Louise - Dowsing for Health Dowsing is invaluable in locating the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual sources of stress which drain the body’s resources and prevent it from protecting health, or which handicap healing should illness occur. Once identified, those stressors can be significantly reduced if not resolved by dowsing with intent alone. This frees up energy that allows the body to do its job. Dowsing can also assist in setting up a can’t hurt healing strategy that may include changes in lifestyle, habits, diet, supplements, prayer, exercise, and various healing modalities including allopathic medicine. And dowsing can help deal with self-sabotaging behaviors that damage health directly or undue the finest medical care. Roxanne Louise is a longtime Dowser, Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master, who has presented several times at ASD. Since 1992, she has taught at several national hypnosis conventions yearly, and many other conferences, e.g., the US Psychotronics. She won five top awards in hypnosis: In 2011, she was inducted into the Order of the Braid, a lifetime achievement award, by the National Guild of Hypnotists. She received the 2005 “Harry Arons Award for Total Dedication” from the Association to Advance Ethical Hypnosis, the 2008 “Most Unique Contribution Award” for integrating hypnosis with dowsing, and the 2003 “Transpersonal Achievement Award” from the National Association of Transpersonal Therapists, and the 1996 “Woman of the Year Award” by International Hypnosis Hall of Fame and nominated for their prestigious “Sealah Award”. She founded and directs Central Virginia Dowsers based in Charlottesville. She also has been featured in a full page write-up in the New York Ti mes, and has taught dowsing, and how to combine hypnosis with energy work in an all-India tour in 1997. She is author of several books on hypnosis, Reiki, dowsing, and self-help. Originally based in New Jersey, she now lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains of central Virginia. Marty Lucas - Living with the H'Oponopono The H'Oponopono is a Hawaiian belief system that we are ultimately responsible for everything that touches our life. The four line prayer of forgiveness is extremely powerful, but living with the responsibility is challenging and rewarding. Marty Lucas is a professional Radionics operator and instructor. He works with a wide range of clients from all over North America, from Agricultural to personal wellness. He regularly speaks at a variety of conferences throughout the Midwest. Catriona MacGregor - Discover the Healing Power of Plants “Energy Alchemists” Dowsing The insight (Catriona) shares is something we can all benefit from. ~ Shirley MacLaine Plants are literally "energy alchemists", able to create life force energy directly from light. There is much we can learn from them. Plants can be used inside and out of doors to heighten our energy and heal. Trees can help us to reach higher states of spiritual awareness. Buddha was enlightened while sitting under the Bodhi Tree and this is no accident. This is why many indigenous cultures in the world refer to the tree as the center of the world. Join us to explore: Our physical, energetic and spiritual connection to nature with an emphasis on plants. We will conduct hands on energy practices to heighten your ability to sense energy, as well as connect with the energy systems of trees through a practice I call “Tree Energy Surfing”. Using your body as a “dowsing rod” you can experience a tree’s energy field directly. Your will learn a technique that you can continue to use to guide without a pendulum or dowsing rod. You will also learn how plants in your home and office can clear harmful energy and bring in beneficial energies. We will also discuss innovations in how partnering with the plants we can help to solve our global environmental problems. Catriona (Gaelic for Catherine) is a spiritual teacher who helps people find greater meaning in their own lives. She leads Vision Quests, Nature Quests and retreats, and also offers coaching, clearing, meditation and nature training to individuals and groups. Since childhood, Catriona has had mystical experiences in nature that have provided her with a profound understanding of the natural world. She is a visionary, a bridge builder between nature and humankind and an adept nature guide and naturalist. A world-renowned teacher, advisor and speaker, Catriona is also the author of Partnering with Nature: The Wild Path to Reconnecting with the Earth which won a Gold Medal from the Nautilus Book Awards. Previous winners include His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Deepak Chopra, and Thich Nhat Hanh. Patrick MacManaway - Farming and Gardening with Nature Spirits review and update on last year's presentation on the uses and benefits to using dowsing, subtle energies and nature spirit communication to increase health, fertility and yield Patrick MacManaway is an international consultant and trainer in subtle energies and geomancy, working with domestic, commercial and agricultural sites around the world. Past President of the British Society of Dowsers, he takes great pleasure in helping things get healthy and grow... Ivan McBeth - Stone Circles and Sacred Space I have built 26 full-sized stone circles around the world. I will discuss stone circles, their design and construction, and their use. This includes a slide show with some awesome photos. Ivan is the founder of the Green Mountain School of Druidry based in Worcester, VT, and has built 26 full-sized stone circles around the world. He is a practicing Geomancer and is the author of a book called The Crystal Journey. Maureen B McElroy - That’s Interesting: Working With Angels and The Akashic Records In my presentation, Everyone has intuition that little voice that tells them which way to go. I will describe the process in which I receive information. Angels have been communicating with Humans since the beginning. I would like to share some of my wonderful, and funny experiences with those I call my Brothers. Along with my Tigers Talon and Justice. I will also talk about The Hall of Records, The Hall of Records is the Universe Library anything you want to know is located there. I will go through the simple process that I go through to get information. Hello, my name is Maureen B McElroy. I always knew my life was different. I remember when I was little asking God, to give me an extraordinary life. From the age of 13 to the present enter the Angels into my life. Our adventure has not stopped. We all have gifts and Talents, the key is to unlock them, and then the possibilities are endless. Sandy McKenzie - Reactivating Ancient Sites Sandy has been visiting Ancient sites in the USA and Europe for many years and measuring their energies with various dowsing devices and taking photos and movies with the Oldfield filter. She found that many were inactive as Sacred Sites – they are Shut Down. In recent years she and her dowsing buddies discovered that sites could be reactivated with techniques involving focused intent and dowsing. Today she will introduce you to her main tools and techniques and tell you the stories of the Adventures in Vermont and New Hampshire and at the Bosnian pyramids. Today she will introduce you to her main tools and techniques and tell you the stories of the Adventures in Vermont and New Hampshire and at the Bosnian pyramids. Sandy McKenzie is an Archaeologist who has been dowsing for Earth Energies and Archaeology for the past 20 years. She uses the tools created by the French Scientific Radiethesists and UK energy dowsers. She lives in New Hampshire in the summer and Hampshire in England in the other three seasons. In the UK, she was a founder member of the Earth Energies Dowsing group, the Archaeological Dowsing group, and is active in the Dowsing Research Group. Gail Minogue - Invisible Direction – How modern times are governed by unseen forces Civilizations move forward and advance humanity. Throughout human existence we continue to painfully progress. We are, however, always in rhythm with cycles and precise mathematical formulas that tell us what to anticipate and why. Discover what you need to know to navigate the social and economic changes for 2015 and beyond. What is the significance of the Aquarian Age and the ending of the Piscean Period? What lifestyles changes will you be making using technological breakthroughs? How will you manage yourself through tremendous change? Prepare yourself to work with high frequencies, fast, abrupt changes and the continual shrinkage of the workplace. All systems are affected including the political, social, spiritual and financial. Powerful middle-aged women will be directing governments and corporations beginning in 2024. What will this one change bring? Join Gail as she uncovers many of the secrets of our life and times and the meaning of seemingly random events. Gail Minogue is a Master Numerologist, Dowser, author, TV personality and workshop leader. She is a licensed commodities broker and has followed the ancient science of numbers and patterns for over 25 years. Gail has spoken many times at the Southwest and West Coast Conferences. She is a specialist in the symbolic relationship of numbers to our life experience. Gail helps you gain a new perspective on what is really going on in the world. Rev. Ophelia - “Our Living Matrix – Patterns, Purpose, Unified Fields” This presentation was introduced at the West Coast Dowsing Conference, Santa Cruz in 2014. This is an Interactive presentation. Have you ever wondered if there are patterns and reasoning found within the experiences of your life! Does history repeat itself within those experiences? Can you see the purpose and influence of 2015 and what other past years it is similar to? Through stories, questions, dialogue and drawing participants can journey back through their lives to see what is revealed in the moment for clarification and revelation. I will also share the “Walking for World Peace Labyrinth”. At select times during the conference a 12ft x 15ft labyrinth will be available (location to be determined) for people to walk. These Walks are created as a personal sacred medicine ceremony with the space being held for each person by Ophelia. This Labyrinth design has also been the inspiration for the creation of art, cards and games to enhance Intuition, Communication and Co-Operative Leadership. Ophelia is Medicine Woman and Integrative Intuitive, weaving Sound, Senses, Synergy and Storytelling, Energy Sessions and Soul Readings, Artist and Writer. A Reiki Master Teacher, Healing and Sacred Bodywork Practitioner, Interfaith Minister, Author, Teacher, Workshop Facilitator and Medium for Spirit Realm and Divine messages. She is Creator and facilitator of Labyrinths of Light Force journeys and games of En-Lighten-MEnt to enhance Intuition, Communication and Co-Operative Leadership. As a Communicator to larger audiences, Ophelia has been Host/Producer of her own television program seen in Charlottesville, Fairfax & Arlington, VA; Bethesda & Chevy Chase, MD; Washington DC and Santa Fe, NM. The program titled “Have You Ever Wondered.…Stepping Beyond Status Quo.” She has written, produced and presented the first script of “Consciousness Expanding Theater” titled “Awakening Ecstasy In-Formation...New Twists on Money, Power, Sex and Death.” Combining stories, poetry with music and improv art, dance and audience interaction. Produced Earth Spirit Journeys Blog and Crystal Infused Art and Mandalas. Her other interests and abilities are with Kundalini Yoga and Sadhana, dance, Medicine Woman Gardening services, home renovation experience in areas that would surprise you. Martha Loving Orgain - Connecting to Spirit Using watercolor painting and meditation techniques, this hands-on presentation engages the audience in simple and easy ways to connect with Spirit through COLOR. No experience necessary, beginners welcome. Martha Loving Orgain, MFA has been teaching art and meditation to all ages for decades. She exhibits her work internationally. Ms. Loving is creating works of art and Star Chart Talismans™ using many techniques including watercolor, drawing, weaving, photography, printmaking and the word in her studio in Vermont, and maintains a private practice in Painting Therapy. Cyndi Pires - Reconfigure Your Destiny We’re similar in design to computers complete with various types of programming. When activated, this programming can be very detrimental causing illnesses and all types of chronic conditions including depression. It can also greatly affect our dowsing. It all comes down to what type of information we carry in our field and DNA. We can dowse for detrimental information in a systematic way and then perform an “end process” to delete it all. The body is programmable by language, words and thought, so even our DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies. Now, let’s enter timelines and brain frequencies into the mix. What a ride! Cynthia, along w/her husband, Rio, offers multidimensional energy work for self-empowerment, healing and real positive change. Cynthia, an intuitive and certified educator and Health Coach, facilitates the spiritual alignment of an individual by identifying & clearing detrimental information & programming which can prevent healing on any level. Cynthia has written a manual for energy practitioners titled, The Intentional Effect- A Guide to Clearing and Healing with the Power of Intent and is working on another. Lee Ann Potter - The Science of Dowsing Mrs. Potter will present what we currently know regarding the science behind dowsing. Information from numerous studies will be presented, as well as what work the science committee is currently working on. The Spiritual aspects of Dowsing Mrs. Potter will talk about the spiritual aspects of dowsing. Topics addressed will include ethics, Karmic implications, seeking permissions, and problems associated with blocked abilities. Mrs. Potter is the current Chair of the ASD Science Committee. She is a Mechanical Engineer, and has had extensive experience working with low power energies. She is also a gifted energy worker, with a demonstrated ability to sense many of the energies around her on a continual basis. Working out of her home in Northern New Hampshire, she leads spirituality classes, helping others to be at one with the energies around them, and how to work with those energies for their own use. Kate Rafferty - Physical/Etheric Coordination The placement of circular and figure 8 energies in the body are essential for energy health. If the etheric body is too close there is a feeling of pain. If the etheric body is too far away, there is a lack of coordination and stability stability. The major circular and figure 8 patterns of the etheric body will be mapped out with references and handouts. Bring two single terminated, clear quartz crystals, one of them to be 1 to 1.5 inches high, the second one to be 2 1/2 to 4 inches high, with a one and a half to 2 inch base. Instructor: Kate Rafferty, Transformational Kinesiology instructor and practitioner for over 20 years. Former president of The Theosophical Society in Boston. Susan Rose - Nutrition, Intuition and Your Brain: Practical Ways to Enhance your Intuitive Connection Learn from a clairvoyant intuitive practical steps to enhance your ability to connect directly to the Field. You are a natural receiver for the unseen world of information all around you. Learn how to amplify your intuitive signals by keeping your brain functions optimal, avoiding certain foods that create static in your energy field, and using heart coherence and other energy techniques to improve your accuracy. You can learn how to amplify the reliability, accuracy and quality of your information! Susan loves to share her personal stories of other dimensions and our holographic universe. Susan Rose is a trainer, coach, holistic therapist, master dowser, author, speaker and clairvoyant who shares her vast knowledge and intuitive abilities for healing and transformation. An international speaker, she is trained in naturopathy, hypnotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Energy Psychology, Holographic Memory Resolution and Zpoint Process. You can reach her at or Lia Russ - Crystal Awareness and vibrational frequencies Exploration of how minerals affect us on a cellular level by their vibrational frequencies due to their structural, symmetric latices and electromagnetic frequencies. After discussing these factors we will have the chance to have hands on experience with crystals and minerals, using different techniques to help facilitate our awareness of these energies. Lia is a Reiki Master and Teacher. She has studied with many elders from many nations. She had her first experience healing when she was 10 yrs old. This sent her on a life long quest of understanding, including a 2.5 yr journey to Japan, Asia, and the Philippines. Lia has taught Crystal Awareness workshops thruought new York and Conn. since 1987. She is a fine jeweler specializing in making custom talismans using gems and minerals. She has taught talisman making since 1985 at Quintile Books in Greenwhich Ct. Sunburst Crystals in Mt Kisco NY. The Senior Center in White Plains Ny. Enchanted Environments Mamaroneck NY. Maureen Short - Love Praise & Gratitude For Mother Earth & Her Elemental Spirits! We'll explore the Elemental Spirits behind the creation of all form - the elementals of Air, Earth, Fire , Water & Ether through a talk, guided meditations to connect with them as well as chanting & singing to express our love & gratitude. This will be experiential, fun & inspiring as we learn to bring greater balance to the Earth through conscious co-creation with the spirits of Nature! Maureen is the director of the Lightheart Sanctuary in New Haven, Vt- a nature temple dedicated to the healing & health of humans & nature. She teaches & heals as well as leading sweatlodges & ceremonies for the renewal of the Earth.She has been teaching & healing for decades. A speaker at ASD conventions since 2007, Maureen has taught at the New England Women's Herbal Conference, has been a guest lecturer at UVM & Skidmore for the course "The History of Magic and Wizardy". Stephan A Schwartz - The Power of Intuition Therapeutic intention expressed through prayer is now and always has been a universal human activity. We wear different clothes. Speak different languages. Eat different foods, spiced by different condiments, consumed using different implements. We worship different Gods, with different rituals. But the overwhelming majority of us not only believe but operationalize some way of opening ourselves to a greater whole in order to express therapeutic intention. We pray. We are mindful. Individuals or minority cohorts may dissent, but it is hard to look across the millennia, seeing therapeutic intention expressed in any one of a thousand ways, and conclude that intention effects, such as those claimed for prayer, are only delusion. Yet, for the skeptics none of this, neither carefully controlled research, nor universal practice, seems to evoke the slightest curiosity. To us it seems long past time to ask skeptics to justify their positions by providing not polemics but careful methodological criticism to justify their assertions. The positive outcomes of prayer research require a new view of consciousness. The conventional local view of the nature of human consciousness, in which the actions of consciousness are confined to the individual brain and body, must eventually yield to a more comprehensive, nonlocal view, in which consciousness also acts beyond the brain in ways that transcend direct sensory contact between humans. Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University, and a Research Associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of which he covers trends that are affecting the future. He also writes regularly for The Huffington Post. His other academic and research appointments include: Senior Samueli Fellow for Brain, Mind and Healing of the Samueli Institute; founder and Research Director of the Mobius laboratory; Director of Research of the Rhine Research Center; and Senior Fellow of The Philosophical Research Society. Government appointments include: Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations, consultant to the Oceanographer of the Navy. He has also been editorial staff member of National Geographic, Associate Editor of Sea Power. And staff reporter and feature writer for The Daily Press and The Times Herald. For 40 years he has been studying the nature of consciousness, particularly that aspect independent of space and time. Schwartz is part of the small group that founded modern Remote Viewing research, and is the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in archaeology. Using Remote Viewing he discovered Cleopatra’s Palace, Marc Antony’s Timonium, ruins of the Lighthouse of Pharos, and sunken ships along the California coast, and in the Bahamas. He also uses remote viewing to examine the future. Since 1978, he has been getting people to remote view the year 2050, and out of that has come a complex trend analysis. His submarine experiment, Deep Quest, using Remote Viewing helped determine that nonlocal consciousness is not an electromagnetic phenomenon. Other areas of experimental study include research into creativity, meditation, and Therapeutic Intent/Healing. He is the author of more than 130 technical reports and papers. In addition to his experimental studies he has written numerous magazine articles for Smithsonian, OMNI, American History, American Heritage, The Washington Post, The New York Times, as well as other magazines and newspapers. He has produced and written a number television documentaries, and has written four books: The Secret Vaults of Time, The Alexandria Project, Mind Rover, Opening to the Infinite, and his latest, The 8 Laws of Change. Aaron Singleton - Reviving Revici: The Greatest Mind Einstein Ever Met Emanuel Revici, MD reversed cancer, AIDS, heroin addiction and other illnesses from 1938 until his death in 1998 at age 102. In the 1940’s he developed a shock-reversing remedy that still saves countless lives. He devised ways to measure and correct anabolic and catabolic metabolic imbalances, to restore health rapidly. His most significant book to the medical community and the world was black-listed and burned. Aaron shares many insights into the subatomic/atomic/physical manifestations of illness and Revici’s method of treatment as he has come to know it via research and some memorable visits with Dr. Revici from the other side. Aaron L. Singleton, LMT, MHt, CST, EOLMTT Inventor, Visionary & Founder of The Energy of Life Integrative and Intuitive Healing Process, Aaron is a Master Healer-Teacher with incredible intuitive insight and ability to employ multiple energy frequencies simultaneously. His manipulation of solar, electro-magnetic and scalar wave energies to create healing vortices consistently amazes thousands of clients/students. With Sue Singleton, he co-founded The EOL Tools for Healing, workshops and The Way To Balance Center in Massachusetts. Sue H Singleton - Post-Traumatic Stress: Healing Invisible Wounds PTSD is widely discussed regarding war, accident and violent crime victims, yet the effects in brain hard-wiring and body cellular memory can result from seemingly milder incidents. Medical Intuitive Sue Singleton shares insights into PTS from past lives, the womb, birth, and throughout our lives which may not be considered in typical evaluation and treatment. We have all been exposed to events with the potential to produce PTS: media coverage of events, child abuse, death of family/friends/pets, bullying, physical/emotional abuse all may create mild to severe PTS responses. Learn techniques to discover/release PTS for yourself and others. Sue H. Singleton, BA, MBA, Author, Medical Intuitive, MHt, CST, EOLMTT. An internationally renowned Medical Intuitive & Master Healer-Teacher, with 24+ years of experience, Sue Singleton has performed over 8,000 Readings. Clients seek her highly detailed, accurate health insights and combination of 40+ modalities for healing and transformation. Sue Singleton is Co-Founder of The Way To Balance Center, where she & Aaron co-create many healing tools, workshops, and have published their first book, Nine Simple Laws to Create Joy and Grace: A Comprehensive Guide to Manifestation. Vanessa Squeglia - Everyone Needs a Little RAY OF HOPE! This enlightening talk will offer a few techniques to help create changes you need and want in your life. This talk is based on Vanessa’s full day seminar, A Ray of Hope Learn why The Secret and The Law Of Attraction don’t always work Discover how YOU have the ability to create whatever you want and need in ALL areas of your life Be free of everything holding you back from your highest potential in relationships, love, money, health, etc. Mary Swaine - Dowsing with the Higher Mind The Higher Mind is the sense organ of the soul. Higher Mind dowsing, unlike ‘usual’ dowsing, enables accurate access to soul, group, planetary, spiritual & cosmic levels. E.g. many dowsers think they dowse holy beings but they actually dowse emotional clouds &/or thought forms. Presentation demonstrates Higher Mind dowsing is & how to achieve it. Body & Aura Reading Use Your Body to Heal the World Physical body & aura can reveal causes & cures for personal, group, species & planetary physical, psychological & spiritual problems. We can use our own physical body to help heal/evolve not only ourself, but also other individuals, groups, entire human species plus the planet. This presentation demonstrates body dowsing, body/aura reading/diagnosis, and how to use the body to heal individual, group, human species & planetary problems. Mary Swaine, ND, PhD, Spiritual Psychotherapist, Colour, Sound, Hypno- & Masotherapist, Reflexologist & Intuitive Radionician. She has 40 years experience as a therapist, starting in 1971 when she ran an art therapy program at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Her focus in therapy is the soul. Mary is Principal of Intuitive Energetics in Montreal, & since 1990 teaches courses and training programs in North America, Europe, Middle East, China & Southeast Asia. Mary’s written 15 books on healing & personal development, 11 children’s books & 3 CDs. Her artwork has been exhibited in major European & North American galleries. John Thompson - Using Your Quantum Energy In this empowering, interactive presentation, John will share a powerful collection of health and healing tools, including Quantum Reflexology, Mother Earth Orgone technology, Breath of Fire, Kombucha Mushroom Tea, Quantum Touch for Health, the Fountain of Youth, and, Using your Pendulum daily for answers, big and small. After starting his career in 1967 as a CPA tax specialist, John's exposure to Quantum energy and healing began with an unplanned trip to India in 1976. This led to 16 more pilgrimages to India and meetings with a wide assortment of energy masters and healers. Today he is an energy consultant who speaks at conferences and presents workshops to help people learn how to heal themselves and improve their lives utilizing Quantum Energy. Deanna Trust - Precise Feng Shui for Your Home Students bring a rough draft of the first floor where they live including entrances, exits and room shapes. A brief lesson will initiate the program familiarizing each student with the bagua and flow of nature in the home environment. Following, students will learn to dowse their homes unique energy correlating the findings with Dr. David Hawkins Map of Consciousness. Feng Shui corrections and advice will be given to each student so that important new harmonies can emerge in their home environment. Deanna Trust is a student of the Black Sect Feng Shui School per Grand Master Lin Yun. She is a real estate expert and speaker. Deanna has developed remote healings for environments which have increased peace on our planet. She does this work in performing arenas, ballrooms, conference centers, and real estate environments throughout the world. Her work done on homes prior to hurricane Sandy have given her the reputation of an extraordinary healer. She has a list of celebrity and cherished private clientele. More at Adhi Two Owls - Global Shamanism in Action Adhi will be presenting the latest information and ways to use dowsing, shamanism, technologies and our relationship to the Earth as a means to heal and correct imbalances. Shamans have been building bridges to bring worlds and dimensions to together. Adhi will share her knowledge, wit and approachable way to the sacred and scientific. Bring a pendulum and smart/cell phone to the lecture. Adhi is a trained shaman, healer, artist and researcher. Adhi received her Doctorate in Philosophy(Therapeutic Counseling) 2013 from the Open University of Alternative Medicine, Sri Lanka through the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences in Montreal. She has served as a board member to ASD from 2009-2013, Historical Preservation Committee Chair, and lectures at many of the ASD conferences throughout the USA. Adhi teaches and facilitates workshops and classes all over the world and designs products to help people navigate the energies around us. Mo Wheeler - Widen your world by becoming Multidimensional People talk about being in this dimension or that dimension, but we believe the goal is to be multidimensional. It’s not your usual 3-D world and can be challenging to make the adaptations needed to move beyond duality. Learn what it’s like to be multidimensional and how you can get there. Learn about multidimensional thinking and how it can expand your dowsing and access to answers? Free Will: Friend or Foe Dowsing involves a degree of letting go of control that is difficult for many. For example, dowsing whether to end a relationship has advantages and drawbacks. We give up a degree of our free will and allow Spirit to help us find answers we need—and part of us may not want to do what the pendulum says. How do you lead “normal” public lives with pendulum in hand? Grab your dowsing tool and let’s have an open discussion of the implications of what the Spirit called Kryon recommends: “Let Go and Let God.” Mo Wheeler is a multidimensional spirit that is here to help the planet move forward. She channels a variety of guides that spontaneously come through her physical body. Be ready to be entertained by dolphins and possibly healed and cleared by unseen helpers from faraway places. Mo is a retired Adlerian psychologist, energy psychologist and university professor. In 2004, she founded Energy Healing Partners and now works regularly with a group of volunteers. Christina Lynn Whited - Photographing the Fifth Dimension Christina will explain how the level of each person’s development dictates what they receive via the camera. She will show a variety of phenomena and explain as much as possible about the circumstances of each one. The photos of her students tell an amazing story of inter-dimensional as well as intergalactic love and support for the people of the earth. Christina’s gift of channeling, awakened through dowsing, enables her to be able to describe the images in detail – in other-worldly terms, way beyond orbs. Christina Lynn Whited has been channeling for over twenty years. With a clientele around the world, she is known for her work channeling Mother Mary and for Soul Path Clearance, her work which clears past life pains for her clients. She recently became the first recipient of the Explore Life in 5D Grant from Growing Consciousness. Christina heads The Circle of Intention School of Intuitive Sciences as well as The Church of All Creation.
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